#shes lived on the street before ao i think shell like. be fine. but what if she gets lost!!! what if she doesnt come back!!!
real-life-cloud · 7 months
*has an okay day overall* *comes home from work and my dad accidentally let my cat who HASNT BEEN SPAYED YET loose and I can't find her and my dad is being all defensive about it and refusing to apologize*
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crimsonrevolt · 6 years
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Congratulations Dih you’ve been accepted to Crimson Revolt as Lily Evans!
↳ please refer to our character checklist
Dih, we’re so excited to have you and Lily join our rp! You went so in-depth into Lily and her history and backstory from your own point of view and we can’t wait to see what you do with her during your time here! Your faceclaim change to Marina Ruy Barbosa has been accepted
application beneath the cut 
Dih, 26 (My bday is in 2 weeks, let’s face my elderly age), she/her, MST. I am from Brazil, but I live in USA for years.
ACTIVITY 8. I tent to answer mostly during weekdays and less on weekends, most of the time three times a week or more, depending on my muse. I have my normal life and my hard times, but normally I explain to people with I plot with and work hard to keep my up with the activity check.
HOW DID YOU FIND US? Mah, who played Rosemerta told me how wonderful you guys are and I have to say that I was looking here for a while.
WHAT HARRY POTTER CHARACTER DO YOU IDENTIFY WITH MOST? Remus Lupin. OMG. I love him, actually I love the Marauders the most. They are so unique and kind with themselves, what helps me to also understand about my fears and problems. Everyone is not perfect, and sometimes we hide ourselves inside of shells and Remus always helped me to see the beauty in others even when they hurt me. He helped me to understand so many things when I was younger and now, my love for this character just grew.
ANYTHING ELSE? I didn’t saw anything at the guidelines to put here, so no! thanks!
Lily Evans
FACE CLAIM Holland Roden or Marina Ruy Barbosa..
REASON FOR CHOSEN CHARACTER Lily has always been a lovely character to me. Maybe because there were details in her life that I never understood, but also because I did not experience problems that she passed, she is a mystery to me. Since entering this world of Tumblr RP, I have realized that many things about her have made me fall in love with the idea of interpreting her. One of them is the fact of the discrimination by blood, which she passed through every school year and she had to show that she went far beyond just a DNA or who her parents were. Another factor that caught my attention was her relationship with Snape and how what happened between them caused a huge break not only in friendship but in her life She started to realized how people can be affected by their environment, and maybe they cannot be what they look like. It also shows me a lot about how Lily reacts to people (the first impression counts a lot) and how she slowly began to see James in a different way by understanding that everyone changes. She is not only a dedicated but also a loving character who fights for her ideas but also a role model of justice. She is someone who lives intensely human relations and suffers when she lose relationships, especially with her sister.
She is mature, someone who needed to grow up fast due to the daily exposures to students who believed that being a muggle born was a symbol of garbage. Lily’s intelligence and ability to handle problems showed constantly that her efforts were being valued when she was the first of her class. She tried her best to absorb all she could of this new world, but to love it as well. Every day, something attracted her attention, but it also makes her smile for simple and genuine spells that make Lily’s day even more beautiful. She still enjoys muggle culture a lot and whenever she can, she’ll wander the streets looking for some novelty, technology and even something she missed doing due to the adult crazy routine. It has almost a library at home, coupled with several vinyl records and also some things of the muggle world that make your life much easier.
Lily decided to work as a healer, being able to apply her wonderful potions skills to help the Order and also others during the battles. At home, or even wherever possible, practice duels so that you do not lose the agility and ability to reason during stressful situations. She has studied in depth also about potions, seeking to learn new ones and to create simplified and beautiful versions to be more accessible to all.
PREFERRED SHIPS // CHARACTER SEXUALITY // GENDER & PRONOUNS Lily ama James. Ela talvez ainda não perceba isso com as devidas palavras, porém tudo indica que seu coração é do Potter. Ela teve alguns namorados ao longo da vida escolar e também teve uma vida sexual, porém sempre fora ensinada que era algo importante que unia relacionamentos. Por isso, só fazia sexo quando tinha certeza de que estava pelo menos emocionalmente envolvida. Lily pensa que precisa só de si mesma para conquistar a vida e, aos poucos, James lhe mostra a ela o amor incondicional e tem sido uma das melhores experiencias que poderia ter e isso tem também curando o coração de Lily. Prefered Pronouns: She/Her
CREATE ONE (OR MORE!) OF THE FOLLOWING FOR YOUR CHARACTER: -AN AESTHETIC Ride bikes around the neighborhood during Summer and Spring – hot coffee with cream, and just one spoon of sugar – leather shoes with over knee socks – red sweaters – James’ Quidditch Shirts – Muggle pictures around the window, mixed with wizard pictures – The smell of potions around the house – Old books around her bed with different and colored pens – Stag necklace – A laugh during a kiss – Summer yellow flowered dresses – A lily and Petunia’s garden at Potter’s backyard – Vinyl discos stacked at the living room – Dancing at the rooftop during the night – Strawberry’s pie fresh handmade at the kitchen. -A PLAYLIST That’s my playlist for her, so just saying before being crazy: https://open.spotify.com/user/dms.mendez.diana/playlist/2W8DK1cuAwl8TzfTpo66BO?si=KCoEo5XWSgevqJBatmesDQ -EXPAND ON THE TRAITS (I am adding some where I think they are similar to what you have now for her) (+) Intelligent – She is always looking ahead, searching for dots, points or anything that could help her or others to be protected or rescued. She is really good create plans and organized without blind spots, being also brilliant executed. (+) Talent – Since when she was young, Lily proved to be someone extremely talented with magic. All from her year, beyond and before them knew her abilities of memorization, excellence at the use of charms and potions. Because of that, she received many marks that proved her strong capacity to use her talents and intelligence for her success. (+) Kind – Even that she is strong and very sharp with her words, she is always worried about others. It doesn’t matter to her if you are a werewolf, vampire or just a human. You deserve to be treated with kindness and love. And this is the most remarkable quality of her. (-) Blunt – Lily is very sharp with her words, not caring a lot about what others would it think. It is a protection against all the discrimination she suffered during the teenager life, and she tends to continuing using even when she doesn’t want to do that. At one point, many people thought she was mean but actually she was more honest than many people at school, so it worked well and it was fine. (-) Judmental – Lily tends to quickly create hypothesis about situations, people and phrases around her and already creating barriers or sharp words to defend herself. She is trying to not to do a lot of these, but sometimes James overpasses the limits and she cannot control herself. (-) Overeact – If combined with Judmental, she can react to the situation in a way that normally ends into a fight. She is also trying to control that, but it can have some interesting situations around it.
-A FEW HEADCANONS >> Lily and Petunia were best friends forever until Lily got Hogwarts’ letter. Petunia wanted to write to Dumbledore to also have a letter and be a witch. This separate them for not having the same things in life. During the years, it was not just a house separate them, but also conversations, friends, ways to dress and even how they handled things in life. This pain was strong and Lily had times she could not handle with it, because she loved so much her sister and separation was not necessary, but they were not the same anymore and with fights during the summer, it was easy to open even more the abyss between them. >> Lily met Severus during her childhood, where they started to be friends. She defended him many times from the boys around the neighborhood and it was from him she learned about magic. Lily always saw him as a good friend who was amazing and never understood that. >> Since young, Lily understood that everyone was equal. Boys, girls, people with different color, religion or even countries. They were united because of human race, and always was very open to integrate anyone who was lost, alone, needing food or even clothes. Her spirit was free and loved to lead people with positive feedback and inspired conversations. All her friends loved her and wanted to play with the “ginger hair” girl, and Petunia was always around. Even with the strange situations that started to happened around her with 7 years old. Some sparkles, fire in places that was not expected and even one-time locking Petunia inside her bedroom for no reason. Imagine, that for someone so young and no one could explain to her the situation, could it be very scary and Lily tried her best to act like was not her fault. >> Lily always reacted strongly about people being mean to others, including her. With words, posture and actions, she never let someone being attacked because of nothing. That’s why she hated so much the Marauders. >> Remus is one of her best friends. She loves his personality and kindness, doing anything for him, even helping with money if necessary for his potions. >> When Lily started to be around more the Marauders, she realized they were very similar to her personality, turning them also her best friends. She loves Sirius and how he with everything he suffered, he is still an amazing man. Peter, with kindness and gentle personality captivated her to help him to be stronger and never accept people bullying him. >> Lily could it be very strong and defend herself in every moment, that doesn’t mean she couldn’t suffer with the situation. Sometimes, Marlene could find her crying inside of the bedroom with all the things that could hurt her so bad. Never in public, but always appreciated friends who could help her to go back on track. >> Lily is a protector. She will give a 100% of her time, life and everything to never hurt someone she loves and cares about. This turns her very powerful, and strong compare to others. Because with love, she is able to do anything she needs for others. >> Sometimes she forgets about herself and she needs her friends to reminds her to sleep, eat, and even relax. The war is making her worried about everyone around her, and she knows that fighting at the Order means to put in danger her family. >> She discovered she cared a ton of affection for James when she saw him working on some papers to deliver to McGonnagal. Lily had been sick for a few days and could not do anything, but she fought against the forces and finding them is not known how to go down the stairs and continue. When she saw him, late at night taking care of everything, her heart warmed. >> To protect her family, Lily was considering a plan to completely break contact with them and a way to prevent both (her parents, Petunia, and her whale fianceé) from being unharmed by Voldemort. They would it be protected and that’s all matters to her, when she would create a way to hide them and never comeback proving she was still alive with that signal. And if all went well, in years they could meet again, when maybe she was engaged and about to marry James. >>Lily fights with Voldemort 2 times before she dies. All of those ones, she was pretty strong and incredibly fast in defending herself and attacking, but when it finished she was so scared. >> Lily received an offer from Voldemort to have her by his side and he would safe some of her friends and family from being dead at the war. She refuses and after that, she starts to put her plan in practice.
-A FEW POTENTIAL PLOT POINTS >> I really want to do in the future this process of her thinking about this plan to protect her family. >> Plots (self-para) with Petunia and her parents. Probably, her wedding (that probably Lily was not invited because of James). >> Lily helping Remus after a full moon, taking care of Padfoot and also helping wormtail with something he needed at work. >> Lily moving to live alone and maybe with James. >> Lily fighting against Voldemort. >> LILY AND JAMES WEDDING!
IN CHARACTER QUESTIONNAIRE The following section should be looked at like a survey for your character. Answer them in character and feel free to use gifs. Or, if you’d rather, answer them in third person or OOC without gifs. Answers do not have to be extremely lengthy. ♔ If you were able to invent one spell, potion, or charm, what would it do, what would you use it for or how would you use it? Feel free to name it: Lily: I would love to do a Wolfbane potion in a version that could be cheaper and still remain the powerful proprieties of the potion. All the ingredients are so expensive that normally werewolves cannot afford. If that happens, I will make sure they have the recipe and instructions to do it by themselves and having a better life condition. ♔ You have to venture deep into the Forbidden Forest one night. Pick one other character and one object (muggle or magical), besides your wand, that you’d want with you: Lily: I would take Hagrid with me. He knows the Forest like no one, and his passion for creatures could help me to survive during the hardest times. Also, he knows the trails and all the locations of dangerous areas around the forest and this could make our life easier. As an object, I would definitely bring with us a tent. The forest is big, and also if we are going to make any kind of study or research, we will need a place to sleep, so a tent like the magical ones (large and with a lot of space), it seems to be very reasonable. ♔ What kinds of decisions are the most difficult for you to make? Lily: I know the war is starting to be stronger. Everyday we see that on news. I know that my parents and sister are in danger because of me and I cannot let them suffer because of my decisions and life to protect others. I am still deciding what to do with them, but I know that we will be apart for a while, and this hurts me for knowing the possibility that we will not see each other again. This decision is taking me forever to have an action, and I know that is because I believe I can also protect them all the time, and that’s not true. ♔ What is one thing you would never want said about you? Lily: Mudblood.
REACTION TO LAST EVENT DROP Lily would it be inside of St Mungos most of the time, trying to help others and making sure they were safe to return home. She constantly would return home tired and also worried about the situation, talking with James and the other Marauders about how the Order could actually do something. During the days pass, and others joining the cause, it makes her have more hope that love and equality will remain over such a horror situation. She would light so many candles at her house, for each one of those she knows died in Voldemort’s hand. She would ask for James to stay with her where they are and not be afraid of what is going on right now and help Greta, Hestia and Molly to create a place for the refugees.
The ring-ring on the phone caught Lily’s attention as she walked into the bedroom to get some clothes before going to James’ house. She shifted the course of her feet until she found the muggle object and picked up the phone in her hands and placed it on her ears. “Hello, this is Lily Evans.” Her curious voice echoed through the air, recognizing right away that it was her mother on the other end of the line. “Hello, mom. I was about to tell you I’m going to visit James and if you want me to say something for him.” Beats on the door appeared, and her cry of ‘come in’ was loud enough for James to show up and she just waived, telling him where she was. Her mother’s voice was strange as if something had happened and she was having trouble telling her daughter about it. “Mom? Is everything okay?” Her heart skipped a beat, imagining that Voldemort had found her parents, Petunia, Dursley’s Wale and perhaps killed everyone but mom. Lily closed her eyes, trying to control the worries that were beginning to dominate her body, striving so that horrible images did not come to mind as well.
“What?” The news was not too bad, not as she imagined. She felt her fingers tighten the phone cord and scratched her head, trying to react to the news. Lily turned to see James, dropping her body to the wall. “It’s okay, Mom. We can not force Petunia. It’s going to be all right, I promise.” She tried her hardest to keep a normal voice, but James and her mother knew it was a complete lie. When Lily hung up the phone, she stared into nothingness for a few seconds until she could tell what had been one of the most painful news that year.
“Petunia is getting married.” The sentence in her mouth was a little strange. Her sister had dated Vernon for years and had never even had him as a fiance until now. Or maybe before and Lily did not know that. She held James’s hand, seeking psychological support for the situation, while the memories of the two little ones flew like the secrets they shared and were never told again. “She’s going to marry wale in two weeks.” A tear trickled from her eye, knowing James might be happy with the news since he could see a real Muggle marriage. “And she did not invite us, James. She-she-sh.” She could not continue the sentence, feeling herself again fragile in such an intimate and painful moment for her. “She does not want freaks at her wedding party, James. She does not want me at her wedding party. What happened to us, so that the young sister is not invited?” Tears streamed from her eyes as she tried to wipe them off with her sweater and not caring that it might be a little weird.
She stared at James for a few seconds, pulling him into a tight embrace, realizing that after all, she was completely alone. “She does not want me there. What did I do wrong, James? What did I do wrong?”
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