#she’s got a whole folder full of gala’s letters to his friends and their responses
starsh0cked · 8 months
What made Galactia knight decide to live with Meinna? It's funny to think about how a powerful warrior lives with a historian who is just peacefully living her life...
it’s mostly because she’s the only remnant of the past that he has. she’s one of the few popstarites that deeply care for ancient history, and one of the few to have looked into him. while he’d probably be better off in dreamland, socialising with kirby and his friends, he’s intrigued by the marred peace of floralia and its own history. to him, floralia is a nice break from all the fighting, while mienna’s the closest person he has to home.
there’s that, and the fact that his reputation in the history books has either left people skeptical or afraid of him. while they’re totally correct to be scared of him - he’s recalled to have split planets in two in planet robobot, after all - it also means that the only person even slightly interested in housing him is a god-child who doesn’t have enough space to do so.
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