#she tries rly rly hard to be a good person and feels devastated if for some reason she made anyone upset
seraphiism · 4 years
*holds a microphone to you* Do you have any writing tips
i’m not very good at offering writing advice but here are some things off the top of my head!!
show, not tell. rather than saying she was mad, describe her body language-- white knuckles, balled up fists, clenched jaw. if she was sad-- eyes welling up with tears, a lump in her throat, a weak voice that cracks halfway through her sentences. it goes a long way for imagery and immersion rather than blatantly stating what emotion they are feeling.
you don’t have to force yourself to write. i know a lot of people say this, but i personally don’t. if i force myself and i don’t like what i’m writing, it’s likely i won’t be satisfied with it in the end. sometimes the words don’t come, and that’s okay. take a breather, step back, and try again another time. i have heard of people making a goal to write at least __ words a day ( 200, 500, etc ). i hear that is helpful! i haven’t tried it myself, though.
one of my main issues is that i get stuck in my writing because i overthink. i sit there and wonder how to approach it, how to make it sound really nice-- and in the end, i notice that if i just let go of that need and just write without worrying on how pretty it’ll sound, i usually get a lot more writing done. sometimes you just gotta go for it.
i will rewrite my sentences a lot. if i’m not happy with the wording, i’ll rewrite it a couple of times with different variations and see which one is most appealing to me.
a thesaurus is a wonderful resource!! i try to keep in mind words that i use often and try to change it up. this can also help with emphasizing the degree of an emotion a character is feeling ( e.g. sadness vs. devastation, anger vs. fury )
i like to use text to speech when i’m proofreading. sometimes it makes it easier to catch mistakes. i’ll usually listen to it a few times, follow along with the text, then i’ll read it out loud myself. this way, i can check for grammatical errors, but as i read it, i can see if i like the formatting or if i can rearrange it.
i rly like to listen to music when i write!! not everyone does, though, but it really helps me. i have to find certain songs to fit with specific moods. or i listen to songs that i associate with said character. instrumentals can be quite helpful too. i have like 70+ spotify playlists ( though most of them are for ocs ) but some are made for the purpose of writing angst/fluff/etc. let me know if you need reccs!!
i reread character wikis constantly!! especially the personality section and the quote section. it really helps me get a feel of their character, especially the dialogue. i also like to read fanfics of them because i want to see how others portray them.
reading in general helps!! i love love love reading quotes because i get a lot of inspiration from them. but reading literature can help you grow-- whether it’s learning new words and incorporating them in your writing, or being exposed to different writing styles.
that being said-- everyone has their own writing style. this is something that can always change! experiment with your writing. please don’t compare your writing to others and feel like yours isn’t good enough. you will find what works best for you. everyone has something unique to bring to the table, whether it’s how you portray a character, how you approach how they handle a situation, etc.
don’t get discouraged by the amount of notes/kudos you get! it’s hard and honestly it can suck, but someone out there loves what you’ve written. someone out there has shown their friend, probably freaked out about it, and someone out there rereads it constantly. and if you like what you’ve written and you’re proud of it, that’s what matters in the end.
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archieism · 5 years
Sea Lion + Archie omg please please please
list en . songs that fit characters even slightly make me go CRAZY
the sad reckless energy of sea lion…. the absent mother lyrics…... (look what i did, ma / look what i did to my hands, i broke ‘em / you gave me the stone, gave me the chisel / didn’t say how to hold ‘em) the imagery of hands and mental spiraling….. the themes of selflessness and giving and giving until you deplete yourself and trying even then at your own expense……. (didn’t say to give away every piece of the puzzle / till i was left with nothin’ / but i took it upon myself to crush it up / and distribute the dust)
the rampant recklessness of trying to prove yourself....... (i’ll take him out for some gasoline / trade this cow for some magic beans / gonna make mom proud of the deals that i made / ‘cause i’m just a modern day johnny appleseed) the few lines alluding to using sexual encounters as coping mechanisms…. (no, i know no one said it was gonna be easy / but sweet jesus who wants to sleep with me? too many moves to learn / not enough people to put ‘em on) there’s literally a line about ‘cryptic gang men’ imdkvs hello (brains and bloods and cryptic gang men/ tzars and warlords breaking bread) and a few musical references, one piano-leaning technically, but more actually singing-related…..
the end of the last verse tapering off to a tentative hope and resolve…. (but i sing a different song / of how the wheres and whys of now all prove i don’t belong / but i’m staying / i’ve planted seeds and plan to watch them grow) paralleling archie’s s4 arc with the community center and sudden dedication to riverdale as a town despite all the ways in which it’s hurt him, to honor his dad’s legacy……
(the rest under a cut bc it be like that sometimes)
i’m DEVASTATED. the song literally starts out with an audio clip that says ‘a healthy distrust’ which makes me go insane as a general theme because apparently(?) some sea lion mothers leave their young if they can’t get enough food for themselves or something, which isn’t that bizarre, but they’re also prone to being a bit sensitive to disturbances from their resting spots (psa not to bug seals if u see them on beaches), not coming back from feeding offshore and abandoning their pups if need be. and while i don’t think mary’s a bad person at ALL or that she’s even a bad mother, but you could say she’s not a bad mother because she hasn’t really been a mother at all. but due to her being a generally cool person, i forget that absent parental roles (whether it’s just one or both) can really fuck you up in your developmental years.
and from season 1 episode 1 to the present, we see adults time and time again take advantage of and / or manipulate archie, often twisting his goodness specifically to their gain at the expense of himself. and yet despite this, archie actually seems to continue to just blindly trust adults around him if they seem relatively harmless at first, or even just harmless to him or his loved ones?? he’s starting to be a little wary now that season 4′s rolled around with like frank or whatever, but he’s still very open and forgiving, even when he tries to put his foot down every now and again. but it’s super fascinating to me that this is the case, as you’d expect his trust in any adult figures to be virtually demolished at this point, whether it be by active harm to him / those around him, or passive non-action that leaves people hurt / him feeling like he’s the only one that will actually do anything to help anyone. yet he continues to trust, despite a little healthy distrust being pretty appropriate if not encouraged at this point in his life. 
the entire vibe of this song to me is fending for yourself. which is the definition of most of the kids on riverdale, but the combination of symbolism specifically (music/singing/broken hands/absent mother/dead father/the reckless selflessness that almost feels more like a desperate attempt to prove one’s self worthy of importance) feels more on brand for archie than any of the others to me. and that illustration of not really knowing what to do with yourself because you were never taught how, at least not pertaining to what life ended up throwing at you (sometimes literally just because the things you end up needing to learn could never have been anticipated by your parents, especially in archie’s case), so you’re just gonna try everything even if it kills you is so BEAUTIFULLY portrayed, so lyrically fluent and succinct, i’m just . going thru it . and the closing lines of resolving to work with what you have to help make the world a better place, even if it’s mostly guesswork that’s gotten you this far. how you’re gonna make the best of what’s happened, what you couldn’t control, and people are gonna do what they do and probably accidentally make things worse, but you and your life and your actions have a complicated elegance to them now that almost feels like only you can understand as a result, but you’re still moving at all and it doesn’t feel like you’re killing yourself to do it anymore and that’s what matters, even if only you can truly know how hard you’ve worked just to do that.
(i’ve decided i’ve been invited to my own resort / where knights can leave their armor neatly piled by the door / and every woman, child, and man will gather by the shore / and study how sea lions swim in cursive)
idk i just think it fits archie in all the right places and i think it’s rly neat.
#anonymous#answered#long post for ts#this got out of hand#listen u enabled me i went for it#i want a fmv so badly...........where can i buy some TALENT#i could TRY to make one of those lyrics + screencaps things yet i wouldn't know where to start to do that i'm rly that dumb huh#why do i even have a brain what is the POINT#but this song...........it fits a lot of my faves but it's archie on the mind hours#also me? projecting familial issues on archie? it's likely sisters!#i probably have a mix of archie and jug's parent issues but like#archie's almost feels like a weird non-opposite but opposite subverted version of my parental issues so it's free real estate#an actual trying their best parent who was there for u but also kinda accidentally installed a more harmful brand of selfless love 4 others#aka fred#and an absent parent who u still love but like their absence rly fucked up ur familiarity with that gender itself or just +#+ fucked up ur entire family dynamic bc suddenly a dynamic that ideally runs on two adults leveling with and helping each other is reduced#+ to just one and now ur either parentified by the parent or take it upon urself to do so in order to compensate for that hole in the famil#+ and it just fucks up ur sense of identity and even worth and is all around almost covertly fucking u up in tiny but THOROUGH ways......#ANYWAYS#aka mary#half of that is headcanons but it's also statistically common so#idk the song fucks me up archie fucks me up it's a fun fun time#this entire monstrosity of a post is a prime example of my coping mechanisms spelled out we love to see it#but also???? thank u so much for the ask?? i love any opportunity to analyse archie and it's just a bonus if i get to rant abt music too#ur an angel & i love u#meta#i guess??#archie andrews#riverdale#mine
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stonermurphy · 7 years
Hey, hey, I love your alien abduction au and I'd love to hear more about it
okay so like thi ended being way longer than expected but literally i cant think of a tl;dr that tells all the points i want to tell so heres this long ass thing 
edit: more paragraph breaks for easier reading!
okay. alien abduction au. So it starts out with evan, connor, and jared all in the same boy scout troupe together. evan and connor are best friends but jared kinda imposes his will on evan a lot since theyre around each other a lot more. during a boy scout camping trip when there nine years old, connor goes missing. he’s gone for about three weeks and the whole town p much is on a frantic search to find a child the presumed to be kidnapped.
 the whole time he’s gone evan is nervous wreck and his psychosis really comes out full force telling him its all is fault as he was supposed to be connors buddy during the camping trip, he was supposed to ensure this specific situation didnt happen. 
exactly three weeks after he went missing, they find connor in the same woods he they had lost him in. it takes a few weeks nd therapy sessions for connor to finally even speak again after the incident, and when he does they try to talk to him a bunch of questions to figure out what happened. he is very definitive with his answer: 
he was abducted by aliens. 
obviously no one believes him, hes nine and has a history of being rambunctious and wild, why would they? they try rly hard to get him to talk about what really happened but he insists he knows that it was aliens and eventually gets to the point that he starts having bad episodes when ppl ask him about it becus he knows no one believes about something rly rly fucked up that happened to him.
Evan tries to visit his old best friend only once after the incident, cynthia is so excited to schedule a play date for connor, she really hopes this will get him back on the right track. but my poor boy,,, after an like an hour or two of the two having fun,, albeit a bit awkward and stiff on both their parts,,, connor decides to confide in evan about his experience. 
when he says ‘aliens’ evan assumes he was joking, and laughs just the smallest bit. connor, having thought that evan was the one person who would believe him, p much loses it :/,,,,, he starts screaming and crying and throwing things around,, evan almost immediately starts having a panic attack, curling in on himself and rocking back and forth while hyperventilating…. after this cynthia and heidi decide its best to keep the two apart for awhile. 
when evan tells jared of the incident, jared proceeds to tell the entire class how the murphy kid is a freak who thinks he was abducted by aliens. cynthia and larry home schooled him at first so they could ease hi back into school, and then realized with the episodes and the way kids are it would be best to just keep him home schooled. becus news spread from kid to kid, kid to parent, and parent to parent. they decide to keep him home most of the time becus of the looks and the whispers towards and about their son. connor grows up isolated and paranoid, but never doubts his experience. 
YEARS LATER,, IN HIGH SCHOOL,,, connor murphy makes his return to public scool! theres lots of gosip and shit but connnor keeps the fuck to himself and threatens anyone who fucks with him so hes p much the uh,,, weird freak stoner that everyone tells rumors of but never talks to like he is in the musical :/. 
evan feels. bad. he’s felt guilty and sick since the day connor went missing and that feeling hasn’t gone away once in the years since. but he’s older now, he’s in therapy! he wants to right the wrongs he feels like he’s done. So he tries,, he reaches out to connor. its really tense and awkward but they honestly,, rly easily fall back into place? 
like they have that weird ‘hello person i used to be close with’ rapport that rly sucks but then,, that just melts away after a minute and they just. talk. about whats up and how theyve been,, even if it is a little hollow with them both carefully avoiding talking about the incident and big of an impact it had on their lives. they hang out more. 
they talk more. it gets less hollow every time, they inch closer and closer to talking about what they need to until finally, FINALLY, they do. 
and its great honestly? like connor talks at length about what happened and how it effected (and kind of ruined) his life and evan talks at length about how guilty he’s felt and all the things he wishes had gone differently,, evan admits he doesnt know if can believe connor about what happened and connor says (lies) how he doesnt need evan to believe him. 
after that theyre practically inseparable, theyre best friends again and it seems like their lives are ten times better just becus they a real and good best friend. its awesome! its rly super great! right up until,,, alana beck goes missing. 
her parents are devastated, and connor is sure he knows what happens. a break in their evan and connors friendship happens again when connor insists she was taken the same as he was and will be back in three weeks and evan insists that connor ‘takes things seriously for once.”,,, connor tells evan not to speak to him again and the next day, goes missing again as well. 
here’s the fun part of the au: when alana comes back? she informs everyone that she was abducted by aliens as well. she tells the same story connor has for so many years. and when she finds out connor went missing right before she returned? 
shes absolutely and completely devastated. she spent the whole three weeks telling herself that they would have each other when or even if she ever got home. the whole town knows the story of connor murphy, and she’ll be damned if she won’t make them realize the truth of it. 
alana starts an ad campaign, she hangs up hundreds of handmade posters does bake sale fundraisers to pay for a billboard and a website,,,, no one in town can leave their house without seeing a sign that says in big bold letters: “CONNOR MURPHY WAS RIGHT” with a link to a website telling his and alanas stories. 
the rest of the au is just,,,, what happens next? does evan believe what happened finally? does he team up with alana to tell connors story? does he think alana is telling lies to seek attention? does still think theres no such things as aliens? willconnor come back this time? will anyone believe two nobody kids telling a wild story about aliens of all things??? find out next time on alien abduction au….. 
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kosmicdream · 7 years
Temp. FFAK Official Timeline
This is a very rough, temp timeline for FFAK. It mostly covers events that have already happened or at least have been mentioned. I dont really cover anything that is happening in the present day timeline lol. I might make edits to this in case i fucked up in places or maybe ill just do a totally new one at some point! you dont even know how messy my actual one is like my god its an ever worse horrible clusterfuck of text. (Also remember, the ffak story has no time travel so dont be worried about that sort of mindfuckery!) enjoy
Years before 1414: Whenever was 600 million years ago i dont want to do the exact math: Evil Mother is born but shes not called that at all cuz she adopts that name later in life but just know she is here and readt to party Lots of stuff happens. like idk. evolution and life. 600 mil years is a long time ok -LALALA -HUMANS AT SOME POINT COME TO BEING.and form civilization and.. all that -modern human society exist! ppl have tvs and such. -Mandragora Worms have gone ‘extinct’!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ooooo -??????????? a ton of other stuff. isnt history cool?? kicks legs, yells -mysterious worm break outs all over dmtia. bombs fall. wars. despair!  -Grant Lumberman gets a doggy at some point and loves it but then it dies and so does his family and friends and his whole city he is relocated to the Auseklis moon colony (on Dmtia’s moon!) along w/ other Vena Cavian kiddos !!!! (in yr 1414)
YEAR 1415 [Scene From Ch. 11: Pages 3161-3196, 3400-3401] Characters: Randall Aiguille - Age 20 Mr. Rotten (Which was named “Aeschylus” at the time, created by Randall) Crosshatch Unit (sort of) Rembrandt Aiguille - Age 22 Grant Lumberman (Aka, ‘Good Leadman’) - Age 14 Octavian “Otto" Silverberg - Age 15 (I was gonna type up every referenced scene like this then i was like fuck it thats too hard! lol)
Years 1416-1425 ?????????????? (most events likely will be mostly covered in a prequel series.) YEAR 1420: Crosshatch Unit first programmed/built by Randall/Rembrandt Aiguille leadman and evil mother fall in lurv at some point
YEAR 1426 Miracle Baby Crimson is Born (From Good Leadman/Evil Mother worm fuck action yeehaw)
YEAR 1427 -Crimson’s 2 eyes are removed + Evil Mother Believes they are dead and leaves Leadman to work with Tricend -Canary is Born (From Evil Mother, and a King Worm) -Hekatons are made (From The King worm that made Canary, concept of Hekatons is from Evil Mother) -July 8th: Perkons Hatches and will not let anyone near the other 4 eggs!! stay away
YEAR 1428 - Good Leadman (Age 27) and Perkons (6 months old) Meet (Happens in Jan) (Multiple scenes in ch10, continued in Ch11) Perkons turns 1 in July. -Perkons gets a hold of 1 of Crimson’s eyes at some point, turns it into a Knife.
YEAR 1429 - Perkons turns 2 in july and is a fully matured adult. Rest of the 4 hekatons eggs hatch sometime after in that year. -Dievas assumes protective guardian role for his siblings.  -Dievas meets Aeschylus. (ch11) YEAR 1430 Perkons turns 3. The rest of the first hekatons are one. During this year they mature to an adult. YEAR 1431 Lauma meets Velns, who is imprisoned. Then shortly after, Perkons confronts Lauma, she is 2, he is 4. So It took place after July 1431. He transforms the 2nd crimson eye into a Spoon in front of her.
Years 1431-1448 (specific dates not all disclosed sry): -Velns/Lauma, Dievas/Laima begin making children. baby baby baby! YEAR 1438 - Crimson (Age 11) is eaten by a Hydragora Queen worm - loosing her human body in the process but gaining a worm one instead. -Crimson runs around in a destroyed city, holding a corpse. Meets Velns who taunts them. -Lauma and Dievas make up, and have their first nest together- a Batch of A/B hybrid eggs. -Lauma is killed by Perkons -Velns is killed by Perkons (Which was also on Dmtia’s Moon, so the moon is destroyed.) -Laima is “killed” by Perkons. (Actually survived, as part of Dievas’ plan.) -Perkons confronts Dievas with the Crosshatch Unit and mention they fight for Peace and under the “Thumb” alliance. Perkons kills Dievas. (scene in ch11) -Laima escapes with A/B Eggs, as well as other hekaton eggs. (and will later form the Ghost Kingdom, which she rules as queen.) ????? many other things happen????? these were some busy years folks
YEAR 1449 -Crimson meets a Helper, Galore the Hekaton, and a Bunny worm (who will later grow up to be agent Paper) in the forests of DMTIA (Ch9) -Galore “meets" her first parents, Lauma and Velns, in some mysterious coma dream thing from listening to crims sexy magical heartbeat (also Ch9) ??????????more events happen??????????? -Galore “Dies” by exploding. Crimson witnesses it. -Bunny wormed named Cirrus “Dies” and is buried in a grave. However, she was only injured she later climbs out only to witness Crimson and Celadon leave in Crimson’s truck and it was the saddest thing ive had to draw ok. i am crying even remembering it ??????????more secret events this was yet another busy and traumatizing year for crimson????????????? -Months later, Crimson (age 23) has a conversation with her third mandragora heart, and ends up having a period sex masterbate-y fantasy that made many readers scream in terror when they read it.(Ch11)
Years 1450-1904 god so much stuff happens during this time, lays on the ground. i mean just fucking look at how much time that is. thats over 450 years lol nbd right
YEAR 1905 -Agent Knife is sent on a remote mission (back to Planet Dmtia) to hunt down one of thumbs most wanted criminals, a man named “SIMON MCGOLD” -After months of searching/failed attempts at locating him, Knife confronts and is stung by Simon’s close personal bodyguard, a queen worm named Nail who is famous for killing over 50,000 Hekatons. (Gaining him the nickname “Hekaton Hunter.” (CH12) -?????????? more stuff happens like you dont even know????????
Years 1906-1924 ??????????? lots of stuff??????? lets laugh at some spoon stuff together tho -Spoon thinks Knife is stupid but weirdly interesting i guess -Spoon tries to pretend hes not in love w/ knife cuz thats like??? g...ay??? -Spoon realizes he’s totally hot for Knife and decides hes gonna totally seduce him -Spoon realizes flirting isnt going well with knife and is actually rly deeply hurt by rejection and so he tries to sleep around w/ other ppl  to pretend hes fine cuz w/e!! who cares -Spoon realizes hes totally in love w/ Knife and is devastated by Deeply Gay emotions -Spoon moves in w/ Knife and spoon tries to pretend he is fine w/ just being Knife’s obsessively devotedly loyal but not romantic/sexual partner. just ttly... platonic.. best dude pals..!!! who murder together -Spoon realizes he cannot handle just being friends and attempts to move out cuz he just is having a meltdown -Knifes like chill we’re already dating and Spoon is like “wtf we are?” and knife’s like “why else would i let you move in w/ me” and spoon just stares at a wall for like 12 hrs in shock -They start to officially for real date™ after spoon regains contact with reality -???????stuff??????? -Spoon dresses up as AGENT BEE!!!!!!!!!!!! THE MOST IMPORTANT EVENT IN ALL OF HISTORY HANDS DOWN MARK UR CALENDARS 
YEAR 1925 July 8th - Simon (now Agent Spoon) has been in a relationship with Knife for 20 years. He meets Celadon #1. Location is the forests on the moon THUMB HQ. who is rightfully pissed as fuck at him. kick his ass, girl (she does btw) (ch11)
YEAR 1926 -Knife Adopts a tiny perfect adorable fluffball c-type and names him Kurt. -Spoon hates it like more than anything ever -Spoon and Knife end up having to live separately, causing a huge strain in their relationship.
Years 1927-1936 -feeling neglected, Spoon starts to sleep around, including the Crosshatch unit and becomes p close friends w/ them! its actually a positive thing for once. wtf (ch11) -Kurt becomes Agent Fork and works alongside Agent Knife on missions and its adorable and great but knife’s depression is also growing bc he misses spoon
YEAR 1937 Cash Leadman is born! :D
YEAR 1938 Rome Aiguille is born! he doesnt even hate worms at this point! Years 1939-1955 more stuff. ect. 
YEAR 1956 -Locket confronts Knife. Knife is so traumatized from meeting a surprise biological child that he has a meltdown and vanishes. he is then believed to have died. -Spoon Explodes from sadness of the news, but does not die. Half of him leaves to Cash Leadman’s house, who convinces him to keep living. He becomes “Scissor”, using her former crosshatch robot body. (ch11) -The other half meets Locket and has his Spoon stolen from him. very sads. Also cant wear thongs anymore (ch11)
YEAR 1957 -At some point during this year, Spoon kills Agent Rock’s dad and also prevents Fork from being able to enter Wibbleworld (his dream). (Scene in ch8) -Fork goes back to prison (guess what, it wasnt his first time goin’ there!) 
YEAR 1958-present -the death of rock’s hot dad springs a chain reaction of all his sons trying to kill spoon and getting revenge. Spoon successfully kills them all though lmfao. dont fuck with the leg.  -fork breaks up with dollop and she starts stalking him
YEAR 1961 -Dylan and Agent Knife meet in Wibbleworld moon, on July 8th (his birthday) He reveals secrets to her. (ch11) -Dylan/Celadon and Antony believe they are successful at killing Agent Knife on this same day.
YEAR 1962 -Feb 2 - Aeschylus wakes up in LEVEL K of the Crosshatch Colony (The Aiguille Moon) and is escorted by Antony Aiguille (Age 21) and Celadon #1, #2 and #3. Dylan and Barfy show up. (Ch 11) -Dylan tries to convince Antony not to get eaten (and fails) (ch12) -March - A mysterious earthquake and worm outbreak kills 20,000 residents in the Crosshatch Colony. O_O  -July 7th - Fork meets Dylan for the first time. :3 (Another serving episode one!) -July 8th: This is where the present timeline begins! Canary wakes up on a platform. Hooray! we made it. i dont feel like typing out the events u can just read the comic i guess lol. farts! 
YEAR 1963: Hasnt actually happened yet, but the final feast is said to occur this year!!!!!!! O_O ooo  EDIT: one of the events were out of order, but this has been fixed (8/19/2017) 
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