#i want to Kill
firefly6591 · 2 months
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Sometimes I think about the intrinsically doomed tragedy of Lisa loving Taylor and frantically trying to prevent her self destruction by doing absolutely everything for her while refusing to let down her own walls, and when she is genuine and lets Taylor see through the facade it's not enough to keep her and she still leaves both times. Or I think about the unbreakable bond and trust between Rachel and Taylor where Taylor is the only one who tries to communicate properly with her and does so much to help to the point where Rachel would trust her with literally anything which means she trusts Taylor to have a plan even when Taylor's plan is to throw herself away. Or I think about Brian and Taylor's friendship and later relationship that happened because Brian needed some way to deal with the horror of what Bonesaw did without letting down his walls because if he stops appearing in control he'll crack and they just both tried and failed so hard to be normal, but if things went differently they could have been happy together. Or I think about Taylor and Alec and how Alec saw her as a good normal how Taylor never really understood him even at the end and didn't even like him because she can't acknowledge their similarities and maybe if things were different they could grow to understand each other a bit more. Or I think about Taylor and Aisha and how Aisha went from being a mischievous gremlin constantly to losing her best friend and then her brother and then she had to stand by Taylor and sing to her as she broke and faded as a person while fully knowing she was going to lose another friend and having that confirmed when Taylor seized her body and held a knife to her throat. And every time I think about all the tragedies of loving Taylor Hebert, the ways things could have gone differently and everyone could have been happy if things were tweaked in the slightest way, I remember the glory of fanfiction and bask in the knowledge that other people feel this and will write their own fics where the characters get a better ending, and life is good.
And then I go on AO3 and I remember that 35% of fanfic in this wretched fandom is alternate powers for someone named Taylor who definitely isn't acting like her, 18% is revenge fantasies against the bullies where Taylor is harsher to Sophia specifically hmmm I wonder why, 22% is Taylor in the most unrealistic sanitized relationship ever written where everyone is out of character and reading it feels like eating styrofoam, 13% is attempting to redeem Purity or Rune or someone else in the E88, 11% has Greg as a main character with epic gamer powers, and the remaining 1% is actually readable original fanfic. I'm so tired. Why are so so many people shipping some combination of Taylor, Victoria, and Amy. Who the fuck is writing Polysiders. Why is 80% of this written and read by people who haven't read Worm and smugly believe that the absolute garbage fanfics they've read are better because nothing bad happens. I'm going insane I can't take this.
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identitty-dickruption · 4 months
look. I wouldn’t be so pissed off at abled people using the disabled toilets if it weren’t for the fact that there is often only ONE stall and if it weren’t for the fact that they (ableds) tend to use that ONE STALL for incredibly long tasks. I should not have to stand outside waiting for 15–20 minutes just because you wanted more space for putting your make-up on (real thing that just happened to me today). like. come on guys. come on
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filez34 · 2 years
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i can be ur angle or yuor devil
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orsanedraws · 4 months
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9th air raid for today, yay! and the day is not over yet!
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Just found out about TF Kiss players...
I will now shall erase my memories by slamming my head on a wall
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grayintogreen · 4 months
If you come to the register and buy $160 worth of shit AT the exact moment of closing, I hope you get hunted for sport.
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trenchcroats · 7 months
call me an american the way my school cares more about uniform and dress codes more than education
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gniteruirui · 1 year
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Why are you so hard to draw? Maybe if I stay still laying on the floor, I will magically learn how to draw you.
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spellmage · 3 months
destroy. kill, even
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nik000ooo · 2 years
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absolutelyzoned · 1 month
"find good in your current situation!" there is nothing good about this fuck off
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beebisbeeble · 3 months
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starkitten101 · 5 months
I am going to destroy College Board with my bare hands
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thecolorsfucked · 1 year
@tittyinfinity is problematic and childcoded for growing an inch at 25 like a fucking high schooler
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offensiveslur · 4 months
A lira used to be 2 dollars, we used to shit on Americans back then
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