#she'll smile real big and steal your knees
d1sc0-1nfern0 · 7 months
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Mei. My beloved. I love her so.
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wrestlingchick2021 · 4 years
Side note: The storied I write are not fully edited. They are also my own perverted thoughts on a page. Don't steal my work or use it without asking me. Pretty please! There will love spelling errors and possibly missing words. Sorry! Please be patient with me! I'm not a professional.
Dom Matt x Slightly Sub Nick x Sub Reader
Nick on the left Matt on the right.
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The Young Bucks X Reader
Nick and Matt Jackson were the greatest tag team in the world. Or so they thought. One night at a bar, they were drinking and having a good time until they spotted a strikingly gorgeous brunette. The brothers looked at each other and they both wanted a piece of her. Scratch that, they both wanted the whole damn thing, every single inch. Her hips, pussy, ass, everything. They looked at each other and, in sync, like the tag team they were, approached the brunette.
"Hello gorgeous." They said in sync.
"Not interested." She turned towards the bar.
"Come on. Don't be like that." Matt said. "Were just having fun." He chuckled.
"I get that and so am I. Not interested." She said giving them the cold shoulder.
"Let us buy you a drink. Settle your nerves." Nick tried to reason.
The brunette was very stubborn. More stubborn then any opponent the bucks had ever faced before. They smiled at the girl and gently took a hand each and it was as if she fell in a trance.
"Maybe it won't be so bad, you know, after a few drinks." The girl smiled. Her pearly whites shown brightly in the dark bar. After a few drinks, the girl had a deep buzz and the bucks, did not. They were planning on fucking her and using every inch of her and loving her till she loved them back. They knew once the buzz wore off, she would go back to hating them. Matt, being the older of the two, would make sure that didn't happen.
"Come on, let's go back to our hotel." Matt coaxed the girl.
"Alright lovers. Let's do it!" She called out loudly.
"You have to be quiet though. There will be others sleeping." Nick reminded her. She nodded and playfully made a shh noise. She giggled to herself. Matt chuckled and led her out of the bar, his brother not far behind. The bar was right next to the hotel and once they made it back to the room, the girl giggled and smirked at them.
"So, who goes first? Me or you?" She smiled.
"Well, were thinking..." Matt began.
"That we could all participate..." Nick continued.
"Together. The three of us." Matt finished.
She smirked. "Well then, get over here and take me." She said softly. Gently lifting up her dress to allow the pair a sneak peak. Matt growled and walked over to the girl, taking off his shirt in the process. Nick, on the other hand, went and sat down on the chair. Stripping out of his clothes completely. He would let his brother have his fun for the moment.
Just for a moment.
Nick began to rub his cock as Matt kissed up and down the brunettes neck. She keened and moaned softly, showing off more and more of her neck. Nick watched as the girl reached down for Matt's belt. He stopped her.
Nick chuckled. "Making her wait? Not very nice bro."
"Shush, she'll get what she wants but she needs to be patient." Matt teased her and unintentionally, his own brother. Nick wanted to watch his older brother fuck the girl. As weird as it sounds, it wasn't the first time.
Nick whined. He hated that his brother was teasing her. He just wanted to fuck her hard and make her cry out there names over and over again. It would be music to his ears. Once Matt heard his brothers whine, he knew that he was in control. Being the big brother meant he had to be in charge and Matt was okay with that.
"Come on bro. Behave yourself. You'll get your turn." Matt said while got the girl out of her dress. Nick watched her squirm underneath his big brother. Matt motions for Nick to come over. He kicks his pants off and walks over to the pair.
"Come and taste her baby brother. I bet she tastes real good." Matt said.
Nick nodded and dropped to his knees and crawled over to her. He was face to face with her dripping pussy. He gave it one tiny lick just to hear her squeal. It was so soft that they both almost missed it.
"Again." Matt coaxed him. Nick did as he was told and laid his tongue flat against her pussy. She squealed this time and they both chuckled.
"Good job." Matt muttered. "Make her cum. Then we'll fuck her till she can't remember her own name." He whispered in his brothers ear. Nick nodded in agreement. Nick continued his onslaught of licks until she came crashing down. Is was like magic had happened right in front of them.
"Can we fuck her now? I don't want to wait any longer." Nick asked with lust in his voice. Matt nodded.
"Together then? Like the tag team we are?" Matt asked. Nick nodded with him.
"Ready baby girl?" Nick asked as he climbed behind her. She nodded.
Nick had gently worked her way into her ass, while Matt was making himself hard and ready just for her. She moaned softly at Nick's intrusion in her ass.
"Relax." Nick whispered in her ear.
Mat look at the two of them. He smirked as we watched them work together as a cohesive unit. Once his brother was in he made his way over. Hard and ready and placed his dick in front of her waiting pussy.
"Please?" She whispered. "Fill me."
Matt nodded. "Oh, I plan too." And he kept his promise. He gently teased her entrance and began to thrust inside her. She was soaking wet.
"You ready Nick? She's gonna get real tight." Matt warned his brother. Nick was too busy trying to get used to how tight she already was around much less how tight she was going to be. Matt pushed into her entrance and she moaned out like a porn star. Nick groaned and held her hips tightly as his brother worked his way into her right pussy. Matt groaned and stilled for just a moment before pulling back out and re-entering her. Nick mimicked his brother and soon they pair of boys found a rhythm that they were comfortable in.
"Please, faster." She begged them. They complied with her request and began a faster pace. It didn't take long for her to be sent over the edge. She came hard which sent Nick over the edge l, Matt however didn't finish. Nick pulled out as she sat up and wrapped her arms around Matt. Matt continued to pound into her. Nick wat he'd as his brother went into a lust filled frenzy trying to make her cum again, that was after all, their goal. Matt finished in her and together they panted and held each other close.
"Guys... " Nick said loudly to get their attention.
"Sorry bro." Matt said with a chuckle and laid her down. He laid her next to his brother and went to get a damp cloth to wipe her down. Bu the time he got back to her, she was sound asleep. Nick smiled at his brother who was wiping her sweaty body down gently.
"We should both ask her out. After tonight, she definitely won't say no. I mean come on." Nick said quietly.
"I was thinking the same thing. I mean, she is gorgeous, sweet, and sassy. She's perfect." Matt said with a smile.
"I want you both too. But, shhhh... I'm trying to sleep." She mumbled sleepily.
"Sorry." They whispered together. She was back to sleep and laying in between them both. Her new boyfriends.
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ANGST HALLOWEEN PLOT: Jughead Jones died on October 31st, 2017. Leaving his girlfriend Betty Cooper shattered. But every Halloween on the anniversary of his death he returns to see her. Betty knows eventually she must move on, but she simply can't. Jughead Jones was her soulmate. The love of her life, and as long as he keeps visiting her, she'll just have to wait to be with him in the afterlife.
Thanks for the prompt, love! As it suggests there’s some major character death in this one, but also ghosts - and bittersweetness, I couldn’t leave you without a resolved ending. 
prompts are closed
On thatnight, when the veil is at its thinnest, he finds his way home.
She sees it in the way the neonlight from Pop’s reflects in the puddle at her feet, turning it a vibrant shadeof red. It ripples on the autumn winds, sending out concentric circles towardsher toes.
“Juggie,please! Please, don’t go out there,” Betty whispered frantically, eyes wide andshining in the white lights the emergency generator had turned on when itkicked into action. The desperation she felt in that moment, willing him tostay still beside her, crouched under the table of their booth at Pop’s, was sostrong she could feel it manifesting in her throat, a lump lodging itself inher airways and cutting off her oxygen supply. 
The apples ofhis cheeks were burning beneath her clammy palms, flush with exertion andanger. She grasped at his face, a little too hard she thought, her nailsleaving white trails in his skin that disappear as fast as she could make them.
“It’s gonnabe alright, Betts. I’ll be right back, okay? Right back,” he soothed, smoothingher hair back, sweaty fly-aways getting tangled between his barely tremblingfingers.
“No. No, no,” she whimpered, eyes sliding shut as the tearsfalling down her cheeks decided his fate before it had even played out. Jugheadpressed a linger kiss to her forehead, cupping the back of her neck delicatelyto hold her against his lips.
“I’ll be back. Stay here, don’t move – I love you.” With that hewas gone.
Jughead hadalways kept his promises to her. It didn’t matter how long it took, or how manyobstacles had to be overcome, without fail they’d arrive at the destination he’dpromised they would.
He’d promisedBetty he’d find a way out of the Serpents’ game, getting sucked too far underbefore he’d even noticed his feet were sinking. Jughead pleaded with her togive him time, time to wriggle free from their ever-tightening coils, one limbat a time, before she gave up all hope.
She’d rememberthe tantrum she’d thrown, hurling cruel insults she couldn’t even rememberthinking, let alone feeling, one after another. She wanted to hurt him the wayhe was consuming her, fogging over her every thought and igniting a searingpain inside her chest as she watched him fall further under the dark spellspreading over Riverdale.
He’d kept hispromise; he’d paid with his life.
Betty couldn’t stop the strangled sob that ripped its way out ofher chest at the sound of a gunshot echoing through the parking lot,reverberating through her skull. The wail was swallowed in the roar of retreatingengines, stomach lurching with dry heaves that left acid burning Betty’stongue.
She couldn’t move.
Frozen and useless, she heard each tick of the oversized clockbehind the counter counting down the seconds he had left. Her joints werelocked and her muscles burned but she couldn’t get the sound of the shot tostop ringing in her ears.
In the next instant Betty lurched from under the booth, burstingthrough the door of the diner with such violence it almost comically contrastedthe delicate tinkle of the bell that chimed in the same second. There was adark mass contorted on the floor, shuddering gently like it’s caught on thewings of the breeze, engulfing itself in a rapidly expanding pool of darkliquid – it’s not Jughead.
It couldn’t be Jughead, it didn’t resemble him at all. The crumpledfigure was weak and pale, not the tall strong boy with olive skin and softcurls; the brave, lonely boy who’d climbed through her window and kissed herfor the first time; the man he’d become over the next year, growing up tooquickly to keep in step with the rest of his peers.
Betty knelt down by the body – not Jughead, it wasn’t Jughead –and pressed her hands over his, turning her ashen skin red. She could feel theblood creeping up her knees, seeping into her jeans with a sticky, unnaturalwarmth as it marked her a murderer.
She wanted to tell him she loved him – it would be the last time,she knew. But her tongue felt heavy, lips numb, and she could only watch as thegurgled breaths of the boy she couldn’t live without died without her.
Betty spent the next year telling herself she was angry at Jugheadfor ignoring her pleas. But, for the first time, she was angry at herself for makinghim keep his promises.
Halloween, ayear later to the day, is the first time Betty sees him again.
She doesn’tremember feeling any fear as he waits for her at the other end of Pop’s parkinglot. Betty was so used to seeing a flash of dark hair everywhere she goes, thesoft knit of a grey sweater, the graceful hunch of broad shoulders that onlycomes with trying to dissolve into the crowd, that it doesn’t even register tobe scared that this is no momentary hallucination.
“Took youlong enough,” she whispers, lips barely moving, surprised the sound evenpermeates the fall chill at all. He laughs like he can’t help himself, scuffinghis sneaker against the gravel as he casts his eyes bashfully downwards.
“Can’t youfeel it?” he asks as she takes steady, unhesitant steps towards him, perfectly measuredin pace. “In the air?” She stills to try and feel what he’s saying. There’s astrange static working at the tips of her fingers, raising the downy hairs onher arms, like the electric just before a big, summer storm. The air feelsthinner and her body feels lighter as Betty makes her way through the veil ofatmosphere surrounding them.
“Are you real?” she murmurs when she’s a hairs breadth away,letting her hand hover in the space between them.
“Yes and no,” he replies cryptically, arching one eyebrowchallengingly, in that way he always used it, and it’s this action that has hereyes stinging, knees shaking.
“What does that even mean?” she asks in exasperation,practically rolling her eyes with her words alone and he laughs again, notquite like she remembers, but not all that different either.
“I’m here,” he affirms, and Betty doesn’t realise how longshe’s been desperate to hear those words once again leave his lips. She reachesfor him, a sickening coldness burying itself in her bones as her hand glidesright through his chest. “But I’m not thathere, either,” Jughead laments, the corners of his eyes turned down as hewatches her heart break through the transparent windows in her eyes.
It’s too much, to have him before her but not within reach,and not enough all at once. So Betty decides to embrace the average and it isjust enough.
The next year she tells him his killer has been sentenced todeath. It won’t take place on Halloween so he won’t be able to see it happen,but she followed the trial with an attention rapt enough for the both of them.
Jughead wishes he could hold her as she cries but he’d haveto make do with the memory of her sloping curves in his arms instead. Shethought it would feel like justice had been served, like some clichéd sense oftragic romance closure. But he’s still dead and she’s still broken threehundred and sixty four days of the year. Jughead makes a joke about leap yearsand she snorts ungracefully in response. It’s the closest thing to a laugh shecan remember escaping her in a long time.
Betty looks at him as much as her eyes will allow while he’swith her, no matter how hard her heavy lids try and betray her, stealingprecious seconds from her solitary day of happiness. He’s curled up at the footof her bed, lanky limbs halted mid growth spurt, disobedient curls fallingacross his eyes (“beanies don’t come withyou to the afterlife, who’d have known”). A long forgotten ache rears up inthe pit of her stomach, and it’s been so long that she almost mistakes her lustfor the all-consuming sadness she’s become so accustomed to.
But the time she’d had to touch him had been fleeting,teasing, and she squashes the sensation down, resigned to feel unsatisfied forthe rest of her life.
Her new college friends give her a strange look when she saysshe going home for Halloween, wondering why she’d want to spend one of the best(and most promiscuous) holidays back in her small hometown, staying with herparents no less. Betty gives them a practiced smile and a delicate shrug,cementing the good girl image her young, teenaged-self had sworn she’d shed oneday. It doesn’t feel important anymore.
She feels panic bubbling up in her throat, threatening tooverspill in the form of her hastily eaten breakfast sandwich, when Jughead isnowhere to be found at Pop’s. She really had been going mad these past fewyears after all.
Her head spins as she begins a frantic search, eventuallycalming down enough to find herself pulling up in front of Sunnyside trailerpark.
Jughead is leaning against the wire fencing, the autumnal sunlightmaking him look even more translucent than usual. She takes her place by hisside, keeping a careful inch between them, hating the feeling that accompanies theaccidental brushing of her body against his form.
“What are you doing here, Betty?” he sighs, not taking hiseyes from where his father is digging out the weeds surrounding his trailer,with a vigour only befitting a man still grieving.
“What do you mean?” she asks, feigning confusion. In truth,his question stings but she knows why he asks it all the same.
“You shouldn’t be clinging to something that’s no longerhere. It’s your first year of college; you should be out having fun with yournew friends,” Jughead slides his eyes towards her, a hint of accusationinvading his tone. She lifts her chin an inch higher in defiance, barelynoticing the way this familiar action causes the corners of his mouth to tickup, despite the lines of worry still creasing his forehead.
“This is my one day, Jughead Jones, and you will not make megive it up,” she grinds out with all the ferocity of an upset kitten that’sbeen disturbed from its spot sleeping in the sun. He doesn’t push her anyfurther, because even in death he’s still selfish when it comes to Betty Cooper’stime and attention.
“Who would have thought that all it would take for my dad toget dry would be my death,” he jokes wryly, watching as FP straightens to wipea combination of two types of salt-tainted water from his face.
“Juggie,” Betty chastises, unamused by his attempt at humour.
“I’m sorry,” he apologises immediately, not wanting to be thecause of even more unhappiness for her. He’s already watched the sun inside hereyes start to burn itself out, catching itself with a tiny flame of hope justbefore it was extinguished for good. “I just thought he’d get worse after… It’sgood to see him on the straight and narrow. I thought that maybe– ” Jugheadcatches himself before he finishes that thought, his eyes darting guiltily tomeet hers before he turns away. He doesn’t have to say it. If FP had drankhimself into a grieving stupor it may have hurried things along a little bit.He swore he should have been sucked right to hell when the thought first creptits way into his head, invading his mind like the sharp, unwelcome barbs onspider’s legs, sending a deathly shudder down his spine. He’s aware of theirony.
Betty closes the gap between them, gritting her teeth againstthe unpleasant sensation every time her arm brushes his. She hadn’t spent a lotof time thinking that loneliness could work both ways.
“I can’t do it, Jughead.”
She’d said it a year earlier, too, and now here they areagain. If someone had told him that he’d be arguing with his girlfriend even indeath Jughead would have probably scoffed and then said he could see where theywere coming from. She was stubborn, impossibly, intoxicatingly so.
He just wanted her to start living again.
“Betts.” She still shivers when he calls her that. “It’s beenyears now,” he whispers, almost as if he’s trying not to remind her even whilesaying the words out loud. “All through college you never… You need to move on.”He can’t meet her eyes.
“Well how can I when I just know you’re going to keep comingback, year after year? You’ll never leave me alone!” she explodes, clamping ahand over her mouth, eyes wide with horror, the minute the words slip past herloosened lips. He’d just made her so mad.
The year before he’d asked her to go on a date, just one, forhim. That was a low blow. She’d be forever in debt for the sacrifice he’d madefor her, giving himself over (quite literally) at her request. Betty had fakeda phone call to step outside of the restaurant when she’d caught curious blue eyespeering in through the glass-fronted wall. If she turned around now she couldprobably just about make out her date at their table, nervously twisting hishands as he wonders whether he was doing okay on this first date with thepretty blonde girl who worked at the register across the street.
Jealousy burns, hot and betraying, in Jughead’s stomach as hecatches sight of the man, older than he’d ever be.
“You’re right,” Jughead replies meekly after a painful minutehas dragged by. “I have to leave you to live your life.” He’d do anything tolook into those crystal green eyes one last time, up close, but he knows thatif he does he’d crumple – instead he keeps them fixed on the pavement, staringat her sensible, blush pink flats.
“Juggie, no,” she cries, tears making her voice thick. “Ilove you.” It’s what she should have said as he was sucking in his last breathon that night, a lifetime ago (at least it was for him, it didn’t have to befor her), but only now does she find her voice. Jughead’s heart shatters.
“I loved you, too,” he replies carefully, putting all his stockin the past tense to keep her rooted to the sidewalk as he turns and walksaway. Forever.
He knows it’s childish but he can’t resist stealing the whitesheet hanging from Mrs Mayweather’s clothes line her backyard. He’ll get a kickout of seeing her wonder how it managed to disappear and then return with twosmall holes cut in it.
He’d kept his promise, he’d stayed away – he always kept hispromises.
Jughead stands across the street, so close and yet an entireworld away, as Betty guides the little girl with golden curls up to the nextdoor, pressing the bell and then helping with the joyous chorus of “trick or treat!” when their call isanswered.
He thinks that in another life those curls would be dark, andher nose would be a little less button shaped, but she’d still have her mother’scrystalline eyes and high cheekbones.
When they head back towards the street, the girl’s bag alittle bit heavier with candy, Betty’s eyes pass over him as if he wasn’tthere, under his ridiculous sheet, with even more ridiculous holes cut out forthe eyes – as if he were a ghost.
The man from the restaurant all those years ago meets them bythe fence, lifting the girl into his arms and delighting in her happy squeal. Heoffers to carry her candy bag for her and then throws his head back in laughteras she clings to it like her life depended on it, suspicion painting her cherubimfeatures. Betty laughs too, stroking her hair fondly, but it’s different to theone Jughead remembers.
Everything about the way Betty is… it’s all different to howhe remembers. The way her eyes soften into a different shape when the manplaces his hand on her lower back, drawing her to him. The way her lips part ina different fashion as he leans towards her for a swift peck… None of it is thesame as it used to be. The way it used to be with him; he likes to think she’sstored those memories away in a chest in the back of her mind, to pull out andflick through with a kind of melancholy that no longer tears you apart, whichmakes you feel sad in a good way, when the mood is right.
Jughead’s still noting the differences as they walk down therest of the block and vanish around the corner.
Betty doesn’tremember the lights in Pop’s ever being this bright before. Perhaps the old manhad finally revamped his beloved diner. Betty chuckles to herself as even thethought feels like a betrayal.
“Hey, you.”Her heart stops at the low voice that floats towards her across the limitlessexpanse, not quite settling into the diner of her fondest memories, not quitenothing at all.
“Juggie?”she whispers, scared to break the spell that’s brought her back to him.
“I got yourfavourite – strawberry shake with extra whipped cream. I might have eaten thestrawberry while I was waiting for you, though,” he tells her sheepishly, alight blush resting on his sharp cheekbones.
“That’sokay,” she breathes, tripping her way towards him. As she reaches out a hand tosteady herself on the booth she notices it’s missing the familiar wrinkles anddarkened spots that belayed her age. She fishes a tendril out of her ponytailto see that it’s blonde, not grey like it has been for so many years now. There’sno persistent ache in her joints, no tell-tale cramp of arthritis in her hands.She can’t remember what it’s like to feel this young.
“I’vemissed you, Betty, so much,” Jughead continues, standing in front of her now.When she lifts a hand it lands solidly on his chest. Without warning a flood oftears cascade down her youthfully flushed cheeks. “I hope you had a good life,”he says, his own voice wobbling with barely contained emotion. His eyes are asblue as she remembers.
It’s notanother second before she’s got her face buried in the crook of his neck, hiswarm hand cradling the back of hers, breathing in the scent of him she’d neverforgotten while he litters her hair, her temples, anywhere he can reach, with desperatekisses.
“I did, Idid,” she promises, clutching at him, determined to never let him escape heragain.
“Time forround two,” he murmurs into her hairline, and it’s already damp with his tears.“It’s been a long time coming.”
“I’d waitforever.”
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