#she's just here to make wisecracks and keep her idiots alive
duckapus · 5 months
Had an idea I'm gonna write at some point: Abyssal, Mira and Amy are working together to try and catch one of Worm's escaped Viruses (Amy's there because she volunteered to help test Susie's High-Code-Density stabilizer prototype, her and Mira used it as an excuse to go out to this one restaurant Mira likes in a Code-Level server, they saw Abyssal chasing the Virus past and Mire recognized its code so they jumped in to help), and it leads them into a Meme Cycle-based Universe that isn't one of the SMG Universes... but also isn't one of the ones you're thinking of (because the Celestial Twins would not let that happen and you know it).
Instead, it's the Ben 10 Universe of all things.
It turns out that somebody just trying to make some goofy fan animations accidentally stumbled upon the formula necessary for a Meme Cycle Mod. Ben's obviously the Avatar/Anchor equivalent (who else would it be?), and the SMG/MRU equivalents are a purple Galvanic Mechamorph named Rewind and somebody from a fanmade species (which I haven't come up with yet) named Zenyn. Rewind handles the Living Memes, Zenyn handles the dead.
Also, there's technically a USB Admin/Supervisor equivalent, but not in the way you'd expect. Basically, there wasn't an actual, physical External Drive in this case, so no Pod, and it turns out those are actually kind of important. So, the code that should have created a Pod but didn't have a physical template to work with instead connected itself to the Omnitrix. And the combination of the Pod code working best when it has a Program monitoring it and the Omnitrix having a rudimentary-by-Galvan-standards semi-sentient AI caused the Omnitrix itself to become the new Program. Sort of. The actual physical Omnitrix still stays on Ben's wrist at all times, but now its computer has opinions and can manifest the typical Hologram Body typical of Programs separate from the base model while somehow still inhabiting both, though this initially takes a lot out of her before she gets more used to it, and the further away from Ben she is the weaker her connection to the Omnitrix becomes (though she can get pretty damn far before the effect is noticable) and she absolutely hates it. She goes by Trixie because of course she does, but her proper designation is still Omnitrix.
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loudsuitlover · 4 years
Doctor Harry XXXI. Spanish Eyes
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It’s Tuesday now and I’m leaving tomorrow but it’s confirmed. Harry doesn’t want me.
I don’t know what surprises me. It’s true his change of heart was sudden- yet then again I think that’s what changes of hearts are- but the reasons behind it were not sudden at all. Even I myself could see them coming.
I thought the decision I took on Saturday was the good one, it seemed so clear and strong and mature and even noble but… Ever since I don’t have him I’ve had this feeling on my belly and I know it’s not the stomach flu… I’ve been trying to keep myself busy, I’ve been trying to study for my finals but all I get every time I sit down in front of my notes is all these intrusive thoughts about him, about the way I’ve treated him and about how much I deserve his indifference.  
I’ve tried talking to him. I’ve tried calling him, I’ve even been to anaesthesiologists’ office at the hospital but he wasn’t working and I don’t think he would want me to go to his apartment so that’s the only reason that I haven’t been there.
I’m thinking of going back to therapy. I think it won’t go to waste, but I also remember my therapist’s words I can’t face your fears for you, Indigo, I can only help you but you have to do the hard work and I think, really I know what to do now. I’ve been going to therapy for two years but it’s so easy to fall back on the wrong tracks… It’s just so easy.
I feel even worse than I did before New Years but just thinking how close that is… That was a month and a half ago… That’s how long it took us to hurt each other again… But that time it hurt a little less because he wasn’t protecting himself from me. He was protecting me from him so that was before he realized the one with the bigger problem here was me. But now I can’t help but to feel like the biggest idiot in history because everything Harry ever did or everything he ever tried to do was to make things easier on me so that I could be comfortable around him and I would let him in. He just wanted me to open up so that I could enjoy him, enjoy us. But I ruin that and I ruin that on my own.
I thought the best thing to do was accept that I am indeed heartless and that I need to stay away from him so he can meet a good woman that would make him happy but I don’t want to. I don’t think I can. Maybe it’s selfish, no, not maybe, probably or even surely; but it drives me crazy to think of him sharing his bed with someone else, to think about someone else getting to hear his thoughts, his laughter or getting the smiles he only gives to me.
I was stable before I met him, that’s the best way to put it. And then he came and he changed everything and he made me feel… Alive, again. And I got scared and I felt guilty and it was very hard to fight against myself on that but I want him and… I’ve seen bad people getting good things all the time, why can’t I do the same?
I’m being selfish, I’m being very selfish but since I don’t have him everything is dark and I want nothing more than his company. I miss his smile, his laughter, his caresses, his wisecracks, even his bad jokes. I miss everything about him, even the silliest of things.
I feel like I’ve always fought against this, against the idea of needing someone, depending on them… But I know I could live without him. If I survived losing Dylan, I could survive losing him- but why do I have to lose everyone I love?
Maybe I deserve it. Maybe the problem is mine. After all, losing two out of two might mean something. I feel terrible for even saying this but in this moment, I even wish I never met any of them. If I didn’t know how good life can truly be, it wouldn’t be so hard to go on without it.
The problem is, I know what it’s like. I know what it’s like to be love and to be loved, to laugh and to have someone who laughs with you, I know what it is to have double happiness for every good thing that happens to that person and double pain for every bad thing they go through and now that I had that with Harry… Well, I don’t want to let it go.
He���s followed me around before. He came to my house, he called me countless times, he even asked Adam about me so I am allowed to do this. Even Marie gave me her blessing. Adam thinks I should get him to listen to me this time but once I do, I need to talk to him. I need to tell him a lot of things because I will tell him all. He said he wanted everything from me and that’s what I’m going to give him.
I walk inside the cafeteria with trembling hands. I don’t know why but I feel like Alice in Wonderland when she was trying to open that door and she kept changing sizes so she was too small and then too big and she cried because she thought she wouldn’t make it. Well, I kind of am waiting for the white rabbit to appear and show me the way. But Adam’s text is clear last table, right corner.
I see his back. He’s sitting in front of Adam and with them there are some other people. I don’t know any of them but I don’t really care, I don’t even look at them for too long. Harry’s wearing a woollen sweater and jeans and I haven’t even seen his face and already my pulse accelerates. I stand next to him until he looks up at me. Adam smiles at me weirdly encouraging me.
Harry’s expression is hard to read but his green eyes, shinning and slanted, bore into mine. Come on, Blue, say something, don’t be silly.
“I need to talk to you.” I state.
And I don’t care doing it in front of all these people but he stands up and his hands hold my elbow and my back as he guides me outside the café. He’s not wearing a jacket and that makes me think he’s not planning on giving me much time.
“What are you doing here?” he asks with brusqueness.
My eyes study his face. His eyes are cold and hard and he’s never looked at me like that. Escaping from his hard stare, my eyes drop to his mouth and I can’t them off his lips. They’re the same. They aren’t mad at me. He clears his throat.
“I need to talk to you.”
“You already said that.”
Great, I look as silly as I did when we met. I take a deep breath.
“I… I wanted to tell you how sorry I am and how much I-”
“Okay, thank you, Indigo, you can leave now. I need to get back to that conversation.”
I try to swallow the lump in my throat at his hardness and I frown because I don’t want to cry. There are so many things I came here to say so why are they fleeing my mind now? When I don’t say anything else, he turns around to get back inside but my hand reaches his elbow and I stop him. He gets rid of my grip in a second.
“Is it more important than me? Than us?”
My question makes him turn around.
“There’s no us.”
“Yes, there is.” My eyes get teary but it doesn’t bother him in the slightest.
His lips pursed and he tilts his neck like he’s done so many times before. It gets to me, because he does that gesture a lot and it comes natural to him and I start thinking he’s not forcing anything. He just really doesn’t feel like he used to.
“You can leave, Indigo.”
“Don’t call me Indigo.” My chest moves rapidly and his eyes drop to it once before he looks back at me. “I won’t leave until you forgive me.”
“You had an attack of conscience, eh?”
He’s so harsh and so unfaced by my distress but I don’t care. I came here to be listened to so I’m not going to hold anything back.
“No, it’s a lot worse than that.” I shake my head. “I need you to forgive me, Harry.” My voice croaks.
I know my confessions takes him by surprise because his eyes soften and he investigates mine.
“Well that’s not how this works. You don’t ask for forgiveness so you don’t feel guilty anymore.”
“That’s not why I’m asking you for forgiveness. I don’t want to hurt you, H.”
“It’s Harry.”
That ends me. I truly feel like nothing to him and I want to cry but he’s still standing there.
“And if you don’t want to hurt me then you should just leave.”
I look down and nod. I can’t stand the hardness in his eyes anymore. He doesn’t care. He doesn’t care.
The second the door closes behind him I turn around and start walking away. I walk fast towards the road, begging for any taxi to be there to take me home. I’m leaving tomorrow morning and I didn’t get to say anything I wanted to say to him but I know it’s over because I know when I come back, he will not even think of me anymore.
Adam gets to me out of breath and the moment I look into his eyes, he wraps his arms around me. I hide my face on his chest and cry and he caresses my hair and clicks his tongue.
“I’m so sorry.” He says. “I didn’t think he was going to react like that. He’s so stubborn.”
“It’s over.” I say.
“He’s such an idiot.”
“No, Adam, I was a bitch to him. I deserve this.”
He shushes me.
“I know he’s going to regret this, Indie. But I can’t ask you to forgive him. He did this to himself.”
“I would forgive him. I would do anything he wanted me to do. I just want for him to know I do love him.”
He clicks his tongue again and sighs.
“You didn’t tell him.”
“No.” I sob. “He told me to leave and he was just… He didn’t want to listen to me.”
Adam holds my arms and looks into my eyes.
“What time are you leaving tomorrow?” He asks me.
“9 am.”
His blue eyes set on mine but I know he’s not actually seeing me. He seems deep in thought.
“Why don’t you write to him?” He whispers. “I know it sounds weird but I think your whole problem is that you don’t speak enough so maybe if you explain everything to him so he can understand… I can give the letter to him, if you want.”
I think it’s stupid but what other option do I have?
I damn the moment I thought about taking these days off. I’ve never needed work as much as I do now. Blue left for Capitol in the morning and as much as I’ve tried, I haven’t managed to get her out of my head.
I can’t stop thinking about her. It’s almost like I can hear her laughter when everything’s silent and it’s silly because we’ve only been apart for four days. I am starting to act like a teenager and my thoughts have become fucking immature as well.
I think the fact that I’ve never felt this way about anyone before is starting to take its toll on me but it’s this feeling, like this hole in my chest, and my childish, desperate mind is playing tricks on me as if I would never be able to forget about her. I might not, but I know for a fact it won’t hurt like this forever.
I put down my glass of water and walk towards the door. I’m not expecting anyone, especially now that Blue’s gone, even though she didn’t come here these past few days. I know she’s been to the hospital though and well, she did find me at the cafeteria yesterday.
Olivia bursts into my apartment the second I open the door and she only stops when she reaches the living room. She turns around and her hard expression takes me off guard.
“We need to talk.” She says.
I leave my hands in the air and raise my eyebrows at her because really there’s nothing I can do but to listen now. She doesn’t sit and neither do I. She’s standing next to the window and I rest my hands on the back of the couch and look at her.
She’s fierce, I’ll give her that, coming here on her own to give me a lecture because I know that’s what she came here to do.
“You are acting mean.” She starts.
“Excuse me?”
She takes a deep breath and from her posh expensive purse, she gets a folded piece of paper out and opens it. I stand there speechless as she clears her throat and starts reading.
“Amalia wanted me to speak today. She said that was what Dylan would have wanted.”
My blood freezes on my veins but my pulse accelerates. Olivia keeps on reading and I can almost see Blue, only younger and less strong, shaking as she held that piece of paper and read on her boyfriend’s memorial.
“I don’t think I have to explain how Dylan was to anyone in this room. It only took meeting him once to remember him forever. I know I’m only 18 years old and to some of you I might just be an upset girl. I know there are people who think me too young to know what love is and I am aware probably all I know about life can be told over a cup of tea but I know it takes a lifetime for some people to find the person they were meant to be with and I am one of those lucky few that found him. Dylan was my soulmate. Plain and simple and now that he’s gone, I fear there will always be a hole in my heart that will never heal.
I know I’m supposed to say something comforting. I’m supposed to tell a funny story about him so that we can all feel, even if it’s for just ten seconds, that everything will be okay but the truth is, I stand here and I feel the weight of his absence and I know I will miss Dylan till the day I die so I can’t help thinking that everything after this will just be a wait until I see him again.”
Olivia’s voice trembles and she folds the paper and keeps it back on her purse before her blue eyes look into mine.
“This is what she’s been through.” She nods her head. “And still, she’s heard me cry over stupid things for years and she’s listened to me and she’s been there for me every single time. And she’s been there for Marie and for Jason… She’s even been there for you.” She frowns. “Can I smoke?”
Normally I would say no. But she looks like she could go crazy so I nod. She still opens the window and get her hand out as she holds the cigarette. She puffs the smoke out the window too.
“She’ll kill me if she even knows I’m here.” She says. “But I don’t have any siblings and I love her.” Her lips tremble so she takes a drag of her cigarette. “And… I know her and I know she’s scared and she feels guilty, she hasn’t said this to me but damn myself if I don’t know her well enough to know that’s what’s torturing her. She feels guilty because she was so sure Dylan was it for her and she thought that was her way of honouring him and now she doesn’t want to hurt him but he’s dead and she’s alive and so are you.”
She finishes her cigarette and walks towards the kitchen, putting the fag-end down on the sink before she throws it on the bin.
“And now I’m leaving because I have a dinner to get to.”
I just nod and like that she leaves.
Well, that was a first. I thought Marie was the one I had to be afraid of, Jason even but it turns out Olivia’s got weapons pointing at me too. I smirk to myself. Blue’s got a whole army, doesn’t she?
Sitting down on the couch, I grab the piece of paper Adam gave me in the afternoon. I rest my back against the cushion and open it.
“Dear Harry,
After pursuing you unsuccessfully, I have no other choice than writing everything I want to say to you. I just want you to read what I came to tell you earlier and couldn’t.
First: I am sorry. I know I’ve said this times enough for you to think I don’t even mean it, but every single time I’ve said it I promise I have. I know sometimes I’ve talked to you terribly, I know I haven’t been easy, that I’ve been cold and I’ve pushed you away more than you ever deserved and I don’t know what excuse I could give to you. I guess you are right, I do get scared. It scares me how you make me feel, it scares me how much you really mean to me, it scares me to know I was wrong when I thought I was never going to feel alive again.
When I came to talk to you today, I still thought it wasn’t too late so I wanted to apologize and to tell you all of this, how truly sorry I am; but I saw it in your eyes, that it’s useless now. I pushed too far and I lost you and as much as it hurts, I gotta tell you there’s a part of me that’s happy you left because, like I’ve told you before, I think you’re a brilliant, caring, kind, funny and genuinely good man and I think you deserve the best. So, even though the selfish part of me is heartbroken that I won’t have you again, the other part of me (the good one, for I swear there’s a good one too) is happy you saw that too. It’s obvious I am not the best, but when I was with you, you made me feel so desired, wanted and loved I thought I could be.
I guess what I am trying to say now is when I say I’m sorry now, I’m not even asking for your forgiveness but I hope one day, even if I never get to know it, you’ll be able to forgive me. I don’t want to live knowing one of the best people in the world hates me.
Second: I love you. I love you in a way that scares me because I never thought this feeling would resurrect in my heart and the fact that you brought it back to life means I will always be grateful to you. It’s been so long and it feels so foreign, I don’t even know how to handle it and that’s probably why I’ve acted so crazy around you.
Third: I wanted to ask you to give me another chance because I really believed in us and, after torturing myself for years, you made me believe I actually deserve to be happy, even though now I’m not so sure about that. But I know you do. You are good, simple as that and I feel lucky that I got to be with you for as long as I did.
The last thing: I will probably give Adam the notes you gave me so he can give them back to you and, if you want, you can keep the sweater you got me too. I love it and your notes are great, but they would remind me too much of you and I am done torturing myself.
I am sorry I let you down but thank you for everything. I really wish this would have worked.
If happiness exists, I really hope you get it.
All my love,
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ragingbookdragon · 4 years
I Meet Where It All Began PT. 1
A Shay Cormac x Reader One-Shot
Word Count: 1,833 Warnings: Violence, Explicit Language
Author’s Note: Honestly, this is something I keep thinking about so I finally assumed I was supposed to write it out lol. Enjoy! -Thorne 
She ran her finger around the rim of her tankard, watching as the rum inside rippled, resisting the urge to move on the barstool again. Every time she shifted, the fabric of her pants rubbed against her wound, and she pressed a hand to her hip, fingers gently prodding the bandage she’d hastily tied earlier. Two hours she’d been back in New York and already she was running from assassins again. A disgruntled sigh left her lips and she moved her hand from her hip to the bar, scratching a groove into the wooden top. A figure sat down next to her, and for a moment, she assumed it was the man she was waiting for, but the scent of sea salt and oak reached her nose, and she drew her gaze from the ratty flag above the bar to look at him out of the corner of her eyes. He wasn’t looking back at her, gesturing to the bartender, accented voice, one she recognized as Irish, calling, “A pint for me and-” She watched as he leaned over, glancing into her tankard before adding, “And fill up the lass’s rum too!” The bartender acquiesced, filling up her drink before he handed the man a pint, wandering off towards another patron. The man didn’t say anything, simply taking a drink of his beer, and she decided to breach the silence between them, murmuring,
           “Is this the game you play with all your targets? Buy ‘em a round then stab ‘em?” The man chuckled.
           “Game? I never play games with beautiful lasses like yourself.” She hummed, switching the tankard to her other hand, leaving her dominant hand free in case of defense as she observed,
           “Small bar. Too crowded. Not enough space for us to fight. Too many innocent bystanders.” He went silent and she turned her head, fully taking in his image. Coffee eyes narrowed as they peered at her, and she quipped, “Can you seriously see with that mop on your head?” His brows furrowed and he reached up, running a hand through his shaggy brown hair.
           “My hair’s not that bad.” She snorted, taking another sip of her drink.
           “Just keep telling yourself that babe.” The tankard set against the bar and she let her voice become carefree as she threatened, “I know who you work for, and if you’re here, you know who I work for.” She stared him down. “You’re new to your little band, nowhere near as experienced as I am…do you really think you can take me on?” She watched as his hand that wielded his hidden blade twitched and before he could move, she jerked forward, one hand clapping his wrist to the bar, the other drawing a dagger to his torso. His eyes went wide as reality caught up with him and she quipped, “I’ll say it again, you know the man I work for, so you know exactly how experienced I am. With that being said, I don’t think it’s fair to slay people who’ve barely started their careers. So, we don’t really need to take this outside…we can simply let bygones be bygones and you can leave with your life. Sound good?” She watched his jaw clench, but he swallowed thickly and nodded, audibly sighing with relief as she pulled away, sheathing her dagger. He stood from his seat and turned, but stopped when she grabbed his wrist, and he looked down at her. “This is your only freebie assassin. Come after me again and I will kill you.” The Irish assassin yanked his arm back, spitting,
           “My name is Shay Cormac, and I will come for you again.” She narrowed her eyes, feeling a smile cross her lips as she replied,
           “(Y/N) (L/N). And I wait for your return.” He gave her one last glare before stalking off, and a minute later, another man took his spot, pushing the pint of beer away.
           “Who was your friend (Y/N)?” She huffed as she reclined against the bar, elbows resting atop it.
           “Some new assassin Achilles has recruited.” The man sighed.
           “And you let him walk away?” (Y/N) chuckled, glancing over at him.
           “Meh, he’s a shit assassin anyway. I knew he was here the moment he walked in.”
           “How so?” The man gestured for a beer and she grabbed her rum, taking a swig.
           “Most people, especially the rare men who aren’t idiots, leave the extremely well-armed woman alone when she’s drinking at the bar.” The corners of his mouth rose, but they quickly dropped, and she remarked, “Oh I know that look.” Leaning over, she nudged him in the side, the side glare he tossed her only egging her on. “That’s your ‘trouble in paradise’ look.” He scoffed.
           “I do not have ‘looks’ and you do not know them.” (Y/N) simply hummed, watching as he stared into his drink.
           “You hoping you can drown in that beer, Haytham?” When he didn’t respond, she murmured, “She found out you lied to her about Braddock, didn’t she?” He let out a grunt.
           “I don’t want to talk about it.” A sadistic grin crossed her lips and she downed the last of her rum, waving the empty tankard to the bartender.
           “Oh, you don’t, but I sure as hell do.”
           “Of course you do. You’re nothing if not nosy.” (Y/N) nodded as the bartender poured her another round, and she asked,
           “Can you fix it?” Haytham frowned and responded,
           “She told me if I returned that she’d rip my heart out with her bare hands and feed it to the wolves, so, no…I can’t fix it.” She nodded knowingly, quipping,
           “Gotta give her points for her restraint. If I was her, I probably would’ve done it anyway.” (Y/N) looked over at him and rested a hand on his forearm, drawing his eyes to her. “Look to the future Haytham. Perhaps the best is yet to come.” He tried to form a smile but only managed a grimace, and she joked, “Or maybe you lied away the best thing you’ll ever have. Whatever comes, you’ll still have me.” This time, a smile did form, and he chuckled.
           “You can’t offer me sympathies without the wisecracks, can you (Y/N)?” She shrugged, pulling her hand away.
           “I told you not to lie to Ziio. I told you it wasn’t wise to lie to a woman like her, but you ignored me and did so anyway. You’ve made this bed my dear. You don’t get to complain about resting in it.” Haytham’s face pinched and he turned to her, the anger evident in his voice as he bickered,
           “I do not need you to tell me what I already know.” (Y/N) matched his glare as she retorted,
           “Someone has to. You’ve grown a big head since coming over here and if you want to stay alive, you need to be knocked down a few pegs. No one else in this godforsaken order has the balls to talk back to you save me, so do me a favor and man up, because until I make you feel as worthless as you made Ziio feel, I’m-” She was suddenly cut off as he grabbed her arm, voice raised as he shouted,
           “I already feel worthless about what-” Sensing the eyes of the other patrons on him, Haytham went silent, taking a deep breath before calmly stating, “I already feel worthless (Y/N). I haven’t stopped thinking about it since I left our camp.” Eyeing him a moment, she pursed her lips and nodded.
           “Then I’ll relent…for now.” Haytham grunted and she waved the bartender over, handing the empty tankard to him. “Give him something stronger, and something to eat for us both.” As he walked away, Haytham rose, saying,
           “There are other things I need to attend to.” (Y/N) huffed and drug him back down.
           “Sit down. Tonight you’re going to drown your sorrows in ale and good food and complain to your best friend about every terrible thing in your life.”
           “Are you counted in the terrible things?” She snorted, digging into the food the bartender set in front of her.
           “Excuse you, I’m the only ray of sunshine you’ve got left.” Haytham snorted as he began to eat.
           “I don’t know about sunshine…you’re more of a thunderstorm.” (Y/N) smiled at him.
           “I’ll take what I can get Hayth.”
           “You know I hate it when you call me that.”
           “And I don’t care. Tell me something I don’t know.” A silence encompassed them, and she realized he had switched moods, the Grandmaster of the Templar Order coming out as he stated,
           “What’s happened is in the past, and we need to look forward to the future.” She nodded and he continued. “Boston is secure, we’ve made sure no assassins can come in, but here…what do you know about New York?” (Y/N) scoffed as she bit into the roll and divulged,
           “I didn’t get a hundred feet in here when I was attacked by a group of assassins.” She raised her shirt, showing the bandaged wound. “One of the sonsabitches stabbed me in the side, which I’m still pissed off at.” She swallowed and added, “New York? Haytham, we can’t touch New York. This city is in their hands, from the shopkeepers even down to the gangs.” He thought on her information before asking,
           “Do you think you can get in and disorganize them?” (Y/N) reached up, scratching at the back of her neck as she offered,
           “I might? Guerilla warfare is the best I can do. Get a group in, mess up some operations, and get out. But…if I do that, then they’ll just pick up and move to another location. If you want me to secure New York like we have Boston, I need men, and a lot of them. Or, just a few well-trained soldiers.”
           “Would redcoats do?” She waved a hand, dismissing,
           “Those jackasses couldn’t pour piss out of a boot even if the instructions were written on the heel. I need thoroughly trained men, not boys pretending to be someone worthy of attention.” Haytham nodded, then he paused, noticing the lack of sound in the tavern.
           “It’s quiet.” Having noticed it too, (Y/N) muttered,
           “Indeed…much to quiet for a bar at eight on a Friday night.” A quick glance to the bartender beginning to cower behind the bar made her suspicious. Taking a look behind her, she turned back to the bar, and he queried,
           “How many?”
           “Sixteen. Eight for each of us.”
           “Four women, the rest are men.”
           “Six.” She paused, wiping her mouth on the napkin. “Two are coming this way, a heavy and a woman. She’s on my side, he’s on yours.” Haytham mirrored her movements, wiping his own mouth before offering,
           “I’ll go over, you go under?” (Y/N) grinned at him, and as the two assassins reached them, the two twisted, Haytham going above, her underneath, and the sound of metal meeting flesh, followed by pained screams echoed through the tavern.
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