#she’d give usagi such a hard time for not doing well in school like okay perhaps its your fucking fault for not helping her in the slighest
bratz-kitten · 3 years
eternally angry that in sailor moon when usagi came home with a bad grade her mother would lock her out of the house for hours and they played it off as comedic relief without once acknowledging how fucked up it was when her mother could have simply tried to understand why usagi had so much difficulty in school, or idk not deprive her of the most basic human necessity of having a roof over her head?
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Mayday IS NOT a Mary Sue!
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I’ve heard this assertion before and it’s just bullshit.
To tackle this topic I’m going to crank the dial up to ‘Very difficult’ and strictly look at Mayday’s debut in What If…v2 #105. Were I to take her entire character history into consideration the accusation would crumble like wet paper.
Now, there is no absolute definitive definition of what a Mary Sue is, though there are broad overlaps between the definitions. Those overlaps really boil down to an over idealized character/female character (the male equivalent is Gary Stu or Marty Stu).
For the purposes of this discussion (and because this is what I’ve seen the accusations revolve around), the idea of her being a Mary Sue hinges upon three key points:
She is not flawed
Everyone likes her
She masters her powers/wins her first fight with no difficulty
Let’s tackle them each at a time.
She lacked personality flaws?
Well she seemed a bit of a hothead, rather melodramatic and arguably (because she planned on returning to action) deceitful at the very end of the story. She also considered herself a freak and was upset that her athletic accomplishments were the result of her powers not her own hard work. And of course her sense of self was radically rocked when she learned her father was Spider-Man.
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Whilst not a personality flaw per se, a source of contention in her life was that she didn’t fit in neatly with any of the school cliques. She was smart enough to hang with the nerds but also athletic enough to hang out with the jocks and as a result was forced to choose between them. This in turn hurt her romantic prospects the boy she liked, Brad Miller.
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This is integral to the story because through her alter ego Mayday can combine her intellect and athleticism and be her truest self.
Ah, but does this not then reinforce the accusation that everybody likes her? Poor Mayday. Her problem is too many  people like her. Cry me a river right?
Well, hold on a minute. Why is the idea of people liking the character a mark of a Mary Sue in the first place? It can’t just be a realism issue as many characters can be celebrities or beloved public figures. Bruce Wayne (out of costume) and Wonder Woman are beloved by most of the general public. So is Thor, Captain America and arguably Tony Stark and ¾ of the Fantastic Four.
Obviously villains dislike them though. In this vein then Normie Osborn in What if v2 #105 would dispel the accusation. But let’s be honest, that’s a little cheap isn’t it? Obviously villains aren’t going to like the hero, they wouldn’t be effective villains if they did *glares at Kylo Ren*.
So why are those characters not regarded as Mary Sue’s then? Well, the simple answer would be that the general adoration from others isn’t really that big of a deal for most of those characters. The general public do not strictly speaking need to like the F4 (and in fact have vacillated in their opinion of them), they just need to be famous.
In contrast Spider-Man had a poor public reputation due to Jameson and this is regarded as a hallmark of the character. It’s such a hallmark that it made it into the first 2 movies and later in Spider-Girl the fact that she had a far better public image was highlighted more than once.
So what’s going on here?
Well basically a character is a Mary Sue when everybody loves them at it either serves no story purpose, or if it’s a cheap way of conveying how much the audience should love a character. Or if it makes the character’s lives easier without them putting any work into it.
To give you an example from anime Son Goku and Usagi Tskunio (from Dragon Ball and Sailor Moon respectively, two of the most popular anime ever) typically made friends easily and even converted enemies into allies more than once.
Does this make them Mary Sues?
No, because the people who became friends or allies didn’t just immediately or easily evolve into those roles. Work and effort was put into that by Goku and Usagi respectively. They endured pain or displayed bravery or sacrifice or put their hearts on the line to convince someone to bet better
Now, I’m not saying Mayday’s popularity came about through methods like that. We do not know how Mayday became as popular as she is, though we can easily infer it’s due to her athleticism, physical attractiveness and brains. She’d fit into multiple cliques in school so it’s not unbelievable that her company would be desired by them.
What ultimately disproves her as a Mary Sue in this regard though is that there is a price to pay for that popularity. She is forced to choose between the groups and thus undermine friendships with one group or another. And she can never fully be herself…until she becomes Spider-Girl that is.
Basically Mayday being popular doesn’t make her a Mary Sue because it comes at a personal cost. Her life would honestly be easier if she was just a jock or a nerd.
Of course the counterpoints to that are that it’s a pretty minor concern all things in the grand scheme of life. And if she brings those two halves together as Spider-Girl then she’s solved her problem hasn’t she?
Well for starters, not fitting in exactly with any one group, undermining one set of friendships due to servicing another, juggling those social circles?
That might be a piece of cake next to what Peter Parker dealt with in high school, but for many teenagers it is actually pretty important.
In much the same way that scale matters in super powered conflicts, scale matters in terms of emotional conflicts too. We might argue May has it easier than Peter, but Peter had it arguably easier than the X-Men, or the Silver Surfer or ben Grimm. This is why his romantic or financial struggles were as compelling as (if not more so than) those of the Avengers efforts to save the world.
Mayday is 15. She is growing up. She is still figuring out who she is. So yes, her place in the high school hierarchy (especially in 1990s America no less) and social situation would be important to her. And it is she who is ultimately our POV character.
As for the second point about the two halves of her lives, it’s true. Mayday’s emotional conflict of being pulled between two groups reconciles by the end of the story because she bridges the gap. But for starters, let’s remember Mayday was designed to be a done-on-one character with merely the possibility of a continuation. So reconciling her emotional conflict by the end of the story makes a lot of sense narratively. However, the reality is when she became an on-going character it really wasn’t a big deal.
This is because, whilst she bridged that gap as Spider-Girl, she can’t be Spider-Girl ALL the time!
She has to at some point take the mask off ad go to school and in that environment she still needs to juggle not seeming nerdy to the jocks but not seeming like a jock to the nerds. She would still need to sacrifice potential romance and team building experiences with the jocks or sacrifice arguably more substantial friendships she’s held since childhood.
Okay, so being liked by everyone in context  doesn’t render Mayday a Mary Sue.
But surely we cannot defend her fighting prowess? In her first ever encounter with a villain, her first ever fight, her first ever use of the webshooters she won, and seemingly didn’t stumble.
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How can this be defended? Isn’t that at least approaching Rey from the Star Wars sequels levels of unearned skill?
First of all, May should be graded on a curve for the simple reason that she wasn’t invented to be strictly speaking an on-going character. Her whole character arc might’ve begun and ended in What If v2 #105 so given the story, of course we weren’t going to see a training montage.
But even if you ignore that the accusation doesn’t really add up.
For starters it’s pretty obvious her opponent (unlike Rey’s rival, Kylo Ren) was not overly experienced. He seemed to know how to use the weapons in his possession but was clearly emotionally unstable seeing as he was beaten by such an obvious way.
May’s internal thoughts throughout the fight also make it clear she is mostly winging it. She isn’t fighting as effectively as an experienced Spider-Man against an experienced Goblin. She is mostly riding on instinct and her strategy, whilst ultimately effective, is also very rudimentary.
She spots Normie’s gloves are capable of an electrical discharge when she webbed up his hand.
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She knows he uses pumpkin bombs because she saw one when he attacked her earlier; plus it’s likely someone just knows about such an infamous super villain.
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So she waits for him to pull out a pumpkin bomb then webs up his hand again, hoping he’ll react by using his discharge and blowing himself up. 
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Amidst this she needles him to make him emotional and throw him off balance increasing the chances he’ll use his best weapon (the pumpkin bomb) and not think through his actions. 
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Let’s also consider she webs up the same hand twice, which would make Normie consider his reaction even less.
It’s a basic but it got the job done. Mayday wouldn’t have needed to be a genius or an experienced fighter to have come up with that plan.
But as it happens her parents are two people who between them have scientific acumen, strong social skills, a penchant for getting inside people’s heads or under their skin and are very quick witted and resourceful. It’s not really necessary for the story to spell out for us that Mayday could have inherited these traits and/or observed them in practice growing up.*
From a storytelling POV, because we the audience are familiar enough with Peter and MJ (even if you don’t know that many specific stories) that context is part of the subtext of the story. So Mayday possessing those essential skills isn’t a cheap ass pull or anything.
But what about her use of Peter’s powers? She didn’t stumble with them, not even once.
Well, putting aside how the narration makes it clear she’s riding by the skin of her teeth more than once, this is justified when we compare to Peter himself.
I know that in Spider-Man 2002 and Amazing Spider-man 2012 Peter practiced with his powers and did stumble a bit in his use of them. But those were live action movies that demand a certain greater degree of realism because we have actual human beings right in front of us. They were also made 4-14 years after What If v2 #105. Additionally, whilst Maguire and Garfield’s Peter’s did have to stumble a bit, the key phrase there is ‘a bit’. 
They got the hang of their powers pretty quickly, with Maguire’s Peter trouncing Flash Thompson with ease.
Garfield meanwhile defended himself from people in a tiny subway carriage practically by accident.
Maguire’s Spidey got the hang of web swinging on his second try.
For the original 616 Peter Parker, the situation was even easier. IIRC aside from one flashback story showcasing Peter accidentally failing to control his strength, Peter had a handle on all his abilities pretty quickly, including web-swinging. Very  early into his career he held his own against four experienced heroes simultaneously. Specifically the Fantastic Four.
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This was (in publication order) the first ever time Peter battled anyone with powers of their own. And remember, this event is 100% canonical to Spider-Girl’s universe. Her version of Peter Parker (her father) battled the F4 exactly this way.
Ah, but that was written in 1963. Standards weren’t as believable or grounded as they were circa 1998. Well, what about Ultimate Spider-Man from 2000? A series that was actually bucking trends because  it was more grounded and realistic (allegedly)? In this universe Peter had his powers for a while before he first ever super villain battle and had dealt with some petty crooks before.
Nevertheless he too was very effective when he first fought Ultimate Green Goblin. Ultimate Goblin wasn’t great at critical thinking, but he was overwhelming stronger than Peter and more durable. And yet, Peter at the very least held his own in the fight.
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So it seems spider powers don’t require much practice before you can use them in combat. You can at least avoid attacks, hold your own and grasp the basics of web-swinging pretty quickly.
When looking at the 616 version of Spider-Man’s (and by extension Spider-Girl’s) powers this makes a lot of sense.
To begin with wall-crawling was second nature to Peter in the 616 universe and Ultimate Universe.
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More importantly the Spider Sense is a MASSIVE factor in Peter and Mayday’s respective fighting styles and was explicitly a factor in Mayday’s duel with Normie.
The Marvel wiki had this to say about Peter’s spider sense on his main page:
Spider-Sense: Spider-Man possesses a precognitive danger or "spider" sense which warns him of potential or immediate danger by the manifestation of a tingling sensation in the back of his skull, and links with his superhuman kinesthetics, enabling him to evade most any injuries, unless he cognitively overrides his automatic reflexes… Spider-Man's spider-sense is directional and can guide him to or away from hidden weapons and enemies. Sudden and extreme threats can cause his spider-sense to react with painful intensity. Spider-Man can also sense and dodge attacks directed randomly or by an artificial intelligence. Using his spider-sense to time his enhanced reflexes, Spider-Man can casually dodge attacks up to and including automatic-weapons fire, provided there is sufficient distance. His spider-sense is sufficiently well-linked to his reflexes to the point that a threat can trigger them even when Spider-Man is asleep or stunned.
This is further corroborated in ‘The Amazing Spider-Man: The Ultimate Guide Updated Edition’, written by Tom DeFalco, co-creator of What if v2 #105
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Additionally, ASM #656 established that Peter’s Spider Sense helped him greatly when web-swinging by subconsciously guiding his aim towards safe anchor points.**
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So Mayday’s proficiency with her newfound powers is actually not all that surprising. Her Spider-Sense actively compensated for her lack of experience. And if we look at her battle with Normie her predominant tactic is to just dodge and keep him distracted. The latter doesn’t really require training just some common sense and guts. The former is practically the wholesale function of the Spider-Sense in the first place.
Still don’t buy it?
Still think this is all a stretch?
Think that the Spider-Sense is just cheating?
Maybe you think dodging is one thing, but Mayday actively attacks Normie three times in the battle.
She saves herself from freefall and then transitions that into a strike against him.
She webbed up his hand accurate in the midst of the fight twice!
Her ability to do all that in her first fight, with no training, surely proves her for the Mary Sue she is.
Well here is something even I never considered until today…Mayday was already  athletic before  she gained her powers.
Mayday had won herself a spot on the Midtown High girls basketball team.
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The story doesn’t say when this happened but her familiarity with the team and the popular kids not on the team heavily implies she’s been on the team for a while. She talks about possibly getting a shot at scholarship or going pro. This again implies basketball isn’t just a recent new hobby, that she’s been into it for a while; an idea confirmed in her on-going solo book. This is further alluded to when Mayday laments that she believed her athletic skills were the result of training, practice and hard work.
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That line itself implies Mayday has in fact had her powers all along and been unwittingly been using them. This would mean that Mayday had been practicing on the court for many years, giving her a handle on her skills that she could bring to bear against Normie.***
However, earlier in the story Peter and MJ have a shocked reaction to Mayday’s slam dunk. Along with their dialogue this implies Mayday actually didn’t have any powers before the start of the story.
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Regardless, if Mayday trained, practiced and worked hard as a basketball player (and was good enough to make the team) she’d have developed certain skills. Skills that would have been transferable to her duel with Normie.
She’d have developed hand-eye co-ordination. Hence her ability to aim her webs and strikes accurately.
She’d have developed an awareness of the physics of he body. As in what movements in relation to the situation would generate what result. Like for example when she transitioned her swing into a kick.
She’d have had a certain knowledge of basic physics, because she’d need the ball to go where she’d need it to go. As in if she pushes off left with her arms out she should travel X distance. If she curls up her body it will slow her down, etc.
She’d have developed muscle memory and been able to move on instinct. Hence she could still be great at dodging even without her powers.
She would’ve known how to observe terrain and her opponents. E.g. she knew how to use the bridge’s shape to create a pendulum motion and kick Normie. And she knew observed his electrical discharge attack and pumpkin bombs.
She would’ve learned how to use the terrain and her opponents’ strengths and weaknesses to her advantage. Hence she, you know…won the fight.
And she would’ve known how to perform under pressure. She wasn’t thrown off by her powers or Normie’s almost lethal attacks.
All of these factors would’ve served her incredibly well in her fight.
When taken all together NO.
Mayday Parker is not, and was never, a Mary Sue.
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*Mayday’s scientific knowledge would also have served her very well in being able to figure out the right way to move in the battle. For example when she broke her freefall and turned the swing into an attack.
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**We might also speculate it was the Spider-Sense that guided Mayday in how to use trigger the web-shooters through the double-tap mentioned in the story.
Although frankly Spider-Man being such a famous and well documented hero the general public have probably seen him shoot a web and thus know about his famous hand gesture. So Mayday, being intelligent (let alone scientifically clever like her Dad) probably deduced how to activate the web-shooters.
***Not to mention, the scene demonstrates Mayday testing out her powers. So she didn’t walk into battle with Normie completely unaware of what she might be capable of.
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docholligay · 4 years
The Intercession of St. Raphael 5: To Walk in The Way He Has Commanded
Patreon realease day! Up through Chapter nine on Patreon! 
“What the hell, dude!”
Seiya hissed into her ear, sitting next to her outside of Father Anthony’s office, the velvet of the chair coverings worn where a thousand girls before them had sat, waiting for judgment. Haruka did not react, just stared down at her hands, rubbing her thumb over the back of her palm. It was early, and Father Anthony was likely making them wait because he had no desire to be up himself--it was simply designed as a further punishment for the both of them.
Both Haruka and Seiya had taken their usual route of forcing femininity as hard as possible when brought for punishment. Seiya looked nearly demure in her lace-trimmed blouse, her hair pinned back with delicate gold clips, her legs crossed neatly under her pastel blue skirt, gently flared out at the knee. Haruka had little casual clothing anyhow, none of which she had devoted to being ladylike, and so she wore her uniform, pressed by Mako this morning, the peter pan blouse selected, accented by a pink ribbon in her hair from Usagi.
“I said,” Seiya stared hard at her. “What the hell, dude? I thought we agreed we don’t want to end up here, again, with Father fucking Anthony.”
Haruka sighed and flopped back in the chair, forgetting her urge to be ladylike, staring out the window and wishing she could fly away into the clouds. “I’m sorry.”
Seiya sat back, somehow more taken aback by Haruka’s genuine apology than the fact that Haruka had hit her in the first place.
It took her a moment to recover. “You okay?”
“Yeah,” Haruka kept staring out the window, barely registering the quiet miracle of she and Seiya having a civil conversation, “I got into a fight with Mina last night.”
In the way of most stories people tell, this was not entirely true, nor entirely false.
Haruka would have told you she finally unleashed after years of small jokes that barbed at her, that even she could only take so much, that Mina had been cruel, and that Mina herself had offered no defense for her action, for the way she had manipulated Haruka’s feelings for a joke. She would have edited her choked-back tears, and the way she had stormed out of their shared room and slept on the floor of the small chapel where she had spoken with Michiru just a few weeks previously. She would never had said that the chapel had once seemed a cathedral to her, when Michiru touched her hand, incense woven into the woodwork and surrounding her, as if she’d been blessed, but that now it was just a small and dingy place where she buried herself into the tattered carpet, at least kind enough to absorb her errant tears.
Mina would have told you that Haruka exploded at her when she had touched her shoulder in concern, that she could not have said a word if she had wanted to, that Haruka made no sense and she had no idea what she was even talking about, that she thought Haruka must be drunk or on drugs on something to explain her erratic behavior. She would have edited out her hurt, that she had never seen Haruka so angry with her, that she was confused and scared and worried, that she had looked for Haruka for hours before going to bed, slipping a note under her pillow and hoping she’d come home, that it hurt more deeply than any argument she had with any lover.
Seiya gave an awkward shrug. “Sucks, fighting with your girl.”
“It’s not like that. I’ve known her since I was eight, Kou, she’s like my sister.”
“Yeah, I got one of those too.” Seiya recovered, finally, and waved her hands over at Haruka. “So why the fuck did you hit me?”
Haruka wanted to pour the sourness out of her soul, wanted to cleanse the rotted hurt from her heart, to lay it tenderly within the soft love of forgiveness, but all she could see is Mary looking down on her with shame, the backs of the saints turned to her, and she could not hear the reassuring whispers of love and gentleness, only the fierce anger of men who had used the words of the saints as a weapon.
And so she choked out, “Because I’m stupid.”
“I’m gonna be honest, I don’t know how to treat you when you’re like this. Maybe you should just hit me again. I can deal with that.”
Haruka buried her head in her hands, her legs spread, and groaned heavily.
“Ladies.” The voice was cold and commanding, and Haruka immediately remembered that she was supposed to be very demure, and sat up straight, crossing her ankles.
“Good morning, Father Anthony.” It was in perfect concert.
He beckoned them with his hand. “Into my office. Now.”
They half-scrambled, not wanting to be any more of Father Anthony’s personal annoyances than they already were--he has a hard man, and his distaste for children was only surpassed by his dislike of teenagers, to say nothing of ones who wore their hair too short, wore pants too often, and walked too heavy.
They sat down on the plush chairs in his office, the room smelling of tobacco and a light mist of flowers. The colors were dark and imposing, the entire place giving off the air of judgement that he doubtless craved.
“I hope you are pleased that this is how we all have to spend our weekend.” He sat down at his desk and glowered at the two of them.
Seiya and Haruka looked at each other out of the corners of their eyes, wondering if they were meant to respond.
The answer was, luckily, no, and so Father Anthony continued:
“From the report of several bystanders, I have it on good authority that you were the one to throw the first punch, Miss Tenoh, and I am very curious as to why you thought that a good idea.” His voice was dripping with condescension, and Haruka felt anger and shame in a glorious duet that burned hot on her skin.
Haruka did not know how to begin to explain, even to someone who held her in good faith, and certainly not to the man who held her in contempt. That she had been hurt, and sad, and all of it had built up in her, in the way things do, and she tried to stop herself when it happened, but she was just so angry, and her feelings so tender.
“Haruka, answer me.” He gazed over the desk at her, his eyes boring into her soul, looking for every crack and chip.
Haruka fidgeted uncomfortably, looking up at Father Anthony through her bangs, narrowly obscuring his gaze, a weak confessional panel between them.
“I saw her with...a boy...that I liked. I was jealous. I thought he might like me. It was stupid. I’m not the kind of girl any gi--guy might fall for.” She bowed her head, staring at the floor. “My friends told me he liked me because they thought it would be funny.”
Father Anthony seemed a strange mix of surprised and appeased. Seiya looked over at her, and even out of the corner of her eye, Haruka could see her rising compassion. It only made her feel more ashamed, that she was an object of pity in Seiya’s eyes, and she shrugged.
“Sorry I hit you.”
“Envy is among the ugliest sins, Haruka.” Father Anthony boomed over the desk.
“I know.”
He pushed himself out from the desk and drew his hands behind his back thoughtfully, strutting about the large oak-paneled office.
“And, in addition to that, to strike against your Sister in Christ over desires of the flesh.”
You don’t know the half of it, Father. You have no idea how much trouble I should be in.
“Haruka, your continued presence at this school is representative of Holy Mother Church's commitment to the poor and the unwanted,” she winced at the word, but Father Anthony was not so much as looking at her, “and it is a privilege for you. If we were forced to tell the state that you belong better in--”
“It was my fault, Father.” Both Haruka and Father Anthony’s heads snapped to look at her. “I knew Haruka liked...that boy, and I bragged about it in front of her. I caused my sister to stumble.”
He frowned deeply, and it was difficult to tell whether he was more disappointed that Seiya had done such a thing or that his speech threatening Haruka’s home of nearly ten years had been interrupted. The children who paid were not subject to nearly the same discussions, and the Kou family had enough put into the school that a light slap on the wrist was most of what he could manage.
“50 Hail Marys, Miss Kou, and my personal admonition that it would be wise not to stoke the anger in others. One day you may meet with someone whose bite outshines their bark.”
Seiya grinned. “Well, this shiner doesn’t feel great.”
He frowned heavily at her, and she sat back up straight and folded her hands in her lap.
“Miss Tenoh, it would do you well to reflect on the sort of company you keep, if your story is to be believed.”
“Trust me, Father, I am.” She spat the words, thinking of Mina, and how she and Rei must have giggled over Haruka’s hurt and pain.
“I cannot ignore that you were the one moved to violence, whatever Miss Kou might have said. 50 Hail Marys and a loss of your commissary privileges for one month.”
Haruka burst. She had worked so hard for the small amount of pocket change that she had, and she delighted in the times she picked up a candy bar, or some soda, or any of the small pleasures allotted to her. “Are you kidding me?! Father Anthony, that’s not fair, I--”
“You are fortunate, Miss Tenoh, that I do not remove you from the track team, for all it seems to fire up your blood.”
Haruka stopped immediately, her face grave, and bit her lip.
“Yes, I thought as much. Temper, Miss Tenoh. I am told it causes you grief, and you should reflect on your lack of control, don’t you agree?” He looked down his nose at her. “Hm?”
“Yes, Father Anthony.” She took a deep breath. “Thank you for advising me.”
He looked down at the paper on his desk and waved his hand. “You may go.”
Seiya and Haruka stood up as quickly as they could without seeming as if they were rushing out in an unladylike way, and went to gather their belongings, Seiya’s leather satchel sitting next to Haruka’s tattered green bag.
“Thank you.” The words were bitter in her mouth as she scooped to pick up her bag.
“Don’t mention it.”
“Why did you--”
“When I say, don’t mention it, I mean, tell no one, I’ll deny it, and never talk to me about it again.” Seiya picked up her bag and turned back toward Haruka. “Father Anthony’s a dick.”
Haruka nodded her assent, and they wordlessly walked down the hall to the back stairs.
“Let me give you some advice. Michiru’s hot, but she’s a Kaioh. She’s mean, and she’s crazy, and she could probably have you killed if she wanted to. Nobody likes her, the only friend she has is Rei, and probably only because Senator Hino needs to be up the Kaiohs’ ass for political reasons. There’s tons of girls in this school, Haruka.”
Haruka’s mouth was open to defend Michiru before she realized she had done it, but she stopped herself and closed it, remembering that Seiya had done her a great and unexpected favor, and she could, at least, sit for a moment and listen to what she had to say.
“I mean, do what you want,” Seiya waved her hand dismissively, “I’m not gonna cover your ass again, but I’ve gone to school with her since I started going to school, and trust me on this one. Her whole family’s creepy.”
Haruka nodded. “Okay.”
Seiya sighed at the non-committal nature of it all, turned on her heel, and headed back to the dorm hall.
Haruka looked out at the campus, the green beginning to grey under a quickly-darkening sky, the raindrops heavy in the bottom of the clouds, begging to burst forth. She walked toward the tree at the end of the field--the day after the St. Stephen’s dance was almost always quiet, and the coming rain had only stilled the normally busy hum of the girls’ school even further.
Which was fine with Haruka--she didn’t want to go back to her room, but she didn’t want to see anyone, either. What she really wished, most desperately, was that her suggestion of a punching bag in the gym center had been taken up, but Father Anthony had called it ‘completely inappropriate for young ladies.’
A punching bag was inappropriate, but that flower arranging was still a part of Home Ec was a vital skill.
She touched her chest for reassurance, and then remembered the lost medal. When it rained it poured, it supposed, though the slight misting drizzle of the day seemed to deny her even this. She looked back up at the clouds. They looked so heavy, she could tell there was a torrent inside of them just waiting to be free, to break out and rain down on the land, covering it. BUt it was restrained, held back to this sad drizzle.
She thought about walking the few miles up the road to St. Stephen’s, to ask about the medal, but though, considering her recent bent into lawlessness in the eyes of Father Anthony, this might not be the widest choice.
Instead, she shuffled slowly across the field, the wool coat provided for them just barely hitting her hip. She was as ill-fit and wrong for it as for everything else in this place. She sighed heavily and leaned against the tree at the other end, looked up at the pattern of grey between the fading green of the leaves.
She understood them, she thought, slowly dying as she tried to cling to something that didn’t want her anymore.
Glad to see you’re still being as dramatic as humanly possible, Heathcliff, she could hear Mina say.
Mina. The rage boiled in her again, how Mina could do something so cruel. That, in itself, she supposed, was not the greatest surprise--she had been known to strike back at people aggressively when they got in her way, or had done something she considered something a slight. No, the great surprise was that Mina could have done something like that to her.
It had been years since they both came to this place, stuffed together in the back of a station wagon, a social worker assuring them that this was a marvelous opportunity, that Mother Mary’s was a brilliant and exceptional learning institution, (and this Haruka would have happily concurred with, were she not so certain that such things were essentially wasted on her), that they should be happy and grateful. Mina, young as she was, had still seemed rather unaffected by the whole thing, as happy in one place as another so long as there was something to be fiddled with, a person to be teased, a rule to be exploited.
Haruka, on the other hand, had been crushed, feeling the dream of her having a family set aside. Her grandmother had died only a year prior, and her mother had seemed wholly disinterested in raising her. She had a vision of someone coming and telling her they wanted her to be their new daughter, and pictured birthdays and Christmases overflowing with the warm smells of home.
But she was not the sort of doll anyone selected from the shelf, she thought, gangly and boyish, never the honor student.
Mina had patted her shoulder. “Don’t worry,” she winked, “you’ll be okay.”
She could not possibly have known such a thing, but she played it off with such confidence that Haruka believed her instantly.
“Yeah?” She had furrowed her brow, trying to look tough, in a move that would become very familiar to her. “I’m not scared.”
“No one said you were.” Mina sassed back.
Haruka had crossed her arms and slumped down in the seat. “I never wanted a stupid family or anything anyway.”
“Good, ‘cause you’re not getting one.”
Haruka shot her a look, then, with all the insult her child’s face could offer.
She had shrugged. “Just being honest,” she extended her hand, “Call me Mina.”
“Haruka.” She shook her hand, feeling very adult in the moment.
Mina had been wrong, when she’d said that, Haruka reflected, sliding down the tree and sitting at its roots. It was true that no one had ever wanted to adopt them--Haruka had given up the idea later than most, but she eventually got it through hr thick skull--but they had become a family to each other, and as Usagi and Mako had come along, they had been worked into the fabric as well, making some sort of quilt of useless and throwaway patches.
It had always worked for Haruka, on some level, just having Mina to care about her, but she could not square Mina’s betrayal with the rest of their lives.
Mina had sat by her as she trembled and shook from the chicken pox last year, only teasing her later as the only human being capable of being in a boarding school and waiting til she was 15 to catch it. They’d discussed a dozen hurts and fears and Haruka had even seen Mina cry, which she considered no small sight. She didn’t like being mad at Mina. She hated it.
But she would never get over what Mina had done to her, not now, not ever. She balled her fists and bit her lip.
Temper, Miss Tenoh.
Had anyone ever had the idea that Joan had decided to leave France because she was simply so sad, and so hurt, by what was happening, that all she could was react with any army? Likely not--that wasn’t the way saints thought, God had told her to do it, not the burn in the belly of her soul, but Haruka longed to tell someone what it felt like. To know that someone understood what it was to have that aching hurt down inside, to want to lash out like a rattlesnake, but of course, Haruka only ever bit herself in the end.
“Haruka, I’ve been looking everywhere for you. Jesus Christ, I’ve been worried sick, you flipped the fuck out last night, and I didn’t see you at breakfast this morning, if this is some kind of lesbian dramatics that’s fine but for fuck’s sake, keep me in the loop.”
She didn’t need to look up to know who it was.
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Ok this one is a lame au but the Outers show up in pgsm.
I’m going to come from the second season angle, with thespecial act never happening. Also, I think there’s no Chibs in the PGSM-verse,because of Sailor Luna and also working in a world without the security ofCrystal Tokyo is interesting.
So that puts us with a Pluto who has not known friendship,who never fought or died for a sweet little girl. She becomes Setsuna andeverything is new, she gets to be with people for the first time.
Also, she’s aged down a bit. Only a little older than ourmain cast. She is so eager to befriend them and she doesn’t know how. And sheknows she is supposed to be there to warn them, but she wants so badly to beloved by them that she frets over her approach and dreads their impression ofher being such a bad omen.
Minako notices her, and confronts her, thinking she might bea fan going to far, showing up places they hang out and always looking a littletoo long. Setsuna transforms to assure her that’s not the case. She explainsthat there may be a time when additional soldiers are needed to destroy biggerthreats.
She also asks that Minako keep her a secret from the others.
Minako agrees, but she knows what it’s like to take on theburden of duty and memory alone, so she invites Setsuna along to hang out withthem.
(And as monster attacks start cropping up again, she makessure Setsuna is able to sneak away quietly instead of transforming. There’s notyet anything they can’t handle on their own yet anyway.)
There’s a nice little subplot of Rei getting jealous of thisnew, beautiful older girl Minako is suddenly chummy with.
She swears she’s not jealous, she explains to Ami one night,it’s just that she used to be the one person Minako connected to, and nowSetsuna’s new and shiny and she feels forgetten.
That’s jealousy, Ami says (she knows the feeling all toowell), but what did you say about premonitions of doom?
Rei says it’s probably nothing. Ami takes note while Rei isfocused on her definitely-not-jealousy.
Usagi, meanwhile, is causing Mamoru somedefinitely-not-jealousy as she spends time with a handsome stranger she met ina candy shop.
He of course doesn’t SAY anything, of course, but Usagi seessomething is wrong and mopes around the karaoke bar trying to figure it out.
Mako has NO PATIENCE for Mamoru’s shit, so she barges overto his place to find out what’s wrong. He caves and she’s just like YOU’RESTUPID USAGI LOVES YOU. Also, I think Haruka is about as threatening to you asa teddy bear, she cries over every animal video Usagi shows her.
Oh, is all Mamoru can say, and then he pulls his head out ofhis ass.
We then get just fun scenes of the girls (includingSetsuna!) hanging out with Haruka, trying on sunglasses, complaining aboutschool, all the usual stuff. She and Mako play basketball. A good time is hadby all.
Meanwhile, tho, the viewers get insight into the DeathBuster’s plans. Tomoe and Kaolintie (the baddies are streamlined a bit) hatchdaimons from various objects. They whisper about building up to hatching themost powerful daimon of all.
The daimons get more and more powerful, the girls fight moreand more. One day they get attacked while hanging out, and in order to protectHaruka, Setsuna is forced to reveal herself. And when she transforms, sherecognizes the hidden power of Uranus in Haruka.
The girls are surprised in the aftermath, but not shocked.Usagi is elated that both her new friends are senshi. She offers her hand toHaruka, eager to see her transform for the first time…
And is blown away by a blast of power.
“That girl will not become a senshi,” says a voice from the shadows.“You will not lead her down this path.”
The audience sees a shot of green hair, a glint of a mirror.
“We need her to awaken the messiah, should the need arise.”Setsuna says. She touches the garnet orb on her staff.
“Then the need shall not arise,” says the mysterioussoldier. “If she is with you, she is protected, is she not?”
Haruka wants to join the fight, but something holds herback. And when she asks, later, Minako is honest. Duty is hard. Duty ispainful. Whoever the mysterious soldier is, she is not wrong. Whatever reasonsshe has for protecting Haruka may be valid.
Rei, meanwhile, is not content to be left wondering. Shegoes to her fires with a question, and they give her an answer. The next dayshe tracks down the young heiress Michiru Kaioh.
“I know who you are,” she says, but Michiru does not falter.“And I know who you are, Mars. I know what you have seen. Pluto is wrong. Whenwe three awaken we bring destruction. I will not let that girl face that.”
“What is she to you?”
Michiru freezes. “Everything. But I am nothing to her.” Andshe takes her leave.
There’s several episodes of Haruka agonizing and the girlsfighting and Neptune watching from the shadows and Rei being weird aboutSetsuna and Minako and trying to decide if she’s relieved or more threatened bythe fact that she’s a soldier.
And finally one episode ends with a scared little girl lookinginto Tomoe’s laboratory, with more ominous talk of The Most Powerful Daimon.
We follow this little girl, Hotaru, next episode, see her goto school and be picked on for being sickly, see her avoid going home. Shemeets Haruka, who asks if she’s lost. She says no, but when Haruka asks if she’dlike to be walked home because it’s getting dark, she nods and takes her hand.
Of course, a powerful daimon attacks them.
Neptune appears seemingly out of nowhere to fight it. “Run,”she spits, and Haruka picks up Hotaru and tries but a second daimon appears. “Forgetthe girl and run!”
Haruka, of course, cannot, and if she cannot run, she mustfight.
The power explodes out of her and she transforms. Michiruwatches in despair.
Uranus immediately kills the monster she faces with hersword, and turns to make sure Hotaru is okay.
But Hotaru’s glowing purple, and in a voice not her own shedemands the third. Where is it? She needs the third.
Michiru drops her transformation, and yells at Haruka to dothe same. Hotaru returns to normal with no memory of what happened.
“The three of us must never be transformed in the sameplace,” Michiru says quietly. “Lest the messiah of silence awaken.”
“You don’t have to be alone though,”Haruka says. (Shecarries Hotaru, who has fallen asleep, on her back.
Michiru insists it’s too risky. She would rather Haruka staysafe, but Haruka smiles and says she’s in this now. She asks why Michiru caresso much, and she avoids the question.
All the senshi, minus Michiru, have a meeting in the karaokeparlor. Rei states what she knows, and so does Haruka. The incident with Hotaruworries Pluto. She explains that the three of them are supposed to call forththe holy grail, which empowers Serenity.
Usagi quietly says that every power that can do good can dobad just as easily.
It silences them all for a long moment. Then Haruka suggeststhat Hotaru seems troubled, and maybe the best option would be to find out moreabout what might be going on.
They form a plan. Ami signs up to be a tutor at Hotaru’selementary school. She meets Hotaru, but learns nothing. Hotaru is troubled bybullying, that is clear, but there’s something deeper Ami can see but can’tdefine.
Then, without notice because she’s not one to be behind thescenes, MINAKO AINO makes a surprise visit to the elementary school! All of thekids go nuts, asking for autographs and songs, but Hotaru hangs back. Ami takesher chance and asks Hotaru what’s wrong. She’s been bullied too, she assuresher, and she won’t tell anyone anything Hotaru says.
Hotaru is painfully ready to trust people. She tells Ami hermother died, but now her father has brought home a woman and the woman won’tleave. Ami nods, thinking it’s a stepmother situation, but then Hotaru whispersthat they spend all their time in the basement laboratory, saying things thatscare her, and sometimes she wakes up at night sure someone has been in herroom.
There’s whispers in her dreams, words she doesn’t understand.Daimons. Does Ami know what a daimon is?
Ami lies and says no. As soon as she can, she takes out herphone and makes a call.
Haruka, luckily, knows where Hotaru’s house is from walkingher home. The two of them expect to do a stealth attack (figuring there is notime to gether the others), but Kaolinite knows Hotaru has talked. She meetsthem at the door and announces they are too late.
She turns and shoves Hotaru forward, announcing the mostpowerful daimon is complete.
The wind rises around Hotaru. Haruka whispers that this isn’thow she went strange before.
Michiru runs past everyone, untransformed. As she is aboutto throw herself on Hotaru, Haruka grabs her arm. “What are you doing?”
“Killing the girl will save us all.”
“How can you say that? She’s a child.”
The fight is cut short by Hotaru hatching into MistressNine.
The being that was once the little girl Hotaru looks at herhands, shrieking with laughter at the joy of being alive. The sky darkens aboveher. She smiles before lashing out.
Michiru shields Haruka from the blow, looking so small incomparision to tall, transformed Uranus.
Mistress Nine knocks back Mercury, declaring them not worththe fight. She calls for Tomoe and Kaolinite, declaring that they must protecther, they’ve brought her into a body still to frail to handle her power. Shecannot yet call Pharoh 90.
And then Hotaru collapses, a girl once again. Tomoe andKaolinite take her up and disappear.
There’s a few quieter episodes. Haruka visits Michiru in thehospital, and Michiru confesses everything. How her visions had led her toHaruka, and while she’d already planned on stopping her from awakening, themore she watched, the more she wanted to protect Haruka’s smile. It wouldn’t befair if Haruka had to face a soldier’s life. She never wanted Haruka to facedown killing a little girl for the sake of the world.
Once she’s out, everyone comes together. Setsuna somberlyannounces her thoughts—based on what Haruka saw, Hotaru bears the soul ofSaturn, the soldier of destruction. Michiru agrees, stating the extent of hervisions. She’s seen that they are between a rock and a hard place—destruction bySaturn or destruction by Pharoh 90.
Setsuna sees things differently. Saturn’s power razes the earthas a fire might raze a crop, ensuring the soil is renewed so that it can growback stronger. Destruction by the likes of Pharoh 90 is a plague, poisoning theearth so that nothing shall rise up in its wake.
They should awaken Saturn to force out Mistress Nine.
Minako agrees. Rei very emphatically does not. They havefought for their lives. This life. She’s not prepared to sacrifice it. She andMinako fall into old patterns of subordination and accusations of being badsoldiers.
Usagi stops them. They will awaken Saturn. But she will stopthe destruction. She will not hear that it’s not how it works.
They draw out Mistress Nine once more, and this time she is successfulin calling to her master. Pharoh 90 appears in the sky, slowly descending toconsume the earth.
The soldiers worry they are too late, but they follow theplan.
The Outers all transform, and Mistress Nine begins to morph.There is a war inside Hotaru’s body, and Saturn wins.
She raises her glaive to reset, but Princess Sailor Moonsteps up, blocking the glaive with her sword.
“I will not allow destruction of things I love.”
“You are too late. I will birth this world anew. I amdestruction incarnate.”
“So was I, once.” Usagi fades into her regular Sailor Moonform. The Holy Grail appears before her, and she takes it. “We don’t have to bethe things we were made for.” The grail opens and light washes over her. Shehas become Super Sailor Moon. “I destroyed my kingdom in pain, and I was wrong.”
“I am not motivated by pain, only duty.”
“A very good friend of mine felt the same, once. But shefound out duty isn’t all there is.”
“There’s nothing else for me!” Saturn yells, sounding muchmore like Hotaru. “This is something I can do, this is the only thing that’sright!”
“No, we can do something else, together.” Usagi holds out herhand, and Hotaru takes it, just as she took Haruka’s hand before. Together theyface Pharoh 90, the power of Super Sailor Moon lifting them up to meet him. Theydisappear to fight him from the inside.
Usagi emerges, the holy grail cracked in two at her feet,and Hotaru, once again an ordinary little girl, in her arms.
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💎 🍒 🎭
💎 which muse is the biggest drama queen
oh by far sirius. breathe weirdly in his direction and he’s all WHAT DOES IT MEAN and like everything has to be a production. he needs the attention because like... he got the wrong sort of attention from his parents? not like... it was always ‘do it this way, no you’re doing it wrong, you’re always wrong, why are you such a bad child, you’re not a true black, ugh why did we have you’ sort of attention, and now he just needs the validation he exists? so it’s not like he wants the attention purely for attention’s sake (although lets be real, he sort of likes it), but also he just really needs to know that people see him, that he’s there that even if he’s been rejected by pureblood society that he’s not forgotten. he wants to mean something, and if he has to make a big deal out of everything in order to mean something, even if that something isn’t a good thing, and in fact annoys most people, by god he’s going to do it. 
on the other hand, there’s pride who is, in fact, a drama queen because he thinks it’s hilarious and because annoying people is funny and hello why wouldn’t you want to pay attention to me, i’m amazing
🍒 which muse is the most innocent
okay well this is hard? because rin is literally only eight years old? so technically? she would be the most innocent by default. but that being said, she has died twice and lives, canonically, in a world where she is entirely devoted to a demon that she watches kill things on a regular basis and has no problem with that. she witnesses death and war and famine and all sorts of problems on the norm and it doesn’t really bother her? actually, the hardest aspect of living for her is actually living normally, among humans, and being... human. being a child. she doesn’t really get how to do that. she’d rather be with her demon. innocent? flower loving? yes. by technicalities, but... arguably...
then there’s usagi, whose very innocence and compassion is the reason that most of the universe wants to destroy her. i mean, she experiences the same sort of death and stuff that rin does, and usagi actually kills people (true, they’re monsters and some don’t even have their own sentience or souls, but she still kills them to save other people, even if that isn’t explicitly said), and she’s also died a few times. but her heart/soul has been called pure numerous occasions so? 
however, if i were to pick from all of my muses, i would, strangely, say fabian. my poor baby. while he’s in school, at least. my sunshine. my socially awkward nerd. after hogwarts things sort of change? with the war and all. especially in the verses where he survives but gideon doesn’t, because even though during hogwarts fab does participate in pranks and mischief with the marauders and with gideon, it’s only after gideon dies that i think fabian’s innocence dies too. during school, he’s shy and quiet and doesn’t know how to flirt, and i’m pretty sure he’s a virgin until (or after) he graduates. talking to people is not his forte. in the truest sense of what innocence is, it would be fabian. and i love that about him.
🎭 which muse is the easiest to write
by far it’s jamie. but that’s only because i’ve been writing him like... five years, and he’s become as much a part of me as i think i am him. he’s not just a character i write. he’s like.. a friend. someone i care deeply about, which means that i take great care in writing him, and feeling his emotions is so easy for me, so sometimes that’s why his replies are the easiest to get done, because i know what i’m saying (even when jamie surprises me with a reaction, the reaction makes sense and it flows really well from my fingers). he’s been a part of me for so long, i don’t think i could ever lose him.
after that, talia is easy because she doesn’t really give a shit and that’s pretty fun. pride also, and chronos. teren is growing on me the same way jamie has, so i suspect that he’ll become just as easy soon. 
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forkanna · 7 years
WARNING: Sailor Moon and related characters ©Naoko Takeuchi. Story/plot © me! Mostly based on the first season of the original anime (esp. Rei's personality), also the manga/Crystal. Rated T for some light sensuality and language.
This is a series of five fluffy oneshots, plus a bonus sixth chap. Enjoy! See below for more notes.
Act 1. Ami: Solve For Why?
Poor Usagi Tsukino had been studying for hours. All her life, school had been something of a challenge; grade one was the last time she could remember being as effortlessly adept as her classmates. Year after year, her best friend Naru had very little trouble with their classload, and she struggled with even the simplest concepts. Nevermind how her genius-level classmate Umino did, but he was clearly a special case. She had no hope of ever getting the material to take root in her head at this point. As much as she really wanted to be better, it just wasn't sinking in no matter how long she stared at the pages. So she defaulted to one of her usual depressurizing exercises.
"Usagi…" Ami Mizuno's voice was less than enthused, but still managed to sound patient even while it also sounded exasperated with her short attention span. "While I appreciate the balance and dexterity it takes to hold that pencil on your upper lip…"
"Thank you," Usagi replied through her teeth as she stared at the ceiling, twitching the lips back and forth to keep said pencil from falling off. "It's a real talent!"
"But we really should get back to studying. The test is in four days!"
Whining, she finally sat up, catching the pencil. "Come on, Ami! I can't do this! Face it, my brain is a bowl of oatmeal and nothing's gonna stick in there except a spoon!"
"Oh, Usagi…" But she wasn't disappointed or angry, the way her mother would have been. The crease in her noble brow and the clarity of her blue eyes told a different story: one of concern. "You really need to pass this. Your grades are so low! I just… I don't want to move on to ninth grade, and look back at you still being in eighth. That would be truly unfortunate."
"I knowwwwww…" Slumping downward, she looked at the pages. "Just feel dumb all the time."
"You aren't 'dumb'. Which is an inaccurate word, because it means you are incapable of speech; we both know you're highly accomplished at talking." That did make Usagi snort, and Ami leaned down catch her gaze before she smiled at her. "You're actually a very bright girl, Usagi. I just think you need… well, I don't know. Confidence, maybe? Or focus. Maybe you could try ginkgo!"
Her head tilted slightly to one side. "Does that really work? I mean, I'd try anything if it made me smarter."
"Well, that isn't exactly how it works. But some scientists do claim it enhances one's powers of retention."
"Ohhh." Not that she understood the difference; it still sounded like 'smarter' to her. Her mouth twitched upward. "Ami, why are you so nice to me when I'm such a dope?"
As she turned a page backward in their textbook, she said easily, "You're the leader of our team. I have to be nice to you." But the slight smirk when she glanced up again betrayed that she wasn't serious, and Usagi relaxed. "Now then, back to problem four…"
"What team?"
It was a shock to hear another voice in the room. Ami and Usagi both blinked a few times before turning to where Naru Osaka was sitting with her pencil dangling out of her mouth. They both gaped, having forgotten she was there because she was just quietly reading through the material.
"Pardon me?" Ami asked.
"I asked, what team? You said something about a team. I didn't think you played any sports."
"O-oh!" Usagi burst out.
"Oh, what?"
"Well…" Instead of either trying to figure out how to explain the situation to their friend, or telling her the sad news that she'd been forgotten in lieu of their somewhat more intimate conversation, Usagi just laughed. "The team of Usami! You know, Usagi and Ami? Since we… well, we've both got… oh, we were just kidding! D-don't worry about it!"
Naru raised an eyebrow at the way both of them were fidgeting, but then shook her head and turned back to her book. "Sometimes, Usagi, I really think you're losin' it."
                                              ~ o ~
Not that she was kidding. Usagi really was the leader of their team. Every so often, having a secret identity was something that she forgot about. Understandable, since it had only been a part of her life for a few months.
She needed a moment to take stock of her positioning. Left boot forward, gloved fists upon her hips. Shoulders thrown back and chest forward, back straight. Long blonde pigtails trailing out behind her on the slight breeze — she loved it when the breeze could ruffle her skirt and her hair, it made her feel so much more heroic. Satisfied, she cleared her throat very quietly, then shouted down into the night.
"Stop right there, Nega-trash!"
The abomination with mottled fur snapped its face up to look at her from where it stood, crouched over a hapless citizen. Lips pulled back from fangs into a snarl as it readied to drain the metaphysical energy from her body. Out of the corner of her eye, she could see Ami getting into a similar pose, so she decided not to wait any longer.
"I am Sailor Moon! Champion of justice! On behalf of the moon…" Leaping off the ledge, she executed a quick flip in midair that seemed so effortless to her now. Even if she wasn't always the best heroine, the moves came a lot easier to her now that Luna had unlocked her potential; it was only too bad that she couldn't translate that poise and confidence into her civilian life.
"I will right wrongs, and triumph over evil. And that means you!"
That had gone according to plan. Once she had delivered her line, Ami stepped out and said hers: "And I am Sailor Mercury! You're through here, you rapscallion!"
Rapscallion? Maybe they should go over their superhero banter after this battle. But either way, it was time to go to work.
That particular enemy didn't put up much of a fight. Today, their defeat came easily, and Usagi was left with the odd feeling of having extra time on their hands and that she and Ami had cheated somehow. On other days, they would wind up running for the hills, or flung around by their hair, or tied up, or flattened… the possibilities were endless, and Usagi's least favourite part of being a Senshi. The victories usually made up for that. Fortunately, their powers kept them from sustaining any lasting injuries most of the time, but now and then there would be a little residual bruising that carried over into their 'daily lives'. Rough stuff. She was glad not to have to deal with that this time.
"Whew!" Ami panted once Jadeite had vanished, done with his grandstanding for the night. They were leaning back against a pillar in a square near Akihabara, both eternally grateful the fight was over. "I… I need to sit!"
"Here…" Usagi put an arm around her as they walked over to the steps of a building and took a seat. Today, Mercury definitely had to do the most flipping around between the two of them, so she didn't mind supporting her. Once sat down, she sighed and patted her shoulder.
"Thanks," Ami panted as she wiped her forehead clear of sweat on the back of her glove.
"No problem. We Sailor Senshi have to stick together!"
They simply stared up at the sky for a few minutes and caught their breath before Ami asked, "Usagi?"
"Well, I was just thinking… do you ever think we'll be able to stop the Dark Kingdom for good? It's awfully taxing, just the two of us standing against the forces of villainy."
Nodding, she leaned back to look at the stars as she pondered. How many were there above them? A hundred, a thousand? She didn't know anything about astronomy, and didn't want to ask Ami for fear she would actually answer. A brainy girl like her was too smart to bother trying to educate a dimwit like herself. Maybe that was part of why she felt herself wanting to give up so quickly when they studied together.
"We'll be fine. We're pretty strong, right?"
"Yes, but it would certainly be nice to have more teammates. Didn't Luna promise us that she would find the other Senshi eventually?" Ami's frown was more concerned than anything. "I don't want us to be defeated. It would leave Tokyo defenseless."
"Wow," Usagi sighed, hanging her head. "You're a way better leader than me. All I was thinking was that I don't wanna die."
That made the frown deeper, and she turned to look at her, laying a hand on her forearm. "You mustn't think that way, Sailor Moon. All we can do is our best to fight the enemy; if that isn't enough, then we have given our lives in service of others. Isn't that the most noble way to meet our fate?"
"Way to get all deep on me." Ami did smile a little with humour, though the topic was too dark for either of them to truly laugh. "But… yeah, you're right. It's just hard; we're kids, Ami. I want to fall in love, get married, get a job. Maybe see Paris. All that stuff before…"
"Oh, I do understand; so do I. And we'll do those things if we have time. And if we don't, then this is the most important use of that time."
She couldn't answer right away. Ami was right. She felt selfish for wanting to argue against her, especially when she didn't have a decent argument. "Yeah, true."
"Okay. Let's go home and finish studying for-"
Throwing up both hands as she stood from the steps and began to walk away, Usagi exclaimed, "GOD, Ami, not tonight! I need sleep or I really will kick the bucket way too early!"
"Sailor Mercury is right!"
They both looked over their shoulder to see a violet-furred cat perched atop a nearby wall, eyes gleaming in the relative darkness. Usagi groaned. "Should have known you'd side with her, Luna. But I'm so sleepy!"
"There can be no rest when you're handling both Senshi duties and your future on Earth!" Luna's paws made a soft tmp as she landed next to them. "It is quite late, but you can at least go over your books for a few minutes before bedtime! Now let's get a move on!"
She din't miss the way Ami snickered very softly into her hand as they went on their way. Privately, she wanted to trip the both of them for being so mean, but she was way too tired to even try. Maybe she could go crash at Naru's place…
                                              ~ o ~
The night before the test had arrived. Every evening before, as long as they weren't called upon to defeat the forces of the Dark Kingdom, she and Ami had been up cracking the books — or that is, Ami was cracking the books. Usagi was bouncing between reading random manga, fidgeting, snacking, pacing the room, and idly wondering what was on television. Naru had enough of trying to get the information through Usagi's thick skull and had given up to study on her own. Ami got impatient with her a few times, as well, and though Ami's "shouting" never really involved raising her voice or using unkind language of any sort, the night before had resulted in a teary breakdown that left the slightly-taller Senshi patting her leader and offering her a handkerchief.
Now was crunch time. Usagi was starting to get the most simple concepts, but it was as if her brain were stretched to its absolute limits instead of just gearing up for the tough stuff.
"You can do this!" Ami encouraged her. "Where does Y go?"
"Y bother?" she tried to joke with a hopeful smile. Ami's face didn't change from its stern-but-patient expression. That was starting to drive her crazy; she almost wanted her to snap at her again. "Okay… um, here?"
"Sorry, no." After a pause, she sighed. "Alright. We can take a break. If you don't need it, then I certainly do."
Letting out a long, slow sigh, she whined, "Ami, you should give up on me and go home. I'm a total reject! Like, I'm really trying and I just can't make myself care about a bunch of stupid numbers!"
"Think of it another way. This isn't about what you want to be doing and what you don't. It's a necessity. Like taking a bath, or doing your chores. They may not be the most fun of activities, but they're important for your life, aren't they?"
"Hate chores, too," Usagi muttered, lips pouting.
"Alright, alright." Thinking another moment, she held up a finger. "Imagine you're buying the latest Sailor V video game. You really want that game and have been dreaming about it since you read about it in Nakayoshi. But in order to get it, you have to save up your allowance for a few weeks. It's not easy because you like to eat sweets at Fruits Parlour, or buy hamburgers or other fun things."
She had to work hard not to grumble "Are you calling me fat?", but instead kept listening to Ami.
"But if you do the hard work, force yourself to save your yen and avoid the temporary pleasure, you can eventually get the reward. Your game."
"Yeah, I mean, I get what you're saying. But what's the reward here? Just passing a class? It doesn't matter. I'm not really good at anything; I'm not even that good at being a Senshi, I'm just the only one with the tiara. So even if I finish high school, what's next? University? I'm not getting into any of those with my grades! And if I did, what would I study? No idea, I can tell you right now." Sighing, she slumped down against the table. "Mom's right. Everybody's right; I'm just… useless, lazy, and pointless. So maybe I can do that thing you said and sacrifice myself for the planet. If I suck at life, at least I can do something with my death."
The room was quiet for a few seconds. Usagi finally spared a glance over at Ami, expecting her to sternly tell her to get back to work, because her whining wasn't helping. Which was very true. But instead…
She was crying? Why crying?! That was the weirdest reaction she could have! "Ami? What's wrong?"
"Oh! Oh, I'm sorry, Usagi…" Her hand swiped at her eyes. "I just hadn't realised… how little you think of yourself. And it really isn't fair."
"What do you mean? I don't…" After an awkward second, she got up and moved to her dresser to retrieve a packet of promotional tissues from some new store in the neighbourhood, popping it open and offering one to her friend. She took it, blotted the rest of her tears away, then smiled up at her. It was so watery and laced with emotion that Usagi could only glance at it out of the corner of her eye.
"You're an absolutely wonderful person, Usagi Tsukino. So what if you aren't as w-well-read, or adept at arithmetic as some? That isn't a measure of your character. You're very smart in your own way."
"No way," she laughed softly, even though she did feel a slight warmth in her chest from the mild praise.
"Yes, way! Goodness, you have an innate sense of how to strike the Enemy that I can only hope to cope with through my strategising — and I can only do that thanks to years of chess matches. You've never played chess in your life, I'm fairly certain, and yet I never outshine you on the battlefield. Something's working in that brain of yours, even if you don't want to see it. And that's not even getting into… how kind and generous you are, how thoughtful. I've never had a friend so loyal as you in all my life, and if you think that's 'pointless', well then… you can just think again!"
By the end of that, Ami had hopped to her feet and begun shouting. Usagi felt an odd mixture of reactions, both chagrin from being scolded and her heart pounding from how sweet her tutor-and-comrade was being. Over nothing! Her own eyes were plenty wet by now, and Ami had stopped blotting the tracks from her cheeks.
So Usagi stood and took the tissue from her fist with a couple of tugs. Then she began drying the moisture away with gentle pats while Ami shivered.
"It's okay. Wow, I'm so dumb, I didn't think… I didn't mean to make you cry just because I'm such a whiner! Can you… can you forgive me?"
Her sob turned into a chuckle toward the end. "See there? I'm crying over n-nothing, and shouting at you, and y-you're apologising for nothing. You're so sweet…"
When Ami embraced her, she was caught completely unawares, and could only catch her and pull her in close, fingertips gouging into the back of her shirt, raking through her short bobbed hair. Somehow, even though she had known her less time than her previous best friend, Naru, this brainiac had become equally important. Crucial, even.
"Ami, thank you so much! I'm sorry for b-being so… w-waaahhhh!"
Of course Ami's first reaction to her bawling was to laugh. As often as Usagi broke down in a puddle of childish sadness, no one was ever surprised. But this time, no one was chiding her, or asking her to tone it down. There were only soft lips pushing into her forehead, gentle hands caressing the sides of her face.
"Shhh, shh. I didn't mean to shout; that was unbecoming, and probably didn't make you feel like you had any more self worth. You simply mean a lot to me, Usagi. More than you might expect."
"Why? I don't really understand… I m-mean, I know what you said, but I don't really see how being nice makes me different from anybody else."
"Because you don't have to be nice. You're a Senshi; you could use your powers for evil, and yet you do not. You use them to fight the true evil in this world. And that… is as noble as the policemen and armed forces. They get medals for their service; we don't even get to tell anyone we're doing it. More than that, you were already doing this before we met, and all on your own! So… I think you're very brave. Nobody could tell me otherwise."
"Brave? That's…" Swallowing hard, she looked up into Ami's eyes. "But you're much braver than I am! I've never heard you complain about going out on patrol, or having to fight Nega-dweebs!"
"I'm not brave. If I were… I'd…" Her words cut off.
"You'd what?"
"It's nothing." But when Usagi's gaze didn't waver, Ami looked down toward the floor between their bodies, at Usagi's fuzzy bunny slippers and the carpet beneath them. "You know… those things you've felt about Tuxedo Mask?"
"Tuxedo Mask? I mean… um, sure, but what things?"
"How brave and fearless he is. Beautiful to you, both because you like how he looks in a suit, and because of his heroism. It's not just one or the other, right?"
Usagi nodded without needing to think about it much. "Yeah, exactly. It's like, that Mamoru guy who keeps hanging around is cute, too, but he's a real jerk. I'd much rather have a chance with Tuxedo Mask, since he's the total package instead of… well, half a package."
That got Ami to giggle a little, at least, and Usagi chanced a tiny smile. "I've felt that way, too. I really have. Just… I'm not brave or I would have been able to say it. That's all I meant."
"Well…" The idea that they both were interested in the same man did throw Usagi for a loop. Jealousy was beginning to tingle behind her temples. However, Ami was her friend, and their friendship was very important. Much bigger than petty jealousies or worries about some guy she'd never said more than five words to. It was hard for her to do, but she forced herself to say, "Then if you feel that way, you should tell him how you feel. Like… I've tried with Tuxedo, but I keep getting tripped up on my words, and we're in the middle of a fight… but you shouldn't hold back! I might talk faster and more than you, but your words always come out a lot smarter! S-so… so I wish you the best of luck!"
This silence was longer, heavier. Ami crossed to Usagi's window, wiping her tear tracks away. Usagi followed, but didn't quite touch her; merely stood within arm's reach, to one side and watching.
"What if… he… isn't a 'he' at all?"
"I'm not brave. I merely do what my higher cognitive functions tell me to; self-preservation. Because admitting my feelings to myself means I ought to admit them to the other party, and I can't tell her or else I'll… risk everything. And that isn't anything like courage, it's just… protecting myself."
Somewhere in there, while doing her best to keep up with it all, she did catch that one word Ami might not even have meant to say: "her."
"Wait, are you… Ami…" The way her friend's entire frame tensed up and she gripped the window ledge sent a panic through her, so she hurried to squeak, "Sorry!"
"What are you sorry for this time?"
"No, I…" Clearing her throat, she tried again, "Do you have a crush on a girl?" No answer. Fidgeting, she whispered, "Do you… have a crush on… a girl I know?"
"Decidedly yes."
"Is it Naru?" Her head shook from side to side. By now, Usagi was beginning to feel lightheaded, but she persevered. "That only leaves me. But I mean, if you liked me you would have… said…"
Finally, Ami turned around with her eyes wet. "You already act like you're disappointed, s-so I'll get my things. This really wasn't how I meant to tell you! But now the cat is out of the bag. I apologise, Usagi."
The blindsided blonde watched her collecting her books for a few seconds. Everything felt like it was happening so fast, but seeing that made her drop to her knees and grasp both of Ami's arms.
"Don't go. Okay? Don't… I'm just… really wigging out right now, but I promise it's not- I don't think you did anything wrong."
"Never said I did anything wrong. Just… it isn't right for us, either. We're both Senshi, and it's such a bad idea-"
"Hey, whoa, whoa, that's not…" Realising she wasn't even sure what she had been about to say moments before, Usagi tutted and leaned in closer to Ami. "I mean, I've never thought about… girls… in that way before, but like, not everybody's the same. I've heard of this! I think… yuri? S-so if we have a word for it, that means it has to happen once in awhile, and if you're one of those people, then that's… that's great! I mean, good for you!"
At the last line, one of Ami's eyebrows twitched up and she had to suppress a smile. "Oh? You're congratulating me on being attracted to women? That's probably a first."
"Well hey, I mean, I just learned something new about my friend! Getting to know a friend is a positive thing, right?" Both of their cheeks were a little rosy now. "I just never… well, of course I like girls, but I don't know about like-liking them, it's… but I did think you were really pretty when I first saw you…"
"You did?" That seemed to shock Ami out of her self-loathing. "Oh no, why would you? I'm so plain…"
"Nuh-uh! You're mega cute!" Ami's blush only got worse, and Usagi realised she was basically hitting on a newly-out lesbian, so she dipped her head slightly. "U-um, if that's okay for me to say. But I… I don't know what to do with this information exactly, but you can bet I'm not mad, or uh… sad? I don't know."
Both of her shoulders rose and fell. "To be honest, I never gave much thought to dating either gender until recently. Even with these feelings, it's still less strange for me to think about women than men, but the whole idea of dating anyone seems… unattainable for me. Since my interests are so nerdy and uncommon."
"Well, I think your interests are cool. Just way over my head." She stuck her tongue out, and Ami giggled again. Then she leaned a little closer. "Do you, um, maybe want a hug? And like, to sit back down? Because you look like you might faint."
"Yes," she admitted with a weary nod, accepting the embrace. Usagi didn't hold back; maybe she was a teeny bit less comfortable hugging her, because now she knew what it could mean to Ami, but at the same time she also knew in her own 'higher cognitive functions' that nothing had really changed. She and her partner-in-crime-fighting were still friends, and could still study together. It just might mean a little more to Ami than it did before.
Once seated by the table again, Usagi didn't take her arm away from around her. And Ami laid her head on Usagi's shoulder, humming contentedly as they arranged the books to look through them again. Much to her own surprise, she didn't mind this. Ami fit together with her as snugly as Y fit into the equation.
Y fit into…
"OH! I got it — that's the inverse! Right, Ami?"
"Very good!" Ami laughed, and Usagi clapped her hands in triumph, then pumped both fists in the air which only made her laugh harder. "See? All you needed to do was stop overthinking it so much. Not that I intended for my sexuality to be the necessary distraction…"
Sticking out her tongue, she said, "It works as a pretty good one, I guess. This time. But hey, at least I'm finally getting somewhere! Go, me!"
"You are. And to the victor go the spoils!"
When she kissed Usagi's cheek, it nearly sent her scrambling away, but she managed to fight down her reaction to a mighty blush and a dopey laugh that made Ami grin even wider. "Th-those are definitely spoils! I feel spoiled!" She still wasn't sure about returning the affections; she definitely bore her friend no ill will for having them, but knowing whether or not she felt the same was another story entirely! After a second or two, she reached up to cup her cheek; that seemed safer. "Um… I'm not really sure what you want from me…"
"Oh, this is fine," Ami reassured her. She sounded so confident; it was impressive, given how vulnerable she had seemed when confessing. "Please don't think I'm requiring anything further. My feelings aren't your feelings, and assuming otherwise would be silly."
"But… I do think you're really…" What else could she say? At a loss, she kissed the top of Ami's head, and heard her cooing, which immediately made her giggle stupidly. "This is so weird, but it's also… nice? Does that make sense, or am I nutso?"
"Don't feel weird. I love it. Even if it's only temporary… it's very sweet of you to indulge me."
"Um… do you wanna try some other stuff? Like, I know I sound like I'm about to implode, but you're my friend, and like… I don't know, if this is just a 'Class S' phase thing…?"
"It isn't in my case," Ami assured her, though she didn't look offended that Usagi had brought it up. "I'm very comfortable in knowing that I find both men and women attractive. Some girls go through a phase like that of liking other girls before they become women, I suppose, but I'm at least reasonably certain my phase is permanent."
One hand behind her head, she laughed, "Hey, that's cool! You know yourself better than anybody else does!"
"Yes," she laughed lightly. "As for 'trying stuff'... I'm also not sure I'm terribly interested in those activities. Which made it difficult to be sure I like girls, to be fair, since I'm undecided on whether or not I want to have sex with either gender."
"SEX!" Usagi burst out. "I meant like, maybe kissing or holding hands or something!" They both giggled, more from relief on Usagi's part.
"Well… if you did want to kiss me, I wouldn't be opposed. In fact, I'd love that very much, but I wouldn't dare ask it of you if you aren't interested in trying."
Both of Usagi's shoulders rose and fell. "Why not? Even if I don't end up liking kissing girls, at least I'll get some practice before I kiss a boy."
"Mm. Then go on; practice away."
At first, Usagi wasn't sure what she meant. Go on? And do what? But when she got the sense that Ami was waiting for her to move, her slow brain fully realised — she was supposed to kiss Ami. Not the other way around. Was she really alright with that? Though it would be a bit wishy-washy to back down after she had made a point of telling her that she would try things out with her if she so desired. Which apparently, she did.
"Oh," Usagi breathed when she was cupping Ami's cheek. "This feels… I dunno."
"No way! I just didn't think I'd ever be… on this end." By which she meant, Ami was reclining just enough so that Usagi was positioned above her, looking down into her patient, canny eyes. How was she supposed to play the more 'masculine' role when she had no experience with that?! Ami's little bow mouth was parted very slightly, waiting, willing. She leaned down…
It was far better than she had any right to expect. Really, she had expected for it to feel weird, like kissing her brother or something similar, but Ami's mouth was so sweet and vulnerable, completely at her mercy, that connecting it with her own was just… easy. Even without knowing what she was doing! When she began to move her mouth a little, she heard a hum of approval that got her trying more, kneading her lips back and forth, breathing softly along her cheek as their heads tilted in opposite directions. Hands came to rest on her chest, and she slipped her own around Ami's waist, feeling that was somehow the best thing for her to do.
And she didn't hate it.
"Nhh!" she burst out when she felt a tongue prod her bottom lip, drawing away. "Whoa, what was that?"
"Oh, I'm sorry!" Ami piped up, blinking a few times and covering her mouth. "Was that too forward? My reading told me that was the next progression…"
"You've read about this?!" Then she shook her head and pushed her hands into her cheeks. "Wait, of course you have. You study up on everything. But wow… okay, that was… really interesting, and like, better than I thought…"
Those soft, properly-warmed lips pushed into her cheek again, and Usagi sighed. "What did you think it would be like?" Usagi didn't want to answer. Eventually, when no answer came, she nuzzled her jaw and whispered, "I enjoyed myself. And if you did, we could try it again sometime, but not tonight, I should think. You'll want time to adjust."
"Uh-huh…." Another cheek-peck. "Wow, Mizuno-chan, you're such a temptress."
"I am?!"
"Well… okay, maybe not. But you are super confident, and didn't seem scared at all, which helped somehow. Like, I wish I had that going for me!" This time, she was the one to lean over and kiss Ami's forehead, which earned her a closed-eyed coo that made Usagi's stomach do flips. "Oh my GOD, you're so cute!"
Again, she squawked, "I'm cute, too?! Goodness!" While Usagi was laughing, she cleared her throat. "We really should get back to studying… but… I also wouldn't mind incentivising our study habits with a new reward system."
"Yeah? You mean… if I get one right, I get a kiss?" When she felt Ami nod under her chin, where her head was nestled, she whispered, "And I didn't even think I would want that like, five minutes ago. Now I'm not sure! But… j-just for tonight… what if we just assume that I like it and I'll figure out if I was confused tomorrow?"
"Mmmhmmm," Ami hummed with clear and pronounced pleasure. "I find this to be an acceptable proposal, Usagi. Let's begin."
Which is how Ami somehow got Usagi to her first math score that was above a 70. Their "reward system" was going to lead to a period of adjustment, and they'd have to do continual assessments of the situation as they went along. But not everything could be solved with the scientific method. Sometimes, it was pure chemistry.
                                               THE END
                                              [Next: Rei!]
MORE NOTES: Basically, blame Yamino for pointing out to me several times over the years that Usagi can basically be shipped with anybody. She's such a hapless lesbian (Usagi, not Yamino, who is a very cunning lesbian). So my idea for this, rather than trying to balance a 5tp fic that would end up being WAY too long and cut into my other writing projects, was to do a series of one-shots depicting what I imagine Bun-head falling for each of her close friends would be like. Feel free to only read the one(s) that interest you!
First, a couple of notes:
1. Each oneshot is its own separate "verse". This isn't Usagi burning through each Senshi in turn, they are "what if?"s independent of each other. So if you're wondering why one character doesn't have strong feelings of jealousy about her hooking up with another in the next "chapter", that's why. (Also you're more than welcome to pick the one you like best and accept that one as canon, rejecting all others haha)
2. Don't forget that this is taking place in the early 90s, so a lot of the technology and references won't be modern. Also that I'm going to try to keep Japanese terminology to a minimum but also I'll try to italicise it so you at least can more easily spot the words you need to look up (if you don't know them). I left everyone's names in American order (IE: Usagi Tsukino would be Tsukino Usagi in Japan). Even though I was a big fan of the DiC dub when I was small and I'll drop quotes from it, no, Sailor Moon isn't set in America and they don't go to Crossroads Junior High.
Anyway, I hope you like it (or at least one of them)! I tried to balance the five ficlets to be of similar length and definitely gave them each equal consideration; none of them were "rushed", trust me.
Tsuki ni kawatte, oshiokiyo!
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Hi, this isn't a meme, but it could be? I guess? If your muses became teachers in a grade school or the nearest equivalent in their verses, what would they teach?
HI THIS IS GREAT okay once upon a time, i had a verse for jamie where he was actually just a straight up kindergarten teacher. but elsewise he would teach literature. tbh he’d probably be happier teaching a higher level purely because he loves the complexity of language and reading, so just the standard ela/english/reading/ whatever it is in the country he chooses to teach in would not be enough for him. tbh he could also teach languages since he speaks like... 20. 
lilli is an artist, so you bet she’d be an art teacher and would love just having ‘throw random shit on a paper’ day, and she would be the super supportive, no i can’t tell that’s a dog but it looks fucking fantastic i love it great job teacher
elyssa would be a ballet teacher -- she currently studying to do just that! marie is the chorus teacher, since she’s going to school for that.
pride is so the drama teacher. maya is probably the nurse who frowns a lot and knows when you’re faking it but also finds some teachers irritating and lets students pretend to be sick to skip them. elliot never finished school, and fenris doesn’t know how to read so they’re not suitable candidates. rather, elliot comes in from rehab to give talks about how drugs are bad and fenris is probably the broody security guy that the school doesn’t really need but everyone loves?
rin would teach something like botany or something like that. not full on biology but definitely something with plants. gardening or something. home-ec. actually, persephone would likely teach that too. 
suze would probably teach religion, since she has to learn a whole a lot of religious mumbo jumbo from a lot of stuff in order to help ghosts, and her mentor is a priest anyway. either that or she’d be like, the after school martial arts teacher.
talia is a gym teacher and sports coach. save the children, they’re all going to be able to run ten miles by the time they’re 11.
jim teaches both math and chemistry and everyone loves his classes because even though he’s a little weird and an incredibly hard grader, and you’re pretty sure he’s the reason the principal got fired, you actually learn shit in his lessons, and also, he likes to blow stuff up, so that’s a thing.
chronos is a history teacher because, i mean, he’s literally the god of time so. “but the book says..” “well fuck what the book says, i was there and this is was actually happened so shut up.”
reece teaches archery after school and teren is definitely a kindergarten teacher because he has the same energy level as them.
sirius would teach transfig or DADA tbh, since grade school for wizards is different. reggie would.. hmm.. probably charms or DADA too. fabian teaches herbology in his professor verse! that’s a thing already.
usagi would be one of the lunch room monitors. not a cook because she can’t, but definitely would be drooling over everything the kids eat. maybe also a kindergarten teacher.
liam is the computer teacher since there’s a rumor he once hacked into the CIA. or MI6. or Russia. or all of the above.
kraglin... probably the counselor, if i’m being completely honest. he always looks tired and roughed up and the parents are a little concerned but all the kids love him and he was in a war once or twice and nobody actually knows where he came from but people just talk to him. jodie helps because... well aiden is there to see into people’s heads.
annnnd karliah teaches biology and chemistry because she knows precisely how to make the body fail in the subtlest of ways. also helps with the archery club
i also unintentionally started putting them all in the same school but... yknow whatever
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