#she thinks jaiden played it the smartest by being nice to cucurucho and cultivating a relationship with him
watching the baghera & jaiden convo from baghera's pov was so satisfying, like watching someone pick all the correct dialogue options to unlock the Secret Information
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I woke up still excited about the Baghz&Jaiden convo so i'll expand a bit more on that (+ some of the other characters and what they've been doing to get more information)
Since the beginning one of Baghera's main goals has been investigating the Federation. She was very admirative of Cellbit for his infiltration attempt during the Regret arc. Maybe it showed less on others' POV since she showed more support to Forever, who was quite literally being betrayed by Cellbit. But i remember that when she was talking to her chat about it, she admired Cellbit a lot (she clocked what he was doing pretty fast) and said he was potentially the smartest person on the island for playing it like that.
And yesterday during her talk with Jaiden? Trauma aside, Baghera was obviously also very admirative of Jaiden cultivating a close relationship with Cucurucho, specifically because he seems to have all the info on the islanders and their missing memories (and some islanders, like her, Jaiden and Aypierre, have a past tied with the Federation). Playing nice with Cucurucho could be the best way to get that info, and Jaiden pretty much confirmed that to Baghz when she revealed what she'd been doing with the two Cucuruchos. To Baghera, Jaiden is IN, she's one of the ppl closest to getting that info. Baghz played up her ambivalence towards Cucurucho, and then shared a secret with Jaiden, and now the next time Jaiden has some important insider info it's much more likely that she'll share it with Baghz. (There was also a significant emotional component to their conversation, but im not expanding on that cuz i've seen many other posts talk about it already.)
I also read an interesting post about how Jaiden is also playing up her Team Cucurucho behavior in hopes of eventually getting info on herself, Cucurucho and the Federation.
ALSO i just learned that apparently Aypierre has an interesting plan with BadBoyHalo: Aypierre is gonna take the Cucurucho drugs, Bad is going to put him in a cage and they're gonna wait for the withdrawal to kick in because Aypierre thinks it will unlock more of his memories of the Federation experimenting on him.
If you add to that Badboy kidnapping and torturing a Fed worker to get answers about the Eggs' disappearance and the Federation's inner workings.
And you add the infiltration work Cellbit and Fit have been doing, calling Cucurucho "Boss", obeying his orders, keeping their covers by being polite to Cucurucho through gritted teeth.
I just love that all these characters are so different from each other but all want the same thing and are all going about it in their own ways that are wildly different, but with an undercurrent of similarity between them.
Me when characters say/do really shady and sometimes downright wrong things in the name of Getting More Information:
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