#sheel (newsies ocs)
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he love he him boyfriend
photo ref below the cut if anyone wants it
no clue where it came from, i got it off pinterest and i thought it was adorable
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a compilation of only a few of my sheel aesthetic pics xx
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click for better quality, im sure tumblr's gonna behave like a paper shredder w this one
i think @toffyrats asked me to show them? dont remember
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@sluttylittlenewsboy yo chase this is kinda for you but also just for everyone in general who like my ocs lmao xx
the updated version of this post
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modern au sheel my beloved <3
shoe with a mullet and snake bite piercings real 鈥硷笍鈥硷笍 he also has a tongue piercing that drives eel c r a z y
your honour theyre bfs who get tattoos and piercings together <3
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the-woild-is-y-erster 11 months
pssst @sluttylittlenewsboy lookatthis
i may or may not have made a sheel playlist<3
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Total math problem breakfast lol
Speaking of breakfast, what are your OCs' favorite meals
ok hi sorry i was battling this dress i have with a partially broken zipper
i dont often wear dresses cus. yknow. i got the Man鈩笍 disease now/j/lh but i do have a lot of cute ones (and a bunch i made)
ok so.
shoe's favourite meal is breakfast, he's a bagel man all the way. he's an early riser and eel is. not. at all. so before 9:00 am is Shoe Time, where he gets ready and eats and goes on walks and stuff, unless they both have to be up early, then shoe's all chipper and eel looks like this
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and they have bagels and coffee together <333
eel's favourite meal is dinner. the peacefulness of the evening makes him happy, and being able to spend it on a date with shoe or with chiara and dimes or a big dinner with all the boys in the lodging house is the best thing ever to him. he adores cooking, and makes pasta once a month
he had a little jam jar he puts a tiny bit of each days earnings in to save up for ingredients
he loves learning new recipies from eden (the lodging house keeper, shes an old italian lady) and sometimes if hes lucky shoe'll remember an irish recipe his mam used to make
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im. going insane over them. actually bonkers. theyre so in love. theyre stupidly inlove and i cant stop thinking about it. shoe and eel my beloveds. im crazy. im insane. i
spent time that i was s'posed to be doing homework doing this instead is what i did.
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meow meow meow meow meow
i want to tell you about dimes. again. help me hes all i think about. insane. crazy.
he cant tie a tie at all . its his dads tie but he doesnt know how to do it and if anyone ever taught him how too i think hed just start crying from gratitude.
also. im thinking about shoes and zeke again u shld tell me more about them please and thank you. - jack
ok so you know how shoe wears a tie? zeke has to tie it for him because he doesnt know how to tie it, so i think he would finally get fed up with dimes having his untied tie around his neck and just one day be like 'dude- c'mere.' and tie it for him without thinking and dimes is just standing there for like three minutes after like 馃槰馃ズ and eel turns around and is like 'what.' and dimes just starts bawling
i also think eel's a very tactile person, like he loves hugs and like casual touches and stuff because his parents and brother never gave him that so he wants to make sure the rest of his boys get it, like if he sees someone hes close to he'll run up and hug them real big, like yknow the bear hugs when you kinda pick someone up and shake them a lil? thats all of his hugs
he hates crying, because his da told him it was a sign of weakness and that boys dont cry, but sometimes when shoe wakes up in the middle of the night and finds him gone, he'll go up onto the roof to see zeke sitting up there tucked in a ball looking at the stars, and they never talk, shoe just holds him until he falls asleep and carries him back down to their room.
shoe backstory a lil ig
so he's kind of a davey type, he had too many siblings so his parents sent him to the lodging house instead, but he had a formal education until he was like 12-13 so he speaks a little better than the other boys, but living in the lodging house for years has given him an accent. he wandered onto queens turf when he was selling, originally was kind of a freelancer, would buy his papers at any distribution center and wander around until he came into queens and they were like. dude. you cant do that you gotta have a borough. and took him to eel. eel was head over heels at first sight, but knew to hold back on that, and he had never had a second and was going bonkers because of it, so he was like 'heeyyyyy new kid do you wanna be boyfriends best friends and be my second?' and shoe was like sure youre really pretty lmao lets go
anywhizzle!! lmk if you want more/have questions and tell me abt dimes PLEASE i adore him馃檹馃檹
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k a lil thing for @newsiesfixation and @crutchie-69 love ya boys/p <3
prompt: "i was only defending myself."
eel hummed as he moved around the kitchen, some lullaby he had heard spot sing to his littles a few times.
"suil, suil, suil a run, suil go sochair agus siuil go ciuin, suil go doras agus ealaigh liom. is go dte tu mo mhuirnin slan."
as he padded back to the stove to stir his stew, he heard the footsteps of his lover behind him.
"buonanotte, mi amore." he said over his shoulder, not looking up from his cooking as a pair of arms wrapped around his waist and a head tucked itself into his neck. a grin tugged at his lips. "hard day?" he said, bringing the hand that wasn't stirring the pot up to run his fingers through shoe's hair. a grumble came from the boy behind him, and his arms wrapped tighter around eel's waist.
"got a headache." shoe mumbled. the shorter boy clicked his tongue in sympathy as he finally put the spoon down and turned to embrace his lover. "mi dispiace, amore mio. do you want anything or just some silence?" eel kept one hand on shoe's back as he reached up between them to loosen the tie at the other's neck, unbuttoning the first button at his neck.
the brunet grumbled, and pulled eel close again as his boyfriend laughed. "okay big guy, lets get you to the couch, hm?" he guided shoe towards the door, when behind him the kitchen door flew open with a bang.
"-and the same to ya mother, you son of a-" the raven-haired hurricane that launched itself into the kitchen shouted outside.
"charles britney penelope cooper." eel said sharply. dimes' mouth shut mid-shout as he turned to face the older boys, brow furrowing as he saw them entwined. "who in the name of maria la madre de dio are you yelling at? youse knows if ya got trouble, i'll handle it." zeke's eyes widened as he took in the scuffed up state of his son baby brother young friend. "and why is youse covered in bruises? what the hell is youse doin'?"
dimes opened and closed his mouth, looking rather like a fish with his eyes wide as they flicked between eel and shoe.
"is you's sweethearts?" he finally exploded.
shoe immediately tried to step back from his lover but eel put a hand on his waist and pulled him back. "and if we is? 's not what we's talkin' bout here, bub. who are you shouting at, and why do ya look like ya got run over by a carraige?" dimes shuffled his feet and fiddled with the tie hanging from his collar.
"i'se was shoutin' at some punks from the bronx, okay?" he said, hating the way his given name sounded in ezekiel's mouth.
" from the bronx? you knows we's queens, right?" eel said, disbelieving. dimes fought the urge to roll his eyes as he glanced skeptically between the two older boys.
"yeah, i do, but-" dimes started before eel cut him off.
"so why's you covered in cuts n bruises, huh?" he asked.
dimes stomped his foot, trying to get him to listen. "i told ya, they's punks! an i was only defending myself. you should see how they looks." he crossed his arms sulkily across his chest, looking at his shoes as eel huffed a disbelieving laugh. "uhuh, i'm sure your five-foot-even-ninety-pound ass got some real good sluggers in."
dimes gaped, getting frustrated. "they followed me here! they said- they said my pa- they said he didnt want me and that's why he's gone." the short fourteen year old looked like he was eight in that moment as he shrank into himself. seeing this, eel immediately felt horrible as he let go of shoe and kneeled in front of dimes.
"hey. dimes. charlie, look at me, buddy." he ducked his head to catch the watery grey irises of the boy in front of him. "hey. you never. never. listen to what those punks have gotta say, y'hear me? they're just tryna rile ya up, and you 'n i both know that ain't true. ya pops loved ya, i knows it. if he didn't, he wouldn'ta gotten ya this tie, huh?" eel brought the tie up so dimes would look at it, rubbing the silky blue material between his fingers for emphasis. dimes nodded as a tear ran down his dirty cheek.
eel wiped it away, keeping his hand on the younger boy's face as he spoke softly. "buddy, you know that ya pop loved ya, and even though he ain't here right now, youse got me 'n shoe, alright? i will never-" he poked dimes' chest with his other hand. "-ever leave youse, okay? neither of us will. youse the best gambler we got! if we let ya wander off too often, who would cheat all the guys outta their money?" that got a watery chuckle out of the grey eyed kid, bringing a smile to eel's face.
"if they ever- ever bother youse again, ya tell me, alright?" dimes nodded, sniffing as eel pulled him into an awkward hug, as he was still on his knees, and dimes was slightly taller than he was the last time they did this. but neither let go, despite their discomfort.
"m sorry i said that, kiddo. i'm sure ya can throw a real good punch." eel whispered into dimes' ear, smiling. dimes laughed, pulling back and twisting the strap of his bag. eel stayed kneeling in front of him, making sure he was really ok now. dimes looked up and made eye contact with him and smiled slightly, before catching sight of shoe behind him, and frowning again. "so- so youse are really sweethearts?" he mumbled.
eel flushed and chuckled as he stood up to lean on the table again. "yeah, we is. youse okay with that?" the small dark haired boy said nothing. "aww, c'mon, its shoe, dimes. shoe. you love shoe." eel wheedled, seeing the hesitance. his eyebrows sunk lower on his face as he walked past the two of them to go out to the common area. eel put a hand on his chest before he could leave. "bub. what's wrong."
dimes brushed the hand off, shuffling towards eel and giving shoe a wary stink eye. "if- if ya start bein sweet, then you- then..." he trailed off, swaying nervously. "then what, dimes?" shoe asked. dimes frowned again, pressing himself against eel's side. "then- then eel won't spend no more time with me." he whispered, barely audible. eel grabbed his shoulder and brought him in front to face shoe and talking into his ear. "buddy, what'd i just promise ya?"
"that you wouldn't leave." dimes mumbled dejectedly.
"uhuh. and that means ever, ya know that?"
he nodded, looking at shoe still.
"just because me n' shoe're together now, don't mean i care bout you any less, okay? i will always cheat at cards with you, or scam people on the streets, alright? ya just gotta ask."
dimes turned around and hugged the brunet boy, burying his face in his shirt. "oh- okay, yep, okay i'm not gonna cry this is fine." eel patted dimes' back, blinking hard.
"i don't wanna share you." eel heard between sobs.
"buddy, ya don't hafta. i'll only spend a little more time with shoe, alright? nothin else'll change, i swear."
dimes looked up at eel, eyes watery. "swear on ya ma?" he whispered.
eel laughed and ruffled the black haired boy's head. "swear on my ma's left buttock, kiddo." he gently pried dimes off of his torso and pushed him towards the door slightly. "go tell the boys finner's near ready, k?" dimes wiped his eyes as he nodded, walking out the door.
shoe looked at eel as the other watched fondly after the raven haired boy.
"you really love him, don't you? he's like your son."
eel sputtered, but didnt deny it. "well, if he's my son-which he isn't!-then he's yours now, too, harv." he said, smiling as e walked over and wrapped his lover in a hug. "sorry i had ta tell him we'se together." he said into the taller boy's neck. shoe shook his head. "was bound to happen anyway. better he heard it from us and not from a rumor." eel chuckled and shook his head, drawing back slightly. "that's that voice of reason i love." he pressed a kiss to his lover's lips, only pulling away when the stew started to bubble on the stove.
i didnt cry writing this you did
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um um!! purrhaps 3 (the jumping in front of the other one? ya that) or the "oh my god, where have you been?! i was so worried about you! are you okay? did you get hurt?!" one w dimes nd eel pretty please :00 idm which prompt u use ^^ ill send an ask for one w eel nd shoe once ive finished cooking if u want more :P - jack
ok hi jackie thank you bub
sorry this is late lol got busy<3
im gonna do the second one but not the way i think it would normally be done lmao :)
prompt: "where have you been? i was so worried! are you hurt?"
it was ten o'clock. it was ten o'clock, and eel had said he would be back at the lodge no later than eight-thirty. and dimes was getting worried.
shoe had gone with him, wherever they went, and had said something about going to see the leader of the bronx, which, given how late he said they would be back, checked out, because the bronx was all the way on the other side of the river, and then all the way through lower manhattan, so dimes knew it would take a long time to get there and back, but still.
it was near two hours after eel had said they would be back, and dimes was trying to reason with himself. maybe they just lost track of time. no, eel had his pocket watch, and when he wasn't fiddling with the chain, he was checking it religiously, as being late made him nervous. and shoe may not have been the best at remembering names and faces, but he had memorized the entire street system of the entire city for fun one particularly bad winter, so there was no way they could've gotten lost, between his knowledge and eel's street smarts.
dimes slid silently off eel's bed where he had been waiting, and padded silently downstairs to the room where the lodging house keeper slept, and creeped into the doorway.
"miss eden?" he whispered nervously. she awoke imediately, turning to see what the small teen wanted. "si, mio nipote?" she rasped, her voice heavy with sleep.
dimes gulped. "do- do you- does youse know when eel'n shoe says they would be back?"
the woman's long brown hair, silvering at the roots, fell gracefully over her shoulder as she sat up more. "are they not back yet? ezechiele said he would be home at eight." she yawned aggressively. dimes' brow furrowed, but he started backing out of the room. "s'ok, miss eden, i'se sure they's 'll be back soon." eden just rolled over and fluffed her pillows as she sighed.
dimes chewed his nails as he padded out into the common room and stood there. he couldn't wake anyone else up; squirt was a little, he wouldn't be of any help, mouse might be able to, but he never slept enough so his few hours were precious. moon was off in harlem; he was staying with his sweetheart, she had invited him over for dinner the day before, and he had said it was probable he wouldn't be back that same day. bubbles would just laugh at him for worrying, then promptly get worried himself, breaking down his "emotionally-unavailable-bad-boy image" (his words) and showing his genuine concern.
so dimes was alone on this.
just as his eyes started to burn and his throat started to close up in panic, the kitchen door creaked open.
he raced into the room and stopped short at the sight of eel leaning heavily on shoe, the latter practically holding his entire weight as moonlight spilled in from the open door behind them. eel was clutching his side, just below his ribs as the two stumbled into the kitchen. dimes stood there gaping at them, before he sprinted at them and caught shoe in an awkward hug.
he pulled back and promptly slapped the taller boy. "where were you? it's been two hours since ya said youse would be home!" dimes stuck an angry finger in shoe's chest as the teen reeled from the slap. "i'se was so fuckin' worried about ya-" he stopped as eel let out a indignant huff.
"don't-" he coughed weakly. "don't swear, kiddo." dimes laughed incredulously. "yeah? well don't do stupid shit an get youself hurt again-which i still need to know what happened-and i won't call you every name in the book, you son of-"
zeke's head drooped and his eyelids fluttered. shoe quickly moved past an indignant dimes to put eel on a couch, before unbuttoning the latter's shirt and vest to look at the wound.
eel panicked, shoving shoe's hands away and curling up as best as he could. "no...please! please, i ain't...no..." his words were starting to slur, bloodloss and delirium setting in as he backed away from his lover, eyes wide but unseeing. shoe stopped moving immediately, dropping his hands to his side and lowering his voice. "hey now baby, i'se just tryna see how bad it is. i swear on my life i ain't gonna do nothin." he murmured, making eye contact with the shaking teen.
eel blinked at him, eyes glossy, before he nodded slowly and carefully unclenched his limbs to allow the other to look at the wound on his side. he flinched, hard, as the taller boy's hand touched his side, and shoe winced right along with him, putting a reassuring hand on his stomach gently as he peeled the fabric away from the source of the blood.
the noise eel hid in his throat was so full of pain, dimes backed away, shutting his eyes as he put his hands over his ears and sat on the floor.
"good news, you only got grazed. bad news, youse lost a lotta blood." dimes scrambled to his feet and rushed over, eyes wide as he peeked around shoe to look. the sheer amount of blood made him nauseous, but years of living in rough neighborhoods taught him that it wasn't as bad as it looked.
shoe put his hand firmly over the wound-which dimes had figured out was a gunshot wound, he would definitely be asking about that later-and turned to the hovering boy. "bring me some water an a rag, yeah? oh, and grab some'a the bandages eel keeps in the cabinet in the bathroom."
"youse wasn't s'posed to know bout those, tesoro." zeke grunted, teeth clenched. "yeah well, you should've hidden em better, and not gotten shot!" shoe snapped as he brushed his partner's hair out of his eyes, no real heat behind the words.
dimes rolled his eyes at their antics. like an old married couple, he thought fondly as he raced upstairs to get what shoe had asked.
after eel was patched up and given a damp cloth to rest over his eyes (shoe said he cracked his head against a wall, this would help with the headache) dimes was curled up in an armchair across from the resting teen, watching shoe out of the corner of his eye as he puttered around the rooms. shoe finally came to rest in the other chair next to dimes, flopping down with a worried sigh as he glanced over at his lover.
dimes sat watching shoe watching eel, wondering what he was thinking.
dimes had never really understood why people kissed, or got together. he didn't know why people said they fell in love. what did love even feel like? he wasn't quite sure, he had never felt that for someone before.
but looking at shoe, seeing the expression on his face as he took care of his partner, dimes was pretty sure that that's what love was. taking care of someone, respecting their boundries and helping them get through life. togetherness.
near as dimes could guess, that's what love was.
and his heart felt full at the thought of someone making his...eel was practically like his dad at this point. his older brother so happy, and seeing the looks they gave eachother may have made him want to barf, but the sweetness of those glances when they thought the other wasn't looking wasn't lost on him.
no, he may never feel love like they did. and he was ok with that. but he was so glad that his two favourite people got to experience that joy with eachother.
unedited n all that, really hopes ya like this jackie!! <3
dunno it automatically tags you when i answer so @newsiesfixation
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Another important question: who said "I love you" first? Eel or Shoe?
shoe. hundred percent. you think ezekiel "emotionally constipated because of childhood abuse and trauma and burial of feelings" cattaneo could do it? honey.
shoe said it really offhandedly into a silence when they were on the roof of the lodging house looking at the sunset and eel just sat there like 馃槰馃ズ馃ス and then they kissed and lived happily ever after
i think they had their first kiss like months before they said ily because it always bothers me when people move too fast in relationships and say they love you after like. a week. (who am i to talk abt this ive never been in a relationship 馃拃馃拃) and like hey no shame on those people but like it feels so much more meaningful if you wait
i think they started dating before eel found chiara but didnt say ily until after
and so the first time eel said it
he had gone to harlem for some meeting of all the borough leaders, and it was late when he got back
and chiara was like. baby baby when he found her, like nearly newborn
and something about babies. is that they eat. so much. and so often. like every two hours i think (i dunno ive never taken care of a baby)
and so its super late when eel gets back, and he's so ready to go to bed when he suddenly remembers he has to feed chiara.
and he walks into the kitchen to start getting the feeding stuff together.
and theres shoe, chiara in his arms, asleep and clearly having been just fed.
and eel falls to his knees and sobs out an 'i love you'
because what was he supposed to do when he saw this beautiful boy so gently taking care of his daughter? not get slapped across the face with raw affection and adoration??
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those one pictures of c hemsworth and rdj with their respective kids but its sheel with chiara馃拃
the two times they took her to brighton beach (yes ik sunglasses werent invented until 1913 stfu)
they took her when she was still little to teach her to swim, and then later when she was abt six-seven and she begged shoe to play in the surf with her (shes having the time of her life i prommy<3)
dimes is sitting in the sun making sand castles with a couple of the other queens newsies (lmk if yall ever wanna see a few of my background queens ocs馃挴馃挴)
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