#she's been living in carma's prison cells since after the nephilim attack
xastcriiax · 4 years
Visiting Hours || Open
It’d been about three years now since Jaden Harkness found herself in this wretched cell. She’d been keeping track of the days with tally marks etched discreetly in the wall hidden away from prying eyes. Three years left chipped and powerless and caged like an animal. It was a far cry from the position she’d been in before. Pride of the Nephilim with the world as her oyster. Personally, she blamed Uriel for this; if he hadn’t gone batshit on the whole city of Pansaw after C.A.R.M.A attacked Mari perhaps she wouldn’t be in this mess. Sure, she’d been pissed off about her girl getting hurt too, but sometimes precision and calculation did better than raw power and strength. What had their onslaught on the civilians really done back then besides unite everyone in Pansaw together in the most disgusting fashion? It was a lot easier to blame someone else than admit she’d made the mistake of dropping her guard for a second in a crucial moment. 
The magician hardly had access to her powers since the day of the attack, C.A.R.M.A keeping her beautiful magic trapped under their deactivation chip in the back of her neck. There’d been a couple times where they’d turned it off for a few seconds for the sake of registration and quick research notes, and in those split moments, Jaden could feel something different. Her magic felt stronger, more powerful, like Uriel’s aether enhancement had never faded away. Oh, how she longed to feel that power running through her veins again. It was hers – how dare these government controlled monkeys think they can rip away something that was part of her? Whatever. She’d be out of here before they even knew it. This grey tank top and orange pants look was getting so old.  
Just then she heard the heavy door to the prisoner area open and footsteps approaching. She sat on her cot in her cell, legs criss-crossed as she performed her daily “meditation,” as she called it. “Oh joy. A visitor,” she drawled, cracking open one eye to look at them through the shimmering energy field trapping her inside. “To what do I owe the pleasure?”
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