#she's young and foreign (sorta--she was born in london and lived there till age 3)
quill-pen · 1 year
Bess: Darling, I'm afraid I have some terrible news.
Eb: Oh, yes, and what's that?
Bess: Apparently, I'm planning to murder you.
Eb: Really?
Bess: Yes. Murder you and abscond with all your money back to my American lover.
Eb: You have an American lover? You never told me--I'm offended! What is the fine fellow's name.
Bess: I'm not sure. The gossiping biddies at the market wouldn't tell me when I asked them.
Eb: Bollocks. Did they happen to mention where you have him stashed away?
Bess: No, they didn't! They were a rather unhelpful bunch, I must say.
Eb: I dare say! How can they possibly expect you to successfully murder me and abscond with my money back to your lover if they don't even tell you his name or where he's staying?! The nerve!
Bess: Some people are just so inconsiderate. *hugs hubby, smiling* Unlike you. You're considerate to a fault. *gives hubby lingering kiss* I will miss that after I murder you.
Eb: I should think you would. Just please don't spend my money on books of puns. That's all I ask.
Bess: I make no such promises, Ebenezer Charles.
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