musicfeedsmysoul12 · 1 year
The Father's of Izuku
I said I'd write this!
Basically, the premise of this AU is Inko went to a sperm back to have Izuku. My original idea had her aro/ace but I like the idea of Hisashi being trans which is why they did it. They purposely picked someone with a fire Quirk as the donor, and got what they thought was the medical history.
They were wrong. The bank that they went to was sponsored by a  'rouge' sect of the HPSC who wanted more heroes out and about with Quirks they found useful. A recent incident where a pro-hero was struck by an unknown Quirk that rendered them sterile had a lot of heroes hastily putting some sperm on ice, and a few hero students even took the option when offered. The people at the bank used these samples themselves for some people, those they thought useful. Inko with her minor telekensis Quirk was judged useful. They did get caught stealing the samples, but as far as the other members of the HPSC were aware, it was a first offence and no other samples were taken.
Now, I'm going to handwave this a bit and say that only some took, and Izuku is one of like three of the 'results' who became a hero student. (I mostly want to focus on Izuku, and having like a dozen kids involved makes it hard) He's the only one at UA anyway.
But no one finds out until then, when one of the others had to get their DNA tested and a match came up to a hero. Then it blew open.
 Of course this gets to the news and Inko realizes what’s going on. More so since the rouge sect destroyed a lot of the files to cover their tracks. So Inko reaches out and explains. She then speaks with Izuku and it’s DNA time. 
 Really this would be a series with a small one shot at least of each result. Knowing me I’d expand on some but honestly not all.
 I would also do at least two AUs of this AU where Hawks is an option as is Dabi as Izuku is much younger then canon. Mostly for funsies. (And imagine the Todoroki family learning of this and seeing their nephew/grandson.)
 Some basic rules for this AU: 
-Izuku doesn’t change much in appearance. I may change his eye colour but everything else no. 
-Izuku having a Quirk is going to be random. I have some ideas as I once said but it’ll depend.
-Pairings will vary between each. Mostly for my own amusement. 
-I may mess with Izuku's gender. Genderfluid/trans or whatever.
The Fathers I plan:
All Might
Best Jeanist
Sir Nighteye
Fatgum (age fudged a little. He’s close enough to Aizawa’s age)
Present Mic
Power Loader
Gang Orca
Vlad King
Special options: Dabi and Hawks
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