#i also promise to answer some more open starters that i have drafted but i wanted to get this out here while i had the muse
nflsundayticket · 5 months
Caleb Williams' Rookie Season Predictions Revealed!
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well I'm gonna answer it this way because I'm gonna give you something that I don't think is talked about a lot with Caleb Williams.  I think is real positive I everybody talks about you know the so-called momes element okay and let's put that aside because to use an educational term it's really hard to major in momes. News Summary: Chicago Bears' rookie sensation Caleb Williams is set to take the NFL by storm, igniting excitement among fans and pundits alike. With high expectations and a city hungry for success, Williams' journey promises to be one of triumph and triumph. He's just a special cat and you don't want to start thinking that every quarterback that comes in league is like Patrick Mahomes um what I really like about Caleb Williams is he really controls the ball exceptionally well. What I mean by that is he can place the ball exactly where he wants to place it and sometimes I think that gets over look rich because we focus so much on movement now because of the M the mahomes's because of the Josh Allen the Lamar Jacksons. I'm sure I'm missing some other names as well um but we focus so much on that and there's no question that cayb Williams has that ability we've seen it in college but he really controls the football beautifully and I think when all said and done that's maybe the most critical piece. Because you can do everything right as a quarterback rich but if you can't throw it where you want to you don't really have anything and you think he's got that ability while also doing the off-platform stuff. I mean it's hard not to like Caleb Williams based on tape I mean you know I'm not going to sit here say he's the best quarterback I've seen in you know in 44 years of NFL films um but he's certainly a high level prospect and again having said that do I think he's going to come in and throw 40 touchdowns and five interceptions not likely although he is going to go into a pretty good situation. Normally a number one draft choice does not go into a situation quite like that and I know a question I'm about to deliver is not usually the lane in which you thrive or like to drive Greg but do you agree with the assessment the Bears clearly made to send Justin Fields packing and choose this kid do you agree with it. I do agree with it yes why is that um you know I think Fields has played enough games I believe he started 37 games in this league and one of the things that I think that is just stands out and it's very hard to coach this believe me you've had these conversations. I've had these conversations it's very hard to teach someone to see things clearly when they really don't just innate and I think that's one of the major issues with Justin fields that may never change and if that doesn't change he'll always be a spectacular player who can make special plays and will have special games. But may not just be exactly what you want at the quarterback position long term and based on what you saw out of Russell Wilson last year on tape Greg if this is truly an open competition between these two gents. The training camp opens in Pennsylvania in August do you think it's uh it's a that Fields has a shot at being a week one starter you think Russell's going to take the gig what do you think you know you know me Rich I'm not a a hot take guy yeah know but I would think that based on the way Mike Tomlin talks anyway you know I've not had this conversation with him I actually think that because he wants to run the football and that's important to him it seems to be anyway doesn't it playing physical football doesn't that seem to be important to Mike Tomlin yeah. I would almost think that Justin Fields because of the quarterback run game element would actually give them a more diverse offense than with Russell Wilson neither Fields nor Wilson is a true timing Rhythm passer so you know Fields would give you more options offensively if he was the quarterback if assuming that that's the way they want to play. If they want to run the ball with their two backs Naji Harris and Jaylen War if that's the way they want to play you know and be physical up front and establish that kind of offense then Fields gives you more options well listen I know when you talk about two-way threat quarterbacks. Ryan tanhill is not usually the first couple of names out of somebody's mouth but Arthur Smith had Derk Henry and on Ryan tanhill on the same offense and they they they look pretty damn good there were a couple years there they were really good I mean they went to the AFC Championship game they averaged over 30 points a game that year they almost beat the Chiefs right I mean no question catch the rich eyes. Read the full article
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xastcriiax · 4 years
Visiting Hours || Open
It’d been about three years now since Jaden Harkness found herself in this wretched cell. She’d been keeping track of the days with tally marks etched discreetly in the wall hidden away from prying eyes. Three years left chipped and powerless and caged like an animal. It was a far cry from the position she’d been in before. Pride of the Nephilim with the world as her oyster. Personally, she blamed Uriel for this; if he hadn’t gone batshit on the whole city of Pansaw after C.A.R.M.A attacked Mari perhaps she wouldn’t be in this mess. Sure, she’d been pissed off about her girl getting hurt too, but sometimes precision and calculation did better than raw power and strength. What had their onslaught on the civilians really done back then besides unite everyone in Pansaw together in the most disgusting fashion? It was a lot easier to blame someone else than admit she’d made the mistake of dropping her guard for a second in a crucial moment. 
The magician hardly had access to her powers since the day of the attack, C.A.R.M.A keeping her beautiful magic trapped under their deactivation chip in the back of her neck. There’d been a couple times where they’d turned it off for a few seconds for the sake of registration and quick research notes, and in those split moments, Jaden could feel something different. Her magic felt stronger, more powerful, like Uriel’s aether enhancement had never faded away. Oh, how she longed to feel that power running through her veins again. It was hers – how dare these government controlled monkeys think they can rip away something that was part of her? Whatever. She’d be out of here before they even knew it. This grey tank top and orange pants look was getting so old.  
Just then she heard the heavy door to the prisoner area open and footsteps approaching. She sat on her cot in her cell, legs criss-crossed as she performed her daily “meditation,” as she called it. “Oh joy. A visitor,” she drawled, cracking open one eye to look at them through the shimmering energy field trapping her inside. “To what do I owe the pleasure?”
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thesaltminesrph · 3 years
PSA: Be Upfront
Communication is important in RP.
Now, to preface, I am not going to use the really awful phrase "it's a hobby not a jobby" because this is a really sketch take on what is important to people. You can have a hobby mean a lot to you, be you a collector, a gardener, someone that builds model airplanes, a writer, an artist, etc. Those are all hobbies, and the fruits of your labor are NOT only valuable to you and others if you are paid for them. This saying implies that should you never be a published author, never have a painting sell, never do something that can be sold or have a time clock punched, it doesn’t at all matter. It’s a really discouraging thing to be telling people, quite honestly. I have multiple hobbies outside of RP. Kind of really sucks to see constantly they don’t matter because nobody pays me for what I do. I know I’m not the only one who has said this, but the majority aren’t willing to say it amongst the clamoring of ‘rp isn’t a job’ because then you get people jumping down your throat. Hear me out though! I’m not done.
Yes! So do we all! We all have problems, and things to take care of. The RPC is littered with people with mental illness, neurodivergence, chronic physical illness (I hit all three categories multiple times, LUCKY ME!). Do not, I repeat, do not ever feel like you need to put RP before: bills, marriage/children/other relationships, your health. Literally, do not have your takeaway from this post be these are secondary to your hobby. They are not. Do not get evicted because you were too busy doing RP at your desk at work, that’s just plain dumb af.
You owe people decency means:
-if you can only do aesthetic posts this week because you are low on writing spoons, that’s fine
-if you had work/health/mother-in-law take over you life this week and you literally didn’t have time to log-in even though you wanted to, that’s fine
-if you are sick in bed and can’t bother to write, that’s fine
What it also means:
-dropping what was supposedly a years long ooc friendship because the other mun isn’t dropping their current muse for you and following you into a different fandom ‘because they’re now boring’ and telling them as much in a message...is shitty behavior.
-daily reblogging multiple memes that people are sending in to you, your wire, your discord, ignoring both those and messages to plot, then whining on the dash that no one wants to write with you (also known as trying to guilt trip interaction, obviously you only wanted it from one specific person not the people actively engaging you)...is shitty behavior.
-claiming you’re open for plots and memes, then only replying to the one or two people consistently for 6 months...is shitty behavior.
Again, in case it wasn’t clear- it’s your blog, it’s your life, it’s your health. That’s not in question.
HOWEVER- be upfront and give people some honesty! What do I mean by that?
If it’s feasible, post that you need a writing break, even if it’s going to be indefinite. Take as many fucking breaks as you need to for your physical and mental health to be the best they can be (I’m not going to say great, as I know what it’s like to just have a ‘good’ health day mean ‘it’s less shit than it could be’).
But if the situation is really you only want to write with these one or two people, just say so! It’s your blog, you’re allowed to decide you’re closed for plots, asks, etc. Just don’t lead people on. Don’t say something and mean something else. Don’t keep reblogging your promo and really you don’t want to write,  and you don’t plan on taking on new mutuals, and don’t plan on replying to dms or threads from anyone else.
I’ll repeat it a little differently to be sure it’s clear- you dictate your activity level and number of mutuals, when you answer asks, threads, etc. This should be at a level that is suited for you and your life, health, etc.
BUT when you engage in RP you are involving someone else’s free time with yours, and it is not fair to them to act like they do not matter. You have involved someone else. Until you disengage from them, be courteous.
I’ll give you an example. When you ask for that starter on both your dash, then DMs, and act super hyped, getting the other mun excited for it, and then they put the time and effort into writing it up and posting it for you, expecting a reply? Only for you to go and make new blogs and immediately ditch that muse without a heads-up? That’s not really fair to the other mun. You communicated you wanted to write this, you hyped them up, they spent their time and writing spoons on your starter...and then you told them other people were more exciting and a better use of your time.
Okay, so you didn’t message them ‘Hey loser, your starter sucked, your muse is boring, and honestly, a different fandom is better! Bye!’ But your actions sure give that impression, and unless you communicate otherwise, it’s a shitty move.
Now yes, sometimes you genuinely forget a starter was written because you thought it was drafted and it wasn’t, dumblr is an ass and loses your draft and then you forgot it, something came up that day and bumped it from your mind, etc. NONE OF THESE ARE WHAT I AM REFERRING TO. I have ADHD, object permanence is the thing my brain does where often unless it’s directly in front of my face, it doesn’t exist, until I find it again. I’m aware these things happen, as are most muns, and we don’t mind! Hell, we usually have in our rules “hey if it’s been a hot minute and we haven’t replied to this, feel free to give us a little nudge to see if it’s been lost” because we all know between brains and dumblr’s everlasting fuckery...shit gets lost.
I’m talking about those times where you just up and leave someone hanging without communication. I’m also not saying it might even be on purpose. What I’m saying is you should consider how other muns feel when you do this, and if you cannot avoid it, at least communicate with them.
“Hey, I’m just no longer going to be writing this muse. Sorry I had you write that starter. Do you want to try something with this new one? This is where my brain is at right now.” “Hey I really can’t be online this month thanks to fill-in-the-blank but I do still want to write when I am able.” “Hey, I see you sent in that ask. I’m only interested in this one ship, and I won’t be taking on new threads, but you’re welcome to follow and maybe I’ll take on new threads later. I’m just writing with these two people right now.”
Communication is something that is a requirement in a collaborative hobby.
I know it can be scary. I know the mentality ‘well they reblogged that meme but it’s not for me, I know they said they want to plot but they don’t mean me’, but you really have to get past that when you roleplay to be fair to other people.
Spoiler alert: the examples of shitty behavior further above are what help feed this ‘that post/meme isn’t for me’ mentality, when you do those things you’re fostering people’s anxiety and rejection sensitivity...just saying.
If someone gets mad at you for communicating with them, they’re a shitty person and block them. Literally if someone has a problem with you for trying to start something, especially as mutuals, you’re losing nothing by not writing with them. Find nicer people. So don’t  be afraid to communicate you can’t write currently, you need a break, you’re only writing with these certain people. And don’t be afraid to send in the meme. I promise you, the right people appreciate courteous communication. The ones that don’t...
Again, no one is saying put your life on hold for RP, you’re never allowed to narrow your scope, you’re supposed to always have writing spoons, you need to produce five replies a day or you’re wrong, you always need to log-in to communicate you had a family emergency/depressive episode/etc.
What I am saying, is if you are capable of communicating, respect the time and energy of your fellow muns who may also be very low on spoons and free time themselves, and be honest about where you are at when it comes to taking on new threads, new asks, new partners, etc. Treat others how you want to be treated, and consider you probably wouldn’t like being on the receiving end of the behaviors I’ve described. If you need to be on the clock being paid to be a nice person...please re-evaluate.
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oathofpromises · 3 years
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ooc: Hey all, I know it’s been quite a while since I’ve been on here. Feels like every time I say I want to get back into swing of things my mood either drops or things come up. My seasonal job did start up again so my hours are back to 3rd shift times. I’m sorry that things are taking long to get to;; but I do still want to reply to threads I owe. I may get rid of some of the older ones since those have been sitting in my drafts for a bit. 
Therefore, I will try to get out a new starter call and reblog some new rp memes for people to send in. I do hope everyone is holding in there okay. My inbox is always open too. I promise to try and get better at answering stuff and being here when I’m able to. 
I’m also slowly trying to make a multi muse blog;; it’s taking a bit as I want it all look nice and set up. The reason for this is I have too many blogs to keep track of and I want to be able to answer things a lot more easily. I also added more characters to the ones I enjoy writing for and want to bring them here too. It just feels like best choice at this point.
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neocityarchive · 5 years
dear dream (ldh) | part 1
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word count: 2.8k
warnings: language
chapter summary: Horrible as it may sound, but it seemed as if you were starting to forget what it was like to love him.
a/n: so there’s a lot of narration in the beginning but pls be patient :> ajdaskl also please let me know what you think. thank u, love u.
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You were starting to forget. It’s been eight months after Donghyuck left for training and you were starting to forget everything.
You were starting to forget how his voice sounded on the phone at night, tired and hoarse after a long day but still managing to say sweet things subtly hidden under his teases and cheeky remarks. You were starting to forget how his lips felt on yours, on your cheeks, on your temples, at the top of you head… on your neck. You were starting to forget how his slim fingers fit in the spaces between yours and how his thumb rubs against the back of your hand out of habit. Horrible as it may sound, but it seemed as if you were starting to forget what it was like to love him.
It’s ironic, though. It seemed too soon considering how you were like the first few weeks. Even when he left, he was everywhere. The two of you didn’t break up, with the promise of seeing each other again, the promise of him coming back to you. But it still felt like that… maybe worse. He was gone but you could see him in every store you used to drag him to. You could hear him in every song, even the shitty ones with repetitive riffs and lyrics. He loves random dancing to those. Almost every night, he would appear in your dreams, either as flashbacks or as random scenes.
That is until it started to fade. Your mind that was once filled with Donghyuck has slowly been filled with a lot of something elses.
Things changed faster than you expected them to. You were still on the same job at the bookstore with Taeil who has been promoted to manager. But you went to college where you met a senior who also happened to be your upstairs neighbor. His name is Doyoung. You endorsed him to a job at the bookstore and now you’re colleagues. Both he and Taeil are the closest friends you have at the moment.
Your parents were now retired after securing your future. They sold the house, moved to a smaller place in Busan, and started a barbecue business there.  You found a nice starter apartment and started drafting your book once again, but getting nowhere.
And in all those changes, the one person who you’ve always imagined would walk every step of the way with you weren't there.
“I’ll be back before you know it,” he said that day. You never understood that statement. It didn’t really make sense no matter how much you thought about it, but it’s the one thing that repetitively plays on your mind. For some reason, it always gave you hope and a weird longing for tomorrow. But as days passed, you realized it really wasn’t enough.
Three months after Hyuck left and the dreams became lesser. You have already opened nine out of twelve of his letters, most of it was because you just wanted to experience his thoughts again. You miss him, but the new environment made it easier to get him off your mind every once in a while.
Six months, the dreams were rare. You missed him more than ever. There was one night when you were alone in your apartment, feeling shitty because you’re not making any progress on a report that was due the next day. You knew if he was there, he’d motivate you to work harder. You knew if he was there, it would all be different. But he wasn’t. So you opened the last letter.
“Read… when you’re mad or upset that I’m not there,” you read out loud. “As if this is going to change anything.”
It didn’t. He still wasn’t there. You drafted a reply, just wanting to let it out of your system. After reading what you wrote, you hated yourself for it. You crumpled the paper and threw it in your drawer, not having the heart to toss it into the garbage itself.
And by the eighth month… the dreams were reduced to none. You almost didn’t notice it, until one night your neighbor was watching the TV too loud. You knew it was his voice that was singing even through the thin walls. You’d recognize it anywhere. You realized you haven’t thought about your boyfriend much lately. It has gotten to the point where you begin to wonder whether it is still right to call him your boyfriend anymore.
You cried that night, feeling guilty. The aching in your chest forced you to open that letter again, the one you’ve read the most: read… when you miss me.
Your eyes scanned the words but you’ve already memorized it by heart.
“I’ll be back before you know it,” you read, muttering to yourself, and before you could stop your tongue, you said, “Bullshit.”
You scribbled on a notepad on your desk: It’s been 8 months since the last time… I’m getting tired. Are we still… us?
Seeing as you thought you’ve forgotten, you were surprised to dream about him again for the first time in a while. It was about the day he told you he was leaving. You still remember the barrage of emotions you felt right then. Those same emotions mirrored themselves in your chest that night, leading to tearstained pillow cases.
“Just… don’t forget about me while you’re there.” You choked down a sob. “Promise me.”
“I promise. I’ll be back before you know it.”
You tossed and turned in your sheets. Bzzt, bzzt, bzzt!
You groaned, your hands desperately looking for your phone somewhere on your bed to turn off the goddamn alarm.
You sighed to yourself, frowning at the sensation of the wet pillow on your cheek. “Fuck my life. It’s too early to be sad.”
You forced your eyes open to check for any notifs on your phone. It was just a bunch of emails from your professors and a few texts from your mom. But at the bottom of the list, received at 2:01 AM today… followed by 9 other tabs.
You blinked and then pinched yourself, trying to see if you were still dreaming. But you weren’t. It’s really there. With a deep breath and a fluttering heart, you tapped on the notification, watching it expand.
hyuckie: y/n!!!
hyuckie: i cant believe im saying this but..
hyuckie: i hope your habits are as bad as i remember :(
hyuckie: please be awake?
hyuckie: i really wanna talk to you, i miss you so much!!  ㅠㅠㅠㅠ
hyuckie: but i guess you’re asleep now
hyuckie: which is good!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
hyuckie: so i’ll talk to you in the morning?
hyuckie: goodnight :>>
You sat up, reading and re-reading the texts. It didn’t seem real. Was it...? Is this some kind of joke fate was playing on you? After almost a month of barely thinking about him, Donghyuck once again let his existence known.
You gulped, the guilt almost eating you inside as your fingers found their way to your keypad.
You: hyuck…?
You: is this real???? are you back??
You waited five minutes. There was no reply. The small hope that bubbled in your chest when you saw his texts dissipated almost immediately. Maybe you just didn’t want to be fooled that easily or maybe you were getting tired of holding onto something that hasn’t really been sitting fully within your reach for so long.
Still, throughout the day, you checked your phone more than you usually do. Even while crossing the pedestrian. Even when you were in a lecture. Even while walking in the hallway. Even when you were manning the cashier at work. You checked your phone too much that it annoyed those who were watching.
“Y/N, stop it. You’re being stupid,” Doyoung said after he returned from a round of stacking books. He has a habit of saying things straight to people’s faces. Usually, it’s a good thing, but it’s also very annoying.
You looked up, consciously putting your phone back in your pocket with a sigh.
“He’s still probably busy. I’m sure he just had, like, a night off and decided to text you.” He shrugged. “His agency don’t really give their artists breaks that much, especially since he just debuted.”
Doyoung sometimes works in the same agency as Hyuck. He’s always getting hired by people here and there to sing demos or background vocals. Even when you’ve only really heard him sing under his breath, it’s not hard for you to say he’s talented. Also, he gives you scoop on what’s happening inside Hyuck’s agency. They’ve met a lot. But as a favor, you made Doyoung promise not to tell Hyuck that you know each other.
Maybe it sounds wrong, but you weren’t really spying on your boyfriend. Besides, Doyoung is almost useless when it comes to updating you about Hyuck. All he ever tells you are his schedules, but that’s not what you wanted to know. Whenever you talk about him, it always goes something like
“How’s he doing?”
“He seemed okay.”
“Does he talk about me sometimes?”
“No, but we didn’t really talk much. He and his friends scare me.”
You ran a hand through your hair in frustration. Your mind was a mess. You don’t know what to feel about Hyuck finally reaching out to you, and for some reason, you wanted to explain what made him do it even if the explanation sounded ridiculous.
“He decided to text me at 2 in the morning, after eight months of nothing,” you said, glaring at him. “It doesn’t make sense. Somebody probably just played a prank on him.”
“By texting you?” Doyoung snorted.
You shrugged. “Why not?”
“That’s what won’t make sense,” he muttered.
“Nothing makes sense.” You sighed.
“And yet you check your phone every two minutes just in case he replied.” He shook his head. “Again, you’re being stupid.”
You were just thinking of a retort when a customer came up to the counter and asked if you had anything available on astrology. Doyoung only smiled at her politely but offered no answer.
“Yes, ma’am. You’ll find them on the last aisle.” You smiled at the lady. When she was gone, you turned back to your friend who was busy scanning some magazine he picked up. “I’m not being stupid.”
Doyoung snorted. “First of all, lame comeback. Second, yes, you are. You’re going back and forth between ‘oh I miss my boyfriend’ and ‘I don’t even know if I care anymore.’ And you’ve been going at it for months, Y/N! Make up your mind. You have to realize this whole situation is unfair to you. Third, you worry too much. Has he even seen your text yet?”
You frowned. You hate it when Doyoung is right, which is most of the time. It’s unfair that he’s always the one who makes sense. It’s worse because he tells you things you don’t want to hear but definitely should. You almost wish Taeil was here. Doyoung seems to be more reserved around him, though you’re not really sure why.
“He hasn’t,” you replied weakly. “But just to be sure…” You whipped your phone out again.
Doyoung groaned loudly, throwing his hands in the air in frustration. “And here we have an idiot,” he grumbled. “God, Y/N. Give yourself a break.”
You just rolled your eyes, continuing to navigate your phone until you’ve reached your message thread with Hyuck. Your eyes almost popped out of their sockets.
Read 8:41 PM
“He’s seen it,” you muttered, mostly to yourself. But Doyoung heard it, too. Even he couldn’t hide his surprise.
“He has?” He leaned over to look. “Why isn’t he replying then? It’s been a minute.”
“Baby steps. Doyoungie,” you said kindly.
“Oh, so now you're back to being a hopeless romantic?” He sighed. “God, you’re gonna’ give me whiplash. Whatever. Just tidy up the counter. We have to close soon.”
You nodded.
Doyoung went to walk around the store again leaving you alone by yourself. You left your phone unlocked, the screen still displaying Hyuck’s messages as you moved around and did your routine of fixing the counter and the displays in front of it.
You’ve arranged everything and checked the store’s valuables twice, yet there were still no changes on your phone except your battery has gone down 2%.
“He really left me on read,” you muttered to yourself. “Unbelievable.”
With a sigh, you locked your phone, giving up. Maybe Doyoung was right (again). Hyuck probably just finally had a night to himself and decided to talk to you, but you couldn’t reply. Fuck timing. It always ruins everything.
The lady from earlier came to you once again to purchase an astrology book. She smiled and said thanks after you handed the book back in a paper bag. You returned her smile, but inside you were questioning why people even believe in stars. You shrugged. Who am I to talk though? Why do I even believe in a relationship that doesn’t feel like one anymore? you thought to yourself.
As if the universe was determined to prove you wrong, your phone started ringing, vibrating against the wooden surface of the counter. When your eyes landed on the caller ID, you felt your heart drop to your stomach.
It took you a moment to react. Before you started dating, Donghyuck changed the setting of his ringtone on your phone to Stay With Me by Chanyeol & Punch. He did it as a joke to tease you, but after getting used to it, you didn’t bother to change it. You regret that decision now. The song played as if you were in some sort of romantic drama, awaiting for the male lead. It seems ridiculous to imagine, but it was enough to build the tension.
You answered the call before the vocals came in.
“...hello?” you said, your voice smaller than usual.
“Y/N?” Hyuck’s voice came through the speakers. You felt your heart clench just by the sound of it. “Hi.”
“Hyuck?” you asked, feeling stupid right after. There was no doubt it was him. But it felt surreal that he’s calling you right now that you just had to make sure.
“Who else, silly?” He laughed. “How’s my baby?”
Your face scrunched as you suppressed a scream. Why am I being like this? It’s just Hyuck, you thought to yourself, trying to calm down. But it’s Hyuck!!! You wanted to cry but you were still in public. A customer might come in at the last minute and see you bawling your eyes out. Even the thought of it makes you want to punch yourself.
“Wait, is it really you?!” You could barely hide the emotions in your voice. It was too much, a heavy mixture of excitement and nostalgia and happiness and for a reason… also sadness.
“Yes, idiot. Where are you?” He sounded a bit breathless. His voice mixed with the faint sound of traffic in the background. He was out, alright, but is he on a break? How long is this phone call going to last?
You looked around, suddenly confused, mind hazy. “I’m… where am I… um, I’m at work. Why? Where are you?”
“You’re still at work? But it’s 9,” he said.
“Yeah, we’re closing soon. Where are you? Are you on a break? Why are you calling now?” You wanted to ask so many questions but they’re all getting jammed in your mind at the moment. It doesn’t even matter since Hyuck isn’t answering any of them.
“Close it now,” he said.
“Close the store now.”
“Why? My friend is still arranging the shelves.” You looked around for Doyoung.
“Tell your friend you have to go home,” he said before letting out a breath.
“What? But the keys are with me. Taeil would be mad if it gets lost,” you reasoned. “What are you even—”
“Just tell your friend something important came up.”
“There’s literally nothing going on in my life right now. What important thing would ‘come up?’” You snorted. “Just—”
You heard the bell hanging above the door ring, making you jump on your feet. “Shit. I have to go. We have a customer. I’ll call you, please pick up later. Imissyou,Iloveyou,byebye,” you said as fast as you could, crouching down lower with every word, hoping to hide from the eyes of whoever just came in.
You ended the call, putting the phone back in your pocket, before standing up straight, ready to greet the guest.
“Hi, how may I help…”
“Hi.” The guy smiled, chest heaving slightly, trying to catch his breath.
He was wearing a black jacket over a plain white shirt that was tucked in his jeans. The look was so simple, yet he still looked amazing. Better than your remember. Better than he appears on TV. Something about him was different, you could feel it. He looked different. He was taller and his cheeks were somehow smaller than you remembered. His hair was a different shade of brown than when you last saw. He was still slightly slouched but something about his stance is more powerful. He held himself with more pride now. And rightfully so. But underneath all of those, you could still feel it. That familiarity. That sense of security that no matter how many things have changed, he still is the same Lee Donghyuck. And somehow, despite your doubts and overthinking, you just knew he still is your Lee Donghyuck.
“Hyuck,” you said, voice faltering. You didn’t think it was this easy to have tears pooling in your eyes, but it was. Fuck, you thought. “Hi.”
He let out a chuckle upon seeing your reaction. “To answer your question, I’m your important thing that came up.”
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elinorsmuses · 4 years
Am I back?
Short answer: Kind of. So I posted a while back about switching to writing more on Discord, and honestly I have preferred that lately. But I’ve got a couple people I write with who don’t use Discord, and I don’t want to lose those threads forever, so I’m posting here again.
Right now, I don’t really have the energy to maintain a full tumblr sort of presence. Basically, I’m unlikely to be posting a lot of ask memes, and there are some parts of my muse bios that are under construction and are likely to remain incomplete for the foreseeable future. (If you need more info, I’m always more than happy to chat about these muses), and I’m probably not going to be getting through all my drafts and actually catching up all the way.
I unfollowed A LOT of people. First of all, I know some people like you to soft block them if you unfollow them, and I forgot to do that. I unfollowed a lot of people who I’ve been mutuals with and never really talked to or written with. If you’re one of those people, and you go to say hi and notice I’m not following you, it’s still rad to say hi.
I want to say I’m open to new partners and new threads, because I always want to meet new people and tell new stories, but I also don’t want to over-promise. Once again, if you want to say hi, don’t let that stop you, but please don’t be sad if it takes me forever to actually get writing. I still have some people who I really want to get back to who I’ve owed replies for like, months.
What I’m saying is that I love writing and I’m tired and it’s been just a wild year so far. If you’re one of the people who I’ve owed for forever, or who I’ve talked about a starter with and never gotten to it, I see you and I love you. Like I know it can be the worst feeling when it seems like a mutual isn’t that interested in your thread, so like, I promise, I’m interested, I’m just very tired.
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spinblue · 4 years
—How I Run My Blog!
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if it wasn’t obvious already, I literally cannot shut the fuck up ever. I also never heard of condensing. That is a foreign concept to me.
Speed Basically I’m as slow as Sonic is fast — 
I wish I could do replies faster, but I just can’t? I have literally sat at my computer for hours trying to reply and it just doesn’t happen. I guess I gotta be in a certain mindset to do replies, but heck if I know what kind. awoienaoweawenawe 
I just don’t want to give out shitty replies, and in order for my replies to not be downright awful I gotta work on them a lot aowienaowie it doesn’t come naturally to me at all. 
I'm all for rping any lengths and mostly I just try to match my rp partner’s lengths, and try to keep in mind what it seems like they are comfortable with. 
Which includes not going over, and I gotta tell you, there have been threads were I have deleted multiple paragraphs of my reply because I realize that not everyone is up for multiparagraphed (borderline novella at times) threads. I just physically do not know how to NOT ramble.
That being said, if I ever do go off in one of our threads — you don’t gotta match lengths. Just give me your best shot and it’ll be fine, I promise. I’m never counting paragraphs here. 
Formatting is very minimal, with usually just one icon per reply. I try to reply more or less in order ( so I try to reply to the threads where I was given the reply first ) but, unfortunately my muse doesn’t work that way all the time, so I do skip around here and there. I apologize if you’ve been waiting for a reply for a long while, I promise it’s not because I don’t want to rp with you, but as I said, I am horrendously slow at all things. 
I don’t usually post starter calls. I lack the creativity honestly aoweianwe But also I am usually super behind on replies as is so ( though then again, that doesn’t stop me from liking other people’s starter calls and inbox calls bc I am a fool )
I do inbox calls occasionally, though! Usually when I’m lacking muse for anything in my drafts but wanna do something small. These can absolutely turn into threads and can sort of be seeing as a super mini starter? Though they also do not have to turn into anything more than a one-off interaction. Usually I ask if it’s okay to reply to an ask answer before I reply to it. 
My inbox is always open! I am horrendously slow at answering asks too though. Gosh I’m a mess. But if you ever do have something you wanna send me, please do! I’ll get to it eventually I promise aowienaowe
I’m forever accepting any and all memes that I reblog! If you wanna interact with me but lack ideas/kinda shy, sending in a sentence prompt meme is probably the best way to start, tbh. 
Though I’m also perfectly okay with unprompted asks being sent! Just send me anything and everything tbh 
I’ll always be open to turning an ask that I answer into a full thread if you want to! 
I’m semi-selective and completely mutuals only. I do wish I could rp with everyone, but as I have said for each of these sections bc it affects literally everything I do — I am horrendously slow. 
I also like to keep my dash clean, so I may not follow back if there are a lot of non-rp related things reblogged. I also usually don’t follow back blogs that have no rules, though sometimes I make exceptions if I know the mun is someone chill. 
If you break my rules, that’s an automatic I’m never going to interact, sorry. It just says to me that either you didn’t bother to read them in the first place, or you did read them but then decided to ignore it. Neither is great honestly. 
Please respect people’s rules. They are there for a reason.
Wishlist ( some of these I have threads for already, but I always want more okay aoweinwe )
I want to do a thread with Sonic signing for most of it, for whatever reason.
Someone calling Sonic out on his bullshit and how he has royally fucked up in IDW. I want someone to actually blame him, resent him, because those were actual, real, people that were all affected just because Sonic wanted to play the ‘good guy’ and believe in the ‘good’ in people despite having every reason to not. 
Sonic actually talking with someone and telling them how much he cares for them. I don’t see him as the mushy-talky kind of guy. He usually likes to speak with actions rather than words — but at the same time words can be powerful. And one day he’ll just have to let his friends know how much they mean to him. 
Basically give me anything with soft. 
I live for supportive Sonic who’s life advice is basically just to go for it. To smile, to run, because you do have the freedom to, you just gotta make use of it. 
I’d like a thread where Sonic can just joke around too?? Like he’d poke fun at someone, be poked fun at back, and just be general little shits together. Just a small silly thread for the fun of it 
A lot more but I have zero memory when I need it
Honest Note
Okay real talk for a sec, but I sit on replies for weeks, and yet I want to always create more threads?? 
There are times where I want to invade people’s dms and talk about ideas and such that I have and that I want to thread. But then I look at my drafts and see that I still owe a reply, and feel too guilty to ask for more aoweinawe 
Also I’m awful at one-on-one conversation. I just??? Don’t have the capability of keeping conversations going aoiwenaewoaieniaw I have no idea how to. So if we have talked and the conversation just fades out on my end, I am so very sorry and i promise it’s not a sign that I don’t want to talk with you. I just fail at human interaction aoweianwewe 
But I do want to get to know everyone that I follow. You all are awesome as heck alright. 
Other than that, know that I adore you all a lot. It’s a lot of fun seeing everyone on dash! Whether you are doing ic stuff, or ooc things. Keep doing what you are doing, because you’re doing great just as you are! 
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ducktales-wco-oo · 4 years
✩ How I Run My Blog! ✩
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Slow As Hell, for the most part. True, there are times when I yeet replies out because me and/or my muse are ridiculously invested in a thread, or inspiration instantly strikes. However, my default tends to be Really Slow. Something I try to make prominent to everyone since I understand some people prefer to not wait months at a time for a response- which is something I often end up doing. For a variety of reasons: be it because muses are fickle, it tends to take hours at a time for me to craft replies, I literally have hundreds of threads... As a result of this, I don’t drop threads too often either? Usually, they're lingering in my drafts, and it isn’t uncommon for a hella old one to suddenly be thrust onto the dash.
Of course, I never expect people to reply to Old Threads if they don’t want to, and don’t mind either way! I just like offering a response so I didn’t just abruptly drop it. :3 But yeah, I am a very slow roleplayer and while I hope my writing is decent enough to be worth the wait, I’ve had experience interacting with others who obviously prefer things to be quick and constant. Which I am not. Not delving into THOSE experiences because yeah- They weren’t the best. lol But I just want to make it clear that my speed does not equate my interest in a thread or in interacting with others. I am just a hella slow person who wants to write about birbs. 
My replies tend to get L O N G. I am not adept at short threads, and even ones that start out as really small back-and-forth replies are pretty much guaranteed to get longer on my side within a few responses. My muses like to get introspective and I like to get descriptive- I’m talking several paragraphs before they start to talk or even get to the point where they aren’t thinking-about/reacting-to whatever your muse did in the last reply. XD I’ve noticed that my average seems to be three-to-five paragraphs, but it isn’t uncommon for me to break the double-digits at times. Of course, I never expect my partners to match length and as long as I’m given more than a couple sentences in return, it’s all good. 
Whenever I add a new muse, I often post a Starter Call for them. They tend to vary in length, but are often two-to-three paragraphs long because I’ve tried to make single sentence ones and it never seems to work out. Occasionally, I’ll throw out random Open Starters when inspiration or a random idea strikes. These starters are free for as many people to respond to as they want, and are ALWAYS open regardless of how long ago I posted them.  
My Inbox is always open and I am constantly reblogging RP and Ask memes for it. However, again I shall bring up my Turtle-Like speed because my asks do tend to snowball. Right now I have 966 asks, so it’s no surprise that sometimes they can get lost in the pile. But I have a habit of answering random ones whenever threads aren’t working or I’m in a mood for something specific that a reply won’t give, so that’s why I continuously reblog things. I like having a healthy stash of stuff to answer when needed. So don’t be surprised if an ask you forgot you even sent is suddenly popping up onto the dash. XD 
I am semi-selective, meaning that while I am willing to RP with people I am not technically mutuals with, I won’t RP with everyone. I’m not trying to discourage people from approaching or make anyone feel poorly, there are just certain writing styles that I tend to gravitate towards and click more easily with. For example, if I notice that someone’s blog is filled with a surplus of one-liner back-and-forth, uncut replies, chances are I’m not going to follow because I don’t want my dash constantly cluttered. Maybe I’ll RP if they approach and give more than single sentences in our threads, but I’m not going to automatically promise to interact with everyone. Because I did that before and honestly, it’s not fair to me or the other person if I’m not actually enjoying replying to a thread. 
I don’t take graphics or Aesthetics into consideration when it comes to following or interacting. After all, what is important is the writing and the fun. :3 
I have a tag for random things that I thought would be fun to explore- #Got The Quacking Craze || {Wishlist}
But if I have to state some specific things, I suppose that right now I’d enjoy threads in some of my AU verses. Specifically, the Siren AU for Fenton because I LOVE that fluffy fish and it’s a shame that I don’t often get to write in it. Another AU that I like is the Robo AU for Louie, and I’ve rarely used it as well. Not to mention, his negaversion Louis is a precious boi who I definitely wouldn’t mind more interactions with. Oh! It’d also be cool to have threads that take place when my muses are kids- particularly: Fenton, Gladstone, and Mark. 
Or threads that take place during College/Teen years. Again with: Fenton, Gladstone, and this time Imma throw Panchito into the mix. Some College Caballeros, perhaps? Some Fenton-still-with-his-assnugget-bf Angst? Some glam-rock-phase Gladstone dealing with the jealousy of his peers, the still-lingering guilt of having ‘killed’ his parents, and crushing on his nerdy best friend all wrapped up in the facade of Teen Drama? JNFFJKSDFNDSF... 
Honest Notes: 
As well as being slow with Replies and Asks, I am oftentimes slow with my IMs. This is nothing personal against anyone! I just get overwhelmed at times and have the memory of a potato. Which means sometimes I’ll think I replied or just flat-out forget until days later. Plus Tunglr LOVES to screw with my messages, so more often than not I’m not even alerted of them until hours upon hours later... Long story short, I really do enjoy talking with all of you and love getting messages from my friendos. Seriously, I don’t mind if when I’m flooded with them. It just sometimes takes me a bit to gather up enough energy to reply coherently.
Random Side Notes: 
My blog is pretty messy and while I’m trying to whip up bios that are more than just notes for my own benefit hastily scrawled down whenever I was in a muse-adding frenzy, lots of info about my muses tend to either be in my own head or jotted down on the random Headcanon posts I sometimes throw into the wild. XD I also have a habit of analyzing the HELL out of things when I get excited, so long-ass posts like those sometimes pop up as well. 
Speaking of excitement, there WILL be times when I gush about the star of this blog- *motions at Fenton* and everyone must Accept That. Because he is my FLUFFY SON and I shan’t apologize for loving him with every fiber of my being. X3 Sometimes I’ll go off about other characters too, but more often than not it is HIM. OOC posts are a thing too.
Sometimes inspiration comes in bursts and muses take over the blog for a day or a few- like right now, how Fenton is dominating everything. My birbs are fickle bishes and I’ve learned to just let them fight over who is going to get the attention, then roll with whoever wins. This is why I encourage people to interact with as many muses as they want and start as many threads as they’d like. That way, no matter which muse is strong or what kind of thread I am in the mood for, there’s a chance something will Work With Me. Besides, I’m always up for new threads and ideas, regardless of how many things we are juggling already. 
That being taken into account- Please understand that I oftentimes don’t know WHO the Hell I’m going to feel the muse for or WHAT threads they will be. So no rushing or nagging for replies because all that does is make my muses drag their feet. :’3 
Tagged by: @soul-heart-and-beyond​
Tagging: Whoever wants to! :3 
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tactiician · 4 years
How I Run My Blog!
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Speed i’m slow --- if that much wasn’t obvious. while it may not have always been that way on here or any other blog i may have run in the past -- due to the severity of my growing anxiety and desire for perfection, it made it harder to get things done on time. perhaps it will get better in the future, but for now. i run this blog at my own pace.
Replies outside of the speed of my replies. i tend to use icons with little formatting. there will be periods or times where replies may be iconless -- although it is rare, it has happened in the past. especially if i do not have an icon representing the proper reaction of my muse.
Starters starter-wise - i’ve posted starter calls and inbox memes in the past in order to start interactions with new followers. however, i tend to keep starters short or within a one-liner scenario as most longer multi-para starters end up going unanswered. i spend a LOT of time on my replies and it can be a bit of a de-motivator when they go ignored. that’s not saying i’m not willing to write them, but for now -- i would prefer that bigger threads be plotted.
Inbox my inbox is ALWAYS open and i encourage followers to send things. whether it’s a question about the muse, or even me (the mun) -- i’ll always answer or at least try to in an appropriate amount of time.
Selectivity as stated in my rules. i am selective. this is to keep myself from being overwhelmed and drafts to a minimum.. 
Wishlist i suppose i don’t really HAVE a wish list. but i tend to enjoy threads that push character development. i’m not entirely sure if that’s much of a wish list but perhaps i’ll think of some scenarios i’d like to explore with sally eventually although i’ll happily write sally if you need such a muse for your own wish list.
Honest Note i’m a nervous bean and i’m 100% sure that i’ll always be more afraid of you than you are of me. i promise i don’t bite. i’ll let this be known here (as i’m sure i’ve mentioned it before) that if you message me (whether that be on here or discord) and i don’t respond immediately despite being online -- don’t take this as me ignoring you. i’m probably just nervous and overthinking ways of making a good impression. also ... new people are scary. D:
Tagged By: i stole it :3 Tagging: you ~
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hinabae · 4 years
slow !!! i’m .... honestly very slow ( on any blog i have ) and i do apologize about that. i think its just my attention span now has diverted elsewhere from time-to-time. (ง ื▿ ื)ว i like to take breaks and just let my brain mellow out, cause tbh my writing skills and creative process has slowed now that i’m a bit older and it’s hard to write with other stuff on my mind and i’m just like, fuck.  i do work / am finishing up school so my time varies, but i tend to procrastinate on everything so it’s also that too !!! i promise i’m not purposefully forgetting anyone; i hoard everything in my drafts !!!
it depends based on hinata’s mood + what kind of structure it is. one-liners can die off quickly, or progress into something more !!! sometimes i feed off of my partner and if i can write and vibe with them and their muse, writing comes a lot easier to me. there will be some days where i can crank out replies if i’m on a good roll; other times not so much. but, even with the same partner, i get too into my head and wonder if this is what she would say + what she would do, etc, so that often slows down my process, causing me to save it in my drafts and reply later. again, it’s never my partner’s doing that makes me slow or that i’m ignoring anyone; it’s all in my drafts and i just want it to be good enough !!! 
i’m not the biggest fan of writing one-liners only cause i wonder if ..... people actually want to write with me ...... and then i’m like ah maybe not .... throws it away lmao. but if i see someone with a one-liner, sometimes i’ll jump the gun and reply ( i’m just a nervous person and again, get in my head a lot !!! ) but i’ll do my best and try to get t out of my comfort zone to leave one-liners out in case my mutuals are interested !!!
always always always open !!! give hinata ( or rose if you follow me there too ! ) random questions or one-liners or whatever and i’ll do my best to reply !! some of it is saved, but if it’s been sitting there for months and my muse is lacking for it, sometimes i will have to delete it because i just can’t .... seem to answer it.  o(TヘTo) pls don’t let that deter you from reaching out !! chances are i wanna still interact and talk !!
i’ll admit it, i’m quite selective with who i follow and unfollow and want on my dash. sometimes, even if we don’t interact, i really just like your writing and i wanna read what you have got going on ( is that creepy ?? i’m sorry !!! ) but i think just due to being overwhelmed, i keep my writing circle small or circles already have people in them &i feel weird kinda inserting myself in. it’s not that i’m not open to new people / friends / writing partners, cause i’d love to write and talk and see what happens. it’s more so can our muses vibe, cause not knowing where your character is from can hinder that ( at least for me !! ) and i’m low key lost as to how to approach or talk with them. so yes, sometimes it’s easier to follow muses based on shows i’ve seen. sometimes oc’s are good too, i’ve rarely had any issues with oc’s whenever writing. please don’t take personal offense to this !! and please if you feel the need to unfollow me for any reason, go ahead and do so !!
i’m basic af when it comes to my wishlist. i’m honestly open to whatever ! i hope you don’t mind me bothering you with questions cause they will come up !!
i am honestly so blessed &so thankful to have the friends i have, after all this time. like, i honestly couldn’t ask for more. thank you for staying, for supporting me, for dealing with my slow self. thank you for loving hinata as much as i do. thank you to everyone who follows me and likes what i do, even if it’s not much !! i’m feeling super sentimental, but i really appreciate you guys wholeheartedly. you’re all wonderful and deserve so much !! (´,,•ω•,,)♡
tagged by: @thatdamnreno​ ( ilysm ♡ ) !!! tagging: if you see this omg take &let us get to know you !!
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trappingguy · 5 years
1. Themes will vary with this blog. Mystery Incorporated is PRETTY dark at times, so it’ll be what you expect there. To that end, dark themes, violence and maybe swearing.
I will try my best to tag everything. These will be under the format of swearing tw. If you’d like me to tag anything specific, don’t hesitate to ask through anon / inbox / im!
I don’t have any triggers but I do ask you tag all of your NSFW (sexual) content.
Mun is of age, and as such I won’t be writing anything of the sexual nature with minors.
2. I’m private, which means I only write with mutuals (this is for my own sanity / comfort; everyone’s cool!). I’ll write with canon, oc, and crossover characters.
Although I’m private, when it comes to following people, I’m selective. We don’t have to have known each other prior to write!
As for following back, I usually take a week tops to do so - but if you’ve hit up my promo, I go through that eventually.
If it’s a crossover, I have to know the fandom and be at least a little bit confident with it. This is so I’m able to work with you, our thread and have muse for it.
I follow the tag #trappingguy. If there’s anything you want me to see, like dash commentary, just tag that and x-kit will alert me of your post! I may respond to ic stuff ic stuff if I’m feeling it.
In that sense, I’m chill with dash shenanigans with most folk, not just mutuals!
Absolutely no godmodding. It ain’t fun, fam. If you’re not sure what this term means, do look it up. This includes powerplaying, metagaming, and other things of that nature. This applies especially in fights if they happen (I’m chance-based and hope that you are too).
I can be picky with OCs. But rest assured, if you’ve followed me/interacted with my promo, I’ll always give your pages a read.
Please don’t be offended if I don’t want to interact with you (and please don’t try to guilt me into doing so!).
I DON’T CARE ABOUT AESTHETICS. I just think they’re pretty. If you don’t use formatting or anything like that, or heck - even wanna’ just do iconless rp - I have no problem with it whatsoever! It’s you, your writing and your muse I care about!
3. Please don’t rush me for starters or responses.
PLEASE understand that I have blogs galore and my muse tends to fluctuate; this can mean I’m everywhere at once and can end up neglecting a blog or two. It’s nothing personal; you know how muses are!
I have a full-time job (and I’m trying to get into screenwriting in my off-time) so sometimes I’m scrapped for time or exhausted. I’m also an introvert who deals with anxiety and depression, thus that may affect how much / how often I roleplay. If I don’t get chance to respond to anything ic or ooc, it’s nothing personal! Promise!
Chances are, I’ve probably has seen that bit of interactivity and just haven’t gotten around to responding yet.
My roleplaying style being para/multi-para, I may take a while to respond. I hoard drafts like a dragon - it’s really just the motivation to write and ship those out.
I hoard asks, but sometimes can’t find muse or interest for all of them. If it’s been a month or two, generally assume I’m not interested / can’t find muse for it. You’re free to send another though!
I answer asks from anyone - personals, rp blogs and anons. I’ll answer non-mutual asks occaisonally but I won’t be making threads out of them
4. Shippings? If they’re of similar age, sure!
If I don’t happen to be interested, don’t force anything on my character.
I do not ship incestuous ships. Do NOT follow/interact if you do.
The ship has to have chemistry; I’m generally shipping trash, but if they don’t click, they don’t click, sorry.
This is a multi-ship blog, meaning there will be more than one ship without them conflicting with eachother.
If you want to ship and I already have a ship of your choosing going with a duplicate, please don’t hesitate to hmu! My ships aren’t exclusive and each character/relationship portrayal is unique to me!
Relationships are eternal until you deem otherwise. If you’re not interested in a ship anymore, just let me know!
5. Whilst I am of age, I’m not aiming for sexual content on this blog (and will not be dealing with fetishes). The occasional joke is fine, but anything beyond that makes me uncomfortable, and I typically don’t recommend pulling it with my character if you’re interacting with me. 
6. About reblogs…
I am not a meme source, and reblogs clog up my activity. Please reblog any memes you find on this blog from their SOURCE. The exception to this rule is if there is no source; go ahead.
I don’t feel comfortable with Personals reblogging my IC or OOC posts, so please don’t do that. If I put something in the fandom tags for whatever reason (bar promos), you’re free to, though.
This goes for my art too unless it has the tag ok to rb, but otherwise only the person I drew it for can reblog it. If you wanna’ reblog something, I DO put it on my art blog eventually!
A few times is fine, as it happens, but repeatedly breaking these rules will result in me soft blocking you.
I try to participate in reblog karma as much as I can, but always reblog from the source/a meme source.
If a post or ask is for you, you’re free to reblog it to save it though - but only if you’re an rp blog!
7. I’m a para / multi-para blog, novella if I’m adventurous and have time. Whilst I may roleplay crack threads with shorter responses, this does not apply to all threads I write. This means:
I write my replies as detailed as I can muster, and length can range from 1 paragraph to 6.
Short responses (such as one-liners) in more serious threads where I’ve written a decent deal can instantly kill my muse for that thread.
Whilst I’d prefer for partners to at least somewhat match my length, it’s entirely up to you - just try your best and make sure you give me enough to work with. ♡
If my muse happen to go nuts out of nowhere - like, overboard - don’t stress too much about matching him.
8. Threads! You can yeet asks, memes, and even starters at me if I’ve liked a call! I’ll obviously have my own you can like.
You’re free to like starter calls even if we’re not mutuals; I can check out your blog that way. I still only write starters for mutuals though.
Starter memes are the BEST way to interact me because they just yeet a prompt at my face and really help me write starters. If you see me reblog one, send one!
If you want a certain verse, lemme’ know! Otherwise, I’ll probably default to a post-canon verse.
If you want to turn an ask into a thread, go ahead!
I don’t recommend writing starters for me unless we’ve discussed something. I don’t like to leave anyone hanging.
Please don’t assume things about my muse. If you’re uncertain about things, ASK.
IMs are open to mutuals, if you want to do any in-depth plotting. I also have Discord if that’s more convenient for you!
For the moment, I’m sticking PRIMARILY to Mystery Incorporated canon with some other media sprinkled in. It’s just because Fred has a lot of media to cover and I haven’t binged his stuff yet.
9. Guidelines on mains and relationships:
If we’re mutuals and we interact a lot, you’re welcome to ask me if I’d like to be your main!
Please don’t be offended if I deny, though; I typically want to pick those I trust to be my mains as well as people I can comfortably write with.
Not limited to them! I roleplay with duplicates galore so don’t be afraid to hit me up if you want to interact!
Pre-established relationships are a-okay in my book; if you have an idea for a relationship between our muses we can work towards, hit me up! I reblog those pre-established relationship memes every so often too. Romantic relationships link back to the shipping guidelines.
Also, friendship/family/rivalry relationships are EXTREMELY valid to me - so don’t feel scared about asking for them!
10. If you have any issues, please let me know and hopefully we can resolve it!
Mun is actually super nice, so don’t be afraid to hit her up!
I am absolutely terrible with IMs and Discord. I either respond quickly or days later, depends on my mood. Social anxiety tends to interfere with this (and more recently exhaustion from work) - but honestly, if you’ve sent something, I’ve likely read it and just haven’t gotten around to it yet! It’s nothing personal; trust me!
Please leave me out of drama; I’m here to have a good time, as is everyone else, and it pains me to see people arguing.
This is a little different with callouts - if I see anything on dash pertaining to any problematic users, I will take it into consideration and rb it if I believe them to be harmful.
11. To retierate, I tend to follow those that:
Write para and whom I feel my muse would click with.
Seem chill? Tone can really intimidate me honestly.
Have rules and about pages! Knowing the boudaries of my rp partners is super important as well as their lovely muses! Sometimes rules are enough, though, if you’re going to write the about eventually.
Tag their nsfw.
Don’t have massive icons - ie, have rp icons that take up an entire text post like 500x500 or something. I don’t want to clog the dash and it’s tiring to resize them.
…also, if I follow your hub blog (provided it doesn’t double as a personal), it generally means I’m cool with any blogs that are attached to it.
12. On threads…
If you’re not interested in a thread anymore, and would like to drop it, please let me know! I’d feel terrible if we’re both not having fun with it or if partners feel overwhelmed with the amount of threads we have.
Honestly, unless I let you know, our threads have no expiry date - so no need to worry about me dropping them without telling you. I can just be quite slow sometimes.
13. Mun does not equal muse! Anything my muse might say does not reflect on how I think unless I explicitly say so.
14. Know that if I follow you, I WANT to interact with you.
I literally couldn’t care less about follower counts. I care about YOU guys and our interactions.
15. Icons.
I make all of my icons by myself, however credit for the icon shape and psd goes here and here.
16. Rules are subject to change.
Please like this post if you’ve read the rules! You don’t have to, but it’s of personal reassurance to me if you have.
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ofruins · 5 years
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unless otherwise stated, the psds i use come from either venuscommissons or plutocommissons;  the answered ask / headcanon / meta banner i use comes from interstellarresource;  the template i use for my mobile header and page headers comes from bleuberrymilk;  the template for my permanent starter call / character headers is part of template pack four by daria-morgendorffers;  the credit for the blog theme i’m using is in the bottom right hand corner of the blog;  and, finally, i will always credit the maker of my promo templates on the posts.
i’m a highly selective follower. i like my dash to be clean and uncluttered, so if i don’t follow you back right away or at all, please don’t take any offense. i also do not follow back personal / non -  rp blogs. if i do follow you, however, whether i follow you first or you follow me first, it’s because i want to write with you ! 
i’m the world’s biggest multishipper. i ship almost everything. whether it’s canon, or crossover, or canon x oc, you can bet that i ship it. however, while i’m willing to try out almost any ship with anyone, there has to be chemistry to keep me interested. and not just chemistry between the characters, but chemistry between us, as writers, as well. it’s hard to ship with someone who your writing doesn’t flow with.
i am mutuals only when it comes to roleplaying, but anyone is welcome to send me a meme. if i don’t follow you back, but you still would like to interact with me, then send me memes !  if we develop a relationship between our characters through ask prompts, then the chance of me following you back goes way up. and, sometimes, i haven’t followed back because i’m a little spacey and didn’t even notice you started following me, so sending in a meme is a great way to give me a little nudge. also, i’m willing to write one - liners to novella and anything in between. the more you give me to work with, the longer my replies will get. as far as formatting goes, i write < small >< sub > with some bolding and italic here and there, nothing too special. if you have a hard time seeing the < small >< sub > text, please let me know and i’ll change to whatever you’re most comfortable with !
p.s. if you’re wondering whether or not it’s okay to write a pre established relationship between our characters, the answer is yes. as long as we’re mutuals. i tend to prefer pre established relationships because it gets the awkwardness of first meetings out of the way. and we can always go back and write how our characters met at any time once we’ve developed their relationship more.
speaking of memes, i love them !  send them all !  if i don’t answer right away, though, don’t worry. i like to hoard memes like a dragon hoards gold. i promise that i will get to your meme as soon as the inspiration strikes. this goes for replies as well, but i don’t force myself to write something if the muse just isn’t there. i’ll just tuck it in my drafts for later and respond to it when i do have the muse for it. if you’re wondering if i got a certain meme, feel free to ask. also, if you’d like to turn a meme into a thread, please go ahead !  i find it’s the easiest and most stress free way to start interacting, so i love it when you do this.
i don't practice reblog karma and i don't mind you reblogging memes from me. so, you have my permission to reblog as many memes as you'd like from my blog. however, it would be nice to be sent one or two if you're going to reblog a lot because then it makes me feel like all i'm good for is a meme source. just be considerate is all i ask !
i am almost twenty five years old, nsfw will appear on this blog. this includes: smut, death, gore, and any manner of disturbing scenes. i have exactly one trigger  ( needles — please tag them or i’ll have to unfollow ! )  so i’m up for writing almost anything. i used to be shy and bashful when it came to writing smut, but now i’m kind of like /shrugs !  so, if you want to send in a smutty meme, go ahead*. just as long as we’re mutuals, i’m up for writing smutty scenes with you. but i also double and triple check your rules to see how comfortable you are when it comes to smut, and then i take that into consideration before i respond to a nsfw meme because i want you to be happy and comfortable. also, when it comes to triggers, i tag anything i can think of with “__ tw” but if there’s something i haven’t tagged properly, or something you would like me to start tagging, please let me know so i can do so.
*it's important to know that m/m smut if off limits for me. i'm just not comfortable writing it yet, so while i will write m/m ships of all sorts, smut isn't going to happen for them.
i’ll be straight forward and honest, i prefer free styling things to plotting them out, but this doesn’t mean i won’t plot. every now and then, i’ll reblog plotting calls, but you don’t have to wait for one of those to plot with me !  if you have an idea for a plot, or would like to brainstorm a plot with me, come at me. but keep my shyness / anxiety in mind. i'll tell you about my anxiety surrounding ims in a bit.
this should go without saying, but don't godmode. i don't have any "banned" faceclaims, but i'm less likely to take your character seriously if your fc is a musician or someone from youtube / a reality show. i know i shouldn't, but i, like all people, can be shallow and judgy at times. but, overall, there isn't much i won't write or allow except for mpreg. it seriously creeps me out. if you want our m/m ship to start a family, i'd probably love that !  but they'll do it through a surrogate or adoption or a magical baby appearing on their doorstep.
hi, my name is jordan. i identify as female and use she / her pronouns.
it’s important to note that i suffer from extreme shyness, as well as a handful of mental illnesses  ( bipolar disorder, depression, anxiety )  so it can be hard for me to interact with people ooc. plotting, for example, can be a real challenge for me. ims terrify me; they make my anxiety jump through the roof. sometimes, i can be im'ing with a person and be absolutely fine, and then for no apparent reason, my anxiety takes hold and i can’t bring myself to open the ims. this can last for a few days at a time. please, don’t think i’m ignoring you if i haven’t responding to your im in a day or two. it’s not you, i promise ! 
if you need to reach me right away for any reason, please go through the ask box. the reason it’s easier for me to respond through the ask over ims is because i can see a preview of what you’ve said in the ask on my dashboard, whereas i have no idea what you’ve said through the ims. i know, it sounds dumb and ridiculous, but that’s just how my brain works.
now, thank you for reading all of this and i’d love to be friends !
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hadncchoice · 5 years
TAGGED BY: @dulcisebrietatem & @paraliminal TAGGING: @kindheir ; @cursecarried ; @youthblamed ; @likeprotege ; @xonismsx ; @hiddensteel ; @forgedthief / @bewitxched ; @halfafreak / any one!!  
SPEED: i’m either fast with a reply or i am SLOW.  it depends on muse and where draco is taking me, and sometimes he is as fickle with writing as he was in school.  it all depends on muse and if it’s something he is wanting to do right then or wait.  sometimes he’s in the mood for one thing and not the other.  i can not and will not force my muse to reply because then it makes it feel forced and i want the best for the replies!!  REPLY SPEED DOES NOT EQUAL MY WANT TO WRITE WITH YOU.  
 i mean ...   replies vary.   they’re either pretty short but sometimes they are LONG and i mean they can get long and i apologize. no one has to match length and sometimes if my reply is short it doesn’t mean i’m not invested or anything just means ??   that was what i got out of it and who knows i may write you a novel the next time.  
writing starters makes me feel anxious because while i have a thousand ideas it’s also like WHAT IF THIS IS NOT GOOD ENOUGH and IS THIS TOO CLICHE?  so yeah, i’ll get to them eventually just ....  bare with me lmao.  first interaction ones are always the worst because i end up throwing out some nicholas sparks inspired starter because that is the trash that i am thank you for loving us anyway.  
i try to clear them out pretty fast but sometimes i let stuff sit until it REALLY calls my name.   you’ll usually find me answering an ask over doing a draft but you know what at least i admit to my problem so YOU CAN’T JUDGE ME HAH.  but honestly i love memes?   there can be so much developement happening in those outside of the main threads so like.   i always encourage ... sending in memes and such.  also if ya see me reblogging more memes and not answering my drafts mind ya business.  
for my own sanity this blog is mutual exclusive.   i used to be open to writing with everyone but sometimes that can be overwhelming so.  i’m not TOO selective i just ...  draco is fickle so if it seems like he’s replying to others and not you do not fret. i promise there will be a day where he is shoved so far up your muse you’ll get tired of him lmao.  
i want to explore more after the war.   when draco is walking on that line of who he was and who he wants to be and hellbent of becoming NOT his father.   i want to explore my modern verses, my marvel verse.  and as always, i am a sucker for the things tagged in my wishlist so !!  
i’m trash and i thank all of you for dealing with us the way you have.  i know it’s been a week and all, and i’m so glad you guys have stuck with me in this hard time.   i adore all of you and you mean the world to me.   also, sorry i tricked you all into thinking i was not a pile of garbage sitting in the landfill but it’s too late now you’re stuck with me. :’) 
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bloominghands · 5 years
                                  HOW I RUN MY BLOG
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SPEED.        incredibly, horribly slow, almost inactive. For a very long time, I’ve been dealing with severe depression that just absolutely saps my will to do anything at any given notice. It affects me just as much irl & As much as I may have muse or inspiration, sometimes I just physically can’t open my laptop and reply. And by sometimes I mean often. I also have terrible memory and can forget about things, to which I ask my partners to gently remind me about things if they want to continue something and I haven't replied in a while. 
REPLIES / DRAFTS/STARTERS.       pls see above. I usually draft every reply to me that I see but because of my mental health issues, it often feels like there’s an immovable obstacle between me and actually getting into my drafts to do them. So while I might 100% have every intention of replying, I sometimes just can’t. That is, until I somehow/someway receive a sudden burst of motivation (usually at 2am + like I have now ) Where I’ll reply to as many things as possible and then go back into hibernation. I promise I’m working on it. I desperately want to reply to more things, but sometimes it’s just hard. 
INBOX.      also like above, I hoard asks. I see prompts that I want to reply to and reblog them, but once I get some asks about it I’ll reply in my head and then never actually get to them and they get buried and I feel terrible like people think I’m ignoring them. I swear I’m not. I’m just terrible at physically responding. But eventually like I mentioned, I’ll get bursts of energy and respond to a bunch. I’ve still got birthday asks from February to answer send help.
SELECTIVITY.       i am mutuals only. PLEASE CHECK AND SEE IF WE ARE MUTUALS. It means that I have to be following you back for me to respond to you. (click your followers button and type in my url to the little search bar in the upper right corner and hit enter to check)
   if I’m following you, it means I want to write with you. If I’m not, it means I don’t. & I’m sorry but some people I just don’t want to write with/don’t feel out styles would mesh well/ or sometimes I’m just not interested in someone's muse. It sounds really harsh but that's a fact true for everyone, and it can really hurt when you want to write with someone and they don’t follow back, but you’ve got to learn to let it go no matter how hard that is, and not poke and prod someone about it. That's just gonna make you both miserable.
    i also wont answer IC asks from non-mutuals. ooc/anon questions about/for Robin are more than welcome, but please don’t send me in character asks if I’m not following you.  
WISHLIST.        i’d love to write more with my aus tbh. 
HONEST NOTE.        i’m gonna be fully 100% honest with this. I love shipping. I love writing romance and smut and angst and all of the shit that comes with it and a lot of my blog revolves around that. It’s not all I like to write of course, but it is my favorite. I like shy ships, passionate ships, toxic ships (tagged ofc) and can ship almost anything with Robin. 
   HOWEVER Despite trying to communicate as much as possible, I can get a little overzealous sometimes and because of my mental health issues, it can be hard for me to determine interest through text alone and I have had issues with that in the past, and I can own up to that now. Therefore I IMPLORE my partners when they’re just not feeling something, to not just go along with whatever, and to talk to me. I won’t be mad, I won’t try to guilt you into continuing. If anything, Sure, I might be disappointed, but that's no reason not to speak up. Your comfort is ALWAYS more important than my disappointment and my enjoyment. 
  & this, of course, applies to things outside of shipping but speaking specifically for now, if you are uncomfortable for any reason, please let me know. I can’t read someone's mind and beg that you communicate with me clearly for both of our comfort and enjoyments sake. 
  lastly, I love my followers.& Though my attachment to this blog has been unhealthy at times in the 6+ years I’ve run it, you all have always been so kind and patient and understanding with me, and I appreciate that more than you know. I’m trying to better myself and my life irl right now and will hopefully be getting healthier and be able to be more active in a consistent way. Thank you all so much for supporting me. It means the world and ilu ♡
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Of All the Nights
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lmfao i guess i’m back from the dead bitches. (this wip has existed for so long. i could not tell you why i decided to finally finish it tonight but AAA im so excited to be posting a fic again omg) amusingly, my last fic also involved late night baking. i hope you enjoy!!
Word Count: 1941
Read on ao3
It was 3:07am on the third of January and Nico di Angelo was dressed in nothing but a too-small fuchsia bathrobe, soaking wet, and about ready to commit bloody murder.
It was very possible, he thought, that the bathrobe contributed to his fury.
This was the kind of disaster that he’d recount to Jason later, with countless creative swears thrown in, though as he stood shivering and fuming outside a stranger’s apartment, it occurred to him that this might be one of those stories that would get more laughs from Jason than shared anger. Asshole.
Speaking of assholes, the door finally opened, revealing a very flustered looking blond man around Nico’s age. For a moment, Nico almost backed off on his prepared rant upon seeing how miserable the blond looked, but when another draft of winter air hit Nico’s still dripping legs, his scowl only deepened.
“What the hell were you doing baking at fucking three in the morning?”
The blond blinked once, twice, three times. He opened his mouth, closed it, and Nico was about ready to break his damn nose when he finally said, “Sorry… Do I know you?”
Nico had never had height to his advantage but hell if he didn’t know how to make himself intimidating. The blond shrunk back as Nico reared himself up to hiss, “Luckily, I was able to make it through 21 years of my life without meeting you before you had to go and nearly set the damn building on fire because of your insomniac cooking. Do you have any idea what kind of night you’ve caused for me? Did it ever occur to you that maybe you should save your incompetence for the waking hours when most people will be out at work anyways? Honestly, what kind of bullshit did you pull to make the fucking fire alarms go off? Did you pull this shit on purpose? Is this some kind of a joke to you?”
The man took much too long to answer again and Nico was collecting every bit of self control he had to keep himself from wringing this jackass’s neck when the response finally came. “Why are you wet?”
Nico must have reared up spectacularly that time because the man quickly amended, “I mean―! I’m sorry, that’s not the point here, um…” He peeked out of his apartment and looked around the deserted hallway. “If you want to yell at me, can you do it in here? I don’t want to wake anyone else up.”
“Like hell, you care,” Nico grumbled but willingly stepped into the man’s apartment. In hindsight, this really wasn’t Nico’s wisest move considering this guy was a stranger and Nico was nearly naked, but the blond seemed about as threatening as a frightened mouse. A tall, blue-eyed, frightened mouse who somehow had a tan in the dead of winter.
“Sorry, who are you again?” the blond asked, closing the door behind a fuming Nico.
“Your pissed off neighbor from two floors up,” Nico snapped. Unfortunately, the blond visibly cringed, looking like a kicked puppy, so Nico muttered, “Nico. Di Angelo,” as a reconcilement.
“Will Solace,” the blond introduced himself in return. He held his hand out to shake but quickly drew it back when it was clear that Nico’s arms were not moving from where they were crossed against his chest.
They stood in uncomfortable silence until Nico repeated, “How the hell did you set off the fucking alarm?” in as dangerous a voice as he could manage.
“I, well…”
Nico shot another fierce glare and Will didn’t waste anymore time in getting to the point.
“I was making pizzelles for my sister’s birthday and the iron must’ve broken because it was making a lot of smoke. It set off the fire alarm which went off throughout the whole building and… yeah. It was a mess. I’m really sorry. I feel awful.”
Nico didn’t doubt Will’s sincerity. The poor man was hunched in on himself with bags under his hands and his hands firmly stuck in his pockets. That didn’t make his story any less ridiculous, though.
“I’m sorry,” Nico said without a hint of remorse, “I think I missed something. Why the hell were you baking at three in the fucking morning?”
Will frowned at him. “You curse a lot,” he muttered.
“Why the fuck were you―”
“I was working until 1am!” Will exclaimed, which was the first indignant comment he’d made. “And I have classes at ten in the morning, but I promised to meet my friend for coffee at eight so I figured I’d just power through and bake when I got home but―” His voice broke off.
Nico’s cheeks tinted with embarrassment upon seeing Will’s face crumple a bit. God, please don’t cry. Nico hadn’t ever been very good at comforting crying people.
“Sorry,” Will said, his voice hoarse. “I should probably… I’m just going to clean up and go to bed. No more smoke. I promise.” He attempted a laugh to lighten the mood but it came out strangled and pitiful.
Nico was about ready to leave Will to mope when he spotted a picture hanging on the wall across the room. Will stood in the center, looking much happier than he did standing in front of Nico. The Will in the picture had a smile that made you want to smile back and had each arm thrown around a friend, pulling them close. He looked jubilant; the kind of person who you felt certain you could approach without fear. It was a painful contrast to the melancholy man Nico had met.
It felt very wrong to Nico that someone so happy could look so broken.
“What about your sister’s pizzelles?” Nico asked quietly.
Will shrugged. “I’ll have to buy her something on my way over tomorrow. Hopefully she won’t mind. I just feel bad, I promised I’d bake for her. Those pizzelles are her favorite.”
Nico considered this for a moment before internally rolling his eyes at himself. “Then we’d better make some pizzelles, shouldn’t we?”
“You still never explained to me why you showed up at my apartment soaked and nearly naked,” Will said conversationally, as he stood washing the dishes while Nico carefully arranged pizzelles in a tin.
Nico cleared his throat. “That’s a conversation starter I haven’t heard before.”
“Seriously,” Will said, grinning. “Were you swimming?”
“Why would I be swimming in the dead of night?”
Will shrugged. “I dunno, that’s why I was asking.”
“I wasn’t swimming.” Nico put the lid on the tin and turned around, pulling his fuchsia bathrobe tighter around himself.
Will turned towards him, too, eyebrows still raised.
Nico exhaled very slowly before admitting, “I was taking a shower.”
Will blinked. “At… three in the morning?” When Nico’s expression darkened, he added quickly, “Not that I’m judging! Obviously. I’ve taken many middle-of-the-night showers. I just… So, are you a med student, too, or what?”
Nico scuffed his shoe across the floor and grumbled, “No.”
“I had a dream,” Nico blurted, probably due to a combination of his lack of sleep and the way Will’s eyes had this kind, dreamy quality to them that made you feel like you could tell him anything.
Will’s eyebrows furrowed. “You showered because you had a dream?” His eyebrows shot upward. “Oh.”
“Not like that!” Nico said quickly, heat rushing to his face. “No, oh my god, no, that’s not…” And then he was laughing harder than he had in a long time and Will was laughing with him and he hardly felt embarrassed anymore. “No, it was a nightmare, not…” Nico tried to catch his breath. “Not that.”
Will tsked. “That’s a shame.”
“Yes, very disappointing.”
“So the shower was, what, to calm you down?”
Nico shifted, his mind flashing back to the dark, blurred images of a few hours ago. Bianca’s smile melting off her face, his mother screaming for him, a packed, dark room where people were crying and disappearing one by one, and he was next, he was next―
“Yeah,” he said, clearing his throat. “Basically.”
When he’d woken up, he’d had to spend what felt like eternity reminding himself how to breathe again. He’d been having more nightmares recently, ones so bad that he almost considered Jason’s advice to start seeing a therapist. I mean, shit, he knew college wasn’t doing much for him in the mental health department but things hadn’t been this bad since he was thirteen.
He tried different things each night to get himself back to sleep―whatever it took. One night he didn’t manage to properly get back to sleep afterwards; he just lay in his bed with the lights on and music playing, counting the beats of his heart as he dozed on and off. That night, after waking up, he couldn’t stand his own skin, couldn’t stand being trapped in his body any longer, couldn’t stand the way he could still feel cold, dead hands from the dream clutching him―
So he’d gotten in the fucking shower and made the water as hot as he could stand and then the goddamn fire alarm went off. Jesus Christ, of all the fucking nights.
“Must have been a pretty bad dream,” Will murmured.
Nico shrugged. “Yeah, I mean… Yeah. I was… Sorry for being so harsh on you earlier. I was still kind of shaken up, I guess. I probably wouldn’t have marched to your apartment for a stupid mistake on a normal night.”
Will grinned. “Probably?”
Will laughed. “Oh, here!” He handed a small tin to Nico. “You helped make em, you should get some for yourself.”
Nico opened it to see that it was crammed full of pizzelles. “Thank you.”
“Yeah, of course. I love the bathrobe, by the way―I never said.”
“Oh god.” Nico groaned. “It’s not mine.”
“Your girlfriend’s?”
And then Nico was laughing again. Christ, that was twice in one night. Something must be wrong with him. “Yeah, no. It’s my sister’s.”
“Ah. Well, for the record, my next guess was that it was your boyfriend’s. I don’t mean to assume anything.”
Nico sucked his teeth. “I don’t have one of those, I’m afraid.”
“That’s a shame.”
“Yes, very disappointing.”
Will smiled softly to himself and Nico noticed that he had a dimple on one side of his face. God. Nico really wished he smiled more.
“Well, thanks so much for the baking help. You really didn’t have to,” Will said as they walked towards the door.
Nico waved him off. “I’m the one who came to your apartment in an angry rage. I needed to make it up to you somehow.”
“Do you frequently get in angry rages?”
“Yes, but mostly just for the aesthetic. Usually I’m too tired to be properly angry.”
Will laughed.
“I’ll return the tin to you, by the way,” Nico added.
“Will you be showing up at my apartment nearly naked again?”
Nico flushed and laughed nervously. “No, I promise I will be fully clothed.”
Will hummed disappointedly. “Well, I suppose I can’t have everything,” he murmured. He smiled then, full and warm, and his eyes crinkled at the corners, and yes, Nico definitely wanted to see that smile more. “Goodnight, Nico,” he said cheerfully.
The door shut before Nico could figure out a way to respond. He stood there staring at it for a solid thirty seconds before turning and heading back to his apartment. When he got back, he decided, he’d put the pizzelles in a different container. He wanted to return the tin to Will Solace as soon as he could get away with.
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tobespecial-a · 6 years
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HIYA  FOLKS  WELCOME  TO  MY  BLOG  HERE.  GONNA  KEEP  THESE  AS  SIMPLE  AS  POSSIBLE  SO  LETS  GET  TO  IT.  ---  this  blog  is  dash only  for  now  but  may  change  in  the  near  future. 
first  things  first.  i  am  a  student  in  school  monday -  friday  from  1-5pm  so  expect  some  slowness  on  my  end.  i  am  studying  to  be  a  mental  health  and  addictions  worker  &  am  really  passionate  about  the  field  i  am  in  so  i  will  be  obviously  prioritizing  school  &  also  irl  commitments  over  rp.  please  respect   this  &  we  shall  be  dandy
now  that  thats  outta  the  way.  HI  THERE  I  AM  ES  !!!! (  well  technically  its  ESTELLE,  but  you  can  call  me  either  or  i  do  not  mind  !!! )  YOUR  LOCAL  NON-BINARY  GAY (  they /  them  pls  )  who  is  in fact  straight  af for  a  certain  gay  icon  zachary  quinto  ---  i  hail from  the  pst  timezone  in  vancouver  canada.  fun  facts  about  me.  ANYWHO  ON  WITH  THE  RULES.
this  is  not  my  only  blog  folks,  it  will  be  one  of  my  more  active  ones,  but  it  is  not  the  only  one  i  run.  please  be  patient  in  terms  of  replies.   i  usually  try  to  stay  on  top  of  my  game  but  sometimes  i  miss  shiz.  pls  poke  me  after  2  weeks  if  you  are  wondering,  i  may  have  missed  it  !!  however  it  is  likely  in  my  drafts.  PRO  TIP  THOUGH,  i  like  each  reply  or  starter  posted  to  me,  if  i  didn’t  like  it  there  is a  95%  chance  i   did  not  see  it.  so  please  feel  free  to  remind  me  after  the  2  weeks.  
also  personals  do  not  reblog  my  threads,  ooc  posts  or  anything  thats  not  a reblogged  photoset ,  its  annoying,  just  don’t  do  it.   --  i  also  have  minor  case  of  dyslexia  so  please  be  patient  with  spelling  errors.  i  catch  most  of  them,  but  sometimes  i  don’t  get  them  all.  if  something  becomes  an  issue  please  tell  me. 
i  am  mutuals  only.  please  keep  this  in  mind.  i  will  only  take  ooc  asks  from  non  mutuals.  if  i  am  not  at  least  following  you  (  cos  i  know  some  people  who  i  write  with  /  have  written  with   don’t  follow  everyone  cos  they  want  a  clean  dash,  but�� they  still  wanna  write )  then  please  don’t  attempt  ic  interactions.  this  is  your  first  &  final  warning.  i  will ignore  attempts  &  block  if  it  persists. 
do  not  follow  &  refollow  me  repeatedly  its  also  annoying  &  will  likely  get  you  blocked.  i  take  a  while  to  follow  back  sometimes,  please  be  patient. i  rarely  unfollow  so  if  you  see  it  happen,  please  poke  me.  however  i   have  the  right  to  ignore  it,  or  not  answer.  you  have  the  invitation,  i  just  don’t  have  to  invite  you  in  if  i  chose  to  revoke  it.  
disclaimer  i  probably  will  not  follow  blogs  that  romantically  ship  peter/claire.  incest  normally  doesn’t  bother  me  enough  to  mention  it, but  this one  just  really  is  a big  nope  for  me.  sorry  in  advance.  
gabriel  is  based  off  nbc  heroes  &  my  own  personal  headcanons.  at  the  point  of  writing  this  i  have  seen  the  first  &  second season,  i  am  making  my  way  through  the  rest  of  the  show  at  present.   don’t  worry  about  spoilers  though  as  i  pretty  much  know  most  of  the  major  plot  points  for  gabriel  during  the  series,  just  not  all  the  specifics.  ---  threads  will  generally  take  place  in  aus  &  content  i  have  seen  however,  until  i  have  caught  up.  though  idk  how  big  the  fandom  is  so  i  sense  a  lot  of  aus  my  way  any  ways  lol
i  have  no  plans  to  watch  it.  sylar  isn’t  even  in   the  show  so  its  really  just  not  required  of  me  to  view  it.  any  plot  lines  transpired  in  that  canon  will  never  be  seen  in  any way  on  my  blog.   sylar  reforms  himself  post  series  &  just  goes  on  from  there.  when  i  officially  make  it  through  the  whole  show  i  will  write  proper  headcanons  on  that.  
because  of  school  &  other  blogs  i  won’t  always  be  around.  however  i  can  always   be  reached  by  mobile  if  you  need  anything,  just  hmu.  thank  you  for  your  patience  in  this  regard.  also  fair  warning  i  do  have ADD  a  low grade  form  of  ADHD  so  i  get  a  lot  of  the  fun  extras  that  come  with  it.  please  respect  there  are  times  i  may  need  to  step  back  or  times  when  i  become  disassociated ,  its  been  happening  a lot  lately  so  i  wanted  to  inform  people  so    they  don’t think  i  am  ignoring  them.  i  promise  its  not  you,  its  me,  i  just  need  space.  FOR  THE  MOST  PART,  i  am  usually  always  around  to  answer  ims  &  messages  so  do  not  be  afraid  to  message  me  or  anything.  
ah  yes  everyones  fave  category.  if  anyone  has  questions  you  can  always  im  me  or  hu  my  ask  box  for  more  deets.   GABRIEL  IS  PANSEXUAL   BORDERLINE  GRAY  ROMANTIC  (  hes  between  demi  &  gray  )     
imma  start  off  by  saying  that   i  ship  syelle  as  well  as  petlar.  a  note      about  the  later, from  what  i  have read  &  seen  i  will  only  really  ship  them ( petlar )  during / post  the  wall,  which  at  the  time  of  writing  this  i  still  need  to  view.  i  would  be  open  to  pre  show  aus  to  start  at  this  point. 
anything  else  is  fair  game  at  this  point, just  be aware  sylar  isn’t  looking  for  anything  serious  really  during  heroes  canon.  plus  hes  not  exactly  a  nice  guy  so  like  be  warned  there.    ----  honest  to  god  if  your  interested  in  shipping  with  sylar  or  gabriel  (  yes  there  is  a  difference  )  pls  come  @  me.  the worst  i  can  do  is  say  no.  
i  will  also state   i  don’t  ship  sylaire  because  well…. shes  underage  ???? &  before  you  leap  down  my  throat  about  heroes  reborn,  most  of  the content i  have  seen  is  her  being  underage. but  i’m  not  gonna  accuse  anyone  of aging  anyone  up  for  a  ship,  cos  there  is  canon  where  she  is older.   i  am just  not  interested.  don’t  see  the  appeal,  i’ve  read  way  too much meta  &   just  don’t  see  it.  
it  is  also  worth  noting  that  post  3x01 the  second  coming,  sylar  can  no  longer  die.  he  is  immortal.  save  for  one  weak  spot  which  he  aint  about  to  tell  anyone  where  it  is. 
finally ummmm  i’m  22  guys  so  no  lying  about  your  age  to  smut  with  me.  i  will  block  your  ass  if  you  do.  don’t  make  me  be  the  bad  guy. 
pls  do  not  god  mod  my  muse.  you  wanna  write  him  ??  make  a  blog  of  your  own,  or  go  write  some  fic.  i  play  three  strikes.  first  time  is  a  reminder,  second  time  is  a thread  drop  third  time  is  a  partner  all  together  drop.  THESE  CAN  BE  EXERCISED  AT  MY  DISCRETION  HOWEVER 
also  i  think  its  worth  mentioning  cos  some  might  see  this  as  potential  godmodding.  sylar  is  not  a  nice  guy,  hes  a  type  of  serial  killer.  he  will  kill  you  if  it  benefits  him,  or  if  you  piss  him  off  enough.  hes not  above doing  it  just  to  prove  a  point.  he  will  hurt  you  if  you  make angry,  might  not  kill  you  but  he  can  hurt  you  if  you  anger  him.  so  if  your  muse  riles  him  up  enough ??  just  be  prepared  for  potential  violence,  that  might  follow.  ---  i  will  not  exercise  my  muses  strength  cos  you  think  its  funny  to have  yours  poke  the  hive.  --  if  you  don’t  like  this,  please  don’t  attempt  to  write  with  me.  my  muse  is  a  villian  for  most  of  the  show  &  i  won’t  be  watering  him  down  for  you.  
at  the  point  i  am  in  the  show,  the  only  people  who  know  what  sylar  looks  like  are  the  people  that  have  seen  him,  furthermore  only  those  who  have  heard  the  name  know  he  is  even  a  thing.  so  its  safe  to  say  a  lot  of  normal   savillians  don’t  know  him.  HELL  a  lot  of  the  heroes  don’t  know  him  either.  ---  keep  this  in  mind  when  interacting.  if  your  character  has  special  abilities  to  know  who  he  is,  thats  different,  but  don’t  just  assume  you  know  who  he  is  or  what  he  does.  
FURTHERMORE  TO  GO  OFF  A  TANGENT  i  am  not  gonna  be  too  keen  to  see  a  bunch  of  starters  of  people  begging  for  their  lives.  gabriel  is  a  hell  of  a  lot  more  then  just  a  random  serial  killer.  he  is  a  complex  character  who  has  feelings  &  issues  of  his  own.  hes  not  going  to  kill  just  anyone  for  the  sake  of  it.  please  bare  this  in  mind.  i  will  likely  not  reply  to  those  kind  of  random  interactions.  ---  by  all  means  if  you  wanna  plot  something  like  that  i  am  game  for  it,  but  please  give  me  the  heads  up.  i  will  not  reduce  my  muse  to  a  stereotype  killer,  cause  hes  not  & thats  the  tea.  he  only  kills  when  it  benefits  him,  its  not  a  sport  for  the  hell  of  it.  
given  the  nature  of  my  muse  there  will  be  some  triggering  themes  on  this  blog.  such  as  murder,  gore,  suicide, manipulation.  if  anyone  is  bothered  by  this,  please  blacklist  accordingly.  i tag  “  insert  trigger “ tw.  i  will  not  be  posting  heavy  gore  on  this  blog  in  visuals  at  least  &  i  ask  you  tag   it  if  you  post  it.  i’m  fine  with  a  bit  of  blood,  but  too  much  makes  me  a   little  ill.  writing  is  fine,  anything  like  a  photoset  with  heavy  gore  needs  to  be  tagged  for  me,  &  i  myself  will  not  be  posting  such  content.
i  will  only  be  doing  exclusives  for  ships  &  crossover  fandoms  at  this  time.  if  you  are  interested  in  being  mains  lemme  know.  i  do  however  require  previous  interaction  ic  or  occ,  preferably  both.  if  you  wanna  be  exclusive  i  ask  you  return  the  favour  otherwise  i  drop  the  exclusivity.  
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