#she's starting shit abt the covid vaccine now
doodlboy · 10 months
Explaining vaccines to my antivaxx parent like they're 2 years old brb in a century
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sakuramotion · 3 years
hello u guys!! <3 [crickets] i've been inactive bc a lot of fucking annoying shit happened [crickets] anyway good news is i'm done with the semester i'm done with college i'm no longer a student omg??? only took me forever <3 (the third try was a success!! luv to see it) (yes i dropped out of college twice and was kinda scared i was not gonna make it this time but i! did! it) (now i'm like broke) but anyways so guess who got tested positive for covid? my fucking flat ass,,, BUT you know what's actually worse? i got it because my mom got sick with it she got me so worried!!!!! like the first days she started to feel sick she was like i'm gonna stay in my room ok but my sister and i were like nah she probably just has the flu but then she went and got tested and had to wait for the results and on the day of the results i woke up with a sore throat but was like really mild and i was like ok.... probably nothing serious! and then my mom got the results and she was positive and the next day my throat really hurt and i think i had a fever so i took a pill slept it off and the next morning i was fine like i swear like nothing had happened!! but my mom was like yall need to go and get tested now so we went and we did the antigens one so very quickly we got the results and... well i was positive my sister was negative. and there i was like great! like worst timing ever bc my depression and my bpd issues and all the fucking mental shit i have to deal with has been Really Bad and then i got that shit just when i thought i had found a job and stuff with uni was going on and i had just seen my boyfriend like couple days ago and i was so scared omg i was like if he gets sick because of me i'll kms and then i started reading all these articles and they were like awful like awful stories with the same message: you! are! going! to die! but first you will suffer and if you don't die you will suffer forever! and i was like jfc ain't that life anyways like yea i wanna kms every day but i don't wanna go bc of some fucking ass virus.... honestly i got so scared not for me but for my mom!!!!!! bc after she got her results she started to feel Really Bad like the whole thing happened to her coughing loss of taste and smell body ache she had no strength she was sleeping all the time and i saw her only a couple of times bc she was really staying in her room and she looked so bad and god,,,, to see your mom like that! my mom!!! my mom has always way more energy than me and to see her like that christ i cried like a baby for two days i was so scared and then i wanted my bf to be with me but ofc he couldn't bc i needed to isolate as well and my dad! my dad texted me what was your result? and i texted back positive and HE left me on read,,,, like ok!! daddy issues explained,,,,, he texted me like 3 days later to asked how i was feeling like ok what if i had died.... but anyways ,,,, so there i was worrying abt my mom and waiting for the symptoms to really hit me but nothing happened to me like after those two days before i got tested nothing else happened except for like coughing here and there and a stuffy nose for a couple of days so i guess even tho i'm not fully vaccinated yet bc i got the first dose on july,,, that must've helped a lot bc thanfully i didn't get sick like my mom i didn't feel anything more but also very thankful my mom recovered completely after a week and a half and here she is back to her normal self!! i'm so excited this is finally over for us and i get to finally see my boyfriend soon like omg i missed him so much i needed him so much like i hug almost nobody but that man!! i hug him so much so often and i miss doing it i need to do it i can't wait <3 happy ending for us happy and thankful it ended like this!! [crickets] anyway don't forget to wear ur fucking masks wash ur hands!!!! and get vaccinated!!! srsly ppl be careful!!
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shytiff · 3 years
July 2021
1 - the toners i bought from sociolla arrived yay. loll i got into portal’s hall of fame somehow. usual day at magang. slowww progress of that sympo 1 ppt hhh. went back home and its raininggg yall. this week my hygiene habits and isya prayer was screwed. i cant bring myself to DOOOO things. i basically only get stuff done outside.
2 - started 2nd ppt (i know!!! super slow aaaaa). bought dough lab OG cookies and cookie monster since it was discounted at grab’s PI outlet. bought matcha mcflurry w juan when going back to AR. ate roti canai, the whole mcflurry, and tried the cookies. the sugar, bruh. all this time, im not lacking energy. im lacking sugar lol. watched two set and played marapets lol
3 - binged twoset violin. cant bring myself to do ppt. Finally managed at night.
4 - dayslept. Not sleepy but cant bring myself to do anything. Supernova technical meeting at 1 pm and some gmeet with iship wa group and suddenly its maghrib,,, did like 2 slides of ppt
5 - went to post office to get str and arrived 8 sharp. No one was there. Anjeng. They said wait until 9. went to tax office. Closed. Off to rscm. Ugh the traffic!? Surprise of kiara "internship" that on the very same day was cancelled
6 - its a struggle to reach rscm ugh. tried to go through sudirman but the toll exit was closed. so we went through tebet. gajah 2 was also sealed. while waiting for juan i bought snacks in indomaret. lol, got no cash. liqo with kak kartika and fell asleep halfway through lol,,,
7 - this time we’re going through kemayoran lmao and exited the toll at rawamangun. bought saladstop caesar salad just bcss they have this collapsible bowl bundling, together 140k (after added grab promo) lool. 
8 - today i didnot went to gastro since its off day due to a gastro staff getting covid. went to RSF for operan with dr dedes. took pictures with dr vera and we made heart using hand lmaooooo my koas soul felt scared doing that. tried the sushi mom bought at lotte mart. she also bought milk buns and it was good! like a marriage between bread and mochi. my stomach felt super bloated to a point where it hurts so i ate paldo wet ramyeon except i put too much water and the seasoning was diluted. 
9 - im supposed to do ppt but i cant bring myself to do it. i lazed in my bed literally all day. bingeing two set. reading webtoon. playing marapets. felt like utter shit. thought that id start my day after maghrib but nah. ended up sleeping
10 - still feel like shit and cant bring myself to start my day. And didnt do anything lmaoo
11 - cant bring myself to start my day~ ended up starting work like after maghrib. Its more difficult with things where u actually have to think bcs u need a certain headspace. Got sbux matcha and that shit rly helps me feel "normal".
12 - intern as usual. The 4 ppts are "finished" and i contacted the prof after mustering some strength. Zoom call with prof to check on the ppt. Bought a delicious es jeruk somewhere along the way to AR. Talked to mom abt picking wahana. The list was finally out and it was jakarta fair. Ara called, her grandpa passed away and shes afraid to go back and potentially harming her familys health. Showered but slept right after without doing anything meaningful 😔
13 - today is the 2nd "special batch" of internship idi. Followed along the war as a practice time. Theres a lot of vacant spots. And that scared us wanting to go national lol. I hope everything will be fine. Another zoom call with Prof, ughh theres so much to reviseeeeeee and i havent made any word material
14 - its only nessa and me today at dept. Picked rs krakatau medika together w nessa. Clara told me abt how her mother is sometimes toxic. Cant rly focus on work today bcs of internship stuff. Had headache ec lack of sleep that lasted from 2-6 pm. Immediately slept like a log after isya
15 - turns out nessa also want to pick rskm loll that makes 7 ui peeps in rskm. Did some good progress by alienating myself in Prof's cubicle. Moral message: whatever time you think youd make the ppt, it will be more. Bought martabak tipker orins yum. Its like lekker on steroids. I still prefer martabak pizza more.
16 - did 1 word for the ppt. Bought jco donuts w nessa bcs my mouth was lonely. Sent 1 completed topic to Prof and pamit.
17 - cant bring myself to do anything~ felt like shit~ played marapets and watched tiktok and youtube
18 - pembekalan iship today
19 - more pembekalan iship. Medical checkup today at labkesda. Met nessa mendel adita regen clara agung. Ate kfc together at nessas place. Went to dinkes jakbar for sppd. No ppt progress aaaaaa
20 - packed my stuff. Originally planned ti leave at 2 pm but theres a lot of uncertainty so i decided to leave tomorrow. The real certainty came at like 9 pm.
21 - off to cilegon 05:30 ish. Filled the gas. Arrived 07:15. Moved my stuff. Went to pkm with mom et al and ness mendel. Swab. Back to palm wates. I felt sad when mom had to leave. She must be tired, but she keeps supporting me with everything that she has. I know its always been like that but sometimes distance makes you see things (?) maybe its bcs im outside ar right now. Bought food. Printed stuff at a place 600m away. Did ppt work accompanied by mocca goodday (that i just knew was good lmao)
22 - zoom orientation today. Still managed to laze out and not do my work -___- tri was out so i was alone. Ate gold chick for brunch. That stuff is oil mixed with food. Finally did some work. The night orientation with dr Selfie was pretty shocking, but it was rly informative and i think she did it out of love.
23 - puskes 1st day. Orientation and turns iut we headed straight to poli lol. Had my very first poli umum with the kind dr arief. My first patient had bee sting :) the second was breast lump :) its rly a slap in my face to go study. Stayed in nessa's for a bit to do some work, except i felt rly tired and gave up at like 4 pm. Bought kebab around the corner (15k). Unremarkable. Kanayam for dinner, w some for breakfast 2mrw
24 - slept early so i woke up early. Tri also. We did some working at like 3 am til subuh. Poli was not too crowded since it was saturday. Helped mendel irrigate his ear in the puskes ER. Waited out the 2 pm standby. We ended up driving to merak except for esa lol. Bought kanayam again lol. Ended up sleeping early again
25 - nasi uduk 88 for breakfast. Some ppt work. my family came bringing motor hehe. Moved to mess. Met dr Ine. Learned how to use washing maching. More ppt work. Bought nasgor just in front of the mess
26 - vaccine post today. Zoom with IDI cilegon. Nessa cooked macaroni and meat. Talked a bit and then suddenly its half past 10. No significant ppt progress today. Im rly sorry Prof 😭😭😭
27 - MTBS poli today. Bu ningrum gave me cimol and jantung pisang and sayur and salad buah hehee. Some orientation. Did the last ppt for Prof. Can finally rest (??) nah the words still not finished. Overall mood today: ☺️
28 - poli usila today in bp with mendel. Injected mendel with his 3rd sinovac. Went to dinkes for SPPD.
29 - vaksin with mendel. lots of patients. porridge for bfast. talked about love life lmaoo. tried sate bebek h. syafei. quite good but sate klathak still holds the first place in my heart. finished the 3rd word doc and sent it. just as i was about to sleep, i saw the notif of jk going live. hes basically dancing around in his pjs at 1 am lmaoo <3
30 - paldo jajangmen for bfast. BP. shoot a video for e-promkesline. soto for lunch. bought kopi soe goela merah and croffle. the croffle was not as hard and crunchy and thick as social affair’s. the choco-nut topping was so so. the coffee was bitter like tuku, but not as smooth and creamy (?), not too acidic. did ppt of ecmocard data an hour before the zoom sesh.
31 - vaccine with dr anggi. went back early. bought some stuff in indomaret. lunch was abon, rice and leftover veggies. finished the last word manuscript for Prof along with kopi soe and sent it. vcalled w mom. had simba pillow mixed with sport muesli for dinner. 
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