#she'd be like: matt's decided its bring your murder mystery to your barely-friend's work day again
idk-bruh-20 · 2 years
Irondad fic ideas #106
Fic idea based on The Good Nurse
May works in a hospital as a nurse. She is really passionate about her job, though it's hard. With Tony paying Peter's college tuition it's been easier, but she still sometimes takes the nightshifts
In the hospital they start getting Code Blue a lot, almost every day. The hospital is obviously trying to cover it up. May has never stood by while something wrong is going on. She conducts a little investigation of her own by looking at the reports and notices something off. There is an unknown drug that she does not recognize. The police are also investigating but she knows that they will do nothing. She can't just stand by while something wrong is happening and it's killing innocents
She goes to Tony. They look over the reports together. Bruce Banner also joins the team because he is an actual doctor. Eventually so does Stephen Strange. They try to figure out what is going on but they need legal advice too because the hospital is hiding something, so Matt Murdock also joins the team. May does not tell Peter about any of this because she does not want him to worry.
But, one night Peter saves a professor's life from a mugger. His spidey sense warns him about the professor, so Peter, MJ and Ned conduct their own research about him. The two story lines will connect at the end
Also Jefferson Davis (Miles's father) is the one that is in charge of the case and he wants to solve it because a lot of people will die if the murderer is not caught. But his hands are tied by the corrupt system and the hospital is not cooperating. So, when Tony Stark approaches him personally about the case, he is wary and does not reveal much. But when he discovers that there is a team that includes one genius, two doctors, an attorney, and a determined nurse who wants to catch this murderer, he's in.
Also, Rio Morales is an EMT. Jeff does not tell her where he goes at night because he does not want to worry her, but when she discovers she joins the team and helps them with her knowledge.
May and Rio were friends in college.
Double Bonus
After the case is solved they have a small party with their families in Avengers Tower. MJ and Ned are also invited. Peter and Miles meet for the first time
This fic idea was submitted by @creative-girl (a really long time ago friend I'm so sorry)
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