#shikaramu x reader
Writers Block Ao3
“I just want to be there for you” 
Shikamaru x Reader 
You were sitting alone, observing the quiet early morning. The dew had freshly set and you found yourself smiling while you sat, legs stretched and crossed in front of you. It’s been forever since you’ve sat alone in silence. Normally you were being surrounded by so much going on at once in your work, so it was nice to have a day to yourself. Which quickly interfered with a hum of sorts. You couldn’t put your finger on the noise nor did you initially see anybody. 
Then there was a quiet hum. You looked around more actively now to try and figure out who was there. You didn’t see anyone. Which was off. Standing up you stretched and started to descend down from the mountain you were laying on when someone actually caught your eye. You had missed him while sitting down. The boy was alone and asleep. You didn’t know him, or at least you didn’t recognize him. You squinted a but before taking your glasses off to clean. He was slightly hidden by a dip in the ground. He had long hair and it was down. You could see a ponytail bump. He was playing with a lighter with his eyes closed. You could hear him sigh from a mile away. He just laid back down. He never even opened his eyes. It intrigued you, but you just kept walking. 
The boy knew you were there but he didn’t say anything. It felt too quiet to say anything about anything. Plus he didn’t want to scare you. He saw how peaceful you looked and he was just going to leave you alone. Plus he wasn’t in a very talkative mood, he rather existed in a quiet space with someone who didn’t force him to be okay when he wasn’t. You were cute, maybe he would see you again. 
Sure enough a few days later, as the sunset, he saw you again. Watching the sunset behind the forest. The sun painted you in a low amber color, not that you saw. Your head was in your knees, hair falling around your shoulders. He quietly walked up to you, sitting a few feet from you. Then he heard you quietly crying. He was surprised to hear someone crying out in the open. He wanted to say something but he wasn’t sure what. 
     “Uh, H- Hey. My name is Shikamaru. Are you- are you okay?” he asked looking at you. 
You sighed and whipped your tears. You looked up and he saw your face. Even though you had been crying for who knows how long before he saw you, you looked beautiful which was weird to say, even for him who didn’t know you. You looked up and recognized the hair at first. You put your glasses back on and now you knew who it was the boy from the other day. 
     “Oh, I’m (Y/N) hello.” 
You squint and look at him well for the first time. Oh, this was your boss's son. 
     “Oh, grace. Your my boss’s son..” you pinched your nose. “I’m so sorry.” 
Shikamaru looked at you and squinted. A look of realization washed over him. He didn’t recognize you at first but then it hit him. You were a few years older than him and you were his father’s new assistant. That’s why your name felt so familiar. He smirked a little. 
     “Oh right. I know you now! You’re my dad’s newest assistant. I’m sorry for the ringer my old man is about to put you through.” 
     “I actually don't mind it. It’s been insightful.” you smiled. 
     “Then why are you crying?” he asked, looking confused. 
     “We just met. I doubt you want to know,” you replied, rubbing your eye. 
Shikamaru tilted his head. Why did he care? She was a stranger to him. His dad knew her, not him but yet here he is, trying to console her. It was out of character for him. He would have never cared this much about someone he hardly knew. Then yet, here he was. Sitting at sunset, when he could be at home playing Shogi with his dad. Or spending time with his mom, reading, or learning little skills. He may have complained about how mundane it all is, but he enjoyed it. Never that he would ever actively admit it. But yet here he was, not wanting to leave someone crying. 
     “You’re right. Honestly. I don’t know you, but you shouldn’t be this miserable. Especially if it was my dad’s fault.” he moved closer to you. 
You snorted and looked at him. 
     “It wasn’t your dad Shikamaru. He actually sent me home early when he saw I couldn’t focus- just some personal life. And I know you’re going to say- don’t let personal life bleed into professional life. I just had a bad morning, my dad is sick and it’s taking a toll on my mom and me. She thinks I should stop working to help out. But work- work keeps me sane and someone needs to help them out.” you explained. 
Shikamaru listened. He watched you out the corner of his eye. You weren’t looking at him, you were looking out over the town. He took in your profile and smiled. He did something completely out of character for him. 
     “Want to come over to my house? For dinner maybe play a little shogi with me. I need someone new if my dad’s gonna keep working late.” he asked you. 
You blushed and looked at him. 
     “How forward of you.” 
He huffed and looked at you. You flashed him a smile and nodded. 
     “I would love to.” 
He stood up and offered you a hand to stand. You accepted it and let yourself be pulled to your feet into the start of a beautiful friendship. Dinner was lovely. His mom was a total sweetheart and understood where you were coming from about being stressed. She knew how hard it must be for you to be a provider. She offered you to stay here whenever you may need to getaway. She had such a soft smile that made you feel welcomed. 
     “Do you know how to play shogi?” Shikamaru asked. 
     “I’m rusty but I think I can figure it out,” you replied, helping his mom clear the table. 
Yoshino looked at her son. He rolled his eyes and waved her off like it was no big deal. What you didn’t know is that he hardly ever let other people play with him, not people he hardly knew especially not after Azuma’s death. It warmed her heart to see him connected to someone. She hasn’t seen someone like this since Choji. She watched him lead you through the hall as Shikaku walked in. 
     “Someone over?” he asked, kissing Yoshino on the head. 
     “Yeah. (y/n).” She replied cleaning dishes. 
     “Mhm. That’s going to be a good friendship. I feel it.” 
Yoshino smiled and nodded. 
Shikamaru and you played shogi for hours, not that either one of you really noticed. You lost nearly every game but you had fun all the same. His dad eventually knocked on the door frame. 
     “I know you two are practically adults, but I think it’s time (y/n) gets home, I need her for work in the morning. Walk her home Shikamaru.” 
He grumbled halfheartedly about how it was a drag. He got up and did it anyway. The two of you left the Nara home late into the night. The two of you made small talk on the way to the small family home you still lived in. 
     "I uh we should do this again. I haven’t made new friends since I started working for your dad.” 
Shikamaru huffed but didn’t disagree. He just nodded along and smiled. 
     “Be safe!” you called to him as he walked away. 
He smiled to himself as he walked away. He found himself thinking about you as he walked away. You were pretty sure, gorgeous even. But that isn’t what intrigued him about you, you were smart, rivaling smart. You had more drive than he did which made it rivaling but comforting. His cheeks grew hot when he thought about getting to know you better. He groaned and mumbled to himself. 
     “How troublesome.” 
It took a few days before the two of you met again. But it wasn’t in the first place you had met, it was walking into Hokage's office. 
     “Oh Shikamaru!” you smiled. “Nice to see you.” 
     “Good to see you too (Y/N).” he smiled holding the door open for you. 
Tsunade looked over you two. She explained that she needed all the people she could get to intel for the up-and-coming war. You two have to put together a team and go to the sand to converse with the Kazekage about what their plan is. 
The two of you continue to work closely with one another over months to come. Until you stopped coming to work. It concerned his dad. You were making so much progress helping to uncover different Akatsuki locations but that all stopped suddenly. He called his son to his office. Shikamaru walked in casually but Shikaku’s face looked concerned. 
     “Your friend hasn’t been to work in a week..” 
     “(Y/N)?” he asked. 
Shikaku nodded. Shikamaru nodded as well and backed out of the office. He needed to get out before he ran to where he hoped you were. He was taking a chance by going to the mountain to see if you were there. He hoped you were there, he wasn’t sure why he felt compelled to find you and make sure you were okay. To his relief, you were there but you weren’t okay. It was like the day he first talked to you. He quietly approached you and sat down with his back pressed to you looking at the sky. 
     “You don’t have to talk,” he said. 
You took a deep breath, it was wobbly, then you just started to sob again explaining your father has passed. That broke his heart. He moved to hug you against his chest. You were shaking from the ferocity of how you were crying. He pressed you harder against his chest. He let you cry until you were tired and slumped against him. He pressed his head to the back of your neck and then kissed the back of your head. 
     “(Y/N), I’m sorry about your father..” 
You hiccuped and nodded. 
     “I just want to be there for you. I-” 
You stopped him by hugging him. He froze but accepted your hug. You needed him more than his comfort. He just ran his hand up your back. You both stayed like that forever. He wanted to make things right for you and see you smile again. 
Oh gosh. He thinks. I think I might be in love with her. 
Well, today isn’t the day to tell you that. He brought you back to his house. He played shogi with you and then on a walk through the Nara forest. He took you to all his favorite places to try and distract you from what was going on. You were grateful. Grateful for the friendship you've made, grateful for the love you’ve grown to have for him, and everything that you’ve been able to have thanks to Shikamaru. You knew you’d fallen for him but today solidified everything for you. At the end of the night, you knew, but today wasn’t the day. Or any time soon for the matter. 
You decided to not tell him. You kept it all to yourself. For as long as you could. Throughout the wartime, because it wasn’t time for feelings. Even after you two kept working together. It was hard for you both, especially considering the loss of his own father. Months after the war, you found him, smoking on the mountain, just like it was when you lost your own father. You sat against his back. He never tensed up, it was almost like he knew you were going to find him. You repeated his actions from that day once he realized, he pushed away from you and pulled you to stand up. He dropped his cigarette and stomped it out. You had a look of shock on your face when he gently took your face in his hands before pressing a kiss to your lips. You gasped and pulled away. He didn’t look surprised, but more understanding. 
     “I’m sorry. I just- for so long I have been trying to figure it out.. And I can confirm. I do in fact love you.” 
You blushed and smiled. You took his hands in yours and pulled him to you. You hugged him tight before pulling away and finally kissing him back. He held onto you. He rarely let people in at this intimate a level, but you, you were different. After you guys pulled away he had a lopsided grin. 
    “Feelings can be troublesome, but for once. It doesn’t seem to be such a drag if it’s you. I want to let you in and be here for me. I’m going to need you.” 
You smiled tearing up and nodded. 
     “Of course. I just want to be there for you.” 
He laughed at his words being used in such a way that made him comforted. He was glad, if he had to fall for a friend that it was you. He could see himself living his life with you like he wanted and described. You were just happy he was going to let you in. 
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foranpo · 3 years
ੈ˚☆ how naruto characters hold you.
fandom: naruto.
characters: kakashi, naruto, neji, shikamaru, deidara.
reader: gn!
genre: headcanons.
content: fluff.
word count: ~150 each // 700 total
ੈ♡˳────── enjoy the reading <3 ──────
˚ʚ kakashi.
spending a lifetime protecting people, Kakashi liked to feel protected at one time or another; as such, Kakashi liked it when you were holding him in your arms on the coldest winter days, the way you played with his silver strands of hair cradling Kakashi for an eternal sleep he so badly needed.
but when he held you... when it was Kakashi who held you, your body in his arms, the whole world dissipated, the whole reality to be non-existent; of all the times you let yourself be hugged by Kakashi, it was like a dream came true for him, his arms tightening with a little more force than necessary, his face always hidden somewhere of your body, always fearing that you would see him so vulnerable.
Kakashi couldn't decide if he wanted to be held by you or if he wanted to hold you, everything sounded perfect to Kakashi, everything seemed like a dream and Kakashi's only certainty is that he never wanted to wake up.
˚ʚ naruto.
always clumsy and doubting all his own movements, Naruto had a hard time hugging you, especially when he saw you so beautiful, so ethereal when bathed in strong sunlight.
Naruto never knew how to hold you, he didn't know where to touch you to make you totally comfortable, fearing to touch you in any way that would make you doubt the love you felt, not knowing that there was nothing to make you think of such barbarity;
but he endeavored to hide his more bumbling side of him, always hugging you by the waist, always pulling you to him, whispering nonsense words in your ear to hear you laugh; and, for Naruto, there was no sound more beautiful than your laughter caused by him.
˚ʚ neji.
Neji held you with affection, his fingertips lightly touching your skin, tracing small circles of affection bathed in pure devotion.
he liked it when you were sitting on his lap, your back to his chest, all your attention to be focused on the vast and so beautiful landscape that welcomed you;he liked to wrap his arms around your waist, squeeze you carefully while guarding his hands inside your sweater on a whim, with no intention hidden in his movements; Neji liked to rest his chin on your shoulder, feel the warmth of your face close to his in a moment of intimacy that went far beyond any fantasy.
Neji preferred to have you in his arms in more solemn moments, in quieter moments, where all that mattered was just the need for tranquility that he knew he would only have with you.
˚ʚ shikamaru.
Shikamaru had difficulties in expressing his more loving side, no words or deeds to escape the prison created by Shikamaru; as such, he only held you when you were sleeping.
when the night was high, when you were already relaxed in the land of dreams, Shikamaru moved silently in bed, always nervous about what he was going to do, always hesitating in fear that you would wake up; and when the moonlight covered your entire room, when no sound in nature was audible, Shikamaru would venture under your sheets, his hand carefully resting on your waist while an innocent and so genuine smile covered his face.
and, when his hand warmed with the heat of your skin, when your feet intertwined in a moment of innocence, Shikamaru allowed himself to delight in the land of dreams, lulled by the knowledge of being holding you.
˚ʚ deidara.
oh, how Deidara wanted to hold you every day, to have you close to him, to have you understanding his most fragile nature; how Deidara wanted to feel you every day, toast you with pure and graceful caresses, little tickles to be released just to hear you laugh, just to make you smile.
Deidara had no preference in how he held you, he did not plan where he would put his hands or if he would hold you with his arms; for Deidara, the important thing was not the way he held you, but the feeling he carried with him.
Deidara focused on the affection and love that he could give you with his touch, Deidara focused on making you feel loved and protected in his arms. everything for Deidara was focused on you and your well-being, that is why he held you whenever he could, in all the ways that he was allowed.
ੈ♡˳───── feedback is appreciated <3 ─────
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