#she's just kinda hangin out there all by her lonesome
broken-clover · 4 months
While I mean no disrespect whatsoever to A.B.A enjoyers and I'm of the mind there's no inherently wrong way to get into a series especially in regards to its characters it's just also very funny that people are trying to get into a series and better understand its lore through the character that literally canonically has basically nothing to do with anything or anyone else in the roster whatsoever
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orokinarchives · 6 years
Nora Night Dialogue
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(Nightwave hype image)
Nightwave focuses on one particular story at a time, termed a "Series", beginning with The Wolf of Saturn Six as Series 1. While a Series is running, Nora presents a list of Acts, or challenges, for the Tenno to complete. Completing Acts will reward Nightwave Standing. Nora will give rewards upon reaching certain tiers of Standing (every 10.000 Standing), including a special currency which can be used to purchase rotating offerings. The Standing and currency are particular to each Series and expire when the Series ends.
Radio Scanner
Nora Night will occasionally broadcast messages over the Radio Scanner in the Tenno's Orbiter.
"Hey there, Dreamers. You hearin' me? I know you are. No need to say anythin'. A hand in yours, a voice for the speechless, a bedtime story for the sleepless. The name's Nora Night, and I got somethin' to say, sweet things. Nightwave is coming."
"A voice in the night, a half-remembered dream, rising to the surface of your consciousness, from backbrain to forebrain, a sound to a vision, pullin' up and… knockity-knock. Hello, Dreamers. Let's get to know one another."
"Hey, Dreamers. We are up and ready to party."
"To all of you driftin' out there in the black, mark the frequency. The time has come to act together. To open our eyes and gaze with utmost clarity past the present and into a future we create. Shoulder-to-shoulder. Mark the frequency."
"An echo, from long ago: 'For ten years I have been polishing this sword. Its frosty edge has never been put to the test. Now, I am holding it and showing it to you, sir: Is there anyone suffering from injustice?' Keep livin', Dreamers."
"In a world like this, it can be hard to have hope, when the man owns the system and the system serves to save the man, from us. But I'm here, Dreamers. To help you pierce that false fog. We'll chase it away with acts of beauty and – succeed or fail – face the foe, eyes open. As someone once said: 'If nothing saves us from death, may love at least save us from life.'"
"Acts of defiance, acts of generosity, acts of sacrifice… this is how we turn this system 'round. I'll take you there, Dreamers. I'll bring you back."
"Hey there, Dreamers. The Devil is home and the shades are up. That's right… it's just you and me, passin' each other slow and with a nod sayin' all that needs sayin'. I'm Nora Night, sayin'… you live with wolves, you better act like one."
"It can be tough as a kid. All sorts of people have it over you. People will kill you inside, kill you and forget your name. You grow up. They grow old. You remember. They don't. They just keep doing what they've always done, only to someone else. Then, one day, they call you friend. And you wait. And you wait. You wait 'til they can't trust you any more than they do. And then you ask them if they enjoyed their dinner. And, looking into their panicked eyes as they gasp their last, you tell them your name. And you nod. 'Yeah', your eyes say to theirs. 'That was me'. And then you leave. And the System is a better place. Be smart, Dreamers."
"Nora has it on good authority that Rail pirates are hungry after a cold weekend, sweet thing. Check your mags and keep the gas tanks full."
"Well, bad news, foodies: the Corpus are scrapping plans to bioengineer food from hazardous waste. Diners reported everything tasted like vermink… then exploded. Back to the lab, you crazy kids."
"Ah, Nef Anyo ain't best pleased by the actions of some of our friends. [deep sigh] Keep your heads down, Solaris United, and steer clear of Officer Friendly."
"Now, I hear remarked that Nef's obelisk is lit up for another of the big man's showcases, parties, soirées, whatever. On the invite list is anybody who is anybody, and nobody who is nobody. Even Nora Night didn't get an invite. Shame on you, Nef Anyo, for I am delightful."
"Grineer Galleons kickin' up dust all the way from Venus to Pluto. Watch your backs, people."
"A little bird tells me that nasty ol' Nef Anyo's got somethin' up his sleeve for the good people of Fortuna. But I have it on good authority help is on the way. Keep the faith, people. Sunshine is just around the corner."
"Well, it's early where Nora is, and, as she wipes the sleep from her eyes, she wonders… does Unum ever leave that Tower? Can she leave that Tower? Who is she? What is she? Someone in Cetus must have answers. Come on, sweet things. Give it up."
"On this cold and lonely eve, spare a thought for tractor jockeys, Rail agents, and lone travellers making their way. Trying to bring a little joy to people's lives, one shipment at a time."
"Nora has it on good authority that the enterprising Corpus are clearing out ice out of newly-discovered tunnels. For what purpose, she wonders?"
"Well, it's a lazy night between the stars for you and me, while out there, the System is still on fire. Grineer on Corpus, Corpus on Infested – and in between, the little people like you and me, well, we're just tryin' not to get stepped on. Here's to us, Dreamers."
"Nora here. The Red King is at the dance. But listen… as you drift between the stars, Nora wants you to know you ain't alone. Mm-mm. We're all of us a kinda family out here, ain't we? All of us. The multitudes. Driftin' and listenin'. But you need to remember: It never troubles the wolf how many the sheep may be. It never troubles the wolf."
"Somethin's out there, Dreamers. Nora can feel it. Pullin' at her waters like the moon pulls the tides. Somethin' big, an' somethin' old. It knows us. What will it say, I wonder, the day it steps up to our door and knocks?"
"We're out of the night and into the dawn. Still hangin' on in a System on fire, thanks to the good work of people like the Tenno. That's a thank-you, from Nora to you. Wherever you are."
"Do you feel the next world press close, on these late nights, Dreamers? Nora does. She feels the presence of those she lost, the great and the good. Gods and ghosts. We are watched – bet on it – by those who dwell in the direction we cannot point to."
"Flattery, flattery charges my battery. Some people ask where they can send me gifts. Some want to take me out to dinner. One lonesome ol' Rail agent even asked Nora to marry him. Nora ain't the marryin' kind, but thank you. Was in love once. With a man. Face of an angel, morals of a chainsaw. We all have a type, don't we? Against which we must be forever on guard. But damn, he looked good in a suit."
"Dreamers, it's on these long and quiet nights I ask myself: How could I do more, and do it better? And then, something I read a long time ago whispers in my ear: 'All human activities are equivalent and all are on principle doomed to failure. Thus it amounts to the same thing whether one gets drunk alone or is a leader of nations.' And, Dreamers, I pour myself a drink."
"People ask me if it gets lonely out here. I say, lonely? Naw. I got all the company I need. I got you, sweet things. Ain't nothin' for Nora in the real world, 'cept trouble. Trouble, and a few yahoos she could box for a century without a tea break."
Opening Nightwave
"Now, just in case some of you ain't doin' all this outta the kindness of your hearts…."
"Nora's got the goods for one lucky Dreamer. Who's it gonna be?"
"Now, y'might be wonderin' if I'm holdin' back on y'all. Hmm, Dreamers…."
"Nora is all about incentivisin'."
"Who have we got on the line? Oh yeah, I don't have a line."
"Always a pleasure."
"What's on your mind, Dreamers?"
"It's that time again, Dreamers."
"Shall we?"
(upon viewing Episode 1 of a series) "Greed. Brutality. Oppression. True stories, all, and the System is full of them. Dreamers? You listening? The System needs you performing your good deeds for the day. Nora needs it. Needs you to act. To change things. Hear the news, Dreamers. Hear it, or be it. Your call. Because in Nora's System, no good act goes unrewarded. This is Nora Night. You're listening to Nightwave."
(when the Tenno reaches Rank 1, variant) "Well well, looks like things are kickin' off."
(when the Tenno reaches Rank 1, variant) "And we are away."
(when the Tenno reaches Rank 1, variant) "Nora wants to reach out to all of you and say: welcome to the family."
(when the Tenno advances in rank, variant) "Nora sleeps better knowing her Dreamers are out there, workin' to lift us up."
(when the Tenno advances in rank, variant) "Don't stop believin', Dreamers."
(when the Tenno advances in rank, variant) "You keep bein' you, Dreamers."
(when the Tenno reaches Rank 15, variant) "We got as many miles behind us as we do before us, but, Dreamers, we got this."
(when the Tenno reaches Rank 15, variant) "Sometimes the end never seems further than when you're halfway there. But I'm here to tell you all that you got this thing beat."
(when the Tenno reaches Rank 30, variant) "Some are born to greatness. Some have greatness thrust upon them. The rest of us, we just have to work at it. You all know who you are."
(when the Tenno reaches Rank 30, variant) "Never doubt yourselves, Dreamers. This System's up for grabs, and we are comin' for it with both hands, yes we are."
(when the Tenno reaches Rank 30, variant) "Ain't no stoppin' someone who knows their worth. Nora's feelin' good about the state of things tonight, yes she is."
Exiting Nightwave
"Let's get back to it."
"Til then."
"Ta ta, lovelies."
"It's time for Nora to say goodnight."
"You know it."
"Let's check what's next."
"And we're out."
"That's all we have time for."
"Comin' up next."
"That's all from me."
Completing Act
"Ladies and gentlemen, listeners of all ages, I present to you, walking amongst us, the once and future badass!"
"Dreamers, I have for you a tale of triumph over adversity. Of one person actin' true to their truest self."
"Word's comin' in of so many of you bein' your best selves. Nora is just beside herself with admiration."
"Things seem tough, Nora knows, but believe: though it's going outta style, there are people workin' to make this System a better place."
"Dreamers, Dreamers, Dreamers! There just is no holding you back!"
"Get comfy, Dreamers; one of our own believes they are the equal of our foe and, baby, they are actin' like it."
"You wanna hit those high notes, you gotta mean it."
"If it's useful, do it."
"Any y'all see the feeds light up? It's goin' down, kids."
"Well, well, well. Looks like some serious crud is going down out there. Here's to you, anonymous troublemaker."
"From little things big things grow, Dreamers. I believe in you all."
"Many things have been taken from us, it's true. But Fortune favours the bold… and there ain't none so bold as people with nothin' to lose.
"You're making waves, Dreamers. I can feel it."
Nightwave series
Series 1: The Wolf of Saturn Six (27 Feb 2019 – 19 May 2019)
Intermission (12 June 2019 – 05 July 2019)
Series 2: The Emissary (06 July 2019 – current)
[Navigation: Hub → Dialogue → Nora Night]
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sniktandfwoosh · 7 years
Starting Over - Chapter 4: In For A Penny, In For A Pound
Title: Starting Over
Pairing: Well, several. Jean/Logan and Scott/Emma for sure. Maybe a bit of Kitty/Colossus and Rogue/Remy for fun and flair. We'll see what we get into. :)
Rating: T at the beginning (mainly for language, because dude...seriously...Logan swears a lot.), M (for fluff, maybe?) later on.
Author's Note: I know it's all a lot to go over at once, but hopefully this will be a good restart to this fic. 4 chapters in and I think it's heading good places. Thoughts? Please read and review!
How should we like it were stars to burn
With a passion for us we could not return?
If equal affection cannot be,
Let the more loving one be me.
W. H. Auden
A cloud of red hair fluttered in the wind, caught in the edge of approaching storm. The owner of the hair turned her face to the sky, seeming to relish the feel of the wind on her face.
How appropriate that there's a storm coming in. This could be the story of my life.
There was something so comforting about the park at this time of day. Just after 6, there was still a lot of daylight left, but the sun was no longer beating down on the city through the clouds. Instead, it formed a warm glow behind all the skyscrapers. The dark clouds out east at sea served as an exquisite contrast of dark and light.
This is too much of my existence right now. Maybe I should have checked the weather.
Jean's toes curled in her ballet flats. She'd debated for an hour and a half what would be the best thing to wear.
A floaty dress? If it was windy in Philly it was going to be more so in NYC.
Something more formal? They were meeting in a park, for God's sake.
Maybe jeans? Good lord, the only jeans Jean had were raggedy and paint splattered.
She'd given up and gone for jean shorts, a lavender tank, and black ballet flats. Something casual, comfortable, and staying away from anything oppressive or presumptuous. This was just a meeting and a chat. And maybe, just maybe, nobody had taken the time to see why Logan was going off so far into NYC when he preferred being alone in the woods.
The habit of doing a light scan of anybody nearby had developed since Jean had come back this time. It'd helped her avoid a couple of near run-ins with Emma and Kitty. Nobody was ready for that confrontation, least of all Jean.
It was no surprise, then, when she felt the mental scream of elation coming from a man just across the pond behind her. The elation was suddenly blunted, almost as if the man knew someone was watching and dampened his thoughts. She turned, and the anxiety of seeing so familiar a face after her last "visit" threatened to overwhelm her.
In through the nose, out through the mouth.
The nausea rose, and then receded slowly as the figure stepped onto the bridge. He stopped a few feet away from her in his usual uniform of jeans slung low on the hips, a tank top, a button up shirt, and those boots of his that he always wore. It was so achingly familiar that it took Jean a moment to remember to breathe.
"Nice night out, yeah?"
The voice was rough, a little deeper than she remembered. It struck her as absurd that he was commenting on the weather, and the laugh that bubbled out of her mouth left her bent over and wheezing before she could gather herself together.
"Yeah, it was a dumbass comment. Maybe if your mouth wasn't hangin' open or you weren't laughin' yourself silly you coulda said somethin' less stupid."
Thank you, Logan, for always having a quip.
Jean's embarrassed grin stole across her face, and once more her toes curled inside her shoes.
"It's all weird. Isn't it? It feels weird. Last time you had to kill me a lot. And I'm sorry for that. And I know I can't erase it. I just want something better, something more than misery in every universe. And that should be possible, yeah? But it's all so much and I know they're going to ha-"
Logan was inches from her and reaching for her hand before she realized he'd moved. He held it gently, thumb working circles over her palm, trying to calm her. Jean looked up at him, miserable and fighting back the burning rush of the tears she swore she wouldn't cry.
His head tilted, and it took him a moment to speak, taking care to measure his words gently.
"I can't speak for that lot up at the school. And I ain't gonna lie. I'm worried. There's been a lot of times where this has all gone to shit no matter who wanted what. But I've been thinkin', and it strikes me that there's been a lot of people messin' with your head."
The side of his mouth lifted in a crooked grin before he continued.
"I don't think I've ever heard you be so cussed about anything, except maybe how you hated pistachios and that whole thing on the moon. I don't know how you'll do it, but you seem so hell bent on doin' it I don't think anybody could tell you no, not even One Eye and the Ice Bitch."
Jean sniffed, still a little teary, and couldn't resist a snicker at Emma Frost's nickname. She tried to not focus on what it meant, Logan holding her hand. All she knew was that it felt warm and safe, and she didn't want him to let go. Logan continued.
"I just worry that ya might not be able to do it alone. I'm bettin' you're not hangin' around any other mutants, otherwise they'd sell you out to us real fast. It gets lonesome, not being around anybody who knows what it's like."
The snort that came from Jean was highly unladylike and made Logan grin.
"Yeah, I can't imagine trying to explain to my therapist that I house a god-level force of creation, or that I've died and come back so many times my head is still spinning." Jean sighed, looking down as her brow furrowed. "I'm not sure anybody knows what it's like, but at least the therapist is trying to help."
Logan's brow arched. "Therapy? That's...different. Didn't take you for the psycho babble type."
His resposne was met with an eyeroll. "Learning how the mind functions and how it can turn against itself is important. It's given me a lot of perspective on what we all go through on a regular basis. We practically fight wars and have the weight of several universes on our shoulders. Why wouldn't we stumble and break sometimes? But when we do, we need to be able to take accountability and move forward without being petrified of the past. And I won't do it again. I refuse." She bit her lip, scowling at the stones on the bridge in frustration.
"Hey, no offense intended, darlin'. It's just different, is all. And you're not wrong. We've been through a hell of a lot, and somehow we keep on truckin'. Maybe it's because we don't know any better. But for now...for now just live." Rain began to sprinkle around them. Logan grinned, and turning and pulling Jean along started to cross the bridge.
"Now, wasn't there some kinda talk about coffee?"
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