#shhhhhh listen. megasea just like. collapsed back into the bay. we never actually saw it disintegrate. let me dream <3
smolcrow465 ยท 4 months
ok something I guess i should tackle first with summer dreams is the Big Issue with data reincarnation. it'll make other things easier later ig
so this is basically my explanation as to why a digimon like wizardmon (dies in the 01 myotismon arc) couldn't reincarnate, while a digimon like whamon (dies AFTER during the 01 dark masters arc) was able to reincarnate in time for 02
the short answer is that the digimon who died in the real world got trapped as force data ghosts due to an imbalance in the worlds, while all other deaths only had to wait for the re-balancing of primary village
the longer answer is that the real & digital worlds were unbalanced from the beginning. we know this lmao. defeating myotismon in 01 Did Not Fix That. the worlds were still unbalanced. Therefore, for the next 4 years, data ghosts of myotismon's forces would appear all over Odaiba, growing powerful every anniversary.
The 2 worlds are put into balance at the end of 02 when they stop the dark ocean from enroaching on their turf & calm the occurrences of digimon getting isekai'd & wreaking havoc on christmas. with the defeat of malomyotismon, this would finally allow all the trapped data to return to the digital world & turn into digitama
though they'll probably still have to take another year or so bc I like making them wait <3 (also bc I'd like to explore the existence of these ghosts while the humans are aware of digimon)
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