#shes kinda my whole gw2 brand
man i gotta figure out what to do with juyun :/ he’s one of my absolute fave ocs but his gw2 version is kinda boring which makes me sad! also here is a couple pics of him bc i know that helps me to remember what character ppl are talking about lol
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so like, og juyun is the god of beauty in his world, and him being a literal god while eless is Just Some Guy, is something i try to keep the vibe of in most aus i make. so eless is a charr, and i made her from the olmakhan bc her family, and her decision to leave her family, is also important to her character. meanwhile, juyun is a norn in the order of whispers. and like, that’s all i gave him?? and like, there is the fact that he’s from mainland tyria and eless has been relatively isolated her whole life, that sort of fits their dynamic, but i want juyun to be more special 🥺 he’s my special little beautiful boy 🥺
so like, i have three ideas rn. i ended up rambling a bit, so here’s a quick list: juyun becomes aurenes champion/branded by aurene, juyun is actually a saltspray dragon, or juyun is an avatar of lyssa (could also be an avatar of a spirit of the wild, but idk which one)
the rest of my thoughts and rambles are below the cut
first is that he gets branded by aurene. the vibes fit him SO well, like god!juyun literally has opalescent skin, so aurene crystals are sooooo perfect for him. the issue tho, is idk why he’d be branded. like, i could go the route of him being aurene’s champion, but then i’d have to figure out who the commander is. i wouldn’t want it to be onyx cuz they’re from different stories for me? so it’s like. they shouldn’t know each other. having eless be the commander would be So Good, bc that lets me have them interact a LOT and i Love Them. but then i have to deal with the fact that she’s from elona so idk how she’d get to mainland tyria at the right time to become the commander :/ like, it could work? but it would almost be easier to make her from the legions, and that doesn’t feel right to me…
my second idea is that juyun could be a saltspray dragon! i like this bc the color scheme and vibes fit him really well, and bc he’s literally meant to be (half?) korean, so him having a direct link to cantha is cool. like, norn can be asian and stuff, but it’s mostly just looks at that point? anyway, the issues i run into here is that idk if all saltspray dragons can shapeshift? like there’s kuunavang/navan obvi, but idk about the others? and i don’t know a ton about the saltspray dragons in general, tho i think that’s just bc there’s not a lot to know? i also then have to decide if he left cantha, bc if he didn’t, then he and eless meet WAY late in the story. and if he DID leave, then i gotta figure out how, when, and why he did.
my last idea is that maybe he’s like. an avatar or something? i thought about him being linked to one of the spirits of the wild, but idk what one it would be, yknow? but then he could be an avatar of one of the six? like, he is sooo similar to lyssa! he’s literally a mesmer and i already associate him with illusions, glamours, and masks. the only issue here is that idk why he’d be here. like. i looked into avatars on the wiki a lil bit, but i still feel like i don’t know enough >:/
honestly, i think both the saltspray dragon and avatar ideas are stopped only by the fact that i don’t feel like i know enough. i think a lot of that is cuz i didn’t play gw1? (technically i played the free trial cuz my cousin played it, but that doesn’t really count) then again, i could always just. make stuff up. i can fill in blanks with whatever hand-wavey stuff i want! except that i’m rly indecisive lol and i like having characters like this be as canon-compliant as possible :(
returning to juyun as aurenes champion though, i think it might work the best? like, eless could have left the olmakhan and elona during the personal story. maybe juyun does the like, 10-50 story, and then eless shows up as part of the priory? and eless becomes the commander, and juyun is just like, there to help out. and then with lws2, maybe they split up? so juyun goes after the egg, while eless does something else? then again they don’t need to split up i think, cuz aurene could still just choose juyun.
so like, i think champion!juyun would be the easiest to figure out, but then his ‘special-ness’ takes a while to happen. saltspray!juyun gives him ties to cantha, but idk if it makes sense for there to be another saltspray dragon that can transform, and that he’d want to look like a norn. avatar!juyun is the most similar to his og version, but idk a lot about the gods and their avatars, and it being so similar might be a lil boring.
mm i think i might be leaning towards champion tbh, with saltspray dragon coming in second for now
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xx-justsomeguy-xx · 2 years
Hellooo💌 been meaning to send a little ask forever now but ! How are you doing? What have u been up to dear Iah? Living off figuring out what are u doing lately by ur little updates!
& actually saw a few days ago that you tried a yerba mate infusion? i'm shaking u by your shoulders so vigorously!! Wanted so bad to know which kinda mate you tried and yout thorough review of it sjdndnmf.
Anywho,, sincerely hoping these days are treating you well & that ur knee pains and such ease soon fjfjf that's so annoying :(🌹🖤 have a nice and restful weekend hon~💌
omg aaaa hello hello ;w; so wild seeing you in my inbox again.... but hello!! ;w;
tbh the week was a whole thing... me needing to talk to a friend about some people she added to a discord server, finding a home for everything i brought back home from that farmhouse, teaching some friends how to get around gw2 after they got into it since it doesnt really have a good tutorial to explain a lot of important stuff... lots of talking and socializing!! which meant that the battery was dead for a lot the week but everything's good now >w< spent my saturday with a good friend and ate a lot of good food so my world has color again sdhkdhg
hoping to do more with my week that i actually enjoy >.< was so ready to go work on art and acads and also write a bit last week but i guess all that's moved to this week :'3
gosh tho kinda feel like my updates here generally make it look like im kinda really miserable + if they all disappear suddenly it's like 'ah iah's having another breakdown' >.>;; but yeah!! finally tried out yerba mate and was surprised by how much i liked it? really didnt know what i was expecting but i was somehow ready to dislike it and be really sad that i didnt like it as much as i hoped to dfhgfg
tbh i have no idea how good it is in comparison to what you have over there but i just got the one singular box&brand i could find, and it's this (honestly ridiculously named) thing called Wisdom of the Ancients® Organic Yerba Mate (Unsweetened) >.>;; Even has a picture of an old bearded balding guy on the logo, and the top of the box is a picture of what I'm assuming is supposedly him writing with a quill on some parchment by a candle 💀 Gotta love the branding you find in health food stores...
I think it's the simplest form of yerba mate? nothing special added and comes in a tea bag. i just followed the instructions on the box which is to steep the bag in hot water for 3-5 minutes and found that it was pretty nice! had an earth taste to it that i found really pleasant and liked more than most bagged green teas tbh. the back of the box also suggests to steep it in milk which sounds interesting but idk if i'd do it since all i have are oat milks and they're pretty sweet and overpower whatever tea i add them to >.<
the last couple days have been doing me well!! and it's warmed up a little so my knee has been hurting less lol >w< i hope your weekend was nice as well!! sending you hugs and slices of fruit... may you awaken from your next nap with a plate of idk, grapes? next to your bed or something hgdjfkg
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mordremrose · 2 years
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NA Pride screens now!!! Gw2 has such a wonderful community, I wouldn’t trade this for anything!!!
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kerra-and-company · 2 years
A few asks for my favorite purple plamt : 🛏️, 🎲 and 📚 ? :) And bonus round 🤝, 🕐& 🎲 for whoever you want!
So many asks!! :D Thanks so much, let's go!
🛏️ What does your OC’s bed look like? What would they like their bed to look like?
At her home? Definitely around king size minimum, maybe a tiny bit bigger; whatever size of bed would fit three people pretty comfortably! A few blankets, probably not too many unless it's the dead of winter. They have way too many different comforters in different patters but only use, like, three of them on a regular basis. An average amount of pillows--not too many, not zero. It's cozy and is never really fully made like a hotel bed, more just like...halfway there, mostly in order but not trying to be perfect. (And this arrangement is more than fine with Kerra, so :) )
🎲 If your OC played a pen and paper RPG, what class would they pick? Warrior, mage, thief, ranger, cleric, paladin, druid, necromancer, bard (or other, if that’s not enough).
Oooh, good one, hmm...I don't think she'd pick ranger, if only because that's basically what she is anyways, and I think she'd want to try something different. I could see her trying druid, which is along similar lines to her GW2 class but different enough in some ways that she might enjoy playing that. (Also, interestingly enough, my gut reaction was to say that she'd play a paladin, which I think is also a good option--and maybe the one that's most likely.)
📚 Your OC has to improvise a 10 minute lecture about a topic of their choosing. What do they chose?
Travel, if it's in a venue where she can easily and freely make jokes. It'd be good advice tempered with occasional terrible puns, and let everyone know which waypoints are the most practical, and which routes are the best to take. Kerra's been over enough of the world that she'd be very well-versed in all of this, and she'd also love to share. Also, my brain just generated a potential terrible slide title of "The Ups and Downs of Airship Travel", and I don't actually think Kerra would use that one, but there you go xD. And she would not speak favorably of the Consortium.
Bonus questions! I'll give you some GW1 facts for Cal, since they're on my brain at the moment:
🤝 Does your OC have someone they want at their side when they are scared? Who?
Their wife Daisy, hands down. Being in love with someone and also living through an apocalyptic scenario with them (in Cal and Daisy's case, that'd be the Searing--at least, that was the first apocalyptic-adjacent scenario they dealt with) tends to forge that kinda bond.
🕐 Was there ever a time your OC would have given everything to turn back the clock 5 minutes? What happened?
Given everything? Ooh boy. I don't know about everything, but they would have given a whole lot to turn the clock back five minutes when the Searing started. Nothing like entering Ascalon City like you usually do, waving to the kid who hangs out by the gate and thinks you're one of the coolest adults on the planet, and then the world being set on fire immediately after, and the kid nowhere to be found. That's a pretty big one. They carried a lot of guilt about Gwen's disappearance/probable death for years, even though there really wasn't anything they could have done in that moment to change things.
🎲 If your OC played a pen and paper RPG, what class would they pick? Warrior, mage, thief, ranger, cleric, paladin, druid, necromancer, bard (or other, if that’s not enough).
Sorcerer specifically, I think. Cal's a ranger/elementalist (as can be done in GW1's dual class system), and they'd enjoy playing a class with that brand of magic. I could also see them try out playing as a wizard specializing in necromancy, if they felt like trying something new.
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kehideni · 3 years
I think it’s time i rant why i ship the Commander with Caithe.
And not specifically MY commander, but the general commander character. (which is why i don’t care that my Commander happens to be male)
I don’t even know where to start... i guess for clarifications:
I personally don’t feel either way for Caithe. I guess i like her but she wouldn’t be on my top 10-20 favourit character list.
When i first played Guild Wars 2(yes my main character is my first ever character) i played through with the mindset that i am this charr and i will make the choices that i think will save the most lives(lel.... later on i learned it didn’t matter). So when i plowed through the personal story of the Commander i was in the mindset of “I AM A CHARR!!! AND IN THIS WORLD OF CONSTANT BATTLE I AM THE DEADLIEST WEAPON OF ALL!” (also mild Denalien influence but Denalien is intertvined with my being so... let’s not go into that)
I LOVED that Rytlock was badass and unflinching and angry i guess in simpler way: Charr = GW2′s version of orks(WoW) which means Rytlock = Thrall but actually badass.
By pure coincidence i made the choices that made me meet with mainly charr characters and it made me believe it’s because i chose charr that i meet charr. Later on i learned that... no... i just chose the paths that made me meet charr.
Queue in the story instances from 10 to 80, and past-kehideni notices a pattern. Rytlock is not the one that your character connects to the most.
I know, the letters you get are all from Rytlock when you are a charr, but the one other person Arenanet pushes your Commander to connect with is- you guessed it- Caithe.
Twilight Arbor- now you would argue Rytlock Logan and Caithe but Rytlock leaves before you start fighting any nightmare court and Logan after just a bunch of spiders. Canonically, it’s just the Commander and Caithe. Nothing actually that i’d noticed when playing through because the Commander only asks questions from Caithe that i’d want to know anyway. However this instance literally has established a connection between the two that later on gets referenced in a throwaway speechline with someone you’ll be surprised by. We’ll get to that.
Sorrow’s Embrace- Eir, Zojja and Caithe: the Commander asks Caithe for information (of course, who else. Not like they can ask Zojja at that moment, but these are all just starting off things)
Honor of the Waves- Eir and Caithe: the Commander tells Caithe to shut up and let Eir come to the right conclusion herself which makes me laugh to this day xD (This is where my personal meme comes from “Shut up, Kyle Caithe!”)
Ruined city of Arah- the Commander sasses Caithe. Basically in the story instances the Commander and Caithe work towards the same goal, to reunite Destiny’s Edge.
Things happen in the between though: There is this quest where Trahearne and the Commander enter a vision of the Pale Tree. In there, the Pale Tree tells the Commander that they MUST reunite Destiny’s Edge and this is where Twilight Arbor greets back a bit. 
When you walk past the members you hear them talk to each other, blame each other.
Caithe however stands out because she isn’t talking with one of her friends, she talks to Faolain. The crazy part is that in this vision you are not supposed to AND can’t talk to any vision-npc.... that is except for Faolain herself. But let’s see what happened beforehand:
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Narratively speaking when a character says they are alone and tired, it’s supposed to elicit protectiveness from the viewer and/or empathy.
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“So here i am a bulky a** charr, why is her love life any of my buisness?” - very emotional quote from kehideni of the past
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Aaaaaha... sure whatever you say Trahearne, but wait.. because here comes the kicker. The ACTUAL kicker where past-kehideni went 
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“Wait jus- hold on just a minute here...”
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Faolain that was awfully possessive of you, i’m a big a** charr. What competition would i be in this future-vision to you? And then the Commander says “I won’t let Caithe fall into nightmare.”
A little bit of extra:
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“Pft... whatever... you’re just her ex.” says the Commander. :v
In Arah Caithe thanks you for saving Destiny’s Edge (also interestingly she is the chosen companion npc as she’s the one that resses you if you get downed) and at the end of the fight she says that all of Tyria is in the Commander’s debt. Ok ... casual stuff. She’s been thanking the Commander left and right that day. As if she didn’t drive home the fact that she’s grateful she thanks the Commander once again at the end party and also is the one to suggest the Commander should go after the rest of the Elder Dragons too.
The next you meet her is the Aetherblade path in Twilight Arbor, the narrative distances Caithe from the Commander. By this time canonically they are friends, duh. So it’s like a friend has a side the Comm didn’t know so far. Nothing interesting yet, let’s hurry on.
She attends the summit, of course she does. You can’t talk with her.
In Echoes of the Past Comm saves her, their talk is still friendly but distanced. I do want to note that Canach and Caithe are so similar in attitude xD
Tangled Paths: Comm goes up to her to talk and she says “don’t mind me” and proceeds to follow you around and friendly-mocks you as “boss”. We know NOW why, but not back then. This is important because not long before this i realised that the Comm can’t possibly be me. It’s MassEffect’s case of Commander Shepard. You controll them but they are their own character and your choices have only slight weight in the story because the Commanders’ choices are already set in stone by the actual writers. What you CAN do is write the WHY parts, and this is soon the part where my writing interferes with actual canon but you’ll see my reasonings.
When the Comm talks with Caithe she’s the most civil with them among their allies. (We later learn it was to keep the Comm. in the dark.)
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The beauty of this scene is that Caithe WILL learn why a mother can’t keep their eyes off of their children.
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“Is that a problem?” “Not for me.” Still can take this line as civil but kinda funny line in hindsight. (Get it? Because it will be a problem for them.)
So Caithe’s betrayal happens, and the Comm is FURIOUS!
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Lol my charr is too tall, but the shot was meant to place the Comm face to face with Caithe because in the next shot she looks them in the eye and goes for the egg.
When Marjory notes that Caithe is a Sylvari the Comm goes defensive “So? What are you trying to say?” Their friend would never do that- is what narratively they want to convey, but later on in HoT the Comm reacts so harshly to her betrayal i took the wheel a bit.
I mean let’s add up what the Comm knows: Mordremoth created the sylvari, he has mental access to them, he can mind controll them, fool them if they are too strongwilled to do his bidding. Caithe is a sylvari with a strong will. If she betrayed them it’s not of her free mind. It’s like the victim-blaming when a girl gets drugged and they take her body to do as they please. Try as she might she wasn’t clear in the head but she made it clear later on that she didn’t want to betray the Comm. Why would she after all she can be thankful for to the Comm?
So what gives? Well in my mind, the only way to rectify Anet’s nonsense writing(they should really stop reading GW2 reddit forums, not a good place to be influenced with) is to give the Comm a reason to take it to heart a bit too much, say... if they were harboring feelings for her. In my mind it adds up.
So HoT happens, and Caudecus is making his move.
Where next you meet Caithe: Out of the Shadows. (fitting title for her, huh?)
I’m just gonna link the video with timestamp, that whole part is reconciling:
At this point the writing of GW2 seems to take a chillpill so i go with the flow. The Comm realising that he overreacted inspects himself: Why? This is the part the Comm realises that “oh sheet, they got them feels.”
Aurene hatches, Caithe is there.
The first time the Comm is voiced in LW and he jokes around with a character it’s with Caithe.
Comm: “I’d feel better if someone i knew was watching the chamber.”
Caithe fishing for the one line that would reassure her that the Comm talking with her actually means that they are ok with her now: “Someone you trust?”
Comm: “Yeah, so... could you ask Taimi to get her right away?”
Caithe relieved her relationship with Comm is safe: “You’re joking with me, i take that as a good sign.” They talk around a bit more, they are healing and that’s adorable.
Later on she thanks the Comm for letting her prove herself to them by looking out for Aurene.
Path of Fire happens, she’s like throwaway-ly mentioned by Taimi.
I was all, “Well, goodbye Caithe you got Zojja’d, it was a good headcannon while it lasted” but THENNNNNNN ARENANET THROWS ME THIS
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Like... are you fkin’ kidding me. This line alone means that she’s been stalking the Commander IN STEALTH ATLEAST since they met Zafirah in Sun’s Refuge!!! THE BARE MINIMUM SHE SAW FROM STEALTH WAS THE COMM GOING IN ON A SUICIDE MISSION, HOW ABOUT SOME HELP YOU CONNIVING VEGETAB- sorry... my personal annoyance at her came out.
Back to story, after this All or Nothing happens where the Comm and Caithe are confirmed parents of Aurene. When Aurene branded Caithe only the Comm asked if she was still herself, not even Rytlock nor Logan, the actual two people who know her longest. The Comm and Caithe are constantly paralleled next to Aurene as her “champions” because dragons apparently don’t have parental bonds*sarcasm* :V
Requiem happens and Rytlock himself says he sees it now. Coincidentally as of writing this he is going through the very same trauma Caithe and Comm went through when Aurene died.
Caithe calls for Comm to return to her because she needs them, and the Comm tells everyone they should go and spend whatever time they have with people they love. Implying that Aurene is who Comm loves but then again Caithe is there too. The 3 of them were going to spend the last of their lives with each other. (not saying they don’t love the rest of the group, but had they decided to leave, the 3 would still stay together.)
As from War Eternal to till now their co-parental connection is getting stronger.
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