#she's a true dirlie!!!
rickybaby · 5 months
"I know it's in me, but did I expect to do a second row start??"
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hermit404-blog1 · 7 years
I took your family? who do you think had more taken from them when you shot 20ccs of liquid dream killer into my daughter?
Rick Sanchez. Rick and Morty season 3 episode 5, The Whirly Dirly conspiracy
I’ve seen a lot of people saying that this line means Rick hates Jerry because he took away his daughter from him. While that might be true, I don’t think that’s what he meant when he said it. I think Rick was saying that Jerry took more things from Beth (than what Jerry said Rick took away from him). because the next thing he said was about how Jerry stripped Beth of all choices she has because she felt sorry for him. 
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I think that line wasn’t about what Jerry took from him, but more about what Jerry took from his daughter.
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mi4011aidantroy · 6 years
Written Reflective
For the brief we had to choose a song to make an animation based on how the song made us feel, and how we would visualise or see it in a video. The song I have chosen is Pink Floyd ‘on the run’.
When listening to this song I felt a sense of fear, falling, pending danger and being on the run from something- perhaps fight or flight instincts. The piece has a lot of high frequency tones and repetitive beats that seemingly increase and intensify as the song goes on. There is the murmuring of a voice which sounds like a man with echoing vocals that trails off into the distance. Personally I feel this depicts the man is the one I am trying to escape, indicating he is in fact the danger. The audio itself gives me a visual of a space setting, with a sense of ambiguity relating to either an obscure space movie or perhaps a hallucinogenic drug trip with many psychedelic colours and patterns. Also, there is almost connotations of tunnel vision encapsulated by the piece from the distinct echoing sounds throughout; an idea which I thought could be embedded in my final piece.
When listening to the song I attempted to visualise a scene which would require such audio and atmosphere, as well as the types of characters (or creatures) which would require that particular style of soundtrack. This made me think of the film ‘Gravity’ where in tense situations the music intensifies, the camera going from extreme close ups to cinematic panoramas. The film is portrays a woman stuck in space trying to escape a meteor debris after colliding with multiple satellites destroying her spaceship. In some scenes of the film  similar music is played to the song, especially when she’s so low on oxygen she hallucinates- I think the piece I listened to would have fit perfectly within this scene. This then gave me the idea of characters being taken down by something or running into trouble thus trying to escape.
Relating to the theme of a psychedelic trip, the song reminded me of an episode of the sci-fi cartoon ‘Rick and Morty’. During the episode ‘The Whirly Dirly’, the characters are going through a wormhole during a pursuit and an incident occurs that send them on a trip like experience. In the course of this episode their voices seemingly carry through each other echoing off into the distance similarly to the voice of the song. They are communicating on a different level and falling through space. I thought of the possibility of having a similar situation to this by having a character with a companion in a dangerous pursuit where inevitably someone is killed. In addition I had the idea from the show to give my main character a companion or second leading role who is also receptive of the sound and sensation. This is so I can present how experiencing such situations creates a deeper more meaningful bond between the two, even if in the end they both leave the mortal plane.
The audio uses very dynamic crescendos and decrescendos in short spaces of time. By using this rather than words to communicate it expresses the depth and the true volume of the music through simple dynamics; this speaks for itself as a way of communicating an idea to an audience. The piece itself possibly representing an event without narration which can be understood with no explanation due to the music. The song itself makes me feel like i'm on the run, in danger; I think the best way to represent my visualisation is to present it in a space-like environment. This is because it’s a vast darkness surrounded by nothingness, add a main focus like a character moving at a fast pace from something gives the music a visual context. During the periods of the echoing voice I felt quite anxious as I wanted to know what was being said but couldn’t fully understand; creating even a feeling of paranoia potentially to the listener, a theme often used in sci-fi films and music. Using this emotion I am going to visualize a character that would give me such feelings and make me uncomfortable causing me to run away fearing for my life. In conclusion, the song I listened to appears to musically embody feelings of anxiety and fear, which I am going to utilise within my work in a space setting.
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peperoprincess · 7 years
You know what episode is a really good show of Jerry’s character? The Whirly Dirly Conspiracy. We all know how abusive and shitty Rick is toward literally everyone, but we also know how Jerry plays the victim to get sympathy and to make people feel bad in general for him. This episode is a really good one because not only does Rick say sorry (whaaaaat) but Jerry reveals his true nature.
In the beginning I kinda felt bad for Jerry, at the start of the series. But as time went on I realized really fast that Beth and Jerry’s relationship is the very dictionary definition of toxic, and then I also realized that Jerry is a manipulative piece of shit. He is jealous of Rick because Rick has stolen Beth’s attention, he’s angry at Beth for giving her attention to Rick, and he literally amounts to a deflated alpha male who didn’t really have any power to begin with, with, for lack of a better phrase, all bark and no bite. He feels like he’s been dealt such a shitty hand in life yet he won’t do anything but be negative and toxic about it. We never see him make an attempt to find himself a job he enjoys, much less any job at all. Instead of trying to understand why Beth is the way she is with concerns to Rick, he just sees it as being ignored lmao
So all this time he’s been playing the victim until we get to the Whirly Dirly Conspiracy and then suddenly he isn’t a victim, he’s plotting to fucking kill his wife’s father. Does Rick deserve to have the everliving shit beat out of him most of the time? Of course. Does he deserve to die because Jerry is a little slime man filled with Jealousy that his wife gives all her attention to daddy? Nope. And then when Rick apologizes to him, suddenly Jerry is trying to backpedal all the way back to zero reeeeal fast. His whole issue is sated by an apology, and then when Rick finds out what Jerry had planned suddenly Jerry is the weeping victim again. Literally about to kill a man and he’s STILL the victim. Not to mention Beth would ACTUALLY kill Jerry for offing Rick like wtf
TL;DR Jerry is a piece of shit.
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