#she studies medicine AND has a job like this girl doesnt sleep and doesnt do like- anything
threepoint14art · 5 months
Feliz cumpleaños a mi chamaca Avani, es un oc de fnafhs perdon se que tengo muchos no me maten- es nightmare balloon boy T_T
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ehm pinche chamaca se graduó muy temprano por ser "prodigio" y ahora tiene trabajo y esta estudiando y se me va a morir si le sigue asi
En teoría su cumple es mañana pero mañana es lunes y no he de tener tiempo para hacer nada ToT
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druidonity · 5 years
Anduin fanfic idea #1 (Feel free to use!)
IDEA: Varian’s death broke Anduin. With two wars back to back, he has had no time to recover. And now it’s the first year anniversary of his father’s death. Anduin cannot pretend anymore, he can’t hide his decaying health, he can’t hide his tears, and worst of all, no matter how much the light tries, it’s powers weaken on him. If the boy doesn’t change, he’s on track to die due to his heart break. But that’s not how this timeline should go. Anduin is needed for Azeroth to survive.  Chromie offers the young king a much needed break, and the next thing Anduin knows, he’s outside a house in Westfall. The house of the Ellerian nobel family. 
Rules for use: Credit me for the idea, and if you post the story, let me know! I wanna read! :D
Below the line are chapter by chapter notes for the story. Feel free to use all of it, none of it, some of it, etc.
Prologue: All events in the summery of the story above. Anduins sick, Chromie appears, sends him back in time, but makes it appear like hes asleep so Genn and the others don’t worry.
Chapter one: Anduin, weak and confused, is cared for by Mrs and Mr Ellerian, as well as their two daughters, Tiffin and Shelby. Tiffin is an 18 year old, currently trying her hardest to escape nobility. She seeks to be free, travel, like an adventurer. Shelby, age 12, goes to school in Stormwind, and wants to be Queen, but because she could finally make Stormwind’s crown help West fall. Anduin speaks to these people, and they ask him questions, he does not tell them who he is, only that his name is Llane. He is given soup and allowed to stay the night, in Tiffin’s room, with Tiffin moving to Shelby’s room. Surprisingly, for nobles, their second home is small and comfurting, and they dont appear to be nobles at all. Shelby mentions that her parents like to keep a humble side. As much as they represent Stormwind, they also wish to represent West fall.
Chapter two: Tiffin and Shelby set off to Stormwind the next day, Shelby for schooling and Tiffin to keep up with the Stormwind politics. Anduin goes with them and finds out that Tiffin from a young age has been representing the Ellerian house, mainly because her parents have weak bones and don’t make the trip every other day, only once a week. They stop in Goldshire for a bit before making it to Stormwind gates. (Tiffin gets nervous around Goldshire, turns out she has an ex who works in the Forge, she doesnt want to run into him. ((i read something about an ex in her wiki i think))
Chapter three: Tiffin shows Anduin their home in Stormwind, a rather nice house in Cathedral square. Anduin realizes he’s never known this was their house, and makes a mental note to check to see who owns the property when he gets back to his time. Tiffin says he can’t go with her to the meetings, but Anduin is free to do whatever he wants. He can leave if he wants, but he should at least write a note for her parents. They would worry. Anduin mentions he really doesnt have a place to go, to sleep, nor money for an inn. Tiffin says he’s allowed to stay in their home for as long as he wants, just don’t steal anything. My parents would know the second they walk into the house. Theyll find you. Anduin maybe spends the day walking around past Stormwind? He thinks of all the times he could change, but knows he should not mess with time.
Chapter four: Anduin ends up staying with the girls for months. Anduin becomes really close with the Ellerian family, and they try to pay him to be a house sitter for their home in Stormwind whenever the girls go back to westfall. Tiffin’s parents often invite Anduin over for dinner, etc. But then one month Tiffin’s parents pass, and her little sister (is killed or goes missing? maybe leaves a note explaining she isnt happy where she is anymore? i dont know? Or maybe the school sends her off to study across the globe?). Anyway, Tiffin is greatly hurt, and Anduin is the only one to comfort her. Except, he’s not. Tiffin tells him about a friend she’s recently made, and Anduin knows exactly who it is before she tells him. Tiffin talks about how she originally hated him, but now thats shes forced to spend a bit more time with him as the only noble of her household, she’s learned alot more about him. The King, Varian.
Chapter five: Anduin finds an invitation addressed to him to a winter ball at the keep, and finds out tiffin had smuggled an extra invite for him. Anduin sees many people at this ball, including Prince Arthas, Jaina, Onyxia, Bolvar, Magni, etc etc. Suddenly Anduin feels out of place and uncomfortable at the ball, but before he can slip out, Tiffin finds him to introduce him to the King. Seeing his father nearly brings Anduin to tears on the spot, but he survives the meeting. Anduin leaves the party early, to lock his bedroom door and let out all of his stress and feelings out. He misses his father sooo much.
Chapter six: Tiffin picks up on Anduin’s sorrow and tries her best to help him while getting the reason why. Anduin makes something up, while slightly true, saying Varian reminds him of an old family member who passed long ago. That he was nervous being around so many important political people and nobles, as a common man himself. Tiffin doesn’t really know how to fix these, but she can use the light to calm Anduin. She places her hand on his head and channels light, and Anduin again feels like crying because of just how powerful this moment felt. Its the first time hes seen her use the light, and she’s using it to aid him. This moment was the moment Anduin has dreamed of since a child, his mother caring for him and helping him in his worst of times. Tiffin says she learned about the light from a young age, but never really had a use to use it until recently. She was told she was very powerful, but she didn’t really believe it. Anduin says he thinks she’s got a thing with light.
Chapter seven: Time skip, Anduin now as seen Tiffin and Varian fall in love, and now it’s their wedding. Anduin offers to help in any way he can and Tiffin manages to give Anduin and very important role in her wedding. Tiffin wants him to be the ring bearer. The day goes perfectly, Anduin feeling so much joy the entire time. Near the end of the day, Lady Prestor confronts him, asking him how long he’s known the couple to be given the role of ring bearer. Anduin takes this oppurtunity to chat with her, but Prestor finds the man too chatty, too questioning, and walks away. Anduin finally feels like Chromie’s medicine has worked. He feels like he could go back home and do anything, including win the war, for peace.
Chapter Eight: If feels strange when Tiffin moves into the keep and leaves the home to him, but atleast Anduin can guess the house back home is probably owned by some random dude named Llane lol. He is often invited to the keep, and has become friends with Varian too, to go as far as to ask Anduin if he would like a job within the keep, or some other ranking position. They know he was a way with words and some use of the light, he could be of use. Tiffin seeks out Anduin sometime later, and with Varian, announces she’s pregnant. It feels really weird to realize there is now two of you, you you, and in mom’s belly you. Anduin supports them in any way he can. He also notices Lady Prestor acting a bit strange, appearing more around tiffin then usual. Anduin knows he shouldnt change the past, but he cannot let the past change on it’s own too.
Chapter nine: Prince Anduin, newborn son to the crown, is utterly adorable, and “Llane” Anduin adores him. He also sees now that as a newborn, he was whiney as fuck, but Tiffin’s light has always calmed him down. Varian also seems to adore his son, cooing over him, caring for him as much as he can between his job. Tiffin also seems to want to care for her son as much as possible, refusing the help of nannys as much as possible. At one point, Prestor gets the chance to babysit the newborn, but Anduin make sure he’s able to but in, taking the chance to keep an eye on the newborn while annoying the dragon with small talk. He can feel malicious intent from the women, and feels as if he’d just about saved his own life. He couldn’t be sure. Bolvar appears and coos over the newborn and offers to take the newborn off Prestor’s hands, and she accepts and backs away.
Chapter ten: Tiffin seeks out Anduin, telling him not to tell anyone, but shes afraid. Someone she knows, but she wont tell Anduin, is after her. Theyre acting strange, she says. She tell Anduin she saw something she shouldn’t have seen, and now wishes to forget. Anduin urges her to speak to Varian, but Tiffin insists that her husband would never believe her. No one would. Anduin calms her down with the light and tells her that he believes her. He will always believe her. She thanks him for clearing her mind, but she refuses to tell him anything else. Anduin worries, but cannot change the timeline. He’s gotten what he came for, now he wonders why Chromie would keep him here longer.
The next week, The Queen is killed, however Anduin doesn’t feel the pain he thought he would, he saw it coming. What he didn’t see coming was that the rock wasn’t what killed her. How could it, she was a strong lady with the light to heal her, and the rock was very small. No, Lady prestor had poisoned her and hid it with the rock attack. And on her death bed, with Varian at her side a mess, she has Anduin come in. She thanks Anduin for everything. Anduin holds her hand, as she holds her newborn son in her arms, and thanks her. Chromie appears, telling “Anduin , it is time to go home”. Tiffin and Varian see her, and Chromie says she’ll just erase their memories. Anduin turns to his mom and says “Mother, I love you so much.”. Chromie teleports Anduin home, but stays a bit longer to erase Varian’s mind. As she goes to erase Tiffin’s mind, Tiffin grabs her arm lightly, stopping Chromie. She speaks with a weak voice, “I’m due to die soon, lady of time. Please, allow me to remember him. I want to die knowing my son grows up happy.” Chromie allows it, and sits with Tiffin, Baby Anduin, and Varian, as the queen passes away.
Epilogue: Turns out to disguise his dissapearance, Chromie made it look like Anduin had slept for days without waking. When Anduin does awake, Genn, Velen, Jaina, etc, are all rushed in to a collective sigh of relief. They feared the king poisioned, dying, etc etc, due to noticing his poor emotional state and lack of connection with light. Anduin feels much better, much calmer, and ready to continue his war for peace. He thanks Chromie for everything, and says if she ever needs anything, Anduin is at her service. Chromie, before leaving, tells him that the Queen died knowing he would live to be a great king, and a loving man, caring for all of Azeroth.
Anduin vists his mother’s grave, talking with her as if her spirit was there.
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powerpalspart3 · 7 years
OOC Info:
Name:  its mel again
Age: i’m 17 … how time flies
Pronouns: she/they!
Skype: we don’t use this cursed entity
Discord: you guys have it jgfkjhkdjf
Other blogs: partypupz is my only active one rn
Character Info:
Name: sylvia vivienne delaney, (though she goes by sylvie / vivi)
Age: 18
School/College: (if any) graduated wakefield scholastic, on her gap year
Powers: time manipulation! sylvie can slow down or stop time, but she can’t speed it up or wind it backwards. she doesn’t have very much practical experience with it, and mostly uses it for self centered tasks (like hitting pause to pull an all nighter’s worth of work in an afternoon so she can sleep the night before a test, or really stretched out summer naps.) while she can influence the timestream around her, (which can involve people mid action, or objects like a tennis ball) the difficulty scales with the object’s complexity and mass / weight, as well as general complexity of movement: ie) while a tennis ball in a parabolic arc in the middle of a match is easy enough, it’s an entirely different ballpark to slow down an entire room full of people and all their bodily mechanisms (mostly the movement of contractions, like your heartbeat, breathing) to walk boldly to the front and snatch the answer key off of your teacher’s desk.) particularly perceptive people may notice a sense of deja vu after an encounter with her powers, or possibly fragmented awareness of their surroundings, as if in a dream; though regular people might just have the odd feeling of ‘losing track of the time / i swear mondays ALWAYS are longer than any other day of the week!’ sylvie most easily influences her own timestream, (like “giving herself more time” to study in her room) and requires sustained focus & effort to try to interact with other entities for any period of time.
Origin of Powers: inherited, both sides of her family are periodically punctuated with those who have powers
Alignment: (hero/villain/neutral/etc): hero leaning, but this mostly involves fledgling attempts like dealing with petty crimes in the streets at night and reporting anonymously afterwards, & letting the cops deal with it, less teaming up and squaring off with big bad guys
Appearance notes: kiernan shipka is a tentative faceclaim. brown eyes, light blonde hair, dark eyebrows & long lashes. she’s got dimples that only show when she smiles. a bit of a babyface, someone that’d be more cute than pretty, classic girl next door / younger sister of your best friend vibe. 5’2. dresses a bit like those romcom leads always do: understated pretty / casual chic, floral or white blouses with blue jeans, little denim jackets with a line dresses and a colorful messenger bag, that sort of thing.
Personality notes: sylvie is a passionate person, with a disinterest in pursuing things to their finality. she throws herself into flights of self reinvention, and has cycled through many different personas, though this has always been viewed indulgently by her parents. she’s currently settled into a poetical, thoughtful sort of self as a ‘beautifully sad’ homage to her namesake (sylvia plath) but is generally more relaxed and upbeat than she has been while trying to force her personality to match more rambunctious or angry characters. naturally, she’s a guardedly cheerful girl, who approaches the world in a way she calls ‘cautiously optimistic’ or ‘a positive pessimist’ with an ocean of cynicism on the idea of romantic love. 
she falls in love with the idea of things more so than their realities, and has trouble maintaining close friendships because she will jump in and out of social scenes with very little prior warning, or else have her interest in someone wane rapidly. her sense of self is relatively unstable, and she believes wholeheartedly that the clothes make the woman, picking and choosing traits to match pieces from her closet. she’s a bit self absorbed, not intentionally, and not maliciously, but just because she’s not very used to considering others. she’s protective of the people that she loves, and is effusive about whatever the thing of the moment is, having amassed elective scraps of knowledge throughout her life. if she’s into poetry: poetry consumes her waking moments, infiltrates her dreams, is spooled across her walls and emblazoned on trendy little t-shirts and embroidered onto samplers; though her interests are dropped seemingly whimsically, without much rhyme or reason.
sylvie is stubborn to the point of being hard headed when she does commit to something, even if it isn’t entirely practical or even reasonable. she has a strong moral compass, and is headstrong: often acting before she has the chance to think things through, or fret- which is how she found herself on the novice hero side of things. it’s small stuff for the moment, dealing with petty crime, leaving anonymous tips- but is considering the name ‘flux’ for her eventual persona. she spends a lot of time in introspective reflection, and is trying to figure herself out when she’s not crime fighting or networking, for the most part. she has vague aspirations to go to university, to do something related to medicine: but for now, just sort of “interns” at her dad’s company, which involves a lot of lounging around and sipping coffee while “getting work experience.” she even has her own personal assistant, who is pretty tired of her job.
Backstory notes: her family is well off and comes from old money, (which explains the pretentious names lmao.) she was raised in a fairly conservative household, and is the oldest out of three, (her younger siblings are fraternal twins, a brother and a sister.) she maintains a certain, measured distance from her parents, although she has striven to make them proud growing up nonetheless, and has a fierce admiration for her mother. it isn’t for any particular reason, they weren’t neglectful or abusive, just distant. they’ve always been more so practical, than overly loving parents: she had her fair share of live in nannies, seeing as her mother is a celebrated neurosurgeon (who sub specialized into neuro-oncology) and her father is CEO of an (inherited, of course it is) company that’s a toss up between a private equity firm and a consulting firm; mostly tied into medical research. they went to all the graduations, held all the birthday parties, checked off all the milestones of a regular childhood neatly off for all of the kids, but done it with an exhausted, too short of time to stay the full event, don’t really know what my kid would want to hear or receive and so they get expensive, generic gifts like diamond earrings or a car instead of a heart to heart and something actually pertaining to their interests sort of way. think YA rich girl protagonist issues. she is marginally closer to her mother than her father. she and her siblings are close though, and genevieve and carter are a year younger than her / in their senior year at highschool. she’d realized that she had powers from a relatively young age, while napping on a cruise and waking up to realize that while she’d fell asleep for what felt like hours, the sun was only just setting even though it’d been like that before she’d gone to sleep- and then when she’d realized she could slow down the sparkling of her mother’s necklace on the ceiling, watching it with rapt fascination until she was called up to have dinner. she was convinced that she had ‘magical fairy powers,’ and spent her childhood furtively experimenting, and engaging her siblings in silly games involving them that were dismissed as ‘fanciful flights of imagination.’
3 Character Facts: - sylvie likes to push the limits of what’s allowed and what isn’t, which has manifested itself in sly rebellions at school while plastering on the ‘good girl next door’ look when asked if she had a hand in boobytrapping the bathrooms, pushing her parents to see what she can get out of them, which is why she has had an absurd number of exotic pets, luxury clothing, ate really weird or outrageously extravagant food, has more cars than she really knows what to do with, and got into minor crime fighting in the first place out of a thrilling realization that this was vigilante work outside of the law, but an adrenaline rush she could pursue without feeling guilty because it was working towards the ‘greater good.’ she’s pretty chaotic good. 
- she has a lot of collections up around the house due to her various phases, which she regularly decorates (although she delegates the task of keeping them clean to other people) which include things like: victorian mourning rings, glass eyes, vintage medical equipment, mink stoles, large marble busts, original edition scientific texts, flapper’s dresses, etc. it’s sort of a clusterfuck. her mother has arranged for rooms to be devoted to phases in an attempt to organize it all, but it’s still a hodgepodge testimony to her fleeting obsessions. outside of busying herself with decorating them, she dislikes spending very much time around them, because it inspires a sort of existential dread at being surrounded by such a monolithic representation of her lack of a concrete, stable identity. - sylvie’s deeply cynical about the nature of romantic love because of the perceived coolness in her parent’s relationship, (again, more functional than emotional, though sylvie isn’t actually aware that they are deeply in love, it just doesnt align with her imagined perception of “idealistic love” which is very passionate, a flower petal strewn and candle lit affair, and her parents arent really fond of PDA, and are very busy people whose schedules rarely line up, though they have a quiet, complex relationship nonetheless) and has sworn off the concept until she feels like it’s going to be all fireworks and being swept off her feet for good, and not just for an initial fleeting honeymoon phase. her difficulty in maintaining interpersonal relationships has contributed to this, because she has a hard time emotionally connecting with people and because of this feels detached and sullen about the distance between her and other people.
URL you plan to use: baptisian (it’s after wild indigo, not, religious connotations but like it works)
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