#shes not even on my oc page how did u enter my mind anon??
nulfaga · 5 years
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find the ask meme here, & my oc page here!
Something really awesome they can do
dunia is fully ambidextrous like some leo da vinci shit where she can be taking notes on the healing properties of local florakjdfsjhfdkj with one hand and drawing a botanical diagram with the other she has this INCREDIBLE mind that she ONLY applies to boring esoteric scholarly shit :’)
A person, creature, or thing they adore
she doesn’t have many close attachments for most of her adult life (due to being like a....well her personality is an acquired taste...like salted licorice...or turpentine).......but something interesting happens when she meets mercedes—dunia comes from a poor family living in the east of gransys (her father was cassardi) but so she has never had a formal education or attended finishing school or anything like that so....ok how do i put this
dunia is kind of like, she pretends to be soft/absentminded/airy but shes actually hard as nails.....mercedes sees that core in her and is drawn to it cause its like, how she wants to be inside....but then past that inital meeting she finds out dunia is actually a very weird scruffy little person who is vaguely unpleasant to be around so she loses interest......but THEN phase 3 is they end up chatting in the duke’s court and despite all the other shit, all the appearances and education and outside pressures....like they just vibe? like they have the same sense of humor? (dunia’s humor is SO DRY she’ll say something INSANE without any change in her monotone and play it off like nothing happened and usually no one picks up on it but mercedes always laughs her ass off)...idk yeah long story short she loves mercedes a lot i’ll get into it
A secret they’re hiding
no real secrets...she doesnt hide anything about herself she just presents herself in such a supremely specific way that 90% of people who meet her (especially men) are just like. ok boring bye. but if u are willing to put up with her for any period of time....still waters run deep right??
OH if the devs had done more w/ the elves in dd then i’d have liked for her to have some backstory abt that like idk shes looking into the Mysterious Extinction Of The Elves or fuckin search me but that might have been cool.....might still do something like that but i just like the Pointy Eare so i dont necessarily need to go deeper than that 4 myself
Something they truly fear
her own emotions honestly. she feels SO strongly, somewhere, but she’s wrapped up in so many layers of self-denial and alienation and she grew up mostly only being able to understand herself & the world thru literature, most of it academic, so she has no idea how to engage with the process of knowing herself or knowing other people. so when she feels something and it HURTS and its SCARY shes like “oh better write a research paper about this so i can pretend im not part of it”. it was like that with her loving mercedes
A fond memory of theirs
mercedes asked dunia to help her w/ sparring at a certain point and that was like...weird for a sec bc dunia is fucking vicious with a blade and normally only spars w/ her pawn galatea (who conveniently can’t die in case dunia goes overboard)....so she suddenly had to be VERY careful....they used wooden swords at first....but it was just a weird experience for her also cause like on the way to the training grounds she would point out things about the local wildlife and mercedes would like...show interest? & ask questions? Which is like what the fuck cs dunia is used to just thinking out loud & not engaging with ppl but someone is engaging her and its like WHAT....but its like a good what
A place or item which gives them strong feelings
little spectacles...they were made by hand by her father (an old elf....a distant man who loved her in his own way but like....look how she turned out u know he was one of Those Dads) & she’s had them for most of her life....she keeps them in excellent shape but they get crushed in the fight with the dragon :’(
A dream or ambition for the future
honestly without all of the arisen stuff happening she would have probably just wandered gransys (& the other demesnes) and learned the languages and written about all the peoples & plants & animals everywhere until she took all her piles of papers and got a little apartment somewhere & reread them til she died...which would have been fine. but now she has like... obligations & a position at court and potentially becomes the god of everything which is kind of a thing...so with all of that i think shed have liked to become the duke of gransys and pass boring yet beneficial legislation and for mercedes to be her general :x
An angsty fact about them
literally everything that happens to the arisen in canon is angst enough :(.
A domestic fact about them
she keeps things very clean at home....if u live with her every room in the house will be spotless except her study which will contain more paper than u have ever seen in ur life, none of it filed or marked in any way, and yet if u asked her to find her journal entry from the summer solstice 15 years ago she would have it for u in 3 seconds. shes the only person on earth that says “i have a system” and actually has one. her system is being smart and having an enormous brain
A random other fact
idk im trying to beam the IMAGE of dunia into your mind without writing a 100k fic cause i dont have the time im trying to put it like...
cause she’s such a weird little spectacle wearing little dusty little individual who always talks out loud like she’s only talking for herself (like if uve ever seen tolkien in interviews? that. like he can make perfect sense of what he’s saying but he goes so quickly and gives no context, it’s like he’s just bouncing thoughts off the outside world....thats dunia) but shes also a VERY competent fighter and can be RUTHLESS & FRIGHTENING but
its not like shes a throat-clearing little old man in the body of a 30yo lesbian elf 90% of the time and then sometimes the SeCreT DuNiA dArK sIdE comes out its like...those two aspects are both part of her personality and inform each other. thats a thing that i want to communicate. she will cut a man’s throat & the whole time be droning or muttering to herself about how the anatomical works of jacques le ballsacque could have influenced the oeuvre of milton fumperdickles shes been reading and ghjfkfnfnkfnjjddd its the same dunia
(ALSO she killed the daylights out of julien and then pointedly did not use any of her 17 wakestones to revive him. fuck that guy)
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luffysmeat · 6 years
Here's your extremely cheesy Law scenario (this is not an scenario), this is proooobably too oc, tbh. BUT I hope you enjoy it. Anon, here it is. Now kill me because I shouldn't be doing this, help.
Words: 1, 718 (I'm adding a read more because I don't want to spam anyone)
"Law, look at this new book I bought", there's a soft chuckle coming from him as she entered the room without permission. It was not something weird, 'I sleep here too, why do I have to knock? It's like asking permission to enter my own home', he was not sure if he was amused by her way of thinking or happy because she compared this little room to a home, perhaps, he should feel scared for feeling both.
He lets out a sigh and looks back at her. "It looks very interesting", he smirked when he saw the unfaced expression in her features.
"You are not funny", she says and takes the book out of a paper bag. "It is a tale", she says and he hums when she shove it to his face. Law takes it between his hands and gets a bit surprised when she suddenly sweeps her warm fingertips against his cold knuckles, he shivers due to the contrast of tempetures and quickly looks through the pages of the book.
"It looks very interesting", he repeats and she rolls her eyes, taking the book back.
"You are not funny," she repeats. "Can I read it hear?", she's already sitting on the bed before he gives her an answer. "Ah, I already sat, what a shame"
"You're not funny either", she giggles and Law quietly growls when he feels a warm feeling swirling on his stomach. He comes back to his work when she opens the book and starts to read.
For how long have they been together? Two months? Five? Regardless, Law has always felt this strange sensation on his chest.
At first he accepted to be her partner because she confesed to him. It's true that she is gorgeous and her legs are just seriously perfect, but he was not especially interesting in her. Or interesting on dating in general. But he said yes, and looking at her happy expression he somehow knew he did something good.
But as time passes and they keep spending time together, he's not sure if this decision was good for him. About two weeks after oficially starting this relationship, he started to notice the little things about her. The little habits she has and the faces she makes when she's happy, sad or worried. She worries a lot, about the crew and about him and sometimes it makes him feel sick how worried she gets.
He noticed the things she likes and dislikes, the things that make her smile and laugh and pout and even cry. He noticed her smile and laugh and deep inside him he wanted to keep her smiling forever. He always feels the need to destroy the world when tears fall down her pink cheeks.
He noticed the way she thinks and speaks and the way she is. Fearless, direct, rarely shy and a little shit when she wants to be. He noticed how he liked her to tease him back and how stupid it makes him feel when she wins one of their little fights, and yet, he wants her to win all the time.
He noticed the way she sleeps and how she wakes up. Always so tender and warm in the mornings, kissing his face until he's awake, greeting him with a good morning and a blinding smile.
He also noticed his body, as a woman. Her legs were fantastic, a bit more rounded and meaty then other girls and they always turned him on quite a bit. He also noticed his butt and breasts and just everything and it kinda makes him feel embarrased.
He started to look at her more than just any girl, he started to look at her as his girlfriend, his partner, his companion. And it started to scare him. It scared him how he unconsciously was starting to open up to her, letting her see his softer sides; it scared him how every day he wanted to stay in bed with her, kissing her face and holding her between his arms. It scared him how he felt safe to let her know about his sadness and how he always finds refuge between her arms when it's getting too much.
For how long have they been dating? Eight months? A year?
"Six months, if I recall correctly", even though he spoke the question out loud expecting her answer, he shivered hearing her voice.
"I see", he mumbles and he can sense the smirk on her mouth. "Erase that smirk off your face, [Name]", she giggles and he wants to ask her to leave the room, but he can't because he doesn't want that.
He knows he doesn't want that. He found he doesn't want that. He has tried to push her away, but she was always patient and she always waited for him to calm down. She always understood when he needed time and didn't blame him about it nor asked for explanations.
He can hear her breathing changing depending on what was happening in the book. She said it was a tale, what is it about?
"It's about a King that has his heart filled with pain and the shadows of the past torment him at night. One day, though, he goes around the woods and finds this lady, beautiful as the first morning beams and fire on her eyes.
The king falls in love with her and feels that with her, he's going to forget about his past. He wants her so desperately, so he comes back to his castle and order his soilders to bring the lady to him. He keeps her in a room of his big castle and is happy when she doesn't say anything against him, but as day passes by, the fire on her eyes starts to die and the color of her cheeks starts to fade. So he knows he's hurting her..."
"And then?"
"Well I haven't finished it yet", she says and Law gulps on the glass of water at his side.
"He's gonna let her free and then come back to be alone", he mumbles as he scribbles on his notes.
"Hmm, who knows, a tale is a tale after all, there's magic everywhere, everything can happen"
Law hums and tries not to mind too much about it. But he does, that story was obviously they both. Law was the lonely and sad King and she was the beautiful lady of the woods. He's been taking her life just to his own good, and even though he keeps telling to himself that he didn't want this, he did want this deep inside him. To have someone, to hold someone.
"Stressed?", her eyes are glued to the book in her hands, but he knows that question was directed to him.
"A bit", he replies, not wanting to make a big deal about it.
"You know it is just a tale, right?", he had to chuckle, was he really that transparent? Perhaps she only notices when he's having internal problems.
"I know", he says and letting out a long sigh, he pushes the chair off the desk and gets up, walking to where she's sitting in the bed with her back against the wall. "May I?", he points at her thighs and she looks at him incredulously, but nods anyway.
He lays his head against her thighs and he sighs, sinking into her warm flesh. So comfortable, so soft. It make him want to sleep and stay like this forever. Feeling the movements of her belly with each breath and hearing the soft mumbles she lets out every now and then as she reads.
So comfortable, so soft.
"Feeling better?", he feels his inside tightening as soon as she starts doing that. "Law?"
Her soft fingers sinking on his messy hair, her fingertips scratching ever so lightly on his scalp, making him shiver and goosebumps appear on his skin. Fingers brushing his hair softly and lovingly, and she's even humming some kind of lullaby.
"Shit", he mumbles and his arm takes a place across his face, covering his eyes. But he knows she saw, because her fingers are suddenly stopping and she's withdrawing her hand.
"Does it hurt?", he nods and takes a shaky breath. "Where?"
"In my chest. In my memories. In my heart"
"Should I stop?", there was a universe behind her words. Should I stop what I'm doing right now? Should I stop being around? Should I stop wanting to be at your side? Should I stop this relationship? Should I stop loving you?
Yes, stop.
"No", he says, his voice breaking just a bit. "Don't stop. Never stop", he's begging and he hates himself for that, but her fingers are back caressing his scalp and he can't help a tremble of his body as a quiet sob rips through him.
She lets him be as he grits his teeth and try to hold in the tears starting to pour our of his eyes, but is too late and he can't stop them anymore, not while she's here and she keeps loving him.
Maybe this tears will drain the pain and the darkness of his heart to let her in completely.
"So, how did that book of yours end?", she gave him one of her widest smiles ever and he felt a tug of happiness in his heart.
"She saw through him, past his sadness and fell in love with him when they first encountered in the woods, and even though he selfishly took her for his own, she forgave him and helped him get out of the bottomless hole of his soul.
So they end up together, their kingdom going pass the woods, the life returning to both of them"
He hums and presses a soft kiss on her forehead, his hand grabbing her by the waist.
"Lucky King", he says with a smirk.
"You are also a lucky king", she says and he's still not that used to that melting sensation on his chest when she wraps her arms around his waist, but he grew to love it.
"Am I? I haven't found a beautiful lady, though", he laughed a bit when she punched him in the back.
"You are not funny at all"
He was, in fact, a very lucky king.
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