starsonmarsy · 2 years
stealing a mutual's idea of exposing my weaknesses shfhgb
so obviously i have my likes and limits on my pinned post but . they're vague and not really detailed so why not expand upon some of them and add some.
this is a terrible idea because i'm giving all my switchy friends ammo to use against me!! but that just means i'll have to get better at resistance. which is definitely possible because i'm most certainly not extremely easy haha...
disclaimer: yes! i do let people, anon or not, hypnotize me through asks, and maybe dms if discussed beforehand. however, that still requires respecting my limits. i'm all down for being a little hypnotoy you can take for a joy ride, but i am still a person. there hasn't been problems so far (knock on wood) but i'm saying it anyways just in case.
okay, now the fun stuff below the cut:
fractionation - pretty self explanatory. if you start rapid fire fractionating me, my brain becomes mush. particularly effective with the words up/down and drop/wake. on that same note ...
rapid fire/trigger spam - okay so trigger spamming is silly sometimes because it reminds me of like. a starter tist you'd find on reddit or something that just spams the word sleep at you hoping it'll work. but when used tastefully? holy fuck. not giving me the time to recover/think about it is your best shot at getting me down
resistance/bratting - these themselves aren't weaknesses but they're likes that have weakness within them. if you can eventually convince me that i want to drop and obey more than i want to resist and win, then you'll get me. this isn't as easy as you think, because i am quite stubborn, competitive, and i like winning.
being sleepy - this doesn't even really need explanation, but i am very easy when tired. but i mean tired tired, because i'm tired 24/7 anyway lol. but catching me after waking up either in the morning or from a nap makes it harder for me to fight. that and if i'm straight up just sleep deprived, like i only got 2 hours or i've been up for 16+ hours, i'm even easier.
instant inductions/unexpected triggers - this ties into the same reasoning for rapid fire—not giving me time. i will most likely drop and then wake myself up, so you have those few seconds of vulnerability before i recover to do something.
covert/conversational inductions - also relatively explanatory. for covert in particular, if i don't notice that you're trancing me then i won't know that i'm being entranced. and i can't fight against something i don't notice. for conversational, i will definitely notice at some point. it's just dependent on how early i notice to be able to fight it off.
whatever the fuck you call what this ask was - i'm bad at words so i don't know what to identify this as but this? holy fuck. this just slides into my brain so easily dhfjfj. 💖 you didn't see this
"____ for me" - i made this a post and it blew up for no reason dhfhg. i am way more likely to obey a command if you throw a for me on there.
praise - i'm very easily flustered so lots of praise gets me into a very blushy, shy, keysmashing state, which could be used to make me fuzzy.
dumbification - making me feel all dumb gets me so easy. calling me dumb, dummy, or a ditz or trying to get me to giggle makes me just fhfhtjg
confusion - it is not hard to confuse me like . at all. literally just throw some "if you're thinking about not thinking then are you thinking?" or "forget to remember, remember to forget" or make up = down and down = up n i'm all yours.
amnesia - if i'm fuzzy and you tell me to forget about something then there's a good chance of it working. especially when it's slipped in casually, like "oh, nevermind, forget i said anything" and i'll have a moment of like wha-? where my mind decides whether or not to do it. some reassurance, like "that's right, you can just forget" or "don't worry about it" will probably work.
"must _____" - a command preceeded by must (only must, not you must) is extremely compelling to me and hard to resist.
cock - i'm not expanding on this, you know who you are shfhrhfurhf
mantras/repetition - if you give me a mantra that's gonna be stuck in my head for a while. or making me repeat something, or asking questions that have the same single answer
trance recall - if you make me think of a trance i've recently been in, i get all fuzzy and my eyes flutter as if i'm feeling the same thing again.
post-trance fuzziness - in switch fights, if i didn't lose then i'm definitely fuzzy as fuck and a bit fractionated. if you pretend it's over and then catch me by surprise, that might secure you a last ditch victory.
anyways, i will probably update this if i think of more but. yeah i just made resisting 100x harder for myself dhfh
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