#she wrote this a solid bit ago and I just totally suck at posting things cause I get distracted sorry
The Tickler (Pt. 1)
Author: GA!babe
Fandom: Miraculous Ladybug
*Insert MLB Intro here*
The College Francoise Dupont, the french secondary school that is plain in overall looks and grades. However, the students of this secondary school are anything but ordinary. 
Unbeknownst to the staff and faculty, France’s most prized superheroes regularly walk the halls, stress about homework, and rest in the library. Ladybug and Chat Noir, mere classmates when akumas aren’t around and superheroes when people need saving. 
It’s actually kind of sad that no one had ever noticed how both Adrien Agreste and Marinette Dupain-Cheng are never around when Chat Noir and Ladybug appear to save the day. 
Sure, there have been close calls regarding their secret identities, but they both remain comfortably under the radar (somehow) of regular Parisian citizens and the owner of the Ladyblog, Alya. 
“Girl, you are absolutely ridiculous. Why are you so worried about this party? Adrien even said he wouldn’t be able to attend.” Alya said, patting her best friend on the back comfortingly. Marinette yelped, the wrapped present in her hands almost falling onto the ground. She juggled with it for a moment before it settled back into her grasp. 
“Phew…” Marinette sighed while Alya giggled at her. She looked at the present and then up to the school. “Well, since he isn’t going to be there, I have to give this to Chloe now while we’re in school. There’s no point in going to the party with everyone anyways. I don’t want to get into an argument with her in front of everyone.”
“I still don’t understand why that happened. Maybe she got akumatized and accidentally sent out everyone an invite,” Alya scoffed, looking down at the e-vite still in her email. 
Today was Chloe Bourgeois’s birthday. Her 15th birthday to be precise. It was hard to remember that she was one of the oldest in the class when she 1) acted like such a stuck-up brat and 2) rarely told anyone she was celebrating her actual birthday until days after she came back from some far off celebration.
This year, Chloe had basically invited the entire school body over to the hotel her father owned. There were going to be celebrities, DJs, clowns, dances…basically everything a rich girl could buy with her parent’s money. 
“Maybe she’s getting better, Alya. She has helped Ladybug and Chat Noir save Paris multiple times,” Marinette said, forcing a smile on her face.
“Yeah, only after creating the problem in the first place. She even tried to destroy all of Paris after they wouldn’t give her the bee miraculous back!” Alya huffed, crossing her arms over her chest.
“I’m sure she knows that what she was doing was wrong. She’s getting better, you know? At least she’s not like–” Marinette started before someone ran right into her, sending her sprawling onto the pavement. 
“Oh my goodness, I’m so sorry Marinette!” a familiar voice said, practically dripping in insincerity. Just the sound of her voice sent Marinette’s teeth on edge. 
“I was captured by the akuma yesterday and my sense of balance is all out of whack.” Lila said, placing a hand on her head to sell the idea that she was dizzy. Alya helped Marinette to her feet before looking back at the redhead.
“Are you okay, Lila? Do you need some help walking up the stairs?” Alya asked, offering a hand out to her as well.
“I don’t remember seeing you being captured, Lila. When did that happen?” Marinette asked, brushing herself off and placing her present under her arm safely. 
“Oh, I was grabbed and pulled away pretty soon. I was taken all the way over to the Eiffel Tower and when it came down when Chat Noir cataclysmed it, I almost died!” Lila said dramatically, wobbling on her feet, unsure. Alya moved closer to her to have Lila lean up against her shoulder.
“I didn’t see that in any of the footage of the fights,” Marinette grumbled with a roll of her eyes. Of course, she knew that Lila was lying as she had made sure no one was in the Eiffel Tower when fighting off the akuma yesterday, but she couldn’t prove Lila wrong without letting her secret be known. 
“Well, maybe if Alya had been there to capture some better footage for the Ladyblog, you would have seen it. Where were you yesterday?” Lila asked innocently. 
Marinette tensed, looking between Alya, the fox miraculous holder, and Lila.
“Oh, I was at home. My cousins were too scared to be left alone. Maybe I could interview you for the blog!” Alya said with a happy smile on her face as she led Lila up the stairs.
“I would love that. Ladybug and I are such good friends after all.” Lila said.
Marinette had to chew on the corner of her present to stop herself from saying something then and there. The small red kwami floated up from her bag.
“It’s alright, Marinette. You know the truth, and you know that Lila will eventually be found out. Don’t worry about it too much.” Tikki said reassuringly. Marinette sighed.
“I know. It’s just so…so frustrating to see her lie like that. Alya didn’t even see her yesterday and she’s still utterly convinced. How does she do that?” Marinette asked. Tikki went to respond, then hid inside Marinette’s purse again before getting caught.
“How does she do what?” Another familiar voice asked, causing Marinette to jump again, though this time her fall was stopped by a pair of strong arms wrapping around her waist. 
In front of her were Adrien’s deep green eyes and his soft smile. Marinette flushed bright pink and was suddenly very aware of how close she was with the love of her life. She quickly jumped out of his arms.
“Oh! Uh, hi Adrien! I was just laking about Tyla! I mean walking about the aisle-uh.” Marinette stammered nervously before taking a deep breath and trying again. “Just talking about Lila to myself,”
“Lila? Is everything okay? Did she say anything to you?” Adrien asked, his smile vanishing and his brows furrowing. He had always tried to give Lila the benefit of the doubt as she seemed to be living a very sheltered life, much like his own, but there were times when that just couldn’t happen. She always seemed to be out to hurt Marinette and Ladybug and he couldn’t let that happen. 
“Oh, not really to me. She just gets on my nerves sometimes,” Marinette said, rubbing the back of her head nervously. 
“I know what you mean. Let me know if she bothers you again and I’ll talk to her,” Adrien said and pat Marinette on the shoulder. That’s when he noticed the present under her arm. “Is that for Chloe?”
“Uh this? No way! I mean, yeah! Of course it is!” Marinette said and held up the present for him to see. It was wrapped in golden wrapped paper with a shimmering gift bow placed neatly on the top.
“Aren’t you going to the party later? Why’d you bring the present to school?” Adrien asked, tilting his head to the side.
“Oh, well, I have to go to the bakery after school and you know all the schoolwork that I’ve been missing because I’ve been sleeping in so much. I have to catch up on that and, yeah.” Marinette rambled.
“That’s a shame. My father is allowing me to go tonight. I would have loved it if you were there, Marinette. I know you two don’t get along very well, but I think you’re a good influence on her.” Adrien said. Marinette’s blush grew brighter.
“Uhhhh, yeah, really? To the party you? Going? Well, maybe I could talk to my dad about letting me leave the bakery. I wouldn’t want to let you down. Or let her down.” Marinette continued. 
“Look out!” Alix’s voice called out as she zoomed towards Adrien and Marinette on her roller-skates. 
Quick as a flash, Adrien grabbed Marinette by under her arms and moved her out of harms way. Alix slowed herself to a stop and spuna around to see if she had hurt anyone.
“Sorry about that guys.” She said and gave a little salute, “Could you tell Miss Bustier that I won’t be in class today? My grandpa wanted me to run some errands for him,”
“Okay, Alix!” Adrien said with a smile, not realizing that he was still holding Marinette by her underarms. That was, until Marinette started giggling uncontrollable. He set her down quickly, a fond smile on his face.
“Sorry about that, Marinette. A little ticklish?” He asked with an eyebrow raised. 
“Pssh, what? I mean, a little maybe? Perhaps. That wasn’t even my worst spot. Not that I have a worst spot. What are we talking about? Oh, the party! Right, yeah. I’ll see what I can do about being there for the party. Thanks, Adrien!” Marinette rambled, making sure she had both Chloe’s present and her handbag before bolting up the stairs. 
Adrien just shook his head as he watched her stumble and almost fall again. Marinette was so weird, but in a good way. It did make him kind of sad that she could never act normally around him like this, but at least she was still a good friend. 
The only times he had ever really seen Marinette as herself, without stammering or falling over every five seconds, was when he was as his superhero persona, Chat Noir. 
“You know, Adrien,” Plagg said, floating up from his shirt pocket. “Marinette’s laugh is kinda cute, don’t ya think?”
“Marinette? Of course she is.” Adrien said before walking back up the stairs to class. 
Marinette stumbled into class, falling into her seat next to her friend rather ungracefully.
“What took you so long, girl?” Alya asked, resting her hand on Marinette’s shoulder.
“Adrien just tickled me,” Marinette said in a soft whine so that no one would hear what she had just said. 
“He– what? Why?” Alya asked, amused yet thoroughly confused.
“He was just moving me out of the way and picked me up by my arms. He picked me up like I was nothing and I completely embarrassed myself by being so ticklish. He’s gonna think that’s so childish,” Marinette said, resting her head on top of the desk as she pouted.
“Well, you’re lucky he didn’t find your death spot, Marinette.” Alya said, wiggling her fingers menacingly at her friend.
“Ahahalya!” Marinette giggled, scooting away even though Alya wasn’t even tickling her yet.
“Maybe I’ll tell him where they are. Wouldn’t that be fun? Oooh maybe having him tickle you would make you act more normal around him.” Alya teased. Marinette playfully pushed her friend on the shoulder and Alya poked her in one of her death spots – a spot between her uppermost ribs.
Marinette squealed and toppled off of her seat. The majority of the class laughed it off, and Marinette blushed.
“What a klutz.” Lila huffed with a roll of her eyes. Kim turned around.
“Aren’t you ticklish, Lila?” He asked innocently.
“It’s probable that she is, Kim. Roughly 73% of people in the world are ticklish to some degree,” Max said with a small nod.
“Oh, well I must be a part of the 27% of people who aren’t.” Lila lied. “I actually have a really rare condition where I can’t laugh at all anymore. It’s really sad,”
“Oh, the Pseudobulbar affect? That’s so sad, Lila. I’m so sorry to hear that.” Max said and looked over Lila with a sense of pity.
“It is, but I get by. Maybe it’ll be cured by a true love’s kiss, but I don’t know of anyone who would want to do that for me.” Lila sighed dramatically.
“I could for you!” Kim offered and puckered his lips.
“Thank you, Kim, but I think it has to be someone who has a crush on me. Like, for real. I actually think Adrien might have a crush on me, but I could be reading it wrong. Oh well. Guess I’ll never be able to laugh,” Lila sighed.
“Don’t worry, Lila! I’ll talk to Adrien at the party tonight! We’ll get you laughing in no time!” Kim offered triumphantly.
~ ~ ~ ~
“This had better be the funniest clown ever. This is my birthday party after all and I can’t have it be anything less than perfect.” Chloe said while her servants ran around the hotel wildly, setting up decorations and putting together different games for the children to play.
Chloe looked at her phone invites in disgust.
“It was really nice of you to invite everyone from school, Chloe. Everyone is going to have so much fun!” Sabrina said excitedly.
“Of course, Sabrina. A party without lots of people would be ridiculous, utterly ridiculous. Besides, Adrikins needs to be able to see that I’ve grown since my last birthday.” Chloe said.
Just as she finished her sentence, the clown for the party stepped in. He was a slender guy with a brightly colored suit on and a big round nose. Le Pitre, his clown name was and he was the best in all of Paris. 
“Knock knock, is that the birthday girl?” Le Pitre asked as he wandered in.
“Is this supposed to be the best clown in Paris? He at least dressed the part, maybe you could give my classmate Marinette some fashion tips, ahahaha,” Chloe laughed and then walked away to focus on some other aspect of her party. Le Pitre watched her walk away and then shrugged.
“Not exactly the laugh I was going for, but it’ll do! I bring laughter and joy to every part of the city i’m in!” Le Pitre said.
Little did he know that there was one person in all of Paris that would stop him from achieving his hilarious dream…
<3 GA!babe. 
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aelinbitch-archive · 5 years
unpopular opinion: i don’t like rowan/rowaelin. i’m not here to convince u to unstan lol ppl are allowed to like/dislike things w/o feeling bad about it omg but i hate that some rowan stans are so insensitive when it comes to those who don’t like him! they’re so thirsty for him that they condemn anyone who doesn’t stan him & then excuse his problematic/lowkey triggering actions bc he’s hot and it’s gross. AGAIN not saying ppl can’t like rowan it’s ok lol but it’s more about some stan’s behavior
That’s totally fair my angel. I dislike the vibe that some people are locked out of the fandom for not being a cheerleader for every aspect of the series, and I hope that my followers/mutuals know that if they dislike stuff I like, or like stuff I dislike, expressing their opinions regarding that won’t ever cause me to cut them off (unless it’s like, some truly gross shit, which disliking rowaelin isn’t). 
Also I have to say, even tho I do like rowaelin, I understand where you’re coming from about people excusing his actions because he’s hot. I’ve toooooootally seen that. And I’ll just be 100% honest - no shade to anyone, but some of the rowaelin content on this website disturbs me a little bit, in terms what’s considered hot/romantic/acceptable when writing or depicting them in art. I’ve seen some weird stuff defended as hot or even just “not that bad.” Which isn’t necessarily a problem with canon, but your ask was more about stans anyway, so yeah. 
A while ago I actually wrote rowaelin meta in response to some other peeps (which was more about Aelin in relation to Rowaelin and how she’s included or not included in discussions of the ship, but it has some thoughts relevant to this ask) so I’m gonna just copy and paste what I wrote below and feel free to read if u want. (It’s like very overdramatic and fiery lmao but anyway). 
I agree with a lot of this, but (at risk of derailing ms aelinapologist’s amazing post) I do have a few things to say, which are
1. OP took two whole paragraphs at the beginning of her post to say that the point wasn’t to discourse about rowaelin being abuse or not abuse, it was to talk about how the conversations centering around said abuse consistently display a disturbing lack of empathy for the character who should be the main concern of the debate. So I just find it a bit funny/odd that the replies (including a portion of the one I’m about to make, I admit that) have been like “Yeah great post! And now to discourse about Rowaelin-” but I digress.
2. I have consistently loved reading about Rowan and Aelin and they’re one of my favorite fictional couples. So nothing I’m about to say is intended to be like “GOTCHA they suck and you suck for liking them!!!” Because I like them as well. A lot. And in addition, nothing about this reblog is intended to be shady or confrontational in any way shape or form. I just think this is a great and very needed discussion I’d like to contribute to, so here goes.
3. Even if we look at HoF alone and ignore how things play out later: yes, they are both mean to one another, yes, they are both in a dark place and end up having a mutually positive effect on one another (so I definitely agree that, at least for HoF alone, it’s not a “douchey guy changes for the heroine story”) but. There IS still a power imbalance. I don’t think it’s entirely accurate to say “they were both bad The End” without also bringing up the fact that Rowan is 300 years old and Aelin is 18, and that Rowan is training Aelin and is in a position that gives him a massive amount of control over her, and that he is stronger and more powerful than her physically, magically, and socially (he is a prince and legendary warrior, she is a AWOL teenage princess currently working as a scullery maid).
Maybe I’m reading into it too much, but I really just don’t think that Aelin, a 17 y/o girl going through an unimaginably shitty time, being like “fuck you!!” to this 300 y/o jerk who doesn’t know shit about her is on the same level as aforementioned 300 y/o jerk hitting her, biting her, and telling her she would have been of more use to the world if she’d died when she was eight.
And in addition to that, we see that his behavior effects her a lot more than it effects him. When he verbally tears her down, we see her experience genuine and devastating despair and shame, whereas everything she does and says to him, no matter how snarky or outright cruel, is not having that same effect on him. People always seem to think they’re giving Aelin credit for being a Strong Woman™ by saying “she’s tough! she can handle it!” when in reality… we have evidence for the fact that she kinda can’t handle it. That the way he treats her in the beginning is slowly wearing her down and sending her deeper into a depressive state. And I don’t understand how it somehow reflects poorly on Aelin (or is even misogynist) to acknowledge this. Women, especially literal teenage girls, should not be measured by their tolerance for mistreatment.
All I really wish is that somewhere along the line we’d gotten a genuine apology from Rowan for this besides a throwaway line in KoA about regretting their “brawling.” And again, none of this is to say “see!! it IS abuse!!” it’s just to suggest that, even as an enemies to friends to lovers story, the “enemies” part was not exactly on a level playing field.
4. But with that being said, I could probably forgive the imbalance in their early relationship, mostly because their later relationship, as both friends and lovers, is so amazing and supportive in pretty much every way. And the great thing about enemies to FRIENDS to lovers, like you said, is that 1) none of the assholery occurred during any kind of romantic or sexual relationship or a transition into one, so it was sort of “fair and square” in that way, and 2) they had the opportunity form a solid, platonic foundation of trust and caring before they crossed into the lover territory.
Aaaaaaaaaand then Sarah did a retcon job on HoF which negated… pretty much all of that. I can totally be down with “good old fashioned mutual hatred thaws into caring which grows into love” but once we start hearing shit like “‘Sometimes, you’d be sleeping beside me at Mistward, and it’d take all my concentration not to lean over and bite them. Bite you all over’” and “‘That was the first time I really lost control around you, you know. I wanted to chuck you off a cliff, yet I bit you before I knew what I was doing. I think my body knew, my magic knew. And you tasted… So good. I hated you for it’”……. hhhhhhhhhhh.
I can’t think of many arguments for this NOT contributing at least a little to the “he’s mean because he loves you (and stick it out because someday he’ll figure it out)” trope. And while it might be a bit different because Aelin was quite mean as well, her behavior was just… meanness. Not some sort of weird outlet for repressed sexual attraction/love. I guess I just get flashbacks of “No sweetie, that boy in your class kicks your desk, pulls your hair, and calls you names because he likes you and doesn’t know how to express it.”
And I think this decision on Sarah’s part to go back and say he was into her all along is 1) a result of the mating bond thing she’s so fond of and 2) kind of a panicked backpedalling to the backlash she might have gotten over Rowan’s behavior in HoF? Which is…. so ironic because she made it SO much worse. In my humble opinion, she should have just doubled down on what she originally wrote as enemies-friends-lovers (and had Rowan bring up his early behavior and apologize in some way), and the problem would have been solved. And while I personally feel that I can recognize this for what it is - a shitty retcon - and enjoy the relationship despite it, I don’t think we should talk over people for whom this is a deal-breaker for the ship.
5. I don’t think about all of this and have the reaction that so many “anti tog” people seem to have of “FUCK Rowan he’s ABUSIVE and PREDATORY and I wish he was DEAD!!!” I think there are things to criticize about his behavior and about the way Sarah decided to spin their relationship, but they have had many great moments, especially in the later books, and I don’t think I or anyone else is “shipping abuse” by enjoying that. All of this is just to emphasize how, in OP’s very succinct words, “your inalienable right to enjoy two characters’ dynamic does not outweigh the right to criticise it.” Because there ARE valid things to criticize, and we as Rowaelin shippers (lol.) need to be careful not to conflate ugly hatred with valid criticism when we speak over it.
And because there IS so much ugly hatred for Aelin and her relationship with Rowan on this website, I completely understand why there’s a kind of knee-jerk reaction of jumping to defense of this ship we love. But that impulse, quite frankly, means nothing to me if defense of Rowaelin includes the erasure of Aelin’s canonical experiences. And maybe this is wacky and controversial, but I’m pretty sure we can express our enjoyment of Rowaelin AND keep Aelin as an individual from being swept under the rug.  
6. More than saying any of that what I really really want to do (and have been trying to do in the previous paragraphs, but maybe unsuccessfully) is bring the conversation back to OP’s original point which was not “abuse!” or “not abuse!” but about how the ways in which we discuss “abuse or not abuse” often includes a stomach-turning lack of concern for Aelin and some frustratingly reductive arguments. And somehow I have the sneaking suspicion that Rowaelin shippers are reading this post and missing the point, which that this is happening on BOTH sides of the argument.
Everyone is perfectly entitled to ship Rowaelin and argue their opinion about its merits or lack thereof, but when we cover our ears and say “she was mean too she was mean too she was mean too she was mean too la la la la la la la” that’s completely ignoring the genuine pain that she did experience in HoF and the power imbalance that she was subjected to, no matter whether or not we personally feel that it was sufficiently rectified in later books.
And I see this ALL THE TIME, in both the fandom and “anti-fandom”, and I’m honest to god quite sick of it. I’m sick of the willful ignorance of a teenage girl’s pain in order to further an agenda. Yes, it’s more stomach-turning when the agenda is to prove what an evil bitch she is or whatever, but it’s not excusable if your agenda is to prove Rowaelin is great, either! And I don’t understand why we have to throw all nuance out the window and ignore how Dorian hurt her, ignore how Chaol hurt her, ignore how Rowan hurt her, fucking hell, ignore how SAM hurt her, just so we can make our arguments! Because as much as the antis love to scream about “WHAT MESSAGE IS THIS TERRIBLE SHIP SENDING THE TINY GIRL-CHILDREN WHO READ THE BOOKS???” it’s also like, what kind of message is our ongoing discussion of it sending by sweeping a teenage girl’s experiences under the rug when we argue about her relationships?
And like OP said, what have we even got to show for it? No conclusion has been reached, nothing has been achieved besides valuing a romance (or the hatred of that romance and preference for a different romance) over individual characters, namely an individual character who happens to be a teenage girl that has suffered an ungoldy amount - suffered, sometimes, at the hands of male characters we like.
In conclusion, the mass allergy everyone seems to have to giving a shit about Aelin unless its to further their agenda is sickening. If I had a dollar for every time I’ve had to hear about how poor Manon’s character was “ruined” by Manorian (although not directly by DORIAN, of course, because apparently Saint Haviliard can do no wrong) I’d have enough money to buy a lamborghini and drive it off a cliff like I wish I could every time I hear someone’s terrible hot take about how Aelin is complicit in her own alleged abuse. Yet somehow I’ve never heard anyone complain about the damage done to Aelin’s character by any of the male characters, including Rowan. It’s never “Rowan ruined Aelin’s character!!” it’s “Rowaelin sucks and so does Aelin.” In fact, one of the REASONS Aelin sucks in the first place IS Rowan/Rowaelin! What a great implicit message to send to people reading your “critiques”: if you are annoying and #problematic enough, your suffering will be used against you and you will receive no sympathy for it. Cool!
And for other ships, too: it’s never “Chaol and Dorian, while at points a very good for Aelin, also caused her a lot of pain” it’s either “Chaol was right about Aelin in QoS and both he and Dorian are ruined because of her #chaorian” OR, from the fans, who, again, are not off the hook, “Chaol and Dorian and Aelin are BFFs forever #originaltrio.” And as a teenage girl myself, who loves and identifies with Aelin, who is more invested in her story than anyone else’s… I’m just tired. And more than a little appalled. And I wish we could do better.
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boobachu · 6 years
The T.C. rambles while watching a force awakes
Re-watching star wars 7 to see if out of the 3D headache IMAX theatre, if it’s any better.
I still hate parody Han Solo guy, like he reminds me of post-Black Knight Sonic the Hedgehog. Just really unfunny and trying way too hard to be hip and internet savvy or something.
I don’t think anything will change my opinion that he shoulda been a bit character.
I’ve decided to commentate the whole fucking movie so read on if you dare.
Rey’s making space bread. It’s very gross.
I doubt anything will change my opinion that she’s the best star wars character.
Oh God BB-8
HBomberguy ruined BB-8 for me. Whenever I see him all I hear is
L I T T L E   W H I T E   C U C K - B A L L L L L L
I guess Rey doesn’t like him either, I forgot this part.
I wish they got rid of the Dorito Destroyer.
Oh boy Darth Helmet is interrogating Lone Star.
Kylo Ren has the stupidest helmet.
There’s subtitles on this so I learned the guy’s name is Poe
Like Kylo Ren is really badass in the first half I remember this, like he stops a God damn laser blast.
Would you sell BB-8 for 60 meals?
Oh hey
Ugh what’s his name... the storm trooper’s gonna take Poe outta here.
You need a pilot. LOL
I guess Poe is alright, just his first impression was very dumb.
Oh snap it’s hooked down. What kinda name is Hux that’s stupid.
Ha hah shootin’ em down just like Annie in ep 1.
Get fucked command center.
Why do they still have Twin Ion Engine fighters?
I guess we still drive cars so eh...
Ah his name is Finn now, I guess he is a clone? or something?
Maybe they have multiple types of clones. I wonder if they still use Jango Fett...
Fucking proton torpedos!!!
Ah yeah I forgot Finn just wants to GTFO
Trailer shot. Nice.
Oh wait I can turn off subtitles. Good that was disorienting me.
And Poe dies... a great fake-out you thought parody han solo was a protag, but no this is the story of Finn, the storm trooper defecting from nazi hell-space to find his own life on Jakku or wherever.
He keeps Poe’s jacket for cover, very poetic. HAH
POE-ETIC God why did I hate this movie again?
If there’s a Kylo Ren, where is Kylo Stimpy?
Oh God Finn no don’t ugh drank the slop water ugh no why ugh
Finn goes to save Rey cuz white knight trope. Rey can handle herself like a ‘90s chick. Hey she’s a pit chick she’s got a staff.
Rey fuck taser what
Finn’s having a lousy life.
Poor basketball’s friend died. I feel like the story is rushing.
Like I expected more of a build-up not “SPIT OUT THE EXPOSITION FUCKIN”
Ah, storm troopers...
Rey doesn’t want your cooties, Finn.
Fucking TIE fighters fuck
Is Finn dead? No he just nappin’
Everything exploding!
God damn Millenium cheeseburger.
I can do this I can do this
Fucking karma’s a cheeseburger, that’s what you get for callin’ the SS you loser
The action scenes are choice
Ah Dorito ruins.
Oh I remember this part just
oh no Finn down
here it comes
G E T  R E A D Y
fucking engine exhaust TIOGHT
Takin’ the shot yeah
Kylo is Mado
Kylo is such a 12 year old in 2003.
GIRL?! THERE WAS A WOM?!?!?!?!? XDDD fucking loser
pweese BB-8 help I dunno what I do
fucking lighter thumbs up
Damn Finn what a nerd. “Got a boyfriends? a boyfriend?”
oh no they got garbage dayed
come on Rey gas them gas them all
oh great it’s Han Solo and Chewie
oh wait he used to be Han Solo
What is he now Han Oriana? Whatever Leia’s last name was I never could spell it.
Damn buncha everything happens
Oh great it’s big eyed billy joe armstrong and his O-nauts
oh boy more losers.
It’s all over for Solo.
Ah shit just unleashed things.
There goes the neighborhood just fucking angry meatballs of death AND HE FEEDS THAT DUDE TO IT
oh shit it quiet
Rey is allalone...
Fucking Finn I turn my head a sexond and the meatball caught him.
Get to da cheeseborger
“I never ask that question until after I’ve done it”
Just lightspeed dashed I swear he looks like british billie joe armstrong.
Damn giant fish thing on planet deadly pokeball.
Who is supreme leader he is stupid ugly stupid.
Oh his dad’s Han Solo wow way to blow it spoiler alert fucking why didn’t they save that for the end who wrote this crap oh he was a hologram.
Damn babuy chewie
Ah the new hope plot.
I dunno they twist it enough to make it feel fresh so eh.
Ah a planet of islands... the scenery reminds me of ep 2
“Did you just call me ‘Solo’?”
Women always figure out the truth, always.
There needs to be a han solo inspirational poster that says that.
A job? The fabled... job? You offer job?
Rey has a home? I thought she was just a wayfarer.
Don’t stare “At what?” any of it XDDDDD
Yeah this story feels like it’s going too fast like what’s going on.
Wait she’s hot for Chewbakka?
Man this band sucks.
Oh great fucking droid nark NARK
Weird lady narks NARKS EVERYTHWIER
Oh boy Darth Helmet is brooding.
Fucking Darth Vader. Kylo Ren is such a fanfiction.
Like, the idea of a warrior of light choosing darkness is something you seldom see done, but... eh... I guess? IRL kids no like most nazis are privilidged and a decade ago would be seen as nerds.
what’s this
what are you doing
The eyes of a man who wants to run
Finn need go bye-bye
Oh wait storm troopers are stolen, not bred. That’s worse like
Finn is really shiny there who does his makeup?
Rey sure didn’t care he was a storm trooper LOL
The screams... they becon me...
Finally a fresh feeling scene.
fucking lightsaber
Is she clairvoyant? I dond’t remember this part.
Is this special edition?
I like specs. She cool.
Oh boy nazis
Fucking screamy bitch XDDD
FIST UP why are the nazis doing the fist up this is upsetting.
How does the laser split up into shit and what is this planet?
Like this is supposed to be dramatic but... you literally don’t know any of those people or any of those planets. This should have been episode 8 or 9 after establishing those planets.
 W H A T    A    W A S T E
oH BOY  Finn got da lightsabah
There goes that dump, way to go Rey it’s your fault I guess BLANKS
Way to kill that soldier
Oh boy Kylo Ren, what a hoot that guy.
wait is this the part?
Han Solo so has the force like if his force3 ghost isn’t in the movie
Han Solo what a goof
M E L E E   B A T T L E
Fucking just like in Empire except it’s not Yoda hallucination probably.
The x-wing is still the coolest thing like Sonic knew that.
Damn Finn calm down it’s just a pilot.
Rey is in weird jungle o no
She just got godlike and Ren is gonna break that killstreak
Fucking using cheater force
Kylo you sound like such a dork
That cross saber is still stupid where’s the minorah saber
Nooo Rey!!!
C’mon Finn melee them
fucking lightsaber the whole first order you can do it
throw it at the ship
and the bad guys win
C-3P0 you mother fucker
Changed your hair
Same Jacket
I can’t believe Carrie Fisher is dead.
The resisties are kinda boring looking.
Oh look it’s Poe, he’s alive somehow.
Maybe the second time I’ll get the good explanation.
Oh no, there’s no good explanation he just wasn’t there.
L A A A A A A A A A A M M M E.
Okay we’re past a new hope kinda in empire strikes back territory and the ending is the last jedi. Like I totally get people being upset that this is basically the original trilogy in a nutshell.
Damn dead R2-D2
Wait C-3P0 has a red arm why
I wonder how many parents relate to Han and Leia because their son turned into a nazi.
Fucking Snoke. What kinda name is that. Solid Snoke.
Was Kylo Ren just staring at Rey’s unconscious body for the past hour?
I’m sorry he’s just not intimidating he looks like a cheap halloween darth vader
Then the dramatic reveal like remember when Darth Vader was so disfigured from burning alive?
Kylo’s just ugly. Like that’s it that’s the reveal. Kylo is ugly.
Rey/Kylo is like whenever a 4chan boy tries to hit on a hot youtube girl like your face just melds into the chair to escape his grasp like a cat that doesn’t want to be pet.
I dunno this scene is just so stupid cuz they both look dorky like this is happening at otakon
You. You’re afraid... that you will never be as strong as Darth Vader
Kylo has a huge nose. Like he’s Lois Griffin triangle sandwitch nose
I like how Rey tries to Luke Skywalker the storm trooper and he’s like “Serious?”
LOL fucking just left
T A N T R U M   T I M E
and the storm troopers just turn around LOL
Okay I love this weapon like, it’s a combination of the star crusher and a vaccum cleaner from Luigi’s mansion. It destroys the star, but in the way that it uses it to destroy things.
“So it’s big”
Disable the shields... there better be Ewoks on that planet.
Seriously, what does Poe add to the story after the escape?
Damn leila and han... dum
Hey a woman stormtrooper, like just a white gal. I didn’t notice that.
Damn lightspeed their way in.
Hooooh what a landing.
...Han Solo...
That‘s not how the force works!!!
Finn just wants Rey. I can see why people would think he’s horny for her since that boyfriend line, but that was the last horny thing he said.
Fucking mad with Power, calm down Finn then again we all wanna tell off our boss.
Rey is gonna escappeeeee damn hang on the side of the wall is that a switch what
Rey just climbing that wall like a monkey.
S H I E L D S   D O W N
Fucking Han... is there a trash compactor? You dirty bastard
And here comes the interesting part of Jedi Returns SHOOTY TIME
A T T A C K   T H E   S C P H I N C T E R (that’s how you spell it right)
Oh I love the sun thing like, it’s a great way of showing the timer without a clock.
Oh look it’s Rey, go on and almost get shot to death
Escape now, hug later.
The cinematography is good I like the dog fights.
I dunno this just really isn’t dramatic at all
Placing bombs, just like in Jedi.
Here comes Kylo
At least he keeps the mask on, like too many movies rely on faces.
oh light’s almost gone.
M A H   B O Y
Ah the stupid part
Wait is his name Finn too?
Like this woulda been way more dramatic if you didn’t know Kylo was Han’s boy.
There’s no music making this awkward and gut-wrenching which you don’t see modern mvoies do.
I’m being torn apart ;w;
What a bitch
Knowing what happens these lines are hilarious
Will you help me
L I G H T S   O U T
I dunno like, you’d think Han Solo being stabbed to death with his son would feel more heavy but that was just... nothing.
Fucking Kylo TEEF
Night time, being chased by a crazy dork in the woods.
oh here it comes
C’mon Finn
Fucking melee battle
Just fueled by the rage of his fallen friend, the desparation of the sun dissolving he fights for his life against a wounded lunatic.
Okay so maybe that cross saber has a use.
grabby time
oh no
This is unbearably xcool
Time to shoot the hole... like in new hope.
This ending is just all three original endinds with new stuff
30 seconds
only cooler
fuckin’ A
this battle is just like in empire strikes back
fucking planet’s falling apart so it’s better
A tempting offer
Who wants kylo ren to be a teacher like he’d be like a nun
W 0 0 T
it’s the comeback
don’t give the hero a dramatic pause to focus
B E A T   D O W N
the struggle is real
Take that loser
there seems to be something between us, Ren
Welp the planet is collapsing woo
Finn don’t you die, Poe is a loser you’re cool Finn
Ah it’s Chewie in the Churger
oh yeah han died like I thought it was han but no he died XDDDDD
Here comes the sun doot de doo doot~
Now for the final scene of congrats.
“Sorry General, your boyfriend was stabbed by his son and then the planet exploded”
Poor Chewie.
Fucking Artoo what are you doing here.
Like, this shoulda been episode 8 here, it feels like it shoulda ended with han’s funeral and the map was the start of the next movie aunno.
And Finn’s tale of a freedom slave blowing up the nazi death planet comes to a close.
Wait is she leaving?
I thought there was a funeral.
Not even an F?
Yeah then se see’s Luke’s hairy ass and it ends so awkwardly like this movie felt like two movies and THIS SHOULDA BEEN IN THE SEQUEL WHAT
Whoever wrote this is an idiot, whoever directed is even worse.
ANyways my conclusion is that the movie isn’t horrible, but... I dunno it’s about as bad as ep2 tho that movie’s crime was being boring, this one was too much story crammed into a short period and ruined opportunities.
I might watch ep 8 but I just am not invested like
Like fucking handing him a lightsaber what kinda ending is that
R O G U E   O N E   W A S   B E T T E R.
The end.
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nightincider · 7 years
A Somewhat Skewed Guide to Listening to Taylor Swift
I wrote this for a friend a year ago who was interested in getting into Taylor Swift and had no idea where to start - this is by no means a formal review, but a casual personal overview on Taylor Swift that I thought would be amusing to post here. 
Warning: unfiltered, unedited rambling :’D 
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Disclaimer: I confess I’m not familiar with 100% of her discography (I usually don’t listen to the bonus tracks/know all of her standalones)
Note: I will be going in chronological order of her discography even though that’s not how my journey through her stuff went
Taylor Swift (2006)
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don’t listen to this if you actually hate country music bc this is defs more on the country side of her country-pop crossover (mandolins, banjos, thankfully no annoying vocal twang)
this album is a great insight to her roots as a songwriter but it’s best enjoyed if you already like her, it’s like peeking into the old diary of someone you admire
Picture to Burn - hilarious breakup song trash talking an ex about how his pickup truck is stupid (you think I’m kidding but I’m not), video is awesome and shows her band trashing his house. I once sang this at karaoke and my friend fucking died and she didn’t believe the lyrics were actually a T Swift song
Mary’s Song (Oh My My My) - a really pretty, sappy gem about a long term love
everything else I could take or leave tbh
Fearless (2008)
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tbh I still don’t “get” this album bc it’s a bit immature for my tastes but I’m sure young teen me would have loved it if it came out then. But overall I feel like this album only disappoints me bc her later work is so much better. Otherwise it’s actually pretty great
Fearless - the title song for good reason, appropriate way to begin the album and starts off with the attitude of facing love with a, you guessed it, fearless outlook
Love Story - ok the Romeo & Juliet ref and the sappy lyrics are kinda cringeworthy but overlooking that it is probably one of her most well-written pop songs to date in terms of the melody, arrangement, catchiness etc and I will always have a soft spot in my heart for this
Breathe (feat. Colbie Caillat) - understated soft, sad pretty track
Forever and Always - I really love the melody in this one and the mentions of rain. This feels like the precursor to Mine (off Speak Now), except the relationship in the song didn’t actually work out
Change - notably NOT about relationships but about looking forward to positive changes and winning in life whatnot. It’s uplifting and I see it as the prequel to Long Live (from Speak Now)
everything else is not bad but doesn’t quite make my favs like this list. shoot me but I find Fifteen and You Belong With Me way overrated
 Speak Now (2010)
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supposedly before writing this album Swift wanted to go with the concept “Enchanted” (which is one of the songs as well) but her label told her she needed to show she was maturing and not make an album that was basically Fearless 2.0 so she opted for the idea of “Speak Now”, which is total (sometimes brutal) honesty
This album does indeed speak her mind, in the sad, happy, and even embarrassing ways (coughs the title track is about her fantasizing about crashing her ex’s wedding and stealing him away and makes comments about how the bride’s gown looks like a pastry)
Before Red, Swift released a lot of singles w/ multiple versions, usually a US (read: more country) and international (read: more pop/rock) one.
IMO, the singles on Speak Now (Mine, Back to December, Story of Us) sound way, way better on the international edition. So please try to find those versions!
Mine - please check out the international version it’s miles better than the US version (more driving rhythm/urgency, better guitar riff, the US version is too laid back IMO)
Sparks Fly - a song about undeniable chemistry, the chorus is one of my favs
Back to December - slow, sad, and beautiful.  I almost cried over this. I prefer this to Dear John bc it’s not as brutal and more accessible (Dear John is great too but really hard to listen to that often). Again international version is better bc the mandolin part in the US version is annoying.
Mean - kind of childish but that’s why I love it, it’s the pop song equivalent of a kid sticking their tongue out at their bullies on the playground
The Story of Us - not as emotionally wrenching as a lot of the other breakup songs but probably the catchiest and I love the beat
Enchanted - love at first sight type song. I really like the song structure (especially how it builds up) and instrumentation, and the bridge stanza is my favorite
Better Than Revenge - T Swift doing Paramore 
Innocent - T Swift doing Evanescence, also I think that song was a jab back at Kanye West lmfao
Long Live - song about taking on the world, proving ppl wrong, having great adventures, I wish I could someday feel worthy of singing this song
the one dud IMO is Never Grow Up (it’s kinda boring plus I think she was too young to write well from the perspective of a parent).
Red (2012)
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This was THE album that converted me to the cult of Swift and I hope it converts you too
I confess I only really noticed the beauty of Speak Now bc I went back and listened to it properly after I got tired of spinning Red during my commute
Fun fact: I only bothered to give this album a try after my white hipster bestie (whom I had a huge gross crush on at the time) rec’d it and I was like wtf at first but he was like no really give it a shot, so I did.
Red is every bit as honest as Speak Now but it’s not as bitter or playful it’s more sad and resigned and more nostalgic, wistful, you get it...
It’s painful for me to rec my favs from it bc I’d say the ENTIRE FUCKING ALBUM but I’ll. try. /grits teeth
State of Grace - those drums! that guitar! that whole “we’re on a journey and it’s beginning” feel…  this is her strongest album opening track to date (1989 totally bombed in that aspect, fuck Welcome to New York)
Red - I don’t know how a song has literally 2 unique melody lines but still manages to be so amazing. Unfair.
Treacherous - the whole excitement of falling in love with someone that you probably shouldn’t but presented in an unexpectedly tender way
All Too Well - by this point Swift has a trend of making song #5 the sad slow ballad (it’s a thing her fans have noticed). This song hits me hard on a personal level bc it reminds me of my 2.5 year relationship that ended and it’s incredibly well-written, from the lyrics reminiscing on the past to taking you back into that moment during the choruses, also the bridge just breaks me. This is probably the pinnacle of sad breakup songs and you cannot convince me otherwise
I Almost Do - All Too Well’s more timid but no less heartbreaking cousin
Holy Ground - this is kind of the banner song of the album despite not being the title track. While Red is meant to set the backdrop for this album’s themes, this song embodies the core of the album best IMO. And it has a danceable beat to boot.
Sad Beautiful Tragic - I used to skip this a lot after Holy Ground bc it’s a bit of a downer but it has an understated beauty
Starlight - want to see Swift write fanfiction? well here’s your chance. This song is about Ethel and Bobby Kennedy as teenagers. also embarrassing confession: I want to sing this at my own wedding if I ever get married someday. Best part is the piano line that evokes twinkling stars
I’m rather indifferent to the big pop singles in this album (I Knew You Were Trouble, 22, We Are Never Ever Getting Back Together. They’re good but, ultimately the best stuff is the album tracks)
1989 (2014)
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the album that converted a lot of pop lovers to the cult of Swift
shows a lot of growth and experimentation since Red, but Red is still personally my favorite, this one’s a close second tho
Swift has said in interviews that Red was a devastating album to write but 1989 is more about moving on from that and focusing on herself and it’s overall both more optimistic (regarding life in general) and calculated and cynical (regarding romance)
1989 is the year Swift was born, btw. Coincidentally the album has 13 tracks not counting the bonus ones and 13 is Swift’s favorite number (she was also born on Dec 13)
I have this whole conspiracy theory level of analysis going on about how this is a sequel to Red and how those two albums are linked in a way that the others aren’t
let’s get it out of the way, Welcome to New York is the obvious dud. sorry to our mutual friends who love NY but the song kind of sucks in itself oops. Like it’s very uninspired and generic
for an actual good song about NY check out Vienna Teng’s Goodnight New York
Blank Space - overplayed but I love the idea of Swift parodying what her critics think of her
Out of the Woods - it’s a song about uncertainty in a relationship and the ending is left up to interpretation and I love the repetitive chorus bc it illustrates the feeling of being trapped in the woods and seeing trees flash by you. The bridge has a personal anecdote (the brakes/stitches mentioned are from a minor snowmobile accident).
All You Had to Do Was Stay - about a dream Swift had where all she could do is say “stay” in a high pitched voice to an ex and it embarrassed her lol. Typical pining song but something about those “stays” sound way more painful than comical in practice.
Shake It Off - a good pick-me-up for the slow days and the only big single of hers I haven’t gotten utterly sick of
I Wish You Would - reminds me a lot of HAIM, and it’s oddly one song that I almost never skip when it comes up on my commute shuffle despite having heard every song on this album too many times. understated but solid.
Wildest Dreams - Swift doing Lana Del Rey better than Lana Del Rey
How You Get the Girl - cute but all I can think of is her cat in the Diet Coke commercial that used this song
This Love - I feel like this is the song tying the album together, it’s the most vulnerable track and the one flame of hope amidst all the jadedness that pervades the album regarding romance. It’s kind of meta in some way like it describes not only T Swift the character in the album but also possibly T Swift the person? This song is very important to me.
I Know Places - kind of a darker sound (for her)
Clean - a song about moving on from a relationship, I’m already biased towards this bc Imogen Heap worked on it but it’s really beautiful, and I love when Heap’s harmonies come in.
New Romantics - the freakin song of our generation, the lyrics are so fucking real I can’t even
Safe and Sound (feat. the Civil Wars) - from the Hunger Games OST, it’s pure folk goodness
Sweeter than Fiction - the happy ending we all want. has a bit of a beach-rock vibe to it with a very 80s production
Ronan - written for a child who died from cancer, it’s beautiful and sad
Thank you for reading if you’ve even made it this far and I hope I didn’t overwhelm you, happy listening! :D
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randoreviews · 7 years
Ben: Lee!? Lee: Yaaaaaa.  B: Can you hear me okay?! L: (robot voice) Yaaaa. Can yozurm hearm me?  B: A little bit, yeah yeah, I can, I can. Um, where are you?  L: Sitting on a golf cart in the middle of a field... in rural Maine.  B: Shit, you’re breakin up, maaan! L: ... Hang on a second........................ Can you hear me any better? B: Oh man, you sound beautiful. L: Niiiiice.  B: Thank you again for doing this, I think I was a combination of forceful... and needy? So that’s never a good combination. L: Haha. Tryin to get what you want. B: Haha. Yeah man, I know it’s your day off, but I think I wanted to talk with you about a few different things... to give me... more security.  L: Sure.  B: So should I just start in? L: Yeah man, however you wanna do it.  B: Okay, cool, so my first question I have written down is... what’s your deal? L: ... Hahaha. What’s YOUR deal?... Are you a myth? B: Haha. I mean, that is... seriously my first question.  L: ... (totally serious) What’s my deal? B: Haha. And it’s not in any context, so you can take it... just generally, ya know? L: Uuuhhhhhhh... Can we go back to that one? B: Mhm, you wanna go back to that one later?  L: Yeah, maybe, it’s sort of a broad question, so I’m gonna have to wrap my head around that one. B: Yeah yeah, mhm, this second one’s a little more specific, Do you still use Gold Bond on your balls? L: Ahhhhh.... no, I don’t think I’ve ever used Gold Bond on my balls? You just corn starch ‘em, so you have a little corn starch there, which is basically just without all the stuff? B: Right. So you are a proponent of corn starch.  L: Yeah, when the time is right, I don’t wake up in the morning and douse my balls with corn starch... B: Haha.  L: ... but, uhh, it’s definitely necessary at times... B: Haha. L: There was a one time now that you mention it, I had a case of ball chaffage goin and I got home... B: Haha. L: ... and there was a Gold Bond medicated spray and I thought, This’ll probly be nice, you know, sprayin my taint with this canister of Gold Bond... B: (almost choking)  L: ... aaand it was probably the most god-awful experience of my life.... just an inteeense burrrning from the inner thighs to the front of the ball bag. B: Hahaha, ohhh, maaan... That’s really, paints a picture... Wow. I think... I think we can move on now. I think we got what we wanted from that question... and maybe more than we wanted, but uhh... You’ve described Maine, having worked there for many summers, as... a “wench.” Do you want to explain that and would you still call it that?  (dropped call) B: Yo! L: Yo. B: Hey man... Sorry again for the hassle.  L: Nah, it’s no problem, this phone kinda sucks too so we may get some feedback or static from it or sump’n, but we’ll power through it. B: Absolutely, yeah, no, you sound solid now. So I think my last question waaasss.... (repeats question from above) L: What did I call it?  B: A WENCH. I think this was a Facebook post, from three or four summers ago maybe.  L: A wench? B: Yeah, like a... you know what a wench is.  L: No I don’t.  B: YOU FUCKING USED THAT WORD! Haha, I am going to look that up on Facebook. FIRST you never used Gold Bond, and now you’re sayin you never used wench. I aaam... borderline baffled. L: Haha... Wench? B: WENCH!! Like beer wench. Like a... kinda slutty woman. L: Oh, Wench.  B: Yeah, wench! What did you think I was saying? L: I thought you said wench but without context it’s a weird word to hear. B: Hahaha... So you do remember making that post? L: I don’t remember using it but I know the word. So whadid I say? Maine is such a wench?  B: Like... you were leaving Quisisana... at the end of August or September, whatever... and you were like, Thanks again, Maine, you’ve been a real, like... wench once again L: You sure it wasn’t mench? B: Ahhh. Shit, man. It coulda been mench. L Well, that’s a whole different situation, man. B: Hahaha. Do you think you said mench?  L: I dunno... but I think that’s closer to the word I would use to describe this experience, although wench is not entirely inaccurate? B: Aaaahh... I really think you said wench but, it’s all on Facebook so I can just search it up, it’s gonna be great.  L: Yeah, just do a little research the next time you ask me a question. B: Haha. But... why would either of those have basis, like? L: What? B: You said wench and mench, so how do either of those apply to working in Maine for the summer, OR maybe you’ve just completely eVOLVEd so much as a person, from then to now, that you’re just like, you don’t even remember.  L: Well a MENCH is like a, I don’t know if it’s Yiddish or whatever, but culturally it’s a Jewish term for a... nice... person. B: Ohhhh... Yes, yes, you’re right! I remember we met one of your mother’s friends in California once and she described us as... both being menchesss, and I didn’t know what it meant so I was like, at first I was like, Fuck this bitch, ya know? But no, then... then I looked it up and then I was... flattered.  L: So that is what I said -- mench? B: I REALLY think you said wench.  L: Oh, I thought you just said you looked it up. B: (speaking in a louder voice) NO, I SAID... AFTER THE WOMAN TOLD ME, AFTER THE WOMAN TOLD US THAT WE WERE MENCHES, I LOOKED UP THE WORD MENCH... TO FIND OUT WHAT IT MEANT. L: Right. Yeah, it’s a pretty well-known word, I think, in the Jewish community. B: Haha. So it sounds like you wouldn’t use either to describe, uhh... L: I guess mench is a weird word to use in this situation but it’s closer, wench I guess to me is just a... HAGGLY old... I dunno... Like it’s really got a negative connotation to it... B: DEFINITELY.  L: I dunno, do you have any idea when this mighta been? B: This was probably four or five Augusts ago. L: Ah, jeez. B: It’s all there, man. I’ll look it up. Don’t worry about it. Haha, that was supposed to be, really, more of a lighthearted question, and we really had to find our way through that one... Here’s a softball then, How do you feel about white supremacists in the country?  L: Oh man... they’re somethin, all right... They’re real wenches. B: DEFINITELY not menches.  L: No, they’re the furthest thing from menches, pretty much the polar opposite of a mench. B: Haha.... Ohhh... gosh... Soo... Anything else? L: How do I feel about white supremacists or white supremacism? B: Being in the country right now, like are you surprised that... Are you surprised? About what’s happened recently. L: Well, yeah, I’m surprised by a lot of stuff, and the whole thing’s a fuckin mess and it’s just gonna get worse, I feel pretty confident about that, but... you know... shit... I mean I assume you’re referring to Charlottesville and what went on a couple days ago? Kinda the catalyst to this whole thing. B: Yes, correct.  L: I mean I guess the way I see it is that there have always been white supremacists in this country, it’s kind of a part of... it’s a PART of the country... hasn’t gone anywhere, I’d say it’s gotten a lot less actually in history... but, I guess, you look at what happened and the situation is not unique, it’s not rare, every year or two years the Klan or whatever, the white supremacists, the neo-Nazis will hold some rally and a couple hundred dudes’ll show up and they march through the streets and they yell whatever they yell and the cops are there to make sure the shit doesn’t get out of orderrrr... Counterprotesters come and tell ‘em how stupid they arrree and everyone just kinda yells at each other and basically everyone goes home and that’s the end of it...  B: Right... Not this time. L: What’s that? B: I SAID NOT THIS TIME! Shit... popped off. L: No, not this time, and not just this time in this situation now, it seems like every time people with two different views -- and I’m not even talking about something as extreme as white supremacism or anything, just two groups that have different ideas politically -- every time they get together it’ll turn violent now, and the cops don’t show up, they don’t do their job to keep the order, and so it’s just like two groups of people with clubs meeting in a park somewhere and shit gets violent... B: Right. L: ... and surprise surprise, shit gets violent. The biggest surprise to me is there are white supremacists scattered around the country... and obviously there are, there always have been... it’s just how we sort of relate to each other and, you know, now it’s something that’s obviously going to lead to violence and, referring to the lady’s death, this is the first kind of death in all this shit yet from the girl that got mowed down by that car, that dude driving that car who was a white supremacist and pissed off and I don’t know what the fuck his deal was but he was obviously morally repugnant and responsible for what he did... B: Right... Shit, man, are we just watchin too much UFC or what? L: Eeeeeh, I don’t think so, I think it comes from a lack of moral clarity on people’s behalfs, and I also think it comes froommm... self-righteousness, and I think it comes from lack of personal accountability for who you are and what you believe and your stake in the world. There’s a lot of anger, people are blaming other people for their problems or their shortcomings or whatever and it’s just easy to find a scapegoat and people do it all the time, and I think it’s just getting more and more frequent and more and more intense... I don’t know, it’s sad to see.  B: Yeah man. Well I have a few more follow-up questions, but I mean you already answered most of my follow-up questions, I mean... Why was I asking you about Gold Bond and wenches and menches when I should have just cut to the chase.  L: Drop that bomb. B: That was excellent. So you kind of already answered this but I think you can take this one a little further, We’ve been to Monticello together... and have seen the slave quarters of the man who wrote the words, “All men are created equal.” We obviously know our country’s paradoxical, hypocritical past, What do you make of the riots these last few years, and this is more the fresher question now... Is this painful growth or are we stuck in a mire? L: Ummm... I don’t know, man, III... that’s a good question, I guess every person can answer that themselves, but if you look at the arc of history, I don’t think there’s anything to believe that we’re not progressing to be a better society, with better people, and a better culture, and... you know... take it back as far as you want to go in this country’s history, Thomas Jefferson was a slave owner, that’s obviouslyyy... terrible. But... we were the first country to end slavery... B: Yup. L: So... that’s cool.  B: Okay, so that’s a great transition to my next question which is Are you proud to be an American?  L: Oh yeah... Absolutely. Very proud. B: Okay... okay. All right, so, that was nice, just cut and dry. L: Haha. B: All right, sooo, you’re not under attack with this next one but, You’ve described yourself as an asshole in our last interview, and you also can be overheard saying how savvy Trump is... Do you think these two things are connected?  L: Being an asshole and being savvy? B: No no, you THINKING that Trump is savvy. L: Oh, and me being an asshole?  B: Haha. L: Oh, okay. B: NOW you’re seein it. L: Yeah yeah. But I like that first question better, like, are assholes more savvy? Or are saavy people more the assholes? B: Oh... Youuu can answer that too.  L: No-n-n-n-n-no, I’ll answer that in my own time. B: Haha, leave the audience wanting more.  L: Yeah, exactly. So do I think that me thinking Trump’s savvy and me being an asshole are connected?  B: I’m not saying you’re an asshole, you’ve described yourself in the past as an asshole. L: No, I’m not sayin that you’re sayin I’m an asshole, these are all my words... I want to make that very clear. B: Haha. L: I don’t know, possibly. Maybe you can help me reason through this one. What would it be about being an asshole that makes one think another asshole is savvy? Like, assholes... gravitate towards asshole? B: Yeah, I think they identify with them. L: Right, but I’m not like a hardcore Trump guy. B: Right... It’s true.... it’s true... You aren’t. L: I just think in a lot of the things he does he’s really good at it. And a lot of things he does, he’s not a good communicator, I’ll give you that right away, but I think he... the fact that he’s President is sort of a testament to... I keep thinkin about this in terms of like the whole Russia thing and how everyone was just like accusing him of colluding with Russia and he’s like... B: Yeah, that story’s kinda gone away the last couple weeks. What happened? L: Yeah, well, there was never anything to it, that’s my take on it. It’s a thing Hillary Clinton said when she was about to lose the election and then she lost the election and she was like, Aw yeah, it was Russia, and I’m sittin there like, so... here comes all the evidence and it’s like, oh, well, we’re compiling the evidence, you just wait, you just wait a couple more weeks and we’ll show you the evidence, and then a couple weeks come and go and then a few months and then it’s like, well, you know, it’s not like he talked to Putin but this guy talked to this other guy and another month comes and goes and it’s like, all right, what exactly are you accusing anybody of? Do you have anything to support what you’re saying? B: Right. L: So to answer your question, if the whole narrative in the early stages of this presidency was Trump ran for President because he’s got Russian ties, it’s in his best interest to become President so then he can favor Russian interests and make policy that benefits him, I’m like, okay, well that’s a shitty thing to do but even if what you’re saying is true, even if all that stuff is true, it takes a REALLY fuckin smart guy to win the presidency of the United States of America just so that he can benefit his business interests in Russia? B: Mm. L: Like, even if he’s doing that, whether you like the guy or not, even if he’s doing that you have to admit that if that’s true then that’s a hell of a fucking game that he just pulled off exactly what he was trying to do. B: It’s crazy. I think he’s as shocked as much as anyone. But it’s not about what I have to say, it’s about what you have to say, but, cool, going back to current current events, If Bernie Sanders is President, does the woman get run over by the truck? L: Ummm... I don’t know, that’s a good question. I mean you’d have to just theorize about an alternate path and everything, but I will say that I don’t think the left and... it’s probly gonna piss a lot of people off saying this because Donald Trump kinda just said it in different words but, I happen to agree with him on this, is that recently, in the last year and half, basically two years, since the election cycle started, there’s a HUGE amount of violence comin from the left, it’s all over Berkeley, every time someone gets invited to give a speech at UC Berkeley, these antifa motherfuckers would show up and start swingin bike locks over people’s heads and pepper sprayin people in the face while they’re givin interviews and beatin people to the ground with clubs and shit and like, that was their M.O. and they were not ashamed about it, they said We are the resistance, we’re gonna use violence to silence your political speech, which is fascism, it’s textbook fascism, that’s what it is. B: Right. L: So, I guess the point is that people are feeling that violence is justified to their political ends ... year and half, two years, and so if Bernie was President, I don’t know if that would have changed, it could have just emboldened those people, or maybe people on the other side of the aisle might tend to feel the way people on the left feel now, so they would be more violent, so each group is violent in their own way and they’re all responsible in their own way so, I don’t know if this specific event how it would have played, I don’t know, maybe it would have, but then you gotta ask yourself, would it be less likely that they were gonna tear down Confederate statues or monuments or whatever if Bernie was President? I don’t think it would be likely but it would probably be MORE likely and so you’d still have those people goin there to protest that... B: Yeaaaah. L: ... and then people would counterprotest that, and so, I don’t know that it would be a whole lot different. B: That’s true, I hadn’t thought of that. And I’d kind of already forgotten about this, which is terrible, but when that BERNIE SANDERS EXTREMIST... that’s like an oxymoron, that’s so stupid... shot the Republican... congressman, was it?... Some important member of the Republican Party at the softball game? Do I have my details right? I was like, you’re making us (because I’m obviously more liberal)... I was like, you’re screwing it up for us, man, you’re making us look TERRIBLE! But like you said, people on both sides have a lot of anger right now.  L: Yeah, they do. And I might be wrong about this and people might disagree and I’d be happy to hear ‘em out but I feel like the violence on the left... for example, shutting down free speech and clubbing people and taking the fucking rifle to the ballpark and shooting Republican congressmen... that goes waaaayy under-reported. Like it might get reported but it doesn’t get discussed, they sorta write it off as this freak lunatic fringe thing that’s goin on or, in the case of antifa they say they’re using violence and fighting hate, and it’s like, no, dude, that’s not how it works, to initiate violence you’re wrong all the time. And so they don’t seem to want to say that. B: Right, yeah, I hadn’t even heard of antifa before this past Saturday, I didn’t even know about them. L: Really? B: Because I don’t pay attention to politics as closely as you do. I don’t know how close you do these days, I know you just know. You know some stuff. L: I do. I pay attention. I pay pretty close attention, and to me it’s less about politics and more about culture, and so what I noticed this past winter and this past spring, basically what happened would be... it mostly started at UC Berkeley, for example Ann Coulter who is a conservative writer and commentator for Fox News, she’s really well known, she’s against illegal immigration, she’s kind of against immigration altogether so, you may not agree with her, I don’t agree with her on a whole lot of things, but she’s invited to a college campus to give a speech to a group of probably like-minded people and probably people who disagree with her, she’s invited to give a speech at a university, which you’re supposed to do these things, you know, and they come in and they shut her down and they threaten violence and they show up in fuckin black masks and pepper spray and start beatin the shit out of anyone who tries to get into the hall to hear someone SPEAK. Now, if that’s not fascism defined, then I don’t know what is. B: Yeah, the black mask gives it away usually. And it’s crazy thaaat... Berkeley is probably the campus you think of when you think of, like, peace, love 60s... and now we’re here! L: Oh yeah, the 60s were all about free speech, that was their whole thing, and they won that battle, and like culturally we were doing really well in terms of free speech, that’s why you could have fucking Klan rallies and no one was getting mowed down by cars, a couple hundred dudes would show up, people would fuckin yell at them, tell them they were retards, and it was fine, and they didn’t have any fuckin political power either, there’s no influence, so I just don’t understand why all of a sudden we have to act like five hundred racists in Virginia is indicative of our entire culture, like we have to relate to each other. Like, we’re letting the worst among us define how we relate to each other, and that’s the part that I don’t really get.  B: Yeah. Okay, that was great. Uumm, there’s a famous Rahm Emanuel quote that’s something like, Never let a crisis go to waste. If you were President, what would be the first things you would do after Charlottesville? L: Ohhh boyyy. Lotta moving parts there. I mean obviously you have to address the nation, let ‘em know that.... if this was me, say.... this is absolutely unacceptable, there’s no room in a civilized society for this type of violence, for this type of rhetoric, for these actions. You can call out people by name if you want, like I think Trump called out people by name -- white supremacists, neo-Nazis, KKK -- you could call out the people on the other side if you want. What I would try to do is just leave it pretty blunt and say, Look, if you feel that using violence to achieve your political means is appropriate, you are... wrong. You are basically the definition of terrorism. And you have no place, so you need to find your center, you need to come back to clarify your thoughts, figure out what it is you actually want, what’s making you this angry, and you need to regroup, because it’s not gonna go anywhere if we just meet up in the streets and brawl every time there’s disagreement about how we operate as a country... B: Yeah. L: ... so I think that would be the first thing you do, and then the second thing I would do is just get probably with the governor of states and have them talk to their law enforcement and have them say, Look, shit’s gettin real. You need to have your cops out there all the time to protect people, to preserve people’s rights to assembly, whether it’s to protest or to counterprotest or whatever, cops need to be there, if the cops aren’t there, it’s gonna get bad every single time, and also, stop using your political opinions to give permits, to remove permits, if people want to assemble and there’s no good reason not to, you need to give them a permit to do that, that’s your place, that’s on you, it’s your responsibility to do that, and if you don’t, it’s gonna get ugly and it’s gonna get ugly in your backyard so, you better be very careful about that. B: Yeah.... Are the cops just being, like, pussies or are they saying let’s just let these two groups beat each other up and then we’ll go in, like these people deserve it kind of thing. L: Yeah, I have a theory about that and that’s that nobody, these people who actually show up for these Klan rallies, nobody wants them there... my theory is that, they give ‘em a permit, they take it away, and then basically what they do is they say, You don’t have a permit, I know you guys are all ready to go and everyone’s gonna show up, but now you no longer have a permit, so the cops aren’t gonna be there, so what happens is... you get two groups of people in a small space that wanna kill each other, and they start killin each other, and then they have the stance where, Oh, you see what happens when we just let you be free? You see what happens when we just let you assemble, and it gets violent? Like, we’re the ones that need to decide who can have a permit and who can’t, who can say what and who can’t, because when we try it your way it gets violent... and I think that’s a big part of what’s goin on.  B: Yeah. (wasn’t fully paying attention for a second so asks a stupid question) Well aren’t you glad that they’re gonna step in? Aren’t you glad that the government is there, in this case?
L: Well yes and no, if they’re there they need to do their jobs. If you have a group of five hundred people that request a permit to have a rally in a park, you need to give them the permit, unless there’s some reeaaally good reason why, and it can’t just be... B: So let them exercise their free speech.  L: Let them exercise their free speech and also understand that there are gonna be people who disagree with them who are gonna come out and counterprotest, so you need to have cops there, cops there to keep the order. This is why Klan rallies in the 70s, it was like two people got punched in the face and everyone was yellin. B: Okay, okay, I see what you’re saying, I understand more clearly now. So you’re saying they’re intentionally sabotaging the permits and hanging back, letting people beat each other up, so then they can come in and say, We’re here to save the day, we’re awesome, you guys are idiots. 
L: Yeah, you guys are idiots, you can’t have this type of speech, you can’t meet in these places, and we’ll call the shots. We’ll be the ones who decide who can and who cannot speak and when they can speak and who gets arrested and all this shit.  B: I mean... I see what you’re saying. I can see what you’re saying. Okay, so, are you surprised that it happened in the same town as one of the best public universities in the country and that some of the members of the alt right group were UVA alumni? L: Uhhh... no. I mean all this stuff tends to gravitate towards universities, because in theory it should be where a lot of the intellectual discussions take place, centered around universities, number two I would imagine that Klansmen and the political science department at UVA don’t see eye to eye? B: Haha. L: I’m guessin that they have sort of a different take on things? B: Haha, I don’t know, man, I’m questioning everything these days but... probably not. L: Yeah, well again, who knows? But no, it doesn’t surprise me. It kinda makes more sense that it would happen there than just about anywhere else, I guess. So, sorry, what was the thing about the alt right being UVA alum? B: Yeah, were you surprised, you’re not surprised.  L: No, I’m just curious, but I hadn’t heard that. B: Yeah, I don’t know how many, but they were in there. Brad said... I saw Brad for a few minutes last night and he said that, on Reddit probably, people were identifying members, the white supremacists and people on that side. They were, you know, blowing up the pictures, circling them, identifying all of them, or as many as they could. L: Yeah yeah, that’s a big thing. I see that all the time, it’s like, we found this guy and name his hometown, he was at the rally and he fuckiiinn... swung a fist at somebody and now we’re gonna expose him and blah blah blah, which is, I get why they do it, it’s kind of a weird fuckin thing to do though. B: It’s crazy. L: There’s something really creepy about that. B: It’s like, yeah, Big Brother kind of. Not saying they’re wrong to do it, it’s just bizarre.  L: Right, and who the fuck are these people who are deciding who are the ones that need to be... exposed? Like if I was at some rally and some shit went down and I was there just to kinda check it out and see what was goin on, like who the fuck is the guy behind the computer who is like, we need to blow this guy’s picture up and ruin his life. It’s a little bit fuckin creepy. It all goes back, for me, to, you need to have protection for free speech, people need to be able to say, even if you fuckin hate it, because the only other alternative to free speech is violence.  B: I would say that’s the main cornerstone of the country, right? Free speech?  L: Yeah, but people don’t seem to get that, like I hear all the time people sayin shit like, Yeah, I defend free speech but I don’t defend hate speech, I’m for free speech for these people but not for these people, it’s like, no, you don’t get it. B: Right... It’s like therapy! For the neo-Nazis, they have to get it out, and then they just go back to their daily lives and their 9 to 5 jobs and their little country houses or whatever, not to belittle them.  L: And personally I like knowing who the racists are. I want people to be able to speak freely so that they acknowledge and they expose themselves as being racist or ignorant or whatever it is, like if you’re sayin that no one can say anything hateful anymore then we all just look like the same person, and so I’m associating with hardcore racists and buying products from them and hangin out with them or whatever and then nobody’s saying anything, especially if I was a minority in that part of the country where it seems to be a bit more prevalent, like if I was black in Virginia right now, I would want racists to be very vocal, because I would want to know exactly who they are.  B: Right, now I see. I gotcha. That’s a good way to think of it. L: Thanks. B: I just was thinking... and not that anything about these riots or showdowns is funny but... I was just thinking about like a blown-up picture of you on Reddit, you just happen to be walkin through, just like scratchin a lottery ticket or somethin, just wrong place, wrong time. L: Haha... I’m like pointing at a bird in a tree and someone’s like, Who’s Sieg Heiling in the parking lot, we need to destroy his life. B: Haha, all right so, couple more questions... Have you talked to your parents in the last few days about all of this?  L: Uuumm, no, actually they were up here last week and I got to see them and I actually saw your mom too and spent a little time with all three of them. B: Yup. L: But no, I haven’t talked to them, I haven’t really talked to many people while I’m up here just cuz it’s hard to communicate. B: Yeah, it’s such a bubble... It’s like a biodome. I should probably mention for anyone reading this that your parents are from North Carolina, so they’re southern so they’re a little more rooted in at least the Charlottesville thing, not that we all aren’t... Okay, so how much do you think your anarchocuriousness and your love for ruffling liberal feathers is just you still rebelling against your liberal and politically active parents and brother? Or is your brain just made up a little differently? L: That’s a good question, I don’t see it that way, basically because I agreed with everything they did until I was in my mid-to-late twenties, like it’s not that recent that I started to really strongly disagree with them politically.  B: Right. You guys have always had spirited political debates though... right? L: Yeah, we do, oh, absolutely. That’s kind of a big part of how we grew up is like, well, we’d have dinner together every night or most nights sittin around the table and it would always turn political one way or another. B: Right, we should mention that your dad, Jim, is a political scientist, or was... Probly still is, right? That doesn’t go away. L: Yup, a professor. Yup, yup, they’re all... left of... well see I don’t even know if they’re left of center anymore, it’s kinda weird... There’s this new political realignment goin on right now where I don’t know if it’s helpful to categorize anybody, I don’t know if anybody feels confident categorizing themselves anymore, we kinda gotta see where this new realignment ends up. B: Right. I mean they’re very liberal.  L: They’re very liberal. In most cases I am too. I mean politically if I had to define myself I think I would be a Libertarian, and that’s about as socially liberal as you can get, that’s about people livin their lives the way they see fit and not tellin anybody they can or can’t marry anybody or worship or do whatever they want. Like, go nuts, that’s fine, that’s the way I want it, that’s the way I like it. I mean that’s about as liberal as it gets in that sense, the conservatism comes in more in an economic sense, and umm... that’s kind of about it. I think it was Dave Rubin that said, defending liberal principles has become a conservative position this day and age, so you’re defending free speech and you’re defending individual rights and you’re defending economic freedom, all those classical liberal principles, somehow they’ve become far right now. It’s weird to me. B: Yeah... huh. Yeah, I hadn’t thought about it that way.  L: Yeah, and so I don’t try to do anything intentionally to ruffle liberal feathers, although I do take a bit of joy in it at times. B: Haha.  L: Really I just enjoy the argument and I enjoy pursuing truth and I think if feathers get ruffled in the process I don’t have any problem with that.  B: Right. This goes with the rebellion thing, which you say you don’t think you’re doing, but do you still have a leather jacket?  L: Oh, geez. Uhh... no. I haven’t had a leather jacket in quite some time. They’re expensive.  B: I know, man. They’re hot too, right?  L: Yeah, they’re hot, they’re no good for... man, I see people walkin around in Austin with leather jackets and I’m like, you really want to look cool. B: Yeahaha. It’s like having a person around your back the whole time, right? L: Right. Yeah, fuck that. B: Like draped over your shoulders. Okay, after Austin, where’s the next place you live?  L: After Austin? Man, I don’t know. I mean I got a ways to go in Austin, so... I love New England, I miss it, I would love to at some point come back and settle down more long term in the New England area, but... Yeah, I don’t know. Kind of all odds are on Austin right now for the foreseeable future, but if I had to choose, it would be back in the Greater Boston area, I think.  B: Cool. So we can give your forthcoming food truck in Austin a little plug... What’s it gonna be called? I Got Worms? L: Haha. “How did that son of a bitch know that I got gas?”  B: Hahaha.  L: Ah, it’s too early for a name yet, and it’s too early for plugs, you don’t want to freak out the populace and have people drivin all over the place tryna find this truck that hasn’t hit the ground yet so we’ll say TBD, keep your eyes peeled, we’re gonna drop social media bombs all over the place, I swear to god, don’t you worry about it. B: Haha, can’t wait. I heard something about lasagna so I’m intrigued. L: Lasagna? B: Yeah? L: I don’t know about that, I don’t know where you’re gettin your information. B: Okay. Someone who has red hair but... Are you keeping the mustache? Another quick question. L: Yeah, well I mean, if you can give me one good reason why I shouldn’t, then I’ll shave it off but... B: Haha. L: I’m enjoyin it. B: I am too, I am too. I hope people don’t take that the wrong way. L: It drives the ladies crazy. B: Haha. Just... endless mustache rides. Um, okay, last question, what are you gonna get... from Cousin’s... when you’re home in a couple weeks. L: OH MAN. B: Haha... Did you just get excited, like... too excited? You know what I mean? L: Yeah, well, I’m glad you mentioned this because I really gotta start thinkin about this. My first instinct is to go... small ‘roni and a Greek salad? Those two I’ll definitely get in the morning. B: Haha. I mean, I’m sure you’ll hit it up a few different times. L: Cape Cod Chips, maybe some boneless buff wings. B: Oh man. L: I mean they got good steak and cheese with pickles and ketchup, a la Andy Crimmins back in the day. B: AW... MAN. You are makin me... L: But their menu is always expanding, every time I go in there they’ve added like a whole different menu to their board.  B: Falafel. L: Yeah, falafal... fuckin... braised goat, and like all this shit that you never expected, but that’s cool, they’re doin a great job. How is Cousin’s Number Two, by the way? Is that thing still goin? B: It’s good! No, it’s goin strong, people love it over there, I don’t know if it’s as expansive a menu as OG Cousin’s and I do know, the one thing I do know for sure is that the couple times I’ve had Cousin’s Two it’s the same exact thing, same recipe, it’s just slightly... undercooked? Which I don’t like as much, I like that... crispness. L: On the pizza you mean? B: Yeah, that little bit of brown.  L: Yeah, when they caramelize the edge of that crust, like, that’s the best part.  B: Yeah, so... But if you’re over in that neck of the woods you could do far worse. L: Yeah, it’ll do in a pinch. And then get Boulevard Pizza and just be sad for the rest of the night.  B: Haha. That was it, man, I can’t wait to type this up. I always have this horrible fear that it didn’t record but I’m lookin at it and it’s been recording this whole time, so... L: That’s cool. Well, it was a pleasure talkin to you as always, I’m gonna say, last thing... Free speech... is the opposite of violence. You can’t get rid of free speech and have anything but violence, we need to defend free speech even if it’s speech we don’t like, the initiation of force is always detestable, it’s always morally wrong, there are no two ways about it, we need to keep those two things in mind, we need to go back and read our Socrates and our Aristotle and read our Plato and find our moral center and defend it and stand up for it and we need to stop letting the worst among us define how we relate to one another. And that’s all I have to say about that. B: Daaaaamn... So you’re more Martin Luther than Malcolm X? L: That’s right, brother. 
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