#i didnt get a single shot of rose’s look like as my focus
mordremrose · 2 years
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NA Pride screens now!!! Gw2 has such a wonderful community, I wouldn’t trade this for anything!!!
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violetnotez · 5 years
Actions Are Louder Than Words- Pro Hero! Deku x Reader
So Im currently StruGgling through a Bakugo fic rn, which Im so mad about...so here’s  a quick Deku rewrite of mine until I post that fic!
Genre: Fluff
Word Count: 2500+
Warnings: mentions of wounds
Summary: Izuku comes to your home mysteriously one night, injured and in his hero suit- and you’re the only one who can fix him up.
One Shot
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For some reason, your room was extremely hot.
It made sense, in the middle of July, but you hated it. Your clothes stuck to your body like glue, making every movement feel sticky and humid.
You had decided to go to sleep at a late time, hoping that maybe when the sun went down, the coolness of night would suppress itself into your room.
You had opened up your window just a little to help with that, which brought the sounds of the city to your room. You were on the 4th level of your apartment complex, so the sounds weren’t so loud that you couldn’t stand it. You looked out, feeling a luke warm breeze, imagining your best friend, Izuku Midoriya, doing his daily hero rounds, that infectiously warm grin plastered on his face. You smiled to yourself.You secretly loved Izuku, every since he told you about One For All. The fact he trusted you with something so important, and finding out he was the one doing all those good deeds pushed your over the edge. You had began to like him before that moment, because of his sweet and respectful demeanor (not to mention he was extremely attractive), but you were in the awkward of stage of where you didn’t know where your heart stood. But now, it knew exactly where it wanted to be: standing next to Izuku.
You sighed, feeling reality sink in. Izuku would never go out with you, you thought.  Izuku was too good for you- you were his loyal best friend, nothing more, nothing less.
This thought made your chest throb, but you would get over heartache. You always did. 
You left the window open, the curtains billowing slightly in the warm breeze. You crawled into your sheets, feeling the soft cool of the material, knowing that they would soon turn warm due to your body heat. You thought, drowsy from staying up so late now,  that it would be best to go to sleep soon, and with that, a wave of slumber took over your body.
You felt as if you had slept for 10 minutes when you abruptly woke up to a loud crash in your room. You jumped up in your bed, feeling your shirt sleeve slip down from your sleep sluggish body. You looked around for the source of the noise, fear clawing your stomach in an iron grip. You almost screamed, but your throat closed in from terror. There was a dark outline of a body on the floor, looking like it jumped into your room from the open window. You stared at it, not believing what had just happened. Your eyes adjusted to the darkness, hearing the cars below you honk and the engines whir. 
You began spotting details: a gloved hand, red boots, teal fabric… “Deku?” You asked thickly, your voice sounding groggy from your nap.
The body pushed itself off the floor, laying itself against your dresser.The person sighed in relief, looking at you with huge eyes that glinted in the street’s warm light from below.
“Hi y/n,” the person chuckled nervously, the voice immediately soundly like Midoriya when he was flustered.
You heard a grimace in his voice as he grabbed his side.“Izuku!? Are you okay!?” you asked in shock, feeling way more awake than before. This was one of your worst fears- him getting hurt. It was bound to happen, with all the shady characters he’s always fighting, but you couldn’t bear the thought of Izuku getting attacked- or worse.
“Yeah Im fine- just- mmph- got a little scratch, nothing bad, Im fine...please don’t worry-.”
You jumped up , tearing the sheets away from you. You crouched next to Izuku, seeing the light scratches littering his face, illuminated from the streetlights below.
“If you were fine, you wouldnt be in my room.” you replied with a sad smile, trying to keep your voice down in order to not wake up your neighbors.
You freaked out inside- Izuku Midoriya was in your room, hurt, but in full hero gear. Izuku Midoriya. Had to be in your room. Your crush. You felt the heat rise in your face, cursing yourself for always acting like some love sick school girl around him.
“I’m sorry, you know I wouldn’t want to put you in any danger on purpose, its just I needed a quick escape, and I just saw that your window was open, so I-
”“Jumped  in?” you finished his sentence.
“Yeah- something like that,” he laughed quietly, looking slightly at the floor, but laughing seem to be too excruciating because he made another painful grunt.
“Izuku,” you pleaded, losing your weak joking manner, “what happened? Where are your hurt?”
“No, no, I’m fine!” he insisted, looking at you with fear, failing at convincing you.
You gave him a look that clearly showed you didnt believe a single thing that had just came out of his mouth.
“Izuku,” you told him sternly, “tell me. Please.”
“Im okay I swea-”
“I swear to God Izuku Mirdoriya if you say your ‘fine’, which your clearly not, I will call your mom.”
You knew the last person he wanted to drag into this was his mother, and you didn't want to either. She was a sweet woman, but extremely overprotective of Izuku, for all the right reasons. You knew Izuku didn’t want to worry her, and even though you felt a little guilty for being unable to tell his mom all the things she should probably know that happens to Midoriya, you couldn't bring yourself to break your unspoken promise. 
You didn’t want to play the “Mom” card on him, but you could tell Midoriya was in alot of pain- anything you could help him with, you were going to do it. Whether he admitted to it or not.
“No y/n, please,” Izuku said quickly, fear suffocating his voice. Guilt rose in your stomach, but you shoved it down as he asked, “you wouldn’t, right?”
“Izuku…” you sighed as you hugged your knees to yourself. You didnt want to- but there was a considerable difference between want and need.“You know I wouldn’t tell her unless I needed to- if your hurt only a little, we can fix it- but if you need medical attention, of course Im telling her. But for right now-if youll be quiet and let me help you-I wont say a word to her.” you added the last part as a slight joke, smiling so Izuku knew you weren’t trying to intentionally be mean.
 He chuckled, stating softly, “You always are the one that wants to fix me up.”
 “It’s what I do best,” you smiled.“Alrightie Deku-lets check the damage.”
 You quickly changed the subject, seeing that you had brought Izuku’s wall down and you could easily sneak in to get to what you needed to do.
Izuku sighed hesitantly, stilling holding his side. He raised his hand slowly, showing a cut in the side of his suit, the fabric fraying back. You gulped, suppressing panic, and this time, anger.Who could do this to Izuku? YOUR Izuku?
You quickly got up to reach for your nightstand, feeling Izuku’s eyes follow you. You grabbed your phone, bringing the flashlight to its brightest level. You were focused and nervous at the same time, your hands trembling at the thought of touching Midoriya.You sat back down in front of him, pointing the  light at his chest. You didn’t look at the angry gash across his chest, but at those big green eyes that somehow always make your heart stop beating.
“Is it-okay-if I….” you stumbled, nerves coming through thickly in your voice.
“Sure,” Midoriya replied an octave too high. He cleared his throat, trying again. “I mean-yeah yeah, go for it….”
You smiled to yourself, thinking how much of a cute dork Midoriya was, even when he was injured.
Even though Izuku was hurt, he could only focus on you. He felt comfortable with you, but extremely nervous. He never had a girl so close to him before, especially one he liked- the  “like like” kind. He hated himself for thinking it was a good idea coming into your room at 1 in the morning, dragging you into his problem, and the fact he was actually, in some ways, enjoying this- you giving him your full attention, the feeling of your hands brushing his skin- made him shiver in the best way possible.Your hand shook as you gingerly reached to pull back the ripped fabric on his chest, while the other held the flashlight as steady as you could.
“Tell me if I do anything to make it hurt, Kay?” You instructed. 
Izuku simply nodded, and you braced yourself for the worst.
Your expression was as if made of steel, determined and persistent.You gently drew the teal fabric away more , showing more skin. The slit of fabric was a clean one-it was hard to see what was under. All you could really make out was bruising and a cut-but couldn’t really assess the damage.
“I can’t see anything- the cut is too covered in the suit,” you exhaled as you moved away from Izuku, making him feel almost cold without your hand on his side.You looked at him, hoping he couldn’t see the red rising in your face. You had just thought of a solution to your problem, but didn’t know how Izuku would take it.
“So-I’m gonna grab a first aid kit- but I’m gonna need you to-um,” you cleared your throat, nerves coating your throat like a thick film, “I need to you to-take off.. the suit-“You wanted to kick yourself for actually saying this out loud. You sounded stupid! Asking him to take his suit off! This was too intimate, too weird for your relationship dynamic- but you secretly hated yourself more for wanting it to happen.
You panicked, trying to revise what you had just said, “You don’t have to take off the whole suit- just to your waist-you seriously don’t have to do this, I don’t even know why I said it, we could figure something else out-“
“I’ll do it,” He interjected quietly, looking straight at you, making your heart jump.
Izuku was terrified to say the least at the thought of showing his bare chest to you, but- he liked the feeling of your skin on his. It felt like such an adrenaline rush. He was intoxicated by the feeling- it was like everything was at peace with the world as his skin tingled with a charged energy he couldn't describe.
“It’s better if we do it like this,” he added, “If I have to go to a hospital, it’ll be all over the press tomorrow. I dont really care to see myself all beaten up on the news,” He smiled weakly, attempting at making the mood lighter so you wouldn't feel as nervous.. 
“Okay,” you exhaled, smiling back,  relieved Izuku didnt take anything you said the wrong way, “if you say so.”
You stood up, trying to avoid Izuku’s gaze.“I’m going to go get the first aid stuff, and you just-” You waved your hand around Izuku, motioning up and down at his body. “So- yeah,” you added in a nervous laugh, brushing your hair away from your face.
He smiled at your obvious flusteredness, grateful he wasn’t the only one.
Walking to your connected bathroom, your head swarmed with doubt.Maybe- this was a bad idea. Maybe he should go to the hospital- he could be really injured and you both would never know until it was too late. But… Izuku didn’t want anybody to know… and you promised you would help him until he needed actual medical attention. Worst comes to worst you could call All Might- he’d know what to do. Until then, you’d take care of Midoriya yourself.
You entered your bathroom, and rummaged in your cabinets until you found a white plastic case with a large red cross emblem on the front. You grabbed the handle, pulling it close to you and tiptoed out of the room, praying your neighbors didn’t hear you from the other side of the hallway.
Izuku was in the same position as you left him, except that his suit was gathered around his navel. You could make out Midoriya’s bare shoulder, a shadow in the dim glow of the streetlights below. You quickly looked down, feeling heat rise to your face, not knowing what to do.
You sat back next to  Midoriya, rummaging in the box, trying not to look at him. You never really thought of it, but  Midoriya was super fit. Like- to the point that you wondered how the hell someone could have so much muscle.  Midoriya was built extremely thin and lanky- how was that even possible?!
 Your cheeks instantly got redder.
“You alright?”  Midoriya asked sweetly, making your pulse jump up.
“Yeah, Im fine- actually I should be asking you that, youre the one with the injury,” you stated, trying to keep your voice under control as you looked for stuff- god, you were a mess right now.
“Im fine if youre fine,” he answered innocently, giving you a reassuring smile which made you think you couldnt love him even more- he was injured, and he was making sure you were okay.
God why was he such a good person?!
You gave a small smile thanking him.
”Thanks,” you said, as you tied your bed hair back.“Im sorry I cant turn on any lights, I just dont want my annoying neighbors complaining about me again, there honestly crazy…”
“Oh, youre good!” he whispered, “Just- thanks for doing this for me. You really dont have to do-”
“Midoriya, please, you literally cant walk.” you stated sarcastically, knowing full well Izuku could probably take the pain but you werent letting him go home over your dead body.
“Thats true,” he chuckled, wincing again from the pain. You went to touch him, not knowing what to do to leviate the pain- except, fix it.
“Alright, we need to see what’s wrong- ready?” you asked hesitantly, trying to sound strong.
Midoriya nodded his head, a determined look on his face.
Requests open!!!
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authorofdanger · 5 years
Reason Of Survival Part 1
Warnings: Mentions of abuse, violence, kidnapping, and death.
Stray Kids Mafia AU
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My breathing was ragged as I took another blow to my chest. It was another losing fight for me this week but what was the point in winning? Another day having the shit beaten out of me? To possibly having a full meal once a day and two smaller ones to try to motivate me more? Some clean water? A fucking shower? I dont have a good reason to keep fighting so I kept taking all the hits from my opponent. It felt like hours before I was on the ground with a broken wrist, fractured nose, bloodied face, cracked ribs, and bruises littering my entire body. It's not the worst I have endured in a fight but it's not my best either.
I was tossed back into my cell like a piece of meat and I could barely let out a cry from the pain of the impact. My hair was pulled up harshly which forced me to look my boss in his eyes. "The fuck is wrong with you? You were my top fighter for years and now you cant even win a single fight! And for what? Some cell mate you had for only a few months? Pathetic." My cell mate, Libby, died last week after losing her tenth fight. Boss decided she was no longer useful and.... well you can guess from there. She was my only friend in this hell hole and the only person I wasn't forced to fight. We took care of eachother and became eachothers motivation to keep going and keep winning. At this rate I'm not too far from joining her.
"I'm warning you. Either start winning or I will find better use for you," he warned before releasing my sore scalp and slamming my cell door shut. I crawled over to my personal first aid kit and cleaned myself up the best I could without water or a mirror. My wrist was going to have to wait until my weekly body check from my cell section's nurse. Leaning against the cool concrete wall I listened to the fights continuing the floor above me so I could have an idea of which cells would need to be cleared tonight.
"Let me fucking go," a voice boomed down the hall which ripped my attention away from the fight. I glanced over through the bars and saw a boy being dragged this way by two guards. He looked young, possibly still a teen, but he was well built and looked to be a perfect candidate in the ring. His red hair was messy on top of his head and his clothes were ripped and bloody. He had to be new though because if he wasn't I'm sure I would have fought him by now. I pulled my legs to my chest to make myself small as the three of them stopped in front of my cell and the boy was tossed inside with me and locked in. "I swear to God your going to regret that when my team gets here," he yelled but the guards only laughed before leaving the hall.
I kept silent as I watched him curiously. Nobody in their right mind speaks to the guards like that unless you are a top fighter. A boy like him could get killed here and the boss wouldn't even bat an eye. He ran his hand through his hair before turning around and jumping at the sight of me. I relaxed my legs a bit when I saw all of the violence in his eyes be replaced with concern. "Are you okay," he asked. I let out a small painful laugh. "You're kidding right?" His eyes scanned around my body and stopped when it hit my wrist. "Its not nice to stare you know," I scoffed before shutting my eyes and leaning my head back, "you a new fighter or something?"
"Prisoner. I was captured while on a mission with my team." Prisoner? We dont have prisoners. We have fighters, sex workers, and the guards but not prisoners. "So a fighter? You look too innocent to be a guard and the boss doesn't typically want a baby faced male sex worker." My eyes shot back open in fear as I felt a hand gently grab my wrist but I didnt pull away. "I can wrap this. It might help." Without an answer he had a hold of my first aid kit and made a good makeshift cast. The entire time I kept my eyes on his face which held a sense of focus and care that kept me calm most of the time of contact. "You know it's not nice to stare," he mocked while finishing up. I rolled my eyes but chose to ignore his comment.
"What's your name?" "Y/N. Yours," I asked as he put up the kit. "Jeongin. How long have you been here?" To be honest I'm not too sure. One day I just woke up in this cell with no recollection of my past and I've been here ever since. "Years," was the easiest answer I could give him. I could see his shoulders tense up a bit but his face remained calm and held little emotion. It's odd seeing a newbie so relaxed after being brought in. Normally they would be screaming, fighting, and finding any way to escape. Jeongin on the other hand seems to accept his fate or maybe he has a plan that is bound to fail, either way it's too hard for me to read him quite yet.
"How old are you? I'm seventeen," he asked. He was probably trying to relax any fears I have of him and truth be told it was working but seventeen? And he was talking about a team and he is holding himself together? Something isnt quite right about him but how can I judge in a place like this. "I dont really know anymore. The boss has a file on me somewhere but I had a serious head injury a while back and all I remember is my name and a few scattered memories here and there. It's all a bit of a blur. Hey you said something about a team right?" His eyes shined at the question. Whoever this team is he must hold a good amount of fondness to them. "They're like brothers to me. There are nine of us in total and we run a pretty well known mafia group if I do say so myself. It's a tough job but it gives us all the thrill we have craved since birth. I'm their hacker, I can crack any passcode and hack any electronic device in minutes. Been doing it since I was about fifteen." His hopeful look dimmed as he trailed into a deep thought.
"I wonder if they know where I am." Against my better judgement I reached my hand out for him and led him to sit beside me and laid his head on my shoulder. I dont quite understand what he is feeling right now but I have a good idea. "I wont let anything happen to you Jeongin. Your brothers are coming and they will get you out of here, until then I promise I will keep you alive." Now the question was how was I going to do that? How was I going to protect another person when I can barely protect myself?
The next morning we were woken up by the sounds of sobs and screaming, the usual sounds the morning after fighting matches. Today is the day where cellmates discover that their best friends, lovers, and family members are gone. Today is also the day where if we have any weak links we either move them to the sex worker section or they get killed off. It's always hard to hear no matter how long you have been here and I feel that these sounds will haunt me until the day I die. "What's happening," Jeongin whispered as I watched people being ripped from their cells and new people being added. "They're cleaning out cells. Removing weak links, adding new people, and moving people around. Dont think to much about it." He only nodded his head before taking his body weight off of me and looked around. He mentioned before that he was in the mafia, shouldn't this not bother him at all? "There's kids here too?" Does he expect the boss to have morals? If they can be of any use he will keep them. "Some were born here and some were taken. Again dont think to much into this stuff. It only adds to the depression." He turned his head and looked at me with an unreadable glare. "I'm going to get you out of here," he said more to himself but I only gave him a small smile before fear rose in my chest. I quickly got up and pushed him behind me as the boss opened my cell and slightly chuckled at my protectiveness.
"Well looks who is finally up and moving again," he said darkly while pulling a remote out of his suit pants pocket. I prepared myself for the electric shocks that were about to hit me through my shock collar but refused to stand down, he is testing me I know it. "So I see you have gotten to know our new little addition. I figured he would bring something out in you." I ticked my eyebrow up at him and listened carefully at every single word he was saying and being prepared for any questions he may ask. "I was thinking of adding him to this unit but maybe he would be better as-" "You wont take him," I interrupted boldly, "you want me to win then fine but you cant have him." I know his games and he has done things similar before. He wants his best fighter to win him big bucks in the ring and this is a sick way of doing it. A grin found it's way on his lips as he pressed the button on the remote, nearly bringing me to my knees if Jeongin didnt grab me by the waist to hold me up.
"How about we make a little deal then pet," he laughed before turning off the collar, "as long as you keep winning in the ring he doesnt have to even lift a finger. You continue your little stunt and your losing streak then I trade you two out. Maybe he can do better then you." Jeongin's grip on me tightened and he whispered in my ear "I can handle this. Dont do it." Closing my eyes and shaking my head I felt like there wasn't much of a choice. If I can help it I dont want anyone else in that ring even if it means I have to work myself to death. "He wont be in the ring? Or a part of the sex group," I asked as bravely as I could. "No. You will take up any and all of his jobs I would have pinned him to do. His whole life will depend on your actions." Could I handle that? The extra fights, possibly be in the sex ring as well, any and everything he would have to go through plus my own schedule? "Deal."
"You didnt have to do that," Jeongin sighed while cleaning the dried blood off my face and body since we got our cleaning bucket. "You dont want to be out there. I've been doing this long enough to know what to expect. You just have to trust me on this." I let in a sharp inhale as the soaked rag swiped over my nose which definitely was broken. He mumbled out a few apologies but continued on until most of the blood was off of me and in the bucket. "We should be getting showers tonight for the selections," I explained as he examined the bruises and other various injuries I had. "Selections?"
"Other bosses from other districts come and decide who they want to pin against their own fighters. They also discuss which prize they want if they win. Sometimes its money and sometimes it's the losing fighter. Most of the others here I had fought at one time or another and my boss claimed. I could be fighting about four fighters if I'm lucky in the next three days."
"You call that lucky?" "Lucky as in minimum. Usually on my own I get between two or three and now that I add on your count," I began but stopped myself. I dont need him feeling bad about something that isnt his fault. "You wont be fighting. Chan and the others will find us by then," he assured quietly after a guard passed our cell. I could only give him an assuring smile. How long will it be before he gives up hope? I've been here for years and after a few months I gave up on the thought of escape. Once you end up in a cell there is no leaving, you are no longer a human in a sense but like an animal. Nobody really cares about you as a person anymore and you might as well be erased from the outside world.
"I bet Seungmin has already tracked my location by now," he added "and Chan is probably calling either Sungjin or JB! Oh or Woojin could be calling Jungwoo! It would be a mess if all of NCT came you know," he continued. At some point I zoned out of what he was saying so I myself wouldn't get my hopes up. I thought back to Libby and how right now she would be playing with my hair or how she would be trying to learn fighting strategies from me. Maybe she would have punched Jeongin in the face by now because of his optimism levels, she never was one to see the glass half full.
"Are you even listening to me," he chuckled which pulled me back to the present. "Kinda. Hey Jeongin can we not talk about escaping right now? Maybe you can tell me more about your friends in general?" As if he understood what I was getting at he nodded his head and began to ramble on about all the adventures he has been on through the years. Though he may be a little too hopeful and cheerful he is the perfect amount of light for this dark situation, and in my mind I vow to never let anything happen to him.
Even if it kills me.
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yeet-or-be-hawed · 5 years
“My Last Confession” Arthur Morgan x Reader
When a bank robbery takes an unexpected turn, Arthur is faced with a haunting truth.
“Go, go, go! Get the money in the bags quickly!” You yelled over your shoulder. Your plan for this bank robbery was flawless, you had hand picked Arthur, Lenny, and Karen for the job and everything was going fine until the law showed up suspiciously fast.
“Got it!” Arthur said as he came out of the vault.
You nodded. “The law has already started blockading from front, I spotted a window in the manager’s office on the back side of the building, let’s go!”
Your small group followed your lead. The window took some persuasion, but with Lenny’s help, it slid up. You pushed Lenny through the window first, “get to the horses, quickly!” You shout as Karen squeezes through. There’s a moment where Arthur hesitates, “you go first.” He said.
You shook your head and pushed him to the window, “we don’t have time for you to be a gentleman, now go!”
By the time your sentence left your mouth, you heard the doors to the bank slam open and heard the footsteps of multiple lawmen enter the building. Arthur didn’t have time to argue, so he slipped through. As he left, you locked the door, slid out the window, and shut it behind you. They would figure it out eventually, but this would hopefully buy you more time. You ran between the buildings, just as you turned out of sight from the building, you heard shouting behind you. “They’re gone! Search the town, quickly!”
“Shit,” you say between gritted teeth. “Didnt save us as much time as I thought.”
You turned down an alleyway, and there your horse was. You mounted quickly and made your way to the others. They had already taken off, but it didn’t take long for you to catch up.
“There she is!” Lenny called as you pulled up the flanks.
You barked out a laugh, “you think those fools would get me? Ha, don’t be ridiculous!”
Unfortunately, life was a fickle bitch who loved to play games. A bullet wizzed by your face, and behind you a large group of lawmen were gaining on you. “Okay boys,” you yell as you pull out your pistols. “Scatter!”
In perfect unison, all four horses split into different directions.
“Damn, they’re breaking formation!” You hard a man day behind you. “Split up boys, they’re wanted dead or alive, so don’t hold back!”
The large group broke into four groups and you felt the sweat start to roll down your temple. You turned and behind you three riders were hot on your trail. It’s like time slowed, you lined up your pistol and shot with deadly accuracy. Two of the men fell, the last pushed forward, unleashing shots wildly. You brought your horses to a sudden stop and as he blew past you, your bullet found the back of his head; you sped off like a bullet to help your comrades. Karen was the closest, shooting wildly in a panic. You rolled your eyes, something told you she wouldn’t be good for the job, she always loses nerve when things go bad, but you knew she was ready to get out of camp again. Next time I’m asking Sadie, you thought to yourself as the bullets flew from your gun. You were able to take out three of the men chasing her, and your help seemed to steel her nerves as she was able to take down the other two. She nodded to you in appreciation as you turned down the trail to help Lenny and Arthur.
Lenny finished off the last man on his tail as you spotted him in the distance, so you kept moving.
You rolled your eyes as you saw Arthur up the road, of course he’s going to have the most fire on his tail.
You dug in your spurs and your horse sped up as you closed the distance between you and large group of lawmen trailing Arthur. Bullets zoomed by you as you unloaded fire into their ranks. “One behind us,” one of them called out.
You closed the gap quickly then passed them quickly, dodging bullets left and right as you rode next to Arthur. “What’s the plan?” He yelled?
“The plan is we run together. Between our deadly eyes and quick triggers we’ll make mince meat of these fools!”
Arthur smiled and nodded. He reloaded his gun and the two of you decimated their ranks. With just three tagging you now, you and Arthur met eyes, nodded, and put away your guns as you pushed your horses to go faster. The lawmen we’re slowly fading into the distance. “Ha! We did it!” You yelled triumphantly.
Arthur opened his mouth to speak, but he was cut off by your cry in pain. You had spoken too soon, another five lawmen tore out of the woods around you, one of their bullets making contact with your arm. “Go!” You yelled and the two of you took off again.
“You okay?” He called back to you. His voice swam with concern.
“If we escape this I’ll be fine.” You responded, trying to keep your voice as level as possible.
Arthur nodded back to you and kept pushing forward. They were fast, but your horses were faster. Just as you were about to lose sight of them, you felt a glimmer of hope but it was no time for celebration. You had to keep moving if you were gonna make it out.
Unfortunately, life decided it was time for another cruel joke, as a fly away bullet struck Arthur’s horse. And it crumpled down in front of you. Your horse reacted quickly and jumped over the now still horse. “Arthur!”
You grabbed your shotgun from your horse and ran to him. He was on the ground, thrown hard. You grabbed his hand and pulled him up quickly. You could already hear the heavy clomping of the horses behind you and panic started kicking in. He was a little dazed from being thrown. When you brought him to his feet you gripped his hand “Go.”
“Are you crazy?” I ain’t leavin’ you!” Arthur argued. You pushed him toward your horse. “The two of us will weigh the horse down. I’ll stay back and hold them off.”
“No let me-“
“Arthur!” You cut him off quickly. “Go now, before it’s too late. You know me I can handle myself.” You knew it was a lie. You were low on ammo, but Arthur didn’t know that. This would be your last stand.
You could hear their shouts now, they were very close. Arthur looked over the horizon and turned towards your horse. “Come back safely.”
“I will.” You lied. Every emotion you had was bubbling up now. Every lost look, every flirtatious smile, every moment you fell for Arthur ran through your mind. If you were going out, you had to go out with no regrets. You grabbed his shoulder as he began to mount your horse and pulled him down. Before he could speak, you kissed him hard. Before he could respond, you broke the kiss and placed a hand on his cheek. “I love you.” The lawmen turned the corner now and bullets started flying past your head. Arthur had one foot in the stir up and on hand clutching the pommel and stared down at you in shock. “Now go.” You said, and gave the horse a swift slap to its hindquarters and it took off. You felt relief wash over you as you lined up your shot. He was gone now, you didn’t have to worry about keeping him safe. The large group of lawmen was closing up on you now. You stood at death’s door with a shotgun in your hand and readied yourself for the opening of the black gates. You put up a valiant effort, taking down half their battalion before running out of bullets. You felt like you could welcome death at the this point, but even after emptying your shells you still felt the will to live pumping through you. You dipped and dodged bullets quickly as you approached the closest lawman and knocked him across the head with your shot gun. He fell limply, and you grabbed the repeater from his hands. Maybe I’ll make it out of this one alive you thought to yourself as you unleashed rounds into the dwindling group around you. There were only three men in front of you now, and it seemed fate had smiled upon you that day. As the third man fell, the second man fired, but nothing came. You smiled smugly as you took his moment of confusion, shooting him right in the chest. You aimed quickly at the last man, but before your finger could pull the trigger, a shot was fired behind you and you felt a sharp pain between your shoulder blades. With a cry, you fell and all went black.
Arthur’s mind was reeling as he dug hard into your horse. It took him a moment to pull himself upright in the horse but when he did, he immediately turned the horse around. He could still feel the warmth of your lips on his and even though it was what he wanted for so long, he could only focus on getting back to you before he was too late. As the horse rose to the top of the hill, relief flooded him as he saw you standing in the valley, still alive and kicking. Men were falling around you as he pushed down the hill towards you. He watched you proudly as you decimated their numbers, leaving only one more man. He allowed hope to flow through him, a smile tugging at his lips. All he could think about was grabbing you by the waist, pulling you onto the horse, and kissing you one more time. He was almost to you when a shot rang out. It came from beside him and the world slowed. He watched in horror as the bullet found its target between your shoulder blades and your body slumped to the ground, his ears rang with the sound of your cry.
“No!” He yelled, agony drenching his voice. Rage engulfed him as he pulled his pistols from their holsters. The man at the edge of the wood didn’t even see Arthur coming as he riddled him with bullets. “Damn you, you sons a bitches!”
He tore down the path now, bullets from the solo lawman blowing past him. With a single shot to the forehead, the man was down. Arthur pulled the horse next to your still body and jumped down beside you. Blood was pooling fast, and Arthur moved quickly. His hands were shaky as he pulled out his matchbook and a single bullet. He poured the gunpowder in the bulletwound on your back and lit the match. “Sorry darlin’ this is gonna hurt, okay?” His voice was soft, he was holding back his tears as he put the match against the wound. Your body jerked unconsciously from the pain. “I know sweetheart, I know.” He cooed. Once the wound was properly cauterized, he gently picked you up and loaded your unconscious body onto the horse. Your breathing was low and he allowed himself one last look at your face before taking off, headed straight for camp. The moment you kissed him and told him you loved him played on repeat in his mind. How many times had he tried to do the same thing and chickened out? How many times had he fantasized about you pining for him? This wasn’t at all how he imagined it. He couldn’t hold back the tears as the image of a bullet ripping through you, your body falling to the ground face first. He pinched his nose and wiped the tears from his eyes as he turned off the trail and into the woods. “Who’s there?” Charles called beyond the trees.
Arthur jumped off his horse quickly. “Charles, come here quickly! I need help!” His voice was desperate.
Charles ran to his side quickly. “Oh no, what happened?”
Arthur sniffled and cleared his throat. “She got shot. She was tryin’ to protect me.” His voice broke and Charles looked at him. He had never seen Arthur so distraught, and if he didn’t know any better he would say he could see tears beginning to well up in Arthur’s eyes. He kept his face towards the ground so his hat hid his eyes. Charles helped Arthur gently lift you off the horse. “She has a couple of bullet wounds. I cauterized the one in his back it she’s still losing blood from her arm.” Charles nodded and a small crowd formed around the two of them as they hauled you into camp. Everyone was asking Arthur a million questions he couldn’t seem to find the words to answer them with. All he could focus on was your face. Charles noticed Arthur’s quiet concern and answered questions as best he could. All Arthur could do was either shake his head yes or no to questions. As the two men made it back to your tent, they laid you down gently. Arthur’s gaze was stuck on your face, pale from loss of blood but still peaceful. You were the most beautiful thing Arthur had ever seen and the thought of putting that pretty face six feet under shook him with terror. He knelt by your bed and took your hand, clenching it tightly.
“I’ll go get some help. You stay here with her.” Charles put his hand on Arthur’s shoulder. “We’ll make sure she pulls through this.”
Arthur nodded slowly but didn’t look at Charles. He was afraid that if he took his eyes off you for a second your chest would stop rising and falling and your skin would turn cold. Arthur had lost so many loved ones, but he couldn’t bear to lose you. His whole body was shaking as he pulled your small hand to his lips and kissed it. “You’ll be okay, darlin’. Everything is gonna be okay.” He whispered. This was more for him than it was for you.
The sun rose and fell, days passed and Arthur never left your side. After the first night of sleeping with back against your cot, hand still tightly gripping yours, Hosea woke him early that morning, holding a chair. “Here son, I know you’re concerned but you’re gonna ruin your back like that.”
Arthur stretched as he stood, positioned the chair as close to your bedside as possible, and sat down, eyes never leaving your face. Hosea cleared his throat, “Pearson just got done with breakfast, you should really take a break to get a bite to eat.”
Arthur shook his head, “not hungry.”
“Don’t lie to me Arthur.” Hosea said sternly as he crossed his arms. Arthur didn’t even look at him. With that, he rolled his eyes and walked over the the stew pot and collected two bowls. He sat one bowl in Arthur’s lap when he returned. “She wouldn’t want you mistreating yourself like this and you know it.” Hosea said plainly.
Arthur sighed. He knew Hosea was right. He released your hand and grabbed the spoon from his bowl. His hand ached when he moved it, sore from holding yours all night. Arthur and Hosea ate in silence. When Arthur finally pulled his gaze from you, he found Hosea looking at him inquisitively. “What happened out there, Arthur?”
He looked at the ground. “Law showed up quicker than we expected. She got us outta there. We split when the law was hot on our trail. I thought I was done for, most of them ridin’ after me. She came out of no where and thinned ‘em down. We thought we had made it when Cecil took a bullet.” Arthur cleared his throat and felt his cheeks turn pink. He looked at Hosea. “She told me she loved me, Hosea. Then she kissed me. Kissed me! How long had I been waitin’ on that?” He said in frustration.
Hosea chuckled. “A long time, I know. I remember when she first started ridin’ with us. You couldn’t talk to her for a month without turning into a flustered mess, if I recall correctly.”
Arthur rubbed his neck sheepishly. “Yeah, I remember. She sacrificed herself for me. Loaded me up on her horse like some kinda damsel in distress and sent me on my way.” Arthur let out a small laugh the his face turned solemn. “As soon as I got my bearings on her horse, I turned around. She had most of them taken down by the time I got there. Then,” His voice broke. “Then I watched was that bastard shot her.” His voice seethed with hatred.
Hosea sighed and pulled his fingers through his hair. “Sounds like you got yourself one hell of a woman.”
Arthur smiled down at you, “yeah, guess I do.”
You came to slowly. The first thing you felt was the dull throbbing pain in your back. Your hearing came next and an even snoring was emitting from somewhere beside you. Your eyes were the most challenging, you fought to open them, and when you did it was mostly dark. You could see the dim light of the fires around camp, most of the tents closed for the night. The camp was quiet, even the night owls seemed to be in bed for the night. You felt a tight grip on your hand and looked beside you. Arthur was loosely clutching your hand and his head was hunched forward, heavy snoring escaping his chest. Was this heaven? You thought to yourself as you began to stretch. No, you told yourself as you winced in pain. I don’t believe there’s pain in heaven.
You felt Arthur’s grip on your hand tighten as you tried to pull it away and his snoring came to a sudden halt. He jolted awake, his eyes immediately going to your face. You saw relief and happiness soften his face as his eyes focused on you. “You’re awake.” He whispered.
“Yeah,” you responded in a low voice. “Guess I’m not so easy to get rid of after all.”
Arthur moved quickly, and before you had time to process his hand took your cheek and he kissed you softly. You wrapped your arms around his neck and moved your lips with his. When he pulled away, he felt you leaving light headed. “Don’t ever scare me like that again.” He said. “I don’t think my heart can take losing you twice.”
You blushed. “I ain’t goin’ anywhere.”
He pressed his forehead against yours. “Good, I love you too much to let you go just yet.”
You moved your arms to his waist and pulled him down onto your cot. It was just barely big enough for the two of you, but you held each other close. He wrapped his arms around you and rested his head on top of yours. You buried your face into his chest and closed your eyes. You never thought you would make it out of that valley today, nor did you even imagine you would be blessed enough to look upon his face again after your confession of love to him today. But hey, life can be a fickle bitch sometimes and if you’re lucky enough, she’ll smile upon you and give you more than you ever dreamed you deserved.
So this was a good bit shorter than my other fics, but it was inspired by a dream I had and I immediately began working on this. The dream actually ended when I gave myself up for Arthur, but that isn’t quite as good as some good old fashioned fluff is it? I hope you guys enjoy!
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raindownforme · 6 years
The Bachelorette
Thirteen x Rose
(Prompt from @badwolfxoncomingstorm )
She sat up quickly and felt a rush go to her head. She flopped back down and waited for the room to stop spinning.
When it finally did, she propped herself up on her elbows and looked around. She was in a room the six of a college dorm, with a single bed and a vanity. No windows, and one over head light. The walls were painted a lilac-ish color, and there was a black dress laid out on the vanity chair. She slowly swung her feet over the mattress, and stepped into a pair of black strappy heels. She kicked them across the room and got up.
Her legs hurt a bit, but that didn’t compare to the pounding headache she had. The last thing she remembered was being in her room on the T.A.R.D.I.S., and Jack knocking on the door.
She reached for her neck and felt the key hanging just below her collar bone. She gave a sigh of relief and walked over to the dress. It was silk and had a slight train, no sleeves. She held it up against herself and it fell only centimeters from the floor.
Someone knocked from the other side of what she assumed was the door, and yelled “15 minutes. Better be ready Ms. Tyler.” She hesitated a moment, before deciding it was best to play along.
Ten minutes later, Rose slowly opened the door to her room. There was a wide hall on the other side, with what looked to be about fifteen more doors. She was about to go back in when the one across the hall opened.
A woman in a similar black gown stepped out. The dress had lacy sleeves that covered her arms, and cropped right above the knees but flowed back down behind. She had on a pair of two inch wedges, making her probably an inch taller than Rose.
“Hello!” Her face was bright and her Yorkshire accent was thick. “I’m Jane smith!”
Rose was taken back. All this time she thought she had fallen for the Doctor and... damn. There she was.
“Uh R-Rose. Rose Tyler.”
Jane froze and a blush came to her cheeks. She was about to say something when some important-looking dude-with-a-clipboard walked over and told them to go down the hall and to the left. Jane smiled at her and gestured for Rose to follow.
When the got down the hall, the found a set of double doors that opened to a grand ballroom. In a back corner there was a set of steps surrounded by roses that a bunch of other girls were waiting on. Thirteen other girls.
The pair took a place on the top row of the stand. Music started playing and someone made announcements over a loud speaker. A floating camera panned around the room and Rose took the time to peer at the other girls. Two were green, one was orange with two heads, one had eighteen eyes and no mouth, three were seemingly human, one was about three feet tall, and the rest she didn’t even know how to describe. It started raining flower petals and Rose watched as someone quite familiar walked out on stage.
“Hello ladies!” Jack harmless announced as he gave a generous wink to their group.
They both whispered “Jack!” under their breath, and Rose turned to look at Jane. But she wouldn’t meet her gaze. The announcer did some more talking and Jack pulled down girls from the stands to waltz with. Jane went second, and had a face of pure hatred the whole time. They quickly whispered about something as they danced, and Jane left the floor as soon as possible. Rose tried to pry, but Jane wouldn’t budge.
Jack pulled Rose out of the stand seventh, and hurriedly pulled her onto the floor.
“That woman you were talking to, she knows us.” Jack whispered in her ear as he spun her around, making it almost hard to focus.
“What do you mean ‘us’?”
“Rose, the Doctor can change. He can change face, voice, shape, species, all of it. But only when he’s inches from death. It’s a healing mechanism his body has.”
“So he... changed.”
“So that’s the Doctor we were just in the T.A.R.D.I.S. with?”
“No, she’s much older than our Doctor.” He dipped Rose back and she saw that Jane was glaring with a deathly stare. “Her eyes are so much older.”
“Then where’s our Doctor?” Rose asked when he pulled her back up. Jack shrugged as the music came to an end.
“Don’t let her know you know. You’re not supposed to.”
“Gee thanks.” Rose walked back to her place as he began picking through the crowd again. Jane said nothing to her the rest of the night.
This continued for roughly a week. Some days Rose wouldn’t leave the room, others it was just her and Jack for the whole day. He had almost explained the game to her, but he didnt quite know everything either. From what he knew, it sounded like an alien version of the bachelor, and Jack’s heart was the prize.
On the final day, someone knocked on Rose’s door and gave her three dresses. She picked the gold cocktail dress and the nude wedge heels. The dress cut low enough that the T.A.R.D.I.S. key was fully visible around her neck.
She walked out to the dance floor again, and noticed all of the girls were wearing different colored dresses. She went to stand by Jane, and she took Rose’s hand.
“This doesn’t seem right.”
Before Rose had the time to comment, Jack walked out and the announcer started to talk. He went on about how it was a fair game, and then told everyone to line up against the wall. Spotlights shines on everyone, and Rose found it difficult to look anywhere. But when she looked over to the right, she saw something hiddeous. One of the human girls had a spotlight that turned red, and then she was shot.
Her body crumpled to the ground.
Rose looked frantically towards Jack, and he started to run to her. A security guard grabbed him by the waist and pinned him down.
Jane grabbed Rose’s hand as another girl was shot down. Rose flinched and squeezed tighter. Then her light turned red.
A crash came through the opposite wall and Rose ducked down just in time to save herself. The Doctor stepped out do the T.A.R.D.I.S. and started blowing everything up. People ran around screaming and Jane grabbed Rose right.
“I know you’re the Doctor, I know-“
Jane don’t let her continue. She grabbed Rose by the face and hurriedly kissed her. Rose felt herself melt for a moment, but Jane let go to soon.
“I love you Rose Tyler. And so does he.”
“I love you.”
“Don’t forget to tell him.”
She missed her quickly one more time, then ran. Jack pulled Rose up and into the T.A.R.D.I.S. , and they flew off.
Rose wing her feet underneath her. Jack was off in some other part of the ship, and the Doctor was standing right I don’t of her, tinkering with the ship.
“Doctor, I have to say something.”
“Doctor I...”
He turned to her and smiled she shook her head and looked down.
“...Thanks, for saving means stuff.”
“Is that all?”
He furrowed his brows. “Well of course I did. Why wouldn’t I? Goodness knows I can’t control jack on my own.”
She laughed and jumped down from her perch. “How’s about we go somewhere I won’t get killed next time, alright?”
She smiled at him and he turned away hurriedly. “Somewhere safe it is.”
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