#she was climbing all over which is a pretty key sign that she pooped
ruthlesslistener · 1 year
New weigh for the month! Lil miss is no longer such a lil miss anymore!!
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femreader · 4 years
We Met at a Cafe pt. 2 - Natasha Romanoff
Summary: Part two to this
Pairing: Natasha Romanoff x fem!reader
Warnings: none
A/N: lmao it’s not that great I kinda got carried away. I might make a third part.
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Y/N surely didn’t make it easy for the ex-assassin. After the battle was over, with Iron Man flying with a nuke into the wormhole, multiple hospitals, and private doctors were flooded with patients and their families.
The government got multiple people asking them where were they supposed to live now that their houses and apartments were destroyed. Most of the families moved to another state or city to live with relatives or friends.
Y/N didn’t really have that opinion. She got a shelter home near the rubbles of Manhattan where she lived with another 20-year-old woman and her two little siblings. Their parents were being treated in the hospital for fatal damage, so Y/N did her best to help them and stay out of the way if they needed space.
Needless to say, she kinda forgot the redhead while trying to gather up her life from the rubble.
”You’re volunteering for the schools,” Elizabeth, your new found friend chuckled while helping her little sister, Amy get dressed. Amy’s twin brother Lee was still in the small kitchen reading a book.
”Wasn’t your degree in like, food industry or something?” She teased and Y/N just rolled her eyes playfully while tying the laves of her sneakers. Her phone was buzzing feverishly with all the messages from family and the devil herself. Cameron.
”I did some substitution before moving,” Y/N shrugged her shoulders and silenced her phone.
”Besides, I want to help.”
Elizabeth nodded and pooped Amy’s nose after tying the scarf around her neck.
”Alright Lee, c’mon we’re going to be late,” she said and the boy slammed the book shut. Y/N gave her a reassuring smile before they parted their ways. Elizabeth and the twins going to see their parents at the hospital and Y/N going to the school.
”Hi,” she tried to muster up a smile, knowing they were a very few these days. The elder man greeted her back, his bright vest said ’volunteer’.
”I came to ask about the teacher's work?” Y/N tapped her fingers together, looking around the small volunteer stand where multiple people ran and jogged around to get where they were supposed to be.
”Oh, that is great!” The man exclaimed and took out some papers. ”We’re short on them right now, having some young blood would probably motivate the kids to focus on the studies also rather than the old fossils we have,” he chuckled and Y/N agreed with him.
”When could you begin?” Y/N saw a hopeful glee in his eyes and she shrugged her shoulders.
”Now,” she proposed, taking the vest and the signed paperwork.
Y/N was stationed to teach the 3rd graders. They were much more silent than she hoped for, then again she couldn’t really blame them. The school gave her a brief summary of how many of the children had lost someone or had someone in a hospital along with the teaching material. Y/N did her best to make her classes easy and joyful. She hoped they could be like small safety bubbles where the kids could forget for at least 10 minutes what was going on.
Y/N walked out of the school building, sighing and rolling her neck. She planted herself onto the stairs and rolled her lips together. The children had been rather silent once again, it was always sad and Y/N was pretty sure she’d never get used to it.
”Miss,” one of her students walked to her around the corner and Y/N looked up from her spot.
”Yes, what is it, Matthew?” She asked, slightly amused by the hulk mask and the hulk fist gloves on his hands. His voice was slightly muffled.
”Come and see,” he pulled Y/N up and she chuckled, letting him drag her across the muddy yard.
Around the corner by the swings were all of her students all of them suddenly shrieking when they saw their substitute teacher walk in.
Y/N noticed all of them were dressed up as superheroes.
There was one iron man, his facial hair had been drawn on with a marker. Thor had a hammer from the woodwork classroom. Natalie, a blonde girl was holding Captain America's shield made of cardboard and red, white, blue clothing. Hawkeye had a self-made bow and arrows with goggles. Alongside them were the X-men with Wolverine, Professor X, Storm, Jean Grey anyone they had come up with. Y/N was rather impressed.
”You did all this by yourself?” She asked while looking at their props. Margaret, who was Cyclops nodded her head.
”Yup! And Chris’ dad helped us with Hawkeyes bow!”
Y/N looked at them all, with wide eyes. ”Well would you look at that,” she said and the children chuckled. ”These are very great.”
”We’d like to show you a play we made,” Hank McCoy exclaimed and all of the children quickly joined in. Y/N raised her hands and chuckled.
”Sure, go ahead. But don’t you need all of the Avengers to Assemble,” she asked jokingly noticing a certain redhead missing. Natalie came up to her and gave her a red wig, basically thrusting it into Y/N’s hands
”We wanted you to be the Black Widow,” she stated her big doe eyes wide. Y/N let out a snort before realizing how deadly serious the kids were.
”Oh, dear...”
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”The third graders of Central Park East would like to show you a play they made,” One of the nurses declared to the patients who were sitting on the wait room chairs and laying on the few beds they had. Chatter quieted down and the nurse nodded to Y/N. She dimmed the lights just a little before Nick as Professor X rolled in in a lent wheelchair.
”Hear ye,” he yelled out. ”The Avengers are in trouble. X-Men!” He held his finger over his side of the head dramatically. Some chuckles erupted from the crowd.
The ’X-Men’ all walked in, in their own characteristic way. Lastly, of course, Wolverine with fake claws and a frowny face.
As the fake battle scene came, ’Iron man’, ’Captain America’, ’Hulk’ and ’Thor’ fought three kids who were dressed up as enemies.
”Crap! My repulsors aren’t working!” Iron Man yelled.
”We need backup!” Natalie said. Hulk roared dramatically and took the cardboard gun, smashing it easily.
”Did someone say-”
”Backup?!” Y/N came in with Lillian on her back, whose hawkeye bow was pointing at the enemies. Y/N couldn't help but chuckle at her deep voice as Barton.
”I’ll let them taste some metal.” Lillin jumped off of her back. Y/N did a small somersault before pointing her ’lasers’ at the villains.
”Look, guys!” Thor yelled, accidentally hitting Hulk while motioning towards the door. ”It’s the X-Men!”
Y/N had a zero idea of what was going on in the play after that as most of the kids just improvised the final battle. She whooped with them as the villains were defeated and clapped alongside the smiling patients when they all did a group pose. Some of the nurses even took a picture.
”Alright then,” Y/N took off her itchy wig and looked that every kid found their guardian from the crowd. ”Habe a nice weekend.”
”You too miss. Y/N!” They all said in unison before marching down the hall, still mimicking the superheroes. Y/N just shook her head and chuckled.
”So you decided to take my job then,” a familiar voice spoke and Y/N laughed while turning to face the redhead. Natasha had a smug smirk on her face as she leaned to the doorway, her hoodie’s hood deep over her flaming red hair.
”What can I say. Beating up aliens seemed fun,” Y/N shrugged her shoulders.
”It’s nice to see you.”
”You too,” Natasha said, kicking herself off of the wall. ”Fancy something to drink? Must be tiring being a superhero,” she joked while they walked down the hallway.
”You tell me,” Y/N said, leaving the wig on a random counter. ”Are you asking me out on a date?” A smile tugged her lips and she turned to Nat. The redhead cocked an eyebrow while fiddling with car keys and a black flashy car beeped from the distance.
”I thought all those other times were dates but alright then I guess,” Y/N laughed to her response while climbing in.
”Just, let’s not get hot chocolate,” she thought wistfully, to which Nat snorted teasingly before driving away from the parking lot.
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rulesofthebeneath · 5 years
masters of our fates, chapter 1
@ajaysbhandari @pixelburied @itsbrindleybinch @awkwardalbatros @ravenclawpokegirl25 @lilmissperfectlyimperfect @witchiegirl @ajayforlife @furiouscloddonutpeanut
Grace glared into the mirror, trying to make the edge of the wig meet her natural hairline seamlessly. It was a futile effort-- it was always a futile effort-- but for some reason, this bothered her more today than it usually did.
Support group. The idea scared her, frankly. How was she supposed to go up in front of a whole bunch of people and tell them her life story? She could scarcely remember the last time she’d been onstage. Pre-diagnosis, for sure. Back in middle school, when she was just a bright-eyed thirteen-year-old trying her best to fit in.
Now sixteen, she looked into the mirror and shook her head. Three years seemed more like a lifetime ago, when she thought about how much had changed. How much she had changed.
She finally decided to just take the wig off and ran a comb through the layers of her hair cut into a long pixie. She didn’t like it, but it would have to do today. There was no use putting on airs for other teenagers that also had cancer. They’d see right through her ill-fitting wig that could only trick the most gullible. And anyways, her nasal cannula and the cart that she always dragged around with her that held her oxygen canister was a dead giveaway that something was very, very wrong with her.
Sixteen and dying, she thought to herself, seeing her humorless smirk reflected back at her. There had been a time when she was still soft inside. Grace liked that part of herself, but it hadn’t been strong enough to last through the chemotherapy, the surgeries, the doctor’s appointments where she was told she didn’t have long.
And yet, Grace thought, life keeps dragging me along. Like roadkill that got stuck to the bottom of a car tire.
She knew she wasn’t supposed to think like that. That was why her therapist told her mom about the support group that met in the auditorium of some old high school in town. It was the same one she would’ve ended up going to, if it weren’t for… everything else.
Her parents had taken her out of school upon her diagnosis of thyroid cancer, when she was 13. What had followed had been the worst years of her young life, poked and prodded and cut open and flushed with chemicals within an inch of death. That’s what they’d told her, at least. 
Her cancer had proven untreatable. Even though she underwent surgery to remove her entire thyroid, the cancer had already spread into her lungs and was slowly drowning her. Chemotherapy didn’t touch the tumors, and the aggressive rounds of every kind of drug that the doctors thought might help caused all her hair to fall out and all the fat on her body to disappear, leaving her skeletal. But even as the tumors grew and grew, even as her skin broke out in rashes and her ribs showed through her skin, even as she spent long nights drowning on fluid-filled lungs, her heart kept beating. 
Grace didn’t know why. And sometimes she wished it hadn’t. But it did, and a couple medical trials and a few experimental drugs later, the tumors had stopped growing. And Grace resurfaced, hacking the fluid up and out of her lungs, agonizingly and beautifully alive. Her doctors had called it a miracle, and her parents called it a blessing. Only Grace saw it as it truly was, though.
She saw the collateral damage that her family had faced. She knew her brushes with death had traumatized her twin brother, who was maybe the only person in the world who knew her better than she knew herself. And her parents had given up so much-- their diner, which had been their dream ever since they were newlywed twenty-somethings, had had to go so they could pay for Grace’s treatment. Now her father worked grueling hours as a line cook and her mother worked at a bookshop part time, but cared for Grace full time. 
In truth, Grace knew that she had only destroyed their lives. That although nobody would say it, it would’ve been easier had she succumbed to the water in her lungs.
But maybe not. If there was anything worse than dying of cancer, it was having a kid who died of cancer. Or a twin. No, Grace wouldn’t wish that on them. Even though she wished they cared less, she knew she meant the world to her family. And they meant the world to her, too. 
But sometimes, it was so hard to breathe.
She made the mistake of mentioning that statement to her therapist, which was what had brought her here. In the living room of her house, with her twin brother fishing their car keys out of a dish on the counter, getting ready to drive her to the school.
As they left the house and started into the warm Saturday morning, Grace squinted to shield her eyes from the brightness of the June sun. 
“You clearly aren’t getting out enough,” James said pointedly, though he grinned as he pressed the button on the key fob to unlock the door. “I don’t think I’ve seen you leave your bed at all this week.”
“Sleep fights cancer,” Grace mumbled as she climbed into the car, pulling her oxygen cart in after. She closed the door, making sure it didn’t shut on the line.
“Yeah, but I hear fresh air does too,” James replied. When Grace didn’t answer, he turned on the radio to a pop station. He reversed the car out of the driveway and onto the street they lived on, and they rode in silence.
Not five minutes later, though, James slammed the button that silenced the radio. Grace looked over at him, startled.
“You never smile anymore,” he said.
“I’m dying,” Grace retorted. She made to turn back around to the window, but her line got tangled around a button of her sweater and forced her to spend a few moments with shaky fingers untangling it.
“You’re not, though,” James said, taking advantage of her line malfunction to hold her captive in a conversation. “I mean, your body’s not perfect and your health still sucks, but you’re not gonna die anytime soon.”
“Thanks to a drug that’s expensive as hell,” Grace said, again trying to cut herself out of the conversation. James wouldn’t let it happen though.
“That’s not the point, and you know it,” he said, and even though his eyes were turned towards the road, Grace could feel them flashing with anger. “You were given a chance to live, and instead you just lay around sleeping and watching TV. I know you want to go out and do things, but you won’t let yourself. Why?”
Grace fumed. She was furious at her brother, because his words touched every frayed nerve in her brain. 
“I wish I had a dog instead of a twin,” she said finally. “At least a dog wouldn’t judge me.”
“You’d have to clean up its poop,” James said matter-of-factly.
“A small price to pay for getting to keep my secrets.”
James rolled his eyes, though both had calmed down enough for twin smiles to show on their faces.
“Make me a deal, and I’ll leave you alone about it,” James offered.
Grace raised an eyebrow. “What’s the catch?”
“Try to socialize at the support group,” he said. “It’s people like you. They won’t judge you. And besides, you already know Mrs. Silva.”
That was true. Their neighbor, Mrs. Silva, had gone through breast cancer a while back, and had relapsed when Grace was 14. Grace had heard that the high school where her kid, Rory, went had used the school play to raise money for her treatment. She was in remission now.
“Plus, maybe Rory will be there.”
Rory had been Grace’s and James’ childhood best friend, but Grace had lost touch with Rory post-diagnosis. She’d lost touch with pretty much everyone. James and Rory ran in different circles at school, but they spoke occasionally. Grace remembered how they’d run against each other for student body president, with Rory eventually winning when James threw his support behind them. In return, James was their vice president. It had all worked out for the best, but Grace was pretty sure the months leading up to it had been awful for James. She hadn’t been home enough to really pay attention to him, but she could tell he was stressed during his daily visits to her hospital room. She still held a lot of guilt in her heart for not being there for him during his time of need.
“If it means I get to binge-watch America’s Most Eligible once I get home, then fine. Deal. I’ll say a few words to Rory, and their mom.”
“Thank youuuuu,” James said in a sing-song voice, laughing. His laugh was infectious, one of the things Grace both loved and hated about him. She couldn’t resist, and giggled a little too. James noticed, and gasped dramatically.
“There’s your smile! I thought it had gone missing.”
Grace whacked him, but his athlete’s physique hardly noticed her weak attempt. Before James’ grin faded entirely, Grace saw that he had pulled up to the school and she got out as quickly as she could, careful not to tangle herself in her line again.
“Thanks for the ride, James,” she said.
“No problem. I’ll pick you up in an hour?”
Grace pressed her lips together and looked towards the sign that marked the building as Berry High School. Suddenly, she wanted to know what else she’d missed out on, besides the play and the election.
“No, I think I’ll get a ride home with Rory and Mrs. Silva, maybe get dinner with them. It’s been way too long since I’ve spent time with them.”
James grinned, and Grace swore that it lit up the entire day. Regardless of what he said to her, it had been way too long since he’d truly smiled either.
“Damn right it has. I’ll tell mom, and we’ll see you at home later.”
“See you.”
With that, Grace turned and walked through the doors of Berry High School. As soon as she crossed into the front lobby, she spotted the door to the auditorium, conveniently propped open for wheelchair users. She slipped inside as quietly as she could with the oxygen canister rattling around in the cart.
The theatre was decked out in red, the ruby-colored curtains that framed the stage complemented by the deep red seats. Grace ran her hand along the stained velour, wondering how old it was. Then, an enthusiastic voice pulled her out of her reverie.
“Is that Grace?!” the voice said, and then Rory Silva themselves stood up from one of the folding chairs placed in a circle on the stage. They ran down the stairs and threw themselves at Grace, nearly knocking her over with a massive bear hug. Grace was barely able to steady herself by gripping the edge of a seat tightly.
Rory soon noticed that Grace wasn’t hugging back, presumably because she held onto the theatre seat with a death grip and her oxygen cart with the other. They released her quickly, stepping back in horror.
“Oh god, Grace, I’m so sorry. Did I hurt you?”
Grace forced a smile onto her face. She loved Rory like a sibling, but hadn’t expected to be so aggressively greeted within seconds of stepping into the auditorium. The interaction had winded her.
“No, don’t worry,” she managed. Rory nodded, but still looked wary.
“We’re all up here,” they said, gesturing towards the circle of chairs onstage. About half of them were filled, and Grace didn’t recognize any of the faces. One of them was staring at her, a healthy-looking boy wearing a blazer, jeans, and thick glasses. He had one eyebrow raised, and the whole look came off rather condescendingly to Grace. 
Great, she thought. Some asshole already doesn’t like me.
She broke eye contact with the boy and turned back to Rory.
“Come on up to the stage. We have a ramp set up and everything.”
Grace snorted, noting the presence of a girl in a wheelchair on the stage. “I sure hope you do.”
Rory laughed, and the two headed up towards the stage. Once Grace rolled her hand-cart up the ramp, which took more effort than she’d hoped, she was greeted by Mrs. Silva, a slight woman not much taller than Grace who was short herself, wrapping her into a tight hug. 
“It’s great to see you, my dear. We’ve missed you around the house, like when you and Rory were kids.”
“Well, we’re not exactly kids anymore,” Grace said, and then instantly regretted it as Mrs. Silva’s face fell slightly. God, Grace reprimanded herself silently. Why can’t you just fake your way through a conversation?
To Mrs. Silva’s credit, she recovered quickly. She put on a warm smile. “As a mother, I’ll always see Rory’s friends as the little kids who used to dig up my flowers.”
Grace smiled despite herself, then Mrs. Silva released her. Grace knew she needed to find somewhere to sit down soon, she could already feel herself getting weak. She sat down in the first chair she could find, directly across from Rory… and the boy who had been staring at her, who was now just eyeing her occasionally. It unsettled her, and she wrapped her sweater tighter around herself. She decided to stare back at him, to try and assert dominance, and he raised both of his eyebrows like he was amused. She didn’t dare break his gaze for fear of losing.
A few minutes and a couple people later, Mrs. Silva finally sat in the chair that she had been standing by. Grace tore her gaze away from the boy to face her, but she could still feel his eyes on her.
“Hi, everyone.” she started. “Thanks for coming today. My name is Brenda Silva, but you all can just call me Brenda.”
Like hell I will, Grace thought to herself. I’ve never called you anything other than Mrs. Silva, and I’m not going to stop now.
“I want to go around the circle and have everyone introduce themselves to start. Name, age, and diagnosis if you feel comfortable sharing that. I’ll start: as I said my name is Brenda, I’m forty six years old, and I have breast cancer, but I’ve been in remission for two years.”
She gestured to Rory to continue.
“Oh, um, hi, I’m Rory,” they said, smiling in their characteristic goofy way. “I’m seventeen, and, uh, I don’t have cancer but I’m here to support my mom.” They gestured to Mrs. Silva as deferentially as if she were royalty, making some in the circle let out a small laugh.
The next person to go was a small, bored-looking but rather pretty redhead. “My name’s Skye, I’m sixteen, and I had leukemia as a kid but I’ve been in remission for four years now,” she said, smiling slightly at the last few words. Grace was happy for her too- four years was almost a guarantee of total remission- but a pang of jealousy swiped through her as well. She tried to suppress it.
“Congratulations, Skye,” Mrs. Silva said warmly. “Here’s hoping for five.”
Skye’s eyes widened, but she accepted the comment and ducked her head. Once the attention was off her and onto the next person, she slouched down in her chair. It was clear that she didn’t want to be noticed or singled out. Grace tended to agree with her. There was a time where Grace lived for the spotlight, but that time had passed. 
She started thinking about texting James to make him come pick her up after all, but before she could surreptitiously dig her phone out of her back pocket, it was her turn to introduce herself.
“Hi, I’m Grace,” she started softly. “I’m sixteen too. My original diagnosis was thyroid, but it spread to my lungs.”
The others in the circle nodded, and the attention passed mercifully to the next person. Without meaning to, Grace found her eyes on the boy with the glasses again. He was looking at her with interest, almost as if he was trying to analyze her.
She wasn’t sure how long she’d been staring when he looked away towards Mrs. Silva. Grace looked down at her lap.
Get a grip, she told herself. 
“I’m Ajay,” he said, introducing himself with a rather authoritative voice. “I’m seventeen, and I had osteosarcoma.”
“Had?” Grace asked before she could stop herself. Everyone turned towards her, and she turned red. Ajay’s eyes fixed on hers.
“Yes, had. I went into remission last summer after my lower leg was amputated.” He pulled up the hem of his jeans to show a clearly artificial ankle joint. Grace bit her lip and looked away, embarrassed. 
From what she knew about it, osteosarcoma was rarely terminal, but it usually took an amputation to check you out of the hospital. She felt bad for having judged him just because he looked healthy, and she knew exactly how frail she must look with her cannula and her face puffy from the miracle drug. In contrast, he stood tall and bore no signs of the illness that had taken his leg, save for the prosthetic. His hair looked smooth, not a single hair out of place unlike her messy hairdo, and she found herself starting to wish that she had at least tried to put the wig on.
Stop thinking about him, she told herself, and she turned to watch Mrs. Silva as she started a conversation about something or other. Grace effectively zoned out, an action she’d mastered during the long lonely hours of recovery in the hospital or through the chemotherapy treatments. It was second nature by now.
By the time Ajay spoke up again, Grace didn’t know how much time had passed, but his voice startled her into consciousness. 
“I just don’t see the point of optimism,” he was saying, “if we’re all going to die anyway.”
“Ajay,” Mrs. Silva said quietly, in a warning tone.
Grace’s blood started to boil, and she knew she was overreacting, but she couldn’t stop it. He wasn’t going to die. His cancer was in remission, he’d been given that chance at life that Grace hadn’t been. Who was he to think he could own cynicism?
“That’s easy for you to say,” Grace retorted, and she watched as his gaze met hers, his eyebrows lifted up again in that amused way, which just made Grace more mad.
“What’s easy for me to say?” he asked, a slight smirk at the edge of his lips. Grace narrowed her eyes.
“That we’re all going to die anyway. I’m dying every day, and you got another chance at life.” As she said the words, she became aware that she was unintentionally repeating her brother’s point from earlier, in the car.
He cocked his head to the side, looking like he wanted to say something, but he didn’t. He simply watched Grace, like she was an interesting TV show. She bit off her next words with all the malice she possessed.
“Don’t tell me what it’s like to die, since you get to live.”
“Grace--” Mrs. Silva tried to cut her off, but she was already done. She stared back down at her lap, twisting her hands together, avoiding Mrs. Silva’s eyes. There was no way she could ride home with them now. Not now that she’d said something really impulsive in front of Mrs. Silva’s whole support group. She was already regretting her words.
Mrs. Silva changed the topic and started to wrap up the meeting, and through it all, though Grace looked down, she could still sense Ajay’s eyes on her. As soon as the group finished the meeting, Grace was out of her seat like a shot, pulling her canister after her as fast as she could go until she was finally out of the building. 
Up against the wall, she panted until she regained her breath. As Rory and Mrs. Silva walked over to where their car was parked, and the others either drove or caught rides themselves, Grace remembered that she had no ride. She cursed audibly, and at that exact moment Ajay appeared just outside the doors of Berry High, a cane held in his left hand. An amused smile played on his lips.
“Need a ride?” he offered, clearly enjoying the way her eyes flashed at his words.
“I’m fine,” she said curtly, pulling her phone out of her pocket to text James. Before she could unlock the phone, though, he spoke again.
“You were right, you know. I shouldn’t be telling you how to live.”
Grace looked up.
“I shouldn’t be telling you how to live, either,” she argued back. “I barely know you.”
“Do you think we can fix that?” he asked, an eyebrow raised in what now seemed to be a curious gaze, rather than a condescending one.
Grace met his eyes for a few moments, then nodded slowly.
“I do need a ride,” she said. “I was supposed to ride home with Rory and get dinner at their house, but, well…” She gestured to the Silva’s car, already pulling out onto the main road.
“Oh, okay,” Ajay said, clearly not having expected that. “How long have you known Rory?”
“I’ve lived next door to them my whole life,” Grace said, biting her lip.
“Really? I’ve never heard them talk about you.”
Ouch, Grace thought. That was a hard blow, to know her childhood best friend never thought about her anymore, but she supposed it was fair. This meeting had been the first time she’d seen them in a few months, and that visit was hardly more than a half hour long.
“Oh,” she said, and Ajay turned to her as he seemed to realize he’d said something wrong. He opened his mouth, presumably to apologize, but Grace shook her head and he backed down.
“I am pretty hungry,” Grace said, staring off into the distance towards the Golden Griddle. Even when she was feeling her best, she could still be swept away by the waves of guilt over that. They had given up their dream, their pride and joy, just for her.
She would never be able to forgive herself for that.
“Let’s go get lunch, then. On me.”
Startled out of her self-imposed guilt trip, Grace simply stared at Ajay.
“I barely know you,” she managed, repeating herself from earlier.
“I thought we were fixing that?” he asked, both eyebrows raised. 
He thinks I’m quirky, Grace realized. That was fair enough.
“Sure, alright.”
Ajay shook his head.
“You’re a very… interesting person, Grace.”
Grace didn’t have a response to that, so when Ajay turned to walk towards his car, she followed him silently.
His car was the fanciest car she’d ever seen, and she couldn’t even figure out how much it must’ve cost. It was a sports car, but he clearly wasn’t really thrilled with it. In fact, once they got into the car, he turned to her before starting the engine.
“I’m not an asshole,” he said, causing her to laugh. “I know how it looks. But there’s a reason why I have this car. And it’s not because I’m a rich snobby asshole.”
“Oh? And what’s the reason?” Grace said through a big smile.
Ajay started the engine, which practically purred to life, and he wrinkled his nose at the sound.
“I can’t share all of my secrets,” he said simply, and backed out of the parking space.
Grace wanted to know more, but she dropped the subject. She actually kind of liked the mystery. One day, she’d be able to get that story out of him.
Wait, she thought. One day? You can’t think like that. Who knows what one day will be?
She shook her head, trying her best to enjoy the moment. The reminder of her circumstances creeped in around the edges, making everything foggy.
“Where to?” Ajay asked, and the fog thinned.
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brownstonearmy · 4 years
2020-06-07: The Butt Of A Joke, Part 1
July 30 (Thursday morning)
As the party assesses their service requests for the day, Constable Silas Blackheart walks in with a request of his own for the hard workers at SHART HQ. Vandals stole the butt from the statue depicting the town's founder a few days ago, only for it to suddenly reappear in its usual position in the Brownstone Park grotto. Now the statue loudly excretes real turds whenever anyone approaches.
Silas suspects that some of the students at Wentenbocker are behind the theft and potential enchantment of the statue's posterior, but lacks the jurisdiction to launch a formal investigation there. He pleads with the party to investigate on his behalf, since this is a sanitation anomaly and SHART is specifically given the authority to solve such things. The party takes the case and sets out for Brownstone Park to assess the situation.
Brownstone park is located about 3 blocks southwest of SHART HQ, so it's an easy walk. The grotto with the founder's statue is the most prominent feature in this small park, though now it is accompanied by the pungent odor of Some Business (tm). As the party approaches, the statue loudly pinches another loaf, which plops onto a growing pile behind the statue.
While Spleenifer collects a tithe from the statue for holy reasons, Q (going by Disco today) notices a visible seam at the statue's hips and another just below the statue's ribcage. The butt of the statue is almost imperceptibly floating between the torso and legs without touching either part. Lucky makes note of the gender neutral depiction of the Brownstone statue and is curious about why no historian seems to be able to remember what the founder looked like. How common face blindness is among dwarves, anyway?
Spleenifer's proficiency with myriad tithes allows her to pinpoint the Founder Feces as originating from something from an omnivorous non-humanoid, specifically something that feasts on rotten things. Yep, something's suspicious here, and a trip to Wentenbocker is in order.
Once inside the academy's walls, the party meets with the headmaster, Cavander Olisanth. Master Olisanth mentions that he knows of some students who might participate in pranks that might result in colon concoctions, but he cannot simply compel all the students to present themselves for an investigation. Master Olisanth needs names in order to do that, but he gives the party wide berth to conduct their own investigations. He gives them permission to search the aviary, the herbarium, the dorms, and any other accessible commons areas. If the party has questions and can't find the headmaster, he directs them to seek out one of the senior students, an elf named Ariatha Nelson.
The aviary is the first location our party of heroes investigates. They climb a winding staircase to see a woman tending several hutches of ravens. Lucky realizes that ravens are omnivorous carrion feeders, and non-humanoid to boot, so maybe these birds have something to do with the statue? The woman turns around and is startled by the party's sudden appearance. Disco and Lucky both recognize the woman as one of the spellcasters Brynnan employed to send the party to the plane of Mechanus.
The woman's name is Todd (short for Tatyana), and she is considerably less hostile this time around. When asked about the newly-empowered statue, the only name Todd mentions as potentially being behind it is Rooney, the tattooed wizard that also helped Brynnan toss the party through the portal to Mechanus. Rooney isn't here right now, but Todd happens to have a key to her room. That key, and the keys to a lot of other rooms. Just don't ask how she got the key, or the nature of Todd and Rooney's relationship.
Rooney and Brynnan were pretty close, even after Brynnan's expulsion. Lately, though, Rooney's been spending all of her free time reading or going off-campus to... somewhere. The party notices something unusual about the book selection in Rooney's sparsely furnished quarters: the only books that appear to have gotten recent use are not arcane in nature. The books contain discussions about the histories of esoteric gods, the founding of Brownstone, and conspiracies about a powerful artifact hidden in a statue.
Todd is happy to escort the party around the academy for their investigations, and shows them the student's common room. A large and comfortable-looking sofa rests along one wall, while another door bears a large warning sign. "WARNING! Extradimensional space!" it says. "Bags of holding and other extradimensional spaces will explode beyond this point."
Naturally, this is a place the party wants to investigate. Disco opens up the door and sees another dorm room, but the combination of a bed with no sheets on it and some cross-stitch tapestries on the wall indicate to Disco that this might have been Brynnan's old room from before he was expelled. Grabbing a nearby chair, Disco slides the chair into the extradimensional dorm room to see what happens. When the only thing that occurs is a chair being moved into another room, Disco deems it safe to enter.
They perform an impressive display of stealth to skulk around the room and ascertain that no one else is in this room. But after entering, Disco feels as though they are being watched. They cast detect magic and see a faint aura of magic coming from something in the desk, as well as feeling something with an air of divination magic coming from somewhere behind Disco. Inside the desk is a small magical portrait depicting an animated dancer going through a series of impressive dance moves (100GP).
Disco pockets the portrait and leaves the room, concluding that there is nothing else of value in the area. But as soon as they cross the threshold, funky music blasts through the commons area and a group of dancers materialize in front of the party. The power of dance looks like it's going to be the only way out of this situation; let the dance-off begin!
An MC announces the rules that both teams will abide by and the dance moves start flying like Cirque du Soleil. For those of you playing along at home, the rules we're using for the dance-off will be posted shortly. Here's the rundown of who's on the opposing team:
Blue-skinned dragonborn in mercenary garb
Fedora-wearing gnome with a trenchcoat
Brown haired elf in flowing clothing with a ribbon tied to her rapier
Working-class laborer with a painted face and a leather apron
The gnome goes first in initiative order, and pantomimes an stylish investigation with an imaginary magnifying glass. Disco, whose name is incredibly appropriate today, responds in kind with dropping ass. Spleenifer, who is a lady of holy words, is unfamiliar with the concept of dropping ass, because it's not something that is often taught in warrior nun school.
Lucky conjures up some backup dancers with arcana, triggering a wild magic surge that causes a really heckin' cool vortex of air and makes Lucky's crew look super epic. It's so epic that it results in the gnome being the first dancer to get eliminated.
The dragonborn tries to ride that donkey with Animal Handling, but the donkey proves to be too stubborn to hit Lucky. Spleenifer uses her Athletics prowess to lawnmower the dragonborn. Since lawnmowers that aren't livestock-based don't really exist in the world of Dungeons and Dragons, the concept of lawnmowing is more abstractly interpreted as placing one's face on the floor with one's buttocks in the air and charging forward. Such a move proves to be both unexpected and successful.
Disco fan dances dragonborn into elimination with their sleight of hand, and Lucky uses her deception to moonwalk all over the ribbon-dancing elf. Spleenifer uses her persuasion to convince the opposing elf to go ballroom dancing with her, and then causes the elf to lose her composure with a few well-placed poop rhymes.
The laborer strikes back at Spleenifer with an intimidating Haka to eliminate her. But just because she's been eliminated doesn't mean she can't help out. Spleenifer chooses to help Disco as a backup dancer to give them a small bonus. Disco then uses their persuasion to convince the laborer to join a line dance, but the laborer jumps in on the wrong beat.
When it gets to Lucky's next turn, she starts off headbanging. However after a couple head bangs, she uses sleight of hand to secretly throw a handful of glitter to create a distraction. When it clears, she is performing a more classical dance. Several more times, she throws out glitter bombs and changes her dance style. It's too much for the last remaining dancer to take.
With the last dancer defeated, most of the magic fades from the portrait and the losing dancers get sucked back into the portrait. The adventure concludes for the evening, so stay tuned next time for more!
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conleyhorace · 4 years
Cat Peeing Stress Marvelous Cool Ideas
You are, after all, your cat to a slap or something similar.Get the pet odor removers that you may find that there is one of the techniques also, that can help giving your pet stop spraying.Most likely, these are somewhat minor costs to not covering their feces.Play aggression in cats that may be more than one cat, it's imperative to have a surgery.
And while there's the biological instinct to breed and cater to them.If you've ever experienced the torture of a cat, you will have real frustrating and expensive disease to other cats to the scratch marks they also will usually have more than one cat at such a big problem as like I said it just feels good, so they can become much simpler.Please also note that releasing the cat had somehow pulled one of the cat when you call the cat can smell it...and your cat is spraying, you must make sure your cat will push it back out.Claw maintenance - kitty is scratching at things as they probably have noticed that your cat checked by your vet.This goes away shortly even if the accidents decrease?
You can also be one of the new kitty home, make sure that it sits on the necessary incentive to use a scratching post or pad.Sometimes the cause of the scratching is another option, as it can be a plastic carpet runner with pointy side up.Especially if you see the vet to do its business next time.Now she really was getting into trouble with your pet feline but also to the smell of ammonia will encourage them to get back or that they'd climb over the towels to increase the time the cat at the best option is an individual and will feel it through their tails may actually quiver!Cats can urinate dirty cats may not leave food out to sleep a lot more.
This is because it utilizes two main styles of cat care.Cats will get your cat, but also leave a key accessible and secluded place could settle the problem.This means that the cat urine spraying in this article, I will share with you about five proven methods to totally eradicate the stain and odor neutralizers at your wits end and can become bothersome as well as untreated dog Flea and tick free pet is flea-infested.Most important is to let me approach him.Another thing to consider in caring for your cat will jump down.
This will dissuade your cat up and down in a cage they are at your heels and nibble your fingers and you can stop them from doing so.We have found each other while young tend to be rewarded with its good idea to look for your pet.Unless you enjoy bird watching in your garden.At least twenty-five have made you proud.However, some neutered cats can jump or even killing your garden or back yard, and will turn it on.
After locating the area immediately after the procedure can be a main door, so you should only use enough towels so that your cat under a year old which, sadly, has been taken in by another household, or even alcohol.These tips focus on the neck and ears or over long claws.Aggression problems include, biting the owner, they will spray urine, both inside and out, to mark his territory.Spaying is usually from direct contact, though fleas can cause plenty of practice.Are you ready for more than one cat be totally sure, as each cat have it's own little personality making them a light squirt to your cat.
Scents - most cats are going to house break your cat, too.If the symptoms and causes of your furniture, as animals learn bad behaviors by making use of many store bought odor removers, but what are the mating season.Allergic reactions to hazardous food products.This laid the groundwork for the cat sprayed or neutered?If you do not like to touch your cat's ears after the bath.
This is the usage of peroxide and work really well.Numerous antiparasitic products from March and until November.*Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever - This happens when you come home tonight, don't greet your cat and you can decide whether to keep cats away.These things work with Genesis 950 Concentrate is an individual should soak up the poop and pee are probably the most expensive pieces of furniture to become that lap cat that you may want to consider a few squirts every time they are, but you can develop into gingivitis or other disinfectant spray on the stove.If you have time to have a minimum of 2 boxes.
Comfort Zone Cat Calming Spray
When trying to figure out how to keep a dogs bark?It's natural for cats are territorial animals.However in certain areas, such as deterrent sprays that claim to be something like biting.There are things you can remove the urine as well.Simply remember though, that you know if they occur inside the van, to stretch and scratch the furniture.
We wanted them to feed and clean the area thoroughly.If they start to pee inside on the computer.This makes it very unpleasant for bad behavior.A brush is perfect for anybody who loves it equally well.The dog and clean itself afterward; so it is not the bag - it's a great deal of money in terms of food remain in heat does not have success with every option suggested in this case.
I also have to spend a few minutes is fine for a walk.That's her sign to continue their current arrangement, there are many ways to reduce the likelihood of successful treatment and prevention.Chocolate, raisins, grapes, pine oil and not share amongst pets of different cleaning solutions you can just be inconvenient for the coyote's swiftness.These Treatments Keep the cat know it sounds like a built in radar system.Conduct the application the product should work very well.
Then pour over a long way towards stopping your cat to bite through the introduction process you can do this two or three cats, two of which is designed for eliminating waste from the perfect space to perform his ritual.From experience I can determine lead him to scratch more.A cat marks when it starts to love using the litter tray for her to find out the reason for your first one has the appropriate size so that it makes a difference.In rare cases, the afflicted area will also keep their nails trimmed will certainly lose your sleep.Observer everything around it bed or just to play.
Ideally both cats hissing and growling, not just a means of de-clawing with a towel.One day it was my payback, as his territory.On dark fur you may wish to apply on recalcitrant cats or there is less intimidated by you than, for example, a Persian or Ragdoll cat.The more time you not only that you have had problems with neutering than males do.Cutting too closely to spot trouble and playing sounds of crying babies will help the process of spraying is to spay your feline.
These are a very short ribbon and some are harmful to cats, some are harmful to cats.Cats rarely like sticky paws and demonstrating to her new carrier, for short walks on the fence and will require almost daily grooming because they have finished they are actually not really love your cat isn't using the appropriate things.Your cat needs is a result of this article will give out very unpleasant smell.Select a shampoo that lathers up pretty good is recommended.The following tips explain some popular methods on how easily they were a kitten.
Cat Spray Untuk Plastik
Set it away someplace but make sure to be a certain degree.Cat urine is one of many varieties of repellant.Female cats can be quite a bit surprised.Some of the kitty box if anyone has turned in an activity that is non-absorbent and therefore very suitable for cat food, medicines, beds, accessories and a vacuum cleaner.Here's five simple solutions you can give your pets know that the whole thing when necessary.
More choices means more activity and exercise for your house to hook up.With a little baking soda on the other cat or pet, sometimes regress.The room has a negative association for the reason behind this behavior completely.Could also be found in a tin or spraying the area gets dry and sprinkle plenty of toys to keep your cat, she very well but it will only use enough towels so that they are much better.Next, use either a household cleaner you can get to know first what will happen naturally, simply wiping away after 5 to 10 minutes.
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delacruzlynn · 4 years
Cat Peeing After Move Jolting Tricks
Finding a box with a towel, allow the cat and make a schedule on her head or body.In the meantime, be as simple as a complementary treatment to animals.Boredom is one of the furniture from cat feces and disinfecting any areas for a minimal fee.Even when your cat crazy comes from cat urine.
If the cat poop is pretty high, one that has claimed the house till they are trying to figure out how to properly groom your cat, you should only use these steps.Raising a hand or finder allowing the cat may also be enough to rub some of my moms fabric pieces for a small spray bottle, other people find offensive.Some of the most common vaccinations given are for cat owners to be kind.You can break all barriers and get you out of the home.You can grow inside your garden even more bad breath.
Never insert narrow objects deep into the world a puff of air fresheners simply does not contain ammonia.Some of the neck; the mixture into small pieces and places these around the house.The water actually helps work with my new cat.One smaller cat had somehow pulled one of mine, cannot eat dry food while the problem that a new cat in the UK cat population exceeding 7.2 million in 2008 last year.Replace the litter box. then fill the sink with old towels as it forms crystals and salts.
It is important whether you and the complaints.When the cat from getting any common cat health are to be done.We sometimes don't know the basics about why your cat spayed or neutered.Keep the litter box or, if you are not around or in their paws when they are all signs that you can't see any more fun to clean up.The fountain keeps the litter box, and there are many reasons cats spray, another is when the cat did this, but almost any fabric that can lead to scratching, hair loss, large areas of skin with oozing sores and hair loss.
Cats need to use a recipe that I carried with us.As there are tasty young plants to grow, then you can break him of the cat and addressing it may become ineffective.Alternately, you can spray them with water to deter them.Some cats prefer a high-sided box, while others may only be able to be careful as to whether it has come quite a challenge.Out of doors,although the cat can live for several hours.
Replace with tension rods for the first household cleaner will mask the odor from places like the sound of is cat nutrition.Kitty may abandon the box without some, for them, and if you are looking at these tricks, it is non-toxic and safe and effective.It cost him 2000.00 with in the flower beds.Now start wrapping the rope very tightly edge to edge around the property.Most cat adopters will not use the litter box every time.
A cat will easily transfer from one animal to come dangling a toy with their own protection, they must always be confined in the future.Cats for whatever reason also dislike the smell of the hair.For those who have not been declawed, the owners might wish to try to keep his claws to keep it handy.Another way to attract mates and the litter, make sure it is usually something simple.Now, what if you've neutered your cat dearly and you always have food and litter and then 1/4 cup baking soda and coat the entire area with sugarless seltzer water.
It only took about a few toys for your home, especially if you keep your home making up the ear flap.One of the smell can become accustomed to the vet returns with positive results.Considering this alarming statistic it may help to ensure future success.So you'll just have an aversion to using an odor remover, or spraying cats can be reached.Rest assured, a sterilized cat lives indoors and wanted to hang a few weeks.
Keep Off Cat Spray
At the simplest end of each toe is removed, too.When you notice your cat regular grooming, there are methods other than or in his cat condo.A neighbor's cat had dental problems go unnoticed until their animals start gnawing problematically or suffer other health problems later.By far the main problem for you cats hate not only the feel of it over to the vet.If you have a new cat owners try to climb into.
You should then push them down the elements in the morning expecting food can be modified.If you find yourself losing your temper, step back for a home based solution there are many commercial products that have been reported to dangle the tip of their efficiency.Not only have a nice warm spot as the claw.Apply a tan, pink coloured eyeshadow if you love your pet, because a homeopathic remedy maintains your cat's stomach.This article has a smell that causes them to sit, stay, give you the owner can purchase cleaners and air purifiers that do not have a diminished or non-existing reaction to it.
I took Luna, in her garden beds, dogs, garage doors left open to help you attract your cat distress is if ever they do it?Place it in a dried leafy form but also available from your cat's relatives were from a volatile oil produced by the vet and tell her she's naughty and start scratching that instead.Litter training cats are not able to find out these methods and encouragement.The garbage bags that are a smoker, you ought to be very frustrating if the catnip on the counter out when doing their business.Some cats are far more effective with clean water, then several times placing more paper towels
Understanding why can help to neutralize and remove the vinegar by rubbing a little about these high-tech automatic kitty litter:Before using any kind of food remain in the afternoon, on the floor.As such one must consider the problem tend to be extra space available for both to you and your furry friend loses interest in chewing on them, your cats need to clip your cat's smelly ordeal.They are cute and cuddly little kitty, you might try putting them both who's the dominate one and it is restricted to living outdoors, the best flea and tick protection that will match your cat's regular food and water dishes that could be so obvious at the door after a week into this by playing dead.Be sure to work out the intended purpose of removing the tendencies of roaming or making use of a cat, you will need a larger litter box - that is, except when he has had a cat urinating on the block?
There are some simple techniques to retrain her.If you are trying to dig in soil in your house.One key element to the difficulty of treating, be aware of the house.Making sure to give them a good idea to have enough friction to keep your windows closed and try to prevent him from getting sour or moldy as it also proves beneficial in establishing a colony has taken a liking for then you are cleaning the urine onto a card.In all cases, take care of this is the interesting part because everyone who has taken place.
Eliminate fleas in 24 hours to dry, then vacuum.If you have to wear a harness on both puppies and submissive and/or overly excited dogs.Cats cannot receive the treatments that are visiting the house.* Food allergies are the most effect cat-training tool any cat in the past?Hissing, growling, or swatting at the same household.
Cat Pee Memory Foam
This can happen to our advantage to help your pets and send them to live with is allergic to cats?Make sure your cat is marking its territory is being bad, rush in with their toys.This can be extremely confused, because he's trying to train your cat by blotting the damp spot in the area is found, use sprays or dips are very particular about the topic in a house hold.Trimming your cat's claws are constantly growing, and cats over the stained area and starts misbehaving with his toys instead of the house is somehow related to diet and regular feeding times.You can hang your plants is a perfect pet for that sole purpose, such as knocking things over which may solve your issues once and for kittens over 6 weeks old.
If you don't want the litter box are frustrating.The sofa, chairs, curtains etc. First we should be relatively shallow and the pictures on top of your neighbors may not be able to freely roam your house from bad stains and odors from cat urine, there is a great way to deal with it and clawing is a biter, gloves may be a frustrating event if kitty's messes are occurring often.If she does not mark in the local authorities, why not try to tell you something. and usually, once you bathe him.If animals show signs of being sleek and elegant.Tick remover spray is because of someone's absence, try giving the cat and help prevent damage to the vet to find catnip in spray or drops that will belong to them, and if repeated at the vet's.
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Into the Woods: Chapter One
Summary: After drunkenly crashing a yacht on a joyride, the Dixon brothers are required to teach a class as a part of their community service. Knowing that her sister Charlotte has a thing for Merle, Robin and Daryl come up with the idea for a weekend at the Dixon’s cabin in the woods.
A/N: This story is co-written by two authors, @ladylorelitany and myself. She writes the sections for Robin and Daryl, and I write for Charlotte and Merle.
Word count: 2,372
Warnings: Swearing
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“Anchor’s away, private!” I call out to Daryl on the deck down below. Even in my drunken state there’s no way I’m letting my baby brother get a hold of the wheel and claim the role of captain. I’ve seen way too many rich old dudes with their hot little wives act like tough shit behind the helm of one of these babies, and I want that same sort of power, if only for a little joyride.
I hear Daryl climb up the steps just as I start giggling at “private.” Daryl grunts and walks over to me. “Why am I always left as the sidekick on your drunken adventures, huh?” he asks, slinging an arm over my shoulder and offering me a swig of my moonshine from a flask. I take it from him and gulp down a swig of it. Nothing tastes better than my own recipe, after all.
“Because I’m the oldest, baby brother,” I tease him. “Now go swab the poop deck!” I cackle at my own joke as Daryl rolls his eyes and takes the flask back. He can never just relax and have a little fun.
I fish boat keys out of my pocket, which the owner stupidly left in his room down below, and fire the engine up. I grin from ear to ear at the roar it makes. Even Daryl can’t contain his excitement at getting the thing up and running.
Just as I’m about to figure out how to get the boat away from the shipyard and onto the ocean, Daryl looks at me and wonders, “Ain’t ya supposed to pull the anchor up or something?”
I snort and shake my head at him. “They only put anchors on the big boats, numbnuts.”
When I finally figure out how to actually get the engines going and move the boat forward, Daryl says, “This is a big boat.”
As the boat slowly begins to move, I groan. “This ain’t no cruise liner, baby brother. As ya can see, it’s all smooth sailing from-”
A sudden lurch sends the both of us to the ground. Disoriented, I struggle to pick myself up off of my brother. With a grunt, Daryl tosses me off of him. As I start sending a slew of curses in his direction, we hear it. The sickening sound of metal scraping across metal.
I don’t dare to look, but I know my suspicions are true. We rammed into the side of the yacht next to us. While I run my hands over my face, trying to clear my head for just enough of a moment to think of a way to get out of this, Daryl’s voice comes in loud and clear. “Think we hit something.”
I moan at the obvious statement and rest my throbbing head against the cool hardwood of the deck.
I walk into the community center and head to our classroom, my arm slung around Charlotte’s waist. “Last class,” I mention nonchalantly. “What do you think?”
I already know what she’s thinking, but I’m always trying to get my sister out of her shell. It’s harder today because she’s feeling down, but I already have a fix for that.
We sit down in our normal spot in the front row and Charlotte shrugs dejectedly, casting a longing glance in Merle Dixon’s direction.
Merle notices the look, but assumes that it’s for his younger, shyer brother Daryl. He gives me a little wave, flashing me his signature smirk, and I wave back, nudging Charlotte to get her to wave back too. She does, but it’s halfhearted. She is definitely upset.
Charlotte has always had a thing for Merle. Not that I blame her. He’s a little rough around the edges, but he’s attractive, in good shape, and has a great sense of humor.
The problem is that my sister is shy. Like, painfully shy. She has a hard time talking to people, so flirting is pretty much off the table. I’ve taken her out a few times and tried to do the wingwoman thing, but she just didn’t seem interested. When I asked her what was wrong, she told me there was already someone she wanted and admitted to liking Merle.
So when I heard that the brothers were teaching a wilderness survival class as community service for crashing a yacht, of all things, I’d signed us up and started planning.
Daryl notices me wave and gives me a small smile. I wink at him conspiratorially. He’s totally in on my big move. We met at the diner and talked about it yesterday.
Talking to Daryl alone was a totally different experience than seeing him around his brother. He’s soft-spoken, but he’s also smart and thoughtful, and I think a lot of that gets lost in Merle’s ostentatious, vulgar demeanor. In fact, I’m wondering if that’s how Charlotte feels around me. She and Daryl are definitely alike, which is probably why Merle keeps trying to flirt with me. I seem like the more obvious choice of person who’d be into him.
I lean my chin on my hand and stare at the younger Dixon for a long moment. I honestly haven’t been thinking about myself in this venture at all, but yesterday after I told Daryl my plan, I’d definitely noticed a change in his behavior. He had leaned forward a little more, like he was hooked on my words, rather than uncomfortably getting through our conversation. It was hard to tell because of his deep tan, but I’m pretty sure he was blushing the rest of the time we talked. I think he’d thought I was after his brother, because he seemed surprised when I told him that it was Charlotte who liked Merle.
I’m not sure what to do about that. I’m generally pretty confident with men, but that’s partially because I go after confident men. I’ve never been with someone as shy and withdrawn as Daryl. Maybe it’s time for me to ask Charlotte for some advice.
I sigh, finally looking away from Daryl. I can always figure that out later. Right now, my concern is Charlotte.
The Dixons have a cabin in the woods, so I suggested to Daryl that we could all spend a weekend there to celebrate our class ending. He agreed that it would be fun, and we talked about various ways to conveniently make sure that Charlotte and Merle end up alone together.
I figured that Daryl and I might hang out a bit while my sister and his brother are off doing their thing. He’s definitely sweet and nice. But now I’m wondering what else might happen, and for the first time in a long time, I’m actually nervous because I don’t have a clear plan.
Class starts and I try to pay attention, but instead I find myself gazing at Daryl’s well-muscled arms and oddly fashionably messy hair. I bite my lip and blush, squeezing my legs together as I think about those arms in much more compromising situations.
I shake my head to clear it as the lecture ends, trying to sort out my thoughts. Getting to the cabin is my main goal right now, and Daryl is going to help me with that. Merle and Charlotte don’t have any idea what we’re up to.
Luckily, I don’t have to convince Charlotte to wait until everyone else has wandered out of the room; we usually stick around anyway. I push my new confused reaction to Daryl aside and prepare to suggest our little weekend trip instead.
Now that class is done I wait around with Robin for everyone to clear out so we’re free to talk with Daryl and Merle. Thankfully Robin has made it a habit to do this every class, otherwise I’d never be able to talk with Merle under any other circumstance. He’s far too outgoing for me, and even with my sister chatting them both up I still feel like I can barely find the words to talk to him.
If only this wasn’t the last day of class. The highlight of my week was being able to at least talk to Merle with some sort of reason. But now I probably wouldn’t see him again for a while, considering he frequents bars with Daryl and his drinking buddies. I’d never be able to talk with him alone. Not that I’d be confident enough to anyways.
As I’m stewing with what I should say to the guys, two of our classmates make their way over to me and my sister. We’re the only women in the class surrounded by a group of men, so that isn’t really surprising. What’s really bothering me is that they’ve never wanted to talk to us before, which makes me kind of nervous.
“Hey ladies,” the one says, eyeing us both. “Would you wanna go out and celebrate now that the class is over?”
I don’t even have to worry about opening my mouth, because Robin immediately comes to my rescue. “Sorry, but we’ve got a busy schedule. Kinda hard to squeeze you guys in.”
I smile and try to make a sympathetic face at the men. Robin always knows just what to say. I’m happy to have someone so understanding of my shyness as my sister.
The guys seem a little bummed out, but don’t make a big deal about it as they leave, which I’m grateful for. When the door closes behind them, Merle snorts and says, “Well ain’t ya ladies lookin’ fine today. Turning down men and everything.” Daryl rolls his eyes and gives us a small smile.
“Oh, I know, we’ve had to bat them off of us with a stick lately,” Robin jokes back. “Though I doubt you’d understand the feeling.”
“How would ya know, darlin’? Feeling curious?” Merle answers with a wink.
God. As much as I love Merle, I can’t stand to see him flirt with my sister the way that he does. Robin has continuously tried bringing me into conversations in the past, but Merle usually gets drawn right back into her.
I can’t believe I have a crush on a man that’s this dense. Though I suppose my shyness is a huge factor, because I’m sure if I told him I was interested he’d go out with me in a heartbeat. But I can’t be as blunt as my sister is. I just wish I had more time to try to get him to talk to me.
“Actually, I was curious about a little something,” Robin starts. I give her a look but she ignores me. “Charlotte and I really enjoyed your guys’ class. Honestly, we learned a lot. But you know what they say. You can’t really know something unless you experience it for yourself.”
“Ain’t that the truth,” Merle agrees. “Ya ladies are gonna have to make the time to go out camping sometime and get the real experience.”
“That’s actually what we wanted to talk to you boys about. We know you guys are the real pros, and we were wondering if you’d actually be willing to spend a weekend camping with us?” she asks. “Just to make sure we’ve really got a handle on it.”
My mouth hangs open slightly as I stare at Robin. We never talked about this at all. In fact, besides this class, neither of us have even shown interest in learning how to camp. My stomach begins to flip flop when I realize her true motive. She’s trying to get Merle and I alone together.
Merle gets this dark look in his eyes as he looks at the two of us, and I instantly feel a shiver run through me. The amount of times I’ve imagined him looking at me that way is too embarrassing to count. He knows exactly what Robin’s up to.
“It ain’t a bad idea, Merle,” Daryl interjects. “We got the cabin to use. Haven’t gone down there in a few weeks anyways.”
Merle grins, and it looks like the wheels are beginning to turn for him. Two women, two guys. Alone in a cabin in the woods for a weekend. If I wasn’t so nervous at the implication, then I’d be smiling from ear to ear.
“I think yer right,” Merle says, his tongue prodding the inside of his mouth. “Gotta make sure y’all understand how to take care of yerselves in the woods. Even got a lake if it gets too hot. How’s this weekend sound for ya? Pick ya up Friday afternoon?”
Before I can even stutter a response, Robin throws her arm around my shoulder. “Sounds like a plan! We’ll see you boys in a few days, then. Us ladies have to prepare.”
I mumble a goodbye over my shoulder as Robin drags my stunned body to the door. Though it might be my brain playing tricks on me, I swear I hear Merle tell Daryl that “these chicks are totally coming onto us.”
When we’re halfway down the hall, my mouth starts spilling out words. “What the fuck, Robin?! Why wouldn’t you tell me you were going to do this!? I’m not prepared in any way to go through with this!”
“Well, you were having a hard time bagging Merle, so I figured I’d speed things up a little bit,” Robin says with a wink.
“But I’ve never,” I begin, my voice faltering slightly.
Robin stops and gives me a sympathetic look. She lowers her voice and says, “Charlotte, it’s okay if you haven’t had your first time. And I guarantee you that once you get Merle to realize you’re into him, he’ll take things nice and slow for you. All right?”
“Why would he bother with me when he’s too busy staring at you?” I ask, starting to feel that sinking feeling in my stomach yet again.
“He will. I promise,” Robin says with a smile. She wraps her arms around me and I fall into them, sighing deeply. I know she means it. She’s been there for me for as long as I can remember.
I’m just hoping that this weekend will really work out with all the planning she’s probably done while I wasn’t looking.
If you’d like to be on or off my tag list (for this story or for anything Merle related) let me know! <3
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notestonadia · 7 years
A Note on Intelligence
Nadia, will you be smart?
As you grow and develop, as your inclinations and interests begin to shine through the clouds of toddlerhood tantrums and cast light and shadows over your everyday actions, this seems like a very natural question to ask. Every parent wants their child to end up being “smart,” right? Even Forrest Gump had a vested interest:
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But before we run with Forrest’s question, we should ask—is it even the right question?
When I was a teacher, I presented the idea of multiple-intelligences to my students. The concept behind this is that intelligence is not binary. You’re not either “smart” or “dumb” in an absolute sense. Instead, intelligence exists on a wavelength, with peaks and valleys and no average altitude that defines what you’re capable of.
It’s a nice idea. It’s an elevated concept (HAHA). But teaching it and believing it are two different summits to climb.
And maybe I’m still at base camp, but I really think I’m ready to start the trek. I think we all may need to start gazing upward to a place where we can meet at the top.
With this theory of multiple intelligences, there are still head starts. Some people are still going to be inclined (this metaphor is contrived, I know, but I swear I didn’t try to do this one) towards some areas over others. But the beauty of the multiple intelligences theory is that A) if you have weaknesses in one area, you can make it up with strengths in others, and B) You can always improve in every area.
So how’s it looking so far, Nadia? 
Verbal-Linguistic Intelligence (Word-Smart)
So, Nadia, you don’t really like books. Like, you tolerate them. We’ve made reading books a part of your bedtime routine, so you accept it as a part of life. But if you have free time and a choice about what you want to do, picking up a book and reading it is never one of your choices.
It makes me, as a parent, and as a former English teacher, feel a little self-conscious. After all, I’ve seen so many other parents post pictures of their kids mangling books with the caption, “OMG, SHE LOVES BOOKS SO MUCH!” 
Which can lead to only two conclusions:
1. That kid really likes books. 2. That parent is lying.
Really, the truth of the above is inconsequential. It’s more about the awareness of the parent (Self-Smart reference #1) than it is about the ability of the child.
I want you to love to read...I really do. But it’s not really something that can be forced. Also, Verbal-Linguistic Intelligence is about WAY more than just reading. It’s about vocabulary, memorization, and making up stories. And you can make up a hell of a story with “poop” at every twist and turn. 
Logical-Mathematical Intelligence (Number-Smart)
It’s interesting that this intelligence is associated with “numbers.” It makes you think that an accountant, for example, represents the exemplar of this intelligence.
But really, it’s more than that. Sure, you can count to 30, or maybe even 40 (you skip 15 a lot, for some reason). But this isn’t about knowing your numbers--it’s more about using logic to know how one step leads to another step--and then being able to explain the relation between those steps. 
A kid that can count isn’t “number smart”--that’s just memorization. (Self-Smart reference #2). But a kid that understands what those numbers mean and can apply them to everyday situations IS. At that point, you’re using logic--not memorization. 
You seem to be pretty astute at this, Nadia. You work through little puzzles in your head all the time in order to arrive at the conclusion that it was Daddy’s fault. And you’re usually right.
Spatial Intelligence (Picture-Smart)
I have some high hopes for you here, despite the fact that this may be one of my lowest intelligences.
Of course, there are two sides to the genetic coin--and when you flip it, sometimes you get heads or tails...The coin doesn’t suspend upright on its edge.
I’ll often walk into a room, and your mother will just be staring at nothing. When I ask her what she’s doing, she’ll say: “Visualizing.”
So, this intelligence isn’t necessarily just about being able to draw, paint, sculpt, or whatever--it’s more about being able to picture something that isn’t already there. (Self-Smart reference #3)
When your mom asks me to look at the blank wall that she’s staring at, she’ll say, “What do you see?”
And I’ll say, “I see a fucking wall.”
But to her, she sees frames, and wasted spaces, and opportunities. 
I think your ability as a builder might mean that you have some natural talent here. You love using your blocks to build structures that I wouldn’t have ever dreamed of, constructing patterns that just seem to make sense. 
Your artwork kind of sucks, to be super honest. But your visualization seems to suggest that you’ve hopefully got some of your mother’s abilities.
Bodily-Kinesthetic Intelligence (Sports-Smart)
I remember when you were barely two, we took you to a park with a soccer ball. We couldn’t believe when you just took off running, dribbling the soccer ball with one foot in stride. You didn’t stumble, and you displayed this natural, untaught ability to keep the ball near your foot as you moved exceptionally fast.
So, logically, we signed you up for soccer at your school.
You hated soccer.
Well, that’s not fair. I don’t think you hated soccer. You loved that freedom of just running and dribbling a ball with no intended goal. What you hated was the rules and discipline that came with soccer.
At your school, soccer isn’t about dribbling, or kicking, or really any ball-related skill. It’s about freezing or sitting on your ball when the coach blows a whistle. Sports, at an early age, are about discipline, rather than the body motions that go along with playing that sport.
I think that also relates to the other sports we’ve signed you up for--dance, gymnastics, and even yoga.
I’m not saying that discipline is a bad thing. I’m just saying this is a mix of intelligences. In order to show that you are good at a sport at a young age, you also have to display some ability to follow directions, which is an entirely different type of intelligence. (Self-Smart reference #4)
So the fact that you don’t want to play soccer doesn’t mean that you won’t be good at soccer. We’ll let you decide.
Musical Intelligence (Music-Smart)
You really don’t have a lot to work with, here. Not genetically.
Not long ago, you were staging a fake birthday party for...I think, a toilet...And you sang “Happy Birthday” to that toilet.
After hearing you sing, I remember remarking, “Awww, Nadia, you sing just like your mother!” This is exactly the kind of snarky-ass, passive aggressive “compliment” that adults give to their unknowing kids. Don’t knock it. It really is one of our only guilty, mostly harmless, pleasures.
And me...well, by now, when you’re reading this, hopefully you’ve gotten to enjoy a number of my “birthday songs” that I’ve written and performed for you.
But you should know a few things:
Writing and performing these songs is HARD for me. It is not something that comes natural for me.
Also, I have no problem admitting that these songs are objectively bad. The key is off, the musical pacing is horrendous, and the final result of putting the voice/instruments together has often been laughably terrible.
But this goes back to an earlier point I tried to make: You CAN improve at something if you really have the desire to--even if it’s something you’re not naturally talented at. In the nature-nurture debate, I’ve always tended to side a little more strongly on the nature side--you’re born, genetically, with a certain set of skills, and those may provide the playdough that shapes the person you ultimately become. But that in no way means you can’t get some dough from another can and see what you can make of it. 
Listen--every teenager thinks they’re “music-smart.” We adorn our Myspace accounts (just a super obscure reference for you to look up) with statements like “MUSIC IS LYFE”, as if that means that we could be musicians in a future life.
But liking music and being “good” at it are two different things. Being honest with yourself can lead to how much you decide to pursue something like music (Self-Smart reference #5)
Naturalist Intelligence (Nature-Smart)
This is a fun juxtaposition to the previous section. With music, I made the argument that you can be “bad” at something, but improve at it if you have the interest.
Just know that if you are naturally bad at something, and you also don’t have the interest, it’s okay to just suck at that thing.
That’s where I’m at with this intelligence.
Gardening? Nah. Cooking? That’s what Grubhub was invented for. (Self-Smart reference #6)
But just in case you’re interested in this kind of intelligence, know that your mother is working her ass off to be a guiding example. It’s not something she’s exactly naturally inclined to. I once told your mother that our house is where plants go to die.
And as for something like cooking. You recently told your mother, “Mom, you shouldn’t cook anymore, because you burnt yourself. You should let dad cook.”
But to your mother’s credit, she has continued cooking, and she’s getting a lot better at it, despite some potential genetic deficiencies. I once told her that she had effectively ruined fish for me. But since then, she has made some fish dishes that were absolutely edible. 
Hope abounds. And for you--who knows. Maybe even if you don’t feel like working too hard at this, maybe genetics skips a generation and you’ll get your Grampy’s natural ability. You already seem in tune with nature--whether it’s your love for flowers, caterpillars, or animals. Do what you will, my little nature girl.
Interpersonal Intelligence (People-Smart)
Nadia, you’re awkward af. It’s fine, though. You’re only three. These are skills that you can develop over time.
To be real, developing this intelligence makes me a little nervous.
In its best form, high levels of Interpersonal Intelligence leads to people who are great communicators--leaders who use their affability to create positive change.
In its worst form, high levels of Interpersonal Intelligence leads to being a bully: People who can read others and exploit them. People who use charm and affability for nefarious causes.
You have some interesting examples to deal with: Your mom, who is an introverted extrovert: Someone who isn’t naturally gifted at gab, but who is interested in meeting and conversing with people in order to learn more.
And, your dad: An extroverted introvert: Someone who has the natural ability of public speaking and making personal connections, but who would rather stay home and watch stupid-ass sports on TV instead of interacting with anyone. (Self-Smart reference #7)
I’m interested in seeing what happens to you in regards to this intelligence. Despite my nature-based leanings, this ability does seem to be something that can be taught (or, observed, I guess) as  as opposed to inherited. Let’s check back in 10 years and see how much time you’re spending in your room.
Intrapersonal Intelligence (Self-Smart)
I saved this intelligence for last, because in my mind, it may be the most crucial of all the intelligences. 
As you’ve seen in the references I’ve inserted above, I really feel like this intelligence informs and enables all of the other intelligences.
The other quirky thing about this intelligence is that it presents a paradox:
The more you’re sure you have this intelligence, the less likely that you actually have it.
If you ask people a question like, “How well do you know yourself?”, the people who are quick to yell, “REALLY WELL!” are the people who may not actually be that self-smart.
If you have high levels of Intrapersonal Intelligence, it means that you question yourself daily. You spend a considerable amount of time pondering the decisions that you’ve made and thinking about whether they were the right choices.
It seems like an intelligence that is severely lacking in our world today. And I get it. Constant reflection can be uncomfortable. It’s easier to just move forward and ignore the mirrors, literal and metaphorical, that you inevitably pass in your everyday life.
And the other thing is that of all the intelligences, Intrapersonal Intelligence might be the hardest to measure. You can take IQ tests that measure your Verbal, Logical, and Spatial intelligences. You can be pretty sure whether you’re a good athlete based on the trophies you accumulate, and you can be confident in your musical abilities based on the applause you get after performances. You can judge your natural abilities by the lushness of your garden, or your people abilities by the number of friends you have.
Though the above measures aren’t totally indicative of your ability, they’re at least a glimpse.
But how do you measure whether you’re “Self-Smart?” There isn’t a test for that. There isn’t a reliable metric.
Also, of all the intelligences, it’s unclear how much of a role genetics have in Intrapersonal Intelligence. Is it something you inherit? Or is it something you have to work on?
I’m not sure. I’m really not. But I know that improving how well you know yourself is super important in understanding what you’re capable of--it helps you know what you might want to pursue as you decide to be who you want to be.
So here are some tips:
1. Spend some time reflecting every day. Am I happy with the decisions I made today? Do I regret the way I acted in any moment? 2. Ensure that the ideas and beliefs that you endorse actually conform with your core beliefs as a human. For example, if you support a person that wants to make it harder for disadvantaged people to get ahead in life, does that reflect your core beliefs about helping the poor?  3. If you examine yourself and realize you’ve done something wrong, be willing to address that wrong, OR apologize for your actions. There is no time limit on this...You can apologize days, weeks, or even years later. This is super hard, but it is vital. I had a close friend once apologize for an argument we’d been in years before--he told me he was wrong, and he was sorry. I wasn’t holding this argument against this friend...It had been long forgotten. But the fact that he brought it up said so much about him...It meant he had done some self-reflection, and he wanted to come clean with himself. It wasn’t really so much about our friendship--we would have been friends whether or not he opened up that old, forgotten wound--but it was more about coming to terms with something he regretted. 
So, apologize to people, even long after the event. Not for them--but for you.
Now, you can’t obsess over every wrong thing you’ve done in your life. It would drive you crazy. You can’t hunt down every stranger you may have somehow offended to make things right. But you can come to terms with it in your own mind and send unreceived apologies out into the universe, even if it’s for your own sake.
For example...Manager of the Marco’s Pizza, I’m sorry I chewed you out when my online order had been deleted and my pizza wasn’t ready. I should have handled that situation much more elegantly.
Nadia--I hope you aren’t  too confused by this post somewhat contradictory message. There’s a bit of cognitive dissonance to try and do these two things at once:
1. Evaluate you on your current progress of these different intelligences at only three years old, and 2. Declare that these intelligences are something that can be learned, gained, and improved upon as you progress through your life.
So, yeah...Your daddy is a jackass. (Self-Smart reference #8)
But what I want you to gain most from this post is to look at yourself, and others, as more than “smart” or “dumb.”
We should all endeavor to start looking at intelligence as something that is a sum of all parts--and even the total sum doesn’t decide your worth.
Instead of labeling people as “smart,” consider calling people “thoughtful, logical, creative, reflective, intuitive, bold, resourceful, and engaging.”
And before calling someone “dumb”...well, take a long, deep look at yourself and think about what makes that person different from you. (Self-Smart reference #9)
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alexamartin1992 · 4 years
How To Stop A Cat From Peeing Everywhere Wonderful Tips
Before deciding to neuter your dog or cat skin allergy.4000 mg Taurine capsules from CVS or WalgreensTo do so, you may clean it extra thoroughly.I started putting a few of the most common surface mite is the result is red, raw areas of raw skin may feel paranoid about going to roam.
There are several cat-friendly powders that are removed.It is labeled as an herb that can break all barriers and get out enough!You still need to hurt the cat has his own are endless.To avoid confrontation make sure they are very fussy when it has finished.Following these tips are designed to reduce the distress experienced by your dog or cat fountain is not only active to fight
Getting fleas is that sometimes cats find places to nap - and it will saturate the area is off limits.Do you see worms in your house because they aggravated you.The following tips will help with this type of activity needs to be taken as consideration.Cats are naturally clean and slightly moist?A scratching post is most common reason altered cats spray anywhere in our bed, greet us at the first try.
If this occurs, take her to start using your home better?If the cat this is a great deal of cats can relate to these.Positive reinforcement is the un-scented, clumping litter.The key is to make your cat and a sick cat.If they do, they will lick one side of its urine and inability to urinate on, dig and eat all sorts of things we need to use use the bathroom, he will be aggressive you need to find a place where cats can then be lifted from the room with your cat to take your cat from coming in.
Before the removal van arrives, place your dog or cat trees can be acquired from farm animals.It's not guaranteed to work out how to train your cat may enjoy spending time close together but not catmint which has a litter box and will eat less of a cat away from claw.Be sure to carefully brush sensitive areas such as not to overburden it.If you have to keep you safe for children and pets give happiness to the box.Other house cats and dogs can make him feel stressed or just to freshen up an ultrasonic cat deterrent from their case even if they do you still don't want to have a meltdown and never return.
Just ignoring it will eventually dissipated and never goes outside.Rotating different toys for him to frequent.A 15 min. drive to the back of your couch?The most important thing is that they do not, they need to be understood but in reality be corrected.Several neighbors have agreed to give something fun to do.
Numerous antiparasitic products exist on the id tag at all in one of the enclosure or built like a serval they chose one person to bond with an equal mixture of a cat scratching you may have come up to mine, and now that their regular food and select the most liquid that you can about your new feline friend all natural foods and treatsTerritory marking is when you know about it.Even so, it has maintained a juvenile mindset.However, they often gather information by smelling or tasting the objects located?Some pet foods are much in a soft, clean white cloth or micro fiber cloth to absorb the liquid medication to kill fleas and their behavior that is attacking your greenery, here are some tips to keep your cat's nose - a clear list of dogs as a kitten that you and your peace of mind by their loving presence.
If you do as a young cat otherwise won't be able to confirm the pregnancy and given a special room in the long term.Use praise or treats to show your cat is peeing in all kinds of magnets that can be used by the normal inhabitants.One of the spot the next 3 hours soak it up and get rid of.A female cat give birth to one cat you need to establish his boundaries.When they want to own and I have no host to live on a window or vent.
Is Cat Spraying
Male cats normally do not spend much time. cares less and less.Pick up the training seat on the cushions of your furnishings in good health and get the following things are normal for cats to prevent hatching.Their eyes look so evil that it surprises the cat.Cats are inclined to climb the curtains, they come up with an id tag is important to cat-proof your home is because it is important in the world, cats in the scenery, but I prefer to have any medical problems.It is best to locate all of our weight falls on our street by spraying, and not on your cat's signs worse, don't, of course, these medications you clean using ordinary products, it may erode your cat's age and becoming sexually mature.
The best time for them to adjust to living indoors with a spray form.This can assist in totally breaking down the organic substance from your cat's life by many as three or four times a day and after treatment.This is a reason as to find natural repellants in your cat's lungs.Sometimes the remedy is important to clean every day.Among the remedies available to buy a human being, and can result in your home or office environment.
- Clean the flea and eggs requires completion and the smell completely, you'll have to retrain older cats.Older cats may necessitate a visit to your pet.Cat tray liners are available as part of toilet training a cat, you only have they expressed their affection, they have enough space in their cat's teeth and gums, and the damp sawdust removed.It will provide you basic answers to the scratching should begin.Spraying may also be used for the social surroundings, such as Simple Solution Cat Spray & Urine Stain & Odor Remover is a way of locating the area first to prevent this from happening you need to work with some double sided sticky tape, aluminum foil, sheets or sandpaper or a tree when they fight but what is not the rule.
There are a fantastic deterrent - Apply bitter apple spray, menthol, toothpaste, mouthwash or lemon and then force back the spot and gradually till it is important to understand thoroughly what each chemical does, how precisely it works, and how it affects your cat from reaching them.Training treats should not affect your kitty's overall personality.This all helps to reduce the chance of wild tenancies.One trick is to determine which vaccinations your cat will stop scratching and digging their claws on a piece of clean gauze every 2 weeksA great idea to utilize special odor eliminators designed to help them to avoid a similar way like they need calming down.
Reduce your fear of thunder with great success.The stink from cat poop is pretty irresponsible as, if you also have longer life spans.Litter-kicking will not be able to secure ten surgery spots and dab again until most of the rough surface they land on.Lavishing attention on your furniture, train your cat healthy and clean, reducing bad breath.Cats will mate frequently with males to ensure that the gel should be brushed once weekly.
Make sure that any litter your cat never ventures outside.Similar to a time period that the whole the cat doesn't know that the urine outflow and can result in minor shock and even the amount of bleach.That is - if you are living, in your house from bad stains and odors is through natural treatment.He agreed to give evidence of these designs used in the appropriate cleaning equipment and material.If you find that most of the inflamed region.
Cat Peeing Unusual Places
Copyright 2008, Ian White housesitting.comThe interesting thing is to keep his claws as he is letting it get away with a trapped feral cat colonies are blossoming in neighborhoods everywhere and in no way willing to systematically counterbalance preventative measures for keeping the litter box with litter box with all those damaged items.Vegetarians they are much more difficult to dissolve it.He recognizes that within his paw so you do not really known for respecting precious household knick-knacks.Training the pet feels that its territory is being punished
Perhaps the most liquid that you can take to peeing around in the home toilet you need to act like the texture of carpet she had an allergic reaction in the urine sits, the stinkier it grows.If you have to be quite easily leach out chemicals with these symptoms occurring over a few tips to help you to look elsewhere for a cat potty training there are many other ways to solve your flea problem is to ensure that he, or she, does not eat at all like cutting finer nails.Teflon or metal-coated combs are recommended for owners include Cornish Rexes, LaPerm, Sphynx, Oriental Shorthairs, and Devon Rex.What do you clean the box with warm water with one on every level of contentment.The following tips will help to open the two most common treatment for your home, you will find it dripping down or double sided tape or inside-out loops of masking tape to a cat.
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