#shes suppose to be the box from snowwhite!
twistiraki · 1 year
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Found this template by @twisted-never-land !! They translated the original! I just had to fill it in! And this is a introduction of my Twisted Wonderland OC I guess! She's still a work in process but I hope to write for her someday! I'm not the best artist but I tried my best obvi not the TWST art style lol
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halforc-mercenary · 7 years
The child's hooves clacked against the front cobblestones before the door swung open and she walked in, training bow dragging behind her as she looked away. "Mama, where does mum keep the tumeric?" When she's forced to turn and face Mar, a mighty shiner is visible. "...I got into a fight," she admits, "but I won."
Mar heard the girl entering the room, this certaine tact of small hoofs on the ground was a tact Mar had learned by heart since the day the child had made her first swaying, toddling steps.  However, only when Val asked her question, Mar looked up from the table full of letters and documents she was suppose to copy: “I don´t know, Child. Maybe your big Brother-”
From one momet to another the woman stopped midsentences. Like the ears of a leery dog Mar pinned her ears back as she looked her daughter over, her eyes wandered from the small branches sticking in the girls wild head of snowwhite curls, then continued to wander to the dirt stains on her childs carefully embroidered tunic, to eventually stop the travel again in the childs face on the fast darker turning bruise. The halforcs first instinct was to jump up from the chair, tuck the girl under one arm and sprint to where she had stored the wooden box with the healing herbs, while merciless demanding the name of who had hit Val, so Mar could find them and end them herself. But Val was a stubborne child and in the last two years she had became fond of the idea of beeing so much more adult than her younger sister Von, so treating her like the child she was (and always would be for Mar, for the Halforc could still feel all to well the weight of Vals tiny body laying on her chest, saved in her memory like a immovable trace ), would only lead to Val demanding that she was already oh-so-adult and therefor could handle all the pain and all the other things oh-so-adult-like on her own. Treating Val like a child would only make her pretend to need noone, especially not a after her lookig Mother, for that was what adults did: Handling things on their own.So instead of doing everything what her maternal instincts told her to do, Mar got up from her chair calmly.“I hope the other looks much worse than you, so I can recognise them. Unless-”A frown draw a long line between the Halforcs thick eyebrows: “- you do tell me who had hit you and what exactly had happned?”
Val crossed her chubby arms before her chest, keeping the secret stubbornly to herself like a proper Adult. Mar wonderd where the girl had got the idea that Adults did not needed any help, when in truth it was showing true matruity when one would accept help.  If I ever find out who had teached you this strange idea of adulthood, then I will strangle them with my own callouse hands, the woman thought coldblooded and without the faintest flicker of remorse.“Alright.”; Mar said as the frown lay heavy on her face: “You do not want to tell me. I respect that. Are you wise enough to let me take care of the bruise?”The child mirrored her Mothers frown, while thinking of Marss last sentences. Val thought herself as oh-so-adultlike, so it was her duty to take care of herself alone, or not? Yet beeing wise sounded good, beeing wise sounded adult. Neither Von nor the girls older brother had ever been called wise before.And Val felt oh-so-adultlike, so much more adultlike than her siblings. “Okay, Mama. You can help me.”, mumbled the small girl hestiantly and Mar let go of a breath she did not knew she had been holding. The children are  growing into adults much too fast, she noticed and felt a pain like a silverneedle stitching  in the place where she remembered holding Vals tiny body to when the girl had been nothing but a infant, much too fast.
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