#shigehiro yami
loosesodamarble · 2 months
Ichika: You two had better have a good reason for causing your uncle’s house to nearly be destroyed. Kai’ichi: It’s not the easiest series of events to follow though. Ichika: Give it to me straight, son. Kai’ichi: (opens his mouth) Shigehiro: (covers Kai’s mouth) She asked for her straight son to explain.
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loosesodamarble · 8 months
Oo you’re doing the ask game too, that’s great 😁💕! May I ask for…Ichika and Shigehiro for the ask game please with numbers 1, 16, and 18 🥰?
It shouldn't have taken me this long to answer. But first I didn't have the energy to answer and then I forgot the ask was there! AAAAAHHHH! My bad! But here the answers are now!
Ichika Yami
1) What is your favorite canon fact about this character?
Ooooh! My favorite thing canon fact about Ichika is her parallels to Sukehiro!
The way she goes to grab Asta's head while scolding him. Her position as one of the the strongest mages in her nation. Her volatility towards what she doesn't like.
Despite them being a world away from each other and living more than a decade apart, Ichika and Sukehiro still have things in common. Because they're family. And I'm all about having those connections to family no matter the circumstances.
16) What goal do they most want to accomplish in their lifetime?
I think what Ichika wants to accomplish most above all else is helping someone the way Ryuuya helped her. She doesn't merely want to be a strong person who protects people. That's simply what her job would entail. What I think Ichika really wants is to benefit someone in an emotional sense. I think she'd feel so much accomplishment to pass on the good will that Ryuuya first showed her, to personally aid someone in a way that turns their life for the better.
It sounds a lot more sentimental than how Ichika is portrayed in canon. But I want to imagine Ichika's intentions being softer than what she publicly presents.
18) What advice would they give to their younger self?
I think Ichika would want to tell her younger self "the truth is never a simple thing. You might have a mistaken perspective or not understand someone's intentions. Finding out you're wrong will hurt but perhaps healing can come from the truth too."
Shigehiro Yami
1) What is your favorite canon fact about this character?
The favorite thing that I've decided for Shigehiro is his fighting style. He fights free-handed rather than with a weapon like the rest of his family. He stands out just a bit and I think a hand-to-hand combat would suit his Shadow Magic.
16) What goal do they most want to accomplish in their lifetime?
Shigehiro's greatest goal in life would be to genuinely surpass Kai'ichi in something. Sure, Shigehiro is better with manners but that doesn't feel like much when Kai'ichi is stronger, is smart (though that's overshadowed by his impulse), and generally more well-liked for his outgoing personality. He really wants to be able to hear that he does something better than his brother in some way. It's selfish and unhealthy for a sibling dynamic, but Shige really would like that.
18) What advice would they give to their younger self?
"You are your own worst critic. No one is judging you as hard as you're judging yourself. Most of those who compliment your abilities aren't simply trying to avoid hurting your feelings and believing that they aren't genuine is an insult to their intentions."
Shigehiro really does need to learn to get out of his own head and actually absorb it when people compliment him.
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loosesodamarble · 1 year
The Yami Family Part 2
An unexpected development in the future of Clover is that of Ichika starting a family which consists of herself and her two sons, Kai'ichi and Shigehiro.
Kai'ichi Yami
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His name is written as 介一. The first character means "to mediate," "assist," "shellfish" or "armor." The second character means "one."
Age: 15
Birthday: August 30
Magic Attribute: Dark
Appearance: Pitch black hair like his mother with matching bangs parted down the middle. His hair just reaches his shoulders and he ties his more forward hair into small clumps that frame his face and the back hair into a low ponytail. His eyes are a dark shade of gray.
Personality: A natural born genius when it comes to his magic and swordsmanship. And Kai'ichi is brimming with confidence because of that. He knows his strength and is driven to live up to his full potential because of it. Influenced by uncle Sukehiro, he's quick to anger and prefers physical solutions to problems. He rarely thinks before he acts, and even when he does put thought into his choices, he fails to consider the big picture/long term consequences. He's a lot more feral in a fight than either Sukehiro or Ichika, likely getting it from lessons with Ginnojoumorifuyu. He runs on instinct (greatly helped by a keen sense for ki that surpasses even Asta's) and adrenaline. He's great when allowed to act on his own, but in social situations, he tends to put his foot in his mouth. Little sense of decorum and unable to read a room, he's made a lot of enemies by pointing out things that shouldn't be brought up in polite company.
Kai'ichi gets along great with all of his cousins. He helps Saki in her garden whenever he gets the chance to visit Clover and he helps her train to control her wild, black roses. He does wish she'd open up more. Kai and Ann are able to match each other's strength and energy, often sparring to see who is the better swordsman (they currently stand at a tie of 15 wins each and then 32 draws). Because of their similar attributes and Kenzou being the same age as Shigehiro, Kai favors Ken above the girls. Kai'ichi enables bold and stubborn attitude. He befriends Kohaku as a fellow visitor from Hino and even gets his sword repaired by the younger boy. He's met the Cresswells and thinks highly of Daniel who brings out the best in Saki and is amused by Jill bringing out the funniest side of Ann.
Kai'ichi's ultimate goal is to become a member of the Ryuzen Seven just like his mother before him.
Ichika is extremely cagey regarding the topic of the boys' father. She most she states about him is that he has her upmost respect. The boys also don't say much about him and only ever confirm that he is, in fact, still alive.
Doesn't have a good relationship with Liebe or the Bremen devils since he's tried using his Dark Magic on them after hearing of his uncle Sukehiro's battle against Lucifero.
Shigehiro Yami
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The characters used in Shigehiro's name are 成大. The first character means "to become" or "to do something." The second means "big."
Age: 11
Birthday: May 1
Magic Attribute: Shadow
Appearance: Shigehiro's hair is pure black in color, just like his mother's. He keeps it cut short, which leave it looking unruly, much like his uncle's hair style. He has one longer bunch of hair on his left side which he does in a braid, a choice borrowed from Aunt Charlotte. His eyes are gray like his mother's.
Personality: Shigehiro more stoic like his mom, appearing cool-headed and nonchalant. He's is slow to anger and even when upset, he holds himself back from lashing out. Being very careful, he can weave his way through social interactions easily though makes them as brief as he can. This composure has earned him admiration and praise. However, his calm hides his hidden anger. He feels overshadowed by Kai due to not being a natural talent and thinking his Shadow magic is "diluted" Dark Magic. Ichika reassures Shige that she is proud of him regardless of his magic or skill (especially since comparing Kai and Shige is ridiculous with the 4 year difference between them). He ceaselessly pushes himself until he collapses and, at least in his youth, hasn't yet learned to let himself rest.
While he doesn't do a good job at keeping up with Kenzou's energy, Shigehiro does appreciate his cousin's encouragement. He spends a lot of time with Saki and they can carry quite lengthy conversations despite how quiet they normally are. Shigehiro admires Ann's strength but finds it hard to approach her. He's friendly with Kohaku and Vivian, and they often picnic together, though he's much closer to Kohaku as he finds Vivian's stoicism unnerving ("My stoicism is different. I have to actively stay composed while Miss Vivian is more like a doll, eerie and lifeless," he would say if they're compared). Despite being encouraged to spend time with Aimee, Jesse, and Alfred due not being much older than them, he admits that they intimidate him, but in a good way (no one gets what Shige means by that).
Wanting to carve a path for himself outside of the shadow of his mother and brother, Shigehiro eventually leaves Hino in order to travel the world as a wandering mage.
Shigehiro reluctantly takes magic lessons from Nacht because of their shared attribute (wishing to have Dark Magic so he could learn from his mother and uncle). He's shared lessons with Dusk and greatly envies Dusk for the relationship he has with his father.
Unlike the rest of his family, he doesn't use a weapon in conjunction with his Dark Magic and uses unarmed martial arts instead.
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loosesodamarble · 1 year
For the OC; ask game; Stillness, Wardrobe, and Alternate for…hmmm….Kai and Shigehiro please 🥰!
Alrighty then! Time to answer for the Yami boys (or at least Ichika's Yami boys)!
Kai'ichi Yami
Stillness: How does your OC act while still? Are they fidgety? Do they have any common gestures or tics? Does their clothing affect how they hold themselves while at rest?
Kai'ichi is a bit of a fidgeter. He can usually be seen adjusting his sword's scabbard or his belt if he has to stay "still." He normally rolls his head backwards or drums his fingers against an available surface. Since I imagine him in looser, Hino style robes (basically the same outfit as his mother), his clothing doesn't do anything to restrict him.
Wardrobe: How big is your character's wardrobe? Do they wear things threadbare, or can they afford new clothes often? Are they any good at mending and repairing their own clothing?
Kai'ichi's got a decently sized wardrobe. His mother is a Ryuzen Seven (or former member by the time of the next gen) and his father is... (looks around awkwardly) also someone who got paid handsomely for his work... There's enough family savings to let Kai get some good clothes. Ichika's a little strict on not spending frivolously so Kai'ichi isn't quite threadbare but he's not going to get a new outfit just because he feels like getting something new. And Kai'ichi can't mend to save his life. He is a destroyer, plain and simple, and thus can only destroy his clothes.
Alternate: What would your OC's alternate universe look be? If they're a fantasy character, what's their modern look? If they're sci-fi, what's their fantasy look? What AU would you want to see your OC in, and how would they dress themself? Bonus: Prompt an AU!
I'm going to go for a basic modern, high school au. Kai'ichi would be the type of kid to make unauthorized alterations to his school uniform. He'd also never button up his gakuran jacket or put on a tie if the uniform called for one. Mini delinquent energy (like his uncle).
Shigehiro Yami
Stillness: How does your OC act while still? Are they fidgety? Do they have any common gestures or tics? Does their clothing affect how they hold themselves while at rest?
Shigehiro is the opposite of Kai'ichi. Where Kai fidgets, Shigehiro can sit as still as a statue if he tried hard enough. Generally, he can be seen crossing his arms and bowing his head slightly while he sits/stands and waits. Shige tends to wear sleeves with wide openings (showing off your status aren't ya' kid?) and thus can tuck his hands into his sleeves if he so chooses. And he'll do so if he wants to show his neutrality towards/refusal to get involved into a situation.
Wardrobe: How big is your character's wardrobe? Do they wear things threadbare, or can they afford new clothes often? Are they any good at mending and repairing their own clothing?
Shigehiro's wardrobe is significantly larger than Kai'ichi's. That's because Shige takes an interest in fashion from the Suit continent and so he buys a few more outfits than his brother. Shigehiro can't really mend clothes but he'd certainly try.
Alternate: What would your OC's alternate universe look be? If they're a fantasy character, what's their modern look? If they're sci-fi, what's their fantasy look? What AU would you want to see your OC in, and how would they dress themself? Bonus: Prompt an AU!
Again, I'm going to go with a basic modern school au. Shigehiro would always be wearing button-ups and dress pants, crisp and professional looking. Despite only being 11, Shigehiro is very aware of himself and his appearance. He wants to look his best and not bring shame to his family, his mother especially.
If you want to ask more questions, here's the ask game prompts.
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loosesodamarble · 1 year
BC Next Gen OCs Favorite Drinks
Here we go, we're talking drinks now. There's so many that it was a little hard to keep them all unique so there are some repeats and some that are variants of each other.
-Sterling: limeade -Dawn: sour lemonade -Dusk: sweet lemonade -Sirius: black coffee (no sugar or cream) -Merel: cinnamon hot cocoa -Vivian: strawberry milk
-Caelum: rose tea -Raphael: horchata
-Silver: yogurt drinks -Clara: cappuccino coffee (with lots of extra cream)
-Aecor: iced tea -Fleuriana: iced coffee -Chalivas: black tea (no sugar or cream) -Soleil: cola -Skylar: vanilla cola -Elana: orange cream soda -Eirlys: Earl Grey tea -Ferro: chocolate milk -Aimee: coconut milk -Naru: hot chocolate -Filomina: cranberry juice
-Maris: crimson orange juice (without magic run through) -Neave: crimson orange juice (with lots of magic run through) -Petrus: fruit punch
-Remus: lime water -Romulus: apple cider -Fantasia: almond milk
-Saki: shincha -Ann: sobacha -Kenzou: wasabi ginger ale -Kai'ichi: ginger beer -Shigehiro: konbucha
-Daniel: fruit smoothie -Jill: mint and cucumber water
-Avery: root beer -Elfrieda: dandelion tea -Alfred: egg nog
-Leoray Vermillion: water -Cynthia Enoteca: mugicha -Jesse Voltia-Swing: hard candies dissolved in lemon-lime soda (chaotic little gremlin) -Kohaku Shirazaki: ginger tea with honey
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loosesodamarble · 2 years
Erika's Next Generation OCs
So I've been having brainrot about next gen ocs. This is partially thanks to @lyranova's Children of the Future series. But also I like to imagine the BC characters having a happy and stable future where building families is possible.
I've shared about the future Nacht x Josele and Nozel x Helia children before but i've got more to share.
I haven't been thinking about the next gen for too long so details are sparse but I hope to build upon the foundations as time goes on. (Maybe if my school work lightens up...)
The children are grouped up by family.
The Faust Family (parents Nacht Faust and Josele Canty [oc]): Sterling, Dawn, Dusk, Sirius, Merel, and Vivian (the family tree)
The Faust Family (AU version) (parents Morgen Faust and Josele Canty [oc]): Albert, Varg, Iris, Valerian, Friedrich, Sable, Blanche, Isolde
The Roulacase Family (parents Finral Roulacase and Finesse Calmreich): Caelum and Rapahel
The Adlai Family (parents Gauche Adlai and Grey): Silver and Clara
The Yami Family, Part 1 (parents Yami Sukehiro and Charlotte Roselei): Saki, Ann, and Kenzou
The Yami Family, Part 2 (parents Yami Ichika and ???): Kai'ichi and Shigehiro
The Enoteca Family (parents Vanessa Enoteca and Selen Nymvire [oc]): Cynthia
The Voltia-Swing Family (parents Luck Voltia and Magna Swing): Jesse
The Silva Family, Part 1 (parents Nozel Silva and Helia Nymvire [oc]): Aecor, Fleuriana, Chalivas, and Soleil
The Silva Family, Part 2 (parents Nebra Silva and ???): Skylar and Elana
The Silva Family, Part 3 (parents Solid Silva and Holly Whitmore [oc]): Eirlys and Ferro
The Silva Family, Part 4 (parents Asta and Noelle Silva): Aimee, Naru, and Filomina
The elves (parent Patry): Avery, Elfrieda, and Alfred
The Cresswell Family (parents Jack the Ripper and Kathline Cresswell [oc]): Daniel and Jill
The Heartha Family (parents Lolopechka and Gadjah): Maris, Neave, and Petrus
Other: Leoray, Kohaku, Gogyō Guardians
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loosesodamarble · 1 year
BC Next Gen OCs Favorite Desserts
At last we come to the next gens' favorite desserts.
-Sterling: layered crepe cake -Dawn: grapefruit bars -Dusk: candied fruits (in the style of tanghulu) -Sirius: coffee cheesecake -Merel: ginger cookies -Vivian: salted vanilla/caramel/butterscotch/chocolate candies
-Caelum: cherry panna cotta -Raphael: black forest gateau
-Silver: red velvet cake -Clara: cream puffs
-Aecor: pumpkin pie (with whipped cream) -Fleuriana: creme brulee -Chalivas: dark chocolate truffles -Soleil: salt water taffy -Skylar: flan -Elana: triple chocolate cookies -Eirlys: blackberry trifle -Ferro: macarons -Aimee: raspberry jelly-filled donuts -Naru: chocolate ice cream cake -Filomina: fried dough
-Maris: boysenberry danish -Neave: blueberry pie (with ice cream) -Petrus: coconut cream pie
-Remus: white chocolate-filled croissant -Romulus: meringue cookies -Fantasia: rock candy
-Saki: matcha yōkan -Ann: peach cobbler -Kenzou: molten chocolate cake -Kai'ichi: botamochi (with coarse paste) -Shigehiro: kinako mochi
-Daniel: chocolate zucchini bread -Jill: rhubarb pie
-Avery: rice pudding -Elfrieda: bread pudding -Alfred: tapioca pudding
-Leoray Vermillion: spiced mango candies -Cynthia Enoteca: candied popcorn -Jesse Voltia-Swing: pineapple upside down cake -Kohaku Shirazaki: melon kakigōri
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loosesodamarble · 1 year
BC Next Gen OCs Favorite Foods
Yeah I have so many next gen ocs for BC that they needed their own post for this.
-Sterling: tempura with udon -Dawn: rabbit stew (with a bone broth and vinegar added in) -Dusk: rabbit stew (with a cream-based broth) -Sirius: tomato soup with grilled ham and cheese sandwich -Merel: clam chowder (extra potatoes) -Vivian: sōmen with ginger in the mentsuyu
-Caelum: scotch egg (prefers beef sausage) -Raphael: spaghetti carbonara
-Silver: chicken noodle soup -Clara: clam chowder (extra clam)
-Aecor: spinach and feta salad -Fleuriana: fish and chips -Chalivas: stuffed quail -Soleil: garlic herb butter and cheese popcorn -Skylar: pulled pork sandwiches -Elana: eggs benedict -Eirlys: beef wellington -Ferro: tatoes au gratin -Aimee: baked tatoes -Naru: tato croquette -Filomina: seafood paella
-Maris: savory salmon crepes -Neave: pesto chicken sandwich -Petrus: chicken tacos (soft shell)
-Remus: club sandwich on toasted bread -Romulus: hamburger with avocado -Fantasia: roasted tomato and bell pepper quiche
-Saki: omurice with vegetables -Ann: onigiri with umeboshi -Kenzou: anything flavored with wasabi -Kai'ichi: ramen with miso based broth -Shigehiro: sōmen with wasabi in the mentsuyu
-Daniel: roasted vegetables (typically squashes) -Jill: granola bars with raisins
-Avery: ambrosia salad -Elfrieda: stuffed bell peppers -Alfred: cream of mushroom soup
-Leoray Vermillion: ghost pepper chicken wings -Cynthia Enoteca: barbecue baby back ribs -Jesse Voltia-Swing: chicken casserole with tabasco sause -Kohaku Shirazaki: ginger marinated pork over rice
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