thematthewscrew · 24 minutes
Do Julie’s boys get along? Or are they at the age where they bothering each other all the time?
/ They have their moments but they mostly get along…for now 😆. Ethan will play with Aiden and sometimes he doesn’t have the patience and gets mad and leaves him to play by himself. So we pull him aside and ask him why he’s mad at his brother and explain that Aiden’s younger than him and doesn’t always understand him. - Logan
Cute 🥹-Shelby
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thematthewscrew · 24 minutes
Ella's the best snuggler🥹 just fyi just now going back for a X-ray so. -Shelby
/ Crossing our fingers it’s nothing serious! 🤞🏻🤞🏻- Julie
Thank you Julie and Logan for watching the girls last sorry we got in later too. I'm glad Ella only woke up once with you guys ands was super snuggly too😂 they gave me an X-ray and it a really bad case of a sprain, they have a brace for it and told me to keep it elevated on and off and ice it.-Shelby
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thematthewscrew · 8 hours
Do Julie’s boys get along? Or are they at the age where they bothering each other all the time?
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thematthewscrew · 8 hours
Is toddler fever a thing because I think I have that too.
/ Hahah it is! Especially when they want to cuddle all day 🥹 - Julie
Ella's the best snuggler🥹 just fyi just now going back for a X-ray so. -Shelby
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thematthewscrew · 8 hours
He is so cute! Sleeping baby angel!
/ Thank you! My sweet baby boy is getting so big! He’s about to outgrow those pjs lol - Julie
He's so cute🥹-Shelby
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thematthewscrew · 8 hours
Is toddler fever a thing because I think I have that too.
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thematthewscrew · 8 hours
He is so cute! Sleeping baby angel!
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thematthewscrew · 8 hours
Driving around always helped Lyd when she was a baby because she had colic😂 it didn't put her asleep all the way but it soothed her-Colin
/Aaaaand he’s out!! Jules walked him around the backyard 🤦🏻‍♂️ -Logan
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She's smart 😂-Colin
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thematthewscrew · 8 hours
Well 4 of our girls are mostly independent 😂-Colin
/ And they’re all asleep minus Aiden who’s fighting it! I’m about to drive around the block lol -Logan
Driving around always helped Lyd when she was a baby because she had colic😂 it didn't put her asleep all the way but it soothed her-Colin
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thematthewscrew · 9 hours
Julie and Logan get to take care of 7 kids 😨🫨
Well 4 of our girls are mostly independent 😂-Colin
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thematthewscrew · 9 hours
We also have like two guest rooms and Ella's pack and play you guys ever wanted to lay the boys down. -Colin
/ Thanks man, I actually just laid E in the pack and play but Aiden might stay with Jules. He knows we’re not home so he’s fighting his sleep and it’s way past his bed time. Keep us posted on Shelby and hope it’s nothing serious - Logan
Thanks! We are still in the waiting area so I don't know how much longer it will be but we will for sure update-Colin
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thematthewscrew · 9 hours
And thanks Eve we did tell them you guys were there for back up just in case😂 but the girls should be in bed now so there shouldn't be a problem. -Shelby
/ Thanks Eve! The girls are sleeping, we have the baby monitor, Logan has Ethan and I’m cuddling with Aiden. We’re watching friends lol - Julie
We also have like two guest rooms and Ella's pack and play you guys ever wanted to lay the boys down. -Colin
Oh I absolutely love Friends😊-Shelby
@mayabrazton @jilibrd
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thematthewscrew · 9 hours
“I braced a lot of my impact on my knee I think but honestly don't think so I can walk okay on it, but Colin doesn't like how swollen it is. And thanks Eve🤍 -Shelby”
Ah ok. Well don’t let them scare you, swelling is normal. I guess that’s more for Colin since he is worrying. Good luck there! Hopefully you’re in and out quickly. Let Julie know if they need help with anything we’re not far but I know they’ll have everything under control already.
thanks Eve😂-Colin
And thanks Eve we did tell them you guys were there for back up just in case😂 but the girls should be in bed now so there shouldn't be a problem. -Shelby
@mayabrazton @jilibrd
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thematthewscrew · 9 hours
Ella just went down too but if she ended up waking up there extra bottles in the fridge.-Colin
/ Sounds good! Pulling up now. - Julie
Thanks again guys😊-Colin
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thematthewscrew · 9 hours
“Thank you Eve🤍 and Well Colin's Mr. Worry over here so he's taking me to the ER when Jules and Logan get here.-Shelby”
Oh no! The fall was that bad? Do you think you broke something? I’m sorry you have to go to the ER. I hope everything is ok.
I braced a lot of my impact on my knee I think but honestly don't think so I can walk okay on it, but Colin doesn't like how swollen it is. And thanks Eve🤍 -Shelby
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thematthewscrew · 10 hours
“Are they exactly certain years apart or something? What is the pattern?”
The pattern with my kids or all the kids? When I said pattern I was talking about the realization that my kids were born 9 months after certain days of celebration. The twins were early but they still would have been conceived during a celebration. I don’t think there is a pattern with all the kids in the group though. I don’t think anyone planned it for there to be a pattern.
“Lyd is only a year above Nico and Eli but they are in the same grade because we held Lyd back in Kinder.-Shelby”
Yours held back 1 year, ours jumped forward a year and they met in the middle haha.
They did😂-Shelby
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thematthewscrew · 10 hours
I hope you heal up soon! The knee swelling doesn’t look too fun. Hopefully it goes down by tomorrow or the next day. Take it easy over there so you don’t make it worse!
Thank you Eve🤍 and Well Colin's Mr. Worry over here so he's taking me to the ER when Jules and Logan get here.-Shelby
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