#she's unable to admit being at fault too and the person i'm vaguing in the text above
ai-thne · 2 years
can't believe someone still has to say this but if you, a cis straight girl, fancy yourself for having so many friends who are gay men, but think that that makes you entitled to say the f slur and act weird around my partner and i (lesbians) when we're there talking to our mutual friend, you're a bigot in rainbow clothes.
#yelling into the void#sorry this sounds like i should have posted it in 2015 because by now the whole point of this post is obvious to everybody#but unfortunately i live in a backwards hellhole of a country so we still have an abundance of people like this and it still makes me mad#because ok time to rant#couple days ago my friends and partner and i all went to a festival together#we go every year and it's always great fun#except this year a couple of our friends decided to invite their own friends from out of the region too#i personally don't know those people but you do you i mean i have abandonment issues but they don't really apply in this case#(i still felt like shit thinking about how they went around more with those people than us their friends of several years but ok)#also i don't really remember if they asked us if it was ok if those people were coming or not but i digress#either way yeah they were fine with us not really liking this one girl that was coming because„„#you know the popular high school girl stereotype?#yeah#she's unable to admit being at fault too and the person i'm vaguing in the text above#because girl you can't just straight up go silent and look at my partner with that fucking face (even i can tell) once we show up#we were on queue for food too lmao it's not like i'm here to annoy you i'm hungry#if i could go somewhere else i'd go there but yk#i have food allergies and more than two vendors here don't know if their fry oil could send me flying into anaphylaxis so#so anyway. went quiet when my partner and i showed up and whispered to who i assume was her shitty bf while i talked#as if i talked more than 500 words the whole festival#i felt like shit and i hope to god she lives with the uncomfortable feeling of knowing that she can't fool my partner and i with her facade#i made fun of it once i realized (in private) but then it just faded into bitterness
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sometipsygnostalgic · 3 years
Every time someone says "the writers are ableists for how Perfuma acted" I'm like
Okay, so, if we're talking about this, I need to show you something.
I read this incredible fanfiction last night called "Six Limitations of the Truth Spell".
It was about Catra testifying under Truth Spell, in Entrapta's trial, about the things Entrapta did when with the Horde, and being asked a question by the Princesses - "Did she show any empathy for her friends when she hurt them while working for the Horde?"
Catra knows this is a trap, and is pissed off because Scorpia's trial never had that question, but she's unable to answer it. She explains, it's because she doesn't believe the Princesses were ever Entrapta's friends. So no, she never hurt her friends. The Princesses are hurt and confused that Entrapta never considered them her friends. So, Catra elaborates on why. She exposes that, even though she used this for her own gain, both she and Entrapta thought the princesses never considered her one of their own, and left her to die.
The resulting conflict causes everything to go to shit, a lot of ableism and bias exposed, as well as Catra admitting the extent of her own manipulations in an attempt to fall on her sword, while poor Entrapta has to silently watch this take place two feet away.
It's got a very negative interpretation of Perfuma and Mermista, though it doesn't have to diverge much from canon - the only thing that you have to ignore for this fic to make sense is the group hug everyone did at the end of "Launch", which was Entrapta's moment of acceptance into the Rebellion. I don't think they would have had such a negative view of her after that point, but before then? Yes. Yes they would. This fic would've been pretty much 100% accurate to their perception of her.
That's why it's somewhat heartbreaking, yknow?
I feel like more time deserved to be spent on these relationships. I truly think Mermista's a cool girl for decking it after Entrapta and saving her from robot fire even though she hated her, but I think it's fair if people critique the show because the princesses just.... judged her for her autistic characteristics, not her actions. Like they were pissed off because she gets excited, doesn't behave appropriately, and gets herself in danger with her chronic inability to pay attention... which is exclusively because she's disabled! Yes, they were mad cos she betrayed and hurt them, but... too much focus was on her quirkiness pissing them off, so I see why people are hurt by this. And what's more painful is Scorpia herself questions Entrapta's empathy for others because the other princesses are. So, yeah, it seems massively disproportionate compared to how other characters got handled????
But at the same time, "Launch" is... well, it's a tale written by an autistic guy about what it's like from both points of view. What it's like to engage with someone who you're really upset at because they don't APPEAR to care about you, versus what it's like being the autistic person everyone is mad at because you had no idea you were hurting them, because everyone has to be so vague and assumptive with how they engage, and how Entrapta just absorbs all of this as her fault, when it's a mutual failure of communication. The Princesses realise this at the end, and tell her theyre going to stand by her for who she is.
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artificialqueens · 7 years
But I'm A Cheerleader! - Chapter 7 (Aja x Farrah) - Millie
At some point later that day, Farrah texted Aja some updates about the case, and it came to both of their surprises that there was progress: James and Chuck had been questioned at the police station, and footage from CCTV cameras outside the store that night concluded that it was them. They both let out a mental and physical sigh of relief at the revelation.
And as if things weren’t looking up already, Shea and Sasha were now officially a “thing”, and Aja was pretty sure that Sasha now had a permanent smile on her face. For the rest of the day, the two were practically inseparable, but somehow never revealed that they were together. It gave Aja a warm sensation in her heart, and she suddenly longed for something of the sort.
The three were now walking home together, and the atmosphere was as awkward as expected; Aja was third wheeling the happy couple, vaguely listening to their conversations. She wasn’t as close with Shea as she was with Sasha, so she didn’t really know how to include herself. With Sasha, the two could talk about the most random things, but Shea was one of those girls that was so seemingly perfect and flawless that those thoughts wouldn’t even cross her mind. Aja and Nina both found that they were terrified of her judging them.
Eventually, Shea parted from them, softly kissing Sasha on the lips and waving goodbye to Aja before turning left to go back home. Sasha smiled to herself and touched her lips in disbelief.
“Someone’s happy,” Aja teased.
Sasha giggled. “I can’t put it into words,” she said. “But happy is such an understatement.”
“Are you gonna tell the others?”
She hesitated, and her smile faded. “Uh, I don’t know. Probably at some point.”
“You should. They’ll be really happy for you.” That got Aja thinking: she should come out. Unfortunately, it was easier said than done. She’d kept it locked away and hidden for so long, and it’d feel strange to now have it out in the open. Every time it came to confessing, she stopped herself like a coward. She didn’t want to hesitate any longer.
“Alexis will make a big thing about it, like she’s done with every relationship I’ve had,” Sasha replied. “She’ll parade us around the school like we’re some sort of fairground attraction. I know she’s our friend, but she needs to chill sometimes.”
“The others will be fine with it. Don’t worry about Alexis,” Aja assured.
Sasha shrugged. “I’ll talk to Shea about it,” she said. “I don’t know if she’s ready to come out.” Aja slowly came to a halt in the middle of the sidewalk, causing Sasha to turn around and raise one eyebrow. “What’s up?” she asked.
“Speaking of coming out… Can I tell you something?” Aja could feel her heartbeat resounding in her chest, her hands becoming clammy. She couldn’t back down now.
“Sure.” Sasha’s expression softened. She looked as if she knew exactly what Aja was going to say, but she encouraged her to continue, anyway.
“I’m, err… I’ve wanted to tell you this for a while now, and something in me said that now was the right time." Come on, Aja, hurry the fuck up. Her heartbeat became louder and louder, and she could feel the blood rushing in her ears. "I’m gay.” She closed her eyes immediately in regret, and jumped out of her skin when Sasha embraced her in one of her power-grip hugs. She exhaled, and the emotional weight was lifted off her shoulders.
“I’m so proud of you,” she told her, hugging her even tighter. Aja hugged her back, unable to speak. She was so utterly grateful for her best friend, and wondered what she’d do without her. It was times like this where she was reminded of how truly amazing Sasha was.
Aja pulled away. “Thank you, Sasha,” she responded, getting her breath back. “That feels so much better.”
“Girl, you should’ve told me sooner!” she exclaimed. “We could’ve talked about girls and gayness and everything.”
“I… I was too scared,” she admitted. “Now, I don’t know why I was.”
“Well, good times await,” Sasha said. “And… can I ask you something?”
“Go ahead,” Aja said. She still hasn’t quite caught her breath.
“Have you had a girlfriend before?”
“Uh, not really.” That wasn’t exactly a lie. She hadn’t had a girlfriend before, but there was one girl who had shattered her heart, despite them never being together - she’d never forget Dahlia. Even the mention of the name brought back a lifetime supply of bad memories.
The two sophomores were sitting on Aja’s bed, legs crossed and surrounded by their schoolwork, but it wasn’t like they were doing any. Catching up every few weeks or so was always enjoyable, and every time they’d leave their heaps of work at their sides. It had been a whole year since they’d last gone to school together, but the one thing that had changed only recently was Aja’s feelings towards Dahlia. Normally after a year or so apart, friends weren’t that close anymore, but that was completely different for the girl. She wanted to see Dahlia every day, hang out with her, kiss her and hold her hand. Feel her touch against her bare skin, her breath on her neck late at night. Dahlia didn’t think about that. She never had. While Aja’s gigantic crush manifested itself over the past few months, Dahlia purely saw friendship.
“So,” Aja began. “What’s sophomore year like for you? Anything new?”
Dahlia broke out into a smile. “Well, there’s this new guy in our grade. God, Aja, he’s so hot! I sit next to him in English.”
Aja’s mood instantly dropped, but she didn’t let her fake smile falter. She had to be happy for her friend.
“Have you talked to him at all?” she questioned.
“No, not yet,” Dahlia replied, her smile fading. “Our English teacher is so strict, so we can never talk in class, and I don’t see him outside of class that much, anyway. So, this one time she caught us talking…” And she was off talking about a new subject, much to Aja’s delight.
She was so desperately in like. Dahlia spoke so eloquently that she couldn’t help but watch her lips as she talked, and thoughts of kissing the girl crossed her mind. She imagined the feeling of Dahlia’s lips on her own, the way her eyes would flutter shut as they both leaned in and closed the small gap between them. It was so, so wrong, but it felt so right.
“Aja, hello?!” Dahlia said, waving her hand in front of Aja’s face. Aja snapped out of her daydream and laughed nonchalantly.
“Sorry, zoned out,” she said.
“So rude.” She laughed and lightly pushed Aja back with a slap to her shoulder. Even the smallest gesture made her skin tingle and butterflies swarm in her stomach. “Is something up? You’re never normally this quiet.”
Aja looked down, digging her nails into her palms. Her not-so-little crush was eating her up inside more than ever, and she didn’t know how to answer. On one hand, she could tell Dahlia and get it over with. On the other, she could make up some half-assed excuse and keep it to herself. Neither option sounded that appealing, but she had to pick one.
“It’s, uh… There is something, actually.” She didn’t know where she was going with this, or why she’d decided that this was the best decision, but she had to go with it now.
Dahlia cocked her head to the left, raising her eyebrows. “What is it?”
Aja bit her bottom lip so hard that she thought it would bleed. When she didn’t respond, Dahlia took her hand in her own, and instantly Aja’s became clammy. She reluctantly tore it away before Dahlia noticed. Instead, she placed it on her cheek, and quickly leaned in to press a kiss to her soft lips before Dahlia could even speak up. The kiss was forceful, not with aggression, but with passion - but Dahlia didn’t kiss back. Instead, she pulled away, wiping off Aja’s lipstick from her lips and looking her up and down with wide eyes. Their friendship had completely changed within a matter of seconds.
“Dahlia, I’m sorry, I-”
“Don’t worry about it ,” she cut her off, smiling insincerely. “Maybe we should just do some homework, or something. I… have to meet Kandy and Momo soon.”
“S-sure,” Aja stuttered. She’d probably tell Kandy and Momo everything. Dahlia’s reaction had taken her heart and smashed it with a sledgehammer. Melancholy filled the room as they both pulled out their homework in silence, and they began to work. Aja still felt her lips tingling, and her eyes stung with tears.
But she couldn’t hate Dahlia. It was nowhere near the girl’s fault for what she did, and she’d just have to accept that she couldn’t return the feelings. She couldn’t imagine hating her best friend. But somehow, that anger still resided within her.
“Oh,” Sasha replied, bringing Aja back from her much-relived memory. “You’ll find someone, I just know it.”
“I hope so, Sash,” Aja said.
The two automatically began to walk again, but Aja just couldn’t shake Dahlia from her mind. They were still close friends, but it had been a while since they’d last seen each other, and there was always tension when they did. Aja didn’t like Dahlia like that anymore, but the hurt had never left.
A few moments later, Sasha left to go home and Aja walked the last few streets by herself. Unable to shake Dahlia from her mind, she pulled her phone out of her pocket - she needed a distraction, and it didn’t matter too much who or what it was. At first she didn’t know who to text, but soon enough, just the right person came to mind.
Aja Come over so we can practise for Wednesday. I need some help.
Cheerleading was always her sweet escape, and it was just the right thing to keep her mind busy. But the person she’d invited to help her? That may have been a whole different matter.
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