#so gala almost always feels a bit at home around her
bunnysthirstcorner · 2 days
A short and spicy DinoClassico X reader/oc : Dino gets possessive and jealous after a gala meeting in which other vamps seemed a bit too friendly with his woman!
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Warnings: Posessive!Dino, some spice as well as general red flagness that this man is known for.
I had alot of fun with this! I hope it was what you wanted.
The air was sweet; Sickingly sweet.
The Aristocrat hated the rich perfumes that the wealthy women wore. His poor vampiric senses could only take so much but despite this he could tell where his beloved 5th and final wife was at due to the perfume he gifted her, almost like a clear fresh air amongst the decadence of Aristocracy. He had gifted each of his wives this smell so he could tell where they were; Only letting him know when the smell was gone so was the wife. 4 times he endured this and with the advice of his butler, he agreed to marry for the 5th time but he will do so on his terms.
This is where his final wife came into picture; His favorite due to being his choice. He was rather possessive of her as she wasn't of vampire blood but human. A very logical human at that. His son and heir adored her so he decided to keep a closer eye on her during these parties and to his ire; It brought other lords to her like moths to a light due to her being approachable. In the back where he lurked, hunched over as his tired eyes were watching intently as one particular lord places his hand on her shoulder as if they were old friends.
Sickening. Improper.
With the hour from the clock alerted him of the time, he made his move to his wife where he gave a glare to the other lord that spoke 'back off' as he has his hand on her elbow to get her attention.
"Dear, we need to get going, I got message that we need to arrive home." He replied and with not knowing better, his wife agreed and hurried with her goodbyes and left. Once in the carriage was when she asked what the issue was, it was when he took a gloved hand of hers and peeled the glove off. "Oh, its nothing." He replied as this resulted her in tilting her head before she felt a sharpness sinking into her wrist.
Dino took a taste of her rich blood
"Those lords where swarming over what was mine, I didn't think you'd allow such attention....Maybe I should keep you on a shorter leash..." He replied with a cool venom in his tone that spore of his ilk of his previous feelings at the gathering. "What? Dino, dear, don't think that way" You replied in defense as the firm grip he had kept hold on your wrist. "I was only being polite. I never grew up in this life, I didn't want to disgrace the Classico name by being rude." She reasoned, her tone assuring as was her warm gaze onto his.
His eyes looked to hers to see if her words were false but low, they spoke the truth. Licking the ruby off of his thin lips, he gave a small peck to the spot he bit to then have gloved fingers keep the injury from flowing. He didn't speak but his hold spoke of his settled emotions as he looked to her before he leaned to her neck, inhaling the fresh scent before his tongue licked at her pulse point. He could smell her delicious life force as it caused his fangs to itch for a bite but he refused. He wanted her human a bit longer before taking The cursing bite of immortality.
He has to be sure she will stick around.
"D-Dino..." You replied with a small gasp. Your neck has always been a sensitive spot which resorted a small chuckle from him as he then parted, sitting next to her as he released his hold on her wrist. The spot was red but it didn't hurt as much due to his touch.
"When we get home, Go to the bedroom....I will make sure those lords know that you're Lady Classico , not some Debutant to swarm over." he said as the carriage was up the road to the mansion. You felt your cheeks grow hot and pink from the promise of the rare union in bed. 'Would he really keep his promise?' You thought. Surely he's as tired as you are and won't be as energetic.
Sadly, you don't get much sleep that night. It was worth the ache of his back.
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starsh0cked · 8 months
What made Galactia knight decide to live with Meinna? It's funny to think about how a powerful warrior lives with a historian who is just peacefully living her life...
it’s mostly because she’s the only remnant of the past that he has. she’s one of the few popstarites that deeply care for ancient history, and one of the few to have looked into him. while he’d probably be better off in dreamland, socialising with kirby and his friends, he’s intrigued by the marred peace of floralia and its own history. to him, floralia is a nice break from all the fighting, while mienna’s the closest person he has to home.
there’s that, and the fact that his reputation in the history books has either left people skeptical or afraid of him. while they’re totally correct to be scared of him - he’s recalled to have split planets in two in planet robobot, after all - it also means that the only person even slightly interested in housing him is a god-child who doesn’t have enough space to do so.
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moonpedri · 1 year
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summary: though it was spontaneous, you decide to tag along to ibiza when your best friend and her boyfriend invite you. the only problem was his little brother, barcelona's number 8, pedri, and his red swim shorts.
pairing: pedri x reader
genre: fluff, smut (suggestive)
warnings: making out, petting, swearing, pedri is a little shit
word count: 3.2k+
a/n: i orginally had this planned as a little imagine. if you've read honey, you may remember a beach scene being mentioned very briefly. and since i recently got a similar request, i fleshed everything a little more out and birthed out this big baby lmao. hope you enjoy!!🤍
PS: while proof-reading i noticed that i completely messed up the timelines, this fic actually happens before honey and not after, but oh well. 😭 this is super annoying but i liked the way this fic turned out so deal with it pls 🥺i may turn this into a little ibiza trip series with multiple parts and other places!!
It is the middle of summer and the sun was blazing unforgivingly over you that not even your sunshade could help you escape from the heat.
You look at your friends over the rim of your sunglasses, as some of them currently play around in the water. The radio stations all reported well above average numbers for the coming weeks and so naturally your friends would want to go on vacation somewhere near the beach.
Originally you had nothing special planned for the summer, but since your best friend Sofía is dating Fernando González, who just happens to be the older brother of Pedri González, Barcelona's young star-midfielder, you somehow happened to get dragged along to Ibiza.
This wasn't a rare occasion, because ever since Sofía started dating Fernando, you ended up with this whole new lifestyle consisting of football matches, special events, galas and travel.
And with FC Barcelona winning LaLiga and the season ending, all the players want to make the most off their freetime.
"Fer wants to book the tickets, __, you're coming with, right?", Sofía asked you last week. It was super spontaneous and honestly you were a bit annoyed that you got asked so late, giving you no time to prepare or clear your schedule (not that you had much written on it anyways lol)
But you would also lie if the idea of going to Ibiza didn't excite you. You always wanted to go to the infamous "party" island, but it was a costy dream - one you couldn't afford. Well, until now.
So you agreed and found yourself only 5 days later at your dream destination. One of the perks of having a friend like Sofía is that with trips like these, you didn't have to pay a cent. As a close friend, the whole thing basically got financed for you. Only shopping expenses and maybe food you had to cover yourself - of course.
The single downside of it all was the fiancier of it all himself: Pedri.
Ironic, right?
But there was no way you couldn't feel that way towards him. He is simply infuriating. When the two of you were introduced to each other over dinner at their home, Pedri wasted no time trying to subtly smooth his way into your pants.
It was almost unnoticeable to be honest and you know no one paid attention, but you did. You noticed how his arm brushed your shoulder, how his hand grabbed your waist when he wanted to move past you and his hips grazed your ass. It seemed like his eyes were glued to your cleavage and somehow no one took notice.
In his defense though, you weren't a saint either. Where he pulled, you just let yourself get tugged along. When he moved past, you purposely arched your back; just to test the waters and pushed out your chest to maybe rile him up a bit; you don't know really.
There was something entertaining about an attractive guy like Pedri showing his interest for you so blatantly and pursuing you in such a secretive way.
Yet for all it's worth, you never went further than touching and looking, sneaking a kiss here and there. It's clear what type of guy Pedri is, if all the buzz around his rather promiscuous love life, filled with influencers and models, is any indication.
You heard what people said, what the articles reported. Pedri is young, rich and successful, he would be a fool to immediately pursue a serious relationship at that stage in his life. He liked to enjoy life, be wild in his early 20s and keep the monogamy for later.
And it's not like you could blame him, honestly. You're sure that if your roles were switched, you would enjoy his lifestyle too to an extent. You are you though.
And you wanted something serious, someone to treat you with respect and loyalty. Surely, Pedri saw you more as a way of passing time, just having his fun with you. But you had enough self-respect to not give in to his troublsome ways.
Also, you barely had the nerves to put up with all that.
That's what you liked to tell yourself at least.
With a sigh you turn your head to where Sofía suddenly sits up. You're about to close your eyes again, ready to fall under the sun's mercy, when you hear your best friend scoff next to you.
You bring your sunglasses up and follow her sight. "Can you fucking believe that?", she says agitated.
A loud giggle errupts and you watch as two girls talk animatedly with both Fernando and Pedri.
The brunette one subtly scratches over Fernando's arm, as she seems to listen intently to whatever he's saying. Fer doesn't really engage her, keeps his visible distance, though Sofía doesn't seem to care. Her eyes shoot daggers in their direction.
What bothers you though was the blonde one clinging like a koala onto Pedri. She seems so....you can't find the word but it irritates you. And he did absolutely nothing about it, actually rather enjoying it. Not that he shouldn't of course, but he could keep his distance as well. Also, you didn't want to have to deal with two horny people during your vacation (one you didn't pay for but you get the gist), and an angry best friend, if they were to stay.
It also doesn't help that Pedri looks the way he does. Absolutely gorgeous.
You never thought to be admitting to this but he almost looks like sex-on-legs in those red swim shorts of his. The sun burned his skin in the most beautiful way possible, accentuating his natural blush and his slim but toned body. It's been nothing but torture the entire day.
The two of you watch them for another minute, none of the brothers noticing any of your hard stares, when Sofía stands up determined. "If he wants to play, I'll play."
When she notices your indifferent state, she looks at you expectantly.
"What?", you ask.
"Come on, I can't do this alone."
Reluctant you get up as well and shake non-existent sand off your legs. "I don't know Sof...Fer doesn't really seem too into it."
She cocks an eyebrow and the expression on her face says enough for you to not press any further.
"Yeah, yeah alright.", you say. You don't know what plan she has in mind exactly but you follow her anyway. You get increasingly confused when she proceeds to take her bag and go to the changing rooms. She closes the door behind you and rummages in her bag and only when she pulls something out, you realize the absolute stupid plan she has.
No, you don't think even scriptwriters could come up with such silly ideas.
"I cannot believe you."
In her hands are, what you believe to be, the flimsiest bikini pieces you have ever seen.
"I always pack a pair or two for emergencies.", she says and gives you a pair. A red brazilian bikini, the ones with high-cut strings. "And as you can see, this is an emergency."
You hold the garments up. "I thought Fer doesn't like you wearing those, why did you pack them for emergencies?", you ask confused.
Fernando is a sweetheart. You really think there could have been no one more perfect for your best friend than him. He's not controlling, always puts her first and you genuinely believe that he always has her best interests in mind. Fer is not the type to forbid Sofía anything, especially not in regards of clothes. He let's her wear whatever she wants, no matter how short or ridiculous it looks. However, for some reason, he has often voiced his strong dislike towards those brazilian bikini bottoms that recently started trending.
It didn't bother Sofía at all, she didn't really wear them often anyways. But you guess she never got rid of them either.
"Precisely that's why. Also, they tan better.", she says as she takes out a white pair for herself. You don't think she really understood your question and you make a point to ask her later. For now though, you have another problem at hand.
"Ok ok, so you try to rile him up one way or the other. I get it. But why do I have to wear one as well?"
Sofía looks at you like it's so obvious and you're dumb for even asking, "Because there's two of those skanks? We can drive one off, but as long as the other stays, none of them will leave."
Your brows shoot up and you groan frustrated at what this means. "Oh come on, Pedri is not that bad.", Sofía reasons.
If only she knew, you thought. You want to protest but you think back to the blonde girl that threw herself onto Pedri and something bad bubbles up in your stomach.
With new determination you two change and make your way back to the beach. Sofía looks gorgeous in the bikini and for all it's flimsiness you think it suits you pretty good as well. Okay, who are you kidding. It looks fucking sexy on you, hugging you in all the right spots and making your ass look extra perky.
And you know you're not the only one who thinks so, as you feel the eyes of several men and women alike on both of you.
It gets even more apparent when two certain brothers look your way. Comically enough, the two girls shamelessly joined them on your sunbeds. By now your other friends joined as well and Sofía walks in front of you to where the others are; pointedly ignoring Fernando's presence.
You aren't as strong-willed though and can't help but sneak a look at Pedri. He already looks back at you, a smirk playing on his lips as his eyes scan your entire body.
You immediately turn your head back, feeling your cheeks heat up stupidly enough, despite the weather, and sit next to Miguel.
"Ohh, what's the occasion?", Samuel whistles when you two settle down.
Sofía shrugs and you feel uncomfortable with all eyes on you. It becomes worse when the conversations stop as well suddenly and Fer stands up. "Why did you change?"
"Felt like it. Also we can tan better now.", Sofía says indifferent.
He frowns, "But you looked pretty before." Bless his heart you think.
Sofía ignores him, and you think she's going a bit too far but it's not your relationship to intervene. "Samuel can you help put sunscreen on my back, I can't quite reach it."
The flabbergasted look on Fernando's face was both priceless and heartbreaking to see and you slowly begin feeling bad.
Both answer at the same time and you grimace at the awkwardness. Fer goes and grabs the bottle out of her hands, the pretty brunette completely forgotten already. "What do you think you're doing?"
"I don't know what you mean."
He turns to the rest of you with an apologetic but upset expression, "Will you excuse us for a moment?"
He proceeds to take Sofía to a more quiet place on the beach. You see them argue in the distance but ultimately decide that for now it's not your business anymore.
Samuel and Loréna already went back into the water, Pedri is occupied with the two girls and only Miguel was with you.
The sun hasn't gotten any less warm and now that you wore this criminal bikini, you could at least put it to good use, right? So you take the sunscreen and hold it out to Miguel. "Can you?", you say pointing to your back.
It takes him a moment to understand what you mean, but when he does, he nods and reaches out but someone else happens to be faster than him. "Let me do it."
You look into Pedri's honey eyes.
Next to you, the blonde girl scoffs and regards you with an angry face. Miguel leaves as well and you want to say something to stop him, begging him not to leave you alone, but Pedri beats you to it. "Turn around and lay down." His voice is firm and it unwillingly sends shivers down your spine.
And for some reason you listen.
Your stomach retracts slightly when your belly touches the cold sunbed. But you forget everything the moment the cool sunscreen touches your skin and Pedri begins spreading it.
It's too sensual for your liking and he's gentler than you thought. Pedri goes all the way up to your neck, massaging the spot thoroughly and when he slowly goes down, his hands reach under your bikini top. Embarrassingly enough, pleasure fills your lower stomach.
Yet, you don't know what overcomes you, but attraction makes you do stupid things, so you simply reach behind your back and open the knot. "It'll be easier.", you explain with a small voice.
You get an answer in the form of his hands, when Pedri touches the exact spot and slowly glides his hands to your sides. His index fingers barely graze the sides of your boobs and goosebumps erupt all over your body.
If Pedri notices, he doesn't say anything.
Instead he just continues spreading the cream all the way to your lower back, his fingers once again invading places he shouldn't, much to your own excitement though.
It's quiet the entire time, you barely register Miguel talking with the two abandoned girls and going away with them. Light chatter and laughs, the splashing of water and the moist sound of Pedri spreading the sunscreen are the only audible things around you.
But you should know by now that it's only a matter of time before Pedri decides to ruin peaceful moments.
"Need me to put some on your ass as well?"
Shameless is the only word good enough to describe the football player. "In your dreams maybe.", you say and turn your head to watch him through your glasses.
His eyes are glued to your backside, "Oh if only you knew, princess."
You bind your bikini top back together and sit up, "You're stupid, González."
"For you, yeah."
You resist the urge to punch him and ignore the fact that it affects you more than what is condemned good. "Will you stop?"
"Why, do I make you nervous?"
You cross your arms over your chest, his eyes immediately zoning in on the movement. You (un)consciously press them together tighter, for no particular reason.
"Really?", he extends the 'e' sound and leans forward. Not expecting him to, you automatically fall back. He grabs the edge of the sunshade and pulls it down until it completely hides the two of you.
"What are you doing, they'll see us!"
Pedri chuckles and you can't help but peak at his pink lips, only inches away from yours now. "That's what you're worried about?"
"What else?" You think maybe the heat has gotten to your head, but really it's just Pedri's presence on top of you.
You see the way Pedri's mouth opens, ready to continue the banter but with his entire body pressed into yours, his natural scent mixed with the sea, his honey eyes boring into yours and exploring your entire face and his hands itching on your hips, you do the only thing possible in this situation.
You grab his neck and smash your lips against his.
He responds immediately, reciprocating the kiss. You hate how good it feels and despite how confusing it is with him, no moment has ever been clearer than right now.
A whine leaves your mouth when Pedri presses his hips into yours, the pleasure inmessurable. It's an indecent thing to do at a public beach (even though this is a private part of the beach Pedri specifically rented for the vacation) so he pulls back but right now you can't care at all.
All rationality leaves your body when you grab his red shorts by the hem and pull him back. You cling your legs around his back thighs and butt.
"Woah there, sugar, slow down.", he laughs, while caringly pushing a loose strand of hair out of your face.
Honestly, you would be flustered in any other moment but this. You can't think straight, the need to have him currently overweighting any other feeling.
His left hand slides from your waist to your ass, massaging the flesh. His other hand is clasped around your jaw, keeping your lips firm against ist.
You lose yourselves in the moment, Pedri's left hand close to where you need it the most. It's embarrassing how easy his fingers manage to slip under your bikini. And when he touches your clitoris, you're on cloud nine.
Your hands wander down to his beautiful red shorts and waist no time to wrap around his dick.
He groans into the kiss, "Fuck."
You begin moving your hand up and down and that's when all the weight on top of you suddenly disappears. "Shit, I hate to be the one, but we-"
"Yeah, I know.", you immediately cut him off and organize yourself a bit. Your head spins a bit, everything going too fast for you. Your body and mind haven't completely sobered up yet, and it stings a bit to be turned down like this. It's also confusing. But he's right.
Pedri seems to read you well enough by now, when he says, "It's not because I don't want to."
You hold up your hand, not ready for any kind of rejection, "I'm not dumb, Pedri. This is the fucking beach." Yet you wonder if he would have gone further if it was the pretty blonde and not you.
He goes through his hair and laughs, "Not because of that. My brother is coming and I don't think now is the time to explain ourselves, is it?"
You immediately spin around and indeed, Fernando and Sofía are walking in your direction; hand-in-hand, you might add. Luckily they seem too focused on one another and their ice cream to notice you and Pedri.
When you turn back, Pedri winks at you. "I'll choose a more private place next time."
You scoff, "There will be no next time."
He rubs his chin thoughfully and looks at you in an actingly confused way, "The way you were going at it, I could have sworn you were down for another- Ow!"
You hit Pedri angrily, the redness on your face surely visible, "Don't ever mention that again."
"And what if I do?", he smirks cockily.
"__!", he imitates in a high voice and this time you can't help but laugh. You roll your eyes playfully and shove him away. It gets increasingly hard to not crush on him. Maybe you already do.
The sunshade moves then and Fer and Sofía hop next to you two.
"Nice to see that you two love birds made up, I was beginning to worry.", you comment and Sofía lovingly puts her head on Fer's shoulder.
You four chat around a bit more, when Fernando suddenly chuckles and points at you and Pedri. Confused, you both look at him.
"You two look more like a couple than we do. Did you notice that you're matching?"
You did, in fact, not notice. And neither it seems, did Pedri.
You make a gaggig noise then and shoot up, "Whatever, I am going to change."
Pedri follows close behind, "Want me to help?"
"Shut up!"
© moonpedri - DO NOT copy, translate or post my work anywhere without my permission!
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fandoms-writings · 1 year
Okokok so this could be for knight bucky 👀
(if reader is like a queen or princess), Bucky is in charge of your safety, he's always near and one day he escorts you to the gardens for a walk and him and reader are alone and he's so tempted to grab your hand!!!! It's aching to know what it's like to feel your skin against his (hand scene from Pride and prejudice iykyk🤭)
carrot you genius
i definitely followed this prompt pretty loosely and it kinda took on a form of it's own but i hope you enjoy it <3
Yes, Your Grace
Part 2 | Series Masterlist
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Pairing: Knight!Bucky x Queen!Reader
Word Count: 1.7K
Warnings: a little bit of angst, but that's honestly about it.
You never lasted too long at galas, especially when they weren't in your own kingdom. 
Not having the familiarity of your staff. The smell of salt in the air as the ocean breeze washed in through your open corridor. The certain click of your shoes against the marble floors. It was all yours and safe and commonplace. 
Being in someone else's kingdom, at an event where everyone wants a chance to dance with the unwed queen was exhausting. You almost never left the dance floor with how many suitors were trying to win you over, to take the seat of King next to you. You never enjoyed any of them though. You knew they were just in it for the title, the power. Most of them not believing you should be able to rule on your own. That it was sacrilege that you still remained unwed. 
But you put on a brave face, a large fake smile to appease them and to keep the peace. If you didn't provoke them, it gave them no reason to storm your castle's walls. 
The exhaustion was evident on your face as James watched you from the sidelines. He was to have eyes on you at all times, especially since you weren't in your own home. He was your protector, hand picked by your father before he passed to be your personal knight until you relieved him or reassigned him. You had yet to do either in the five years he'd been by your side. 
His armor clinked as he made his way to you, mindful not to bump into anyone with the bulky metal. Expertly moving through the sea of royals, he paced his steps with the musicians playing in the corner - he'd practiced this dance with you too many times to count. You'd wanted a partner to brush up on your skills and you'd asked him one day during your breakfast. That was the closest he'd ever been to you for that long.
Your dance partner spun you out from their arm and towards James, who gave you a knowing look when you spotted him. He smirked at the pleading in your eyes and quickened his pace, stopping next to you. 
"Pardon me, Lord Wilson, I was wondering if I could steal her grace for a moment," He requested, the tone in his voice really leaving no room for argument. He watched as you curtsied and the lord bowed to you before you turned and grabbed James's elbow, allowing him to lead you outside. 
"I thought you might like a breath of fresh air," He leaned down a bit so you could hear his whispers as you passed other attendants. "I could tell you weren't enjoying the way Lord Wilson was spinning you around the floor. 
The noise that left your lips was a mix between a scoff and a laugh and it pulled James lips into a smile as he looked down at you. 
Your hand slipped from his elbow and he let you walk just a step in front of him. You glanced over your shoulder, "I appreciate the concern, as always, Sir James." 
"I thought we discussed this," He started, following you as you wandered the gardens that, in his opinion, could never rival your own, "I requested you not to call me James."
"You did," You smirked, stopping at a stone railing that overlooked the small pond as you turned to face him entirely, leaning against the stone, "but I do love seeing you in a fit over it." 
"I'd hardly call me reminding her highness of my request a fit," He chuckled as he stood just out of reach, which you took notice of. You always did. 
"Why are you standing over there," you asked, your smile slipping, "I won't bite." 
He gave you an easy smile, soaking in your attention, basking in it. 
It wasn't that you never gave it to him or that you were stingy with it. In fact, it was quite the opposite. You were always speaking with him. He accompanied you everywhere you went, so why wouldn't you? What kind of queen would you be if you didn't speak with your personal knight at all while he protected you? 
You two had grown close over the years, your relationship becoming more of one between friends rather than one of subordinate and superior. And James didn't mind one bit. He'd never tell anyone, for risk of being reassigned away from you, but he loved you. 
He was in love with you. 
He had been for years and it was one of the many reasons that he was so persistent about protecting you, even when you told him to get some rest - he'd just sit on the floor outside your chamber doors those nights. You started having Steve switch with him at night so he could sleep too, but he'd only sleep for a handful of hours and get washed up before coming back to switch again. 
You held your hand out to him, waiting for his gloved fingers to gently grasp yours. He did so, but at the expense of the tug in his chest. 
In all his years of serving you, he'd never touched you. He always made sure something was between the two of you, his gloves, your fur coat, something. 
It wasn't that he didn't want to touch you, he was actually dying to do so. He dreamed of the day that he could feel your skin against his, but he didn't want to taint your perfectly smooth complexion with his dirtied callouses. You deserved someone with a softer touch than his own. You deserved someone's hands who hadn't been covered in blood and dirt and grime and sin. 
He let you guide him to stand next to you, waiting for you to drop his hand, but you continued to hold on to it, absently fiddling with the leather covering his skin. God, what he wouldn't do to be able to actually hold your hand. To brush elbows. To feel your fingers on his arm as he led you around town. 
"Jamie?" He glanced up from your fingers to see you staring at the still water of the pond. 
"Yes, your highness?" 
It was a moment before you responded, but you didn't look over at him. Instead, you gazed down at the stone under your fingertips, scratching your nail along its surface - something he knew you did when you were nervous. 
"Do you think they're right?" If he hadn't been waiting with baited breath, he would've missed the question with how quiet you were. He figured you didn't want anyone else hearing your conversation so he dipped his head lower towards your ear. 
"What about?" 
"About me," You glanced up at him then, causing his heart to almost leap out of his chest. He'd never been close like this. Close enough to speak in hushed tones, sure, but never enough to see the details in your irises, the individual lashes that brushed against your cheeks when you blinked. "Do you agree that I'm some - some mad woman to not be married? To not have a husband to do the ruling while I give him heirs?" 
"Well," he started, testing the waters and giving your fingers a gentle squeeze, "I guess that depends on why you have yet to wed someone." 
You were silent at that as you refused to look away, but you squoze his fingers back, gripping his hand as you pulled it closer to you. 
He wanted to pull away from you, surely this close proximity would bring more talk about you to the other royals. Someone of your standing shouldn't be this close to him, holding his hand, noses almost touching. 
Yet, here you were. 
"I fear someone may already have my heart," You stated, glancing between his eyes. A pit formed in his chest and he had to ignore the ache as he steadied his breathing. 
Of course you had your eye on someone. With as many potential suitors as you had, how could you not already have a certain person in mind? But that left the question - why hadn't you wed them yet? Surely, whoever had caught your eye would be pleased to wed you. Who wouldn't was the better question. 
"Why haven't you wed them yet, your grace?" He gruffly asked, swallowing down the sudden surge of emotion in his throat. He was your personal knight - he couldn't let something like this break him down. Especially when you were not within your own palace walls. He had to remain calm and collected, at least until you retired for the evening. Then he could let the cracks spread until morning. 
You tipped your head down to look at his chest as you placed your free hand over the armor there, your nails gently tapping against the metal. "That's a sensitive conversation that shouldn't be held outside of our home walls, don't you think?" 
You looked back up at him, almost craning your neck with your proximity. He nodded, dazed at how your voice sounded when you said 'our home.' It wasn't the first time you'd referred to it like that, you did both live there. But there was something about the way your voice lightened when you said it. Like it was lifting a weight off your chest saying you wanted to tell him your secret. And though he may not be ready to hear who'd stolen your affections, a sense of pride filled him. You trusted him enough to tell him this secret of yours. 
And even if he wasn't ready to hear it, he'd protect that secret with his life if need be. Because it'd be for you.
He nodded, muttering a word of agreement and you smiled, but it lingered longer than usual. The corners of your mouth stayed lifted as you pried your gaze from his and released his hand, turning back to the path. You took a couple steps away before looking back over your shoulder at him, your smile ever-present. 
"Let us go home, shall we?" You asked. 
He shoved his nerves down as far as they'd go, steeling himself in preparation for your secret, and nodded once.
"Yes, your grace." He stepped away from the pond to follow you to the waiting carriage. 
He knew the time would come when you'd find a proper suitor, he couldn't expect you to stay unwed forever. 
He just didn't expect it to hurt as much as it did.
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Officially Mine
Nanami Kento x Reader
Slight suggestiveness in the end. Implied Mafia + CEO Nanami. Implied violence on Nanami’s end.
I want to make a series out of this…
(Song Inspiration: Infinity by Jaymes Young)
He didn’t know why but he let the attraction take over him. An ordinary woman that you are, he finds extraordinary. A woman who appears so innocent and pure while he is a man with blood on his hands. A man that plays dirty in his business world.
It has been a year since meeting you. The two of you met on Gojo’s birthday. And because you were close to Shoko, Gojo encouraged Shoko to bring you. It was one of the best days of his life.
“Kento-kun!” you yelled to get Nanami’s attention. Nanami’s eyes turned to you. You giggled and brought a brown bag to his desk. “Your lunch like you asked. You’re lucky I didn’t have a photoshoot today.”
You watched a small and playful smile appear on his face. You always saw his stoic side. He tends to be a man of little words but the more you got to know him, his actions says a lot.
“You would’ve done it for me either way, love bug,” he said. “Thank you.” You blushed.
“Y-Yeah, I would’ve,” you admitted shyly. He watched you play with your fingers. An indication of your shy side appearing or your nerves were slowly taking over. But you were blushing, so he knew you were getting shy. “I’m going to Korea for about a week.”
“Korea?” he asked. You nodded happily.
“I never told you about him!” He glared at the mention of him. “We went to college together. He models and acts and he let me take his photos. Now he’s famous everywhere in Asia! He asked me personally to be his photographer! I can’t let that opportunity slide.” His eyes softened. You were excited and happy. That was all he cared about.
“No, you can’t,” he said softly. “I have some business to deal with over there soon. We can go together in my private jet. When do you leave?”
“Next week.”
“Perfect.” You could hear some possessiveness in his voice. His soft yet venomous tone was subtle. You bit your lower lip. Should you be scared? Yes. But were you? No. “I’ll pick you up, love bug.” You lightly giggled. Another sign of nerves and shyness.
“What business do you have entailed over there?”
“I have a client that I need to meet with personally.” He sounded sincere but it was almost sinister. Nonetheless, you smiled brightly.
“Perfect! Kill two birds with one stone, right?” Nanami nodded. “I’ll be heading out. I need to get my equipment together.”
“Get home safe, love bug,” he said. Pink. You were blushing again. You waved one last time before sending yourself out. Nanami took his phone out and called Gojo.
“Call Jung + Kim Security,” he said. “Tell Mr. Jung to expect me.”
“How bad did they fuck you over?”
“He touched my girl a week ago at the gala.”
“Oh Nanami. Head over heels for a girl that isn’t even officially yours,” Gojo said with a chuckle. “You should tell her how you feel.”
“We are aware of our feelings with each other.”
“Yeah but you two are still dancing around each other. What’s holding you back?” Nanami held on to his phone tighter. He stayed silent. He already knew. You were too good for him. “I know you, Nanamin. You deserve someone like her.”
You were surprised when Nanami decided to come with you to the photoshoot.
“It takes hours,” you said.
“That’s fine,” he would answer.
You looked out the window in the car and smiled. Nanami took a glance at you. He couldn’t help but smile with you. His hand moved over to yours that rested on your lap. You didn’t resist him, so he intertwined his fingers to yours. Your heart raced, fluttering feelings overtaking your body.
Nanami remained by the table that was filled with snacks and refreshments. He watched you fixed the model’s outfit. He watched the model talk to you and watched you laugh. Nanami can feel jealousy envelope all over his body. His glare becoming so intense that the model looked up briefly at Nanami with fear.
“Let’s take a quick break,” you said. You could feel Nanami’s glare from behind. “Be back in ten.” You turned around and walked over to Nanami. You stood in front of him with crossed arms and an angry pout.
“Yes, love bug?” he asked so softly and innocently that you blushed, almost forgetting why you walked over to him.
“Quit scaring him,” you said. “I can feel your stare. You’re getting annoyed. Kento-kun, do you enjoy my attention?” Nanami smirked and stood up. He towered over you and he closed the gap and leaned in closer to your face.
“Of course I do,” he answered. “I just don’t want him flirting with you.”
“Can I tell you a secret?” you asked. Nanami smiled, patiently waiting for you to continue. You leaned up closer to his ear. He thought you were too adorable. “I enjoy your attention, too.” You winked and turned around to get back on set, where your model friend was patiently waiting. Nanami watched, your “secret” replaying in his mind.
I enjoy your attention, too.
Sets were changing. Outfits were changing. You made sure everything was perfect. During breaks, you would stay with Nanami. He took a step out to buy lunch for the crew. And another time to buy coffee.
“Your boyfriend is a good man,” your friend said. You blushed, a little too stunned to say anything back. “We should do a double date one day. My manager said I have to go to a meeting tomorrow. We can do more of the shoot the day after.”
“O-Okay! Just call me,” you said.
Nanami placed his hand on the small of your back and lead you back to the car.
“You love photography,” he said.
“I do,” you replied. “Office jobs aren’t fun. I love my side gig.”
“You should make it a full-time thing.”
“I’m trying. That’s why this photoshoot needs to be perfect. The day after tomorrow will be with the cast on the drama he’s also in. It needs to be perfect.”
“I have full confidence that you’ll succeed, love bug.” Nanami looked at the time in the car. “Do you want to go back to the hotel or explore around Seoul? I have to meet with my client.”
“Drop me off here,” you said. “And then I’ll take a cab back to the hotel. That is, if you’re still gone. Maybe we can get dinner together. I-If you want.”
“I would love that, love bug. I’ll definitely be there.”
A few hours passed. You were worried when you saw him leave his car. His body was very tense. His frown was deep. And the way he kept fixing his tie was uncharacteristic of him. Almost as if he was nervous.
“Kento-kun,” you called. You watched his shoulders slightly relaxed the moment you spoke. You couldn’t help but smile and walked up to him. Nanami chuckled when he saw the bags in your hands.
“You went all out, huh?” he questioned softly when he took the bags from your hands.
“Just a little,” you answered. “I’ve been wanting to use their facial products and I want some make up. Some of their clothes were on sale so I might as well take up on that opportunity, right?” Nanami chuckled and placed the bags in the back seat of his car.
“Of course, love bug,” he said and held your hand. “I reserved a place for us.”
“So I have to wear something nice? I’m pretty casual right now.” The last time he reserved a restaurant for the two of you, you felt very out of place, even if it was just the two of you around. Nanami just smiled.
“I knew you were going to question that,” he said and pulled a bag of out the car. “Change into this. Under my seat is a new pair of heels.”
“Wait! You’re not coming in here while I change!” you exclaimed when you watched Nanami enter the driver seat. Nanami smirked.
“I won’t look,” he said. You pouted at him and all he could do was laugh. “I’m kidding, love. Let me know when you’re done.”
“Thank you.”
Something about you in a silky, sapphire colored gown that hugged the curves of your body just made Nanami’s mind spiral. He kept you close possessively as you two walked to your destination.
“You are a possessive man, Kento-kun,” you said. Nanami smiled at the comment.
“I don’t like anyone touching anything and anyone that’s mine,” he answered casually. You blushed and rested your head on his chest. He pulled you in close to him. “I want to tell you something important tonight.”
“O-Okay,” you said. “Is it bad?”
“It depends how you perceive it, love bug,” he said.
Your eyes widened when you two reached the rooftop. There was one table with two long candles lit up and a flower in between the candles. Nanami pulled your chair out for you to sit and you softly thanked him. Once Nanami sat down, two waiters arrived, pouring the both of you glasses of wine and bringing food on to the table.
“I made sure to serve your favorite,” Nanami said. “Tomorrow we’ll explore around Seoul and you can try more of their food since you have the day off.” You brightened. It was your first time in the country and you were excited to do some sight-seeing.
“So what was it you wanted to tell me?” you asked curiously as you took a sip of the wine.
“You’re impatient, my love,” he said. He loosened his tie ever so slightly and fixed the cuffs of his suit.
“You’re nervous,” you said. Your heart raced and your stomach fluttered when he gave you a shy smile. An uncharacteristic one from him. “Kento-kun, are you doubting our feelings for each other?” Another uncharacteristic reaction. His eyes widened.
“Maybe I am,” he answered quietly.
“What’s there to doubt?”
“That you’re perfect and I’m not,” he said, his eyes burning through you. His eyes were intense. You were mesmerized.
“You speak low of yourself. Very unlike you.”
“All because of you, love,” he replied. “You’re the only one that makes me like this.”
“Is that a bad thing?”
“Yes and no. Everyday I have you in my mind that it distracts me. And I hate distractions. But I love your distraction. You’re a woman so beautiful and sweet that I find it hard to believe that you like a man like me.”
“What’s so bad about you?”
“All the bad things I do.” All you can do is smile slyly as you took another sip of your wine.
“I like to pretend that I don’t know what you do behind closed doors,” you said. “You’re ruthless and an ass to others. Satoru has a big mouth. I tried not to get too involved with you earlier, but I can’t get away.”
“Gojo? Seriously?” You couldn’t help but giggle at his annoyed expression. You reached out and held his hand.
“Kento-kun, you’re the only one who I feel safe around even though I know that you’re a dangerous man,” you said. “And everyday, I think I end up falling more for you that I can’t ignore my feelings for you.”
“How could you love someone like me? I don’t deserve someone so perfect like you.”
“Because I grew up with no love and protection from anyone,” you answered. “And you’re the only one that gets me. You do anything to protect anyone you love. I watch you protect Satoru, Suguru, Yu, and Shoko. And I saw you give that man a killer stare at the gala after he touched me two weeks ago.”
“I hope you know he has no way to touch you ever again,” he said angrily. He was amused. You didn’t flinch or look at him differently. All you did was smile at him admirably and affectionately.
“I don’t wanna know,” you said softly. “But I can’t turn away. I think I’m too involved.”
“You are, love. I love you too fucking much.”
“I love you, too.”
“You can walk away if you want. It’s not too late.”
You stood up and walked over to him. Nanami turned to face you and you slowly sat on his lap. You wrapped your arms around his neck and kissed him. His one arm enveloped you around your waist while his other hand rested on the back of your head. You straddled on his lap and cupped his face. His tongue versus yours. Reluctantly, you pulled away and rested your forehead on his.
“What does that say to you?” Nanami smiled and kissed you again.
“That we should skip dinner and go back to our hotel to have dessert.” You laughed. But you suddenly had a serious look on your face.
“I have one rule with our relationship,” you said. Nanami nodded, willing to agree to anything you need him to do. “I have male friends. Do not, and I mean do not do anything to them. That’s my dealbreaker.”
“They better not take you away from me.”
“Nanami Kento!” Nanami pressed his lips on yours. “Nanami Kento, you’re a possessive man.”
“Remember, no one takes anything and anyone that’s mine. And you’re officially mine.”
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marineduo · 1 year
Cobymeppo / Kobymeppo Fic Recs!
Here's a list of Koby / Helmeppo fics that I personally recommend, for @klausbens and anyone else just getting into Kobymeppo from the Live Action! Putting them under a read more because this is going to be a long. Fics will be linked in the fic titles! They are ordered in oldest to newest.
General Recs
This Modest Paradise - Eloarei
Coby and Helmeppo run into Morgan while shopping.
This one is my all-time favorite Cobymeppo fic. It was one of the first I found and it's one I still think about and revisit often
Grow - Eloarei
Helmeppo is able to take care of himself, but when his father returns home with a promotion, he finds he suddenly doesn't have to anymore, and that's the weirdest part about moving to the Marine base in Shells town. Without any responsibilities, he becomes bored, and any of the positive attitude his mother might have left him with goes straight out the window.
This is a really sweet fic about Helmeppo's initial time in the Marines. Not as overtly Cobymeppo, but the last little bit always gets me right in the feels.
The Way of Monsters - Eloarei
Coby was used to monsters. After years under Alvida he thought he understood them. But escaping out into the world shows him that there's a lot he doesn't know. What makes a monster? And what redeems one?
This one's very fun. It has werewolves, and is a bit of a Beauty and the Beast kind of tale. Highly Recommend.
Building Desks For Dummies - thecayenneknight
Koby and Helmeppo must face their greatest mission yet: assembling a single piece of furniture.
Short and sweet and super cute.
Dance With Me - RedPen1992
Soon after the conclusion of the Paramount War, the Marines have to face their next greatest challenge, The Marine Gala.
This one's more focused on Akainu/Kizaru, but the Coby/Helmeppo stuff in there is really good. Overall a great read.
Anniversary - altokiwi
Ready to go party, Hina demands they tell her all about last year's Halloween Night, first. Holding Helmeppo's hand tight, Coby tells the story about the scariest —but also the happiest— night of his life.
This is a really good one. I may be biased since it was an exchange gift for me, but it's a wonderful blend of silly and a little spooky <3
To Come Back - merricat
Coby and Helmeppo's close-knit circle of Marines is holding a celebration at none other than Shells Town, which forces Helmeppo to confront demons past and present.
I'm also biased towards this one (another exchange gift), but man it's so good. Lots of Helmeppo looking back on things, and them just being so sweet with each other.
Daydreams - hamstercheese7
Coby just cannot concentrate on paperwork. And who could blame him, with a view like that?
This one's so silly sweet I love it. Has both Coby/Drake and Coby/Helmeppo.
Coby/Helmeppo Oneshots - ShadowoftheLightningPack
Ok this one's a doozy at 109 chapters but there are a lot of good ones in there. If nothing else I think it's really worth at least browsing to see if anything catches your attention! (That being said, read chapter 93 it's fun)
Against Change (You Can Wander Through the Ruins) - owlboxes
“I don’t want to pry,” Coby murmurs, quiet so as not to startle Helmeppo, who already looks seconds away from crumbling. “But…I want you to know I also want to listen, if you want someone to talk to.” “I have to get my hair cut in the morning,” Helmeppo says, his voice trembling, as he tugs at the strands that have grown longer, almost to his chin now. “…but what if I don’t want to?”
I'm a sucker for Cobymeppo Fics that center around Helmeppo's hair and this checks all the boxes.
My Fic Recs
(These are all ones I wrote myself that I think are worth a read)
Over the Edge
When Helmeppo ends up letting go in a precarious situation, Coby is forced to consider life without his other half, if only for a little while.
Diaries of Coby-Meppo
I particularly recommend Scissors.
When things go south on a solo mission, Helmeppo takes things to the extreme.
Coby and Helmeppo attend the year's big masquerade ball at Mariejois and the night goes far better than Coby had ever expected.
A Haunted Base
“Tell me again why we’re doing this?” Helmeppo looked down from his perch on a ceiling beam, watching as Tashigi came in with a huff and slammed a box down on the operating table he’d stolen from the base earlier. “Because Smoker had better things to do, and nobody gets out of Vice Admiral Dahlia’s plans?” 
Day on the Edge
Coby enjoys a peaceful morning with his partner, but something leaves him feeling uneasy.
SPICY Fic Recs
Saved and Earned - Tonko
Integrity is a hard road, but Helmeppo is trying.
I don't even know what to say about this fic. You know that pic of the stick figure on all fours shaking something violently in its mouth? That's how crazy this fic makes me.
Guilty Pleasures - me
When Coby witnesses the carnage his friend and partner is capable of, in the moment he's not sure how he'll get past it. But the jokes on him, because he's into that shit.
I wrote this to be similar to Bloodsoaked, but more spicy.
Searching for the Words - 2Farky2Furious
“Helmeppo.” He shook himself from his thoughts. “Huh?” “It’s just me. You know you can tell me anything, right?” “I—” Helmeppo met the soft, familiar warmth of Coby’s gaze and blurted into the scant space between them. “I want to kiss you again.”
A little angsty at first, which makes the semi-public sex even better.
Helping Hands - leghair
What had started as a rare bartering chip back when they themselves were new recruits and every drill had left them quaking like newborn deer had shifted into a standard IOU or repaid-favour, and from there, eventually, had simply become… habit. After their midnight training sessions left them fatigued, they would crawl back to their barracks, where Helmeppo would scratch Coby’s back and Coby scratched his - quite literally. That’s just how they got through it. It had been a while, though, come to think of it. Their schedules had grown to be quite different since Coby’s promotion. He still got the occasional remedial massage from medical, but it just wasn’t quite the same as someone who knew his body as well as Meppo did.
Very good fic, but also I think of the tag 'formal apology to the one (1) cobymeppo shipper with an appetite for toes reading this with dismay' at least once a week.
Coby/Helmeppo Smut Oneshots - ShadowoftheLightingPack
If you don't read any of the others (though you should), at least read chapter 8. It's very good.
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slaymitchabernathy · 6 months
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| this story was inspired by the song 'complex' by Katie Gregson-MacLeod |
| a companion to the series 'Pretty' |
Soarynn chokes back a sob in the dark room he's pulled her into. She knows how pathetic she must look to Coriolanus, her fiance, but she can't help it. Not when he's grabbing her wrist so tightly that it's bruising, and not when he's angry with her.
She can't help it.
Coriolanus grabs her face with his other hand, his fingers wrapping around her jaw as he forces her to look him in the eye, something she's always had trouble with. "Fix your face before I fucking do it for you," he hisses, anger in his eyes. He's seething from the "stunt" she just pulled.
All Soarynn had done was have a five-minute conversation with Sejanus Plinth, another unfortunate soul who was dragged to this gala. She hadn't spoken to Sejanus in years, not after Coriolanus practically forbade her from doing so that one day when they still attended the Academy. But he came up to her and Sejanus was a nice man, much nicer than Coriolanus.
Much to her chagrin, Coriolanus found the two wrapped up in what looked like a "flirtatious conversation" and quickly pulled her into some dark room off a random hallway.
Soarynn gasps for air, she can't stop the tears from falling as she tries so desperately to collect herself, "I...I'm sorry," she whispers, her eyes pleading for mercy. His lips curl up into a cruel smirk and he leans down until his lips hover over hers, "Sorry for what?"
Soarynn swallows what must be the last bit of her pride before giving him the answer that he's trained her to give. "I'm sorry for leaving your side Coriolanus." His expression softens the smallest bit but Soarynn sees it, after five years of being with him she's learned to read his facial expressions.
Soarynn knows when he's nervous, excited, anxious, upset, worried, in the mood, and above all, she knows when he's angry.
He clears his throat and nods, releasing his grip on her face and wrist, "You've greatly disappointed me tonight darling," he says casually, wiping his hands on his pants, "I'll have to think of a proper punishment to give to you when we return home."
Soarynn feels goosebumps covering her skin when he mentions a punishment. She never knows how those will go. Sometimes it's as simple as him yelling at her for a good thirty minutes. Other times it's more sexual, he'll spank her or fuck her until she passes out, making sure it hurts. But the glint in his eyes tells her that tonight will be something very different.
But Soarynn just nods and hands her head, wiping her face with the back of her hand. It's not like she can back out of this now, not with their wedding in a mere four months. She cried the day he proposed, when he proposed. Everyone thought they were tears of joy, proof of how in love the young couple was.
Her heart had stopped when he got down on one knee and pulled out that box. He poured his heart out to her. He trapped her. She of course accepted, it was damn near expected of her at this point. And ever since he'd been more aggressive, possessive, he was different now. They even moved into their own apartment together, a penthouse of course, right on the Corso.
Soarynn cried when she moved out of her house, mostly because it meant leaving her father behind, all alone. She visited almost every day but still. She tried to find the silver linings in this situation, at least she was able to bring Petunia with her. Coriolanus didn't outright hate the cat but he definitely kept his distance. That suited Soarynn just fine, she didn't want her cat to also fall in love with Coriolanus and his charm.
She's not even surprised when Coriolanus hands her his handkerchief to clean herself up with. She takes it with shaky hands and makes quick work of perfecting her face once again until there are no signs of her tears. "You look so pretty," Coriolanus says, wrapping his arm around her waist, and pulling her against him. Soarynn's hands press against his chest, "Thank you," she whispers.
He hums, placing a kiss on the top of her head, "Let's go back now, hmm?" He takes her hand in his which lets her know that it wasn't really a question, it's already been decided in his mind. Soarynn follows him without question, making sure a small smile graces her lips as they rejoin the rest of the guests.
Festus is the first to find them with Felix right on his tail, both look Soarynn up and down before giving Coriolanus a smirk, "Did you two reconcile your differences?" Festus asks, batting his eyelashes at Coriolanus who scoffs in return, "We don't have any differences, isn't that right pretty girl?" Soarynn's eyes widen slightly when being addressed but she quickly nods, "Yes, no differences," she agrees.
Felix bumps his elbow with Festus, "Of course, they don't have any differences, not when Coriolanus is the one pulling the strings. Little Mrs. Snow will do anything to make her future husband happy."
Soarynn's heart clenches at the nickname she's had to deal with for the past few years but she shrinks into Coriolanus when Felix eyes her with a bit of lust. It's not lost on her or Coriolanus but Coriolanus simply laughs and wraps his hand around her waist, "Any wife of mine should want to make me happy," he replies in jest.
Before Festus can say some other snide remark the actual Mrs. Snow is scurrying up to them, her eyes locked on Soarynn. "There you are darlings! Coriolanus, you'll have to let me steal Soarynn away for a moment, there's some people she absolutely has to meet."
As much as Soarynn respects Mrs. Snow, she stays pressed to her fiance's side, waiting for his response. Just like he trained her to do. But Coriolanus nods and kisses her temple, "Don't keep her away from me for too long," he says all too teasingly, releasing his grip on Soarynn, allowing her to separate from him.
Mrs. Snow is all smiles and drunken laughs as she tells Soarynn about this new ladies' luncheon she and her friends are going to start holding. "I thought you might want to meet some of them and their daughters," she says, giving Soarynn's hand a squeeze. Soarynn manages a polite smile, "That sounds wonderful, thank you for thinking of me Mrs. Snow." The older woman waves her off, "Oh please, I've told you to call me mother have I not?"
She has but Soarynn doesn't quite know how to feel about it, not when her own mother is dead because of her. She knows that Coriolanus is elated by it, thinks it's wonderful that the two most important women in his life get along so well and they do get along quite well. Mrs. Snow can talk a mile a minute so it works out nicely that Soarynn can be as quiet as a mouse.
They run into Crassus Snow on their way to their destination and he's quick to look Soarynn up and down. It's not in a creepy or lustful way, like how Felix and Festus look at her. It's worse. It's a look of pure judgment and she gets it every time she sees him. She knows that those cold blue eyes pose the same question every time they meet hers.
"Are you good enough for my son?"
Soarynn lowers her gaze as she always does, somewhat out of fear and somewhat out of respect. Coriolanus says it'll get easier being in his father's presence but Soarynn doubts that. It's hard to believe him when she's seen how petrified Coriolanus can get when around his father.
He seems to have inherited that terrible trait.
꧁ ꧂
Soarynn can feel her nerves about to explode as she paces the wooden floor of their bedroom. She's biting at her nails, a nasty habit that Coriolanus absolutely hates but she can't help it, not when he's left her waiting like this.
Waiting for her punishment.
He'd been so calm on the drive back, held her hand while he led her to their room and placed a soft kiss on her forehead, instructing her to come find him when it was half past one. Soarynn glances on the clock that sits on his nightstand to find she still has one minute left. She's tried to think of what he'll do but she fails every time.
She fails every time.
And she hates it. She wants to be a good wife, a good girl, the one that everyone silently admires, who's respected by his friends.
It's all so complex.
It's finally one-thirty and Soarynn darts out of their bedroom, eager to get this over with. She finds Coriolanus in the library of all places, sitting in his favorite armchair in front of the fire. The flames are much bigger than normal which means he's added more wood than they usually do.
Soarynn swallows and slowly approaches him from behind the chair, her hand tentatively resting on the back of it, "I'm here," she says softly. Coriolanus turns and looks up at her, a small smile gracing his lips, "So you are. Come sit darling," he pats his lap. Soarynn nods and walks around to sit down but he holds out his hand, "Strip."
Soarynn takes off her dress immediately. There's no need to argue or question his order. It didn't take her long to learn that his word is law.
He watches her as she strips down until she's wearing absolutely nothing. Just how he likes her. He pats his thigh, "Sit."
Soarynn ever so carefully sits down on his thigh, not even flinching when his hands grab her waist, pulling her further against him, "You're my good girl, aren't you Soarynn?" Soarynn gasps when his hand slips between her legs, "I try to be," she says breathlessly. She really does, try to be the best for Coriolanus. He presses a soft kiss to her neck, "And yet, you insist on upsetting me, and tonight was no different."
There's a pit in her stomach that's been growing since the night Coriolanus took her virginity and he just added even more to it with those words.
"I didn't mean to, I'm sorry, it...it won't even happen again I swear."
Soarynn knows what he wants to hear, wants to be told. He wants her to be exclusively his. His fingers drag through her folds and she squirms on his lap, "You're right, it absolutely won't," he says.
It makes her even more nervous how calmly he says it as if he might chain her to the walls and keep her here forever. She knows he can do nearly the same thing by getting her pregnant, something he's expressed many times to her about how excited he is for her to carry his child.
"I'm...I'm ready for my punishment now," she tells him, her entire body trembling. Coriolanus hums, "It's already been done, my pretty girl." Soarynn furrows her eyebrows and looks back at him, the calm expression on his face making her feel even worse, "It has?" She asks, feeling dumber than ever.
Coriolanus grins, "I think it's exactly what you needed to learn your lesson this time." He then grabs her chin with his fingers and turns her head back to face the fireplace, only furthering her confusion.
With one firm shove, Coriolanus sends her onto the floor, her knees banging against the hardwood. Soarynn yelps and throws her hands out to keep herself from falling onto her face as she stares directly into the fire. For a moment, she doesn't understand.
Then she sees it. The cover of a book slowly burning away.
A true feeling of horror washes over her body as she looks over at one of the bookcases that normally holds all of he favorite books, the books she brought with her from home when they moved into this apartment.
It's empty.
Soarynn turns back to the fire and she can't hold back the devastating sob that leaves her body as she realizes just what Coriolanus has done. All the books she held dearest to her heart, were gone. Burned in the fire. Soarynn can't stop the tears from falling when the gravity of what he's done truly hits her. Those books held so many memories from her, some were from her father, others she's read a thousand times.
He burned them all.
Her one escape from the world she currently lives in.
Soarynn is a sobbing mess as she mourns the loss of the one thing she truly enjoyed all while Coriolanus watches from behind. She can't even breathe from how hard she's crying, too overwhelmed with sadness and grief. It doesn't matter that they still have a library filled with books or that he can just buy her new ones. It's the fact that he knew to choose her favorites, that he noted which ones she always reached for and then used that against her.
This is not love.
She can hear him stand up but she's far too submeresed with her own pain to pay him any mind. She only feels the warmth of a blanket being draped over her naked frame and the hot breath from his lips against her ear, "When you're done crying, come find me in the bedroom."
Soarynn almost throws up but manages to swallow it down along with any hopes of Coriolanus turning out to be a good man for her.
She listens to his receding footsteps as he leaves the library, waiting for him to leave before she truly breaks down. She can't breathe, can't feel, can't find any good in this life she's been forced into. She wraps the blanket around her shaking frame, staring at the last remnants of one of her books burning away, along with the rest of her freedom.
꧁ ꧂
"You always know how to make me feel so good."
His words echo in her head as she curls into herself on the bathroom floor. Coriolanus fucked her once she was able to pull herself away from the library. He'd kissed her tears away, whispered about how this was a good lesson for her to learn, how it hurt him more than it hurt her to burn her books.
Soarynn thinks she might kill herself.
It's the only way to escape in her mind, only way to truly leave him.
She can hear him turn off the sink faucet, meaning he's done with his nightly routine. Soarynn tries to stifle her sobs, it only hurts more when she cries, when her whole body shakes and she's painfully reminded of the new bruises he's left behind and the mess he made between her legs.
꧁ ꧂
They won't be together, but maybe the next life.
She cries in the bathroom, he turns off the big light.
She's not feeling human, he thinks he's a good guy.
But it's complex.
It's a complex.
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gay4harm · 1 year
Better than him
pairing- Riri x reader
warning- 16+, smut, bit of angst but thats really it
Riri Williams was known as the top scholar at MIT, you were the second, a lot came with that perk. Which includes you being able to attend a gala for smart black college students such as yourself, along with Riri, you and a few others folk, you all got invited to a party that celebrated young black genius's that were top of their classes.
You didn't know everyone that well besides Riri and Malik, a guy who had been trying to get at you for a while now.
He was cute but he wasn't Riri, you've had the biggest crush on her since the moment you saw her on campus, you two had become friends but that's not what you wanted, you've seen her mess around with a few girls here and there and you had always gotten jealous every. single. time, you thought riri just wasn't interested in you. I mean that had to have been the reason. Right?
Tonight you were about to find out, tonight is the night were you would try and make riri jealous, which could go two ways, either she would get jealous or she wouldn't, you were hoping for the first option.
You wanted to impress her, you were known as a pretty girl to most people and a smartass to others so this wasn't going to be a problem, you wore a long royal blue dress with a cute sweetheart neckline that perfectly showed off your breasts. As you mingled around with people which you hated doing due to being an introvert, you came across Riri who looked too fine in her suit which was tailored to perfection, you weren't used to seeing her in such formal wear. As she approached you, you could tell something was different in the way she looked at you, she looked almost the same way all the other boys and girls looked at you.
"yo y/n, how you been? You look real nice" she bit her lip as she looked you up and down.
"hey ri I'm fine, kinda ready to go home, you know?"
"yea I get whatchu saying, but look before you decide to go I wanted to-" before riri could finish her sentence Malik came towards y'all with a big grin on his face "hey y/n, how you been baby?" He threw his arm around you pulling you in close to the point you could smell his cologne he always had on. "Hey Malik, how i'm good, how are you?" Before he can get his answer out you could hear riri clear her throat, driving our attention to her.
"oh I'm sorry that was impolite of me, how you doing Riri?"
"I'm straight" Riri looks Malik up and down trying to size him up but to no avail due to her height, you look back and forth between the two and it hit you that Malik was the perfect tool that could help you make Riri jealous, it it definitely helped that he had a big fat crush on you.
Malik looked down slightly chuckling probably at Riri, he puts his hand around your waist pulling you in closer, you let him of course but not without seeing Riri look down at his hand, you can see her jaw tighten and her eyebrows furry softly.
Thats one thing you kind of liked about Riri, even if she didn't say something her face always would, she was so easy to read. Except for the times she wasn't.
Malik could tell just like you that Riri was a little bother so to add fuel to the fire he whispers slightly in your ear. "you look beautiful y/n." He lands two slight kissed on your neck and you giggles softly at his actions. "thank you Malik" you thank him with a silky voice and you stare in his eyes completely ignoring everything else. You turn to see Riri silently fuming in her small figure and smirk to yourself knowing that she's getting mad, you could see it in her eyes. they were filled with anger, jealousy and a bit of hurt, it was almost enough to make you feel bad.
keyword: almost
finally Riri speaks up "y'all are clearly in the middle of something so I'ma go" she waves you two a slight hand and storms off clearly mad, it makes you realize that she wouldn't be getting this upset if she didn't feel anything for you, you began to have a little hope.
as the night went on you and Malik continued to flirt as Riri watched from afar and god was she pissed. She begins to walk to the restroom but now before rolling her eyes at you and Malik.
"Um I have to go use the restroom i'll be back" You excuse yourself giving yourself an opportunity to get away from Malik to see how your dear friend was doing. You walk in the bathroom to see Riri hovering over the sink to collect herself which was your guess in her actions.
She hadn't noticed your presence yet and there was a moment of silence before you decided to break it. "Hey, you ok?"
Riri looks up surprised by your voice, "Yea I'm straight"
She was clearly lying.
"Are you sure you seem kind of bothered back there."
"You and Malik seem to have been getting kind of comfortable with each other." Her choice of words surprised you but you decided to play along with it.
"Yeah I mean he's a pretty cool guy, don't you think? I mean he's pretty cute and I bet he'd look even better with his shirt off-"
"Yo I don't need to know about how cute you think he is.... he ain't even all that"
"Oh yeah, you think so?"
"Yeah you could do a whole lot better."
"Really? Well in that case, who do you think would be better for me?" You knew who she wanted you to be with, it was so clear but you just needed her to say it, for her to say that she was what you needed not Malik or any other meathead that decided they wanted to try and talk to you.
"Do I really have to spell it out for you? Or what should I yell it out for you to understand?" As Riri makes her statement she steps closer to you until you two are inches away from each other.
"Just say it Ri"
Instead of just saying how she felt Riri closes the gap between the two of you, your lips link together as if they were made for each other. Kissing Riri gave you the same relief that breathing had, the kiss started sweet and passionate but that quickly turned into hunger. You place your hand on the nap of her neck pulling her in closer which gave her the signal to continue further.
She pushes you onto the wall and uses her hand to roam around your body, she cupped a piece of your ass gripping it hard in the process making you gasp softly giving her just enough access to slip her tongue in your mouth making you moan softly, your reaction cause a small smile to break out onto Riri's face.
The need for air got in the way causing you to pull away from Riri's supple lips, as you looked at Riri you could see her dilated pupils and kiss swollen lips, you both looked at each other with dazed and loving eyes neither of you able to get a single word out.
Riri looks back at the stalls and grabs your hand leading you to the farthest one from the restroom door. "You don't even realize how long I've waited for this y/n, how much I think about you.
Before you could get a word out Riri's lips are back on yours and with your help she begins to pull up your dress giving her enough access to slip her hand in your underwear, she begins to rub small tight circles on your sensitive bulb, her slender fingers travel up and down your folds making a routine of rubbing your clit then entering your plush walls with ease due to your wetness. You became a whimpering mess underneath Riri's grasp.
As Riri's making a mess of you, you decide to slip one of your own hands down her pants and you begin to touch her pussy spreading her arousal around as she groans at your actions.
You both stand there touching each other moaning softly incase anyone got too close to the bathroom and happened to hear what was going on.
"Fuck Riri" you moan in her ear wishing you could be louder, her low raspy moans and the way her fingers are making you feel are the only thing in your mind, you could feel that same familiar feeling in your stomach but you didn't wanna cum before Riri did so you held out a bit to the point where it became unbearable.
"Shit baby I'm finna cum." Her words rung in your head and as you both got louder you crashed your lips against hers in a attempt to quiet you both. "Riri I'm so close."
"you close baby? You gonna cum all over my fingers, make a mess for me"
"Yes ri please"
"Fuck, please what y/n?"
"Please let me cum Riri, I'm so close" you and Riri's moans are in sync as you both come at the same time. You take your fingers out of Riri's pants placing them in her already open mouth and she licks your fingers dry of her juices, you replace your finger with your mouth giving her a sloppy wet kiss.
After cleaning each other up, you two leave the bathroom hoping no one would catch up on the vulgar activities that just took place and you too head your own separate ways hoping that at the end of this boring party you too would be able to go for a round two.
The only thing going through your mind is how well your plan worked.
Hope you guys liked this! it was my first time writing smut and my first story on here so I'm proud of myself for even finishing it.
any and all feedback is greatly appreciated.
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babypinkromantics · 1 year
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It Always Leads To You In My Hometown .𖥔 ݁ ˖
Ship: Halle Bailey / Jonah Hauer-King
Summary: Halle anxiously waits when the day Jonah arrives back home in London from being away shooting his new film, she misses him terribly and reminisces on her memories with him during their last fall/winter break together in hopes this time around will be just as magical when he’s finally hers again..
Warning’s: unprotected sex, teasing, choking, pet names sort of, dirty talk a bit, blow jobs, P in V action, explicit language, lots of fluff, romance, longing & yearning, Taylor Swift references and lyrics, autumn and christmas activities
Word count: 5k
A/N: In this universe, I was thinking this took place about eight months to a year after they first start officially dating. So although they’ve moved in together, Halle is still getting used to the new environment around her, and also what it’s like to be in a relationship with someone who’s job is to be away for months at a time. It’s still very new to her — and missing Jonah is all that runs through her mind the whole summer she’s been in his hometown without him.
Just like the title, this work is based off of Tis’ the damn season off of Evermore by Taylor swift. So there’s lots of references and easter eggs to the song through the fic for all my fellow swiftie’s or anyone who notices :)
.𖥔 ݁ ˖✧˖° ⁺ 𓂋 𓈒 ♡
It was one of those bright but foggy days, where the sun had been shining down on the mucky streets of London after a half an hour shower of rain.
Halle hoped for a rainbow, or anything really to appear within the large gaping fogged up window of her the fitting room. Just one multicolored stripe to take her mind off of the next pin stuck she was anticipating, or an even bigger nudge at her nerves when she’d see her phone light up with a text from her ever traveling prince.
Even though it’s been a little over a week since Halle knew Jonah would be thousands of miles away filming, and returning back home to London — to her, she still had been awaiting the moment time and time again. She couldn’t tell if she was nervous or excited, but she knew the slight nausea deep down, the aching put there had to of meant something. And she knew from the outside it could of seemed a bit looney to be so highly strung about her lover making his way back home. But she also knew no one could understand.
The way it’s been almost three months since she last held him in her embrace, ran her fingertips through his waves, and kissed him like there were no other humans on earth.
They just wouldn’t get the immense feelings of warmth in her heart when she got to have him in a way not one other soul could relate to. It was a sacred feeling. It was her feeling. Just the remembrance of the sensation had Halle hardly able to focus on her dress fitting at hand. All she could see in her mind was getting loose of the hands measuring and adjusting her body — and running into the arms of the man who she called home.
“Halle ?”
A voice flushed over her, and nearly frightened Halle right out of her daydreams. She jumped and caught a breathe as she turned to her smiling, yet confused, assistant holding a tablet in front of her.
“Yes?” Halle spoke with a lose note to let her heart race simmer down.
“We wanted to know your input on if the dress for the gala should be hanker shift or pleated ?” Her assistant asked.
She gazed at Halle in a long pause before the overwhelmed girl batted her eyelashes in tension and looked up from the ground to give her answer with at least indecision as possible.
“I’m leaning towards hanker shift, I want to be comfortable for the evening. And I don’t want to worrying about the spills at brunch — I know those pleats can be impossible to clean.”
“Noted.” her assistant stylist dotted her i’s on her tablet and turned away. Scurrying back to work and leaving Halle to dote towards the window once again, as her fingertips lead up to her necklace. Pearly and encrusted with chipped shells that were laced with the smell of summer and salt air. She held it. Getting lost in her thoughts and imagery once more.
When Halle had finally finished up at her fitting and got back to the flat, she opened the front door and took a deep sigh along with a glance around the place.
She thought if she should clean ? But it was really always clean. The only time the space wouldn’t be tidy was when she and Jonah would be carelessly doing their afternoon activities. Like when they had paint Saturday’s and they would fill their home up with splashes of almost every color on the walls. Or when the season changed they would make new canvases.
Halle’s heart filled with warmth for the memories of getting to express her artistic side with Jonah. The way he taught her so much about how different the art culture was to the English was so fascinating. She could listen to him talk about it forever — she loved how he was so knowledgeable on almost everything. It meant the most to have her craving for deep and meaningful conversation to be filled with her time with him.
She decided everything was perfect as is and would go to feed Poseidon instead.
“There you go baby,” she spoke gently to Poseidon with a smile as she set down his bowl and gave him a sweet stroke on his fur. She took the milk and honey out of the fridge and set it on the counter. It was Jonah’s favorite after a long day of traveling this time of year, and Halle would always sit on his lap and enjoy a cup with him.
They would stay at the house Jonah’s parents owned in north London where it always snowed the most, the fire would be on, and even with the heat breaking through the crisp air, nothing made her warmer than being interwoven with the man she loved right there in the flesh. To know he wasn’t leaving and she had him all season long. Curled up and snuggled on the couch, Jonah would tell her to let him keep her there forever. Even if she wanted him to let go so she could use the bathroom for a quick second, he was always going to refuse — and she would laugh.. and when she looked, he was laughing too. With eyes smiling right at her in admiration and pure love. Halle waited all summer long for this time around just for moments like that again.
Blinking quickly Halle had realized she was intensely watching Poseidon devour his food while she lost her own conscious mind to let her heart yearn. Forcing herself off of the kitchen counter she entered the bedroom and turned on the head of the shower faucet and let the water run for some time so it would heat up to the temperature of her liking.
Halle made a promise to herself that she wouldn’t look at her phone unless it was a text from Jonah letting her know he was on his way home. She knows Jonah is a busy man and that shooting her a text could slip his mind, something she completely understood. But she much rather not look than drive herself mad with missing him. So she stripped down and carried on to washing up —
Grabbing her towel and wrapping up in it before turning off the water, Halle stepped out of the shower and got dry quickly, taking a deep sigh sitting on the bed, with nothing but the white cloth and wet hair.
She stared at her feet for a while. Wiggling her toes. And even her finger nails, she tried hard not to pick at them. Laying back and staring at the ceiling, getting washed away by her thoughts. It was about fifteen minutes prior to Halle finally drifting off to sleep. Cold from the after math of her steamy shower, but letting it be to make the warmth she would feel in Jonah’s arms later on, even more heavenly to the touch.
What felt like decades to Halle, was no more than thirty long minutes when she finally heard the clicking of the door down the hall being unlocked and the sound of shoes on the hardwood floor.
The sleep hazed girl nearly jumped up out of her slumber and hurried to the bedroom door where she walked out and stopped when she saw Jonah standing by the front door petting Poseidon with a huge smile on his face, he looked up at her and grinned when he saw the girl who put the sunshine in his day staring back at him.
Halle started walking over to him, but the closer she got the more exited the skip in her step was.
“Halle,” the dark haired man smiled as he stared at her face “Halle..” there was a dip in his voice and his eyebrows furrowed when he looked down at her attire to see the girl wrapped up in nothing but a short towel.
And when she finally embraced him, her arms slid up his back and her cheek hit his chest ever so gently but with all the force at the same time, nearly making him lose his balance. Jonah let out a chuckle and placed his lips on the top of her head while holding her small frame to him. Halle said nothing for a minute as she settled into the feeling of his large hands gliding across her back and hugging her like there was no tomorrow. She couldn’t get enough of it. She didn’t want enough of it.
Jonah already knew he wouldn’t get a moment of freedom once he stepped foot through the door and Halle got to him. But he missed her so much he didn’t care to mind it at all.
“I missed you,” Halle finally spoke and she twisted her head to look up at him. “Why didn’t you text me ?”
“I wanted to surprise you ! ” He looked down at her happily. “And this is definitely… a surprise.” Jonah had to laugh at the fact Halle didn’t even bother to slip on proper clothes before coming out here to meet him.
“I showered then I fell asleep,” she blushed at the way he stared down at her and her towel just meeting the start of her thighs.
“I’m sure you did.” he thought it was more likely this was one of Halle’s stunts to throw him off track of just getting home and attending to anything that wasn’t her. And Halle couldn’t bear look him in the eyes like this.
The feeling of his crystal blues staring down at her especially when she hadn’t really had clothing on — would never be something she’d get used to. She’d get way too shy and melt right there. So her eyes drifted to just beneath where one of his curls fell over his face. A faint but new scar had been revealed as Halle brushed her thumb over the area.
“What’s this ? Does it hurt ? ” She asked gently.
“Stunts on set aren’t technically safe. But it’s nothing really.” He told her and continued to stare down at her as she examined the reddened scar.
She tugged on his shoulders so he’d come to her eye level and he did. Halle kissed the top of his forehead where the scar had been and she smiled.
Jonah couldn’t help the sensation of excitement and butterflies Halle gave him, she was all he could think about while he was away.. he even wondered if Halle drove herself as insane as he did while they had been apart last summer.
He always tells himself he can manage the falling asleep together over Face-Time and trying to update one another on what they each had for lunch, but nothing could ever compare to holding her right here in his arms. Looking into her honey like eyes and breathing the same sweet air she breathed. He would go to sleep at night dreaming of when he’d have her again and he almost couldn’t believe she was real and with him in this moment right now.
Not being able to take another minute without her lips on his — Jonah scooped her up off the ground and Halle squealed in delight as she wrapped her body around the man tightly.
They were so close. The closest they’ve been in three whole months. Finally content in each others embrace and smiling like idiots, Jonah brushed his nose against Halle’s as he held her, a soft soothing smile on his lips and Halle took what she wanted by kissing them.
It started off slow, and they gradually melted into each other, being able to take it a step farther and reach the perfect angle being level to one another. Halle deepened the kiss and her fingers started to get lost in his curls as more time passed and they started to smooch with hunger by the second.
Soon, Halle's hands had called to cup Jonah’s face and she could feel the touch of his beard scratch against her palms, he hesitated no more to start leading them both to the bedroom and Halle wanted to pull away to speak again, but she just couldn’t stop herself from pulling Jonah’s bottom lip into her own for more. To kiss him forevermore.
And he let her.
Eventually she pulled her face from his, lips almost going crimson. “Don’t you wanna unpack ?” She had spoken nearly out of breath.
“The only thing I want to unpack now is what’s underneath that towel,”
Normally Halle would of blushed or giggled like a school girl if her skin wasn’t so lit and fiery from the way they just made out in perfect unison. It was safe to say how lucky she got knowing her boyfriend knew how to really kiss a girl.
Jonah had gently let Halle fall to the bed in front of them, and she bit her lip slightly as she backed up comfortably, not breaking eye contact with the gorgeous built man above her once. He followed her only shortly after, hovering just above Halle's placed body and reaching to remove the towel from her before she stopped him.
“No.” She shook her head just a bit, a more mischievous smirk running across her lips as she now looked at the more confused Jonah staring at her from only inches away. Halle looked down ever so slightly and Jonah followed her eye-line to where her delicate hands had been innocently inching towards the belt buckle of his denim’s, Halle had unlatched it. He hurried to lean up — giving her more room to finish what she had started and Halle did exactly that, following him, she let her thumb flick open the button. She unzipped his pants, leading up to her taking his length out into her hands and glancing up at him once more as she did so.
Jonah could only hope Halle couldn’t hear the way his heart was pounding in his chest, but little did he know hers was probably going ten times harder. She slowly and carefully moved her hand up his shaft.
“Mmm, I missed you” Halle spoke softly and Jonah let a heavy breath out from his lungs as he watched her hands work on him in the most silky way. Like her hands had never been there, but were all over him once. An angel that only he could see like this. And her words were like prayers to him. All coming true at last.
Halle had let her tongue run against against the tip of his dick for a moment and she loved the way his addams apple bobbed as he watched her movements. Eye contact being tested when he noticed her lips sink around him, and Jonah tired with every molecule of his might not to let his eyes flutter shut. He couldn’t miss a single moment of this.
All Halle wanted to do was give him everything he wanted, it was all that mattered to her. To make him feel at home after all this time. She stared up at him with the most wide eyes as she took him into the back of her mouth, her hand still going at the same time.
“Halle, baby…” Jonah huffed out quietly as he reached for her hair, Halle had wished so badly he’d just pull it, but she knew Jonah was always going to be gentle with her no matter what. He thought her lips were just so…. Perfect. He wanted nothing more than to move his hips, and she let out a whimper from somewhere in the back of her throat as he nearly did. Sucking slowly with the only push of her going faster to take more of him into her mouth.
The sight of his lips parting so gently to let out a soft moan just set Halle off. She thought every inch of him tasted just like heaven, she felt like she could do this to him all day if he wanted, and she really would.
Jonah then suddenly pulled out of her mouth in a hurry and he held himself with his panting chest going up and down. “Halle” he caught his breath.
She could only grin softly as she watched the state he was in and she wiped the corner of her mouth with the back of her palm.
“I-I still want to.. be inside of you” he told her with a soft smile and airy pant as his heart got back to beating at a normal rate.
Halle has gotten closer to him once again and placed her hand on his hip as he stood to take off his shirt, the feeling of him being absent already haunting her. Jonah took off his pants fully and soon enough he was coming back to her with a sly smile across his lips. Giving her a peck on the lips, she fell back on the bed again and this time submitted herself to him effortlessly. He had pulled at the top of her towel and let it fall, revealing in his opinion, the body of the most gorgeous woman he had ever laid his eyes on.
He wanted to lay his touch on her skin so quickly and just worship the body she had surrendered to him. And with a small lick of his lips and a quick glance up at her face, he had to restrain himself to admire every inch of her glowing brown skin in the evening light of the sunsetting just beyond the cold window glass.
Halle didn’t think she had ever been so love stricken by anyone, and definitely not now when all she could think about was the way Jonah’s teal blue’s made sure to cover every inch of her. Never really having anyone look at her this way before made her heart ache — but in the most glorious of ways. And as intimidating as it could seem, she couldn’t have felt any safer with him. Like this. Vulnerable and in his embrace finally.
Closing her eyes just before he had left a kiss to her neck, and once more till he was leaving a trail down her collarbone and his hands slid up her rib cage to cup her breast in his butter like hands. When she let out a quite but divine moan she couldn’t stop reminding herself that if he wasn’t hers she’d just be so envious of anyone else who got to feel his kind of love not only physically, but emotionally too.
“So, how do you want this ?” Jonah had came up to push some of her hair from her eyes and Halle looked up at him with lustful eyes and a smile that only spoke of adventure.
“Surprised me.” She said with a bubbly note, and Jonah held her with complete stillness like she was the most fragile and priceless gem in the world.
“You really don’t get enough of those do you ?” He chuckled. And Halle rolled her eyes playfully.
“Just shut up and fuck me already,”
Jonah couldn’t deny the fact he loved Halle’s vulgar side that would come out when she was really wanting him. He missed the carefreeness of her attitude in times like these and it only made him more excited to pull her over the edge with him.
He lined himself up with her entrance as best as he could. Halle had reached for his arms, and before she knew it her nails had already been semi digging into his skin when he pushed into her slowly.
Halle’s jaw had fallen as she let out an obvious moan, and her lips had trembled a bit. It had been a serious while since she had the sensation of practically being split in half by him. And it was no easy feeling to get used to. She held onto him tighter and Jonah’s head had fallen to the crock of her neck with an airy whimper as he slid through her with ease the farther he got.
“You got this wet just from sucking my cock didn’t you ?” Jonah grinned as he whispered in Halle’s ear — getting a rush of immediate pleasure when he felt her tighten around him when his words passed through her, and she buried her face in his shoulder only to make muffled noises when he had sunk into her fully, then repeated it again, sending her head flying back against the pillow. Jonah had thrusted into her slowly only until her core had gotten so used to him by now he could eventually go faster.
Halle had whined out as Jonah kissed her lips and went to wrap his arms around her fully, to where there had been no space between them and he could feel her heart rate speed up against his.
“Oh my god.. yes-” Halle could feel sweat beginning to form on her skin as Jonah picked up the pace in just the right spot and they moved in perfect unison.
Halle fought not to close her eyes — she loved the way she could feel every vein of him against her walls as he pounded into her. Jonah let out a deep groan while Halle’s hair had gone wild the more he fucked her with less and less restriction, letting all his pent up passion from every time the teasing girl would send him kisses through the phone or pictures in the shower. It was so much he couldn’t help himself. Halle had gasped when Jonah leaned up to glide his hands around her neck, firmly but all with tenderness as he thrusted into her harder and she pulsed every inch with spreading herself for him more.
“Jonah..” Halle sobbed out as her hands and legs began to shake and she had bitten her lip tightly in pleasure, her head starting to spin with every time her body and core would fall weaker each time Jonah would pull completely out of her and thrust back in harder.
“Hey, look at me. Keep looking at me Halle,” he breathed out quickly, grabbing the girl’s attention back on her lover and she did exactly that. She looked up at him even with her heart pounding out of her chest. And her toes curling like crazy, Jonah still brought a thumb to her cheek to stroke gently as he worked her through it, he didn’t break eye contact with her once as he started to fuck her more roughly into the bedding beneath them. Tears started forming in Halle’s eyes while she moaned uncontrollably and wrapped her hands around his wrist on her collarbone.
The heedless sounds being formed between them only bounced off the walls and echoed back to her ears. It was intense, and Halle would be lying to herself if she didn’t admit to quite liking the idea of being so exhibited for him, she thought he was beautiful on top of her and that’d never change. Jonah had leaned his forehead against hers combining their sweat as he groaned along with a swear under his breath.
“I’m gonna- I think I’m gonna.. fuck ! ” Halle cried out. “Hold me.”
“Let it out sweet girl, I’m right here.” Jonah had reminded her gently and that’s when he felt Halle’s body shake uncontrollably underneath him, whimpering as she came on his dick. And he couldn’t help but to let himself watch in awe as she did so.
“Yeah, just like that… shit..” his movements had only gotten sloppy as he started to spill inside of her — Halle shut her eyes and dug her nails straight into his back at the feeling of him filling her up to the point she couldn’t stand it. Her body froze and fell into complete Arcadia, and she couldn’t move as she took any and everything.
Halle felt her last tear roll down her cheek and she began to feel funny, but in a blissful way. Like the stars in her eyes were the way of showing up after a blessing had been done and gifted.
She never loosened her grip on Jonah at all. His chest heaved as he leaned up on his knees and brought Halle with him. At this point she had been sensitive to every slight movement, and the feeling of Jonah shifting the both of them only made her cling to him tighter as he was still attached to her tender core.
He kissed her cheek softly and rubbed her back as he breathed out into the side of her neck. His heart slowing back to normal, as well as hers while they both came down from their high.
“I love you” Halle said quietly. Hearing those words leave her lips in her sweet little voice made Jonah’s insides flutter all over again. It’s all he’s been waiting to hear in person for weeks and he couldn’t be happier he got to love Halle into mangled bits like this. To be the only reason she would happy cry. And to feel her release on him like nectar from the sweetest honeycomb. Jonah would give Halle the world and entire galaxy if she wanted and he hoped she knew that deep down like she knew faith in her heart. He rose to meet her eye line again.
“I love you, Angel. Thank you for everything.” He gave the girl a loving smile as she cupped his face, a smile delicate and happily widening on her face as well. She kissed his lips and softly led him back to the pillows with her again. This time under the covers to fit snug in each other’s arms — where they held quite conversation until they both drifted off to sleep.
The next day Halle had rose from what she would have said was the best slumber she’s gotten in months. And she could certainly blame it on the sex from the night before, but overall — feeling safe, and protected all night long with Jonah’s arms cradling her cozily throughout the night.
She rubbed her eyes with the hand that had been gently placed on his chest, looking up to see dark curls and the familiar sight of her beautiful man sleeping soundly. She smiled fondly as her tired eyes examined the room in the new daylight. Halle could spend a lifetime with him here. Just like this.
And the certification that she would have mornings like these guaranteed all season long, was exactly what she had been dreaming of since the beginning of last summer.
The girl leaned up gently to check her phone. As soon as the screen lit up Halle read the time had already been 2pm, her eyes went wide for a quick second. The fact that they had already slept in half a day making her chuckle to herself softly. Usually, it was almost always Jonah waking up at the crack of dawn, and Halle had no clue how’d he have so much energy that early in the morning — she envied him for it. It was a little bit unbelievable he had stayed asleep with her for so long, but she could understand the jet lag and obvious tiresome muscles from what a night they had.
The feeling of Halle’s sudden absence had started to wake Jonah up slowly as he reached out to feel her forearm gently. He groaned,
“Where’d my girlfriend sized pillow go ?”
“It’s two in the afternoon sleepy head.” Halle turned to look at him and he had sat up quickly to face her.
“Jesus,” he had blinked up at her in confusion “I don’t think I’ve ever slept in this late since… well, ever.”
“Oh, I know.” Halle laughed softly and hugged her knees to her chest against the cushions. “But there’s a first time for everything I suppose.”
Jonah had focused on Halle and realized she had been wearing his blouse from the night before. He raised his eyebrow. “Remind me when you slipped yourself into my shirt last night you little thief ?…”
“I have my ways.” She shrugged and zipped her lips.
“It’s swallowing you.” He laughed.
“I sleep in your clothes every night when you’re away !” She had crawled to him with giggles leaving her lips and she sat in front of the amused man who chuckled at her enthusiasm. “What else would I wear when I have to touch myself to the thought of you ?”
Halle grinned and Jonah tried to keep his cool by messing with her.
“Creepy and a minx. Got it.” He told her slyly and Halle gasped.
“You stalked me for like three years-“ Jonah cut her off by yelling “Tickle time !” As he pulled her into his lap. And Halle let out a high pitched squeal along with a trail of giggles and laughter shouting “stop it !” In between her squirming. And Jonah laughed as he ran his fingers all over her, too pleased with himself and how easy it is to get Halle to stop talking and giggle.
Halle knew for a fact she hadn’t been this giddy in months, with the daunting day to day responsibilities, and her boyfriend who brought the warmth in the cold of autumn to her doorstep, being thousands of miles away. But now that he was here, with her, making her heart shine bright and giving her every reason to smile — She just wanted to ride around with him like they would do last time around. Look at the Christmas lights decorated on house by house throughout the neighborhoods. Or the beautifully lit stores and seasonal stops that would go all out for the holiday’s.
He made everything so fun here — like a second home town to her. She had felt at home in his home. And the possibilities were endless now that Jonah was hers at last. He loves her and she loves him.
And just that was enough to convince her she’d never leave the warmest soul she’d ever known.
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venusthepirate · 2 years
like any unloved thing part three : weed and early nights
ao3 / part one / part two
Masterlist :  @avocado-writing @little-sunflower-bug @evangelineflowers @humbug5 @yume904 @chloeforde @sarcastic-sourwolf​
Hi ! I am so sorry for the late update, college has been kicking my ass :( but here we go !! I hope you’ll like this chapter ^^ please if you could reblog or comment it would mean the world ! I think Tumblr ate this post :(
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Fawn steps inside the restaurant, relieved at the way the chill of the outside is suddenly cut short by the door closing behind her. She sighs, enjoying the warmth seeping into her skin. Her fingers feel frozen, even despite the mittens she put on before going out.
A waiter greets her courteously. She tells him she’s joining a friend, and gives him the name for the reservation.
It’s a fancy restaurant, but not too fancy. The kind normal people will go to when they want to treat themselves without spending all their savings on the meal, where, typically, Fawn doesn’t feel underdressed with her simple attire. It was too cold outside for her to be able to put anything on than blue jeans and a white turtleneck. Her long black coat does fancy it up a bit, though.
The waiter leads her to her table. Her friend/colleague Violet is already seated. She smiles widely when she sees Fawn stop in front of her, rising to kiss her on the cheek.
“Hi”, Fawn says, softly, detaching herself from her embrace. She pulls off her grey beanie, and then her coat, draping them on her chair, and sits down in front of Violet.
“How are you, baby ?” Violet asks, sipping on a glass of red wine. She looks sheepish, then. “Sorry, I hope you don’t mind, I ordered wine without you.” She raises a hand to catch the waiter’s attention.
“Oh, I’ll take the same thing, please”, Fawn tells him.
“It’s been a long time since we went out for a meal”, Violet continues. “Or drinks. Or shopping. Or anything, really. You’re always busy. Found some new friends ?”
Fawn’s traitorous thoughts take her almost immediately to Tangerine, but she shakes her head to disperse them. The truth is, Fawn’s days simply alternates between working at the café, clients, and going home to curl up under the comforter to scroll on her phone. Nothing very exciting or scandalous as Violet may think.
“Just the winter, you know ?” She offers to her. “Gets me a bit down. I’m hibernating.”
Violet snorts.
“You know, the cold isn’t a reason to isolate yourself ? Aren’t people supposed to stick together, share warmth ?”
Fawn smiles, twirling her glass and taking a sip. “Maybe.”
They order their meals, make small talk, talking of everything and anything. It’s only when their plates are deposited in front of them that Violet finally addresses the reason why they’re both here.
“So, who hired you ?” She asks.
“Kenneth Hall”, Fawn replies, dipping a piece of carrot in the sauce. “He’s hired me before. Only escort jobs, though. What about you ?”
Two days earlier, Fawn had received a call from her handler, telling her one of her clients had booked her for a night. A gala, apparently, for Christmas’ Eve.  She had been told Violet too had been hired, by another man, for the same event.
“William something”, Violet tells her, while she twirls pasta around her fork. “Never worked with him, and I asked around, and I don’t think the other girls know him.”
Fawn frowns. “Is it for an escort job too ?”
“Yeah, I only take those these days.” She smiles, then, leaning towards her as if she’s about to spill a terrible secret. “I found myself a boyfriend.”
Fawn arches her eyebrows, surprised.
“Oh, wow. I mean, congratulations. It must be serious, if you’re only doing escort jobs.”
“Yeah, he’s very sweet, you know”, Violet continues. There’s some sort of dreamy expression on her face, like she’s reminiscing herself of him. “But what about you ? How long has it been since your ex-girlfriend ?”
Fawn washes the bitterness in her throat with a mouthful of wine. The ex-girlfriend was… well. It didn’t last, did it.
“Four years”, she murmurs. “And no, I’m not dating anybody right now.”
Violet makes a disappointed moue, pressing her chin against the palm of her hand as she looks at Fawn with some kind of puppy eyes expression.
“Why not ?”
She shrugs, trying to act like she isn’t bothered. She is, though. She doesn’t like to talk about things like relationships and such. She’s crossed those off her list long ago.
“Too much of a hassle”, she replies, twirling her glass.
It really is. She knows of other girls who do it and manage to find the perfect balance between their work and the relationship, but Fawn has never been able to. It’s difficult, too, because it mostly goes against any expectation people have of a conventional relationship. Most people expect her to drop this job, others will try to “save” her, whatever that means. There are also cases of jealousy, and well. It just seems like a lost battle.
Violet eyes her critically.
“It’s not good for you to completely, you know”, she says, waving a hand in front of her, “close yourself.”
“I’m not”, Fawn protests, but it sounds a bit empty, even to her own ears. She shakes her head. “Look, you don’t need to worry about me. I am perfectly fine.”
Violet doesn’t look exactly convinced, but she doesn’t press the issue.
“I’m glad you’ll be at this gala too”, she says, changing the subject. “That way, we can look after each other.”
Fawn smiles at her, feeling oddly touched by her words. Violet is right, though. In their line of work, it is important to have someone to rely onto, someone who knows where you are, in case something happens.
“Me too. Though, to be honest, my client is more like a huge sort of… rich teddy bear. With sweaty palms. But he’s harmless.”
Violet snorts, looking disgusted at the mention of sweaty palms.
“Also, it’s good I won’t be alone to bear those pompous rich assholes”, she adds, and Fawn heartfully agrees with her.
A gala means good alcohol, and good food. It also means making awkward small talk with snobbish people, shaking hands with creepy old men and being scrutinized for every little mistake.
The rest of the afternoon is spent in a blur. Violet insists they go shopping for the night in question, even if the gala is three weeks away. Apparently, her client sent her money to buy herself a dress, and Violet insists the money is enough to buy Fawn’s one too.
So Fawn lets herself be guided into expensive clothing shops, where the sellers busy themselves with finding the right fabric and the right color. She chooses after a short while a long dress in a dark brown. However, Violet isn’t so quick to make her decision, and she seems to have an infinite amount of energy, trying on shoes and dress after dress. Fawn eventually has to admit defeat and just collapses in one of the comfy leather chairs inside the shop, watching as her friend tries on yet another piece of clothing.
Eventually she finally settles on a long, deep purple dress. Fawn can’t help but smile. It fits her. Besides, Violet has always aimed for clothes that match her names.
When Fawn finally gets home in the evening, she is exhausted. Her back feels sore from having to stand up for so long, her feet hurt and she can feel the beginning of a migraine creeping in on her.
She’s relaxing in a warm bath, planning on maybe smoking some weed and calling it an early night, when her phone rings.
She frowns, leaning outside and reaching out blindly until her fingers finally close around the device where she had dropped it on a pile of her clothes. She fails to swipe the screen a few times, her thumb too slippery, before she finally manages to accept the call.
“Yes ?”
“Your client Tangerine asks if you’re available for the night”, her handler tells her.
Shit, this is really the worse moment.
She’s never refused, though, but right now, her limbs still sore and her head feeling like it’s wrapped in cotton, she really doesn’t feel like leaving the warmth of her apartment.
“I’m sorry, tell him I can’t tonight”, she says. “Tell him I’m available tomorrow, but tonight is going to be difficult.”
She hangs up after that, dropping the phone back on the pile of clothes and trying to relax again in her bath. She lets herself sink deeper into the water, until it covers her shoulders and only her head is out. She closes her eyes, breathes in deeply.
She’s surprised, then, when her phone rings again. She thinks she is imagining it, at first, but then it rings a second time. She sits up in the tub, swiping her phone back up.
She frowns. She doesn’t recognize the number.
She accepts the call, bringing the phone up against her ear.
“Hello ?”
Fawn recognizes his voice instantly. She wrenches her phone away from her ear, incredulous, checking the number again. When it’s clear that she’s not having some kind of fever dream, she brings the phone back against her ear.
“How the fuck did you get my phone number ?” She demands, heart beating loudly against her chest. She grips the edge of the tub in her panic. What the fuck, what the fuck.
“Are you alright ?” Tangerine asks, ignoring her question. Anger starts to settle in, replacing the surprise and fear quickly.
“Al- Why wouldn’t I be alright ?”
He suddenly sounds less sure of himself.
“You… You didn’t fuckin’ take my offer for tonight”, he says. “You’ve never said no before, so…”
“Yeah, because I’m exhausted, not because I’m… Dead, or whatever”, she retorts, pinching the bridge of her nose.
“Oh”, he simply lets out. “And it’s not because of, y’know, last time ?”
Meaning the time when he got drunk out of his mind and begged her not to leave. She does him the curtesy of not spelling it aloud.
“No”, she reassures him, even if she is a bit pissed off about him using her phone number, whatever way he managed to obtain it. “I’m just tired, alright ?”
“Right”, Tangerine says. He stays silent for a moment. “Look, I’m only here for the night, and I’d really like to see you, love.” Fawn opens her mouth to protest, but he cuts in before she can speak. “I’ll pay you as much as last time.”
She sighs, but she can already feel her resolve fading.
“I’m exhausted, Tangerine”, she argues. It doesn’t sound very convincing, even to her own ears.
“You won’t have to do anything”, he insists. “I’ll still pay you, alright ?”
“I was planning on smoking weed and falling asleep.”
“Well, you can do that at the hotel, can’t you ?”
Fawn guessed she could.
“ And you’re gonna pay me to do that ?”
He snorts. “Yeah, I’ll fuckin’ pay you do that.”
“Alright, it’s your money, I guess.”
“I’ll be at the hotel in, say, one hour, if you head there before me, you can just order room service or anything you’d like”, he tells her. “Or I can pick you up, if you want.”
“I’m not giving you my home address, Tangerine.”
He chuckles, amused. “Fair enough. I’ll see you in an hour, then.”
He hangs up, and Fawn is left sitting in the now cold water of her bath, holding a phone in her hand. Well. So much for trying to deny him for once. Boundaries, and whatnot.
Half an hour later she’s standing in front of the hotel. This time she didn’t even bother at all with the way she dressed, opting for the warmest and comfiest clothes she could get her hands on. The sweater she’s chosen is big, the sleeves completely swallowing her hands, and the hem of it falling down mid-thighs. She wonders, amused, what people would think if they saw her next to Tangerine, who she’s never seen leave the hotel in less than tailored, expensive suits.
He isn’t in the room when she goes up, just like he told her, so she makes the most of his offer, and orders herself a chocolate dessert from the room service. She takes the plate with her in the bed, and relishes in the soft mattress while eating.
She really loves chocolate.
She decides that she might as well start smoking now. She takes the spliff that she had packed into her bag before leaving her apartment earlier, and lights it. She sucks the smoke in, holding it for a moment in her lungs, before slowly exhaling, watching tendrils twirl in the air as she does so. Fuck, that feels good.
She relaxes back against the cushions, the taste of weed and chocolate heavy on her tongue. After a while, she feels like all tension just left her body, like her limbs have turned into jelly or something.
She realizes that she would have never done this with any of her other clients. It’s too late now to start second-guessing herself or panicking, though. She trusts him. Maybe she shouldn’t.
She hears the sound of the door opening, and Tangerine steps inside the bedroom a few seconds later. He’s still wearing one of his suits, but she can see that there are wrinkles here and there, and his hair has started reversing back to its natural curls.
“Started without me, did you ?” He asked, loosening the tie around his throat.
“Didn’t realize you intended for me to share”, she replies. Her tongue feels cottony in her mouth. She closes her eyes.
Tangerine collapses down on the bed next to her with a sigh, face down against the mattress. She snorts. He’s always been somewhat dramatic. She curls a hand inside his hair, lightly scratching against his skull. Tension seems to bleed out of his body from this mere touch.
“Rough day at work ?” She asks. She doesn’t even know what he does for a living.
“Yeah, more like a fuckin’ week”, Tangerine says, groaning and he rolls onto his back.
Fawn extends the hand holding the spliff towards him, waving it a bit in front of his face. She feels pleasantly warm.
“Want some ?” She asks.
“Why, yes, thank you so much”, he replies, sarcastic, but he does raise a hand to take the spliff from her. Their fingers brush against each other, maybe a bit longer than normal, but Fawn is too high to try looking into it more deeply.
He puffs it, and then immediately dissolves into coughs. Fawn grins.
“Jesus”, Tangerine says, voice choked up as he struggles to catch his breath. “That shit is strong, how the fuck can you smoke it ?”
“Aww, not used to smoking weed, are you ? Can’t handle it ?”
“No, I don’t, actually”, Tangerine retorts, passing her the spliff back, wiping at his eyes. “So, what, you won’t accept drunk clients, but you’ll smoke weed with them ?”
“I don’t smoke weed with all my clients.”
He looks up at her then, blue eyes seemingly searching her face for something. She takes a drag from the joint, holding his gaze. He arches an eyebrow.
“What, am I a fucking special case or something ?”                  
“Maybe you are”, Fawn answers, without really thinking about it.
He doesn’t answer for a while, like he’s deep in his thoughts. She continues to gently caress his hair. The curls feel so soft and his skin so warm underneath her fingers. Maybe she ought to feel overheated, in her chunky sweater, but she just feels pleasantly drowsy, lightheaded from the weed, but content.
He raises a hand eventually to ask for the spliff.
“Pucker up”, she tells him. He frowns, but does as she asked. He looks a bit ridiculous like this, and she can’t help the large grin that breaks out of her face. Jesus, she hadn’t realized weed made her act this silly.
She pops the spliff between his lips. He almost splutters in his surprise, but manages to puff it without actually hacking off his lungs.
“Good job”, she says, unable to resist, and patting his head lightly.
He glares at her in answer (it’s not exactly convincing) and blows the smoke into her face. She laughs a bit, taking the spliff back.
“Wait, are you really going to take the last fucking…” Tangerine tries to protest, rising a bit on his elbows.
Fawn arches an eyebrow, taking the last drag, but holds the smoke in her lungs. She scoots a bit closer to him, and taps a finger at his bottom lip. He seems a bit clueless, confused. Still, he opens his mouth all the same.
She doesn’t really know what suddenly comes over her, but she leans in, and blows the smoke inside his mouth. He sucks in sharp breath, staring at her with lidded eyes. She leans a bit closer. She doesn’t know who closes the few final inches separating them.
But then, they’re kissing.
His mouth is hot against hers, his lips soft and wet. He tastes like weed and coffee. She parts her lips, licking lightly at his bottom lip, and then she feels his tongue against hers.
Fuck, it’s been a while since she’s been kissed like this. Just kissed, just for the sake of it.
It might be the best kiss she’s gotten in months. Maybe years.
She cups his cheek, tilting her head for a better angle, and he hums against her, tongue sliding in deeper, rolling against her own. Fuck.
Her other hand, that had already been in his hair, pulls a bit at his curls.
Suddenly, he wrenches himself away from her, standing hastily from the bed. There is… some sort of panic in his eyes, his curls completely messed up on his head, his lips swollen.
“Fuck”, he says, pushing his hair out of his eyes, raking a hand through them. His chest is heaving. Fawn is completely lost. What is happening ? “Fuck”, he repeats, louder.
He doesn’t even look at her, storming out of the room. She hears the entrance door slam closed a few seconds later.
She stays rooted where she is, still sitting on the bed. Alone.
She feels like she just brutally fell of her high. The warmth that had been infused in the room mere minutes earlier seems to have completely disappeared. She shivers, wrapping her arms around herself. She doesn’t dare move.
What the fuck ?
She… Doesn’t understand.
They were kissing. Alright, she had kissed him first, yes, but he had kissed her back. He could have simply said no, if he didn’t want to. She wouldn’t have felt offended.
Fuck, the bastard just… Fucking left. She feels gutted, for some reason. Like someone just tore open her chest and left a gaping hole behind, not bothering to close it back. The loneliness creeps in, all at once. She is surrounded by it, sitting alone in a huge hotel room.
He couldn’t just… Leave. He was going to come back, right ?
He hadn’t even paid her.
Fawn swallows around the lump in her throat. Fuck. She’s not going to cry. Not for a man. Not for a fucking client, of all things. She’s long past that.
Okay, so maybe she had thought Tangerine was a bit different than the rest. But he is still a client.
She blinks furiously against the tears threatening to spill out. She feels cold. Humiliated.
Fuck, this really is humiliating.
Her mind keeps jumping to all sorts of possible explanation, each one worse than the other.
A small part of her keeps foolishly hoping that he’s going to come back. He’s going to come back. He just… has too. She had stayed, when he had asked her. Even though he had been drunk. She had stayed because he had asked.
She waits three hours, until she finally decides to go home. Confusion and sadness have long morphed into anger, and a deep feeling of emptiness.
She curls up in her own bed, back in her small apartment. She feels completely pathetic. For allowing this happen. For allowing herself to hope for a fucking client to be at least decent. For allowing him to put her in this situation. She shouldn’t have accepted his offer.
She just wasted a night of sleep, and she didn’t even get paid for it. And now, here she is, alone back in her apartment. Just… Alone.
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The most wonderful time of the year
Daniel’s story
christmas prompt: mistletoe (requests are open) summary: Y/n works has been working as a event organizer in Monaco for quite a while now and as always the most important event of the year was the Christmas Benefic Party that her organization always threw. tw: none just pure christmas fluff
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The amount of calls and e-mails y/n was receiving this first week of December really made her realize how little time did she have to finishing up with the Christmas Gala planning, her days were most definetly non-stop and she would be rushing around the office at all time. “y/n are you okay, do you need a break?” Marie asks, she was not only one of her collegues, but also one of her closest friends “You perfectly know that I cannot.” y/n sighs hearing her phone ringing yet again “I swear if I’ll get to the 14th alive , I’ll just thank the whole gods, universe and whatver is up there.” Marie giggles at those words before going back to work again. “I just have to go again, please can you just tell the others that I’m heading to talk to the catering, they forgot all the allergies buffet.” says y/n rolling her eyes before grabbing her long coat and scarf and greeting Marie with a smile.
The days before the party looked like they would never end, but eventually they did and it was the Gala day. Y/n spent all morning working and touchin up all the details and talking to clients who requied last minutes information, but in the early afternoon she managed to be free to go home and glammed up a bit before the hardest part of all this work: the party itself. The temptation to just throw herself on the bed and calling in sick was so present in her mind, but she reminded herself that she very much needed to eat, so she throws herself in the shower and try to relax a bit there. For the party she chose to wear a dark green suede dress that really looked amazing with her skin color, with matching gold and green earrings, she looked festive and elegant at the same time and she was happy with it.
Apparently even the guests were mesmerised by her presence as they started joining the party and complimenting the young lady. Part of y/n’s job was welcoming all the guest inside then proceed to that everything would go smoothly all night, it was tiring, but it was the last thing she’d do before her long winter break after this. “Good evening, welcome to the party. I’m y/n and if you need something feel free to let me know. Enjoy.” she feels like she has repeted it almost one thousand time already and not all the guests were there yet. “Hi, thank you.” a wide happy smile looking at her, it was a different one from the ones she had seen before, it looked… honest? That was not common at this kind of event “You’re welcome.” she finds herself blushing a bit responding to that, focusing on who she was talking to: none other than Daniel Ricciardo. Of course living in Monaco she has always been a fan of Formula 1 and of course she perfectly knew who the driver was, so she feels a bit flustered after that sweet greeting, but tries to focus once again and letting the professionalism kick back in.
Eventually the infinite list of more relevant guests arrived and she managed to enjoy a bit more the party, the food, the drinks, the music, everything looked okay and she breathing a sigh of relief at last. “May I have a Moscow Mule please?” she asks kindly to one of the bartenders, feeling some eyes on her. “Can I offer you that?” a happy grin looking at her “Thank you, it’s so generous of you to buy me a free drink.” she answers a bit incredule that Daniel was actually talking to her and not just to say hello. They both laugh at y/n’s sentence “I figured out you would need that after introducing yourself and the party to so many people” the guy looked stunning all suited up, it was unsual to see him dressed like that and y/n really noticed “It’s the better part of the job being at the party” she giggles back at him “I imagine the rest of it then.” he passes her the drink the bartender just prepared “Thank you” she almost whispers blushing at him before taking a sip. “So are you allowed to dance or do something fun?” she shakes her head in response “No, someone could see me and I’d most definetly get shouted at. Oh I’m sorry they’re calling me, thank you for the drink” she winks at him before heading towards the old couple of clients calling for her.
Those words really rang a bell in Daniel’s mind. He managed to talk to her and would not waste that occasion. Since he saw her at the entrance he was unable to concentrate on anything or anybody else, how could he has not noticed her before that moment? Daniel was a regular at these kind of events in Monaco even though nothing fun would ever happen, but this time it felt different to him. After a bit of mingling to try and get new sponsors for his driving team, he tries to look for y/n finding her when she has just finished to talk to someone “Y/n!” he calls for her, she smiles hearing his voice again and walks towards him being stopped a few times by other people on the way “It really feels you’re the star of this show” she laughs at those words “I wouldn’t define myself that, but thank you I guess. Can I help with something?” she asks politely “You said that the problem was being seen no?” y/n’s eyes widen at those words “Daniel, I’m flattered but-” “Oh my, I can’t believe my ears. Is Ms. y/n refusing to attend a guest?” he fakes being offended by it and she can’t help but feel a bit guilty remembering her place there and that either if was taking advantage of it or not she really had to make him happy “I’m sorry, you were saying?” she says looking at him trying not to roll her eyes so hard and smiling “I really wish to visit the wonderful rooftop of this building, is that possible?” Daniel’s look where really challenging her, mostly because she would feel very conflicted, she really wanted to go, but she couldn’t, but at the same time she had to. “Of course follow me.”. In that moment, climbing up the stairs to the rooftop, the only thing she can think about is the fact that she should have known that joking around with Ricciardo would lead to trouble, he wouldn’t stop giggling at them two sneaking out as if they were teenagers at prom. “Wow, it looks kinda amazing here.” he says as soon as his eyes lay on the amazing view in front of them “Is amazing, isn’t it?” she says feeling the sting of the cold hair on her rosy cheeks and the lights of the city brighten her face. “I guess you could give me just one dance here?” his hand leaning towards y/n, she almost feel completely defeated and hold his hand officially giving up “Do you always get what you want?” he shrugs his shoulder, starting to dance close to y/n to the muffled music coming from downstairs. It felt pretty unreal, being in Daniel Ricciardos’ arms dancing to christmas jazzy music on a rooftop in Monaco. He looks at her smiling and she feels something that really make her forget she was in full work mode and shouldn’t be doing this at all “It’s chilly isn’t it?” she comments trying to shift her mind away from her feelings “I’m sorry I didn’t even let you grab your coat.” he pulls her closer to him, erasing any distance that was present between their bodies. Y/n’s heart reaches her throath at that gesture and instinctively glance at him, catching his eyes looking at hers.
Magic is not long-lasting at all and the two of them are interrupted by y/n’s boss calling her on her phone “Oh no, I really put you in trouble.” Daniel tries so hard not to laugh “I knew you were trouble when you walked in. C’mon let’s go inside.” she giggles shaking her head before picking up her phone and finding excuses for not being where she sould be. Daniel spent the whole night following her with his gaze, with y/n sometimes noticing and exchanging some smiles with the aussie, that would some time teases her as well about some weird situations happening at the party.
The night went on much faster than anticpiated and as everyone started finally to leave, y/n finally felt relief after that very long period of stress. As she finished up saying to by to the last collegues that still were there, she looked around a bit disappointed at Daniel already leaving the party, but it was obvious, what was she thinking? It was fun while it lasted and unfortunately that was brief.
After taking her coat and get all covered up she leaves the building, seeing someone looking at her from the other side of the road, near a blue Mclaren. It couldn’t be, but it was. Daniel standing there trying to warm himself up and waiting for y/n to come out of the building. He waves at her trying to catch her attention, afraid that she would leave without noticing. “What are you still doing here?” she asks him, once reached him next to his very noticeable car “Well, we’ve been interrupted and I don’t really like that.” he smiles almost shyly at her “Yes, I don’t like that either. I am sorry.” she apologies “Would you like to see another special secret place?” “Can’t wait for the adventure”. They both giggle and Daniel begins to follow y/n entering back the building from the back. The building was one of those fancy mall that also had an event ballroom, but during the holidays also held a winter wonderland small village inside.
“Wow, it’s so different coming here where there’s nobody around.” Daniel’s eyes sparkling as if he just saw something magical “You know, being recognizable is not easy to come to places like this even if you’d want to.” he explains to her as they’re walking around the cute christmas scenarios “I figured this out, yes” she nods “Being always so busy organising the gala, I never enjoy the holidays as I did when I was younger.” it was so easy to open up to each other that they found theirselves sitting on a small bench under a fake tree filled with fairy lights talking for hours about their lives.
“I feel like you owe me a proper dance” says Daniel getting up “We don’t really have the music” “that’s not going to be a problem” in a matter of moments the australian man takes out his phone typing online – christmas romantic atmoshpere music – finding the perfect chilly slow music to dance on “Mademoiselle” he said offering his hand to her-ì. After getting rid of her coat, y/n takes his hand giggling before starting to dance close with him. They stay quite like this for a little while, swaying to the rhythm of that jazzy playlist that Daniel found, until he starts making them dance towards the left area of the room little by little.
“Oh no, look at this!” he says pointing at a small mistletoe attached to the ceiling of the room “It would be such a waste, wouldn’t it?” she answers to him following his small gesture and noticing the small adornment “Totally.” says Daniel before getting closer to y/n and slowly resting his lips over y/n's slightly red ones, closing his eyes and savouring the moment he had waited for since the first time he had danced with her on that rooftop.
“I think I liked this year’s party a lot more.”.
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stellewriites · 26 days
Oh Stelle! Would you pretty please tell me about "home is where your teeth sink in"? 💜
hii gemma!! 💓💓
this is one that’s been in my drafts for months but i’m stuck on where to go with it so i’ve let it gather dust until i can work out what i need to change to get the story moving again
reader (nicknamed bug in this one) works as a waitress at high end galas, which is where she meets the charming Kyle Garrick. ever the perfect gentleman, she quickly falls under his lure, until hints of the dark secret he and his family hide come creeping out; a secret bug is unlucky enough to be thrown into the middle of.
You wandered around the hall, your offers of a refreshed drink going unnoticed by most of the attendees for the gala.
You hated this job, hated how Donna and the guests that booked her company always managed to make you feel. Whether it was too much attention or none at all, the balance was never right and you felt like a shell of yourself by the end of the shift, dragging yourself home.
Eyes on the back of your neck had your concentration split and you hissed under your breath as you almost tipped the tray over when someone unexpectedly handed off their empty flute. You assumed it was Donna’s gaze prickling your skin, double checking you weren’t slacking or embarrassing yourself too badly now that you were on the clock and representing her brand.
You tried to ignore her and continued your loop around the edges of the hall, deciding to dip towards the centre on your second round.
Your tray was half empty after circling the hall, so you decided to head back to the kitchen to replace the used glasses, but you turned too quick and almost walked into someone stood what felt like only inches behind you.
The cause of your stumble was a handsome man, with dark skin and deep brown eyes. He steadied you with a strong hand at your hip, the other catching the edge of the tray before you had a chance to let it slip from your hand.
“I’m so sorry, sir. I wasn’t looking where I was going,” you apologised, cheeks hot with embarrassment. You tried to school your face when his hand left your hip to squeeze your elbow comfortingly. “Champagne?” You offered belatedly.
He grinned as he took a glass, and you wanted to scream for having almost spilt the tray over possibly the prettiest man you’d ever seen in your entire life.
“Thank you,” he said.
“You’re welcome, sir,” you said and went to swerve around him.
He stepped in your way, a teasing smile growing on his face when your brow pinched. “Long evening?”
it needs a bit of editing and the ending working out but i think it could be a fun one!
wip ask game
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shipcestuous · 7 months
Josie and Jack's Valentine's Day
This is my entry for the Valentine’s Day Shipcest Event. I chose the Not Together Yet prompt, and wrote a short story about how Jack and Josie Raeburn (from the novel Josie and Jack) fake date turned quite real.
Jack waved the bright red envelopes at me, a pleading look in his eyes. “Come on, Josie! It’s free dinner!”
I shook my head again. “I’m not going to a Valentine’s gala with you. Can’t you just take Lily instead?”
He growled, lips curling upwards, and I knew he was beginning to lose his patience. “She’s the one who bought these damn things before taking off to L.A. with her girlfriends. Since it’s paid for, I might as well go with you.”
Now, that explained why Jack had been in such a sour mood the whole day. His rich girlfriend had gone partying elsewhere without him on Valentine’s Day. Here’s to hoping she doesn’t come back. I shouldn’t hate her so much. She had been giving Jack lots of money and taking us to cool places, but still, I couldn’t stand my brother’s new girlfriend. At least she’s better than the previous whore. 
He threw one of the tickets on the table. “Go or don’t go, I don’t care. But there’s no food in this apartment and I am not giving you any money.”
Without waiting for my response, he stomped towards the bathroom and slammed the door shut. In this tiny place we called home, the bathroom was the only room he could sulk on when he felt like throwing a fit.
I sat on the couch for a few minutes, thinking about it before I calmly walked up to the door. “Even if I wanted to go,” I began softly, “what would I wear? I don’t have any dresses.”
There was a click and the door was pulled open. Jack opened a wide grim and took something shiny out of his pockets. Keys. “You don’t, but Lily has.”
* * *
An hour later we were in Lily’s bedroom, Jack sitting in the large twin bed surrounded by discarded clothes as I tried to find a dress that actually fitted me. They must fuck a lot in this bed.
“It’s useless, Jack, they are all too large around the chest”, I said to my brother, finally giving up on the fruitless search. I thought enviously of Lily’s large breasts, which Jack seemed to always be staring at or fondling, and how amazing they looked in low cleavage, while my petite small-breasted frame made everything look ridiculous.
“Calm down, Josie, it’s not the end of the world if they look a bit loose.”
I shot him a ugly look. “I feel like a child playing with her mother’s clothing! Everyone will notice that this dress doesn’t fit me.”
“And what do you care what those people think? You didn’t even want to go.”
I rolled my eyes. It was impossible to explain it to him.
He got up from the bed and placed his arms around my waist, pulling me closer to his chest.
“Hey, little sister, if it means that much to you, we can try to find a sewing kit to adjust it to you.”
I tried to think of Lily sewing anything and shook my head. That girl didn’t know how to hold a needle. “I doubt she has any.”
“In that case I’ll go out and buy one!”, he said in an exasperated tone. “Why do you have to be so pessimistic all of the time?”
“Fine, I’ll search this room, you check the guest bedroom.”
* * *
We had made the best we could with two safety pins, and while the cleavage still seemed too loose around my breasts, at least the sleeveless dress was no longer threatening to slip down my body. It was a simple black dress, which hugged my waist nicely before getting loose around the middle of the thighs, ending just below my knees. Matched with silver high heels, matching gold necklace and earrings, and a clutch purse, I almost fitted in with the rest of the crowd. Almost. My hair was too messy and the make-up I wore was clearly of terrible quality, but I didn’t let that bother me.
Jack, on the other hand, looked handsome in his tux, like he was born to mingle with the elite that surrounded us. Women much older than him stopped to stare at him while we made our way to our seats. Because of course this party had fixed seat arrangements.
There were already two guests seated at our table, and by the purses laying around, I assumed some others had arrived and were now either socialising or dancing.
Like always, Jack took upon himself to start the conversation. “I’m Jack Raeburn, and this is my beloved girlfriend, Lily Crawford.”
I faked a smile and waved. Since there was a guest list, I was passing myself for Lily since we had walked up to the line in front of the large Upper East Side house where the dinner was being held. I had to hope that no one around here actually knew her. Luckily, Lily preferred to surround herself with the poor and the outsiders and was unlikely to ever have shown her face around this posh crowd.
The other couple introduced themselves and Jack made small talk with them while I sat lost in my own thoughts, wishing I was anywhere else.
My brother poked me, pulling my attention back to him. “Yeah, Lily, why don’t you tell them how we met?”
“W-what?”, I stuttered, not quite sure of what to say.
Jack smiled, “Alison and Jason were kindly asking us how we met and came to be such a lovely couple.”
I gave another fake smile and suppressed the urge to kill my brother. “Well, I feel like I’ve known Jack since I was a little girl. Our families are so close that it’s almost as if he’s my brother”, I said in an overly sweet tone.
“What Lily means is that we are childhood friends. But we lost touch for a while and only recently became a couple”, Jack amended.
Alison exclaimed how cute it was and Jason then promptly began to tell their love story, to which I tuned off again. A waiter came around serving champagne, which both Jack and I took a glass. Sometime during the conversation, the other couple had returned and now chatted eagerly with my brother.
The champagne tasted bitter in my mouth, the bubbles tickling my tongue and I finished the glass in one sip, before carefully switching with Jack’s still full one. No one noticed. It was like Dad’s awful department party all over again.
Jack leaned towards me, his mouth close to my ear. “Are you okay?” I nodded, even though I wasn’t. “Why don’t we go dancing?”, he suggested, noticing how desperately I wanted to get away from that table and the conversation.
“Sure,” I said, a small smile opening on my lips.
“If you’ll excuse us, it’s time to take my girl to the dance floor”, Jack announced and the two couples laughed enthusiastically. No matter what he said or did, everyone seemed to love him.
The dance floor was full with other couples moving around at the sound of the orchestra. Jack placed his arms on my waist and, copying what the other women were doing, I placed mine over his shoulders.
“There you go, little sis, just dance with me. Soon they will serve dinner and I can go home with our bellies full without having spent a cent.”
“We should just have eaten whatever Lily had on her fridge.”
Jack wrinkled his nose. “Good luck trying to find anything edible in that house. I’ve never seen that girl cook. Unless you consider mixing vodka and coffee as ‘cooking’.”
I laughed and rested my head on the crook of his neck. The song had gotten slower and without even noticing, I had allowed our bodies to get closer, my chest pressing against his.
Song after song played as we waltzed around the room. Suddenly, the orchestra stopped and a man got up on the stage. The microphone screeched when he tapped on it, testing the sound and I shrinked into my brother as an involuntary reaction to the noise.
“Welcome, welcome, welcome”, the presenter began, each other sounding louder than the previous, “to the tenth annual Éclat Gallery’s Valentine’s Day Gala.”
There was a round of applause and cheers. I had never heard of an Éclat Gallery, nor had known this party was from some art gallery or such.
There were some other announcements and then the man announced a little game. “Whoever the light lands on, has to kiss and will win a bottle of the prized Dom Pérignon Vintage 1996”. I had no idea what that even was, but I supposed it was expensive. A spotlight was turned on and danced around the room, from one side to the other, before stopping on a table towards the back. “Why don’t the young lovely couple show us how it’s done?”
I watched as the woman giggled and the man gave her a chaste kiss on the lips. There was a round of applause and a waiter appeared to hand over a bottle of champagne. The spotlight shifted again, landing on another couple, who once again shared a kiss and took their prize.
“And now, for our final winner!”, the presenter announced. I watched the light moving around the room until I could no longer see where it had stopped. I was flooded with brightness.
I was confused for a moment, but Jack touched my cheeks softly. “Our turn, girlfriend.”
My face burned bright red. I saw the waiter approaching with the bottle. All that was left to do was to kiss. “We can’t!”, I whispered urgently to my brother.
“Come on, just a little peck. And then we get drunk on vintage champagne.”
I closed my eyes and tilted my head to meet his mouth. His lips touched mine, soft and tasting of alcohol. Warmth filled my body and I opened my mouth to allow his tongue in. It was more than a little peck, but I couldn’t stop. Something primal had taken over me and I kissed him in the way I had wanted to all my life.
“Wow, things are getting hot and heavy over in the dance floor”, I heard the presenter say and was brought back to reality. The reality that I was kissing my brother. Because no matter how handsome and charming Jack was, no matter how much I wanted him to touch me like he touched Lily, he was still my brother and I couldn’t allow myself to go down that path.
I pulled away from him, untangling his hands from my dress and charged for the exit. People, shocked by the brutality of my movements, opened the way for me to pass. I made it out of the house and onto the street before I tripped on the ground, the stiletto heel getting caught on a crack in the stone pavement and sending me to the floor.
“Fuck,” I screamed as pain began to burst from my ankle. Just then, I felt the first drops of rain falling from the sky, because of course, things could get even worse. Tears pricked my eyes and I was about to start screaming when I heard Jack calling my name.
“Josie, there you are”, he said walking up to me, Dom Pérignon in hand. His gaze moved to my broken shoe and he knelt down. “Are you hurt?” he asked and I could feel the worry in his tone.
I shrugged. “Just some scrapes. And my ankle is hurting like hell.”
“We need to get you home. You might have broken something.”
The chilly rain made me shiver and, noticing my discomfort, Jack removed his suit jacket and draped it on my shoulders. “There you go, now, wait here as I try to get us a taxi.”
I shook my head. “It’s okay, I’m sure I can wal-”
“No. I’m getting a taxi”, he said, not even letting me finish my sentence. 
* * *
Soaked, starving and aching, we finally made it to Lily’s home. The taxi had been paid with the jewellery I had borrowed from Lily, which Jack said she wouldn’t even notice that had gone missing. Jack took some ice and towels and wrapped it around my ankle as I sat patiently by the couch.
“Why did you run?”, he asked me after opening the champagne bottle. We had won, afterall.
“I guess I just panicked. Too many eyes on me”, I said, hoping the lie sounded convincing.
He scooted closer to me on the couch and passed me the bottle after taking a large sip from it. I copied him and let the drink soothe my pain. “It doesn’t taste anything special”, I said after thinking about it for a moment. “We could get the same flavour for a few bucks at the liquor store.”
Jack laughed. “I’m fucking starving. Couldn’t you have waited until dinner was served before running off?”
“You could have stayed”, I answered with a shrug.
“And let my little sister wander New York all by herself? No, I couldn’t do that.” His fingers caressed my exposed skin and I felt at peace. “Seriously, why did you take off like that? Am I such a terrible kisser?”
“Quite the contrary.”
He raised an eyebrow. “Really? Did you like kissing me?”
I could feel my face burning. “I… I did. I….”
“What is it, Josie?”, he asked in a sweet tone I rarely heard.
I couldn’t look at him. Staring at the floor, I forced myself to say the words I had been thinking of since our lips had touched. “I guess I had been wanting to kiss you for a while. I know I shouldn’t but…”
“Me too.”
Carefully, he moved my head so our eyes were locked into each other. “Josie, I’ve been wanting you for so long. I want you more than just as a sister.”
The words flooded my heart with relief. Before I could stop myself, I began to sob, feeling the stress and worries of so many years dissolving under his touch. “I love you, Jack. I always have.”
He kissed me, hands exploring all over my body. I no longer felt cold or pain, I only felt him. The dress fell to the floor, along with his clothes. It didn’t matter where we were, only that we were together. As long as I was with my brother, I was safe and at home. 
When we finally got too tired, he helped me onto bed and laid by my side. I felt him take my hands into his.
“Will you be my Valentine?”
“Yes, today and forever”, I said with the last remaining strength I had,before closing my eyes and drifting off to sleep.
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grizzledyoungimpact · 9 months
To Love An Outlaw
Whumpuary 2024 January 7-8th 2024 "Help Me"/Lightheaded/Kneeling Nolee Angle (oc)/Eddie Kingston Medieval AU
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The young princess released a shuddering breath as she watched her father's men lead the prisoner into the throne room. Heavy chains bound the man's hands together, connected to the thick chain around the man's neck. It was a far cry from how she had last seen the commoner, bathed in moonlight with a charming but devilish gleam in his eyes. Now here he was, forced to kneel on the cold marble tile floor before her fathers throne.
Oh, this was all her fault!
Princess Nolee Angle had always known what she wanted out of life and what was expected of her. She wanted to be treated as her brother was, a talented warrior who could one day lead their people. She had already proven her talent with a sword, and she was more of a natural at battle strategy. However, her father and stepmother were traditionalists. Karen tried to keep Nolee in the home as often as she could. The tutors often taught her sewing and music, which Nolee only half enjoyed. Embroidery was only a little more interesting, and only because she could use the needle to stab and take our her frustrations.
The worst; however, had to be the man Kurt and Karen expected her to wed.
Most princesses would have been honored to find themselves betrothed to a man like Prince Tyson Smith. He was handsome and younger than others Nolee could have found herself betrothed to. Kurt had found an interest in Tyson's abilities as a capable fighter and diplomat. Yet, Nolee had seen the truth at more than one royal gala. Tyson was cruel at the very heart of it. He had little care for the people he would one day serve and instead enjoyed spending his waking hours with the few lords he had deemed his elite.
Nolee hadn't wanted to be the meager wife of a cruel husband, she wanted to be a warrior who saw adventure in her life.
And so, in the cover of night with the help of her lady-in-waiting McKenna Flemin, Nolee had snuck to the town just outside the castle to visit the tavern. Nolee still remembered the first time she saw the prisoner now forced to kneel upon the cold stone floor. He had looked like the reward posters scattered around the kingdom, and yet the rogue with the storm gray eyes and gleaming smile drank freely in the tavern with no fear of being turned in.
Their eyes had met, and Nolee felt seen for the first time in her life.
There were many more tavern meetings after that. Edward had become a mystery Nolee wished to solve bit by bit. He fought and stole for those who couldn't do so for themselves. Edward was a man bound by his own code, a determination to make the world a better place. With his earnest honesty, Nolee had felt terrible with each lie she had been forced to tell. Edward couldn't know she was a princess. It would be too dangerous for the man she had grown to truly love.
The look in his eyes as their gaze met gave all the betrayal he could possibly feel.
"Shoulda known you were royal," Edward spoke up as he averted his gaze again.
"You will hold your tongue in the presense of my daughter," Kurt hissed from where he sat upon his throne, "However did you manage to capture him, Noah?"
The prince, who was almost the spitting image of his father, gave a proud smirk, "He attempted to rob the wrong man. Lord Gresham single-handedly managed to apprehend the cur. We checked his person and he had this pinned to his cloak."
Nolee didn't have to look at the item Noah now held in his fingers to know exactly what it was.
The brooch was one Nolee had received years ago from her father, taking the appearance of the medal that was the Angle family crest. It was inlaid with rubies and sapphires, pearls separating each. On their last meeting, they had traded tokens. Beneath the collar of the dress she wore laid the trinket Edward had given her, a cross the outlaw had carved with his own hands. It was everything to her, a symbol of love.
A reminder of the kiss they had shared that night.
"How did you come to be in possession of such an heirloom so precious to my family?" Kurt questioned gruffly.
Nolee could barely believe her own actions as she stepped from her spot behind her father to move to kneel in front of Edward. Her Edward. "I gave it to him, father."
"Impossible," Kurt scoffed with a wave of his hand in dismissal, "you would have had to meet the villain first."
"He's no villain, papa," Nolee protested as she cupped her love's face, "Edward is a man of the people. A hero."
"He is an outlaw and a murderer," Noah corrected his sister, "how have you any knowledge of the man?"
"Every night for a month," Nolee began gently, "I have been in his company. I have laid my soul bare as he had laid his troubles upon me. I love him."
Edward's storm gray eyes lit up in surprise as he allowed his gaze to meet Nolee's once again, "You...Nolee..."
"With all that I have ever been," Nolee pressed a gentle kiss to her beloved's cheek. With her free hand, she pressed a pin from her hair into his hands. She was no fool. Love would not free Edward from the crimes he had committed, but she could help protect him.
Edward's lips pressed to his love's painted ones, every bit as passionate as the first time they had kissed. The court was aghast at the bravery of the prison as he was pulled to his feet, "I love you too, princess. Wait for me."
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elvisabutler · 2 years
1K fluff prompt 7 based on your Selkie AU since they are big on smelling like home/the sea/each other
sea dog
fandom: elvis presley | elvis ( 2022 ) rating: t pairing: elvis presley x female reader wordcount: 1393 warnings: mentions of seal skin. me playing fast and loose with selkie myth. jerry is a werewolf. mention of gambling. this is actually tame so i don't have too many warnings. author’s note: thank you for this anon! i don't know if you're the same anon who sent the angst prompt as well for the selkie au but know i'm working on that as well. just taking a bit longer because a certain @prompted-wordsmith helped me brainstorm/get out of my head a little with it so it might be a bit longer than the rest. it should be worth it. but anyway, super enjoyed this and loved writing it so i hope you enjoy it too! this is done for my 1k gala, based on fluff line “mmmh, you always smell amazing!” this is based on/in the same universe as the selkie au i wrote. not required to read it but it makes things make a lot more sense. y'all know the drill, real elvis or austin elvis works fine for this despite the moodboard.
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The funny thing about being friends with a werewolf is that they have one of the best senses of smell out of all supernatural creatures and yet- and yet they're also the most easily fooled. Elvis likes to think that's why he never picked up on you smelling like his skin, smelling like the ocean breeze when you were in Las Vegas of all places. If you were gonna smell like anything it should have been Lake Mead. Jerry's excuse, bless him, was that he thought you were another selkie because your scent had been just different enough from Elvis's own still faintly there scent that he wasn't sure. Besides with how you two had danced around and slowly fallen for each other he- he didn't want to ruin that. He hadn't wanted to ruin the relationship he felt that you and Elvis had started to cultivate.
Call him a sucker for epic little romances. Still, nowadays he can tell the difference, tell how without Elvis's skin you don't smell like the sea. You don't smell like an Ocean breeze or anything like that. You smell like a normal human to him. A fact that Elvis disagrees with every time he wants Jerry to make sure things are normal with you when the two of you have to be seperated.
"Whatdya mean ya can't fuckin', Schilling, you got one damn job-" Elvis growls over the phone only to be cut off by Jerry answering with a growl of his own.
"I'm saying it's faint, Elvis. She's still here, but she's probably spending time in her old room, not the penthouse suite. I know you're made she couldn't come-"
"Damn right I am. We get outta Vegas, ain't trapped on dry land and she tells me she'll meet me in Paris? Like I'm supposed t' enjoy London all by myself. Next thing I know I'll be in Venice all alone too. Want t'enjoy Europe wit' her, not alone." Elvis's growl only gets stronger the more he speaks and by the end he's practically barking over the phone. Jerry shoots you a look as he holds the phone away from his ear and rolls his eyes.
"You know she's busy. You love her-" Jerry starts with a sigh before Elvis cuts him off again.
"She doesn't need to still be doin' it and she knows it! She knows I can- I wanna- I gotta treat my seal wife the way she deserves." You frown listening to the way Elvis talks, how it feels like the winds are leaving his sails. "Jus'- jus' feelin' lonely, Jer."
It's then that you almost spill the beans. It's then that you almost spill the beans and take the phone from Jerry and tell Elvis you're going to be in London tomorrow night but that would ruin the surprise so you bite your tongue and watch as Jerry shakes his head.
"I know, EP. She'll be with you in a few days, just- enjoy London, man. It's your first time there performing and for fun. Live a little." He spares a glance at you, noting how you make a face at live a little as he looks at the time. "Shit- I made plans. Listen, I catch her scent again I'll call ya."
Elvis's only response before he hangs up the phone is a subtle yeah yeah. Jerry looks at you once he hangs up and rubs at his temples. "You two are such a pain in my ass."
You shrug, grabbing the last of your stuff to shove into your bag. "At this point Jerry, I think the feeling is mutual with all three of us." You take a moment to sit on the suitcase and motion for Jerry to zip it up. "Help me out, sooner this gets done the sooner I'm out of your fluffy fur and into his fluffy hair."
The flight is exhausting and the next time you reserve the right to ask Elvis to just send the Lisa Marie to pick you up, damn the surprise entirely. It has already been arranged for you to be allowed access to Elvis's room at the hotel he's in purely because you knew you'd likely arrive during a show. From the moment you walk inside the building your own human nose catches a whiff of the sea that's unique to Elvis and a tension you didn't know was inside of you lessens its grip.
The scent only gets stronger until you reach his room and open it to smell what you've come to define as heaven. If you shut your eyes you can pretend you're on the beaches in Hawai‘i with his arms wrapped around you as you watch the sunset. It's a romantic image and one you find yourself pining for as if he's not your boyfriend. As if to him you're already a wife he just has to convince you to say yes to him, to legally bind yourself to him. Still, you miss him and the jet lag combined with that pining sort of feeling inside your chest has to flopping on the bed and passing out before you know it.
You wake up to warmth against you. Warmth and Elvis practically nuzzling your neck, ignoring how sweaty he is and how gross you probably are from your flight. It takes a moment for your senses to return to you but when they do you're struck by how he smells, how it makes you feel like wherever you are is home. Elvis's voice is a mumble against your skin as you turn over to face him, watching as he goes back to kissing and nuzzling your neck. "Smell so good- Missed this- Smell so amazin'. Always fuckin'-"
A giggle leaves your lips before you pull him up for a kiss, ignoring the sweat and the disgust of the grime you feel between you two. "Could say the same for you. Always smell so amazing. Clothes don't compare to-"
There's a glint in his eyes when he pulls away just slightly. "Ya been smellin' my clothes. Been gone for less than a week and ya smellin' my clothes." He teases before nuzzling at your neck again. "Nice surprise ya givin' me here, comin' early. Coulda told me."
"And miss waking up to this? To you acting like a happy wittle seal?" Your own tone is teasing but you mean no malice in it as your hand moves to run through his hair. "I finished early, missed my seal. Figured you deserved to see all this with me."
"Ya stayin' the whole tour?" His eyes widen, because at best you were supposed to stay for three cities, maybe a week at best not- not the whole tour. "Ya ain't- Ya ain't lyin'?"
"Wouldn't dream of it." Your answer is simple enough but has Elvis barking out a laugh that you only hear him let out as a seal as you grin when he pulls you up out of the bed and picks you up into a hug.
"I get to travel the world wit' ya. Get t'go swimmin' ev'ywhere with ya. Fuckin'-" His hands travel to the sides of your face as he pulls you in for a kiss. "Ain't gonna be able to tell our scents apart. Gonna feel at home every second."
You bite your lip a little. "That's kind of the point, Elvis. Can't have you getting another seal wife when you've got me."
For a moment he looks hurt until he realizes how your eyes are still smiling. You're joking and he swears in that moment more than any other one he's felt with you he realizes he's in love with you. Not because of any supernatural bullshit, but because you're you, the woman who managed to charm him with matching dresses to his jumpsuits and who got him back his life. He tilts his head slightly before pulling away, grabbing your hand as he does. He hums as he pulls you to the bathroom. "The European girls ain't got nothin' on ya. 'Sides, they ain't as much fun in the shower. Gonna join me?"
Your free hand moves to start undressing yourself as you allow yourself to be pulled. "As long as you don't try and shift. You're a bit of a handful as a seal."
"That was one goddamn time!"
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440mxs-wife · 1 year
Treasure Quest, Chapter 4: Memories
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Pairing: Captain Dean x Rhaya Payton (OFC, eventual) Other Characters: Sam Winchester, Jessica Winchester, Bobby Singer, Jo Harvelle. Mentioned: Captain John Winchester, Balthazar, Gabriel, Jack Kline, Garth, Crowley. Governor Darius Payton, Maxwell Kane and Ashton Kane (OMC’s). Isabella Payton (Rhaya's mom) and Carissa (OFC’s)
Word Count: 4379
Warnings: Angst, Sad!Rhaya, Illness/Death of Parents, Shipwreck, Homecoming, Jealousy, Scheming Stepmother
Series Summary: Rhaya Payton is the daughter of the governor of Ochana. She grew up listening to her father tell her stories of pirates and treasure maps. At a gala one night, her stepmother, Carissa, announces Rhaya’s engagement to Ashton Kane, a wealthy nobleman. Only problem is, no one checked with Rhaya first. After overhearing plans made by her fiancé, Rhaya decides to go on the run and stows away on Captain Dean’s ship. What will happen when he finds her?
This Chapter: This one's a little angstier, because here's where we learn a little more of Rhaya's backstory. What happened with her mother, how she got mixed up with Carissa and Lord Ashton. Also, the ship arrives in Alcaria to be re-supplied and for the crew to spend time with loved ones. But homecoming is a bit of a mixed bag, so to speak. Some hearts are reunited and it feels so good, others, well....there could be a bit of competition. Enjoy!
During the week it took them to sail to Alcaria, home port for The Black Diamond, Rhaya got better acquainted with the crew. She spent more time with Jack on perfecting his sailor's knots, until he could almost work them in his sleep. She listened as Sam talked about his wife and offered her congratulations for the baby they were expecting, their first. She also assisted Garth in the galley with making meals for the crew using whatever supplies were on board.
Bobby kept her entertained with stories from the past and present crews of The Black Diamond under her former and current captains. Learning about Captain John Winchester gave Rhaya some insight into his sons and what their childhood was like.
But she most appreciated whatever details Bobby would spare regarding Captain Dean Winchester. She tried her best to disguise her thirst for knowledge about him as simple curiosity. However, she had a feeling that Bobby saw right through her every time he flashed that knowing smirk of his. That was usually when she would roll her eyes right back at him, only for her face to break out into a smile as he walked away.
Trying to keep her cool around the captain was made all the more difficult by their late-night encounters on the main deck when neither of them could find sleep. Rhaya took a bit more care in how she was dressed during these outings, not wanting to appear indecent or provocative. Though still comfortable, she tended to wear her flannel pajamas and robe or cardigan in place of her flimsier nightgown. Slightly more modest, and the pj's had also kept her warm in the cooler night air at home on Ochana and now while on deck of The Black Diamond.
It was becoming more of a challenge for Captain Dean to hide his growing attraction to his female guest and fellow treasure hunter. He looked forward to their nightly meetings and tended to arrive at their usual spot shortly after Rhaya. She definitely was no damsel-in-distress as he'd thought when they first met. Rhaya had certainly proven she could hold her own in nearly every situation presented to her.
Not only did her beauty captivate him, because a man would have to be blind to not notice how stunning she was. Her mind also intrigued him, with their midnight discussions covering a wide range of subjects, especially astronomy. It was obvious that her father placed a high value on her education, which Dean appreciated. This was not always the case with the other women he had met in his travels, where conversations usually involved gossip and fashion trends.
The one subject that Rhaya tended to steer clear of was her family, specifically her mother. With the mention of a stepmother, Dean was certain that her mother was no longer in the picture. However, Rhaya had never mentioned the whys and wherefores of such a circumstance, which made him all the more curious.
Dean himself was painfully aware of what it was like to grow up without a mother, with him and Sam having lost theirs at a young age. He could only imagine how difficult it was for a young woman to not be able to turn to her mother for guidance. Particularly when it was regarding uniquely female matters. Though Dean was certain that should an issue of that nature arise, Rhaya would handle it the only way she knew how, which was straight on and head first.
The night before they were scheduled to reach Alcaria, Dean expected he would see Rhaya on deck for their usual midnight meeting. However, her behavior during dinner found him questioning that assumption. She didn't really eat much, just pushed the food around on her plate. At times she'd looked as if she was deep in thought and had trouble keeping up with the chatter going on around her. She ended up turning in early, with her deepest apologies to himself and the crew. Her early departure was much to everyone's dismay, since some of them were looking forward to catching a dance with her.
Long after the crew had hit their bunks, Dean was still wide awake. His mind would not let go of the notion that something was troubling Rhaya. He ran through the events of earlier in the day to see if a particular event was cause for concern. The only problem was, no single incident stood out from any of the others to explain her mood at dinner.
Jack was extra attentive today as she continued with his knot-tying lessons, though for some reason, her whole heart wasn't in it. Gabriel continued to flirt shamelessly with her, which was nothing out of the ordinary. Only Rhaya didn't fully rise to the occasion as she usually did with a scathing retort of her own, she seemed to just brush it off. Perhaps that was why Garth gave her a break from kitchen duty, saying she looked like she needed some time off.
Dean analyzed Rhaya's behavior to see if he could figure out when her mood started to change. Once he added everything up in his head, his stomach dropped for not being more observant about Rhaya's state of mind. Perhaps had he caught her attention and sent her a reassuring smile, it might have raised her spirits, if even a little. Dean threw off the covers, slid his feet into his slippers, and followed the hallway to the main deck of the ship.
When he opened the door, his eyes brightened at the sight that greeted him. Rhaya was standing at the rail, wearing her fluffy robe with red and black flannel pajama pants peeking out from under it. Her eyes were trained skyward, trying to pick out the constellations that she and Captain Dean had been discussing each night. "Good evening, Captain," she called, eyes continuing to scan the stars.
"Good evening to you, Miss Payton," Dean responded. "Wasn't sure I'd see you up here tonight. Is everything all right?"
She turned and flashed him a quick smile. "Of course, why do you ask?"
Dean continued on his path, and when he reached the rail, he closed his eyes and inhaled deeply, then slowly exhaled. He opened his eyes again to see Rhaya was giving him her full attention. "You seemed a little....distracted at dinner, is all. Well, then you didn't stick around for the entertainment portion of the evening. Let me tell you, there were more than a few broken hearts at seeing you leave," he chuckled softly.
"I'm sorry about my behavior at dinner. I was a little distracted, because this day isn't usually a good one for me," she replied quietly as she stared at her hands gripping the rail.
Dean reached over and covered her hands with his, and was surprised to feel hers shaking a bit. Whether it was from the cold night air or something else, he wasn't sure, but also didn't care about the reason. "There's no need for apologies, but if you want to talk about it, I'll be happy to listen," he offered.
"Thank you, Captain. I want you to know that I'm sharing this with you because I feel I can trust you." Rhaya took a deep breath before continuing her story. "On this day, eight years ago, I lost my mother," she explained, with tears threatening to spill over her lashes. "I know it's been long enough, that I should be over it after eight years, but it--"
"Never gets any easier," Dean finished for her. He tilted his head back to gaze at the stars, while trying to keep his own tears from falling.
She pulled one hand out and covered his. "Oh, no. You too?" she whispered, and he nodded. "I'm so sorry for your loss."
"Thank you, Rhaya. It was a long time ago, but trust me: there's no time limit on 'getting over it'. It happens when it happens," he observed with a shrug. "So, what was she like, your mom?"
Her mouth twisted into a tender smile. "Her name was Isabella, and she was the best. I know everyone says his or her mom is the best, but mine really was. Where my father encouraged my wilder side, she taught me about being a lady. Only, as soon as she was done with that, we would sneak into the kitchen for tea while we stuffed ourselves full of cookies," she giggled.
Dean laughed with Rhaya, then a wave of sadness passed over him. "My mom's name was Mary, and I'd bet that she would've been good friends with your mom," he replied.
"Oh, how I wish they could've met, then we would have become friends much sooner," she commented. "I-I mean, that is, if you consider us friends now," she hastily added, her eyes gazing intently at the dark waters below.
"Hey," Dean called softly as he tilted her face towards him. "Of course I consider us friends now," he affirmed. When at last she smiled at him, he returned the gesture. "Tell me more about your mom."
Rhaya took a deep breath before answering. "She was a kind and compassionate woman, always treated everyone with respect, no matter their station in life. She made it a point to learn the names of every staff member in the manor. The staff, in turn, was fiercely loyal to her, which is why it was so much more heartbreaking for them when she got sick."
"How did it happen, was it sudden, or over a long period of time?"
"It progressed slowly, over the period of around a couple of years, I think. It started with bouts of nausea, not being able to keep food down for very long. Eventually it subsided, then she had fevers that would come and go. Other times she would be so overcome with fatigue that she didn't leave her bed for days at a time. Then out of nowhere, she'd be fine, almost back to her old self. I prayed for those kinds of days to last just a little bit longer, to give her and my father some peace," Rhaya added wistfully.
"And for you as well. That couldn't have been easy for you, watching your mom get well, only to have her fall ill again days or weeks later," Dean pointed out.
Rhaya gave him a small smile in thanks. "The medical staff was scrambling to find a treatment to manage her illness, or, better yet, a cure for her. They were researching night and day, poring over textbooks, desperate to find any scrap of information that would lead to a cure."
"Did they ever figure out what was causing it?" he asked.
She shook her head. "The symptoms were so common, that it was hard to narrow it down to one specific illness. Anyway, while this was all going on, Carissa had moved in with us. She was my mother's childhood friend, who had experienced some personal issues in her life. Despite all that my mother was going through, she still invited that woman to stay with us," she muttered.
"But you didn't want her there," Dean commented.
Rhaya shook her head. "At first, I didn't have much to do with Carissa, mainly focusing on my studies and physical training. Whenever I did see her around the manor, though, she always had some snarky remark about how I spent my time. Carissa had some very definite opinions about what I should or should not be doing. Most of her 'approved ideas' were dance lessons, tea parties, and engaging in gossip sessions," she shuddered.
Dean was pleased to see that her reaction to Carissa's "ideas" matched his thoughts, and he could barely hold back a grin. He cleared his throat to avoid bursting out into laughter. "I'll bet she wasn't the most gracious houseguest, either?"
"Not by a longshot. She was always extremely bossy and rude to the staff, who were used to my parents' kindness. Not to mention, they're dealing with their own feelings about it all," she grumbled. "Anyway, just when my mother's illness was at its worst, Carissa told us that she had heard about a plant that had curative properties. The catch was, it only grew on a far-off island, and it could not be removed from its environment. If anyone tried, it would lose its healing ability."
"There are some plants out there like that, you know, 'wonders of the universe' and all. So, what happened next?" he prompted.
"My father wasted no time in outfitting the three fastest ships in the Ochana naval fleet with enough crew and supplies for the journey. My mother wanted time to think it through, plan every step of the way to account for any contingencies. The last thing she would've wanted was for anyone to be hurt or worse on such a personal mission." Rhaya choked back a sob and gave Dean a watery smile. "What she didn't know is that each brave soul involved on that mission and so many others never hesitated when my father asked for volunteers."
Dean reached over with his other hand to pull Rhaya closer and wrapped his arms around her as she crumbled against him. He felt her body shaking with sobs that she had likely been holding onto for a long period of time, but couldn't let them out. She was too busy being strong for her father, her people, and herself to give into the grief at the loss of her mother. When her weeping seemed to subside and her breathing evened out, he pulled back to gaze into her eyes. With the pad of his thumb, he brushed away the tear streaks from her face. "Better?" he asked softly.
Rhaya nodded. "Yes, thank you," she whispered, then took a deep breath to brace herself as she prepared to relay the final part. "Before they could reach the island, a storm came up, complete with high winds and dangerous, frequent lightning. Waves crashed over the railing as the ships fought to continue on their path and complete the mission."
Dean shuddered. "Been in a few storms like that. It can be pretty terrifying, out there on the ocean, relying on nothing but your ship and crew to pull you through."
"From what my father told me, it was quite chaotic on deck. There were crewmen that were lost overboard before anyone had a chance to try and save them. Waves slammed into the ships on either side, and the winds were slicing through the sails like tissue paper. One of the escort ships was lost when a massive wave swept over the rail. The wave forced it below the water, diving with the bow first."
Dean's arms tightened around her once more as she continued her story. "My mother fought her way onto the main deck from below because her cabin was taking on water. My father was beside himself, trying to keep as many people, especially my mother, from washing overboard. He was an admiral in the Ochana Navy, and it had been a long time since he'd seen a storm like this," she recalled softly.
"Finally, my parents' ship was torn apart, sending everyone into the ocean. My father managed to find a large platform of wood, a piece broken off from the ship. He climbed onto it while he frantically scanned the area for any sign of my mother. He shouted her name until his voice was hoarse, asking any of the survivors if they'd seen her. No one had, but word was passed from person to person that she was missing and to find her."
Dean could feel the heartbreak in Rhaya's words, the desperation in her father's search for his beloved wife, only to come up empty. "How did they make it out of there?"
"As the sun was coming up, they were able to get a full picture of the destruction from the night before. Those who survived were floating on large pieces of the broken vessels, with vacant looks in their eyes. A few hours after daybreak, a ship called The Moon Raider passed through the area and rescued them. Upon their return to Ochana, my father offered The Moon Raider's captain, Fergus McLeod, a handsome reward. Captain Fergus, or Crowley, as he preferred, declined my father's offer, stating he would hold the marker for a favor sometime in the future."
"How many were lost?" Dean asked.
"Seventeen," Rhaya responded hoarsely. "Including my mother," her voice cracked on the last word. "After that, Carissa took it up on herself to move in permanently to 'help' my father in his time of grief. She attended Ochana's council meetings and actively participated in the decision-making processes. Behind my father's back, she forged alliances with members of the council who were not quite so enamored of him. That's how I got mixed up with Ashton Kane," she muttered.
"I wondered how he fit into the picture," Dean chuckled.
"Yeah. His father, Maxwell Kane, was one of my father's leading dissenters. But he was also aware of the map for The Shadow Pirate's treasure that my father kept in his study. Max figured that the easiest way to get that map is to have one of his own, in this case, Ashton, on the inside. Max knew that I didn't conform to my stepmother's idea of a 'lady', what with my education and combat skills. So, he presented the idea to Carissa that I marry Ashton, because as my fiancé, he would be able to exert some 'control' over me. He would also have unfettered access to any room in the manor," she explained.
"Buuuut, you threw a wrench in those plans when you ran away with the map and stowed away on my boat," Dean smirked.
"Yup," Rhaya beamed. "And I'd do it all over again for the sake of my father. I have never trusted Carissa and I certainly don't trust Lord Ashton. I hope now you can see why I downplayed the map's importance that day, and why I was reluctant to hand it over," she remarked.
Dean studied her expression for a moment, one which silently pleaded for his understanding of her actions. She wasn't out to seek the treasure for her own fame, glory, and wealth. She wanted to make sure it didn't fall into the hands of those who would use it for their own purposes, without much regard, if any, for others. This treasure would allow her to choose her own future beyond any outside influences. "Listen, I promised we'd work together on this. We're partners, remember? 50-50? I'm so sorry you had to go through all of that, and I'm glad you trusted me enough to tell me. I'm gonna help you find that treasure for the sake of you and your father."
Rhaya impulsively threw her arms around Dean's neck. "Thank you," she choked out. "You have no idea what this means to me." She pulled back a little, then gave Dean a lingering kiss on the cheek. "Goodnight, Captain," she whispered before walking backwards towards the door. Just before she stepped through, she paused in the doorway. She gave him a sweet smile, a little wiggle of her fingers, and then she was gone.
"Wait a minute....was that....did she just....kiss me?" Dean wondered aloud. His hand crept up to his face, and his fingers touched the spot that still tingled from the brush of her lips on his skin. This woman is going to be the death of me, he thought. Not a bad way to go, though, he concluded with a grin.
Jessica waited on a hill overlooking the harbor, scanning the horizon for her first glimpse of The Black Diamond. Her husband, the ship's First Mate, Sam, was due to arrive in port any minute now, and she couldn't wait to see him. She was also currently 7 months pregnant with the couple's first child. While Sam was away at sea, he made sure that his friends were keeping an eye on his wife and taking good care of her.
One of those friends, Ellen Harvelle, had a daughter named Joanna, or "Jo", who was infatuated with Dean. Whenever the ship was in their home port, Dean and Jo were nearly inseparable. They usually spent the first night in port drinking at Harvelle's, the local pub just down the road from the docks. That usually led to one of them sneaking away from the other in the early morning hours.
"Do you see them yet?" asked a woman walking up from Jessica's left.
"Not yet, Jo," Jess chuckled. "Should be here any time now, though. Are you excited to see Dean?" she teased.
Jo's cheeks turned pink for a couple of seconds. "Oh hush. I don't know what you're talking about," she retorted, then after a beat, "Well, maybe a little." Both women giggled at Jo's poor attempt to hide her feelings about Dean.
At that moment, the ship's flag could be seen in the distance, causing a ripple of excitement to roll through the crowd. As the ship drew closer to its destination, men got into position on the dock, ready to assist the crew. Thick, heavy ropes were tossed over the rail, which were used to secure the vessel to the dock.
Next, the gangplank was lowered, and the crew began to disembark from the ship, heavy bags slung over their shoulders. Jessica bounced on the balls of her feet the moment she caught sight of her husband, Sam. His eyes lit up as soon as they locked onto his wife, and a wide grin spread across his face as he began to work his way through the crowd. Once he was by her side, Sam carefully swept his wife up into his arms and gave her a lingering, passionate kiss.
Jo craned her neck, scanning the area for the man who was the captain of her heart, even though she knew he would be one of the last off the boat. She saw Bobby Singer wander down the gangplank, then he made his way over to where Jo was waiting. "Have you seen Dean?" she asked him.
Bobby turned around in time to see Dean walk down the plank to the dock, his bag over one shoulder. "There he is," Bobby replied. He patted Jo on her shoulder and started his walk towards home.
Dean was smiling and looked like he was having a conversation with the person walking on the other side of him. Jo smiled and waved frantically, trying to catch Dean's attention and show him she was glad to have him home. Her smile fell when he tried to wave at her while holding someone else's hand. A woman's hand, at that.
Jo stood waiting, in shock, until Dean and his beautiful companion joined her on the hill. As soon as he was close enough, Dean let go of Rhaya's hand and reached out to engulf Jo into a hug. "It's so good to see you, Jo," he remarked. "Great to be home, too. Look, I've got someone special I want you to meet," he gushed. "Joanna Harvelle, this is Rhaya Payton of Ochana. Rhaya, this is Joanna Harvelle. She and I have been friends with for a lot of years. I mean, we practically grew up together."
Friends, Jo inwardly winced. I considered us a bit more than 'friends', Dean, she thought bitterly, then pushed it to the back burner. "Nice to meet you Rhaya," she replied evenly.
Rhaya stuck out her hand in greeting, "It's wonderful to meet you, Joanna. I'm glad Dean has so many good friends to greet him when he gets home," she chattered. When Jo did not reciprocate the handshake, Rhaya withdrew her hand and turned to Jessica with a beaming smile. "And you must be Sam's wife, Jessica, how wonderful to meet you! And congratulations!"
Jessica blushed from the enthusiastic greeting and when Sam put her down, she pulled Rhaya in for a hug. "Thank you so much, and it's lovely to meet you! I don't think I've ever met anyone from Ochana before," she commented.
"Well, this is my first trip outside of the estate's grounds. First trip anywhere, I guess," Rhaya chuckled. "I um....sort of stowed away on Captain Dean's ship, but he didn't find out until we were already at sea."
"And you didn't throw her overboard? Leave her on a deserted island? Really, Dean--" Jo exclaimed, but Dean interrupted.
"She had good reason, and as captain, I have the final say on how stowaways are dealt with on my ship, do I not?" Dean retorted.
Rhaya laid a hand on Dean's forearm. "It's all right, Dean," she soothed. "She's only stating the consequences of stowing away, which I should've considered before doing it."
"Yeah, but like Dean said, you had good reason, Rhaya," Sam interjected.
Rhaya flashed a sheepish smile as she started to explain. "My stepmother announced my engagement to Lord Ashton Kane without consulting me first. Then I happened to overhear his plans for me to meet my demise shortly after we were married. So, I packed a couple of bags and under cover of night, I snuck on to The Black Diamond. I thought I was hidden pretty well until Balthazar and Gabriel found me when I sneezed due to their tobacco smoke," she muttered.
"And she's certainly proven that she can handle just about any situation that's thrown at her," Dean complimented. He explained how Rhaya had been helping Jack with his knot-tying duties, and had frequently assisted Garth in the galley with meal preparation. "But enough about that, I'm ready for a drink, how about you, Rhaya?" he asked.
All eyes swung towards Rhaya. "S-sure, sounds great, Captain," she managed to respond. He picked up her hand in his and steered her towards Harvelle's. Sam, Jessica, and Jo followed behind, also headed for the tavern to celebrate the ship and crew homecoming.
Rhaya didn't know what was happening between her and the captain, whether they were friends or more than that. She did enjoy the feeling of his hand in hers, or his arm around her shoulder as he introduced her to his friends.
That being said, Rhaya would never want to stand in the way of the captain and a possible sweetheart. It was quite obvious that Jo carried a torch for Dean. For now, she resolved to observe Dean and Jo's interactions and see if there was anything between them. If not, she decided not to hold back and to explore her own feelings towards the captain.
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