wingshead · 5 years
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“ what’s this I hear about you nearly poking a kid’s eye out, Tony? ”     // @shellshead​
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saveandwin · 5 years
shellshead replied to your post “by far … this was the easiest icon ive had to color ever”
pokes his eye
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loses an eye
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 shellshead asked: He'll very casually sit across from him in the teacher's lounge, unarmored, hair a bit messy -- it's still early, after all, and he'll let out a soft sigh before looking up at the other and asking: "Coffee?"
🚀—“Join with yesterday's foe to smash fate,
                                                  💫 — and grab tomorrow's path
                                                                           with our own hands!”
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   ❝You’re looking... a little worse for wear, there, Hero. And honestly, I can’t tell if you’re offering, or pleading for aid. Listen. You stay and... collect your vitality.
            I’ll bring the coffee to you.❞
  The blond extended little in the way of mercy, save for his counteroffer. The distance from where they sat, and the freshly perked pot of coffee weren’t so far apart that he couldn’t maintain a conversation. Mugs were filled, and he took a moment to add a ton of creamer to his own serving, until it was vaguely coffee-flavored milk.
  He’d said that, certainly, about the Human looking a sight removed from his polished, unflappable presentation, otherwise. But the view wasn’t without its merits. Tousled hair, unfocused eyes, a well-trained physique, unadorned by mechanical armament... there was a charming, sleepy boyishness that peered through experience, trial, and time, and it was well-received by Stark’s features. Viral appreciated it, but he also delivered the ink black elixir to those daedal hands, mindful that his claws didn’t venture too close to bare skin. 
  ❝Long night?❞
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    For him, they were all long. He wasn’t obligated to sleep, and he rarely indulged. But the nighttime hours did offer a fair span of time, uninterrupted, to study the conditions and developments of the world he visited. He’d taken a teaching post within the accredited hero academy, UA, as a gesture of goodwill, and also, to fulfill his own mission of studying the varied and incredible phenomenon of “Quirks” that flourished across this variant of Earth. The evolution of spiral races was a dedicated field of study aboard the Chouginga Daigurren, and the arrangement that allowed for visitation to this world had been an effort of delicate negotiation, and strict premise.   
  His subjects of specialty were history, ethics, combat and tactical studies, and to some extent, biological sciences. While he was familiar with astrological, scientific, and technological advancements that reached far beyond the capacities of the present, there was no practical application for teaching it just yet - and those involved had agreed to direct focus onto more prevalent studies. There would be time, later, probably, to broach an education in time, space, and spirit.
  The Beastman studied his present company curiously, taking a testing drink of the warm beverage. A society of heroes, the villains who contested their order, and the students who struggled forth in a world of sacrifice and dreams. It was a very romantic society, in its own way. At the very least, his inhuman features didn’t bid much notice in a place like this. And it was probably one of the more remarkable, visceral experiences he’d had - to walk among Humans who bore stranger features and sometimes, even more bestial attributes than himself. The feline eyes that trained upon the veteran inventor were inquiring, but perhaps in this reality, none too discomfiting.  
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                                        🐾—ɪ'ᴍ ʜᴇʀᴇ ʙᴇᴄᴀᴜsᴇ ʏᴏᴜ'ʀᴇ ʜᴇʀᴇ ,                                             ‘ǝɹǝɥ ǝɹ'noʎ ǝsnɐɔǝb ǝɹǝɥ ɯ'I
                                              ʏᴏᴜ'ᴠᴇ ɢᴏᴛ ᴀ ᴘʀᴏʙʟᴇᴍ ɴᴏᴡ!”                                               “!ʍon ɯǝןboɹd ɐ ʇoƃ ǝʌ'noʎ
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diamvndback-a · 8 years
@shellshead so many ppl are fighting to get the star spangled booty
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viduamor-moved · 8 years
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❝      YOU  OF  ALL  MEN    should know that it’s rude to interrupt a lady while she’s beating the crap out of a punching bag.     ❞      a pause,    punctuated with a smile as she steadies the bag in question.        ❝      is it my lovely smile or winning personality today ?    of course,   i wouldn’t blame you if you’ve just simply missed me,   either.     ❞          //       @shellshead​
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STILL ACCEPTING! Send ’ 🎉 ’ to kiss my muse at midnight on New Years Eve. Alternatively, send ’ 🎉 + diss ’ to turn away from my muse trying to kiss yours at midnight on New Years Eve.
  shellshead said:
        🚀—“Join with yesterday's foe to smash fate,                                                   💫 — and grab tomorrow's path                                                                            with our own hands!”
   The air had been busy and agreeable throughout UA, and every day had provided some new insight or observation as to how the students and populace celebrated the winter holidays. Viral’s curiosity had been piqued at each turn, and while he maintained a fairly reserved exterior, inwardly, he was quite charmed by the festivities. 
   Dividing his time between teaching varied subjects, and researching the nature of Quirks, Viral still made allowances for his participation at the holiday gatherings and events, each time he may have benefited an invitation.
  Time had passed in a flurry, since his arrival. The days were quick-paced and intensified by new discoveries, and guiding what he could of his students’ growth. When conversation shifted to the advent of the ‘New Year,’ the Beastman had an opportunity to appreciate just how swiftly time was calibrated for this particular Earth. It made him feel a little pensive, and a little nostalgic, which might have been the founding sentiment upon which his decision to accompany the renowned hero during a lively New Year’s turnout. 
  That the Humans here placed such fanfare and attention upon the coming of a new year spoke warmly to his own inner desires never to take his endless life for granted. He thought of all that could transpire in one mere year; the turns and twists of his own life. ...and the wild, winding paths of UA’s students -- the strength they had acquired in one, single year; the tribulations and accomplishments of the young and courageous. Viral mused upon the struggles and valiant dreams of those who strove as heroes, in a world ever-changing -- an  achievement of immeasurable worth. And when the clock struck the midnight hour for their region, his heart thrummed in gratitude that he could be present in such a world, in time for such a celebratory moment.
  Admittedly, he wasn’t reigning within his most logical mind at that particular second, and when Stark’s mouth closed in against his own, he returned the kiss with a heavy, unspent weight, almost as though in relief for an outlet for the emotion that swirled at his center. A wide hand rose to rest upon the hero’s chest, claws tapping softly in rest upon the gleaming arc reactor nested below.  Once lips parted, the awareness of his lapse of .... well, all thought - set in, and the Beastman mentally and physically stumbled, en route back to reality at hand -  wherein he had just kissed Tony Stark on the mouth. Eagerly. Irregardless of who might have seen, or what the intention had been. Color flooded his pale countenance, but his pride demanded that he weather the storm with as little external damage as possible.     
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   ❝H-Happy New Year...?❞
   He echoed the most casual well-wish his tongue could grasp, as he gathered the shards of his composure from all around the room.
                                        🐾—ɪ'ᴍ ʜᴇʀᴇ ʙᴇᴄᴀᴜsᴇ ʏᴏᴜ'ʀᴇ ʜᴇʀᴇ ,                                             ‘ǝɹǝɥ ǝɹ'noʎ ǝsnɐɔǝb ǝɹǝɥ ɯ'I                                               ʏᴏᴜ'ᴠᴇ ɢᴏᴛ ᴀ ᴘʀᴏʙʟᴇᴍ ɴᴏᴡ!”                                               “!ʍon ɯǝןboɹd ɐ ʇoƃ ǝʌ'noʎ
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beyondinjustice · 8 years
/leaves my url here
Send me url and I’ll write some positivity for it.
Status:  𝒶𝒸𝒸𝑒𝓅𝓉𝒾𝓃𝑔
Can I confess I just love the way you play Tony? Your endless love for Tony is super infectious! And that in itself is the most magical thing ever, as it shows in everything you write. There’s this extra depth to your portrayal of his character that I rarely see captured, and it’s great. By now, I’ve probably stalked the majority of your threads fyi. Okay, and I love seeing you on my dash.
I’ve got to give you credit for changing my somewhat negatively skewed views on Tony. Sorry you have to put up with me; the worlds slowest rp-er.
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youusedme · 8 years
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★— ❛ See-- I brought coffee this time. NOW. Y’wanna sit down and tell me what’s happening with you? You’ve been distant -- Besides, I never had a chance to... Thank you. For the rescue mission-- anyway, the new team keepin’ busy? I see you’ve got your hands full with Riri...  ❜
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thathijodeputa-a · 8 years
shellshead replied to your post: *mutes livestream until the new episode time...
He guts 2 go
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brightica-a · 8 years
tony stark pls
How interested they are in having sex with them: She doesn’t like to admit it but she’s thought about it. I don’t know how much she actually wants to act on it though. It’s ambiguous. How much they would pay (or have to be paid) to have sex with them: He doesn’t need anymore money. If they would rather bottom or top them: She’s versatile and usually adapts to her partner’s preferences but…she’d get a kick out of being a top. He’s so smug and everything it would just be great. How good they think they would be:  Well, he’s gotta be somewhat good with all the lay he gets tbh. If they’d prefer kitchen counter, wall, or shower sex with them: Does it matter? Shower sex is a bad idea though, Ali doesn’t recommend it. If they’d fuck, have sex, or make love: It would probably be casual if anything. She finds it very hard to even admit when she’s enjoying his company. So fuck/have sex. If they were going to make it a threesome, the third person they’d pick: You don’t want the answer to this one. If they think there’s ever a possibility that it would happen: Ali has advised me not to answer this one. 
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bionicprivateeye · 8 years
continued from here: x
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❝ Fine, I’ll play fair, that’s not entirely accurate… the new job is hazardous, rest assured. ❞ A lie, of sorts, but she’s already established her alibi.
❝ What, and spend three hours talking to an automated service? Uh-uh. Misty Knight does not do customer service. Although, last I heard, Parker Industries were doing one hell of a deal on bionics. I ought to ask if Peter does house calls. ❞ She teases, glancing from her broken tech back to Tony with ever inquisitive eyes.
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burgledthem · 8 years
@shellshead replied to your post
Ur worst nightmare
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cxptisanarchive · 8 years
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People you should be following if you’re not already:
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crimefright-a-blog · 8 years
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  “---STARK.  i didn’t realize you would stop to sight-see in gotham city,  of all places.”
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