#she's also this incredibly caring nurse but she's also a ruthless killer and she's also this massive lover of life and all living things bu
angeltism · 11 months
✍️ for whatever fandom would treat you yhe weirdest
OHH . This took some THINKING but def the bn.ha fandom . but maybe that's just bc my s/i existing there would fuck shit up sooo much like . she's kinda a Mary Sue,, (which I mean is great and amazing and she's wonderful and I'm wonderful) but maybe they'd be chill ????
Wait fuck fuck nevermind wait hold on I'm in the middle of writing this and I realized nawt only would she be treated weirdly for her flawlessness (maybe? I haven't reviewed her writing and backstory in years idk if she's actually Flawlessly Flawed But It's Kyute Tho™) but I have a feeling she'd be over t-rexualized (CRYING I'm talking like a YouTuber crying to nawt get demonitized it's almost 12am cut me some slack let me be silly and weird w how I sat things) or her relationship w my husband would be or both . and nobody would get her nuance right because she's a girl and we all know ppl love watering down fem characters into either mother, girlboss, whore or [literally irrelevant forgotten about] oh god . yeah ok idk how I didn't think of this but OHHH yeah she'd be treated so weirdly oml 🫥
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xxdragonwriterxx · 4 years
🔥The Angelus Mortis (1/2)🔥
A/N: Hey everyone, I’m back! I apologize for the really long wait but I wanted to try something different where, instead of posting one story at a time as soon as I finish it, I wrote five stories and then I went back and edited them in the order I wrote them. It took so long because I’ve been writing a ton in the past week.  Hopefully I can make up for the long wait by giving you guys several stories in the next few days or so. Thank you so much for the support on “Scalding”, I was not expecting it but it makes my really happy to know you guys liked it ❤️. Now, without further ado, here is my next Levi x Reader fic!
Warning: This one is super long so I actually had to split it up into two parts so it wouldn’t be such a huge pill to swallow. I will post the next chapter asap though, so keep an eye out for part two!
Summary: Erwin finds a dangerous assassin in the Underground while Levi is on a solo mission.
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Erwin sighed and rubbed his temples to try to dispel the headache that was already building there, the message from the Military Police on his desk, mocking him. He glared at it, his eyes scanning over the words again.
Gods they were so incapable. He would never voice his frustrations aloud, but he wished, for once, they could deal with their own issues. Fight their own battles without having to drag the Survey Corps back to do all of the hard work for them. 
Despite his annoyance, Erwin would not have normally been so frustrated, but this situation was different than usual due to the fact that Captain Levi was gone from the base. He had been sent off on a solo mission to get some more information for Erwin on the movements of the violent gangsters that were fighting with one of the Military Police branches.
“What’s today’s headache about?” The loud, chipper voice of his girlfriend, Hanji, made him look up and grunt at her and the stack of finished reports she held in her arms.
“Oh, I just received a message from the Commander of the Military Police. There is a dangerous assassin who has been cutting down the MP’s that venture into the Underground. Apparently, this guy is impossible to catch and incredibly ruthless, known to leave pieces of the soldiers around for the officers to find later. They want us to go down there and find them, put an end to them before they wipe out an entire regiment.”
Hanji leaned her hip against Erwin’s desk and raised her eyebrow at her partner as she listened to the gruesome things the assassin had done.
“Holy shit…, who are you going to send? Levi is on that solo mission,” Hanji said.
“Yeah that’s the problem,” Erwin responded. “I’m going to have to be the one to go. I’m not going to send someone who will lose their life on this mission. There is no need to waste lives on something as trivial as catching this guy. Also, if he’s impossible to catch, the only one other than me who has enough experience with the ODM gear to navigate the Underground would be Levi, who you pointed out is not here at the moment.”
“Well, I’m coming with you then,” Hanji said. “Someone will need to watch your back, and be there to bring you back to the surface if you end up getting your ass handed to you.”
Erwin smiled at her as he shook his head.
“I’m not going to lose this fight.”
“Oh ho ho, tough guy! Such confidence, I can’t wait to watch your ass hit the ground when that assassin shows you a couple of choice moves,” Hanji chortled.
“Your obsession with my ass is noted. Now go get ready, we are leaving in an hour,” Erwin said, his eyes twinkling as he teased her.
Hanji’s laughter bounced around the halls as she exited his office to pack her things and prepare for the trip to the Underground.
Levi grumbled lowly to himself as he nursed a glass of whiskey, his silver eyes appraising the other people in the bar in annoyance. The Captain was not normally one to drink, especially back at the base, but after having to deal with some of the most annoying people on the planet, he felt as if he deserved to relax a little.
At least neither Erwin nor Hanji were with him. That was one of the only reasons he was able to convince himself to go into the old bar; not having to worry about Erwin pressuring him to loosen up, or Hanji trying to wrestle secrets about his life out of him while he was drunk.
Levi took a sip from his glass. The alcohol slid down his throat, leaving a fiery trail in its wake to settle in his stomach, the warmth spreading throughout his gut. The whiskey was starting to loosen the headache that was holding his skull captive, allowing the usually stoic Captain to settle a bit more in his seat, enjoying the relative silence of the dingy establishment.
All day he had been forced to fight with violent gangsters, helping one of the Military Police branches arrest the most aggressive ones and scaring away the others. The whole day had been a loud, frustrating, exhausting experience, making Levi almost miss his normal expeditions outside the walls with the Titans. At least it was his last day in this shit hole, finally able to return to the base in the morning now that all of the criminals had been successfully rounded up.
Thinking about the men and women he had helped put away that day, combined with the alcohol that was circulating through his system, made his mind stray back to memories from his Underground days. For the most part, he tried to forget about his past, thoughts about his time down there, only bringing up bitter emotions. It was like reliving a nightmare over and over again. 
He huffed as he tried to lead his train of thought elsewhere to no avail, his mind flooding with images from his childhood, his struggle as he and his friends fought for survival. His mind even dragged up a foggy image of a beautiful face from the dregs of his past before he quickly diverted his train of thought, refusing to think about that face, that loving smile.
Levi didn’t know if he was lucky or unlucky when his spiraling thoughts were suddenly interrupted by the appearance of a woman. She wearing a severe red dress that pushed her cleavage up so her breasts were almost spilling out over the top, her lips pursed as she sat herself across from him.
Levi refrained from groaning aloud in frustration, wanting absolutely nothing to do with the woman in front of him, but also recognizing that a tiny part of him was grateful for her intrusion, distracting him from sinking further into the dark memories of his past. Now, he just had to figure out how to shrug this woman off as she leaned forward, so obviously trying to get into his pants he was surprised there was not a ‘FUCK ME’ sign strapped to her chest.
Levi scowled and pulled away from her when she went to touch his arm. To his annoyance, the woman laughed instead of moving away, her eyes sparkling with barely disguised lust as she looked him up and down.
“Look, I’m not interested,” Levi said bluntly.
“Come on, handsome, it won’t hurt for you to relax, why don’t we ditch this joint?” the woman purred.
Levi rolled his eyes so hard he was worried he’d strained something. The situation reminded him of all of the times Hanji had tried to set him up, ignoring his protests and forcing him to meet women from all walks of life despite the fact that he turned them all down without a second thought. It bothered him to no end, not only because it was annoying as hell, but also because there was only one person he had ever given his heart to, and she was gone. Nobody could ever replace her, it didn’t matter that she wasn't around to love him anymore, he refused to be with anyone else.
He figured some people would probably see this as childish, but he didn’t care. To him, he didn’t have a heart left to give, the organ dying with his lost love all those years ago.
“Not interested.”
The woman pouted but moved closer still, practically leaning into him despite his grimace of disgust.
“You don’t mean that, baby, you look like you could use a good time. Here, let me help you. I know exactly how to make you feel better. Have you ever felt the stars? Because you’re about to…,” the woman said boldly, her hand slowly drifting downward.
Levi stood up so fast he almost knocked the table over. His glare was fierce as he slammed his empty whiskey glass on the table. Piercing her with his sharp gaze, Levi snarled lowly at her.
“Not. Interested.”
Grabbing his cloak, Levi stormed out of the bar in even worse spirits than before, memories of the face that haunted his dreams floating across his mind to tease at the edges of his broken heart. Growling to himself, Levi was only grateful that he was leaving in the morning as his feet carried him back to the shitty inn he was staying in for the duration of the mission.
This was a bad idea. Scratch that, this was a horrible idea. Erwin laid on the filthy street of the Underground, hidden in the shadows of an alleyway, holding his hand to his shoulder where a dagger was lodged, gritting his teeth as he fought back the bile that rose in his throat at the pain swelling in his body. 
He had no idea where Hanji was, the pair having been separated when they were attacked out of nowhere. Erwin realized now as he lay in the dirt that he had severely underestimated this man, the assassin who got hired to kill the most powerful soldiers and officers in the military. He had read about his strength, but even with that information, he had not expected the fight to be so overwhelming.
This man was dangerous. Very dangerous. Erwin knew from the reports that the killer worked alone, using wit and cold, calculated cunning to attack in ways that not even the veteran soldiers had seen before.
Erwin’s thoughts were suddenly cut short when he heard a pained shriek, one he immediately knew to be Hanji, and watched in horror as a figure slowly came around the corner, holding the limp form of his comrade in his grip.
Hanji let out another pained noise as the figure threw her right at Erwin, the Squad Leader hitting her Commander, causing them both to grunt. Looking down, Erwin saw that Hanji had a long gash down her side, but it didn’t look very deep and she didn’t seem to have any more wounds other than some bruising. A warning.
Erwin managed to hide his nearly imperceptible sigh of relief at the thought that this assassin was considering sparing them if they only left him alone. He knew that he could never leave the assassin alone forever, but if it gave them the chance to get to safety, he could come back another time with reinforcements. It was only one man. A very powerful man, but a man nonetheless, he wasn’t invincible.
Forcing down the whimper that bubbled in his throat when Hanji moved against his shoulder, shifting the blade in his flesh, Erwin locked his eyes on the figure that was still watching them, the darkness of the alley covering any distinguishable features. The only thing Erwin was able to make out was that the figure looked smaller than he imagined. But the seasoned Commander wasn’t stupid enough to determine his threat level based on size, not when one of his best friends was Levi Ackerman, one of the shortest yet deadliest men alive.
The pair tensed when the figure suddenly started towards them, his arm reaching back to procure a wickedly sharp sword from underneath his black cloak. Erwin’s mind scrambled for a plan but he came up blank, his mind ceasing all thoughts when the figure suddenly charged them, sword held aloft.
Erwin and Hanji closed their eyes, clutching each other as the killer came for them, both of them waiting for the quick sting of pain before death, waiting for their remains to be scattered around the Underground like Easter eggs for their friends to find when they came back to their empty offices and cold beds.
Erwin sucked in a breath when he felt the cold, harsh tip of the sword touch his throat but slowly opened his eyes after a moment when the feeling stayed there, the blade hovering just above his delicate wind pipe.
From this distance, Erwin could tell that the assassin was wearing a mask in the shape of a wolf over his face, his body poised to strike as he hovered over the pair of senior officers, his breathing labored.
“Are you Commander Erwin?” The man suddenly asked, the voice deep and distorted thanks to the mask.
Erwin contemplated lying for a second, but knew he didn’t really have a choice in the matter when the man pressed the tip of their blade a little bit harder against his flesh, even causing a pinprick of blood to bubble up from under the steel point.
The man hesitated for a moment. It was almost as if he were remembering something, Erwin’s name bringing up memories from another time. The Commander had no fucking clue what that could mean for them, but he wasn’t entirely sure he wanted to find out.
The assassin opened his mouth to say something when all of a sudden, several ropes were thrown from the darkness, catching the killer by surprise. He leaped out of the way, dodging the ropes at a speed that could only be rivaled by Captain Levi, almost making it out onto the street before he ran headfirst into a trap of chains, the metal clinking as it wrapped around his lithe form and tightened, forcing his arms to snap to his sides and his legs to buckle.
Erwin and Hanji scrambled into a standing position and smiled in joyful surprise as a familiar Mike, Nanaba, and Moblit rounded the corner. Erwin sighed in relief and Hanji let loose a little cheer as the three other veteran officers surrounded their quarry. The pair had no idea how their friends had found them or even why they had thought to follow them, but neither cared as relief filled their systems.
The assassin snarled at them and continued to struggle against their bounds, his mask making the words coming from his mouth sound nearly animalistic in nature.
“Fuck you!” The assassin roared, somehow finding the energy to fight harder as the veterans leaned down to detain the criminal. The soldiers ignored the assassin as he continued spewing profanities while they made their way towards the stairs, their mission complete.
Erwin blinked in utter shock as he stared at the assassin through the bars of the cell they had shoved him in underneath the Survey Corps HQ.
Only, it wasn’t a him.
Erwin could only gawk as the reality of the situation settled in, his eyes roving over the assassin’s (h/l) (h/c) hair, feminine curves, and beautifully angled face. The strongest assassin in the Underground, the one that had been dubbed The Angelus Mortis, The Angel of Death, was a woman.
He never doubted that women were strong, he trained and fought beside a whole legion of strong, battleworn women that could take down anyone in a heartbeat any day. But this woman had come from the Underground. While not impossible to gain strength in the Underground, most women, and many men for that matter, that lived in that cesspool merely ended up rotting away, their legs destroyed by the lack of sunlight and their bodies wracked with disease. Even if a woman managed to avoid the severe malnourishment, most of them were forced into brothels to be used by the wealthy merchants and nobles who decided to flaunt their wealth in the poorest part of their cities.
But this woman had fought. She had fought like an animal, a wolf, as her mask had suggested. She had used her impressive intelligence and strategic mind to avoid getting caught, all while clawing her way to the top of the food chain, making herself such a feared symbol that nobody would touch her. She was cold and vicious but not at all feral, her mind sharp and her eyes clear as she stared right back at the giant blonde Commander, her gaze never drifting from his.
Erwin leaned back as he appraised her. He could tell that despite her strength, her body was severely malnourished and neglected, the lack of proper food and water paired with the intense physical labor she pushed herself through every day, rendered her body weak and thin. Erwin could tell right away that if she were given the proper commodities and nursed back to health, she would be stunning and very powerful.
He had to think about this carefully. He had sent in an after action report to the MP’s telling them that the Survey Corps had done their dirty work for them, and they had already responded with a message telling him to bring her to one of their prison cells the next morning to be tortured to death for her crimes. He knew she probably deserved a punishment like that, she had killed a lot of soldiers, but he felt a strange tugging on his heart, like he knew, deep down, that there was more to her story, something that would make her worth much more than a street rat to be thrown to the dogs.
He had no idea why but he wanted her in the Survey Corps. He knew that she was dangerous, knew that most people would call her insane and then call him insane if he brought this up. But he felt something, like he knew that if he didn’t get her into the military, they would be losing something priceless.
“Are you going to keep staring at me like a perverted fuck or are you going to tell me when I’m being taken away?”
Erwin’s eyes snapped to hers from where they had drifted to her ribs, which were jutting out of her chest prominently. 
“I knew you were going to be testy, sassy even, maybe downright insane, but I didn’t expect someone so close to death to be so confident,” Erwin said, a smirk teasing the corner of his lips.
The assassin rolled her eyes.
“I’m from the Underground, idiot, death is always a constant companion on your shoulder. I’m not scared of death, scared of the torture before death, maybe, if I decide I care enough, but not of death.”
“Is that why you killed all of those people? Because death is your friend?” Erwin asked.
“Don’t be stupid.”
“That is what you said.”
“I only said it is something I am used to, the constant threat of death and suffering, not that I enjoy it. Death is not my friend,” She growled with a sharp glare in his direction.
“So why did you kill all of those soldiers? Besides being hired to, I mean. I’d understand your motivations a little more if you had started killing other people who lived in the Underground, to give yourself an advantage, but you chose soldiers.”
The assassin was silent for a minute, breaking his gaze for the first time since he had come down to see her. He could’ve sworn her gaze clouded over slightly, as if she were remembering painful memories, but the fog in her gaze was gone as quickly as it appeared, making Erwin question whether it was even there to begin with.
“That’s personal,” she said after a heavy pause.
“They didn’t compliment your outfit?” Erwin teased, flashing a smile in her direction when she snarled at him.
“Fuck you.”
“Alright fine,” Erwin said. “Why did you ask about me? About my name?”
“That’s personal too.”
“Well you’ve got to answer at least some of my questions.”
“Why should I care about you and your inquiries?” She asked, leaning against the wall and crossing her arms in a way that reminded Erwin so much of Levi he almost smiled.
“Because it might guarantee you your life,” Erwin said.
“Who says I care about living?”
Erwin was silent for a moment this time as he scanned her with his bright blue eyes again, really taking her in. She was something, he could say that. She was unlike anyone he had ever met before. Even Levi, with his similar distrusting nature and sharp, piercing gaze was never this witty, never this sassy.
“I say you do,” Erwin said.
“Oh really? And what makes you the authority on that?”
“Nothing. You are the authority on yourself, on your emotions and instincts. I am merely an observer in this matter. I can see it in your eyes, I can read it in your posture and spot it even in the methods of your actions. In why you became an assassin, and the best one at that.”
She stayed quiet, watching him.
“I know you want to live. I don’t know anything about the personal shit that went down between you and the Military Police but I’m assuming that whatever it was was crippling, which was why you went to such drastic measures to make it to the top, to do whatever it took to make them hurt and scream. Why you never even attempted to hide the bodies. I know some people claim it was because you are cocky or egotistical, but I know better.”
Erwin leaned forward, his eyes glinting in the dull golden light of the lantern hanging on the wall. The assassin again said nothing but she never stopped watching him, playing into this game they had started, dancing on hot coals.
“Just from the fact that you did all of that. That you chose to fight back against your grief rather than succumb to it, rotting away in a forgettable corner of the Underground, shows me that you want to live. That you want to give yourself a purpose to cover up whatever loss you have felt in the past, and use it to fuel your own future.”
The assassin’s eyes narrowed on him as she pushed away from the stone wall of the cell. “I’m impressed.”
“Not quite so much of an idiot anymore, right?”
She glared at him and the smirk that spread across his face.
“My name is (Y/N).”
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generator-x · 7 years
A!Ohmwrecker x O!OC Part 1
Every warrior has a side of them that has the blood lust, the thirst it took to be a killer, driving them over the limit, digging down into their primal instincts, letting it take control in battle. Jonathan's alter ego was H20 Delirious, he loved the thrill of war and forming with his sister to form their creation, it always sent a chill down his spine from the raw power they created together, he could bend water to his will and travel through it, posing to be a danger to anyone and this led him to be the perfect dominant omega. Evan's was Vanoss, he could shift from human to owl, making him the perfect spy, he was a tad bit more mild than Delirious, which meant he had a more level headed approach to things, he took time to think things through, making him the perfect alpha male for Delirious. Arabella was Jonathan's sister, an unclaimed omega, making her a massive threat on the battlefield, her alter ego was H20 Generation, she could bend water and travel through it like Delirious, she could also shift into anything she wanted, making it easier for her to get over enemy lines. Ryan's alter ego was Ohmwrecker, an alpha that could control electricity and shift into a bunny, he was caring but he could be ruthless if the situation needed it. Luke, who's alter ego was Cartoonz, could shift into the devil, minus an eyeball, he was a fierce beta, loyal to his friends and family, he was a good person to go to if you needed advice. Brian was known as Terrorizer in the battlefield, he stalked his victims before he struck the final blow, making terror be the last thing they felt, he was Luke’s mate so he was expected to be more subdued, but he couldn't help but be wild and uncontained. Wildcat was Tyler's, he was a fierce alpha that could shift into a boar that was easily as tall as a fill grown man, he was filled with rage and driven to protect his mate. That would be Craig, also known as Mini Ladd, he was a more docile omega, but he still thrived in the battlefield, he was known for his work with a sword, easily taking out troops of opposing alphas. Lui Calibre's alter was Lui, he was a hyper active beta, mate to David, he was a massive prankster and a fantastic partner in crime, he could shift into a monkey and a child, which meant he could get into small places. David went by Daithi De Nogla, he used his charm and humor to get close to people, to trick them, making them think he was their friend, then he struck killing them in cold blood. Brock was Moo Snuckel, a beta, his killing style was similar to Daithi's but he was much more cruel with his tactics, he took his time killing, he wasn't kind and liked to torture his victims, he got especially violent when it came to his mate. Marcel went by BasicallyIDoWrk, a sweet caring beta that was more into helping people, he came across mean and cold, but that was because he didn't want anyone to take advantage of him or rile up Moo. These pack leaders cared so much about each other and would do anything to protect each other and the innocent members that rested behind their walls, these 12 leaders were all it took to protect their pack, no one had ever gotten past their defenses, especially when the creation was formed.
Delirious and Vanoss watched from the balcony as Gen and Mini took over the battlefield, they were the two strongest so having them take lead was the smartest idea. They were both powerful omegas so naturally they worked well together, they took advantage of each others strengths and protected their weaknesses. Delirious was itching to join the battle, but as the leader of the pack it wasn't his job, his job was to lead and stay safe, let Gen do her job and lead their small army and let the others defend them, the only exception was when Gen needed him so they could form the Creation. So he waited, hoping Gen would get in a hard spot and call for him because no matter how many times it happened when she called sent a shiver down his spine from the raw power their bond held, no matter where he was or how loud the room around him seemed, he always heard her, even if it was just in his head he heard her through their bond. "Del, calm down, she'll call if she needs you. You can't force it, no matter how hard you try." Vanoss said, resting his hand on his mates shoulder. "If I think hard enough it'll happen." Delirious said, glaring back at him. "That’s not how bonds work." Vanoss said laughing at his mate, he knew how much he missed being able to fight. Vanoss and Delirious use to fight alongside Gen and Mini when they were younger, they all had each others backs and would tag team and make something out of nothing, they would always find a different way to win, no matter how outnumbered they were. But when Gen and Del's father died he had appointed Delirious as the next pack leader, even though he was an omega, and Vanoss as his guard, knowing an alpha as strong as Vanoss was the best hope to keep Delirious safe. He made Gen the war leader, he knew since Delirious wouldn't be able to be at her side and help her make decisions, he knew she needed to learn to do it by herself, but he knew there would always be a time when they absolutely needed each other, so he made the rule, only when Gen was in trouble, and she had absolutely no way out she could call for him and he could go, he didn't need permission from the council, he didn't need Vanoss to make sure it was safe for him, he could just go. He always had a tingle before he heard her voice, that let him know he wasn't imagining things, that she actually needed his help, so when he felt the ripple of goosebumps across his skin he knew he was about to hear her voice. "Deli!" Reached his ears, making him shiver at the power coursing through him. "Go, she needs you." Vanoss whispered in his ear, making his excitement grow. He held his hand over the goblet of water beside him, hoping his sister already had already removed the cap from her horn. He sunk into it, closing his eyes and taking a deep breath, that usually helped him get there faster, to his sisters side. He opened his eyes and he was beside her, crouching next to her, protecting her. Blood was dripping down the side of her face, the gash on her forehead was incredibly visible, making red hot rage streak through Delirious' blood. "Ready?" She asked, smirk on her face as she stretched out her hand. "Always." He said grabbing her hand. They started shifting, growing in size until their bodies were one, water surrounding them. Their body flexed, stretching itself out, it had been ages since it had formed, and as usual it commanded attention on the battlefield. Enemy troops swarmed it, trying to get past the barrier of water so they could try and get to the beast inside. The battle paused as everyone looked upon the giant as it swatted the alphas away from it, sending them flying. The remaining alphas looked upon the Creation, defeat etching its way on the opposing packs faces, victory was drifting through the air as the packs waited for the Creation to attack. It shifted, waiting to see what the war leader of the opposing pack would do, if he would call a retreat or have his troops attack. Everyone stood still as heads turned to the war chief, waiting for him to make a decision, to run or keep fighting. He looked around and saw the defeat etched on his troops faces, he saw all of the injury and hopelessness and he couldn't do it to them, he had to make the call. He raised his horn and blew, his second in command lowered his head as he yelled "RETREAT!" A roar echoed through the battlefield as the packs victory surged through them. The creation lifted its mighty head and roared, scaring the opposing pack even more, making their retreat faster. The water started to melt away as Gen and Del started to separate into their own bodies, making the pack gather around to watch them, it was rare that anyone ever got to witness the Creation splitting apart. Ryan walked over as they took solid shape, offering his hand to Generation as she started to shift back into Arabella, making her smile. She took his hand, lifting herself up as Vanoss flew to Del's side, morphing back into a human. "Are you okay? I know that always takes a lot out of you." Ryan said squeezing Arabella's hand. "Yeah, I'm good Ry." She said, grabbing his hand, lifting herself up, once she was on her feet she looked down at his hand and quirked her head. "Have you always worn gloves?" She asked looking up at his face. He smiled and started chuckling, making him scrunch his face up and force his eyes to close. "I've always worn gloves, it helps control the electrical currents coming and going from my hands." He confirmed looking down at her, seeming to get sucked into her bright blue eyes. “That makes sense, I guess I should start paying more attention.” She looked away, laughing at herself. “Sister, are you alright?” Jonathan asked, rushing to her side, parting her hair so he could see the wound it hid. “Yes, brother, Generation numbed it so I’ll be okay until we get to the nurses.” She took her brothers hand in hers, kissing the ring on his finger. “Anything to protect our leader.” She knelled in front of him, making him grit his teeth as the rest of her warriors followed suit. “You know I hate it when you do that.” He muttered under his breath as she looked up at him, smiling. “You need to get over it.” She laughed getting on her feet, leading her small troop back to the rest of the pack. 
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