pile-of-leaves · 3 months
Okay, I have some things figured out for my timelines! Progress! In no particular order:
Nara Timeline: My name is Nara Shikaharu, and I'm Shikamaru's older brother. I had developed our Hiden Jutsu in my own way: using the shadows of my fingers to create up to five separate groups, I eventually could wrap my shadows around people and objects, and apply physical force to it by closing my hand.
Inuzuka Timeline: My name is Inuzuka Kenshi, and I dont remember a lot of details, yet. I remember being close to Kankuro, and considered Kiba my brother. My ninken was a black Caucasian Shepard (or the universe equivalent lol), and I'm pretty sure his name was similar to Yorumaru, but I'm not super sure. The Inuzuka Clan was spread across different villages, and so the color of our tattoos was a way of expressing which village you were from, and your heritage. Kanoha's was red, The Sand's was purple, and I think the Hidden Cloud's was a shade of blue iirc. I don't remember my family or my team, unfortunately, but I pretty much hung out with Kiba and his family all the time lol.
Tadashi Timeline: My name is Tadashi, but I don't remember my clan name, unfortunately. I remember the most from this timeline than any others, and am in this kin shift the most (out of the timelines). From what I haven't expressed on this blog and in fictionkinfessions, I'm pretty sure my mother had a Kekkei Genkai, but I haven't figured out what it was. She and my grandfather came from a ninja clan, while my father was a normal civilian that worked for them (before marrying my mother). I'm the last survivor of my mother's clan. I don't think they were from Kanoha, but I was born and raised there, and grew up to be a leaf Ninja.
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eleanor-devil · 6 years
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ShikaSara’s firstborn son, Shikaharu Uchiha-Nara!
You can find MitsuSumi’s children here: Ume Kakei, Youta Kakei
This is my take on a third generation for fun. Any comments with the purpose of ship or character hating will be deleted and the person will be blocked. Respect what I ship, I’ll respect yours.
Shikaharu’s Info:
Name: Shikaharu Uchiha-Nara
Birthdate: April 20th
Age: 13
Gender: Male
Species: Human
Height: 158 cm
Shikaharu is mostly a humble boy, he doesn't really pay attention to the fact he comes from two great clans, the Nara and the Uchiha clans, but he also doesn't do anything that puts shame on his parents; he simply doesn't like to be told how special, lucky, etc he is from descending from two great clans, Shikaharu only cares that his parents love each other and their family and that's enough for him.He isn't exactly lazy like his father and paternal grandfather but he isn't either the excessive training type until he awakens his Sharingan at the age of 8 when his sister was attacked by a bear while their family was out camping; ever since then Shikaharu seeks his maternal grandfather's help to dominate his Dojutsu. Because both his parents are busy with their position (Hokage and Hokage's Advisor), Shikaharu also relies on his paternal grandfather to train the Nara Clan's abilities.
He eventually develops a crush on Boruto Uzumaki's daughter, Hanami, and he is not exactly good at hiding it, flushing very easily.
Good traits: Patient, practical
Bad traits: Stubborn, uncompromising
He is confident in himself but has this fear that he might not be able to protect his family and friends when danger comes, which is why when he awakens the Sharingan, he seeks his grandfather's help as he wants to use its power to protect his beloved ones and instead of becoming a burden.
Kekkei Genkai:
Sensor Type
Team: Team Akane Teammates:
Inori Yamanaka
Chowa Akimichi
Akane Uzumaki [Team]
Sasuke Uchiha [Sharingan]
Shikamaru Nara [Shadow Techniques]
Ninja Rank:
Shikadai Uchiha-Nara [Father]
Sarada Uchiha-Nara [Mother]
Rina Uchiha-Nara [Sister]
Kosei Uchiha-Nara [Brother]
Sasuke Uchiha [Maternal Grandfather]
Sakura (Haruno) Uchiha [Maternal Grandmother]
Ryuko Uchiha [Aunt]
Kaoru Uchiha [Uncle]
Kizashi Haruno [Maternal Great-Grandfather] †
Mebuki Haruno [Maternal Great-Grandmother] †
Fugaku Uchiha [Maternal Great-Grandfather] †
Mikoto Uchiha [Maternal Great-Grandmother] †
Itachi Uchiha [Granduncle] †
Shikamaru Nara [Paternal Grandfather]
Temari Nara [Paternal Grandmother]
Karura Nara [Aunt]
Umeko Fujiwara [Aunt by Marriage] LGKillerFantasies
Karura [Paternal Great-Grandmother] †
Rasa [Paternal Great-Grandfather] †
Kankuro [Granduncle]
Naomi Kosetsu [Grandaunt]
Naoki Kosetsu [First cousin once removed]
Natsumi (Kosetsu) Matsuoka [First cousin once removed]*
Sadao Matsuoka [First cousin twice removed]*
Chinatsu Matsuoka [First cousin twice removed]*
Momoko (Kosetsu) Uzumaki [Adoptive first cousin once removed]
Aria (Kosetsu) Tsume [First cousin once removed]
Okami Tsume [First cousin twice removed]
Gaara [Granduncle]
Ayumi (Ishimaru) [Grandaunt] Nella-Moon
Tsukiko [First cousin once removed]
Eiji [First cousin once removed]
Haruki [First cousin once removed]
Yuzuki [First cousin once removed]
Shinki [Adoptive first cousin once removed]
Shikaku Nara [Paternal Great-Grandfather] †
Yoshino Nara [Paternal Great-Grandmother] †
*This is a very different AU from Natsumi's official storyline where she didn't end with Mitsuki but with Raiden Matsuoka (mirage-05)! Sadao and Chinatsu are her children with Raiden.
Chakra Nature(s):
Fire Release
Wind Release
Yin Release
His name (Shikaharu, シカ春) means "spring deer", keeping the Nara Clan's tradition to name one of their children with the 'Shika' (deer) initial, 'Haru' is a reference to the season he was born in (spring)
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NAME: 奈良鹿輔, Nara Shikasuke. FACECLAIM: Shi Shi from Kingdom. HISTORICAL PERIOD: Konohagakure early foundation. FAMILY:
奈良満天, Nara Mate, wife.
奈良鹿陽, Nara Shikaharu, first born son.
奈良刺客, Nara Shikaku, descendant.
STORY: Legendary leader of the Nara tribe, he was the one who switched their status from ‘tribe’ to ‘clan’ in order to better protect the Kageshibari (older and underdeveloped version of Kagemane, the secret jutsu of Nara Clan). When he was three, his wedding was arranged with the first daughter of Nara Mahei (奈良満平), a wealthy member of the clan, who ended up to be Nara Mate (奈良満天). As stated in later records, Shikasuke was regarded as “the armed hands of the Nara”, while his wife was “the mind of the Nara”.
According to the Nara tale, after Konohagakure foundation, Shikasuke formed a bond of friendship with Senju Hashirama. Thanks to this, he was sure Nara would get offered the title of ‘Konohagakure noble clan’, which instead was given to the Aburame. This brought the two clan on the verge of a civil war, thwarted by the intervention of several key figures. Among them, Shikasuke’s own wife, Nara Mate.
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vinodiriso · 6 years
Genealogy of Nara Clan Heads from Konoha Foundation.
1st: Nara Shikasuke (M, 奈良鹿輔) 2nd: Nara Shikaharu (M, 奈良鹿陽) 3rd: Nara Shikako (F, 奈良鹿子) 4th: Nara Shikachi (M, 奈良鹿千) 5th: Nara Shikata (M, 奈良鹿太) 6th: Nara Shikahei (M, 奈良鹿平) 7th: Nara Shikamana (F, 奈良鹿愛) 8th: Nara Shikahiro (M, 奈良鹿博) 9th: Nara Shikaki (M, 奈良鹿樹) 10th: Nara Shikako (F, 奈良鹿子) 11th: Nara Shikae (M, 奈良鹿恵) 12th: Nara Shikaka (F, 奈良鹿花) 13th: Nara Shikato (M, 奈良鹿人) 14th: Nara Shikaichi (M, 奈良鹿一) 15th: Nara Shikatarō (M, 奈良鹿太郎) 16th: Nara Shikahiko (M, 奈良鹿彦) 17th: Nara Shikaku (M, 奈良刺客) 18th: Nara Yoshino (temporary) (F, 奈良愛乃) 18th: Nara Shikamaru (M, 奈良鹿円)
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eleanor-devil · 6 years
[Boruto Fanfic] Aihime
As promised here is the new, small, collab fanfic done between me and @mirage-05 !
This fanfic is mainly focused on Boruto’s and Mitsuki’s relationship, with the possibility of romance in the way but mainly regarding their bond as friends. Some other ships will be occasionally mentioned such as ShikaSara and Sumire x OC.
Feedback is appreciated!
Chapter 1: Mitsuki’s Wish
Mitsuki stared at that little baby in the hospital's nursery; well actually there was more than one baby in that room, each one of them with their name written in their crib, some were there with their parents and others were alone, some were awake and others were sleeping.
But Mitsuki, for once, wasn't minding all the other babies around him, he was starting particularly at the black haired baby boy that had been born just a few hours ago. The man's golden eyes stared at the name too.
Shikaharu Uchiha-Nara.
Son and first born of two of his friends, one of them being Mitsuki's former teammate and the current Hokage; nonetheless Mitsuki had delivered this child himself, he had been the first one to hold the baby boy, to see him open his mouth and shout his first cries into the world before passing him to his parents.
Albeit, it wasn't the first child Mitsuki had brought to the world, after all it was part of his job in Konoha's hospital; and it also wasn't the first child from close friends that he had seen been born even if he hadn't been the one to deliver them.
And still... with the lives of all those babies and their parents he touched... he couldn't remember ever being hit with such a sensation... it was pretty overwhelming really. To observe the creation of another living being from the beginning... listening to its heartbeat... watching it grow in its mother's belly…
He was coming more and more to the realization that he wasn't just getting used to it, enjoy it... he was fascinated. And often, from time to time... he wondered how it would be to have a child of his own…
Despite already being in his middle 20's, Mitsuki hadn't found anyone to be with; sure he had dated a few here and there but they barely lasted or Mitsuki just didn't feel "the connection" with them, not in the same way Shikadai and Sarada had with each other or the same way Sumire and her husband, Raiden, had.
But Mitsuki, despite not having found the so called 'soulmate' for himself yet, felt that he was ready to have a child of his own; he didn't really care if there wasn't the second parent like in most children's lives, he would love the child in double if needed.
These thoughts continued to wander in Mitsuki's head, so much that by the end of the day, after his shift was over the blue haired man found himself calling Karin through his phone as he made his way back home.
Karin's tone was light and cheerful as she replied to him. "How nice to hear from you again, Mitsuki. I hope everything is good in Konoha?"
The young man couldn't help a small but genuine smile. No matter how old he became, Karin's motherly instinct toward him never changed - and he was actually glad for that. They chatted light-heartedly for a while, just catching up as they always do in their calls, before Mitsuki finally decided to bring up the subject he originally called for.
"Karin... I needed your advice about something." He took a deep breath. Yes, his father had Karin running this... business for a while now... but it wasn't like Mitsuki gave it a lot of thought before. "I... I decided that I really want to raise a child of my own."
The question caught Karin by surprise, of course it did Mitsuki had never showed interest in this before. The woman tried to understand why the sudden change of heart.
"Why is that Mitsuki? I mean, you know it's a big responsibility."
Mitsuki sighed "I know." he sat down on a bench near the park, watching some kids playing together "But I feel like something is missing in my life and working daily with children has made me realize that I want one."
Karin remained silent for a minute. Well, it wasn't really hard to see where Mitsuki was coming from... he had always been a sensitive and caring  person after all. For a brief second she had the image of a mini-Mitsuki, one that called the young man on the phone with her papa... and she couldn't help a smile.
"Well..." she sighed. "You know the process, Mitsuki... Human genes consist of 23 pairs of chromosomes, ideally coming from two parents. Direct cloning is still not a process that's fully developed, one that the resulting baby might not survive." She had to pause because what she was gonna ask next was... extremely personal. "Do you... I mean can you think of someone...?" She had to leave the end of the sentence dangling.
Mitsuki on his end was silent too, before he had called Karin he had decided that he didn't simply want a clone of himself, he didn't just want his father to make another mini clone so that he could raise him. No..that's not what he intended...so when Karin asked if he had anyone in mind, in reality the answer was yes but he still needed to confirm this.
"I do but..I haven't talked to them yet nor I know if they will accept."
He could hear the small sigh Karin tried to hold back "Well, as soon as you are ready to go with this, just call me. I will have everything ready."
"Thank you, Karin."
The call ended and Mitsuki's arm dropped from his ear down to his lap. His eyes still not moving from those children playing in the park.
He stayed still for a while before eventually standing up and walking back home...a bigger house than the one he had when he first moved to Konoha.
But still, it was an empty house.
He pulled off his jacket and put it on the hanger, but didn't turn on the light as he continued walking into the house. It was like he was there for the first time... which was a funny feeling, but he didn't elaborate on that. He just continued to move in silently.
The house consisted of two more rooms other than his bedroom, the living room and the kitchen. One was his study, the room in which he spent most of his time when he's home really. The other was a plain, one-bed only guestroom.The young man walked in there.
It was almost like the room was changing right before his eyes. He would need a crib there... and a little dresser with a changing table... maybe he should also paint the walls because right now they were a dull yellow. Blue if it was a boy, pink if it was a girl…
He didn't know when he started thinking of that, but he suddenly imagined himself as the proud father of a little girl... a warmness settled in his heart as he thought more of it.
He didn't go to his study this time, actually he hadn't even realized that had sat down on the guestroom bed, still imagining all the chances it would need when...if the baby came.
Mitsuki also imagined all the changes the room would have to suffer yet again as the child started growing. How would they be? Quiet like him? Or the complete opposite?
All these thoughts eventually made the blue haired man lay on the bed and drift off to sleep where the thoughts became dreams...very good dreams about his future child.
A couple of days later, Mitsuki returned from a mission. It was funny how Sarada assured the missions kept going despite being on maternity leave; that woman worked way more than he did in the hospital, it was amazing how Shikadai managed to make her sit down, relax and just enjoy the time she had with their baby.
Boruto was also part of the team that had taken this mission, so the two men were just chatting as they walked past the Konoha gates.
"So how was your last date, Boruto?" Mitsuki asked with a hidden chuckle, knowing perfectly well how that date had gone
"Aww man, don't even get me started," the blond complained. It was amusing to Mitsuki that he still retained his trademark pout from when they were back as academy students. He guessed some things never changed.
"She just kept talking and talking, about oh how many places she had been in the world already, about how her father was willing to pay for another travel just at the end of this month... I mean even if she wasn't this self-aware, I was like how are we gonna keep this up, 'ttebasa..." He sighed in mock exasperation. "I. have. the. worst. luck. When it comes to girls anyway."
He then glanced at his best friend, and a smile quickly raised the corners of his lips. "What about you Mitsuki? Wait, lemme guess... you still don't sleep well enough with the time you spend in the hospital, yet alone another date?" His tone was light and teasing.
Mitsuki hummed before showing one of his trademark smiles towards Boruto "I actually had two dates this week" the look on Boruto's face was amusing "But they didn't work out, I guess I'm probably picky when it comes to dates. Or maybe I just don't need to date anyone to be happy."
Boruto pouted again "Well you don't exactly have people asking you to give them grandchildren already" Mitsuki chuckled knowing exactly who he was talking about. Lady Hinata was a very kind person and wanted to see her children happy as well...and of course she wanted them to give her grandchildren.
And ever since Naruto retired from his position as Hokage, he had joined his wife in doing the same. Mitsuki could only guess Boruto was driving crazy.
However soon the smile on the blue haired disappeared, becoming a more thoughtful and serious face "Boruto...I have been thinking..."
"Hm? What, you want to make changes in your living room again?"
"I want to have a child."
That effectively rendered Boruto speechless and more than that, the shock made him just gape at Mitsuki... and walk straight into a light pole. "Ugh... damn..." he muttered as he rubbed his nose, and then turned to his friend again.
"Come again, a-a child?" he stammered. He had never thought of Mitsuki's father, the feared sannin as a grandpa type (well he never gave him much thought, period) but still found himself asking, "What, is your parent driving you crazy about grandchildren too?"
Mitsuki actually chuckled at that... he couldn't ever imagine his father being like that to be honest. It would be downright out of character. "No... he doesn't really care about that stuff." The thoughtful look was still on his face, although softened by a small smile. "I guess... working in the pediatric ward was bound to bring that out sooner or later..."
"But...uh..I mean...kids...babies ....they need attention, they are a huge responsibility and not that I don't think you can't handle that because I think you already do an amazing job at the hospital but..." he looked straight at Mitsuki "They pee, they poop with a killing smell...and they cry a lot. Are you sure you are ready for all that??"
Mitsuki raised an eyebrow "You do all that stuff you named too...and you're an adult."
"It's not the same and you know it Mitsuki" he crossed his arms "But well...if that's what you really want, I will support you. But how are you going to do that if you don't have...you know a second person?"
"I will be going to Karin, I've told you about the laboratory she has been working on and she has had success cases." he stopped in his tracks, Boruto followed and that was when Mitsuki looked at him directly in the eyes "But for that to work I...do need a second person's DNA."
"Oh." was all Boruto could offer to say, pretty much on the dark about the whole genetics and cloning. He thought for a minute about it. "Well... did you think about it? I mean who would be that second person... It is kind of a big decision, a life-altering one even..."
Mitsuki shook his head slightly, his expression serene but serious. "I'm not going to ask for the person to take responsibility... it's my decision to have a child after all, they'll just be the donor, and it's only understandable if they don't want children anytime soon. But..." he paused for a moment, and his eyes glazed as his thoughts wandered. "I... don't really fancy about walking up to a complete stranger for it. It should be someone I know, someone I trusted... preferably someone I had a bond with for some time now..."
"But then who...?" the blond was kinda perplexed now. Seeing that a lot of the girls their age were married or at least engaged at this era... who could it be...?
Mitsuki's mind would probably remain a big mystery for him for years to come.
There was a silence for a while and then Mitsuki stopped walking which caused Boruto to do the same but their eyes never left each other out of sight.
"Boruto..." Mitsuki finally murmured "If I have to pick someone that I really trust, to be part of my child's genetics...then I would like that to be you."
To be continued...
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