#she's caught all of two bugs in 12 years I really don't think she's going to get the mouse
kris-mage-fics · 10 months
So we have a mouse in our apartment, which scared the living daylights out of me! Not because I'm scared of mice, but I just assumed we'd never see one in here. (We are on the third floor, and we've lived here for close to 13 years and have never seen one.) The landlord is going to bring over some poison but I'd really rather not use it. I don't know, maybe that's dumb, but it's just a little guy trying to live it's life and not be cold. I really don't like killing critters. Of course if we want to catch it that means we have to get something ourselves. Which is a pain when you live quite a few km from any stores that sell live traps and don't have a car. I'll have to talk to my partner and see what if he's up for a trip to the store or not, but he's at work right now.
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mofffun · 11 months
forecast recap.
(Speaking of which. OST vol.3 is due, right?! It's mid-October, 2-month interval is up!!)
Sept extras call: resistance is just a fancy word for refugees, luckily that belongs to Kyoryu's earth instead of ours. But my au isn't that bad ;) Basically my earliest guess was that either something happened to the Kings that they lost their thrones (or a group of people started rebelling against Dugded on their own <- less likely because you'll've to introduce a new leader character), and THEY have to start a resistance now because (a) puppet king(s) is in their place. The only thing we knew then was, Chapter 2 is happening. In the following month, the kings' defeat after defeat is not helping my overthinking! I should've just taken the costume clues on the surface and came to the direct conclusion that it's happening not on Chikyuu but Our Earth. Man I would've love to see my Dark AU some unofficial way ;)
Now that I caught up to Kyoryu ep36, and more obviously, Kingoh 33, I can make the connection for the Oct extras call. They are going to recreate/homage the scene where the crowd sing and clap to give the rangers power. The TV preview text says the Kyoryugers are going to return, so the brightest side is Daigo and Utcchy are going to show up in mid/late November when their search for Dugded brings them to Chikyuu. I don't think there's gonna be a Kyoryu 10th. They had to shoot Amy's scenes separately and Shiono outright said it may be the last time he plays Souji. Practically it's a bit late for the marketing to start if it's really happening, let alone the 20ths are having it in the coming year.
P.S. EP3 goes on sale 6 Dec, and usually an EP contains at least 2 new songs. So is the other "I'm Still Alive" for the Yanma focus ep? Please *pleading eyes*. December also sounds suspiciously late (coincidence with Blu-ray v.2 release?). EP1 was two weeks and EP2 a month after the first song. "Pride and Brave" will likely be reused for the Kyoryu-Ohger and if Crossover 2.0. I'm not very patient waiting for the eventual release of the full version of that dance... worst case maybe we'll have to wait until Blu-ray vol.3's release next March...
[Katou D] 22/10 ep34 Gabutyra
[Katou D] 29/10 ep35 Kagu + Suzume backstory (Minnogan round? Revived bug to sell toy?)
[? (skm)] 5/11 ep36 Rita
[? (skm)] 12/11 ep37 Yanm, Robo
[? (ymg?)]  19,26/11 ep38/39 Racules? build-up to 40?
yzy tweet 27/9 (28/9: kingchan) -> est. 5/11 ?!
Uch 182: interview: 11-15/9 (post 28 air), publish date 2/10
Uch info: Kagu past, Yanma/N'kosopa past, Sebas' real name, Sakamoto 2nd round
Extras shooting: 8-9/10, Studio (crowd singing but on chikyuu?!) -> on air est. 12/11 (ep37)
(32/33: shooting 1,2,6/9 -> on air 8,15/10)
YZY math gives us 36 + crowd cheers scene gives 37. Both "Action" and "Homage" sound SKM style but it sounds a bit soon for Sakamoto to return if he's just a guest director. The rate is possible and maybe 34,35 will rush the plot, but it sounds too much of a leap even for me.
I was hoping for Yamaguchi to return with Racles but it seems he got excahanged to Rider with Nakazawa coming our side. :p Well it's just next door, he could always come back to shoot the Husty brothers. (wait that sounds wrong)
Another possibility, it could be KHU calling the extras, seems like you'd need the head D to call that size of a crowd. Hmmm. I'm not giving up my Racles cult theory yet.
Uchusenn interview happened mid-September, the cast should only had received the script til ep35, but it's plausible to bump that number up by two since that Takamina got timeoff for 32,33.
YZY could be training early, and even though she said there's going to be another SKM round, what she trained for is written into the script by Takamina, so it's not a 1-to-1 confirmation that the SKM round is her FOCUS ep. It could've been the entire cast is all required to do untransformed action and she just happen to be the one that posted about it.
but oh god... if Takamina wrote Rita broken mask action...
Director list:
1-5 Kamihoriuchi
6-8 Yamaguchi
9-11 Katou
12 Kamihoriuchi
13-14 Chatani
15-16 Yamaguchi
17-19 Katou
20-21 Yamaguchi
22-23 Chatani
24-26 Katou
27-29 Kamihoriuchi (ko29,30 = Gotchard 3,4 Yamaguchi)
30-31 Nakazawa
32-33 Sakamoto
34-35 Katou
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butchbarneygumble · 3 years
Got tagged by @lucky-lacmac ! I always grasp the chance to talk about my comfort characters so HERE GO They vary depending on hyperfixations so I'm going with what comes to mind rn and thus they're not numbered wheeeeeee Prohyas Warrior (Mighty Magiswords)
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I just. I was just smitten by this guy from day one. I was in Florida, caught the first episode on TV. Wasn't too enticed by the show yet, but soon found myself dreaming of the characters. Gave it more of a chance when I was back home, and eventually got way too into it and it moved from Background Noise to Hell Yeah I Love You!!!! The show in general brings me so much joy but something about Accordion Man just... speaks to me. He insist he's manly and has a killer bod, but he's also openly fond of cute things like dolphins and lil bugs and is super motherly. I just love when characters defy gender expectations. And I love his design, his attitude, his voice, the sense of humour he brings, and that hair, man. That hair Sends Me. He's probably one of the reasons I dyed my hair blue.... not to mention both he and Vambre are just unapologetic manchildren who just try to have fun with their job and adult life. I really relate to that and wish CN would do more cartoons about that. I'm tired of children protags jhckgfgs
honestly every character in this show gets comfort character vibes from me (just please give vambre a break with the hornyposting she deserves so much more) and the fact it has like no fandom at all is criminal
Conker (Conker's Bad Fur Day)
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Imagine if you will, I was 6 years old or so when Bad Fur Day released. I had no knowledge of it until my dad bought it for himself from the bargain bin in a local Intertoys that is now gone. Playing it through a bit (sneakily) my mom caught me JUST at the moment he threw up during the opening cutscene. I cried out of secondhand embarrassed, mom consoled me and it went into storage until I was 13 Then I found footage of the Great Mighty Poo on Youtube and snuck in that damn game again. Now, I had actual knowledge of English and as a teenager, the concept of an adult game was just very exciting. I fell in love with Conker, but in a different way a lot of people do. I see him as a normal guy who's just having a really weird day and his greed ruins his life. It's poetic, and I want to hug him a lot. But also slap him for being a little shit. He was there for me in my strange teenhood, when I was exploring adult subjects when I probably shouldn't, but it's been good all the way through. Probably my gateway into the furry fandom as well. As an adult I find myself enjoying the non-edgy stuff more - and it reflects in the fan material I produce of Conker. He is still very important to me and I love him a lot.
Barley Lightfoot (Onward)
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Rarely was there ever a character I could point at and be like "me." Girls in animation were always just... There, or very girly to a point I couldn't see myself in there. Surprise, surprise, Renée, you're not even a girl!!! Barley is one of those characters that I saw myself in. I do not have a sibling, but sometimes do wish I had one - and live vigorously throughout media portrayals of them. He is me as my best self - supportive, loud, clumsy, outwardly scary but otherwise just trying to do the right thing. He's one of those "Do I want to date you or do I want your gender" types. Ian is a good boy too ofc, but Barley to me is especially personal. His choice of fashion and body shape, right down to his big jawline, I feel mirrors myself. However, where both Lightfoot bros shine is that I share the experience of having "half a dad".
When Barley and Ian were going through the underground river and he was talking about the last memory of his dad, I saw me. I cried buckets. My dad was diagnosed with ALS somewhere around when I first read about Onward's development, and when I saw it with him he was already paralyzed and wheelchair-bound. He was smiling all the way through. Fergy Fudgehog (Viva Piñata)
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Lilshit. Absolute trash animal. Why do I love you so much? I dunno. He's kind of awful. Whereas originally characterized as a scaredy-cat who hated the idea of parties, he eventually got flanderized into a nasty little so-and-so who would sell his own adoptive brother if it meant he could get a snack out of it. When he's not that, he's a whiny manchild. Yet he entices me. His colour pattern, and my fondness for hedgehogs... him making weird noises a lot. I like him enough to have had a role play account for him for a while that's still around!! Sometimes you don't know why you like a character and that's okay.
Luigi (Super Mario Bros) Mario (Super Mario Bros)
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When I was 12 I first got into Mario. And I don't mean playing the games and enjoying them, but actively into the characters, lore, and stories... for as much as you can say Mario has story. Mario and Luigi are just such pleasant looking characters. They shouldn't be cute but they are. They were my first crushes and recently I've gotten back into it and I'm just here for it. Mario and Luigi are cute and I should say it!!!!!I legit find them attractive, physically and mentally. Also shipping Luigi with Peasley gives me happiness and I hate teenage me for having bad taste and hating it.
Donkey Kong Diddy Kong Dixie Kong
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Donkey Kong is the Absolute, the Eternal. He has always been there in my life, and so have his games. Something about that ape makes me feel comfortable and happy and I just want to hug him. I love the lore of the games, the aesthetics - toony-yet-realistic, and it influenced the HELL out of my own art style. Donkey Kong is just a Cool Soft Gorilla who WILL kick ass. Diddy and Dixie were also super influentual to me. DKC2 is one of my most favourite video games, starring two of my most favourite characters, and my favourite aesthetic... though, in a fun case of chicken-and-egg situation, I dunno if my love for pirates came from DKC2 or other way around. Lars Barriga (Steven Universe)
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Babby's First Gender Envy When Lars' entire arc happened, I was in college, constantly trying to discover myself. I enjoyed the character before the arc but the arc just elevated my love for him to the stars. He's just a fella, so nervous about what other people think about him... later in the show you get an insight on why he's like that. Then, he's dragged to space, forced to confront his emotional constipation, Fuckin Dies trying to save his new friends, and is brought back to life as a badass pink space zombie. Something about that just vibed with me super strongly. And how Steven always saw the good in him even if he bullied him. I love him so much. I love them both. That's the main ones! I tag whomever wants to do this I'm bad at tagging jdkfghjd
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