shh-imchargingmylaser replied to your photo: { I haven’t done a munday in like 4 centuries and...
pretty face 
{ I’m a goblin what are you talking about } @shh-imchargingmylaser
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unseen-blades · 8 years
{ Smell: Cherries }
A fond remembrance of cherries.  One of the fruits he would pilfer off of trees while he was living on his own, much sweeter than bread, more satisfying to taste.
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luxannacrownguard · 9 years
{ Yassss, I like to imagine Lux as a great Mother, and I Agree with your head canon for her parents! I am so excited to see how your Lux grows ahhhh }
[ What would help Luxanna in bringing up her own child would be all the things her parents did that she did not like; it would show her what not to do. 
Thank you though! I’m excited to see where I’ll be going with her too, hehe. ]
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jayceofpiltover · 9 years
❀ Do you like reblog karma? Why or why not? ✿ Do you have a mun FC? If so why did you choose that as your FC, and if not who would you choose? ♪♩♫ Does music inspire your muse? What's one song on your playlist that reminds you of your muse?
❀ Do you like reblog karma? Why or why not?
I tend to follow reblog karma etiquette but people often reblog my prompts w/o sending in an ask and I’m just sitting like well, I would have yelled at you if I cared about reciprocal reblog karma, but I don’t, so enjoy the prompts
Reblog karma is nice, and I do it, but I don’t see it as any kind of law or rule. Not for myself, at least.
✿ Do you have a mun FC? If so why did you choose that as your FC, and if not who would you choose?
I’ve tried having Jayce FCs and they just don’t quite.... work? I like thinking of FNC/IMT Reignover as looking kinda similar to a younger version of my Jayce, though. (or my blog sidebar picture version of him.)
♪♩♫ Does music inspire your muse? What's one song on your playlist that reminds you of your muse?
Yes to the first, and he enjoys almost everything, having a pretty broad knowledge base. I’ve always thought Peakin is a great song for my Jayce.
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judgementcxt · 9 years
{ Modern AU? }
first 5 are here http://arrows-of-retribution.tumblr.com/post/137454419312/modern-au-alternatively-arclight
Adoptive father of @justicar--syndra in the modern AU
Despite his gruff and cold exterior, he is quiet warm around children
He meets frequently with Karma for tea and discussion of the old days and their changing culture
Has a dog
Has trouble adjusting to new technology with the changing times
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First Champion played? First Champion you mained? Champion you main/play currently? Best or Favorite role to play?
First Champion played? see below!First Champion you mained? see below!Champion you main/play currently? Seeee belowwwBest or Favorite role to play? Top or adc
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banishingtheshadows · 9 years
9) Dream job? 10) Favorite band or singer? 11) Any otps? 12) Any notps?
Get to know the blogger/mun uncomfortably well
9) Dream job? 
AUTHOR. Or something to do with kids. I’ve been learning that I love them.
10) Favorite band or singer? 
Owl City
11) Any otps? 
I ship an OC I made with a friend’s OC, but since they’re OCs I don’t really see the point of naming them lmao. Other than that, Kiara/Kovu (The Lion King 2), Syaoran/Sakura (doesn’t everyone want to slap Li for taking so long and Sakura for being clueless), Neal/Yuki (Tortall - Tamora Pierce), Arwen/Aragorn, Arya/Eragon, and (possibly) Lux/J4...
And yes, I do find it ironic that it’s called a ONE TRUE PAIRING but I have lots.
Also my bonus brotp is Anivia/Kog’Maw.
12) Any notps?
Draco/Hermione. NO. THERE ARE SO MANY REASONS WHY IT’S A NO. Funnily enough, I used to ship it due to a writer I found who had excellent writing. However I came to realise that it would never make sense in canon.
Most of my notps are to do with canon - if it can’t be canon/not logical, then my sensible/writing side will disagree very vehemently. That being said I have crackships that defy my own views which is weird
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icathiaism · 9 years
♚ ; characterisation 
thank you so much omg !!!
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unseen-blades · 9 years
"Love is allowing someone inside to your soul, love is knowing someone will do the same. Love is trust, Love is communication, love is being able to appreciate quietness together without having to speak. Love is more than romance, it is friendship. Love is sacrifice and knowing the other will do the same for you."
“Placing that much faith in someone is just begging to have yourself betrayed.  Inside people are selfish, they will never give up themselves for the sake of others.  And if they do they were not cut out to survive.”
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luxannacrownguard · 9 years
{ What type of relationship does Lux have with her parents? And does Lux want to some day have children? }
[ Luxanna’s relationship with her parents is very strained. After they practically shoved her out their door and had her conscripted after she graduated from college, she’s been angry at them ever since. To her, they took away her say, and succeeded in further isolating her from everyone and everything she once knew. It was a domino effect--once conscripted, her relatives stopped speaking to her, her school friends stopped talking to her, and any other nobles within the elite circle ignored her altogether until she would appear at events as obligated to. She was forced into a life and career that she does not wholly agree with but cannot escape from, and she hates them for robbing her of certain freedom.
But more than what they had done to her, she despises them for what they did to Garen. They had forced him out as well, had him conscripted and taken away his freedom, and unlike her Garen fell subject to the routine and duty that was bestowed upon him. He made it his whole life, and as a result, she also lost her brother. It is they whom she blames for being left all alone.
Someday in the future, Luxanna does want children but she wants them with someone she truly loves, not someone she is betrothed to for political or financial reasons. She wants to raise a loving family out of want for one, not out of responsibility, which makes her unsure as to when she could ever do so since everything these days revolves around her duties and oaths. ]
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jayceofpiltover · 9 years
My muse has discovered that yours is in a coma. Send ¥ for what my muse would say to yours while visiting them at the hospital. 
The door opens, slowly. He half expects her to crack something at him as he walks in, a joke, a disgruntled noise, a smile, something.
Instead, there’s only silence.
“Lux?” He asks out loud, but still keeping it barely above a whisper. It’s in her Demacian blood, he supposes - that when she’s lying there, still and beautiful, that she reminds him of those fairy tale princesses, suspended in some kind of golden dream.
But this isn’t a good dream. He isn’t the prince promised with his kiss. He is just a friend, and she might be dying.
He takes a deep breath and tries to smile, settling in the chair.
“It’s been a while, Lux. They didn’t let me in the first couple days. Demacians only, they said. Close friends only, they said. I mean we’ve always known - we’re at that place between friends and close friends. I didn’t want to take a spot and leave your parents or someone like Ezreal outside. I’m sure you know what I mean. I - ” and then he covers his face with his hands a bit, because this is stressing him out and the whole thing has been stressing him out and goddammit. “I, uh, talked to the doctors. I gave them tips. Offered technical support. You know, doing what I can. Or trying to do what I can.” Brushes his hair back. “But what am I saying - ”
One final deep breath, barely concealing the panic behind his eyes. Their eyes are similar shades of blue.
“I’m just being a downer, aren’t I? I’m supposed to be the optimist. You’ll be fine. Come visit me when you feel better, alright? I have a few things that I think you’ll like.”
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judgementcxt · 9 years
-Some real shade is coming this post, so get ready-
I have been on this blog for almost 2 years now and I have seen multiple Varus’ come and go as well.  And I would be lying if I said I really liked or followed any of them really.  So many people seem to ignore everything about his past.  His family, his pain, his sacrifice, his trauma all because they see him as some hot guy that they can ship with.  Gay or straight, I really dislike anyone that romantically ships Varus with others because that is not what the character is.
If you want a hot guy to use as your shipping/smut, fine, go for it, but don’t use the one character whose entire motivation in life is KILLING FOR REVENGE FOR HIS FAMILY
You guys got that?  Varus isn’t one of those “If I love him, I can heal him.” type deals.  The man has sold his humanity for revenge.  He is not going to stop his rampage because you make lovey eyes at him. 
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hardofhearingmagi · 9 years
Lux sets tea before the young woman. "I thought you could use some tea." She says, as she lifts her hand to sign it to Ophi at the same time. "Care to relax?"
The deaf woman smiled, head nodding with a small tilt to the side. “-Thank you, I would love to.-” Who would turn down perfectly good tea? Especially when it was free. “-I do enjoy relaxing, but I seem to be doing it so often lately.-”
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✘ = hugging them .
The cat chuckled, tail wrapping around the girl as he returned the hug with a purr. “And to what do I owe the occasion of this hug?” A hug from Lux he would always accept. She always managed to brighten his day when she was around.
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1) What’s your gender?
3) What’s your favorite food?
{ CANDY,,,,,, or idk meat. }
5) Are you in a relationship?
{ AYE, I AM. He’s a dumb nerd. }
7) How old are you?
{ I’LL BE 25 IN JULY,,, I am a grandmother }
9) Dream job?
{ Answered Heeeere } 
11) Any otps?
{ I’ve got too many but if I were to name one off the top of my head; Hiccup/Astrid }
13) Do you have someone really important to you? If yes, using song lyrics, what’s one thing you want to say to them?
{ Answered Here! }
15) What are your political views?
{ Bernie Sanders. }
{ THERE, U HAPPY U BUTT. @shhh-imchargingmylaser }
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