#she was just leaving work when he fiiiinally looked at his phone
tangerinesunbeam · 2 years
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onlyhereforangst · 4 years
It has sadly been easily nine months since I’ve done a WWR buuuuut who could pull me away from these next few eps?? It’ll likely be long but whatever, let’s go for a ride shall we? 😏
(oh also to those new followers in nine months- this is my version of straight overanalyzing the night prior’s ep except I’ve gotten really bad at *actually* writing it on Wednesday. Long story short I used to commute hour(s) to DC & think during that time, now I don’t commute. So we went from WWDCTR to WWR- Weekly Wednesday Reflections)
First up, Sunburn! Ok kicking things off we already arriving together all cutesy while catching up on their night before or weekend or whatever day it was like those so who are in that stage where you want to know everything about the other person, you want to share everything with the other person, you want to be with that person all the time BUT you haven’t actually *told* the other person you want to be with the them with them. You know what I’m talking about? Ahhh young love 🥰
And then we have the post-it notes. You now that perfect banter/flirting for them as they joke around poking fun at McGee and each other. BUT WAIT THERES MORE because you get the loooooks when Jack brings up twins and Nick just silently tells Ellie, hey not a bad plan right? You down? Tonight? And she has to shyly hide her eyes and her blushing cheeks because hot damn she wants to give daddy some twins 🥵🥵
Moving on (though I’m not sure how Ellie can after that daddy reference like woof) - ok updates in the bullpen like HELLO y’all are talking TO Gibbs and yet your eyes don’t. leave. each. other. COULD YOU BE MORE OBVIOUS. Like hi hello I’d like to eye fuck you and your intelligent brain in that hot body right here and now with these orange walls to be our ambience but we apparently have to update this crotchety, elusive old man goddamn why is he even still here doesn’t he have some shady case to go solve.
And oh man the phone call to McGee, I just- they’re too much. Nick trying to throw Ellie under the bus, them able to have a seamless conversation while alternating who speaks, them being “sooo sorry” about not flying down there but question weren’t they bummed about not going to the Bahamas?? oh yeah I see you- because hmmm you like being alone as partners with no interruptions from the rest of the team 👀👀 makes more time for flirting & eye fucking mmhm yeah I see you sly kids.
And speaking of, as usual, some more wonderful heavy eye contact as they continue case work with interrogating and updates in the bullpen and everything because who needs words when you can “speak” with your eyes 🔥
Fiiiinally, the ending night scene in the bullpen, I’m sorry but not only did Ellie not seem like she was done working but I didn’t hear Nick mention anything about walking down together. He’s packed up and mere seconds after getting off the phone suddenly she’s ready and out the door walking close to him while flirting? I mean the LOOK, the LOOK about the going off-grid can you NOT. Nick even trips over his words about that being “good” for McGee because boy does he know what off-grid really means 👀👀👀 and Ellie prodding him with a little “thought you’d be jealous because you remember how OUR off-grid went don’t you” and him stumbling a bit once again saying he has the happiest job as a cover-up like OK WE SEE YOU TWO. GO OFF GRID AND MAKE TWINS ALREADY PLEASE. CAN I GET A GODDAMN 🔥🔥🔥
Aaaaaaanyways this has been fun, I forgot how much I love writing out my stream of conscious overanalyzing thoughts. Will rewatch & reblog with HotS thoughts soon 😘😘
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