#she's my confirmation saint and to disrespect her in such a fashion
the sheer audacity of I, Joan, moves me to righteous rage and im not going to be over it for a long while
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mercuryonparklane · 3 years
Taylor and her history of hanging out with queer people from the very beginning…
The queer Disney crew (Selena, Miley, and Demi)
The dancer/country singer/actor who is “not straight” (Julianne)
The bi actor (Dianna… yeah yeah, unlike the others, she has never really come, but the evidence suggests…)
The actor who called herself “so gay” on live TV and has only dated women since she broke up with the vampire (Kristen)
The queer model/actor who would be at the literal center of the L chart (Cara)
The patron Saint of queer women (Annie)
Lesbian Jesus
The former impersonator turned Old Fashioned sipper (Fletcher)… okay, it was really only the one time that we know of, but still…
And those are just the ones that are confirmed (excluding Dianna and probably missing a couple tbh)…
Her history of very intense, at the very least borderline romantic “friendships” with certain women, who she suddenly went from essentially obsessing over to never hanging out with again (that we know of)…
Then her influences/artists she chooses to promote… Dolly, Melissa Etheridge, Brandi Carlile, Tegan and Sara, Tori Amos, King Princess, Kehlani, Hayley Kiyoko, Phoebe Bridgers, girl in red, Brittany Howard, and on and on and on…
I also really want to know if she actually wrote that one song with Chely Wright because that would be a fun addition to Debut (TV), if so…
Ofc, promoting/liking or hanging out with lgbtq people does not mean you are queer, but… I mean… it’s the idea that some think Taylor is 100% hetero and that it’s disgusting/disrespectful to think otherwise… and, it’s like… this woman has been writing love songs with sapphic themes and about feeling “other” since years before she was famous and she has surrounded herself with queerness and has had rumors since at least 2009 and has been romantically linked to multiple women since forever and I just think the most logical conclusion is that she’s a queer woman who has hinted at her queerness many times, especially in the last few years (“ME! out now”, “gay pride makes ME! me”, multiple references to being trapped in a box, rainbows here, unicorns there, gayness everywhere…)
Listen, I’m sure some people think I’m off base to still think she’s a lesbian, but that’s been my stance since day one (like 2008) and nothing has really ever changed my mind about that and, in fact, over time that has only solidified (ofc, it’s just my opinion based on everything I’ve seen as I’ve followed her career and not all Gaylors have to agree… we certainly can’t seem to agree on much other than her queerness tbh, which is fine because some of the best sapphic stuff isn’t necessarily linked to certain women anyway).
I may not be right that she is a lesbian… but I think if you aren’t at least open to the idea that she may not be the straightest person to ever exist, then I’m not sure what you’ve been seeing all these years because all signs point to this woman being either queer or at least alluding to being queer, which if she isn’t, I think she has some explaining to do…
And on that note, I am so ready for Red (TV) and my clown heart really wants something in the vault tracks that could hint at Tayliz, but I’m also okay with more Swiftgron because honestly 2012 was such a fun time in the gaylor world (not so much in the Achele thread, though…)
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