sabbathkingdom · 3 years
Ships within Windbreaker
  To be clear, I very much enjoy the story of Windbreaker, but the story itself has many issues. As you already know by the title, ships within Windbreaker are one of the downfalls to the story (very long post ahead). Now to start off with: 
Jay & Shelly 
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  I feel somewhat mixed on Jay and Shelly’s relationship. I never liked shelly’s character until recently. At the beginning of the story Shelly was selfish and entitled. The story fell into place with this moment...
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Shelly’s purse was stolen but retrieved by Jay. This is when her attraction (or shall I say her fascination) with Jay began. She then transferred to his high school (Sunny High) and was able to do this due to her grandfather being the principal of the school. After doing so, she was placed in Jays class (as expected) and simply walked up to him to give him a kiss...
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How uncomfortable on Jay’s part. I never saw this as cute. Instead it showed how entitled Shelly’s character is. Yes, I understand the beginning of the story follows many tropes but this was...yikes. Shelly thought she could just show up into Jays life unexpectedly and Jay would end up feeling the same way to Shelly (in short it sort of did work). If a man were to due the same to a woman, it would be seen as invasive and controlling. From there on her character fell apart. Jay was clear on not wanting her in his life (reasonably), but she chose to not consider his feelings. 
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Many may think this is rude (because she’s a woman), but he couldn’t be anymore clear on her presence not being needed. In this specific case Shelly was angry that the members of the team got into a fight that involved Dom. She found it unreasonable that Dom was not taking responsibility (which he did and it wasn’t necessarily his fault that Jay and Minu got involved in the fight they chose to get involved in). As a result Jay told her to screw off (in which I would have done the same).  
  Parts of the fandom believe that Jay is partially at fault for not properly communicating on how he feels (which I agree to some extent), but since the beginning Jay was obviously uncomfortable by Shellys unwelcome presence. Her entitlement made her believe that she can walk into someones life (who lives in another country) and simply “force” him to feel the same. 
  When the story progressed, it is obvious that Shelly grew on Jay. Her opposing personality to Jay’s works to some extent. She pushes him out of his comfort zone. Most importantly, she is one of the only people who is there for Jay involving his family situation (not involving Mia). Not many people appreciate how Shelly brought Jay out of his hell-hole. If she wasn’t there at the moment, things would have gone to sh*t. 
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(Jay really needs a hug) 
  Another point to make is how Shelly is not her own person within the story. Which is very unfortunate due to her importance. This includes some of the female characters, expect Yuna and Mia. We don’t know much of Shelly’s backstory, her hobbies, or why she is so adamant about staying in South Korea with Jay. We know she has family in England, who we may assume she has attachments to and would hope to go see. But this is simply not the case until Owen comes into play. Shelly would be more likable is she was more realistically written. 
  There is so much more to say on their relationship that I will go into more depth on another post. 
Vinny & Yumi 
Look at this early depiction of her!!! (everything is so different)
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  I feel as if this is another Jay and Shelly situation where both of the characters are forced together for the progression of the story. Yumi’s character appeared as the very stereotypical sexualized woman. She doesn’t need a man but also is head over heels for Vinny. 
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  Vinny was also clear to Yumi that her presence wasn’t needed. She wasn’t as forceful as Shelly but she wouldn’t let her admiration for Vinny go. understandable  Even though their relationship was forced last minute I did accept that it was inevitable. The author made it clear that he wanted these two together. As Shelly is the key to Jay’s growth, so is Yumi. Her personality allows Vinny to come out of his shell of anger and grief. It is also more apparent that Vinny has feelings for her...
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  Yumi is also the light at the end of Vinny’s tunnel. They have their own little meet-ups at her old apartment complex where they look out to the city to relieve their stress with the others presence. how wholesome and wonderful Yumi’s character is similarly written as Shelly’s; she doens’t have her own hobbies or interests (other than Vinny). I could also go into more depth in another post. 
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Minu & Mia
  Now, this would have to be my favorite relationship in the series. Simply put, it is one of the more realistically written in the whole story. Nothing feels forced and at least Mia’s character is better written than most of the female characters. Mia gains feelings for Minu due to him caring for her mental health (and caring for her in general). Minu gains feelings for Mia due to her...uh..um..beauty non-glasses Mia  Yes this is rather vain but more depth is added to their relationship throughout the story. They both give emotional support to each other and  care for each other unconditionally. 
  One of the more crucial parts of their relationship is one of the hardest parts to read in the story. Minu’s disablement. This man (who has literally been through hell) has now been maliciously attacked and as a result has been paralyzed from the waist down. This would cause strife in an immature relationship, in which Minu and Mia’s relationship is but not necessarily. Minu can be very immature resulting in harm to others, but Mia is quite the opposite. Instead of cowering in fear of what their relationship might come to, Mia gains strength to be by Minu’s side. Even after his reasonable outbursts to her she never left his side (that is what I like to call unconditional love). Now look at where our sweet Minu is at... 
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  He is now smiling AND IT’S NOT FAKE EITHER!!! a result of what those around him and himself have accomplished through their struggles. 
Dom & Yuna 
  This is another one of my favorite relationships within Windbreaker. Nothing feels forced and there is history between these two. Sometime in middle school Yuna was being harassed by an old creep who was being persistent until Dom appeared. He threatened the old man who finally gave up on Yuna. She appreciated what he did and helped him through his violent tendencies. Soon after that he fell in love with her. Yuna acts as if she doens’t care, but we all now she does (and their relationship is sort of written for comic relief). 
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  I would also have to say that Yuna is my favorite female character due to her more authentically written character. We know most of her childhood and why she is the way she is now. She has inner conflicts and deeply cares for her brother Minu. Of course I love Dom’s character as well even though he is mostly there for comic relief. what is there not to love about Dom 
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Owen & Shelly 
  This is obviously not going to occur within the story due to the ending of season three, but Owen was planned to be in the story but his addition to it annoys me. He only arrived to Korea to bring Shelly back to England. He was also very invasive and forceful about this (this shows how he sees Shelly as something to possess). He literally threatened Jay...to be more specific Owen was angry that Jay wasn’t aware that Shelly has family at home and how Jay doesn’t realize that he is holding Shelly back due to his “selfishness”. 
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  I’m not saying that Owen see’s Shelly as something to control, but his actions are very unhealthy were he is driven to the point to get into an altercation with someone who is involved with the person he is obsessing over. I know that doesn’t make much sense but I’ll be more specific. I know this is put into the story for comedic reasons, but he spys on Shelly. He’s jealous Shelly has feelings for Jay and not him. It is understandable to some extent due to his childhood with Shelly, but he has no right to dictate her feelings for another person. It is also unreasonable for him to get angry at Jay when it’s Shelly’s own decision to move to Korea and live there for longer than she originally planned. 
Owen & Aria 
  This happens in every fandom where random characters are “shipped” together so this is as expected. Of course this has no basis to it. People only started shipping them due to their obsessive behavior involving different people. They only communicated with each other to come up with a plan for them to become partners with those they obsessed over. 
Jay & Aria 
  Another “ship” without any realistic base. This love triangle with Jay, Shelly, and Aria was put into the story to add more drama. Including the Jay, Shelly, and Owen love triangle. love square 
Juwhan & Sugyeon 
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  I’m glad author Jo gave us more insight on their relationship. It began when Sugyeon opened Juwhans enclosed circle by giving him a candy bar resulting in him gaining feelings for her. These feelings never dissipated over the years even after he transferred to another school. They met each other again during their high school years. Sugyeon was unaware of Juwhans feelings from the start until the recent chapters. He was always and still is jealous of her “feelings” (more like a crush) towards Monster. This is another innocent relationship within the series that I thoroughly enjoy.  Last but not least
Joker & Noah
  Simply put if this were to happen (even though it most like won’t only for goofs and gaffs) Joker’s character would have been for nothing. It is evident that there is most likely at least I hope so going to be a redemption ark for Joker like there was for Vinny. To me both Joker and Vinny are similar in personalities and reasons as to why they are so desperately trying to retrieve money. Most of the fandom is simping for Noah and are attracted to the idea of the relationship Joker and Harley. I like the idea of Joker becoming a better person throughout the story and having a better life. In which at this point may not happen to due Joker digging himself into a hole...jail or prison. 
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elenaleungz · 3 years
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Jay Jo from Wind Breaker by Jo Yongseok
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rxargyros · 3 years
It took me several hours to draw Shelly in a different hairstyle I may not adore her that very much but still I want her to be with Owen. #digitalart #NaverWebtoon #ShellyScott #WindBreaker
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