#sheila (witch's heart)
mfychl · 5 months
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Group B Round 4
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[image ID: the first image is of Hikaru, a boy with white hair, wearing a short sleeve button up shirt, tucked into dark pants, and carrying a backpack. he's holding up 2 fingers in a peace sign. the second image is of Sheila, a mermaid with a seashell bra and green, blue, and purple hair. her tail is purple and blue and she has starfish and bows in her hair. end ID]
technically he isnt the real hikaru, hes a strange melty fractal creature that cant be fully perceived that took over the original hikaru's body after he died in the mountains [additional propaganda 1]
pretty mermaid lady!! she asks claire (mc) to collect her scales for her after she lost them, and is generally very polite! i think claire and sheila can kiss. as a treat
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askwitchsheart · 2 years
This is like that time ahse was locked in a jar but with tbe demons in lego mansion
Also!! Noel!!! *hands noel a pack of water bottles and lots of food* and Sheila!!!!! *gives sheila a pool so she eont literally die*
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.................the what? first i'm hearing about this
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well, that would explain why ashe was missing for a few days, and lime wanted to play chess with me, with zizel as the referee
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but anyway
eheheh thank you, i appreciate it alot
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.....you have many thanks, i know invective will be happy as well ehe
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falconearring · 7 months
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Enjoy drawing these guys immensely....will eventually do a proper ref/breakdown of my designs for each of the human side, rn I must return to the grind though
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gavinom123 · 4 months
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Sheila 💜
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dailyrainbowcharacter · 2 months
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day 63
from witch's heart
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etoileplume · 11 months
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i love this girl sm JSJSJAJ
also oh my god firealpaca is gorgeous <333 10/10!!!!!!!!!
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blueiziz · 1 year
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This is a commission illustration.
Don’t use unless you’re the client.
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a-dumbass-jester · 1 year
Ok so this is what I have in the wh imortal au so far
story part
Og thread
“Witch’s heart au centered around the human side where you take the fact that wilardo is immortal and the other four(4) are mortal and flip it!(and kinda exaggerate it)”
- Wilardo Adler -
mortal human A 22 year old florist looking for flowers in a cave and then next thing they know they’ve been transported to another realm full of monsters and inhuman beings.
- Sirius Gibson -
a star(the Sirius star specifically) who lives in the sky, but can leave and visit other places if he wants. It’s also worth noting when he’s in the sky he can see everything. He can also distort gravity a little bit by making him and/or small/light objects float. Because of this he often likes wears very flowy loose light clothing. Edit: Sirius has constellations on his skin
- Claire Elford -
Bird like creature. Claire is a very friendly half bird half humanoid creature who shows Wilardo around after night falls and Sirius has to go back to the sky. Unlike most the creatures there Claire can die however it takes much more to kill her. She also lives much longer than humans to. Her arms and legs are that of a birds. She uses her arms to fly.
- Ashe Bradley -
a shapeshifting water creature (Inspo) he lives in oceans and comes up often to visit the others. He is made of water and the more water he has the bigger he can be. That’s why he’s essentially a giant when he’s in large bodies of water. His form is stable enough to be able to travel on land without consequences. When he’s on land he likes having a much smaller/ more human sided form. If he feels a lot of emotion (Especially negative ones) he can start to melt. He also likes to wear much looser clothing so he can shape-shift more comfortably.(I’m imagining something like a robe) he can also control and manipulate water that he is touching. His hair length constantly changes, most the time it is around floor length.
- Noel Levine -
Biblically accurate angel (reference 1) (reference 2)He lives in the sky and visits often. He wasn’t always like this, he was once human but died a few decades ago and became an angel. He is covered in eyes and wings. He has wings attached to the back of his head and back. He doesn’t actually have any facial features but it’s obscured by the wings, floating eyes, the eye loop things and hair that cover his face.
- Rouge -
a Medusa like creature (Inspo) I like to think she’d be a lot like that. She looks very similar but now her hair has been replaced with snakes. Also her whole turning people to stone think works with eye contact and best on humans. She’s often found in bars and places of the sort wearing a fancy red dress.
- Zizel -
a fairy/pixie. Imagine she as a tiny pixie that’s small enough to fit of peoples hands. She sips from tiny teacups and lives is big teapot. She also speaks with bell like sounds that everyone (except wilardo(and other humans)) can understand. Her and Sirius drink tea together sometimes:))
- Dorothy Elford -
Witch she look almost exactly like a human except for her point ears and ability to use magic
- Sheila -
siren/mermaid. she also looks more fish like there with visible gills, fish ears webbed fingers and various fins across her back and the backs of her forarms.
- Lime -
a catgirl or smth idk EDIT: NO IM CHANGING TJIS SHES AN OCTOPUS shes basically the same except her legs have been replaced with octopus tentacles(don’t be weird). She messes with Ashe a lot.
i migjt add more of the characters later
“Wilardo is a mortal who stumbled into a different realm of immortal and inhuman beings. The others are some of those immortal beings he comes across!”
The plot is basically wilardo and the rest of the human side try and figure out how they got here and how to get home
Wilardo got there by picking the dark lily
As a multishiper who ships wilardo with all of the human side I’m having so much fun with this
Put so much time into this I hope you like it!!
ALOS If anyone has any ideas feel free to tell me I would love to see them
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illym · 8 months
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Whtober day 14 - Hell
I think that for a certain amount of time after they've arrived in hell, a lot of demons just fall and don't get up for years and years, letting their daily redeaths flow over them.
Cringetober day 14 - Candy Gore
I like the contrast between the candy and the rest of it. idk if it works, but I like it, so it does.
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trophygony · 2 years
witch's heart's turn
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the others aren't here because i haven't played that far
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yenosiria · 8 months
Happy Birthday Wilardo!
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Group B Round 2
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[image ID: the first image is of Nero, a boy with light colored medium length hair, a black jacket, and a backpack with a bed roll. the second image is of Sheila, a mermaid with a seashell bra and green, blue, and purple hair. her tail is purple and blue and she has starfish and bows in her hair. the third image is of Queenie, an elderly woman with large, wrinkled hands, sharp teeth, large round glasses giving off a bright glare, and hair gathered up into a point. she's wearing an antiquated full-length dress. end ID]
Local schoolboy is isekai'd TO HELL. now he has to fight in the demon battle tournament to get a wish from the devil to escape! Follow this squishy bean as he learns to kill people with magic knives! As the illusion of home grows more and more distant! As he wonders whether this is all worth it! Read now for one boy haunted by his own actions for the rest of time. Character development where it's ambiguous whether he gets worse or better. He just Survives. [additional propaganda 1]
pretty mermaid lady!! she asks claire (mc) to collect her scales for her after she lost them, and is generally very polite! i think claire and sheila can kiss. as a treat
battle grandma [additional propaganda 1] [additional propaganda 2]
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askwitchsheart · 2 years
I might be having a gay panic for Sheila, don't mind me-
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oh? over me?
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you're too nice, thank you
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deadlyflames · 5 months
Dec 31st: 1910s in NOLA: Lovers in Denial
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But even that hardest of hearts unhardened Suddenly, when he saw her there Persephone in her mother’s garden Sun on her shoulders, wind in her hair The smell of the flowers she held in her hand And the pollen that fell from her fingertips And suddenly Hades was only a man with the taste of nectar upon his lips
Klaus Mikaelson has been attempting to bring the four main species of New Orleans together in order to create the Faction. In order to succeed in this endeavour, he needs to broker a peace with the Regent of the nine covens.
However, this plan is endangered when he meets the Regent’s granddaughter in the old witch’s garden and an attraction sparks between the two of them.
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Love was when he came to me Begging on his bended knees To please have pity on his heart And let him lay me in the dirt… I felt his arms around me then We didn’t need a wedding bed Dark seeds scattered on the ground The wild birds were flying around
After secretly meeting with the original hybrid in her grandmother’s garden for months, Klaus asks Bonnie to be his wife. She says she won’t become a vampire and he tells her he would never ask that of her. He’s met plenty of witches who can forestall aging process over the years. While she may never be an immortal, he would protect her from anything that may harm her. So moved by his declaration, Bonnie follows him into the darkness.
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He fell in love with Persephone Who was gathering flowers in the light of the sun And he took her home to become his queen Where the sun never shone on anyone The lady loved him and the kingdom they shared But without her above, not one flower would grow So, King Hades agreed that for half of each year She would stay with him there in his world down below
After Sheila Bennett discovers that her granddaughter has eloped with an ancient vampire, she falls into despair and the ancestors shake the foundation of the city. Wind, rain, lighting, earthquakes and hurricanes.
When Bonnie sees the destruction her absence has brought, she attempts to return home. But Klaus to refuses to let her leave.
It is only thanks to Elijah that New Orleans manages to survive the litany of disasters. Through a negotiation with the witches, terms were determined for the marriage to continue. Bonnie would go home and live among her people for one half of the year and then stay with Klaus for the other half.
After days of being persuaded by both his brother and his wife, Klaus Mikaelson reluctantly agrees to the terms.
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But the other half, she could walk in the sun And the sun in turn, burned twice as bright Which is where the seasons come from And with them, the cycle Of the seed and the sickle And the lives of the people And the birds in their flight
Klaus stood at Bonnie’s side through the entirety of Sheila Bennett’s funeral. Even as witches hiss and glare. He had never gotten along with Sheila, but he had respected her. And he knew Bonnie loved her.
However, he was not allowed to attend the meeting of the witches choosing their new regent. The witches want Bonnie to be their leader. After all, a Bennett has served as regent for the past 100 years.
Bonnie only accepts the responsibility of becoming Regent if the witches agree she can keep her arrangement with Klaus. Bonnie will lives among her coven for six months until the autumn equinox. Then she would return to Klaus and live with him in his compound during the next six months. Until the spring equinox, her friend Vincent Griffith will act as Regent in her stead.
Neither Klaus nor the witches are pleased with this decision.
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Hades is king of oil and coal And the riches that flow where the rivers are found But for half of the year with Persephone gone His loneliness moves in him, crude and black He thinks of his wife in the arms of the sun And jealousy fuels him and feeds him and fills him With doubt that she’ll ever come Dread that she’ll never come Doubt that his lover will ever come back
Klaus is certain the witches made their decision to spite him. Sheila was gone and the deal should have been broken. He would no longer need to send his wife away for half the year. Bonnie should have been his alone now. But the witches and the ancestors have ensured that their claws will remain buried deep in her.
When his wife leaves as the season turns, Klaus indulges in blood and mayhem. When his family inquires about his behaviour, he refuses to give voice to the fear that crawls into his mind every time Bonnie leaves. The fear that she may be gone forever this time.
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When the sun is high, brother, so am I Drinking dandelion wine Brother, I’m as free as a honeybee In a summertime frame of mind And when my man comes around Oh, I know he’s gonna bring me down But for now I’m livin' it Livin' it, livin' it up
Over the years, the relationship between Bonnie and Klaus becomes strained. He is filled with possessiveness and jealousy each time she leaves him. She is filled with frustration and restlessness when he tries to keep her caged.
Vincent suggests that Bonnie should return to the covens indefinitely. As a Bennett witch and their Regent, she is expected to lead them and to do what is best for the witches.
Bonnie assures him that she is thinking of what is best for the witches. Klaus will fight for her if she never returns and the fragile peace between the factions will crumble. Witches will die and she can’t allow that. If she gives up the leadership to be with Klaus, the ancestors will cause chaos, especially now that her Grams is among them.
Bonnie does not tell him the true reason engrained in her heart that she will always return to Klaus. She does not want to leave him.
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How long? Just as long as I am your wife It's true the earth must die But then the earth comes back to life And the sun just goes on rising And how does the sun even fit in the sky? It just burns like a fire in the pit of the sky And the earth is a bird on a spit in the sky How long, how long, how long?
All hail the King and Queen of New Orleans.
Neither wants to admit how much they miss the other. So they are trapped in the cycle of leaving and returning. The cycle of loneliness and love. Until someone brings the world back into tune, that is how it is.
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gavinom123 · 2 years
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Happy birthday queen
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