#Sheila wh
a-dumbass-jester · 1 year
Ok so this is what I have in the wh imortal au so far
story part
Og thread
“Witch’s heart au centered around the human side where you take the fact that wilardo is immortal and the other four(4) are mortal and flip it!(and kinda exaggerate it)”
- Wilardo Adler -
mortal human A 22 year old florist looking for flowers in a cave and then next thing they know they’ve been transported to another realm full of monsters and inhuman beings.
- Sirius Gibson -
a star(the Sirius star specifically) who lives in the sky, but can leave and visit other places if he wants. It’s also worth noting when he’s in the sky he can see everything. He can also distort gravity a little bit by making him and/or small/light objects float. Because of this he often likes wears very flowy loose light clothing. Edit: Sirius has constellations on his skin
- Claire Elford -
Bird like creature. Claire is a very friendly half bird half humanoid creature who shows Wilardo around after night falls and Sirius has to go back to the sky. Unlike most the creatures there Claire can die however it takes much more to kill her. She also lives much longer than humans to. Her arms and legs are that of a birds. She uses her arms to fly.
- Ashe Bradley -
a shapeshifting water creature (Inspo) he lives in oceans and comes up often to visit the others. He is made of water and the more water he has the bigger he can be. That’s why he’s essentially a giant when he’s in large bodies of water. His form is stable enough to be able to travel on land without consequences. When he’s on land he likes having a much smaller/ more human sided form. If he feels a lot of emotion (Especially negative ones) he can start to melt. He also likes to wear much looser clothing so he can shape-shift more comfortably.(I’m imagining something like a robe) he can also control and manipulate water that he is touching. His hair length constantly changes, most the time it is around floor length.
- Noel Levine -
Biblically accurate angel (reference 1) (reference 2)He lives in the sky and visits often. He wasn’t always like this, he was once human but died a few decades ago and became an angel. He is covered in eyes and wings. He has wings attached to the back of his head and back. He doesn’t actually have any facial features but it’s obscured by the wings, floating eyes, the eye loop things and hair that cover his face.
- Rouge -
a Medusa like creature (Inspo) I like to think she’d be a lot like that. She looks very similar but now her hair has been replaced with snakes. Also her whole turning people to stone think works with eye contact and best on humans. She’s often found in bars and places of the sort wearing a fancy red dress.
- Zizel -
a fairy/pixie. Imagine she as a tiny pixie that’s small enough to fit of peoples hands. She sips from tiny teacups and lives is big teapot. She also speaks with bell like sounds that everyone (except wilardo(and other humans)) can understand. Her and Sirius drink tea together sometimes:))
- Dorothy Elford -
Witch she look almost exactly like a human except for her point ears and ability to use magic
- Sheila -
siren/mermaid. she also looks more fish like there with visible gills, fish ears webbed fingers and various fins across her back and the backs of her forarms.
- Lime -
a catgirl or smth idk EDIT: NO IM CHANGING TJIS SHES AN OCTOPUS shes basically the same except her legs have been replaced with octopus tentacles(don’t be weird). She messes with Ashe a lot.
i migjt add more of the characters later
“Wilardo is a mortal who stumbled into a different realm of immortal and inhuman beings. The others are some of those immortal beings he comes across!”
The plot is basically wilardo and the rest of the human side try and figure out how they got here and how to get home
Wilardo got there by picking the dark lily
As a multishiper who ships wilardo with all of the human side I’m having so much fun with this
Put so much time into this I hope you like it!!
ALOS If anyone has any ideas feel free to tell me I would love to see them
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illym · 8 months
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Whtober day 14 - Hell
I think that for a certain amount of time after they've arrived in hell, a lot of demons just fall and don't get up for years and years, letting their daily redeaths flow over them.
Cringetober day 14 - Candy Gore
I like the contrast between the candy and the rest of it. idk if it works, but I like it, so it does.
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falconearring · 7 months
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Enjoy drawing these guys immensely....will eventually do a proper ref/breakdown of my designs for each of the human side, rn I must return to the grind though
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ask-the-hellbound · 2 years
I hope Sheila knows how glamorous her tail is. It's so, so pretty...
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O-oh..... Really?
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That's very kind of you to say. I... Don't get many positive comments on it, other than Invective. Some nights... Some nights I like it.
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princelylove · 6 months
Synopsis: Post-canon vento aureo, you are Giorno Giovanna’s bodyguard, and his obsession. 
Warnings: typical possessive yandere behavior, reader is trapped later on, not sfw later on but it’s just masturbation, I’m a Giorno pussy truther it’s not explicitly stated but I want you to know
Length: A little over 2k.
Giorno Giovanna is something out of a dream. It’s difficult to not stare. His presence itself is enchanting, although often overwhelming.
He’s often misunderstood. Misrepresented. He’s a complex individual, it’s unfair to put his psychology in the same category as someone more simple-minded.
You can’t think of why his presence overwhelms you. His perfume is subtle, he’s well mannered, well spoken, well educated and cultured, well groomed, and relatively charming. There’s just something off about him, in your point of view. 
Giorno is naturally graceful, he’s only become more pleasing to the eyes as he’s gotten older. The way he holds his fingers up for birds to rest on him is something out of a fairytale.
You took this job because of the pay. Never mind the fact that your client is handsome, and generally pleasant to be around. His other bodyguards aren’t so bad either- Guido’s a nice man, when he’s not working. Sheila E seems fine to be around as well, but you haven’t really interacted with her much. They’ve both warned you about how Giorno is to be your absolute top priority- you’re not a mafioso, you’re just a bodyguard. It must be nice to have someone’s absolute loyalty like that, you think.
The way Giorno asks to be taken home to his room… It almost makes you believe that he really does need you. He seems soft compared to the others- like he isn’t hardened by the burden of life, or whatever that ‘Murolo’ guy was on about. 
Giorno’s voice is comforting and refreshing. His tone is quiet, and soft. You’re only really certain he’s speaking when he makes harder sounds, such as ‘t’ or ‘k.’ The way he looks at you with his doe eyes, and soft tone… it eats you alive to not succumb to his will. 
This misinterpretation would cost you your life, as Giorno falls head over heels at such a romantic, protective gesture of guiding him up his own staircase and reassuring him that all is well, you’re right there. 
He smiles. You can’t help but watch his lips as he speaks in that same soft spoken manner.
“Thank you, but you’re dismissed for the night.”
Giorno’s obsession drives him. He is nothing without hope, there is always a way for him to achieve his goals. He doesn’t really understand why he keeps getting off track- his only love is justice, and hope, it doesn’t make any sense for his mind to cling to a human being. 
Humans are vile things, really.  His stepfather was evil, his mother was evil, his peers were evil- there was no good in humanity besides from him.
There are humans who are good, there’s just a lot of problems that need fixing before he feels comfortable saying that all of humanity hasn’t failed him. 
Giorno is often well intentioned; It kills him to see people go through what he did. If he had the ability to protect others from the fate he once had, why not? He just knows he can do better. There is always more to be done, always more to improve upon. Self betterment is the path to freeing the soul. 
That has nothing to do with his methods, or his real opinion on the majority of people.
Giorno’s dream is to protect the innocent, above all else. 
His misanthropic point of view still seeps into the way he handles most situations. Passione hasn’t had a single slip up in many, many years. Having faith in your own men, and having faith that everyone other than your possessions will do what they can to get up in the world is a bit depressing, but it’s been working. 
As long as his possessions adore him, they won’t leave for something better. Not that you could leave Passione, betrayal means death, but Giorno will do everything in his power to not feel the sting of being left alone.
Giorno is most comfortable when he knows he has everyone in the room wrapped around his well manicured pinky finger. He doesn’t particularly mind playing into their fantasies, or allowing them a sense of control. You can think that you’re the boss in your relationship with Giorrno, but that’s never going to be true, even if you’re physically stronger than him. 
You probably think you are, too. Bodyguards are meant to be strong, it’s a part of the job description- why would someone strong hire three bodyguards? Giorno’s lack of height and subtle muscle make him look like he isn’t a threat, you might compare his body to a ballerina. A weapon would work against him, maybe… if it didn’t turn into a small animal every time you picked one up without asking for permission first. 
Giorno will often play damsel in distress to get what he wants. Even if it isn’t his preference, he’s fine with taking on whatever role he needs to take in order to maintain control. 
He keeps Guido happy by pretending to be considerably more delicate than he really is. He’s easily frightened, and happy to play into Guido’s need to be needed. He showers him with praise fairly often- and will do the same to you, if you react well enough. 
Giorno keeps Sheila E happy by allowing her to ask him as many questions as she’d like. She’s still young- a little bit of curiosity won’t kill him. Why, when he was her age, he was probably more curious. No harm done, it’s nice to stimulate himself with questions he normally wouldn’t think of. 
Those two are easy to please. He… doesn’t know how to keep you happy, yet. The last thing he needs is a resentful bodyguard. Attention, money, affection, and basic human needs are all bartering chips to Giorno. 
He doesn’t want to kiss you on the cheek, it makes him feel easy, but if you want special attention, and that’s the way to get you obsessed with him, fine. Run your hand over his stomach and watch him purr. He’ll fool around with you for a little bit, but he stops you before it can go any further. You’re his bodyguard, this is so inappropriate… If you think you can move on from this and go back to just watching him, let’s just pretend this never happened.
When you come in the next day, he trails his index finger down your spine, and smiles at the way you shiver for him.
He seems like the prissy type, you think. Like he’d die if he got dirty or his hair was out of place. You’re just joking, it’s a way to pass the time while you’re at work… you can’t help but smile at the lack of dirt under his fingers despite handling plants all day. 
Giorno smiles back, eager to know what could possibly be making your lips curl up into a smile. 
“Do you like her? She’s gotten so big, lately. I think it’s all the attention I’ve been giving her.” 
Giorno is referring to the philodendron in his arms- a rather large pot with a clingy pile of vines sitting in the dirt. It’s his favorite at the moment, seeing it sprawled out always seems to put him in a good mood. 
“She’s great, sir.” You respond. You’re not really meant to talk to him too much- a bit of advice from Guido rings in your ears whenever Giorno attempts conversation with you.
‘When you’re watching him, you should watch the room, rather than him… it’s kinda easy to get lost in staring. Dude’s pretty.’ 
… You kind of see his point. 
Giorno has all the power in the world. He is life itself. He forbids evil from reaching the truth. But he’s soft, isn’t he. He needs someone to watch over him, to protect him. 
Maybe you’re content with a job like this. It’s not like he’s an awful boss. 
Giorno has always felt like a bird in a cage, placed next to a big window. Just out of reach of his fantasies. He won’t allow anything to be out of his reach, now that he’s free. 
Giorno won’t take what is not his. You have a choice, even if it’s clear what you should be picking. 
His hand rests on top of yours. You’re holding his fingers, and just placed a kiss to his porcelain skin. It’s meant to be symbolic- becoming a formal member of passione and a long-term bodyguard instead of part time is a fairly big deal. 
The words ‘freedom’ and ‘fate’ ring in Giorno’s ears. They aren’t foreign subjects to him. Fate has always been his, and freedom is something he’s always wanted. 
“You’ve become mine, my beloved.” He coos. You might feel your face heating up at such a statement. 
He plans on keeping you now that you’re officially one of his possessions. Your owner is not the one who rests in your bed, but the one who disrupts your sleeping schedule. 
Giorno isn’t sure what to do with himself when he finds himself wanting to be yours instead of the other way around. 
He’d let you take him. He fantasizes about it often- sometimes while you’re on the other side of his door, unaware that he’s touching himself to the thought of you being even slightly possessive towards him. 
You’re already his. He owns you, body and soul, there’s no question about it, but he wants you to want him, and not just in the physically attractive sense. Well. Right now he means in the physically attractive sense. 
What does it matter, though? Of course you’re his, you’re a living being. As far as Giorno’s concerned, life is his, and he is life’s. 
Oh, God, shut up. He can’t think about the technicalities, he’s too busy shoving his fingers into himself and trying to imagine what sort of tone you’d take with him- Would it be loving? Would you be firm? Would you scold him for looking at another? He needs it, he can’t live without it, devote yourself to him and expect a level of access to him in return, he’d happily slut himself out if it was for you and you alone-
You knocking takes him out of the mood entirely. His hands shoot out of his pants, and he backs himself up against the door to make sure you don’t come in.
“Yes, dearest?” He’s trembling. 
“Just making sure you’re alright, I haven’t heard you make any noise in a while…” 
“Oh! I’m fine, I was just… reading, and now I’m getting changed…”
Giorno has a habit of talking when he’s nervous, on those rare occasions, so him choking up like this is entirely unprecedented.
He makes a mental vow to never let you witness him like that again. 
You’re not really sure how you ended up moving with him into his new house.
It’s not like you’re the best person for the job. A live-in bodyguard is a lot more than what you originally signed up for, and when you voice this complaint, Giorno doesn’t seem to take it into account. 
He sighs a little, and makes a gentle reminder: You do as he says, and this is what he is commanding you to do. 
It’s not so bad living in a big house where all you ever do is make sure Giorno doesn’t drop dead. You’ve adjusted well to it, but it’s had it’s ups and downs. 
He’s gotten a lot more attentive, something you have mixed feelings on. 
Should you choose to hide from his ever-present stare, Giorno would pretend to not be able to find you, but speak.
“It’s instinct to fear what you do not understand. Your body serves you very well, darling.”
He opens the closet, where you obviously are not. 
“But I mean you no harm. You are very precious to me.”
The door shuts, and he flicks the lamp off- the only non-natural light in the room. The moon is full, and the curtains are always pulled back- Giorno loves the sun.
His eyes have already adjusted, but he’s sure yours have not.
“Let’s stop playing for tonight, dear. I’ll let you keep that hiding spot provided you return to me in ten seconds. I’ll even close my eyes.”
He starts to count out loud.
“Ten, nine…”
Oh God. What should you do? He’s pissed- you know it.
“Eight, seven, six.”
It’s better to obey. Just give in. You’re not risking his stand pulling you out by your hair again.
“Five, four…”
As you start to crawl out, you wince at the light coming back on.
There’s nothing on his face, not even a smile. The way he looks down at you as if it’s his rightful position is something you’ve become accustomed to, but it still hurts.
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abbatoirablaze · 11 months
Racing Stripes, Chapter 7
Word Count: 2.1k
Warnings:  noncon relationship, toxic relationship, sexual abuse, anal play, bondage, mentions of oral (m receiving), ball sucking/taint licking, implied rimming, implied anal sex. 
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“A deal is a deal,” Max said simply, shrugging at his friend, “there’s no reason why he shouldn’t have fulfilled it.”
“I choose Sugar!” Max smiled, not bothering to look at any of the other men.  Everyone, including Max’s normal girl La La gave him a shocked look.
“Are you sure, Max?”
Max didn’t miss the pointed, angry tone from the other driver.
“I said her name for a reason, did I not, Valtteri?”
The older driver bit the inside of his cheek and nodded, “very well.  I choose La La.”
Max’s head snapped in the direction of the Mercedes driver, “What?”
“I choose La La,” Valtteri said again, this time shrugging his own shoulders, acting as though his decision was not a big deal.  La La didn’t move.  She stared helplessly at Max, silently begging him to not let this choice stand, “what?  Everyone knows that Sugar is normally my choice…but she’s not available.  So, I’ll simply move on.  La La.  Get your things.  I desperately need some release from tonight.”
“A-are you sure?” Lando asked once again, “I-I mean, I appreciate it more than you know, yes.  I jus-“
“A few of the girls have whispered about it, pal,” Max chuckled, nudging his friend, “we all heard about the secret little rendezvous during the break.”
Lando paled, “y-you have?”
“I get it.  You’re in love with her.  We can all see it.”
He paled even more, his throat tightening, “y-you can?”
But Max only placed a hand on his friend’s shoulder, “Lando, if I place higher than Bottas I will certainly get you Sugar, alright?  And anyways…I remember what happened in Austria.  I’m grateful to you.”
“Of-Of course.  I mean, I already-“
“And I know what you did for Danny.”
Lando couldn’t help the sad smile that graced his lips, “y-yeah…”
“You’re a good man, and my friend…my brother…if I can help you, Lando, I will.”
“Thanks, Max.”
Max felt like he was on the verge of a panic attack. 
The choosing had occurred, and most of the guys had left to the hotels with their chosen women, but Max stood in the paddock, Sugar nervously standing beside him.
The young driver’s head snapped towards her. 
And suddenly he felt bad about regretting his choice.  His heart ached at the way she just naturally flinched at his sudden movement.
“I’m sorry…”
“Don’t apologize, Sugar.”
“Y-you can trade me back to Valtteri…I-I don’t want to make La la-“
Sugar stopped speaking when she saw Lando coming into the room.  Max watched as her eyes lit up, and began to get glassy.  He knew that he made the right choice in that moment, seeing another one of this friends so happy as his reaction met her own.
The young driver rushed Sugar and swept her up in his arms.  Their lips met quickly, and she cupped his face as he lifted her off the ground.
Max couldn’t help but feel slightly jealous of the interaction between the pair.  Even while he cared for La La, he knew that he didn’t have that sort of relationship with her.  He stood, admiring how sweet they looked, so swept up in one another, until they broke their kiss.  He knew that his best friend Danny Ric had felt a similar way about one of the other motorsports girls, Sheila, and to see his other best friend finding his own happiness with another made him wonder if he’d ever find his own.   
A stray tear slipped down Sugar’s cheek, and Lando was quick to wipe it away, concern instantly lacing his features, “hey-hey…what’s wrong, Sugar?  I’m here, baby.  I-“
“I’m so sorry, my love,” she whispered to Lando.  She looked to Max, “Give me to Valtteri.”
Max frowned, seeing the heartbreak cross his friend’s features, “Wh-what?  Sugar, no.  Valtteri is manip-“
“I don’t want to be with him,” she said quickly, turning towards him once more.  She held his face in her hands and rested her forehead against his, “god, what I wouldn’t give to be with you, ten times over…but La La…sh-she’s not used to him.  Valtteri is going to try to prove a point because Max chose me.  He-“
“Max, you won’t trade her back, right?” Lando said quickly, cutting her off.  Max bit his lip, watching the pleading looks from both his friend and his friend’s love, “I-I picked La La for you in Austria.  I-“
“No…” Max said gently, “I-La La and I have a working relationship, and maybe it’s gotten a bit too comfortable…but I-I made a deal with you.  If Bottas wants to have a go at her…that’s well within his rights.  She doesn’t belong to anyone.  I made a deal with you, Lando.  I told you that if the time came that I could repay you for Austria, I would.  Well, it came…and I paid up.”
Lando breathed a sigh of relief, “Y-yeah…yeah.  You did…”
“We good?”
Lando nodded, holding his fist out to his friend, “we’re good, brother.”
Max bumped it, and quietly walked away from the couple his guilty conscience gnawing at his heart, knowing that his own favorite girl must be in her own version of hell, and it was all his fault.
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Valtteri was beyond pissed. 
Sugar should have been here with him. 
She was all but his girl anyways. 
Sure he’d been a little stricter with her since the break…but that was only because he was aware of the fact that she snuck off while he was training for a few hours, only to spend time with another driver.
But Sugar was his.  They’d spent nearly a whole year with one another.  But instead, he had to settle on La La, when Max Verstappen had chosen her. 
And all to give her to Lando Norris.
La La flinched away from the driver as he shot her a look of disapproval. 
“I-I was jus-“
But her words were cut off as his hand fell on her throat. 
“You didn’t clean me up.” He said pointedly, his own gaze returning to his crotch.  He was still hard even after cumming, and while she had swallowed most of his load, some of it was dripping down his shaft and balls, and onto the couch.
“I-I jus-“
“Clean.  Me up.”
He released her neck and she fell back an inch, before lowering herself to his cock once more.  Valtteri spread his legs, giving her more access as he rewound the playback of the race.  His jaw twitched as he watched the overtake of where he lost out to Max. 
Beneath him, he could feel La La’s delicate hands as she cupped his balls and licked and suckled away the cum that had mixed with the sweat.  She whimpered as he spread his legs even more and she noticed the cum sitting atop the leather.
“All of it…”
“B-But you’re right there…”
“I’m aware of where I’m sitting, La La…”
She felt her stomach going into knots.  She leaned down a little more, and as her tongue slid out to get the last sticky droplets, he slid forward just enough so that her tongue came in contact with his taint.
La La fell back onto her ass, and the normally stoic man chuckled, “what’s wrong, La La?”
“Y-You moved!” she accused, “you made m-“
“I made you what?” he growled, suddenly turning his attitude from happy to angry, “what did I make you do, hmmm?”
“I’m not making you do anything,” he growled, “you’re here because it’s your job…so if I want you to clean me up-“
“You made me lick your-“
“Again, I’m not making you do anything!” he pointed out with a shrug.  He spread his legs even more, allowing her to see all the way up to his puckered ring of muscle, “but I will say this…if you stay and fulfill your contract, I expect a certain level of pleasure…and right now, it’s this…”
“Y-you want me to do what, then?” she asked.
“I think you know what I want,” he smirked, his large hands splaying out over his thighs as he subtly gestured to the idea that he wanted to be rimmed, “are you going to fulfill your contract, La La?”
“I-I don’t-“
“You don’t what?”
She looked away from him, embarrassed to say that not only had she never been a giver of that type of pleasure, she wasn’t on the receiving end either.
“I’ve never…”
Valtteri licked his lips, a list of sinful brags appearing in his mind that he knew he could lord over Max and Lando, “oh?”
Before she could respond, he had grabbed her by the neck again and lifted her onto his lap.  She whimpered against his touch and how he pulled her hips tight against his.  He knew that in the morning there would be bruises, but he also didn’t care. 
“I’m going to show you so many things, La La…by the end of the week you won’t even recognize yourself.”
She whimpered again and his free hand wrapped around her waist and slid down to the top of her ass, “first things first…I’m going to show you what I like…and then, you’re going to repeat it on me…understood?”
A few tears worked their way into her eyes, and she nodded, “o-okay…”
He grunted, lifting her with himself, before unceremoniously walking over to the bed and tossing her on it, “all fours.”
She obeyed the command without a word but shied away from his hands when he attempted to spread her cheeks. 
She heard him growl from behind her and attempted to look, but the breath was forced out of her when he pushed her head and shoulders onto the bed and forced her legs apart.  She felt his body pressing against hers, his breath hot on her neck, “I was trying to be nice…you know…show you I can be a good guy…but if you’re just going to act difficult, then I’ll have to approach this differently.
She gasped when he moved suddenly.  The weight of him against her body was gone, but she was paralyzed by fear.  She didn’t even dare look up. 
Behind herself, she could hear some rustling around.  And while she was tempted, she closed her eyes and fought the tears that threatened to spill instead. 
Her head snapped in his direction, however, when she felt him grab one of her hands. He was quick to snap the cuff on her left hand and to the bedpost before she knew what was going on. 
“Wait!” she squealed, trying to fight the man as he repeated the actions with her right hand.  She tried to turn, but he dropped to his knees and started the process all over again, only this time with her feet, “What are you-hey stop that!  Stop!”
He shifted and finished it by securing her left food to the bed post. 
La La felt impossibly bare and vulnerable as her most intimate parts were spread for the driver.
“V-Valtteri, please…”
“You almost sound like my Sugar,” he mused with a smirk.  Her eyes went wide when she spotted a ball gag in his hand.  She immediately closed her mouth and his weight pressed against her once more.  She whimpered again as he pinched her nose closed, “almost…her voice wavers a little more when the cuffs come out…because when the cuffs come out, she knows she messed up…she knows she’s going to get broken.  But don’t you worry, sweetheart…I’ll get you there…one way or another.” 
The tears slipped from La La’s cheeks as she looked at the smug driver.  It was a waiting game that she knew she would lose as her lungs began to feel tight and heavy.  Her head began to feel like it was going to explode due to the lack of oxygen.  Her eyes watered even more as her body fought itself. 
But she couldn’t hold off for long.  The second her mouth opened, and she gulped in a huge breath of air, he let go of her nose but used his hands to fasten the ball gag to her mouth.  Her screams were muffled by the device, and Valtteri stepped back to admire his work. 
The naked woman was a whimpering mess. 
His cock twitched as he reached forward, groping at the globes of her ass.
“Now that you’re compliant…the real fun can begin,” he smiled, massaging the muscle.  He groaned as his hands spread her cheeks even more.  He spat on her puckered, virgin ring, and his hands slid towards it.  La La tried to shimmy away from his touch, but due to her restraints, she was limited.  Her balance got thrown off, and it pushed her face forward.  Her ass lifted ever so slightly from the misplaced balance and Valtteri took the opportunity to slip his thumb into her ass.  She squealed as he wiggled it around, “oh…we’re going to have so much fun this week, La La…”
Chapter 8
Tag List:  @lohnes16, @prokey16
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bloatedandalone04 · 2 years
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➪the one where nick is a secret sweetheart. (requested)
WARNINGS: physical abuse, emotional abuse, descriptions of blood, descriptions of injuries, a prank involving a snake (he’s fine, don’t worry), fluff, angst (if you count this as angst), kissing, fear street themed topics, sheila (enough said), harassment, counselor x camper relations
Thank you for 500 followers <3 
Word Count: 4.1k
You weren’t sure what you did to receive such a large amount of harassment. You didn’t like to victimize yourself, especially against Sunnyvalers, but that was exactly what it was, harassment. 
  What else would you call it? You were currently standing under a big tree, your arm held tightly by one of the campers that was from Sunnyvale. You only recognized two, one being a girl named Sheila and the other being Will Goode.
  He was the younger of Nick Goode, the only counselor you liked even a little bit as he was the only one who didn’t go out of his way to torment you. Then again, he was a Sunnyvaler, so maybe he was just better at hiding his hatred for you. Either way, he had come to your rescue more than once and you think that Sheila took you out here for that exact reason. It would be much harder for Nick to come and save you from them if you weren’t on the actual campgrounds. He wouldn’t even know where you were. 
  “What do you want Sheila?” You ask, attempting to pull your arm free but it just resulted in the girl digging her painted nails into your skin. 
  “You know exactly what I want,” she sneers, walking in a circle around you like you were her prey, and at that moment, you felt like it.
  “What?” You ask, ignoring the pain in your arm. “What is this? An interrogation?” You weren’t one to go down without a fight, but in reality there wasn’t much at all that you could do to defend yourself at this point. 
  “No,” she said, grabbing your other arm and pulling it away from the side of your body. You winced but did your best to hide it. “An interrogation means you have a chance to defend yourself.”
  She reached into your pocket and pulled out the ten dollars your mother had given you when she dropped you off at camp a couple of weeks ago. You didn’t want to keep it somewhere in your cabin as you knew Sheila would most likely find it, so you kept it with you at all times. It was, clearly, the wrong decision on your part.
  “I knew it,” Sheila held the money up. “Not only are you a witch but you’re also a thief.”
  “I’m not a thief,” you muttered. “My mom gave me that. Give it back.”
  She just laughed and ripped the money in half, letting the pieces fall to the dirt covered ground. “Tie her up,” she said to Will, who looked a little too happy to oblige. 
  “Wait,” you tried to say but Will just grabbed your hands, pulling them up and above your head. He held them together and tied the rope to a tall branch of the tree, making you stand on your tippy toes. “Ow, that hurts.”
  Will just stepped back and admired his work, a curve in his brow and a smirk on his lips. 
  You felt extremely uncomfortable and defenseless, so when Sheila stepped towards you, your legs kicked at the dirt beneath you, sending a wave of dirt and dust towards her. “You bitch,” she gasped, looking down at her dirt covered shoes. “These were expensive!” She leaned forward and punched you, the force of it making your head turn to the side. 
  You could feel the dripping feeling of blood falling from your nose and onto your lip, the metallic taste making you scrunch your face up. You wanted nothing more than to hold your sore nose and relieve the ache in it but the only thing you could do was let the red substance drip down your chin. 
  “What a sight to see,” Sheila laughed, making Will and the other two campers laugh as well. You were humiliated and had never felt so on edge in your entire life. You were once again asking yourself what you did to deserve this treatment. “Give me your switchblade.”
  Will’s laughter immediately stopped as he looked over at her. “What?”
  “Give me the blade,” Sheila repeated as the other girls exchanged a nervous look with one another. 
  “Seriously, Sheila?” One asked. “I think she’s had enough.”
  “Shut up,” she said, grabbing the blade from Will. 
  “I don’t know about this,” he trailed off. “Maybe she’s telling the truth. Maybe that money was actually hers.”
  “Please,” Sheila rolled her eyes as she stepped closer to you. “She wasn’t telling the truth. She’s a liar, just like the rest of you Shadyside scum.”
  “Wait, stop,” you tried to move away from her but you couldn’t even move an inch back. “Please, stop.”
  “Grab her legs,” Sheila told the girls. “Hold them.”
  “Can we just go back? This is getting really-”
  “Hold them,” she repeated, watching as the two girls hesitantly made their way over to you and held your legs in place. 
  “Please don’t,” you say to one of them, only receiving a somewhat sympathetic look in return. “Don’t, please.”
  “Shut up,” Sheila closed the distance between you two. There was nothing you could do as she brought the blade up and close to your eye, the tip of it poking into the soft skin below it. “You have really pretty eyes, you know. It’d be a shame if something happened to them.”
  The blade sliced against your skin just as the sound of a whistle was heard, making Sheila quickly step away from you. She pushed the blade into Will’s hands as Nick and Kurt made their way over to the scene. 
  “Get away from her,” Nick said as Kurt let go of the whistle, letting it fall against his chest. 
  “Shit,” one of the girls mutters, quickly standing up and stepping away from you.
  “Fuck,” Sheila mumbled. “Nick to the rescue once again.”
  Nick was at your side within seconds, untying the rope from your wrists and placing his hand under your chin, tilting your head up so he could look at your still bleeding nose. “Are you okay?”
  “I’m fine,” you mutter, stepping away from him and gently pressing one of your fingers against the cut under your eye. You hissed and pulled your finger away, groaning at the sight of blood on it. 
  “We should get you to the nurse,” he said, gently placing his hand on your arm. 
  “We?” You ask, stepping away from him. “There is no we, Nick. There’s you, and them. The Sunnyvalers. Then there’s just me.”
  You turned and headed towards the tree line, making your way back to camp. You failed to notice the rough shoulder bump Nick gave Will as he followed after you, wanting to make sure you were okay. “You and I are talking later,” he muttered, leaving no room for Will to argue as he turned and began to jog to catch up with you. “Hey, I’m really sorry about that.”
  You turned and looked at Nick. He had slowed his jog to a walk and kept up with your pace. “It’s fine,” you say quietly. “It’s not your fault.”
  “Yeah, well, it might as well be with how guilty I feel,” he mumbles. “I had no idea it was that bad.”
  He went to grab your arm and turn you to face him, but you stepped away. “That’s because the Sunnyvaler’s play up everything,” you say angrily, surprising Nick with your change of tone. “Everyone thinks you’re all great and nice but in reality, you hurt people. Physically and emotionally.” You held up your blood covered fingers when you said ‘physically’ as if to further prove your point.
  Nick placed his hands on his hips, looking at the fresh cut on your face as he took in your words. It was true, he knew that. No one ever had anything bad to say about the residents of Sunnyvale. All the hatred was directed to those who lived in Shadyside, which Nick couldn’t understand. How could two towns hold so much tension for one another?
  “Not all of us are like that,” he said and your face softened. 
  Nick had always shown you nothing but kindness and acceptance, but you were hardly functioning properly at this point to notice the truth behind his words. All you could think about was the fact that the verbal abuse had turned physical, and you had the scar that would prove it. 
  “Maybe some of you are just better at hiding it,” you mumble and Nick studies both your expression and words, slightly offended that you truly believed he didn’t care about you. He didn’t get the chance to tell you that he, more than anyone else here (besides his idiot brother), cared about you as you backed away from him. “I’m sorry, but I need to go get this cleaned up.”
  You turned and quickly walked away from him. Nick wanted so badly to go after you, to sit next to you while Mary cleaned your wounds. But, you needed space, that much he could tell.
  He watched you until you disappeared into the cabin before turning around and heading back to his brother and your attackers. If he couldn’t offer you any form of comfort, then he’d offer himself some in knowing that they wouldn’t touch you again after he was done with them. 
“This is your second time in here this week, Y/n,” Nurse Mary said, pouring a bit of hydroperoxide on a cotton pad. “Should I be concerned?”
  The last time you were in here was because of the rusted nail you were pushed into by Sheila. She had you backed into one of the cabins and pushed you back into a nail that was sticking out of the wood. That one, you thought, was accidental, but with what she did to you a few minutes ago you weren’t so sure anymore. 
  You bit your lip as the pad came in contact with your open wound. You were surprised that a small cut could hurt that bad. “No,” you mutter, wincing as she cleaned the cut. “Just the same old shit.”
  “The Sunnyvale kids again?” She asked as she placed a band aid on the cut before it started to bleed again. 
  “You shouldn’t let them get to you,” she said as she began wiping away the dried up blood from your nose. 
  “I breathe the same air as them and they want to kill me,” you say. “I try to stay away from them but they always find ways to torment me.”
  “That’s just how it is with them,” she says, throwing away the bloodied cloths. “If this happens again, I want you to tell someone, not just me.”
  “Who would believe me? They’d just twist it to make it seem like it was my fault in the first place,”
  “Make someone believe you,” she placed her hand on yours, giving it a reassuring squeeze. “Try to always be with someone, so they can witness it happening and believe you.”
  Your mind goes to Nick. He would believe you. He’s seen it happen. He’s defended you.
  Mary must have noticed the conflicted look on your face as she leaned away from you, beginning to clean up the products. “Unless someone already believes you,”
  “Yeah,” you trail off. Your head is now clearer than it had been before and you begin to feel guilty about how you treated Nick when he was just trying to help. “I have to go talk to someone. Thank you for helping me.”
  “Of course,” Mary says and you smile at her as you stand up and exit the cabin, looking around to hopefully catch a glimpse of Nick. You saw him standing in front of Will, who was sitting on the steps of the art cabin as Nick gave him an earful.
  You couldn’t hear what he was saying, but with Nick’s body language and Will’s embarrassed expression, you knew he was scolding him. The look on Will’s face added to your blossoming anger. How could he feel embarrassed when it was him who humiliated you less than twenty minutes ago?
  You decided you would apologise to Nick later as you turned and took off in the direction of your cabin, any rational thoughts you had being taken over by your want for revenge and justice. 
“Burn the witch while she sleeps. Burn Y/n in hell,” you look up at the familiar voice and watch as Nick enters your room, reading the words that were painted onto the wall above your bed. He looks down at you, meeting your stare as a small smile forms on his lips. “Hey.”
  “Hi,” you say and drop the rag you were using to try and wash away the harsh words. It proved to be completely useless as the sentence was still clearly readable, making you beyond pissed off with an uncomfortable ache forming in your hand. 
  “I like what you’ve done with the place,” 
  “Wasn’t me,” you say quietly, knowing he meant it as a joke but still answering honestly.
  “Could’ve fooled me,” he says and you try to hold back the smile that began forming on your lips. 
  “What are you doing here?”
  “I wanted to see if you were okay after..” he trailed off, not wanting to upset you with the reminder of what happened. “You know.”
  “Yeah, I know. I’m fine,” you look down at your hands, playing with the skin around your nails as you think of what to say next. Your mood had lifted considerably with the presence of Nick, something that both shocked and terrified you. You couldn’t possibly let him have that big of an effect on you. “I owe you an apology.”
  That surprised Nick as he furrowed his brows and leaned against the frame of the bunk bed. “For what?”
  “For before, for acting so hostile,” you murmur, looking up at him. “I felt threatened and I took it out on you and that wasn’t fair, I’m sorry. I didn’t even thank you.”
  “Tell you what,” he says, standing up straight and walking towards the door. You furrowed your brows in confusion as you watched him pause a few feet away from it. “We’ll call it even if you help me with something.”
  You sat up straighter, hidden interest flooding your veins. “Help you with what?”
  He pulls a set of keys out of his pocket and holds them up. “With getting them back,” if the small smirk he wore was anything to go by, Nick was also feeling the need for revenge in the form of a harmless prank. 
  Who didn’t need a little trauma in their life, right?
“Stay here and shut up,” Sheila said as she shoved a couple of Shadyside kids into the shack. A Sunnyvale kid backed them into a corner, threatening them as he did so, bringing a smirk to Sheila’s lips.
  “Hey, Sheila,” one of the campers said as he entered the cabin, making her turn around and face him. “This is from Will.”
  He handed her a folded piece of paper. She opened it as he walked back out of the shack, reading the words printed neatly on the small paper.
  Sheila smirked once again, putting the note in her back pocket as she left and headed towards the bathroom. On her way there, she rolled the bottom of her shirt and tied it, exposing a small portion of her chest. 
  Upon reaching the dimly lit bathroom, she smiled at the scattered flowers that trailed up to the door. “Awh, Will,” she said as she opened the door, her smile growing at the lit candles and flowers that lined the floor. “This is so sweet.”
  She pushed open one of the stalls and was met with another note. She walked into the cramped stall, not noticing the slow moving reptile slowly making its way to her, and picked up the paper.
  As she read it, the slimy and slim snake wrapped itself around her ankle. She looked down and immediately let out a scream, shaking it off and jumping on top of the seat of the stall.
  It was at that moment that you and Nick bolted from your hiding spot. Nick grabbed the snake on his way out, holding it in one hand while his other tipped over the bucket of various bugs, letting them scatter around the small space. He slammed the door shut and stuck a screwdriver in the latch, successfully locking her in.
  He bumped into you as you stumbled away, his free hand finding yours as you both ran in the direction of the nature cabin to return your accomplice. Laughs escaped the two of you as you entered the cabin, Nick’s hand leaving yours so he could put the snake back in its terrarium. 
  “That was awesome,” you say as you watch him pull off the top of the terrarium and place the snake on the log inside of it. Once it was secured, he walked over to you, a boyish grin on his face.
  “Hell yeah it was,” he agreed and you did nothing to stop the smile from completely taking over your lips. 
  “Thank you,” you said it so quietly and so wholeheartedly that Nick felt his heart skip a beat. 
  “I know it doesn’t make up for what she’s done to you,” he starts. “But it’s nice to see her get a small bit of what she deserves. Almost feels like justice.”
  “It is justice,” you step closer to him, taking the chance to wrap your arms around his waist before your confidence runs out. You held your breath for a few seconds as you did so, nervous that he’d push you away or not return it, but you sighed in relief when his arms wrapped around your shoulders. He was leaning down slightly so his chin was resting on top of your head that was flat against his chest. “Thank you, Nick.”
  “You’re welcome,” he mumbles, holding on to you for a few more seconds before pulling away. He kept one of his hands on your forearm, his other reaching up to tuck your hair behind your ear. “If Sheila, or anyone for that matter, does anything to hurt you, I want you to tell me, okay?”
  “Okay,” you give him a nod and a small smile.
  He returns it briefly. “I mean it,” he says more seriously. “Come find me, or I’ll find you. Better yet, stick around me for the rest of the summer.”
  “Okay,” you repeat and Nick’s shoulders visibly relax, satisfied with your answer. “So, when should we go and let her out?”
  “Let her stay in there for a while,” he says. “Have her really think about her life choices before we go and get her.”
  You nod again and realise that Nick was still holding your arms. You also realise just how close you were to him. The fuzzy feeling from before came back but this time it nearly took over your entire body. You had to step away. 
  “So what should we do in the meantime?” You ask as you step back. 
  “Well, I don’t know about you,” he trails off, looking out the windows. They were covered slightly by the campers' paintings from earlier, but Nick could still see that the boring game was still going on outside. “But I really don’t want to participate in the color war.”
  “You have no idea how much I hate that game,”
  “I think I might,”
  If the smiles you gave one another were anything to go by, you knew that the two of you would be spending the rest of the evening together. It was partly to avoid the discriminating color game, but you also couldn’t deny your want to spend more time with the guy who has gone out of his way, more than once, to defend you. 
  You could only assume he felt the same about wanting to spend the rest of the night with you as well, as how else could you explain the hour long, and still going, conversation you were both currently invested in? 
  You were sitting on the floor with your backs against a shelf as it was a good way to ensure no one saw you in there.
  It had gone quiet for a few seconds, the both of you trying to think of what else to talk about before you had to go and let Sheila out. There was one thing you had been wanting to ask him since the first time he saved you from your bullies, and you really couldn’t think of a better time to ask than now. 
  “Why do you care so much about what happens to me?” Nick immediately looked over at you, confusion lacing his features. 
  “What do you mean?” What he meant was what kind of question is that?
  “I mean, why do you care about helping me so much?” You really weren’t sure where you were going with this. You were expecting a simple answer to your first question, one that answered it in one sentence, then you could move on from the topic. “You said earlier that if anything else happens to me, to tell you. Why do you care so much?” 
  “Why do you get bullied so much?”
  The question completely caught you off guard and you visibly moved back without even meaning to. He didn’t ask it with the intent of embarrassing you or to make you upset, that much you could tell. He asked it in a quiet and soft voice and you didn’t feel the embarrassment or belittlement of before when you were with Sheila.
  It made you think, though it was a relatively simple answer. “Because I’m from Shadyside,” you mumble, shrugging your shoulders. “Because I’m different. ‘Cause I’m alone.”
  Nick looked away for a second, bumping his shoulder with yours before looking back at you. “But you’re not alone,” he simply said and your face softened with the realisation of his words. Ever since he had found out about your bullies, Nick hadn’t been more than a few feet away from you when in crowded areas, and always found you just to check on you after hours. You hadn’t been alone, not since you met him. “Your answers are the same as mine. I care so much because someone has to. Not because you need someone to come in and save you from everything life throws at you, but because you need to see that you’re capable of making people feel things, other than hatred.”
  You looked up at him, listening closely to his every word, seeing just how much he meant it. He grabbed your wrist and placed your hand on his chest, just over where his heart is. 
  “You need to know that every time I see you I feel the overwhelming feeling of need to make sure you don’t burn out, that you don’t become his hollowed version of yourself just because people are complete assholes,” while he pours his heart out to you, he keeps your hand on his chest while his free one reaches up to gently rest against the side of your face, his thumb gently running over the band aid. “You make me feel things I never thought I’d be able to feel, let alone this strongly. I care so much because I care about you. More than you know.”
  When you were sure he was done, you take the chance to bring the hand that wasn’t placed on his chest up to rest on his shoulder. “I think I might,” you repeat his words from earlier. It brings a smile to his lips that you only see for half a second before you lean in, tilting your head up to press your lips against his.
  It caught him off guard for a second before he kissed you back, his hand leaving your wrist and coming up to rest on the other side of your face. 
  It was a kiss that said everything you didn’t. It told him that you felt the same way and that you cared about him, too.
  You pulled away and looked down, your breath hitching when Nick leaned in again to place his forehead against yours. You stayed like that for a few seconds before he pulled away from you, his hands falling from your face. “So,” he says. “Now you know why I care so much.”
  You don’t stop the grin that forms and grab his hand, interlacing your fingers together. “I guess I do,”
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shearon · 9 months
I feel like if Harriet biggle and Sheila brovfloski ever got into a fight it go a little bit something like this
Sheila: Cialis wh-
Harriet: aw, is the little baby gonna cry? HUH? HUH??!!?
Harriet: Ą̸̡̧̨̛̛̼̙̯͖̝̯̤̤̖̫̮͍̲̦̳̈̆̌̃̈́̀̏̏̉̄̿̽̎̎̑͂͌̊̆͒̾͌̈́̉̌̽̒͛̂̎͘̚̕͜͠͝͝͝Ú̸̢̨̡̧̡̢̡̹̩̲̥̹̰̺̠̬̟̼͚̜͓͓͙̗̲͕̻̘̻̱̳̫͎̣̲̊̐͗̎͋́̈́̽͒̈́̑̑̀̎̀͌́͐̽͑̀̅̀͐̎̅̀̎̔̇̂̊̃̑̓̿̋̌̈́̿̏͛̋̃̿́͑͋̓̒͆̇̒̃͑͐̔̊̂̏̒̿́̀͑̃͒̏̋̈̎̀̀̇̀̚͘͘̕͘͜͝͠͠͠͠ͅĢ̴̢̨̛̛̮̬͈̥̣̲̜͎͎͈̙̪̦̝̬̘͉̩͇̣͉͖͍̤̭̪͉͈̦̬͕̠̟̦̓̉̓̂̓̑̃̾͌̇̏̽̑̉͐͛̀̈̋̃̽̑̃̈͋̒̀̽̾̔̅͛̈̄̈́̅̑̎̾̽́̎͊͒̐̃̎͛͗̂̆̈́̈̄͛̈́̎̽̍͆̂͊͘̚̚͠͝Ḧ̶̨̢̨̢̨̨̛̛͔̬̗̻̟̺̻̟̞̳̯̗͓̠̫̣̮͖̮͉̭͔̣̟̼̫͉̘̭͙͇̬̰̗͍̺͖̪̭͇̣̬͓̭͕̪̪̱́͑̓̌̿̀̏̓͛͂̏̃́̃̔̄̊͂̌̂̂̐́̿̾͋̐͆̓̿̽̓̓̎̎̍͂̽́̾̎͊͑̀͌͑͌̽͒͆͛̈́̊̅͌̀̈́͌͛͘̚̕̚̕̚̚̚͜͜͠͝͝͝͠͝͝͝͝H̸̢̨̨̧̨̧̡̢̪̼͚̤͓̲̞̭̹̭̖̘̗̲͖͇̮̜̭̜̞̙͓͍̠͕͕͍͓̦̗̱͇̖̖͇͔͖̟̝̺͎̣͕̫̼̣̳̭͓̼͓̎͌̎̒̿̇̍͐̆͜͝͠ͅH̷̡̧̡̧̨̧̪̤̭̲̳̻̪̣̻͉̰͎̙̗̯͈̯͙̼̝̳̟̥̱͍̟̖̣̺̝̺̭̲̜̙͈͚̗̗̬̓̆̎̾̃̅̅̄̇͊̅̓̓͑̅̓̐̆͊͒̓̌̔̋͆̂͆̇̊͊̀́͒͑̀̒̀̀̃̀͗̑̉̆̏̈́̇͂̏̿͆̌̅̾̚͘̕̚̚͠͝͠͝͝ͅÄ̵̧̨̡̡̛̛͍̝͚̰͖̫̜̜̜̤̜͙̫̦̖̦̺̪̣̣͍͇͔̗͇̞̖̻̫̤̰̲͖̭̝̉͗́̃̋̍̌̿̓̆̂̐̉̅̉͑̎̌̆̅̀̏̎̒͂̓͆͋̈́̏̍̽͊̃̈́͒̾̇͗̈́́̆̍́͆̋̈́̔́̃̋͂͒̂͆̔̃͐̀̀͊͋͒̓̎̋͛̂͑͆̉̈͒̾̀́̀̆̕͘͘̕̕͜͝͠͝͝͠͠͝Ä̴̡̛̛̛͖̘͇͙͕̼̟̱͔̜̣̎́̾̆̈͆́̓́́͌̒̓̍͛͂̂̒̆̉̔͗͐̊̍͋̍͌̃̽͊̔̉͋̄͂̃͗̓̎̇͛̽͌̊̌̏͐̾̓͛̚͘͘̕̕̚̕͝͠͝͝͠Ģ̷̛̛̬̗̯̬̙͚̭͕̣͕̬̥̟̲̯̟̭̻͎͎̲̪͚͕̼̗̣̾̒̓̔̉̈́͗̒̆̈́̉͊́͗̉͊̈͆̈́̀̑̓̅̑͊̓͗̏̈̓̍́͂̇̒̓̐̇͐͂́̓͋̒̒̔̐̽͌̈̓̃͌̾͂̃͑̂͛͐͗̔͒̇̔̂̓̀̈̒́̕̕͘͠͝͝͝Ȟ̶̡̢̦̯͚͉̪̺͈̰̳̦͎͆̊̅͒̈͊͑̓̾̽͒͌͆̌̀͋̋̈́͂̉́̅̇́͛̋̏̆̌͌͂̊̑̉̂͗̇̊̈̀̒̍̔̀̐̓͘͘̕͜͠H̵̨̢̧̡̛̛̛̖̗̫̥̼̰̞̣̫͓̞̪̤̻̘͔͓̪̮̪̪̩̣͍͔̦̯̖͉̙͍̣̱͈̹̦̫̫͍̯͚͈͔͚͎̘̎̔̿̈́͂̓̏̌͊̆̈̅̓́̂͆͊͒̾́̀̓̔̂̓̆̑̂̀̿̒͛̾̉̉̓̀̍̒̀̽̊̄̈́̕͘͝͝͝͝ͅͅḨ̵̛̳̣͚̲̘̖̤̰̟͇̱͓̠͈͈͆́͆͒̈́́̑̿̈͋̓͛̀͊̈͒͛̈́͛̎̐͑̽̂̽̐͆̾̀̒̊̌̌͐̈́̈͗̚͘͠͠
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yummy-anthrax · 2 years
Fem!Y/N Curtis x Dallas Winston PART 5
!WARNING! (Use of gun) (swearing) (slight sexual themes)
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“Close the door. Right fucking now.”
Dallas held his hands up and completely froze.
“Wh-“ he blinked a few times and took a deep breath, “What do you think you’re doing?” He took another shaky breath.
“Stopping you from doing something stupid,” You said, expression unfazed.
“And how the hell do you know I’m going to do somethin’ stupid?” He asked.
“I dunno, maybe it’s because-“ you started.
“You’ve only known me for less than two days, why do you think I’m going to do something stupid?” He asked, slightly agitated, but still holding his hands up.
“Because I know what happened at the church, and I know about your history,” you replied. “You’re not exactly known for goodness.”
“Then why stop me?” He asked.
He had you there.
“Because I love you!” You wanted to say. But that was to cliche and you knew it.
“Just.. because, Dallas! Okay!? Am I not allowed to just want to?” You asked.
“No, because nobody justs wants to. Why are you trying to stop me?” He asked again, stepping forward so he was in your face.
You recoiled, furrowed your eyebrows, put your handgun back in it’s pouch, and then kissed him.
You kissed him.
You squeezed your eyes shut because you didn’t want to see what his reaction was, and held the kiss for a few moments.
Surprisingly, he didn’t back away until you did.
You still had the same expression that you did before you leaned in, but there was a new expression behind your eyes; expectance.
Dally looked a little confused as he swiped a finger across his bottom lip and rubbed it against his palm, then anger painted his face.
“What the hell, Y/N!?” He scolded, “What was that?”
“That,” you started, holding eye contact with him, “was your reason as to why I’m trying to stop you from doing something stupid.”
“Wha-what makes you think I feel the same way?” He asked as he looked down at you with an almost disgusted tone.
“Your cutie remark,” You replied, “And the fact that you let me call you Dally even though I don’t know you. And the up-and-down side glares you give me when you think I’m not looking.”
He looked towards the hospital doors and smirked, “Well, I guess you dig pretty good then.” He leaned down and kissed your forehead.
You blinked a few times in a bit of surprise, then you matched Dally’s smirk, “I won’t tell my brothers if you won’t.”
“Wasn’t planning on it,” Dally said, making a zipping motion against his mouth, “Or Sheila.”
“Who?” You cocked your head to the side.
“Sheila? Copeland?” Dally looked at you just as confused as you looked back at him.
You shook your head again.
“Wow, Darry really didn’t tell you about his then-girlfriend-now-fiancé,” Dally subtly nodded as your mouth fell to the floor.
“Darry’s engaged!?” You exclaimed, flabbergasted.
“Yeah…” Dally muttered.
“Well-“ you started before noticing Dally looking over your shoulder at something with furrowed eyebrows.
You followed his line of sight to see Pony lurking towards the two of you. You couldn’t quite make out his features in the pale moonlight, but you knew from the way he was walking, something wasn’t right.
You could also see Dally’s expression completely flip, as if the laughs you had just shared never happened.
This wasn’t forehead kisses Dallas, this was hardened criminal Dallas, and you hadn’t fully met him yet.
“Pony, what’s the matter?” You asked, leaning down slightly to make eye contact with him.
“He’s dead,” Ponyboy replied.
“What?” You asked again, slightly shaking him.
“”He’s dead okay!” Ponyboy looked up at you finally, and there were tears spilling from his eyes and staining his flushed cheeks., “Can we just go home now?”
“Yeah,” Dally replied quietly, opening the driver door.
You got in the passenger seat and Pony got in behind you.
Dally started driving silently, his hand fixed on the gear and his cold, hard expression almost piercing the windshield.
You looking behind you at Ponyboy,, who was leaning against the window with his eyes fixed on the passing brush, and decided it was too dark for him to see you do anything anyway.
You placed your hand on top of Dally’s, rubbing your thumb over his knuckles as you looked straight ahead.
You didn’t bother to look at him, so you wouldn’t raise suspicion if Ponyboy looked at you, but you could feel his hands relax under your touch.
And for a moment, everything felt right.
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rebelangelwings · 1 year
Diaz Sister
Chapter 14: Fight or Flight. Or maybe Freeze?
Eddie stumbles onto a suspicious case that ends in tragedy.
"I come bearing cookies!" Allie called into Eddie's house, closing the door with her foot as her arms were filled with trays of baked goods.
Eddie had invited her and Buck round for dinner with him, Chris and Carla.
Buck rounded the corner, taking the tray from her, "ooo what kind?"
"Bobby sent me a recipe. White chocolate and cranberry shortcake," Allie revealed.
"Mmm, yes please!" Buck said with a hand to his stomach and throwing his head back.
Carla and Eddie sat atop Christopher's bed, whilst the boy added books and toys to a bag for donating. Eddie had explained to Allie via phone call earlier that afternoon the circumstances of a boy named Charlie and his mother that he and the 118 had helped on a call yesterday. Christopher, ever the heart of gold, was eager to donate what he could to Charlie, having spoken to him on FaceTime and formed a fast friendship.
Allie had also been touched by Eddie’s concern for the family, and sought out the Funding page he mentioned the mother collected donations from. She wasn't expecting to find what she did in her search.
"Hey, Buck? Come look at this for a second for me. Tell me I'm not crazy." Allie requested, tilting her laptop towards Buck.
He took a second to look over the page, eyes narrowing when Allie flipped to another similar funding page. "Is that..?"
"I think so. We need to tell Eddie."
"Tell Eddie what?" The man himself walked into the kitchen and pinched Buck's side in affection. He glanced over his sister's shoulder at her laptop.
"Eddie, I was going to donate to the page you mentioned but…I found some, let's say concerning, stuff. I think this lady might have been lying to you."
From there, Allie and Buck showed Eddie the proof of multiple funding pages, always depicting the same people, but with different names and in different states. Carla also joined then, sharing Allie’s concerns.
"There's also comments accusing the mother of making Charlie sick. Sounds like it could be a case of Munchausen by proxy," Allie suggested.
The next morning, after a sleepless night of worry and investigating into Sheila and Charlie's past, Eddie, Allie and Buck had a plan.
Allie had called in the suspicion to her mentor, explaining the situation. Her case was probably aided by her brother, a paramedic, bringing the case to them.
Allie and her mentor for the day were already on route to the apartment when Eddie received the distress call from Charlie. By the time the social workers arrived at the residents, sirens rang out close behind them and Allie whipped round to see the 136 and the 118 Battalion Chief vehicle screeching to a halt beside them.
"Eddie? Buck! What's going on? Is Charlie okay?" Allie called, running to catch up with the men.
Eddie called over his shoulder to both Allie and Captain Mehta of the 136, "sounds like the mum is having an overdose."
They all raced upstairs to the apartment, Eddie reaching the door first and going straight to the young boy. Allie and Lucy followed, trying to ascertain what the situation was. The paramedics worked on Sheila.
From what Charlie was saying, he had been aware of his mother dosing him with eye drops and gave her a taste of her own medicine, although in a much higher dosage.
Once Sheila was strapped to a gurney and transported to an ambulance, Charlie was also placed in an ambulance of his own, Eddie reassuring him that he would be safe and taken care of.
Allie was beckoned to the ambulance transporting Charlie, her role was to shadow her mentor, and so she was offered the passenger seat of the Ambo. Just as she bid her brother and Buck farewell, a loud noise perforated the block, causing Allie to jump. She turned around just in time to see Buck.
His white shirt was now mottled with red as if someone had flicked a paintbrush at him. What had done that?
She turned to her brother, not a meter away from her. He wasn't holding himself in his usual manner.
The sounds around her were garbled.
Her brother hit the tarmac. Hard.
The tarmac turned from black to burgundy.
Allie continued to stare.
Why wasn't anyone helping him? Why wasn't she helping him?
The next thing she registered was a force shoving her forward, something latched onto her arm, as she traveled towards Buck against her will and slammed into the ground. The sharp ring of metal clipping metal was close to her ears. Sparks flew from where Buck had been mere milliseconds before.
A body was on top of her. Unfamiliar. Her knees vaguely throbbed from colliding with the fire truck and ground with such force.
She could sense Buck near her. She wanted him. She was scared and he was covered in blood and she still couldn't register why.
Through the garbled sounds and her own heartbeat drumming white noise into her head, she registered the familiar voice of Buck close to her ear.
"I've got him, Allie. I'm gonna get him, it's going to be okay" Buck wasn't looking at her though, he was already leaving her side, rolling under the truck and towards…oh no.
She felt the bile rise in her throat. She blinked her eyes once, hoping the scene in front of her would disappear.
This could not be happening.
Eddie wasn't in a war zone anymore. He was a firefighter in LA; not exactly the safest job but he wasn't supposed to get shot at again.
No. This wasn't happening then.
Maybe Allie hit her head. Or fell asleep. Or ate a hallucinogenic substance - that had happened to the 118 before.
Allie was still staring at the mirage of her brother, his eyes looking through her until they rolled into the back of his head.
Buck was still screaming.
Something wrapped around her waist.
She'd never felt so heavy before, like all her muscles had been stretched out and snapped back into a floppy, useless mess. She was in the air briefly, unable to stop her arms from hanging limply in front of her and her head rolling slightly.
She couldn't leave Eddie and Buck, even if this was a hallucination. She wanted to kick out and scream and return to her brother and best friend, but she couldn't force her arms or legs or even her head to move. Someone had bundled her into the truck.
For one moment she waited, and was then joined by a paramedic and Buck lifting a limp Eddie into the truck.
She registered her name, she thinks Buck must have called it, questioning her whereabouts. He turned to briefly look at her, but Allie couldn't take her eyes off the brother that laid prone, eyes barely open, and skin sickly pale. Allie thinks about all the colour leaking from his body onto that tarmac outside.
They're moving and the truck jolts, metal screeching against metal and she feels a brutal heat near the open doorway.
Buck is talking frantically, leaning over her brother.
"You hurt?" Eddie mumbles.
"No," Buck shakes his head frantically.
"Allie 'kay?"
"Yeah! She's okay Eddie, she's right here, safe and sound - just worried about you. So just hold on for us okay? Hold on, Eds, we're so close."
Allie saw Eddie register that she and Buck are safe, and then he passed out despite the desperate and watery pleas from Buck.
Again, Allie zoned out, unable to process her brother losing consciousness for what could very well be the final time.
Seconds or hours or weeks passed, and the truck stopped and there was movement but her vision was too blurry and she couldn't concentrate on anything.
She didn't know how long she had been crouched alone in the corner of the truck. She would have happily stayed there in all honestly - it felt like a shelter from reality. Allie knew on some level, that as soon as she stepped out of the truck, she would have to face the trauma of the day.
First to her was Buck.
"Allie?" He called to her in barely a whisper.
Buck approached her ever so cautiously with his hands palms up in front of him. Any other time, Allie would laugh at him treating her like a wild animal.
Maybe she did look like a wild animal, backed into a corner, eyes darting wildly but not fully seeing.
"Al, can you look at me please?" Maybe it was the way Buck sounded so utterly destroyed, but Allie did as he asked. "Thank you. Are you o- shit o-of course you're not okay. I mean, are…are you hurt?"
She continued to stare through him.
Buck reached out one of his own trembling hands to her similarly quivering hands.
A new voice appeared in the broken doorway behind her. She noticed Buck's attention divert from her, fresh tears welling in his eyes.
Allie was alone again although she could hear voices close by to her. She could feel herself focusing more.
"-bby, I don't know what happened. We-we were just on-on a call and then…then he… I-I couldn't" Allie could tell Buck was crying. She felt a pang in her chest, a pull to him. She doesn't like when Buck is sad. Help him.
"Hey, it's okay Buck, you did everything you could, and he's in good hands. He's still alive, okay? Focus on that. You kept him alive. You did good, Son."
"I can't - I can't get Allie out of the truck. She's gone catatonic, Cap. She saw all of it and shut down. I think I'm freaking her out with the b-blood on me." Buck continued.
"Okay, why don't you go find Chimney and get washed off in the bathroom, yeah? I'll stay with Allie, check her out for any injuries and we'll go from there."
Allie could only assume that Buck agreed, as the next moment, someone else was entering the truck with her, invading her bubble away from reality.
"Hey, Allie. It's Bobby. Mind if I keep you company until Buck gets back?" He offered it as a choice which she appreciated. Later, much later, she would think a lot about how much she appreciated Bobby Nash.
She didn't give any indication of consent or dismissal, so Bobby sat, cross legged in front of her. He strategically placed himself so that he blocked her view from the pool of blood left by her brother.
"How you holding up, Kiddo?" Bobby asked with so much empathy. He didn't expect an answer, but felt it was polite to make conversation anyway. "Would it be alright if I just touch your wrist? I just want to make sure you aren't hurt," he explained, moving slowly and looking at her. He received no response so continued to take her wrist into his hand and gently monitor her pulse.
It was wild. Completely opposite to her exterior appearance of stoicism. Her blood thrummed against Bobby's fingers and he imagined how it must be almost painful for her be in that state.
"Do you know if you were hurt?" He paused in case she wanted to answer, "did you maybe hit your head or collide with the truck? Captain Mehta said he gave you quite the tackle," Bobby let out a light chuckle that was clearly supposed to lighten the mood but it didn't reach his eyes.
"Alright, Kid, I'm pretty sure you can hear me and understand me so I'm going to fill you in; Eddie is alive. You understand me? Your brother is alive, and in surgery, and he is in the best hands. That's what we have to focus on right now. Athena is out there right now looking for the SOB that did this." Bobby explained in plain talk. "I'm just going to wipe your face and hand if that's okay with you?"
Allie was confused. Why did she need a wipe? She looked at the damp wipe that Bobby had just moved from her face, noticing crimson spots.
Had she got hurt and she didn't realise? She didn't feel pain and her face didn't hurt at Bobby's fussing.
Unless it wasn't - oh. Oh no.
Suddenly, it was like a jolt of electricity charged all her muscles into action.
She scrambled clumsily to her hands and knees, desperate to escape the truck now.
"Buck." Was all she could communicate to Bobby. He stopped her from falling head first out of the truck, instead helping her get to her feet on the ground. Buck was walking towards them, "Buck!" She screamed. He ran to her, eyes wide at her change.
Just as Buck got to Allie, she dropped to her knees, impact lessened with Bobby's quick reflexes, and she felt everything in her stomach rising, desperate for expulsion.
Her hair was gathered from her around her face, and a large warm hand rubbed soothing circles onto her back.
Eddie did that last time she was sick after her bender. Eddie always did that for her. Eddie always took care of her. Eddie. Eddie. Oh God, Eddie.
"Eddie, Eddie. Oh God. Oh God. Eddie. Eddie. Eddie." She didn't realise her internal monologue was coming out of her in breathless shrieks in between her vomiting onto the floor.
"It's okay. Get it up, get it out. Cry if you need to. We've got you." Bobby mumbled soothingly, directing the words to the pair of best friends. Buck was actively weeping with Allie now.
After several minutes where both Allie and Buck worked diligently to refine their breathing, Bobby offered a bottle of water he found in the truck to Allie. "Come on. Let me drive you both home."
Buck looked up at his father figure, "Bobby, I can't. I-I have to, we have to tell Christopher. He deserves to know why his dad isn’t coming home tonight."
Allie looked at Buck with wild eyes. Her heart broke all over again. Oh she hadn't even thought about precious Christopher, she was being so selfish. But the thought of telling him, talking about the incident, caused her chest to constrict and she puffed out, "Buck I…I don't think…I can't, Buck. I'm so sorry, I can't do it. I can't break his heart. Please. Please don't make me." She begged her friend and looked to Bobby for support.
Of course Buck wasn't going to force her. But he knew what he had to do.
Bobby, ever the problem-solver, stepped in, "why don't I drive you to Christopher, Buck, and Allie you can stay here and keep us all updated on Eddie's condition? You are his next of kin anyway, the hospital will be most willing to give you information."
"Okay," she answered in a small voice, nodding gratefully. Bobby was giving her a legitimate out to doing the task she dreaded and she was so thankful.
"I'll see you soon, okay? Update me the second you hear anything," Buck instructed Allie, helping her stand on her shaking legs.
"Of course. Give Chris the biggest hug for me." She gave her own instruction. Buck wrapped her in a bear hug that nearly had her breaking down all over again.
"Love you, Al."
"Love you too, Buckley," she mumbled into his fresh LAFD shirt. "Hey, uh…thank you." She tried to pack as much meaning into those two words as possible.
Thank you for saving my brother's life while I froze. Thank you for calming him when I couldn't. Thank you for being there for Eddie's son. Thank you for making my brother so happy. Thank you for being my best friend. Thank you for being you.
Buck simply placed a kiss to her forehead and walked with Bobby in the direction of his car.
Allie spent another moment outside by herself. She practiced taking deep breaths of the fresh air and staring at the glass hospital door. Someone appeared from them. Someone familiar.
"Need any company?" Chimney approached Allie with a sympathetic smile.
Allie did want company as it happened, but she was pleased it was Chim that offered that companionship. He knew what it was like to have a brother in the hospital. It hadn't been long since his brother Albert had been in a brutal crash and rushed to hospital - on the day of his daughter's birth too.
Allie nodded her head, and took Chim's offered arms, still distrustful of her legs, and followed him into the hospital to begin an agonising wait.
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ariapmdeol · 1 year
For the fandom ask! Pick ur favorite current fandom! 💜
im gonna do witchs heart for this one bc i already did coe!! though tbf i have no idea whats going on over there at all im just chilling dsajlkjdsakl this is for gavi
My OTP: NOELCLAIRE,,, theyre so cute guys its adorable,,
My NOTP: ngl as with most fandoms i do not generally have a notp unless it's like genuinely weird so live your life besties
MY OT3: i think wil/ashe/siri is so funny. worsties real!!
A currently canon ship I’m okay with but don’t prefer: i dont think we have canon wh ships?
A ship that would only work in an AU but would be awesome: siriashe SORRY GAVI I DONT SEE IT WORKING IN CANON LMAO
A ship I’d like to see explored but not stick around: noelsiri! I think gavi brought up the idea of sirius having a one sided crush and i thought that was neat
A ship that may as well be canon: NOELCLAIRE
The ships I’d give my OTP pair if the other died: for noel: wilardo. for claire: sheila!
A crossover ship I’d dig: CLAIRE AND SHINANO THEY'D BE SILLY. also i think gavi drew alice yabusame and sirius and im so here for that
A ship that would work great in a Coffee Shop AU: siriashe specifically bc ashe would never call the right name for siri it would be silly
A ship that would work great in a sitcom AU: ALSO SIRIASHE IM SORRY I GOT PROPAGANDIZED. it's about the kismessitude
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Sixteen things I noted about CR2E115 “Fetching Fables & Frosty Friends” and the Talks Machina about it :
Whyyyyy French again ??? At least I know Sam knows a little French, so I'm somehow less offended when it's him. But yeah at the of the ad, I felt this screenshot IN MY SOUL :
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Matt, to Travis, about Beau who's running way ahead of Fjord : "She's a monk, she's faster than you." Travis, immediately and petulantly : "You don't know that !" Matt, not impressed, deadpan : "Yes. I do. It's on her character sheet."
I love Dagen so much. He tries to do a little bit of polite conversation, and Veth is like "Are you asking if anyone of us is single ?" and Jester doubles down with "Are you secretly in love with me ?", and then he calls them "colorful". He has worked with Vess and Ludinus before, so yeah that must be a change of pace for him.
Dagen, recalling the worst group he ever traveled with : "There was this rowdy bunch out of Syrinlya, Uthodurnian folk. Too boisterous. Too loud. When you're trying to make your way across landscape like this, you want to keep quiet. Just a bunch of fucking dwarves singing about what they had for breakfast, about what they had for lunch, tales of mysteries to the north ! They had beautiful voices, but they just wouldn't shut the fuck up. One day we got ambushed and they all got torn apart. I was the only survivor... I just feel bad for the poor halfling they dragged along." Me slowly realizing Matt is describing the first Hobbit movie : AMAZING !!
Caleb, 20 minutes after Veth and Jester started getting real with Dagen and are creating what I can only describe as an elaborate fan-fiction of Dagen and one of the travelers possibly named Sheila he might have fallen in love with - and named his axe after : "Hey, are we the worst ones yet ?" Dagen, through gritted teeth : "Gettin' real close..."
Laura looks so cute with her unicorn hoodie on.
Love that they knew they were messing with POWERFUL NECROTIC MAGIC, and that Liam pointed out that this kind of trap "pivoted the entire campaign one" (which to me was a clear indication that he wanted to do it, because this is Liam and he loves this kind of stuff). And still they went for it. For an hour. Man, did Caleb try. The last attempt, dramatically casting Dispel Magic while walking away, because he couldn't let it go, and still the stone rests, is an very funny visual.
Oh Beau read Yasha's poem ! Which was not a poem, but a wonderful letter. I love how Marisha was overjoyed as Ashley was reading it (as the voiceover).
Oh my god, the story of the Katzen Prince is everything. The revelation that Liam wrote that in a day, just before they were paying, is the cherry on top. Look, I fucking love fairy tales, and I had a book when I was young where it was all of the original versions (aka the dark endings, and even when it was a good ending for the hero, there were some brutal elements, like when birds pierce the eyes of Cinderella’s half-sisters at the end !!). So I LOVED this tale !!! It was sweet, melancholic, had a dream-like quality to it, and still a happy ending. I also want to see all of the art.
Awwww, I love when the monsters turn out not-so-monstery after all ! The Mighty Nein chose to be kind, even after they were ambushed, and so they got precious intel : finally, someone saw Lucien and his group, not but one day ago !!!
Travis broke. They invited the yetis to dinner in Caleb's tower, and they even read them a Zemnian bedtime story, and it broke Travis so much. This is so awesome. I love this visual of 4 yetis, being inside a magic tower, in a grand and warm hall, under tents for them to sleep like they usually do, surrounded by small cats and the Mighty Nein, listening to a man reading them a story in a language they don't know, and falling asleep in 5 minutes.
I trust Beau, Beau is always right and she should say it. And the way Marisha made her pitch was wholesome.
It's true, Brian is right to recall it, every time there is a Talks Machina with Liam and Taliesin, the vibe is "whatever the fuck is the opposite of toxic masculinity" - I think it's what he called it one time.
Dani is being tortured this episode, what will all the Fartist and chest hair re-growing stories.
Taliesin, about the pillar with the necromantic emerald : "I was amused. I could have possibly stayed a little longer... Until we had to resurrect someone !" HAHAHA the little shit (affectionate)
OH. Oh. This is the episode before the 2020 American election ? Aka, the Destiel Putin Election crazy night we had over here on Tumblr ??? IT'S SO CRAZY TO THINK ABOUT !!!
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ask-the-hellbound · 2 years
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Your girlfriend is absolutely rabid.
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You think I don't know that?
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No, seriously. Get her a fucking rabies shot or something before she passes it on to the rest of us.
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Hey babe, come watch me tear this lobster clean with only my fingernails!
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. . . I'll take it under advisement.
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kidfoundonstreets · 2 years
who to associate you with, hm hmmm
who do i associate with you with actually?
well anzu(yttd) naturally, a hybrid of joe and nao(yttd both), and, ik this is going to be a bit weird, but a hybrid between lucy and shelia(wh both)
OH SHIT HELLO LGBTQ+ COMMUNITY 🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈
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abbatoirablaze · 6 months
Racing Stripes, Chapter 21
Word Count: 1.7k
Warnings: slight angst
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“Miss…a word?”
Sheila looked at Daniel, her anxiety rising as one of the stewards waved her over.  Daniels’ arm wrapped protectively around her waist as he began to walk with her.
“You okay?”
“WH-why would they want to talk to me?” she asked, sparing him a sideways glance, “we didn’t do anything wrong, did we?”
Danny Ric shook his head, “I’m sure it’s nothing, Sheila…we’ll just go talk to the stewards an-“
“Mr. Riccairdo, you don’t need to be part of the conversation,” the steward said flatly as he looked at the driver, “this is a conversation that needs to occur between the stewards and the motorsports girl in question.”
“Well actually, she’s on my time…so it does involve me!” he said firmly, his grip on her waist tightening a little bit as a show that he didn’t want to leave her alone. 
She looked back up at him once more, and suddenly she wasn’t so sure that he was holding on for her benefit, but maybe he was holding on to her because of his own anxieties.  She frowned for a moment before putting a hand on her boyfriend’s chest, “Daniel…it’s okay…”
“Sheila…” he muttered, giving her a soft but sad look.
And there it was.
She saw behind the self-assured, goofy jokester, and she saw that he was just as nervous as she had felt in that moment.  She bit her lip and nodded, knowing that he needed to be by her side just as much as she wanted to pretend that she was the strong one.  She gave the steward another look, “i-It’s fine if he’s here with us for the conversation, right?”
“I’m not leaving!” Daniel said firmly, “I’m not going to leave my girlfriend alone with you, not until I know what this is about.  Especially when she said that it’s alright that I’m part of the conversation.”
The steward gave the Australian driver a look, hoping that because of his title, the younger man would back down.  But when he didn’t, he sighed and gestured them both forward, “very well…I-I’ll ask the council if it’s alright that you sit in.  Since the two of you are…involved, it might be better to get both conversations out of the way in one swoop.”
This time, Daniel’s brows furrowed as he watched the steward turn on his heel and start towards the stewards set up.  Daniel held onto his girlfriend’s waist and pulled her along, unsure of what the other man meant.
“It’ll be okay, Sheila…”
“I’m nervous…”
“I’m here,” he said confidently, giving her hip a gentle squeeze, “I’m here…and we’re together…you and the babies are safe.”
She nodded, not wanting to argue with his logic as the two of them were led into the office of the stewards, who had set up their own little space.  There was a long table at the end furthest from the door with five men sitting there, along with the team principal of Renault at a smaller table.  When he saw Daniel and Sheila come in, he gave them a sad look. 
“The driver insisted on coming along with Miss. Montgomery.” The steward frowned.  Cyril stood up and offered his seat to his driver.
Instantly Daniel held onto Sheila while she clung to his side, “what is this?  What’s going on?”
“Have a seat, Mr. Riccairdo…” one of the stewards at the table offered, “I’m assuming you were insistent on coming to the meeting with your…significant other.”
“Is that what this is about?” he asked bravely, putting on a tough face, “there’s no rule that a driver and a motorsports girl can’t be together.  Vetel married one and she’s still a-“
“That’s not the reason that your girlfriend is up here, Mr. Riccairdo…” a second steward said firmly as he looked up from his papers, “please…the both of you.  Sit.  Miss. Montgomery…we were looking over your medical records from your last visit to the doctor.”
She paled.
“Her medical information should be private!” Cyril argued, “none of you need to know anything about her records so long as she’s not making anyone sick.  I’ve already justified how you all cannot be doing this.”
“That’s where you’re wrong, Cyril…when the girls sign their contracts they allow us information to all aspects of their lives,” a third joined in, “we know everything from their medical information to their credit scores to ensure that our drivers are protected in every facet.”
“What did you call her up here for?”
He shook his head, not wanting to reveal the information he was sure they were going to speak, “no, we have a right to know why they’re harassing you.”
“Harassing?” the first steward scoffed, “Miss. Montgomery…would you care to let Mr. Riccairdo know why we’re sitting here?  I’m sure that you’re well aware as this is a subsection of your contract.”
“I failed to notify them, Daniel…” she said softly, giving her boyfriend a sad look.  Her head turned and she looked towards the stewards once more, “but in all fairness we only recently just found out.  We-“
“Four days notice from when you first find out,” the second steward who was looking over the paperwork informed her, “you’ve been holding out for a few weeks now…”
Daniel’s brow rose, “What are they talking about, Sheila?”
“If we fall pregnant, we have four working days to notify them of the pregnancy, that way they can discuss it with the driver and motorsports girl separately and ensure that it isn’t going to negatively impact their career…if they disagree the pregnancy is terminated…but you and I are on the same page.  There was no need-”
“TERMINATED?” the Australian roared.  He stepped in front of his girlfriend and started towards the table where the stewards were sitting, “what in god’s green earth makes you think you have any justification in the life of my children?  HUH?  You lot don’t get to decide whether or not the twins are good for me and Sheila.  We-“
“These safeguards are set in place to ensure that drivers aren’t tricked into a relationship, Mr. Riccairdo.”
“Sheila didn’t trick me into anything,” the Australian growled, “my girlfriend didn’t trick me into knocking her up!  If anything, I’ve been pursuing her through most of our relationship while she tried to talk me out of it because of our jobs.  She-”
“Daniel, sit down,” Cyril begged, asking his driver to come back to the table.  Sheila was silently pleading with him as she clung to the principal, “you don’t need to make this more intense than it already is.”
“They’re insinuating that Sheila would do something like that and that they have the authority to abort my children,” he growled, “sure we didn’t plan on the twins, but we’re keeping them.  I don’t give a damn what they think about it!”
“Miss. Montgomery…we called you up here because Mr. Abiteboul has spoken on the behalf of you and driver Daniel Riccairdo as he’s been made aware of the situation as of this evening.  He claims that the two of you have had a very loving relationship which both of you had tried to put on hold because of your status as a motorsports girl and his status as a driver for Renault…Mr. Riccairdo let me tell you that we are not dissecting your relationship or forcing Miss. Montgomery into any sort of medical procedure that would cause you two to lose your children,” the fourth steward frowned, “we called her up her so that we could discuss her contract.  Cyril is up here, or was, on your behalf, as we typically discuss this with the team principal of the driver in question as a witness for both the driver and motorsports girl.”
“Are you and Miss Montgomery in a relationship and aiming to have the children that she is pregnant with as stated in her medical records?”
“Yes…” he nodded softly, “I-Sheila and I have-yeah…”
He sighed and started back towards his girlfriend and team principal.  He bit his lip and looked at the tears in her eyes.  Rushing up to her, he swept her up in his arms and held her close, “hey…it’s okay, Sheila.  I won’t let them tear us apart!”
“Let’s get on with this, yeah?” the first steward asked, interrupting the small, intimate moment with the couple, “Miss. Montgomery you were called up here because you broke the terms of your contract.  Now, Mr. Abiteboul has spoken on your behalf, and the behalf of your relationship with Mr. Riccairdo, but the fact of the matter is, we believe that you may have been aware of the rule that follows with notifying us of your pregnancy.  So we’ve set up a hearing to determine your status moving forward.”
Her stomach sank. 
Daniel looked down at her, “What are they talking about.”
“If she does notify us of an impending pregnancy, then the driver then becomes responsible for her if the relationship, and pregnancy continues.  This means that unless she’s picked, she won’t receive any pay.  You would be responsible for making sure she’s financially alright if she doesn’t have the funds for herself.  If at any time you negate the responsibility, we have the right to effectively terminate her contract as a formula 1 motorsports girl.”
“We only have one question for you, since you’re here, Mr. Riccairdo?” the fifth steward asked, “are you willing to support your girlfriend in the event that you do not finish high enough to choose her?”
“Of course…” he replied, without hesitation.  He looked down at his girlfriend, “I-I know we haven’t talked about it or anything…but the babies will come along in no time…and right now…we live in entirely different countries…”
Sheila frowned, “I-I guess I never thought about that…”
“Maybe we should go back to our room and start getting some plans together?” he asked cautiously, “we should get this sorted that way after the babies come along we can figure it out and have someone watch them before next season…if you move to Australia my parents could probably-“
“Daniel…I-I don’t think I want to renew my contract…I…why are you smiling?”
The Australian hadn’t realized that he was smiling, but he couldn’t help his reaction from what his girlfriend had just said, “you don’t want to come back?”
“Well…no…I mean…I’ll be a mom…and you’re the only man I really want to be with…” she said slowly, “i-is that okay?”
“That’s more than okay, Sheils…” he grinned, pulling her into his arms once more. 
“I think the matter is settled…” Cyril said firmly as he placed an arm around the couple, “if you need the future parents, I believe they’ll be planning their lives together.”
Chapter 22
Tag List:  @lohnes16, @prokey16
8 notes · View notes
wgtdaytime · 7 months
Liam: Wh…what are you wearing?
Hope: It’s called lingerie.
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Live reaction. Good on you Hope. Shut the door in Liam’s FACE
Like fr he could’ve texted or called about that damn sleeping bag. Had no problem dialing 1-800-petty when he called Steffy (international fees applied!!) to say Sheila was engaged to Deacon.
And now him and Brooke be conspiring…I know they’re plotting together. 🤦‍♂️ 🤦 🤦‍♀️
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