#the fathers of izuku
musicfeedsmysoul12 · 2 years
Who's the Father?
Summary: Midoriya Izuku knew the donor for his parents was an anonymous fire Quirk one. He knew his parents loved him. That was enough. But when a blood test in another city reveals a hero as the father of a young teenager, things spark. More so when there's no possibility of the hero or the mothers being together! It's revealed that the agency where Izuku's parents got the donation from had samples switched with pro-hero DNA!
As one of the affected, Izuku needed a blood test done. And of course this happens just after the USJ, just typical.
 Deciding to have a baby would always be difficult. The process sometimes wasn’t as long as a vagina and a penis were involved. When there weren’t those two options, though, it was a much longer process; Midoriya Inko and Midoriya Hisashi were one such couple, as Hisashi was a trans man.
 They discussed all their options, adoption being one they crossed off after much debate. They liked the idea, but Inko wanted to carry a child herself. They then debated asking one of Hisashi’s cousins for a donation but crossed the idea off after a short argument. Then they discussed asking one of their other partners to sire a baby but scrapped that idea after some thought. Their boyfriends weren’t the type they wanted to stick around, already talking about breaking up when the Midoriya’s had their baby.
 (They’d already debated about breaking up with most of their partners anyway. They didn’t hold the ‘one true couple’ ideal, but they preferred to both be involved with their partners. Too many times did a girlfriend or boyfriend try to break them up because of jealousy at how much the two loved one another.
 Inko did not believe in monogamy but believed Hisashi to be her soulmate. More than anyone else, a man who worked with her through the hell of her childhood was her soulmate. Hisashi loved fiercely and profoundly but could fall out of love. But, on the other hand, he couldn’t imagine not loving Inko.
 Polyamory was supposed to be about loving more than one person. So if you were jealous of how Inko and Hisashi loved each other, why be in the relationship?)
 It was then that they decided to go with a sperm donation center. It seemed a simple option, though, in reality, it took a very long time to arrange for them to find one and deal with the paperwork.
 Inko found one that seemed like a good fit, based in Mustafa. Open Hands, Open Hearts wasn’t expensive and had a good reputation. So she happily went with her husband to the site, and they browsed through the donors. They agreed they wanted a fire Quirk donor to match Hisashi’s fire Quirk. That was all they wanted, really, so after making sure they found one they liked, they happily paid for the procedure.
 While they did so, the radio played the news.
 “The villain who hit Pro-Hero Stardust is being charged with purposeful harm due to the fact he knew that his Quirk would render Stardust sterile.”
 “Are they still going on about that?” Inko asked as she looked at the radio. “It was a while ago!”
 “Don’t look at me. I mean, yeah, it’s sad that the guy got hit.” Hisashi said. “But this is really carrying on. What is it with the media and an obsession with like… genitals?”
 “Or men and their focus on their manhoods as if being unable to have children makes him less of a man,” snorted Inko. Hisashi snorted as they arranged for a day that Inko could come in.
 “Oh, what’s your Quirk, Mrs. Midoriya?” the receptionist asked. “We need to know in case of accidental damage to the equipment.”
 “Ah, it’s Small Object Attraction. I can pull small objects towards me,” Inko said. The receptionist smiled and wrote it down.
 None of them knew that things weren’t relatively as clean-cut as they thought.
 The Open Hands, Open Hearts was a typical sperm donation center, but a handful of people who worked there had other reasons. A small organization that was supposed to be part of the Hero Public Safety Commission had decided to take matters into their own hands after the Stardust incident. Many heroes panicked over the idea of losing their ability to have children and put sperm on ice just in case. Some hero students as well did the same thing when offered. So the people who were part of the organization decided to take advantage. They needed heroes out there, and what better way to ensure they were the right type than to use sperm from heroes and hero students?
 Of course, maternal Quirks needed to be useful. Midoriya Inko, with her telekinesis Quirk, was a perfect example. Telekinetics were so valuable that she was an ideal option for them.
 The Midoriyas were utterly unaware of the fact that they did not get the donation they wanted. When a member of the organization got caught stealing sperm, the remaining members made sure to destroy the records before they got arrested. The Commission brushed it aside, unaware it was not the first time, thanks to the various agents donating their own sperm to hide what they were doing.
 Midoriya Izuku was born healthy and happy, a cute little child with dark green hair and beautiful eyes. His parents loved him very much, and as far as they were concerned, things were fine.
 No matter what, they loved their son even when he was said to be Quirkless (using a much too-old diagnostic tool, not that the Midoriyas knew that).
 Neither of them could stop the happy tears when he got into UA. Or any of them given Izuku’s own tears. It seemed like everything was perfect.
 Then a young girl in another city needed to get her DNA tested for a medical test. It pinged on a system, matching her DNA with a local hero. Her very gay mothers were baffled. They had gotten a donation from the Open Hands, Open Hearts center.
 The Commission agent investigating the situation had a bad feeling about that.
 “So….” The agent said later as he stood beside a pale face coworker. “… how many samples are missing?”
 “… twenty-three.” She said.
 “… fuck.”
 It made the news. Entirely by accident and not because there were missing records. And, of course, the fact that the Commission hadn’t looked further into the attempted theft being missing was totally an accident. Totally.
 (Bullshit was the private thought of all the agents, but hey. Easier this way.)
 Inko saw the news report and paled. She had just dealt with the USJ incident affecting her son the day before. And now this!?
 She sat down on her couch and groaned. Izuku wandered into the living room, a notebook in his hand.
 “Mom?” He asked upon seeing her face. “What’s wrong?”
 “… have you seen the news, baby? About that sperm donation center?” Inko asked.
 “Oh yeah! A lot of people are talking about it online….” Izuku trailed off as Inko looked at him. “Mom?”
 “That’s the donation center we went to, baby. And we went during the time period they’re talking about.”
 “… oh.” Izuku’s face went pale. “… oh.”
 He needed to sit down.
 Luckily Inko was able to contact the people in charge of the investigation, and Izuku went in to get his DNA tested.
 “It’ll be anywhere from three days to a week,” the person taking his blood said. “DNA testing isn’t like it is in the movies; it takes a while. You look like your mom, but for your eyes, so we’ll have to see what happens.”
 “Thanks,” Izuku said. He felt as if he was in a daze. He’d bugged an agent for some answers to his more frantic questions earlier, and he had learned that they figured it wasn’t that many people who’d been swapped. Upon hearing he was a UA student, the agent muttered about ‘the rat learning this and telling you anyway’ before imparting more information to him.
 There had been implantation failure or miscarriages among the people who’d gotten insemination done, and one of the criminals who’d been responsible admitted they hadn’t bothered to use the hero sperm again with them, chalking up to possible Quirk incompatibility. He wouldn’t say anything other than admitting he didn’t remember how many they’d swapped for or who they were. Izuku was one of sixty possible children for the time frame, but even then, the agents figured it wasn’t that many.
 “Some don’t… this is Quirkist as hell, but basically, their Quirks aren’t good enough? They don’t boost any of the Quirks, or having them increase in strength isn’t worth it.” The agent shrugged. “Don’t look at me like that. I don’t think it, but a few of us guessed it could be a reason. Your mom has a telekinesis Quirk though, so she’s high on the list.”
 “Anything else?” Izuku asked in curiosity and a little bit of fear.
 “We’re honestly expecting maybe only twenty at most kids from this.” explained the agent. “But we’ll be ready for more. A payout to any person affected will be offered, as will training with the biological father if needed. At this time, there’s only one other hero student we’re concerned about.” the agent’s face looked annoyed. Probably hoped for more heroes out of this situation.
 Not that Izuku would say that out loud. He’d just think it. Loudly. And hope no mind readers…
 One of the agents just smirked and winked. Shit.
 Going to school after his blood was taken, after the whole news story, was weird. He passed Vlad King in the halls, and the man looked paler than usual.
 Izuku was reminded that it wasn’t just adults who’d put their sperm on ice. It had been hero students too. And Vlad King…
 Fuck. You know what? Izuku wouldn’t think about it. Nope, nope.
 Izuku scurried into his homeroom, where the class apparently latched on to talking about the whole sperm thing instead of the USJ. Izuku groaned and slunk in to sit at his seat.
(A part of him wondered if UA was fanning this controversy over the USJ incident to protect themselves. He wouldn’t entirely blame them if they were. This was possibly a hot topic due to sex and children. People were weird about that stuff.)
 “What do you think, Midoriya?” asked Sero, looking at Izuku curiously. Izuku sighed.
 “I don’t really want to comment on it.”
 “Why not?” Sero asked. Izuku would have given some excuse, but Iida came in then. He looked frazzled and panicked, forgetting no one but he was standing when he commanded them to sit.
…his brother was a hero.
 Today officially sucked in Izuku’s opinion as the door opened again and in shuffled Aizawa. It would have been a good sign if it wasn’t for Mina speaking up.
 “Sensei! Were you one of the people affected by the sperm scandal?!”
 Aizawa responded by pausing and turning around. He didn’t even respond to the worried comments about his injuries, as he was wrapped in numerous bandages. “Sports festival in two weeks!” the man called out.
 That at least changed the subject.
 Until lunch, after Uraraka confessed why she wanted to be a hero. They went to the cafeteria, where Lunch Rush was doing his regular job. That was when Uraraka asked Iida what was wrong.
 “I…” the glasses-wearing teen hesitated before sighing. “Tensei has been stressed thanks to the recent reveal of certain… actions of the Commission. Unfortunately, he was one of the people affected.”
 “Oh!” Uraraka gasped. “I’m so sorry. Do… do they know…”
 “Blood tests are being done. So he’ll know soon.” Iida sighed. “Our family is simply stressed currently. The USJ, on top of this, is only making it worse.”
 “Well, let’s hope they figure out everything soon,” Uraraka said. She looked at Izuku, who was staring at his plate blankly. “Dekiru?” she asked. She had started calling him that instead of Deku upon hearing how Bakugou seemed to sneer it.
 Izuku looked up, eyes a little blank. He’d barely known them for two weeks. Yet, he never met anyone like them. Selfless, intelligent, and driven, they had been some of the kindest people to him his age in a long while. They spent hours texting and laughing. They made dates to study.
 There are some relationships stronger than any other in the world. The one between the three of them was a budding one, even if they were unaware. But the beginnings of the bond were there.
 “...I’m one of the kids who might be affected,” Izuku admitted. Iida jerked back as Uraraka gasped.
 “Oh! Izuku…” Uraraka looked worried for him more then she had for Iida, probably because it wasn’t affecting Iida directly. Iida himself looked more worried too.
 “I’m hoping that I was one of the kids who didn’t get the samples swapped, but….” Izuku sighed. “The agents involved said my mom’s Quirk was one that people probably would have wanted to pair with other Quirks.”
 “Ick,” Uraraka said upon hearing that. “How are your parents taking it?”
 “Mom’s half panicking. Dad called last night, also panicking.” Izuku said. “They’re worried like a lot. Dad even talked about rushing the end of his contract to come home. It led to an argument with Harold, but I think that relationship was failing anyway. He was weird about Dad….” Izuku trailed off at the confused looks of his friends. “Oh! Um… my parents are polyamorous. They kept me out of it and explained things to me as a kid. They’d only introduce me if the relationship lasted five months….” Izuku shrugged. “Dad’s worked in America for a few years at a time and keeps talking about refusing to continue his contract. He probably will now….”
 “Oh! So this was a boyfriend of your dad’s?” Uraraka asked.
 “Yeah. He was weird about dad’s relationship with mom.” Izuku frowned. “He made these snide comments about it and like kept trying to get me to dislike mom. With my Quirk only coming in recently, he kept going on about how mom worried about me wanting to be a hero and-”
 “Your Quirk only came in recently?” Iida asked in shock.
 The conversation got derailed then, the three unaware of a dual-haired boy who had been listening in.
 Izuku happily forgot about the DNA test with Iida and Uraraka making him tell Aizawa about his late bloomer status. The shock from their teacher, who said it wasn’t in his file, made Izuku feel a bit better. However, there was also an alarming comment from Aizawa concerning ‘being wrong about the situation’ that Izuku didn’t understand.
 Sadly, it was brought back to his mind by the next day when people still wouldn’t stop talking about it. Izuku felt like his head would blow from how obsessed everyone was with it. Wasn’t the USJ more interesting?! Was Nezu fueling this to keep their minds off it? What the hell?
 (“Utter BULLSHIT!” Shigaraki screamed in his lair. “How could they forget about us so fast?!” he grabbed a table to destroy, fury in every inch of his body. His sensei wouldn’t admit he felt the same way.
 What the hell, man?)
 Izuku kept his head down. The only other person he told about what was going on with him was Tsu, having bonded with the frog Quirk girl during the USJ. She had bluntly said the entire situation sucked for him, then dropped it. Izuku was thankful.
 “Dad is officially coming back after the sports festival!” He told his friends when they entered the classroom. “He says Harold showed his true colours, so he’s dumped, and mom’s just thrilled. She’s-”
 “Ha?!” Bakugou asked loudly. “Why the fuck are you talking about your dad Deku? He fucked off to America, didn’t he?” he sneered. Izuku made a face as his friends bristled.
 “He went to work in America Kacchan. It’s not my fault you decided I was lying about him still being in contact or that your mother refused to listen to my mom about her being happy with my dad.” Izuku scoffed. Bakugou jumped up, hands popping explosions.
 “Ha?!” he barked.
 “BAKUGOU!” Aizawa-sensei said, stepping into the room behind the friend group. “Sit down.” Something about his tone made the blonde sit. Izuku looked at his teacher in confusion but accepted it. “I’m rearranging the classroom based on some new information that’s come to light,” Aizawa announced.
 The only people who swapped were Izuku and Kirishima, much to the class’s confusion. Though Izuku could have sworn something was in Uraraka’s eyes when he moved to sit in his new seat near them—something knowing.
 Izuku turned his focus back to his teacher, who gave them a report on the information about the USJ and how security would be tightened for the sports festival. Then it was self-study time, letting the kids talk, so Izuku turned back to his friends to begin talking to them about what he had been before.
 “So anyway, mom is excited to have Dad around, especially since he said that he’d finally accept a position offered to him here in Japan.” Izuku shrugged. “It’ll be nice to have him around.”
 “I’m glad your father will be home soon!” Iida said, smiling at him. “Does your mother have any partners who might be affected?”
 “Nah, mom broke up with her girlfriend a month before UA. She was really Quirkist and had comments about me coming here.” Izuku shrugged. “And called me a null, sooooo….”
 “What?!” the group of friends and a few other kids asked.
 “Late bloomer, and thanks to new information from Aizawa-sensei, apparently, I’m also what’s called a False Negative. Meaning my body is a Quirkless one, but I have a Quirk.” Izuku said, happily using the fake story he’d cooked up with All Might after learning about False Negatives.
(He hadn’t seen how stressed All Might was. Nor did he know that in another world, he’d have been pulled aside by the hero earlier. In this one, All Might was panicking over his sample being taken without his knowledge, causing him not to track down his successor to press for him to make his name.)
 “We know that, but she used that word?!” Uraraka looked disgusted. “That’s horrible.”
 “I’ve been called worse,” Izuku mused out loud. Naturally, that did not please the class.
 “Like it was that bad, Deku,” Bakugou snapped out loud. He rolled his eyes at the looks he got from the class, full of betrayal or disgust.
 “Slurs like that are disgusting,” Mineta said. The class all froze and looked at him. “What?”
 “… I actually agree with you,” Hagakure said in disgust. “Slurs are horrific.”
 “Only a moron would think a Quirkless person is… that,” Ojiro said. “There’s a Quirkless kid at my dojo who routinely puts people in the ground. She’s terrifying.” He sighed, looking a bit lovesick.
 The lovesick look distracted Ashido enough that the conversation got derailed.
 But Izuku felt his heart warm just from the supportive smiles and whispers given to him. The entire class didn’t look at him differently. They all made a point to encourage him later on during heroics. All Might himself gave him a thumbs up, also looking proud of him.
 It would be enough for Izuku to forget further if it wasn’t for his mother reminding him that night that the results would be in the next day. Instead, it kept him up for hours, tormented by the thought.
 Did he have a pro-hero bio dad? Did he not? If so, who was it?
(Why didn’t he have a Quirk?)
 He didn’t go to school the next day, instead waiting with his mother for the call.
 When it came, Izuku honestly didn’t feel surprised by the confirmation.
 His biological father came from the samples.
-Inko and Hisashi are only married cause of medical reasons. Inko has some mental health issues and wanted a next of kin that was not her parents. Otherwise these two never would get married cause they can’t marry multiple people. They’re very loving and don’t believe in a ‘primary couple’ but they prefer to date as a couple? They, as mentioned, had a few bad incidents.
 With Hisashi living in America, they do date separately now, but prefer to meet the partners of their spouse.
-I hate calling Izuku Deku because… I understand reclaiming a slur, I do. But for me, I can’t do it. It feels icky. So I just can’t have Uraraka call him it. Bakugou and others? Yeah, cause they’re dicks. But his friends? No.
-As ever, the fucking timeline is stupid in canon, and thus I will ignore the USJ happening first few days. Fuck that.
-I am team: Aizawa does read the files but Izuku’s is messed with because fuck sakes stop butchering his damn character to make him a bad guy, you can keep him canon and do it! It’s fanon he doesn’t read them anyway.
-One of my headcanons is that Aizawa assumes Bakugou got bullied because explosive Quirk= villain for a lot of Japan, with some thinking it’s heroic. But Bakugou’s brash attitude, screaming about murder and ‘die’ paints a picture of a kid lashing out. Aizawa doesn’t approve of Bakugou lashing out at Izuku, but thinks they had a rivalry because Izuku was the Kirishima who wanted to befriend the explosive guy. And Bakugou didn’t like it.
Now though, Aizawa is thinking: oh, so Midoriya was the only one he could bully.
-Okay, so a small side piece about the Bakugou family: Mitsuki was friendly with Inko but like her son has a habit of coming to conclusions based on little evidence and then sticking to them despite any other offers of proof contradicting her view. She’s not a bad woman persay. She just assumes things. One of this is that she’s convinced Inko is in an unhappy marriage and she cheats. Mitsuki is one of those people in this fic that just cannot understand polyamory working out or being healthy. She’s convinced otherwise. This bled into Katsuki who assumes the same thing, and assumes that Izuku’s dad fucked off due to his Quirkless status. They’re both very wrong but to realize that they need to get a heavy brick to the head.
 Which they will… but yeah.
-Mineta, Mineta, Mineta. Frankly I usually kick him out by now, but decided to keep him here. Mostly cause I always like going with: hey, the fucktard actually turned out to NOT be all that bad is a fun trope for me. He’s still gross as fuck, but he is also anti-Quirkism, an ally to the LGBTQ+ and will throw down with assholes.
-We won’t go into the others affected by this, but like it says only one other hero student was affect, and said student isn’t in UA. There was fourteen kids found through this, so you know.
- The father’s in this series are: Best Jeanist, Endeavour, All Might, Sir Nighteye, Fatgum (age fudged a little. He’s close enough to Aizawa’s age), Aizawa, Present Mic, Tensei, Power Loader, Ectoplasm, Snipe, Gang Orca, Vlad King, and Oboro. WITH two special episodes devoted to an aged down version of Izuku who is the son of Hawks or Dabi. For my own amusement really. Each will be a one shot as of now, might be a bit longer depending on like my mood. We’ll see.
-A link to a poll for the first one is on my tumblr: https://www.tumblr.com/musicfeedsmysoul12/712691935697125376/who-would-you-like-to-see-first-in-the-fathers-of?source=share
-Izuku may/may not have always had a Quirk. It’ll depend.
-Izuku’s gender identity might switch in some fics. Mostly cause why the fuck not and also, the image of gender fluid Izuku being aggressively supported by Fatgum is cute.
-Pairings will also fluctuate.
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beybuniki · 8 months
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AU where Deku stays quirkless and he enrolls in UA's support department, he and bakugo befriend each other because they take the same train to school & Deku approaches him because they're both batfam fans :) they bond over common interest which also inspires them to work togetherrrrrr
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amaranthdahlia · 2 months
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shout out to mothers whos children grow to be twice their size lol
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clawz-loopz · 1 day
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Thinking about WC crossover and how deku and bakugou would have cat fights every day :(
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kitsunesfandomtime · 3 months
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Cruel Father fanfiction by Kitsunefyuu
Commissioned Art by @summonedbunny
Izuku is the apple of his father's eye. But after the death of his mother their home has started to become like a tomb. There is a sense of dread surrounding their home and he is wondering how long he can pretend to not notice. And if the sin's of his father won't end up falling upon his own head.
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homelesstravelerssp · 7 months
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Oh no... He's traumatized
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delawaredetroit · 6 months
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Genuinely, this fight with Muscular was Horikoshi's best work in terms of establishing visceral terror.
Izuku's anxiety is palpable with his thoughts racing throughout this fight. He starts apologizing to his mom and All Might because he legitimately feels he is on the brink of death.
It's unfortunate that some of the recent arcs haven't been able to replicate this feeling of terror despite the stakes being objectively higher on paper
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ravelights · 2 years
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Get that man a character sheet
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sensei-twinkles · 13 days
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End of Summer festival! 🎆
I really just love every excuse to draw them guys, they are just the most precious beings.
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x-starshines-x · 2 months
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they r very important to meeeeee
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musicfeedsmysoul12 · 2 years
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chaoticsilver · 27 days
You know how mitsuki was the one to aggressively flirts with masaru
I headcanon that in the future izuku is the one who aggressively flirts with katsuki (once he figures his feelings out, no time like the present after everything they've gone through) while katsuki just simps and accepts it
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moss-c0uch · 1 month
You don’t look back anymore, do you?
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mettywiththenotes · 8 months
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Histories craziest heroes
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katsuizu-stuff · 4 months
The chapter just drop and I know everyone is talking about Shinso coming to class A, or Uraraka making a comment on Izuku’s hair, or Katsuki wearing a tie ect.
But I want to take a moment and talk about the mysterious man that showed up out of fucking nowhere, this guy
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And I want to believe it may be Izuku’s father. The only reason I want to believe this is the shape of this man’s eyes
Every character within My Hero Academia have different shaped eyes. Especially the corners of the characters eyes
This mysterious man’s eyes look close to Izuku’s especially way more since he is crying. I mean look at this man’s eyes
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Now look at Izuku’s eyes when he is crying
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Look at the way of the corners of Izuku’s eyes turn when he is looking down specifically. His eyes end up in a pointy-ish shape like the mysterious man
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Along with the fact that both the mysterious man and Izuku have pretty thick eyelashes lines
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Along with the fact that the mysterious man and Izuku both have pointy upward nose’s
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Added in the fact that in 2018 at San Diego comic con Horikoshi said that Izuku’s father will be in the future. Right now it is considered the future since all of this is happening right after the war, so it would make sense in a way
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delawaredetroit · 3 months
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So after Sir Nighteye's verdict that he couldn't approve of Izuku as the One for All successor, Izuku takes that as an insult to everything that he is. In other words, Izuku at this point in the manga recognized himself as a person through the roles of All Might's disciple and as the One for All successor.
There's a reason the Overhaul Arc is Izuku's most Touya kinnie arc. Young Touya believed the reason for his existence was to be his father's successor who would fulfill Endeavor's dream of defeating All Might. Touya viewed himself as a person through that lens. Then he slowly lost it after this role was given to someone else.
Izuku seemed rather emotionally unstable in the Overhaul Arc for a similar reason. Someone was trying to take away the role that he believed defined him as a person.
It's more speculative on my part, but if All Might had shown more interest in Mirio other than the dismissive attitude he had in canon, Izuku might have had some mini young Touya adjacent meltdowns...
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