thematthewscrew 4 months
Oh I know it's over a month away but I wanted to go ahead and invite you all to AK's birthday, she wanted a ballerina theme this year, we hope you all can make it but we also understand the summertime is busy for everyone馃槉 -Shelby
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@mcrb2dt-evans @jilibrd @mayabrazton @thestylesfamilysblog
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thematthewscrew 18 days
She is the one that can make Lydia smile and feel better. It鈥檚 special having chosen family//
No matter how hard parents and aunties try to fix things, nothing compares to someone you look up to. When I was a teen only my friends could make me feel better. Looking back as an adult I am grateful for everyone that loved me. I hope Lydia knows are many people obviously love her. It鈥檚 so good that she is feeling better. The boy doesn鈥檛 deserve the power to upset her so much.
I know she knows we are all here for her. She is feeling so much better after some time with us and Elle. She's got her smile back and that's more than what I could ask for馃-Shelby
@mcrb2dt-evans @thestylesfamilysblog
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thematthewscrew 5 months
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(Thank you so much again to B @boston-babies @mcrb2dt-evans for making these!鈽猴笍馃┓)
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thematthewscrew 6 months
When you accidentally fall asleep on the couch and miss picking up your kids 馃槄-Shelby
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thematthewscrew 4 months
EVE馃ぃ馃ぃ I love that. Number one fan right here. And then we can get Colin as the back up dancer!!! Just like he tried to do when we were younger. It's perfect馃槀-Shelby
/ Someone warn Harry to not pickup the phone 馃槀馃槀
Already texted Ro馃槀-Shelby
@jilibrd @thestylesfamilysblog
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thematthewscrew 4 months
Took Ella girl to her first TJ Maxx shopping experience tonight with her sisters. Colin took us all out to eat first and us girls wanted to make a pit stop there after. Yes we did end up needing a buggy馃槀-Shelby
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thematthewscrew 4 months
I bet she is Ryan鈥檚 favorite because she is his goddaughter. He鈥檚 biased 馃槅
I don't think he has a favorite, but idk he might馃槀-Colin
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thematthewscrew 4 months
Update, Shel is in recovery and I'm with her. She's in and out of consciousness because of the anesthesia and medicine she's on so she's sleeping and letting her body recover. They did tell me she also lost a significant amount of blood so she's going to be a little a weak for a while but they said she's doing great and that she'll be in the hospital for a little while longer. -Colin
@thestylesfamilysblog @mcrb2dt-evans
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thematthewscrew 4 months
She's here! Ella Marie Matthews born on May 20th at 8 lbs 12in at 2 pm and came very very quickly I may add. We love her so much with her smiley and sweet nature already. More pictures to come probably tomorrow, but right now we are just soaking it all in. 馃┓-Shelby
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@mcrb2dt-evans @thestylesfamilysblog
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thematthewscrew 4 months
(Here is something I wrote and I forgot about馃槀 but since Audrey Kate's birthday got brought up I thought I would share. It's the day that everyone found out about Audrey Kate. 馃槉 )
Warnings: medical inaccuracies, grammar mistakes?
One More
Colin and I decided to weigh our options on having one more child. We already had Lydia and the twins. The twins were a difficult pregnancy. I bled and started having early contractions about our 28th week due to stress of work. After I was put on bed rest. That was challenging but Colin and Lydia made sure I had everything. The twins still ended up coming three weeks before their due day.
Then at their delivery Gracie turned out to be breeched but I was still able to deliver her naturally and she is the smaller twin, so she had a stay few extra nights in the NICU. It was pretty hard and my body was exhausted. However it was worth all the love and we made it through together.
After the twins were a little bit older we started discussing if we wanted more kids. I wasn't sure and Colin was too but he ultimately wanted the choice to be mine. " I want you do you what's best for you. It does make me weary about it because the twins were so hard on you. If you want one more we'll do it if you don't then we won't. It's your body." He told me " I know I just wanted your input I'm still on the fence too." I told him. " I'll support you no matter what." He said kissing me.
After that we didn't really talk about it again because life got so busy.
Some time has passed and the twins turned five and Lydia turned 8, and I was almost pushing 40 that's when I decided to get the consultation about my tubes getting tied. Colin was helping the girls get ready for school while I was getting ready for my appointment. While I was getting ready I was feeling a bit nauseous so I had to sit down. " Still feeling bad?" Colin asked from the doorway " I thought you were helping the girls get ready?" I asked " I did they are all ready to go." He smiled " Good. And yea I think it might have been that Chinese food we had the other day." I replied " Maybe you can ask the doctor about it." Colin replied sitting next to me. " I will. I'm also anxious about this consultation. Even though I'm just talking to the doctor." I confessed to him " There's nothing to be nervous about like you said you're just talking." " Yea. I just can't believe we are talking about being done with kids." I told him. " I know it is a bit strange to think about." He replied. " Yea. I can't believe we will be done with kids. But I know this day would come. It just weird." I told him " I know. You've been a mom for so long, and I love you even more for it but it's good for change." He told me " I think it's good for a change too. And I love you too, now let me finish getting ready. I wanna be there early so I can get out early." I replied smiling. " Do you want to grab lunch when you get done? I'll probably get done at the university early. " Colin asked " That sounds perfect." I replied putting on my watch. " Great. I'm going go get the girls to school." He replied kissing me " I love you. Again. " I told him " I love you too." He said.
When I got to the appointment I felt a little nauseous still but it was manageable. I signed myself in and sat down in the waiting room. Then before I knew it my name was called. When I got to the room I was asked to change into a gown. Then I was asked a few questions. Then I waited for my doctor. Only after a little a while of waiting I heard a knock on the door. Then she came in.
" Good morning how are we?" She asked washing her hands. " I'm pretty good. I'm feeling a bit nauseous though." I replied " Mm okay well we can talk about that." She said and then she sat down " So you are here for a consultation on getting your tubes tied?" She asked " Yes. My husband and I were talking and we think we are done plus I'm pushing 40." I explained. " Gotcha. How many kids do you have?" " Three." " Ah well that's good number." She replied smiling " We thought so." " Okay so first what we are going to do is get an ultrasound to get a visual of we are looking at then we will talk about the procedure and what it intails." she explained. " Sounds great." I replied with smile. She smiled and put the gel on my tummy and started to move the wand around. After a little she asked " So how long have been feeling nauseous?" " Um about almost a week." I replied " Mm any other symptoms?" "Not really. Why?" I asked her " Well looks like we are going to have to postpone your procedure." She told me " Wait what? Why?" " Because you are indeed pregnant." She said smiling turning the screen " What?!" "Mhm I say your are about 8 weeks." " How?? I mean I know how but wow! " I said in shock. " Not planned I assume?" " um defiantly not." I said in shock " But is it good?" She asked " Of course I just I'm in shock," I said " Are you sure with my age it's will be okay?" I asked " Of course! I mean we will monitor you closely because we are gonna take your previous pregnancy under consideration too but if you keep your self healthy I don't see why." My doctor replied. I sighed a sigh of relief then the doctor said " Now let's see if we can get you a picture of your little one."
After my appointment I drove to meet up up with Colin for lunch. When I pulled up to the lunch spot I took out the sonogram picture and smiled then put it back. Then I saw Colin pull up and I grinned. Colin came up to my car and opened my door " Well thank you sir." I said getting out " Not a problem baby." He said smiling while closing my door. Then he went to grab my hand.
We got inside and sat down. I looked over the menu " I'm really hungry." " That's a change from the morning." Colin said chuckling and looking at me. " Yea well." I shrugged. The waitress came back and we ordered our food.
After Colin looked at me, he took my hand across the table " So how did your appointment go?" He asked " Well..." I said turning to get my purse. " You tell me." I grinned handing him the sonogram. " No way." He said in disbelief " Yep." " One more?" He said in disbelief " I guess so." I giggled " Wow." Colin said in shock " I know. It took me a while to believe it." I said. Then Colin sat there for a moment in silence " Are you sure?" He asked again " I'm pretty sure honey." I said giggling " Wow." " Looks like I'm gonna have to wait about 8 months for that appointment now." I laughed " I guess so." Colin said putting his hand through his hair. " One more." He said " One more." I confirmed " Wow I love you." He said leaning in for a kiss " And I love you." I said leaning in for it. " I can't wait to tell the girls." He said " Me either." I replied. " They are gonna be excited " he told me " I don't know the twins maybe. Lydia I'm unsure." I replied " She'll be okay." He replied " I hope." I smiled.
Colin got the girls from school while i went home to clean up a bit before they came home. By then I was so tired and decided to lay on the couch but then I heard the door open. " Mama!!" I heard. I sat up and looked behind me of the twins running to me. I smiled " My babies!" I said hugging them both. Then I saw Lydia with Colin " Hey Mama." Lydia said slinging her bag on the counter. When they got to the couch Abbie and Gracie sat on either side of me with Lydia next to Abbie. Again, I hugged all of them best I could and I kissed the twins head. " How are you feeling?" Colin asked. " Really tired but the nausea has gone for now." I replied. " Are you sick?" Abbie asked " Well sort of baby." I replied " Are we gonna get sick?" Gracie asked " No." I laughed. Colin and I looked at each other. Colin smirked and winked at me as a way of that we should tell the girls. " Why are you guys acting all weird?" Lydia asked " We are not being weird." Colin replied. " Yes you are." She said sassy. " Honey can you grab my purse?" I asked him. He nodded and went to grab it. I turned to the girls. " Well remember when Mama went to the doctor today?" I asked while I grabbed my purse from Colin " Yea." The girls relied " Well while the doctor was making sure I was okay, she found something." I said pulling out the sonogram " What?" Asked Gracie " I turned the picture to show " You guys are going to be big sisters!" I exclaimed " Yay!" The twins cheered. Lydia looked at me " Are you serious?" " Yea baby." I replied tentatively " Yes! Maybe this time it will be a boy!" She replied. I sighed relief. " One more baby yay!" Gracie cheered. " We are for sure going to be out numbered now." I said " I know but I wouldn't change a thing." Colin replied kissing me.
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thematthewscrew 4 months
Is this band actually happening? 馃ぃ馃ぃ
Oh I don't know 馃ぃ -Colin
@mayabrazton @jilibrd @thestylesfamilysblog
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thematthewscrew 5 months
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(Thank you so much to B @boston-babies @mcrb2dt-evans for this!鈽猴笍)
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thematthewscrew 2 months
Is each baby a month apart!? I don鈥檛 know the exact birthdays but I think they are!
You know what? I think so!! Brooklyn in April, Ella in May, Robin in June, and Daisy in June? I think. 馃槀 it's a lot of babies to remember. -Shelby
@mayabrazton @mcrb2dt-evans @thestylesfamilysblog
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thematthewscrew 5 months
Are you going to have Ryan or Kyle be your baby鈥檚 godfather possibly?
You know Shel and I have talked a lot about this and we were thinking about Ry being Ella's godfather, we just haven't had a chance to ask him. -Colin
Yea, and Kyle is actually Lyd's godfather but I can't remember how that how that happened馃槀-Shelby
@mcrb2dt-evans @boston-babies
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thematthewscrew 1 month
A love triangle happening? I thought Audrey and Sage had a something something going on. I know they are kids so it鈥檚 not actually a love triangle but I don鈥檛 know another way to describe it.
I think she might had a little crush on him but then she got over it quickly馃槀 -Shelby
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thematthewscrew 2 months
Decided to have one last boat day before school really ramps up馃槉-Shelby
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