#shh i still gotta start s3
shaloved30 · 5 years
I wonder what would happen if On My Block and Dear White People did a crossover where the Core 4 plus 1 took a college tour to Winchester.
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roominthecastle · 7 years
"What are you looking for? - the punchline." omg lol I love a show that doesn't take itself too seriously when they don't have to! You were right, this openings are the special kind of pleasure, possibly ones of the best out there))
Agreed. If I recorded my reaction, you would hear one long groan morphing into laughter during every main title sequence. They really crown these intros. I remember one time when he was away, they just filled the spot by going a bit meta, “You know what Grissom would say here.” “Something ironic, I’m sure.” lol
ok, the rest of the asks are behind the cut bc it got long again:
3x22. I don’t have words. PS I didn’t realize Sara was a forensic psychologist. How the hell did I miss that?! Do I need to schedule a rewatch? HDD PS #2 well it’s nice to at least have an acknowledgement from Grissom that he realizes that sth is going on between them. You gotta figure it out you dummy she’s been waiting for you for years!!!
Maybe I need another re-watch, too, bc I have no memory of Sara having psychologist credentials? I mean, they all have traces of a forensic psychologist in them, but I can’t remember any team member officially holding that title.
That “let’s have dinner” scene… well, the timing is terrible but yes, yet another brief acknowledgment that this connection is not just in Sara’s head, and I love her “I will wait for you to figure it out, but I won’t wait forever” ultimatum. If he weren’t interested, it would be relatively easy to cut her losses and move on, but ofc that’s not the case.
When Grissom is truly scared, he becomes the most ridiculous and irrational version of himself, which just shows how human he is (contrary to popular belief that he is a robot). Remember when he asks Doc Robbins for a second opinion in 323?
Boy, I wish you’d come to me sooner. Your condition’s pretty far along. Why did you wait?I hoped it would go away.Doesn’t your mother have this condition?Yeah. It’s hereditary. … I know. I wasn’t rational.
This is also what he does w/ the “Sara situation”. He feels what she feels, those feelings are progressing, but he has been living within v specific boundaries his whole life, so the implications and consequences and risks terrify him, so for a while he just waits and hopes the inevitable will not happen. But it does. ;)
OK so I finished s3 and my uni is kicking me in my butt so I might have to slow down a little but for a tease what should I look forward to in s4? Is there going to be some kind of resolution? I mean this burn is *so* slow (a lot of fun though). Also it’s a rare show where I actively root for ALL the cast, not just a few characters, everyone is so relevant, this show will ruin me for other shows lol 
I’m right there w/ you anon. They are so well-crafted/well-acted, and even when there is conflict, you can see where each is coming from and why. Now that is rare.
in S4 the burn is still slow, but they start to throw in some quality accelerants + the season is just full of great moments and cases and more puns. You can look forward to the entire season, really. 403 is a heavy but excellent one. 405: furries. 406 is a Grissom special. 407 is where, for a few moments, the slow burn almost sets the layout room on fire, and this is also where the big background question of this season surfaces, i.e. how Grissom’s feelings/fears impact Sara’s career (and yeah, she calls him out again. and again.). 412 is A LOT, it is my big fave in S4, and 413 is just the type of delightful fun (there is a lil’ duct tape and singing involved) we need to ease the mental-emotional toll of 412. 414 loops us back to the officer who threatens Grissom in the 2parter premiere, and it is a case study of professionalism. 416 is yet another excellent one that delves into the world of substance (and various other types of) abuse and also clowns (there really is a nice balance of serious/tragic and hilarious/comic on this show). 418, 419 are again just A+ cases. 420 is where the team enters a marathon and naturally Grissom spots a corpse along the road (from his car while blasting Chariots of Fire bc he enjoys running the same way I do - in theory). And the season concludes w/ GSR handholding, so just going by that single detail you can tell it is an excellent one.
So I couldn’t resist and watched 4x01. You’re right Sara is getting hotter by the minute! And Cat too. Not that they needed any improvements on that front. And Grissom with that beard, yum. I usually prefer stubble over beard but in this case I could probably swing that way (lol swing, that case was really creepy) 
shh, anon. the kids mustn’t know. ;)
Your self-control is about as strong as mine, it seems. I have 3 books and 8 articles to go through this weekend but… yeah. And - generally speaking - I’m not a big fan of facial hair (save me from those pornstaches), but some guys just pull it off in a way that … well, let’s just say it prevents me from focusing on books and articles. thankfully, the only on-again-off-again relationship on this show is that btw Grissom and his beard, and it’s amazing how it can transform his face like in one season he is Bug Boy, in the next he looks like some silvery, centuries-old winter king of some otherworldly realm who was so absorbed in his thoughts, he took a wrong turn and accidentally ended up walking among us humans.
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