#she's only a kid!!!!!!!!!!!!! what thef uck!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
bylertruther · 2 years
i'm five years late and i know we've gone over this tenfold but like. 😳😳 i still can't believe they really did all of that to max omg.. 😳
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currentgoddess · 7 years
hi yeah what thef uck first we have tara gilespie appear, who claims to have wrote my immortal, has some compelling evidence and i go “oh ok yeah guess thats that” now rose, a queer native girl who was a victim of constitutional abuse who wants support for her and her book claims to have written t and i dont believe her? JUST i still think she deserves support but shed still deserve support if she didnt write my immortal like idk if anyone cares what i have to say so like,, feel free to ignore but,,, my immortal, trollfic or not, stems from two main concepts, harry potter and being emo/goth and it just doesnt seem like trauma is goig to materialize those concepts the way they were evidently crafted i am a victim of parent abuse and i didt go emo. Now im not saying noone would ever, or that i am the only example that matters or anyhing thats stupid no im not saying that but wasnt emo culture far more perpetuated in middle class white kids who were playing at suffering and misery while they went through the hormonal rollercoasters of puberty and existential metamorphosis? Most goth kids werent seriously messed up, they just wanted to be because it justified how they felt about their lives changing oh oh and another thing - rose hasnt mentioned raven that ive seen, but tara has several times and gave a full explanation. again is not that rose couldnt have written my immortal. She may have, And she and tara coudl even be the same person! Tara said she was writin again and rose now tryna publish a book but i dont believe rose wrote my immortal and thats that i guess
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melodicminho · 7 years
friends to lovers!au ❁ svt jun
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Request: can i request friends to lovers with jun? thank you
I wasn’t sure if you wanted this as a scenario or an au so I did an au instead! If this isn’t what you wanted, I can rewrite it for you as a scenario (jun loses his chill somewhere in this au omg) (:
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your mother introduced you to jun while his mother introduced him to you at the age of ten
both of you weren’t comfortable with each other at first, it was kind of really awkward
neither of you spoke to each other, but jun played the piano for you a lot so he could practice and you wouldn’t be bored being alone
the first time you guys had a real conversation was when you both were twelve
INCREDIBLE i know, how could u not yet have an actual conversation with someone you’ve known for two years
u both managed to do just that
ALSO you know what being 12 years old means
a judo club, really. you had no idea what the hell was going on and you just saw a tall man’s naked cHEST oh my god what the fukc can he please put his uniform on PROPERLU
junhui’s mother signed him up for wushu
which kind of sucks cause like
less time hanging out with ur best buddy
but it’s okay in the end because now you can use judo for self defense and jun can probably kick someone’s ass
going to school together was also really fun
you two both rode bikes to school and back
the kids in your class thought you two were dating but ?? no ?? have u ever heard of cooties??, gross
plus you two are only twelve the kids can chill
fast forward to when u two are fourteen years old (rebellious stage as some ppl call it)
jun joined the same clubs you did at school even though sometimes those clubs sometimes clashed with his piano and wushu lessons
“jun are you sure you want to join informational technology with me?”
“UHM yes. i want to learn about computers too, leave me be.”
“i’m taking care of the library for volunteer hours. don’t you have piano lessons today?”
“there’s a recital tonight. i’d rather hang out with you than play jazz music for gross adults.”
jun’s mother came into the library right after that
she got pissed when she heard what he said LOL HE’S SCREWED
once jun hit puberty he got HELla sassy
even u couldnt handle it
when you were practicing your judo with jun he got obnoxious and kept talkin g bULLSHIT
so u performed an uchi mata on him
he was on the floor for seven minutes
“keep ur mouth shut little boy”
“…u hit me in the balls … . ..”
you threw an icepack at him after a few minutes
“talk shit. get hit.”
his voice changed, wasn’t rlly a surprise to both of u since it wasn’t noticeable at first but it became gradually lower as the weeks flew by
he got tall
ur both sixteen now and fukc what thef uck jun can u please shrink a little
(depending on reader size, difference isn’t much OR IS VERY MUCH)
jun quit piano. he was a bit too advanced for his teachers and he got bored; they didn’t give him difficult enough shit to play
he still practiced wushu, but didn’t go to those lessons anymore either
he did get a job though, good for hi m
he took work days on tuesday, wednesday, and saturday so you two still had plenty of time to hang out!!
jun was always around you whether you were taking care of the library, putting together a desktop computer in I.T. or practicing your judo
you both were stuck together like glue
your parents thought you two looked good together
. .. u two weren’t sure of ur feelings??
like he even tries hard to look good for you even if it’s just you two casually hanging out
he styles his hair, picks out the best outfit that you would like and puts on a subtle amount of cologne
dude he’s liked you ever since you two became teenagers
but since you two are nearly adults, he’s trying to make it really obvious that he’s attracted to you
because he knows how you are when a boy likes you
you don’t have any idea
you just think they’re being nice and you end up being friends with them instead of becoming someone’s girlfriend
he liked that about u though
cause ur cute and practically innocent to crushes and dating
so one day, jun decided to give you a bouquet of flowers
“aw, thank you! my mom would love these!”
“yA these flowers are for you not you R MOTHER”
he grabbed the flowers from you and grumpily stomped inside your house to put them in a vase before going back to where  you stood
“i like you, okay? have you really not noticed a thing all these years?”
“ ,, . no? ?”
jun: internally screaming
keeps his cool
“CALM DOWN i like u too gosh ur so annoyin g honestly”
“!!?!??as a friend right u like me as a fRIENd you obLIVious sHTI”
you didn’t answer him right away and you gave him half an hour to calm down
so thats something
your mothers are dramatic
they both threw a party once they discovered u two were together
(so tht is also something)
now you two are inseperable
your friends seem to always find jun stuck to your side or your back
he loves giving you backhugs you’re so comfy
when you’re working on something in your bedroom like a project for an extracurricular class, he’s either pressed against your side or you’re on his lap
he loves burying his face in the crook of your neck
he rlly likes sleeping next to you too because you make him feel warm
his kisses are either short and sweet or ,,, dirty
jun finds it cute that whenever he goes in for a kiss, you always shyly lean away from him
it’s not intentionaL but it happens
his arms are almost always around your waist
u can’t push him away u just can’t
the honeymoon phase weighs heavy on him
but as you two get older he gets less affectionate but is still as loving
he wouldn’t be as into PDA anymore, he really likes to touch you and kiss you when you’re in private
you both are a really dorky couple
juN loves you so much
he pats your head more often than not
doesn’t mind carrying u
he thinks ur tiny even though you probably aren’t
takes u out on dates that are fun, but relaxing
mostly just takes you out to a casual restaurant or a library cafe
he loves u and will take care of u pls treat him with love and kindness
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alisaint · 7 years
lmao denise you make laugh so much with the got blogging, i do watch it, is the only thing keeping me alive during this zrought, i dont think jon will identify himself as a targ, like his idol is ned, he loves the north so much so that doesnt really bothers me. also i sadly dont think the prophecy will be fulfilled by jaime. after she blew the sept i thought hed be done buuuuut he just let het her spit on tommen like that...
ok so i cut this into two parts in case u Do know the spoilers and in case u don’t, the half above the read more is Safe n Spoiler Free meanwhile under the readmore isn’t so !!!!!!!!!!!!! stay Safe
it’s the only thing keeping me alive too!!!! can u tell by my sporadic blogging that i’m going around peaking into different shows n movies trying 2 find smth to keep me afloat until zayn makes the world His again. rip rip rip.
i see what ur saying but also........ i’m Scared :( jus bc ned is his idol n the north is his home n Blah Blah Blah don’t mean ............ that he wouldn’t act on his targ blood .... n i’m biased as FUCK cos i don’t like dany i don’t like her politics etc etc she’s always fallen flat as a character to me and i don’t !!! want!!! him!! near!!! her!!! stay in the norf, jon
i feel like j x c’s relationship is toxic as a whole and the love he feels for her is not wholly jus romantic love i think it’s also “we’re stuck with each other” “we’re all we have left” and bits of obligation as well n nikolaj has spoken abt that himself also which i kno it doesn’t really matter at the end of the day bc he’s the actor not the visionary of the show but. he doesn’t ring as Equally evil to me as cer///sei. and if the show does fan service bc everyone loves tyrion n expects him to be the one to do it then that’s also fine but.... as someone that likes 2 see villains get what they deserve n ppl leave toxic relationships n be with ppl who make them better it would be Very Nice if jaime was the one that did it :p
i get what ur saying abt how she blew up the sept and isn’t openly mourning for their son but i think that’s because she already knew this was going to happen to her and is channeling her grief into something different, read: anger + revenge. she’s fighting for what’s theirs, she’s fighting for their house, and trying very hard to keep them from following their children’s fates and i think that’s v important to note, too. jaime was taken aback by it bc he didn’t receive that prophecy, and also, while yes he was their father, he wasn’t really much of an active parent. he only really felt like one when he had that moment with myrcella before she died. that was his first actualized OMG I’m A Dad™ and ofc despite their position he didn’t have any idea that they [ at least tommen n myrcella ] would die when and how they did, in such a short succession. they’re both grieving jus in different ways, and later on cer///sei after a meeting discussing white walkers says she wants them to kill off all her enemies for her jaime ends up being disgusted bc holy shit woman did u not listen to Anything at all is that what ur brain is abt and leaves. he actually gets on his horse and leaves her in king’s landing. do u wanna kno where he goes?
which...... not to make it obvious that i’m fucking pissing myself and crying but .... u kno who’s also up north? brienne.
a kind, noble, and honest woman. that makes him better. “it was always yours” wha thef uck kyle
gorl...... jon n dany get it on ..... that only intensifies my fear bc while idk if he actually is told he’s a targ before that (the spoilers don’t say, it’s jus known that others find out before him) they have a family tradition of like. incest pretty much. n even tho rhaegar broke that.... a lot of ppl ship them together and the show prob is gonna go that direction since i doubt they’re going to introduce another love interest for jon. rip in pieces jorah and that other pretty boy whose name i always forget somehow but can remember his quotes in complete detail
and i’m also scared that he’s gonna suffer the Mixed Kid Syndrome n while the norf loves him n he’s fought for them n literally lost his life for them that him bein a targ might change things a lil..... like wrow fellas.... and again im scared abt that fan service binch and the foreshadowing like robb left n died n while i don’t think jon is going to die yet (if he does, it’ll be next season prob since it’s not this one) i think sansa does.... end up being the queen of the north. like idk. idk. i’m torn. jon , despite not being a full stark, has the stark face the attributes he’s a northerner he’s the white wolf he loves his people he’s just like them but he’s also a dragon. he’s part of the family that will most likely get the throne. u can’t jus.... like.... ignore dat. u kno?
anyway im scared and always crying thanks for tuning into this mess
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