#they are so perfect i could 😭
quill-pen · 1 year
Bess: Darling, I'm afraid I have some terrible news.
Eb: Oh, yes, and what's that?
Bess: Apparently, I'm planning to murder you.
Eb: Really?
Bess: Yes. Murder you and abscond with all your money back to my American lover.
Eb: You have an American lover? You never told me--I'm offended! What is the fine fellow's name.
Bess: I'm not sure. The gossiping biddies at the market wouldn't tell me when I asked them.
Eb: Bollocks. Did they happen to mention where you have him stashed away?
Bess: No, they didn't! They were a rather unhelpful bunch, I must say.
Eb: I dare say! How can they possibly expect you to successfully murder me and abscond with my money back to your lover if they don't even tell you his name or where he's staying?! The nerve!
Bess: Some people are just so inconsiderate. *hugs hubby, smiling* Unlike you. You're considerate to a fault. *gives hubby lingering kiss* I will miss that after I murder you.
Eb: I should think you would. Just please don't spend my money on books of puns. That's all I ask.
Bess: I make no such promises, Ebenezer Charles.
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nibbelraz · 1 year
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This is my favorite type of Moshang
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oatbugs · 2 months
last night i got home kind of tipsy and very much in tears and my mother told me the force you exert to keep someone in your life is proportional to the force with which they will leave your life. if you have to fight tooth and claw to keep them, their leaving will be just as hard, just as harsh, and just as definite.
#she said it like a law. its just momentum.#also she told me to get a therapist and start archery ASAP bc i need to get it together#and also she said even granting that this person u were in love w was So Special . as in hot motorcycle-riding iranian masc lesbian in ldn#they arent the only one on earth and that once i start my proper adult life outside of studies etc etc i will probably no longer live in th#UK. she said most non straight iranians u would like have left the country anyway . where do you think they went? theyre out there#and also she asked me to imagine how many hot gay iranians there may be in italy or amsterdam or smth and i was like ok points 😭 maybe#ur right. anyway i was having a feeling of dread bc crying into the arms of ur strict asian mother while buzzed usually results in#death chaos destruction etc in the next few days but actually i think maybe she has genuinely changed as a person and the fear is#unwarranted#anyway i need to eat breakfast and study w the date person i met yesterday#they are so nice ??? genuinely so so sweet i dont feel attracted to them at all omg i genuinely think i have a thing for hot evil ppl 😭#but we could b besties . theyre a lot more romantic than the ex situationship person too like generally . ugh they should be perfect but#alas it appears i am shallow as fuck or potentially a lesbian actually#OH THEY MIGHT ALSO BE POTENTIALLY A LESBIAN BTW#i think i just tend to not date cis ppl entirely by accident#....feel free to rb if u want btw sorry for the rant
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never-looked-so-good · 4 months
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📷 @/matteoviacava
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birthday card commission!!
happy birthday, Chai! 🤍
commissioned by mitsuymm in instagram
you can too, for yourself or your friend by this link (it's google form with all commission info) 🫶 or order a drawing of any format i can offer!
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uhbasicallyjustmilex · 4 months
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miles kane, swg3 glasgow 01/02/2024
oh my god oh my GOD i don't even know where to start. last night was hands down not just one of the best gigs of my life, but one of the best nights of my life full stop. it's twenty four hours later and my heart just feels so full and i still can't stop smiling with pure happiness 🥹 i've been to a LOT of gigs over the years, and a lot of those have been really amazing gigs too - but this one. wow. there was truly just something so special about this one that i know i'll carry with me for a long time to come 💗
i feel like i could ramble endlessly about all the things that made it so incredible (i.e. literally everything), so to try and avoid writing an actual essay, here are a few bullet points of my favourite things:
being right in the front row was AMAZING for obvious reasons, but also because of the number of times miles made eye contact with me and smiled at me as he was singing 😭 (naturally any time this happened i smiled back like a total idiot and forgot all the words) me and the lovely human i was there with were the only ones at the barrier who were really getting into it at the start, and i got the sense he loved seeing how much we were loving being there 💗
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miles just has the most incredible energy ✨ that's absolutely something you pick up from listening to his music, watching interview etc - but it's quite something else to experience in person. the moment he walks into a room he just gives off such good vibes and such warmth. there's such a sense of groundedness to him as well as all the amazing passion, and also idk. i feel like in person you can really feel the sensitivity and vulnerability that's so present in his music too. he truly lights up a room and just has such a knack for holding everyone captive 💫
getting to witness miles being overwhelmed and unable to stop smiling at how enthusiastic the crowd was truly wonderful 🥹 you could just *feel* how much it all meant to him, and watching him get all the love and appreciation he deserves was just magic 💖
at the end, he came down into the crowd towards me and was making direct eye contact and then he FUCKING SPOKE TO ME??????? 😭 i was too dazed to actually take in what he was saying (i'm pretty sure it was something along the lines of "i like your necklace" but honestly who knows lol), and it was very brief because naturally i wasn't the only person in the crowd he was saying hi to, but fucking HELL. i was totally, totally unprepared 😭 i then had the privilege of a sweaty miles kane leaning over me to high five the people behind me, and i held his hand and - yeah. it was all so truly surreal that i might think i'd imagined it if it wasn't for the fact i can literally see the moment in this video 😭
i was there with @perfectly-clear-from-here and we were both just utterly ECSTATIC after the show, it was amazing getting to share the sheer giddy joy of all that with one of the loveliest humans i know 💜
and then of course (as if all of that wasn't already enough to make it the most wonderful night), we MET MILES after the show 😭😭 i've already rambled about that here so i won't do it again, but - yeah. let's just say he truly is the most wonderful person with the loveliest energy, and he is so easy to be around 🥹
the last six months or so have not been easy ones for me, and this felt like the most wonderful break in the clouds that just - idk. really restored me to myself. it was so special to get to experience live so many of the amazing songs that have got me through and been such a comfort in the difficult times, and i am just so endlessly grateful to miles for his courage in creating and sharing all that he shares 💗
**please do not repost my photos without permission**
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fckedupnerd · 2 months
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Mathew Baynton in the Dodges and Feints music video for DM Stith
Video here:
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Dazai truly has become Oda in every way imaginable now. :’ ) the final words he gives to Sigma are the exact same words Oda gives to Dazai in the original scene Asagiri wrote for the end of the Dark Era stage play, 後は頼んだよ, “I will leave the rest to you.”
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And I really love the progression of the way his eyes look in this chapter, and how Sigma is allowed to have this moment of questioning and rebelling against all the faith Dazai had naturally been leading him to place in him up to this point, which is what I hoped would happen. He’s been confused ever since Dazai first chose him, and everything he’s ever known about how everyone sees/treats him turned upside down by Dazai’s words and actions, and just when he’s finally started to feel like he’s found some hope and lowered his guard, Dazai pulls him back underwater, instantly reinforcing all of Sigma’s trust issues and reinforcing that he should never believe in anyone, because (he thinks) everyone lives to manipulate other people. Dazai’s dark eyes here reinforce that, too, and the other panels around this point where they look white and hollow and demonic, all like Fyodor’s. He appears like an evil, looming force pulling him back under, trying to kill him, when Sigma is so close to the freedom of the air he desperately wants (aka free from pain, which is what he’s been seeking his whole life).
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But then Dazai makes this face, and the first one I posted above, and Sigma understands, even without words, that Dazai doesn’t have evil intent: on the contrary, he actually is bound and determined to save his life -- and the light in his eyes comes out through this determination and kindness, arguably the most light we’ve ever seen his eyes have in the entire manga (in the “I leave the rest to you” panel too). The “No” could be Dazai wordlessly telling him to not leave the water, but my first assumption was that it was Sigma telling himself no, stopping his own train of thought about Dazai being the same as Fyodor and someone he shouldn’t have trusted -- he soon realizes why Dazai stopped him, and that he’s still going to try to save him, that he wasn’t wrong about him, and it’s all because Dazai’s earnest expressions get through to him.
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And it’s just so heartwarming to see how far Dazai has come. :’ ) He tried so hard to save Sigma (doing the most physical action we’ve ever seen him do, really), did his best to be reassuring and comforting to him afterwards, and then reaffirmed his promise to ensure he escaped Meursault alive, his final words to Sigma echoing Oda’s and his last action being to save an orphan, just like Oda did in his last moments. Obviously Dazai isn’t actually going to die, he’ll be saved somehow, but I do think as of right now he really does think this is the end for him, and that he didn’t foresee the elevator dropping -- he was examining the wires a few chapters ago because he thought he might need to know how to open the doors in case Fyodor pulled an uno reverse, hence why he looks more annoyed than shocked when the water starts, but here, when the drop collision sequence is initiated, he looks genuinely shook in comparison. There’d be no reason for him to give the thumbs up if he knew more danger was on the way, either; that’d just be cruel. No, I don’t think he saw this coming, and it’s important that that turns out to be the case: it’s important that he spent what he believes to have been his last moments saving someone like Oda wanted for him, and doing what Oda would have done in the same situation. That doesn’t mean that it’s okay that Dazai throws his life away so easily, and cares so little for his own safety; he still has a long way to go in that regard. But it’s still so beautiful to see how much he’s changed, and how much he’s truly begun to embody Oda and his legacy; the fact that he messed up and miscalculated, because Dazai isn’t infallible, but in turn didn’t hesitate to use his last moments to save Sigma. Oda would be so proud for everything he did here. :’ ) 💖
There are a lot of options for how Dazai will be saved, and by who, but personally I hope (and I kind of expect) that Sigma chooses to not give up on him and ultimately plays a role in saving his life, to return the favor and repay him for his kindness. Not only would it be a beautiful way to initiate Sigma’s ADA entrance exam as people have said, but it would bring the Dazai > Atsushi > Sigma chain full circle: Dazai saved Atsushi at the start of the series, allowing him to (spiritually) save Sigma at sky casino thanks to the growth fostered in him by Dazai, and now finally, Sigma could potentially save Dazai thanks to Atsushi kickstarting his own growth (and Dazai continuing it). Fyodor is overly cocky right now and so tunnel-visioned on killing Dazai, it’s possible that he has no idea that Sigma managed to escape the elevator and is now a wild card; even if Sigma doesn’t go as far as killing Fyodor himself (which I don’t want, tbh; that’s endgame stuff arcs down the line and imo Nikolai and Dazai should be the ones involved with that), he could throw a wrench in the jailbreak duel, and help Dazai and Chuuya get out alive. It would be poetic, and only fitting, for Fyodor to underestimate and be outdone by the kind of person Dazai told him is the strongest in chapter 77 -- a self-proclaimed “ordinary man” -- who could only have the strength to take such action thanks to the chain of kindness that Oda originally started. 💖
#bungou stray dogs#bsd 106.5#meta#this chapter was literally everything i could have wanted i am SO EMOTIONAL#I WILL NEVER BE OVER IT#ASAGIRI GIVING ME LITERALLY EVERYTHING I EVER COULD HAVE WANTED#DAZAI HAS GROWN SOOOO MUCH HE'S BECOME SO MUCH LIKE ODA I COULDN'T BE MORE PROUD 😭😭😭💖💖💖#as soon as i saw that big panel of his face i was like........ he looks like oda......... ASAGIRI I SEE YOUUUUUU#AND THE FINAL WORDS#I SEE YOUUUUUUUUUU#ISTG IF DAZAI THINKS ABOUT ODA WHEN HE THINKS HE'S GONNA DIE BEFORE HE GETS SAVED I WILL SPONTANEOUSLY COMBUST#ASAGIRI PLEASE THIS IS THE PERFECT OPPORTUNITY I WILL CRYYYYYYY 😭🥺🥹💖#Dazai was so much like Oda here and Sigma looked just like Atsushi in that one panel DONT TOUCH MEEEE#THIS WHOLE CHAPTER WAS SO PERFECT#I NEED SIGMA TO SAVE HIM NOW#the longest chapter we've gotten in AGES and it was a banger god bless#tbh i really needed this after season 4 lmao i needed a reminder of why i love this series so much :''''') something to soothe my rage#asagiri saw my bitterness at anime sigma and was like 'here u go babe i got your sigma and dazai and oda feast'#probably means next month will be short again and a pov change lmao 🥲💔#gonna enjoy this while it lasts#anyway i was really happy to see that moment of Sigma getting mad even if it didn't last long (and for a beautiful reason)#because he Deserved that#(because that's what i wrote in my fic and i feel vindicated now even if that wasn't the main focus of this chapter looool oops-)
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ariaterramoon · 1 month
Sarai — Shane Uniform Breakdown
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And here is Sarai's uniform layer breakdown!! I rly love the pose I did for her and I'm using it to make more outfits for her! It's so fun!!!
I know it's just 2 layers, but it's still pretty important to know how those layers work when you draw
And BEHOLD! Sarai's blaster has now been set in stone!! Finally, after years of not drawing it, Sarai officially has a blaster and I ADORE it's design! Taken inspiration from her father, a bit of her brother and the rest is all her own 💜💜 I think it fits her PERFECTLY. It is soooo Sarai
Commissioned from The Tailor by Sarai for her 20th birthday
Has no Shane badge or insignia
Asked Red Hook for specialized blaster from the Protector Model Line
Sarai had a hand in designing her uniform and blaster
Padded tailcoat attaches magnetically by the sides
The Protector Model Line includes: Guardian Pro-Fire XT— Defender Slipstream XVL — Sentinel Crossfire Pro (Newly added)
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s3v3r3dh3ad · 2 months
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Also @oohbuggypie made this post and mentioned Don's swearing he was gonna get snake bites once he went into his emo arc and Carmen had to talk him out of it AND I LITERALLY THINK ABOUT THAT EVERY FUCKING DAY IT'S SO FUNNY TO ME 💀 anyways I made this bc I didn't feel like doing a whole separate drawing 😭
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lunarharp · 1 year
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silly men
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hooned · 4 months
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i can’t believe i took these photos oh my god i luckily had a great view of the entire concert and wow, again, had thee absolute time of my life. ❤️‍🩹 enhypen, you will always be loved by me.
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azfellschild · 5 months
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(blurred to not spoil too much hehe)
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devilsrecreation · 3 months
Outlander drawing prompts I got from Wannadraw
- Jasiri gardening
or as Deadpool
or as a model
- Madoa as a warlock
or as a popstar
or steampunk
- Janja drawing a picture of himself
or chibi style
or as a popstar
- Chungu as an evil queen (king)
or wearing an outfit made of flowers
or as an artificer
- Cheezi made of cheese (hehe…CHEESE-i)
or playing with fireworks
or skydiving
- Nne riding a dragon into combat (a komodo dragon lol)
as a demon
or as a puppet
- Tano adopting 50+ cats (bonus if they’re all disney cats)
or dancing in a music video
or as a bard
- Mzingo chibi style
or as a cowboy
or if he was one of the mean girls
- Mwoga as a lego character
or going to prom
or as a ranger
- Reirei as a bard
or rocking a ballgown
or at the Olympics
- Goigoi going to highschool (new au??)
or on Valentine’s Day
or traveling the desert
- Dogo if he was a disney prince
or sporting a giant anime sword
or as a superhero (SUPER JACKAL)
- Kiburi wearing 50’s clothing
or dressed like Nicki Minaj (WHEEZE)
or gardening
- Tamka as a model
or drawn in hayao miyazaki’s style
or on Valentine’s Day
- Nduli as a barbarian
or flying on a magic carpet
or as a Mortal Combat character
- Neema as a rogue
or running from a bear
or surfing
- Shupavu as a llama
or as a druid
or as a character from your fav video game
- Njano as a plant person
or as a wizard
or stranded on an island
- Kenge as a druid
or as a pirate (PIRATE AU?????)
or made of cheese
- Sumu going to a Ren faire
or stranded on an island
or as a ballerina
- Ushari climbing a tree
or drop dead gorgeous
or wearing a bikini (ig as a human-)
Bonus: Vitani’s guard
- Vitani falling in love with an ice cream
- Shabaha as a warlock
- Kasi cooking
- Imara in Lady Gaga’s clothes (bonus if she wears her meat dress)
- Tazama as a character from your favorite video game
Double bonus: Makuu and Hodari
- Makuu if he was two inches tall
or in a Halloween costume
or as an angel
- Hodari at comicon
or as a paladin
or wearing an outfit made of flowers
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sugarbeampop · 5 months
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Whoopsy daisy! My hand slipped! New self-indulgent as heck TADC sona and self-ship is here!
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voiceofsword · 11 months
Um. Hiiiii
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