#she's not gonna be an oc or anything but that's the vague reader backstory
angelfirehime · 7 years
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Molly and Jason arrive at the mall, which is having a cheese sale.  “How do you know Achi’ll be here?” Jason asks.
“When evil is afoot, so is Scary Molly.”
“I won’t ask.  Ready to defeat the Dark Nymph?”
“Let’s rock.”  The two charge forward.  “Destroy!!!”
Jason strikes a pose.  “Achi the Dark Nymph, prepare to be defeated!”
“How heroic,” Molly snarks.  “Excuse me while I vomit.”
“Eh?”  Achi gives them a bewildered look.  “Who’re you?”
“Uh,” Jason points to himself.  “I’m here to kill you and break a curse, ‘cause a ghost chick told me to.”
“Moron,” Molly whispers.
“Oh, you’re working with the wench?”  Achi makes bedroom eyes at Jason for some reason.  “That’s not a problem.  Renei, Miya, Mina, attack!”  Her three conspicuously designed minions stand in a row, gazing menacingly at the reader.  “These three were deadly before the curse!” Achi brags.
So that’s it folks!  That’s all there is of Scary Molly.  I stopped writing it right before a fight scene!  Maybe I had realized this plot was stupid, but more likely I just didn’t want to draw a fight scene.
I suppose it’s just as well, because if Achi’s last line there was supposed to mean what I think it does, this was gonna get real stupid.  See, those three little girls are all OCs and they all have dumb as fuck powers and backstories and whatever.  This story as it stands is mostly self-contained, every character’s origins and motives have nothing more to them than what you see.  But if Mina (wavy hair with the bow, a psychic), Renei (short-haired with pokeball pendant, a martial artist), and Miya (side ponytail, she turns into monsters) were to fight with the abilities they have in their own canons, then I’d have to explain that shit.  And that’s a can of worms not worth opening.
If I made this story now, I’d definitely leave those three out of it.  I’d also opt to NOT write a plot this dumb with characters this bland, but maybe Scary Molly herself can be salvaged.  She’s a really stale combination of Gaz, Mandy, and possibly a dash of Creepy Susie, but that’s a cliche funny enough that it could work if I owned up to it.  Achi the Dark Nymph is kinda interesting too, if only because her personality and motives are extremely vague.  I could do anything with her.
Buuuut I probably won’t.
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