#she really said you can be a mom to Adrien bc I won't be there anymore
The first thing my brain thought of the moment I woke up is Passion. I am unwell.
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teenandbeyond · 3 years
Chat Noir x Reader
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Why not?
🐱‍👤 Meowvelous Kitten🐱‍👤(Miraculous Ladybug)
Warnings: Cute, Flirty asf, age 16 Adrien, terrible puns bc I'm not Chat Noir, I promise I don't normally write like this (low-key cringe)
You were new to Paris, but you had a flirtatious black cat to give you a warm welcome.
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"[Name]! Start unpacking before it gets late!" Your mother called from downstairs.
"What makes you think I'm not?" You called back from your mattress.
"You're laying down right now, aren't you?"
You glanced to the boxes surrounding you like a wall and slowly responded, "Um.....no?"
"Start unpacking, sweetheart. I promise you'd rather finish quickly than be unpacking all week."
You sighed, rolling up your sleeves, you got to work.
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"Done!" You happily exclaimed, "Gosh, I need to take a walk, I feel stuffy."
You practically skipped down the steps after freshening up.
You sharply turned the corner into the kitchen, "Hey, mom? Can I take a walk? I promise I won't go too far."
Your mother turned around from the box of silverware, "Sure, sweetheart."
"Just don't stay out too long, it's dangerous at night," your father walked in from the living room.
You laughed quietly, "I won't, Pop."
You grabbed a light jacket and left out the door, wondering where to go first.
"I guess I take a walk around the block," you flipped your hood on.
Your boots thudded against the pavement as you walked, "It's really peaceful at night..."
You silently took in the view of Paris at night, well until the silence was interrupted by a weirdo in a carrot costume.
"Hey, you, right there!"
You glanced around, before remembering you were the only one here and sighing, "I haven't even been gone five minutes."
The massive carrot pointed at you, "I believe everyone should eat their vegetables!"
You blinked, "Okay," you continued sarcastically, "How radishing."
You shook your head and decided to turn back in the direction towards home, only to be blocked by a broccoli person and a mushroom person.
"Vegetables! Vegetables! Vegetables!"
You furrowed your brows at the many voices, a veggie crowd was forming, "Um, did I walk in on a veggie cult or something? I didn't know people were that determined..."
"I'm going to make you like your vegetables and join us!" The villain laughed and pointed a wand at you...a uh...squash wand.
But you didn't change, they tried again.
"Why isn't it working?!"
You crossed your arms, "Because I like veggies already, dude. That's not going to work on me."
They growled in anger, oops, mom told you to be nicer to people, sorry mom.
"Why can everyone be like you and enjoy veggies?"
"Because nobody carrot all," a voice responded in a teasing matter.
"Ladybug and Chat Noir! Give me your miraculous!" The carrot charged at them.
You sighed, "Mom and Dad should have listened to Aunt May when she said this wasn't a tv show set in Paris."
You yelped when you were suddenly grabbed, you punched at the chest of whatever male it was.
You were set down a minute later in an alleyway, your eyes met amused green ones.
"You could've warned me you were saving me. I could've seriously hurt you," you glared.
He chuckled, "Not really, I barely felt anything, kitten."
"Kitten? I'm not a kitten."
"You're as cute as one, especially when you're angry," he smirked.
You raised a brow, a disbelieving smirk on your face, "Are you flirting with me?"
"How could I not?"
"I suppose I can't blame you, I'm hard to resist," you smiled.
"You-" he was interrupted by a call on his staff.
Chat Noir, where are you? I still need help here.
You raised a brow, "With vegetables?"
Chat Noir sighed, "Coming, M'lady."
Ending the call, he looked back at you, "Stay here, okay?"
You step close enough to be inches away from him, playfully flicking his bell, "I could easily go home myself. You just want an excuse to talk to me more, don't you?"
He gives a shy smile, "I-I...It's not like--"
"Mhm. Go save the night from the evil vegetable cult, Chat, I'll still be here."
He laughed, "I will [Nam]-Kitten."
He was about to say your name...How did he know your name?
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"I thought you were supposed to be taking me home?"
You and Chat lowered onto a surface with his staff, "I will, I promise, I just want to show you something."
You looked around in awe, slowly walking around, "Are we...on the Eiffel tower?"
"Yes. Beautiful, isn't it?"
You smiled and stopped, looking out at the city, "I've never been here before--Very, the view's incredible."
"I like coming here every night, it's so peaceful," he walked over to you.
"Well, outside of veggie cults."
He laughed, "It wasn't a veggie cult, it was an Akumatized person."
You paused, trying to remember the articles and "episodes" you saw.
"Yes, unfortunately, this is a regular thing."
"Ah, well, at least your heroic physique makes sense," you glanced him over.
You could see his cheeks darken at the unexpected comment, "Huh?"
"You pull off the suit well, latex looks sexy on you," you teased.
He recovered quickly, "Is that your type of thing?"
You hooked your finger on the zipper of his suit, "Could be, we'll just have to see, kit-kat."
Even though as Chat Noir this flirting deal was no problem, inside, a flustered Adrien could only think one thing.
I have to see them at school again tomorrow, I'm in trouble.
But, trouble's kind of my thing.
What a meowvelous Kitten~
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dragonbugsuperior · 4 years
Something that I've been meaning to say about Miraculous's "Rich Girls".............
Before I even go into this, All you Lila, Chloe, and Kagami stans out there I suggest to skip this post, leave disgusting comments and I'll block and report you because I'm saying it now, that I will be saying some things about Lila, Chloe, and Kagami that aren't really pretty. If you like their characters "Yay!" good for you,
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Nobody cares. grow up
So........something has been on my mind lately and I would like to get it off my chest because it's just been stuck in my head and I think it's good if I do make some clear points that clearly people are missing in regards to the show's "rich girls". So Marinette.....has been going through alot this past season and people are saying stupid things like "Oh wE NEeD a NEw LAdyBUg!"
Or "oH MArINeTtE iS teRRiBlE At dOiNg heR jOB!"
Let's dive right into this
I'll start with Chloe first. Chloe bullied Marinette. She has for 7 whole fucking years. Marinette has done nothing to Chloe literally. She hasn't bullied her, talked about her, criticized her, she has done nothing to that girl. But oh! Chloe is some rich snobbish brat that thinks everyone below her should be treated less of a human than she is. Where was her mom when Chlow started to go to school with Marinette? Also Chloe's mom not playing a big part of her life doesn't excuse her terrible behavior and awful treatment she has given marinette and students at her school. Just because her mom is a total snob and shallow person doesn't mean Chloe has to be exactly like her. It's okay for Chloe to express sadness and frustration but what's not okay if for Chloe to lash out all her negativity on Marinette as if Marinette has done something to her. Her parents have really failed her and she has failed herself. She's so full of herself that I'm starting to believe she's delusional. Clinging onto Adrien 24/7 at school like their some type of couple is already mouth-gagging. Like girl, he is not some toy that is all yours and that you can just cling yourself onto. I'm glad Marinette calls her out on her bullshit and handles Chloe's ass and she's not afraid to do so.
And that tacky ass makeup really defeats the purpose because it's makes her look worser than her personality. Tired of these blonde stuck up popular rich girls that think they can just overrule people.
Treating everybody around her like her peasants is clichè mean girl shit. I'm willing to go as far as to say she's a fucking narcissist. Having excessive interest and admiration for herself and treating everybody around her like shit as if she's 10 times more important than they are when in reality she's nothing but a spoiled brat that's jealous because she knows Marinette is better than her.
2nd to last....Lila
Literally 'lie' is in her name. She lies her mouth off and thinks she's fooling every fucking body. Marinette knows damn well she's lying and tells her up to her face in Chameleon. I'm sorry but her lies are ridiculous and the class is so undeniably stupid for believing her bullshit. Yea she's another "spoiled rich girl" her mom is present in her life but we know nothing about her dad. Don't know what happened to him and I don't care to know what happened to him. I know one thing though. Just like in Chloe's case, her dad being absent doesn't make it "okay" for her to be a two-faced person who can pathologically lie to people for personal gain. That's disgusting and weak of a person. She literally frames Marinette and corners her in the bathroom to a wall and pushed herself down the steps to look like she's actually injured. Her fans can try to shed all the light they want on her character but that's never gonna erase all the terrible shit she's done. And once again! Marinette has done nothing to Lila and somehow Marinette is Lila's main target. She lied about her friendship with Ladybug just to impress a boy. Her negativity she's trying to pass onto Marinette isn't working because Marinette is strong and optimistic. I can't believe she had fans, cough looks like a knock-off version of Dora cough. She's so stupid she really thinks Adrien wants to be with someone like her. A liar and manipulative bitch. lol
"But Jen she's only been a character since season-
Yea I already know how long she's been in the show but that doesn't mean that I'm going to get her the benefit of the doubt. First time she met Marinette she treated her terribly as if Marinette did anything to her. Then again, people like to claim she's from a strict household so that gives her an excuse when it really doesn't. Secondly Kagami in general seems phony, Marinette is trying to be her friend and give up on Adrien just for her!!! and so she can grow as a person!!!!! Kagami chose Adrien over Marinette while Marinette gave up Adrien just so Kagami can have him. Seems like the only reason Kagami really wants to be friends with Marinette is because of Adrien. But let's not get into that.... In Animeastro she acted like she had a problem Marinette was talking to Adrien. I just don't get her at all. One minute she wants to be Marinette's friend (which I believe is completely fake) and then the next she's glaring daggers at her as if she did anything to her.
I don't even want to fucking hear "Oh but Jenny, Marinette didn't confes- SHUT. THE. FUCK. UP. Marinette has tried time after time to confess she's always getting interrupted. Kagami thinks of Adrien like some prize to win all for herself after only knowing him for not too long. Give me a break then she's the one who got akumatized over a fucking picture instead of asking Adrien "hey, what's this?" She got salty and got akumatized. In Frozer, Adrien told her that he had feelings for someone else, she jumped to conclusions and thought it was fucking Marinette and suggested him to "switch targets" he told her he wouldn't and she still pushes him to literally kissing him and then getting mad because he rejected it. Girl! Did he not fucking say that he has feelings for another girl and he won't be switching targets. She's really that desperate that she's telling Adrien to get over that other girl, and she's so fucking desperate she tried to kiss him then got mad when he didn't kiss her back. Let's not forget she literally cut out the fencing class picture and left Adrien and herself out. Then she gave us a little "insight" on how she views Adrien in Oni-Chan. "Image of Perfection" she likes Adrien because he's perfect? That's funny. Because for 1, he's not nobody is and for 2 that's a stupid reason to like somebody. Let's not also forget when she literally lied in Miracle Queen about the villain attacking people in love. She knows Adrien likes somebody else so why is she trying so hard to push into being with her? Desperate much? "We're so alike" and Kagami really believes their soulmates? She should just shut the fuck up. She sounds stupid as fuck. How are you "soulmates" with someone you just met not too long ago. Bless her delusional soul. After he rejected her kiss and only knowing him for 2 seasons. Liiiiike......are you that desperate for a boy. I can't wait to see her reaction to when Adrien dates Marinette. Lmao
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It's so funny how all these girls think Adrien's theirs when in reality Marinette is his true soulmate and is gonna end up with him in the end. Adrienette is literally endgame. There's no need for people like Chloe, Lila, and Kagami to get on the way of that. It's also funny how people like to claim Marinette as the possessive one when all these rich spoiled brats have gotten akumatized over him, cling onto him like he's some coat rack, and go out their way to make Marinette feel terrible. And marinette has given Adrien up. The only real clear reason I can see the 3 of them act bitchy towards marinette without a reason would be because they're jealous and don't have the best lives at home and wish to be like marinette.
If I'm not mistaken who's the one that got bullied for 7 years straight and tries her very best to be strong? Who's the one that literally got sexually harassed by Felix? Who's the one who has anxiety? Who's the one who has pressure and responsibilities hunched all over their shoulders? Who's the one that has go around every fucking day to save their city? Oh okay. Everybody always wants to talk about how tough they are without actually going through some real shit. Because I don't recall Lila, Chloe or Kagami going through any of these things while treating Marinette like shit. Kagami is the one that lied to Adrien, Kagami is the one that treated Marinette like crap, Kagami is the one that pushed Adrien after he said he had feelings for someone else /this b*tch didn't even wait/, Kagami is the one that is acting like Lila and Chloe. Let Marinette act like how Kagami did, I'm pretty sure she would've got bashed.
Once they go through all that bullshit then we can chit chat until then, they don't know what struggle is. Spoiled ass brats who clearly don't deserve Adrien because they're immature. They think Adrien's "theirs" they pushed themselves on him as if they can't live without him and they do sneaky shit in order to be with him. Lila and Kagami have clearly showed they would lie to get with him and Chloe does too. Marinette has the courage to let Adrien go, I'm pretty sure if the shoe was on the other foot Kagami would never let Adrien go.
And before people go around saying how it's their parents fault they act do toxically and immature (bc ppl like to give them excuses for their "mommy and daddy" issues) it's really not. Yes, it's partially their parents because they raised them but they also have a big role for their actions. No body is responsible for making Chloe, Lila, or Kagami a better person. No body. Stop putting the blame all on their parents because it's not just the parents I'm pretty sure Tomoe didn't teach Kagami to "lie" in order to get with a boy. Kagami chose to lie to Adrien in Miracle Queen with her own free will. Nobody said "lie to Adrien" Kagami lied that's her fault Nobody told Chloe to bully and belittle Marinette, Audrey is very shallow and brat-like but I don't recall her ever saying "Chloe bully Marinette" Nobody told Lila to constantly lie and manipulate people hell, her mom doesn't even know she's doing it! None of their parents are responsible for certain shit they do so stop pretending like their innocent kids that have horrible parents. I don't have time to analyze if Kagami is like Chloe and Lila or not because I know she is like them she acts just like them. Treats marinette like crap but acts different when Adrien's around. Simple. I tried to give her character a chance in Oni-Chan but after hearing how she views Adrien and how she acted in Miracle Queen I hated her even more than I did before.
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Truth be told, Chloe, Lila, nor Kagami are nothing without Adrien. If we're really gonna go there. Their just some pointless characters that want to get in the way of things and can't stay in their places. Marinette made this show, she's the center of the plot, without her their is no Chloe, without her there is no Lila, without her there is no Kagami.
Call me absent-minded but I see alot of jealous hoes and I'm not with that shit at all. Sorry not sorry
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virgil-is-a-cutie · 5 years
Bio!Mom Max Black Headcanons
Two Broke Girls x MLB crossover
Based on this
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When Caroline's movie about her life story was starting production Caroline finally had the courage to tell Max how she felt
The two dated for 4 months before Max decided they should marry
Mostly because she's known Caroline for so long that she literally knows she wants her as her wife
They were going to elope but Caroline told her dad which ended with Max being told by Martin he wanted his princess to be properly married
Sophie helped with the wedding not caring about the price
Caroline and Max got married at the prison where Martin was in so that Martin can give away Caroline and watch her get married
Of course, the news and paparazzi got wind of it and so much to Max's annoyance, the wedding was live streamed
They decided to just add the other's last name instead of one taking the other's
Caroline wore this with her hair in small side braid
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Max wore this with her hair in a bun with a few curls framing her face.
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Earl walked Max down the "isle"
Martin fought the urge to cry seeing his only daughter get married
He was glad that it was Max really
After a year of being married Caroline quietly mumbled as they cuddled
"Do you think about having kids?"
After a bit of talking they decided to use a sperm donor although, her twin cousin Darcy was able to get Bruce Banner to use both Max and Caroline eggs and the sperm donor to make the baby
Caroline was the one to carry the baby
A month before the baby was born their business boomed because of Caroline's movie and they eventually had a good business
They have a baby girl who they name Marinette Cathy Channing-Black
She had Caroline's eyes and Max's hair
Of course, Sophie wants to be the godmother, but Max puts her foot down that it would most likely be her cousin
Much to Caroline's shock Tony Stark is their daughter's godfather
Pepper is her godmother
As Marinette grows up she likes to watch her mom bake
She learns Korean from her uncle Han
Earl babysits whenever her moms are busy
Earl is her grandpa who she and Max consider him her dad
The cupcake business rises and they're very successful
Caroline is glad they finally left the crappy apartment
Caroline eventually is told by her father that she has an uncle who lives in Paris
It's Gabriel Agreste
Caroline is an Agreste in her mother's side really
And that he's the half sibling of Audrey Bourgeois
Audrey made Andre take her last name
Basically making her a Bourgeois through her father
This is when Mari is 13 years old and they decide to expand the cupcake business to Paris, France
Marinette is both excited and annoyed to move mostly because she won't be around to annoy uncle Tony or any of the Avengers
Marinette was almost the spitting image of her mother Max from her pale complexion to her hair, but she had Caroline's eyes and physic
When they get to Paris Caroline sets a meeting with both Gabriel and Audrey
Of course the two are shocked at the news that they're related through marriage
The reason being because Caroline's mom is Gabriel's sister and Martin is Audrey's older half brother
Making both of them Marinette's great uncle/aunt
And basically making two certain blondes her cousins
As well a certain cousin of said one of the blondes
Marinette is a mix of both her moms
She's sweet but very sarcastic and just...kinda like Max
The small Channing-Black family live in a decent comfortable home, not too flashy
Audrey brings Chloé over and Chloé is shocked to hear she has relative, she's somewhat excited
And Chloé is just...shocked to find out she's related to Adrien, her Adrikins before smiling widely
Chloé actually isn't a bully, she acts like it in school to see how far the stupid teacher would let it go and after she's mean to the ones she was she informs the person on what she was doing so as they don't feel bad
Surprisingly it's a lot and she's getting annoyed that Ms. Bustier won't at least do shit
On the first day of school when the Akuma strikes, much to her surprise Chloé freezes and pees herself before shielding herself behind Mari
"This sounds oddly familiar," the ravenette says giggling before scowling, "hey!"
The akuma strikes before Chloé has a chance to introduce her cousins because Adrien couldn't make it
Mari doesn't get the ladybug miraculous bc she just moved
Doesn't stop Master Fu from giving her the Cat Miraculous
She names herself Chat de Ruelle, Alley Cat
She doesn't keep it a secret from her moms who instantly tells Tony who comes whenever he can to help her train
Her outfit as Chat is similar to Lady Noir but her curls are in a messy bun and her mask covers her whole face except her mouth
It also has body armor and spikes on her wrists, tail, and elbows
She got Caroline's clumsiness but mostly that she has things fall on her or anything really but shes's not overly clumsy
On the second day of school she meets Adrien and she and Chloé practically ambush him and tell him that they're related
This makes Adrien happy but is somewhat confused before Mari informs him on how so
Mari is basically done with Ms. Bustier on the first day, complains to her moms who basically storm into the classroom to give her a piece of their mind
Does not help that Chloé turned in the evidence to the school board
Ms. Bustier quits before being informed she is not allowed to teach at all anymore
Adrien does become friends with Nino but not with Alya since Mari sits behind Chloé and Sabrina
Mari only becomes friends with Nathaniel and Nino
As the 3 cousins hang out she basically takes them wherever and causes trouble to the delight of her mom Max and to Caroline's concern
Caroline, Max, and Amilie basically threaten Gabriel to treat Adrien better
Although, Caroline and Max instantly adopt him
Max, Mari's mom, told Adrien that he reminded her of those two Amish boys who stayed with them for a week at the apartment
Chestnut came too by the way
Adrien doesn't flirt with Chat while he is Mister Bug because they're bffs
Max's cupcake shop is outside the school because Caroline wanted Mari to go to Dupont
Alya and Lila Salt
Alya is never told by Mari what her last name is, she usually doesn't pay attention to anyone else's name once her name is called but Mari has told her cousins and friend when addressing her to go by Black
So to the rest of the class she's known as Marinette Black
So she of course doesn't get an interview with Mister Bug because Chat told him not to because she doesn't trust the girl, she screams of wanting to be famous no matter what
Alya doesn't care for cupcakes the audacity
When Lila comes around she speaks about being a family friend of the Channing family
Bad luck for her is that Max and Caroline came to drop of Marinette at school much to her embarrassment
And Max basically ripped the Rossi girl a new one not caring who watched
Alya is shocked to see THE Caroline Channing at school
"How do you know Caroline Channing and Max Black? The great cupcake bakers?!" she screeches to Mari
"I'd like it if you don't speak to our daughter that way Ms. Césaire, please? We don't tolerate harassment from tabloid reporters," Caroline says gently while Max eyes the glasses wearing girl
"D...daughter?" Alya stutters before glaring at Marinette who rolls her eyes
"You're looking at me as if I killed your dog, they're my moms. My whole name is Marinette Cathy Channing-Black."
Everyone in the class sort of new because they always went to the cupcake shop after school
Lila does try her shit but Mari shrugs her off
Lila tries to hang off of Adrien but both Caroline and Max shut that shit down and tell Gabriel to get a restraining order on the Rossi girl as well a threat of lawsuit
Might make more and make this Maribat really idk yet
Tag list: @luciferge @zebrabaker @fantasyfandommaiden @unmaskedagain @queenmj10 @limetchenart @ascending-donotdisturb
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Hi anon! I'm so sorry for taking so long to answer is that I haven't had much time, also...
I'm not sure I said anything about Lila so I don't know where the ask came from, I generally don't say my opinion about the characters and the ships in this blog so I can't imagine when I said something that made you send me this ask djkfgnfk And for the same reason of not sharing my opinions over here, I'm still not convinced to answer you hehe But more than that... Ch*rch? How do you know I'm C*ristian? Or did you just assume it? sorry, I was a little... impressed. I've heard that Thomas is not religious and that he says the show on that is neutral, so I'm going to put religion aside in my response hehe
That being said...
Lila is not just a brat, she's a bad person. Yes, it's true that she's 14 so I don't hold her responsible in the same way as other older characters on the show who are also bad people. But Lila has done some very serious things that can't just be "ignored" and there's no way to justify them even for how shameful her past might be.
As far as I can remember, only in Oni-chan they reveal a more fragile side of Lila: a busy and somewhat absent mother who could give rise to a whole history of difficult family life, and, moreover, her father has shown no sign of existence. If the show or a fan decides to develop this further to give us some insight into why Lila is the way she is, I have no doubt that we will be able to empathize with her.
But a difficult past would only give us insight into aspects of her character, make her more human, but under no circumstances would that be an excuse for her actions. Especially because in the same show we have a character like Adrien, he has her same age and he has a canon background that is very hard: her mom disappeared and her dad is a monster who only shows him coldness (along with everything else from his personal life that we all know). Just here he already has a big difference with how little we know about Lila's background because in Hero's Day shows her mom being very warm with her.  Also, despite all his terrible background, he is nothing less than a ray of sunshine and one of the heroes of the story. 
Another character with a complicated background is Chloe. With her, the show has shown that even though her family life can make us feel a lot of empathy for her and makes us understand why she behaves like that, as long as she doesn't regret it and take responsibility for her actions, she won't have a miraculous. Nothing justifies her actions in spite of all the empathy we may feel for her. That empathy makes us want her to redeem herself and grow. I personally really hope that they redeem her, but I know that her redemption cannot be just a: "I am bad" *poof* "I am good". The redemption starts once you understand what you have been doing is wrong, a realization that takes a lot of time. And from that realization, you take responsibility and work hard for improving that part of yourself... A process that has many ups and downs, it's not just lineal. 
Lila is 14 yo! of course I believe she can be redeemed! but I’d perfectly understand if the show doesn't give her a redemption arc (what I think it's more likely to happen). Anyway, I think it would be great if a fan develops from those 5 seconds of canon a difficult personal history for Lila or invents something completely new. Personally, I am not very interested in developing it and this is the kind of thing I will only explore if it's canon, maaaaaaybe if I had the time I would but I don't even have it TwT
Also, with redemption, I don't just mean that she ends being friends with everyone like nothing happened. No matter how much empathy you feel for someone and how much you can forgive them, that doesn't mean you forget everything that happened. To feel empathy is not to justify, to forgive is not to forget. Forgiveness is a good thing, you are free of the resentment and revenge wishes that can be so bad for you, as Don Ramón says haha (you probably don't know him but anyway xD): "la venganza nunca es buena, mata el alma y la envenena"//"revenge is never good, it kills the soul and poisons it". But forgiving is not the same as being stupid, you can forgive the liar but believing them again immediately after is just stupidity despite the all goodwill that goes with it. 
The relationship you'll have from that moment on with the person you forgave will depend on the circumstances and the actions you forgave, ignoring them could be bad for you bc that person could harm you again, and it could even worse for the person bc maybe they would never learn their actions have consequences in other people too. If you are willing to continue to have a relationship with that person(again this depends on the circumstances), rebuilding the broken bond takes time, and it takes much longer if there was never a true bond but only one founded on lies (like between Lila and the Miracu-class).
If at some point in the show they explain through a difficult past her present attitudes, and they transform it into a redemption arc (which I doubt), and even if  Marinette and the rest forgive her, that forgiveness doesn't have to be just a "let's start over and be BFFs". I want it to be seen that nothing justifies your bad actions, that you must take responsibility for them and that, as much as someone can forgive you, it doesn't mean that nothing happened. That other person has already given you all that they can give you with their forgiveness and they don't have to stay with you for any reason, and that doesn't make them bad. If they leave maybe they don't who knows, I believe it's a great instance for you to learn your lesson bc it would be one of the consequences of your past actions that you have to take responsibility in order to really grow into a better person. 
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