#sherlock x latino!reader
imagine-by-susu · 6 years
Sherlock x Latino!Chubby!Reader - Abuela is always right
A/N: Finally I got some requests done. I got a lot on my mind just like my beta reader which means it all takes a while before anything is uploaded so please be patient ^^ PS: I am not very good in Spanish, I did most of it with google translater. But I hope I didn’t mess up anything. PPS: I combined two requests in here since they were familiar. Requested by @disneymarina​ and anon ^^ A special thanks to @true-queen-of-mischief :D Requests are open Fandomlist Masterlist of 2017 Masterlist of January 2018 Masterlist of Feburary 2018 GIF IS NOT MINE! Word Count: 1.130 ________________________________________________________________
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“Yo se, abuela. Sí, hasta luego. Yo también.” you sighed as you hung up and placed your phone onto the kitchen table. Sherlock walked into the kitchen, his morning robes around his body and his dark curls a total mess. “Who was that?” he stifled a yawn behind his hands as he sat down on his usual spot. “My Grandmother.” you answered as you sipped on your coffee. The man couldn’t hide his smile as he looked at you. “She is really excited about this family reunion, right?” you laughed a bit and nodded. “Well, of course. It means there a plenty of people who will eat her foot and believe me she will force you to eat.” you pointed to him but Sherlock only shrugged. “I know how this old Lady is and (Y/N), believe me when I say I don’t want to get murdered by her with a wooden spoon.” your laugh echoed through the whole flat at his words but he was right. Abuela was a spirited old Lady.
- “Are you done yet?” your boyfriend pushed as he sat on the bed waiting for you to come out of the bathroom. With a roll of your eyes, you looked into the bathroom mirror one last time. Your (Y/H/C) was pulled into a nice bun, a few strands framing your face. To make your Abuela happy, you wore a dark blue dress that she once had bought you. It went to your knees and the sleeves ended at your elbows. A little smile grazed your lips. You may not be a slim girl but you had enough self-esteem to see how good you were looking right now. Satisfied with your looks, you opened the door to the bathroom and Sherlock looked up from the floor. He smiled and got up, took your hand and kissed the back of it. “This dress suits you.” he complimented you and you thanked him. Sherlock himself didn’t look bad himself, with his black dress pants and the dark blue shirt. “Let’s go the Cab is already waiting.” with that Sherlock dragged you to the front door, handing you your coat before he put on his signature grey one. - The cab ride only took 30 minutes before you arrived at the big house your Abuela lived with your Abuelo. Sherlock, as always, left the cab and you paid the driver thank him before you left the car. The front door opened and old lady walked out of the house a big smile on her face. She wiped her hands on the apron she wore around her dress and opened the fence gate. “Mi pequeño (Y/N).” she pulled you into a bone crushing hug and you laughed while you hugged her back. As she let go, she turned to your boyfriend still with a wide smile. “Sherlock.” she said pulling him into hug too. Overwhelmed by that Sherlock slowly patted her back awkwardly. “I am happy to see you, too, Antonella.” The old woman pulled away from the man and smiled at you two. “I am so glad you two could make it. Come in, come in, everyone is already waiting.” she pushed you both into the house, closing the door behind her. In the house it was loud, not only because of the talking or the little children running around but also from the catchy Latino music, your grandmother loved to hear. Both you and Sherlock entered the living room and you were greeted by everyone warm heartily, especially from your parents. “How is it to live with the famous Sherlock Holmes?” your mother asked as he watched Sherlock interacting with one of your cousins, who happened to be a police office at Scotland Yard. A little laugh came from your lips. “Exhausting.” you answered her and both of you laughed together. “La comida está lista!” your grandmother yelled from the kitchen and everyone stood up to walk into the big dining room. - Everyone was gather around the big table, talking to another, laughing and telling stories. Even Sherlock had fun, happy to see that there were people who were quite interested in what he had to say. The food was, as always, delicious, the loud atmosphere was domestic and you just felt like you were home again. “Do you want some more Empanadas (Y/N)?” your grandmother asked, you were thinking if you really should eat some more. Your cousin Priscila rolled her eyes. “Abuela, don’t you think that little (Y/N) had enough food for today. Or maybe for the rest of her life?” Some looked up from the food, others gasped. Your father looked at your cousin. “Disculparse inmediatamente, jovencita.” He scolded her with a pointed finger.  You looked at your empty plate, your hands balled into fists. Sherlock could feel your distress and put a hand onto your fist. Then he looked to Priscila. “Of course, someone with anorexia would be jealous of anyone who can eat a healthy amount of food without sticking their finger into their mouth.” More gasps were heard around the table and Priscila looked at your boyfriend shocked. “How dare you…?” she whispered shocked that Sherlock dared to say such things. Antonella looked at her shaking her head. “We are talking later, jovencita.” The same scolding voice your father had used. “Pero,…” Priscila started but Abuela shook her head at her. “Do not ‘pero’ me. I am not a light side either and I respect the self-esteem (Y/N) has despite her what everyone says. We all should learn from her.” During her speech her Spanish accent grew thicker and thicker but then she sat down, her arms crossed. - After that the whole Family reunion was a bit awkward, in the end Priscila apologized to you and you recommended her to go to a therapy which she only nodded to. You thanked your Abuela that she stood up for you like that and she shook it off with the words, “Curvy Ladies stick together.” When it was time to drive back, you said goodbye to everyone and left with Sherlock. “Thanks.” you said after you entered the cab and gave him the address. Sherlock rose an eyebrow at you. “For defending me.” you explained as you turned your gaze to his blue eyes. “I mean. Maybe Priscila is right.” Before you could say anything else, Sherlock pulled you close to him, kissing your forehead in the process. “Never say that again. You aren’t anything what she said. The only thing you are is huggable.” Hearing something like that from the infamous Sherlock Holmes made you laugh. For you, he would do anything, no matter if you were curvy or not. He loved you for who you were, the spirited, huggable Latino (Y/N) (Y/L/N).
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