#shiloh warren does. not. rest.
nonsupe-a · 2 years
thinking about shiloh outside of the boys verse is still kind of sad because he still doesn’t know how to stop or rest.      he doesn’t give himself a break.
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nonsupe-a · 2 years
​maybe its nothing.      maybe its his imagination.      maybe he’s been around too many goddamn supes in a single lifetime that each time he blinks its like there’s a new one bouncing off the fucking rooftops like peter fucking pan.      or maybe his intuition is onto something   ---   maybe its beyond him,     just another one of voughts playthings that someone thinks they have under lock and key but alas:   that little thing has been picked and long since clattered to the floor.     he hasn’t quite figured it out yet but   ...   he’s close.      he can feel it.
vigilante justice is hardly a vought play though.      if shit goes down in any way with one of their precious supes,      they want the public to know,      they want it broadcasted across the nation,      the world.      this one is different.      this one is hiding behind a mask for a reason.     he doesn’t want the world to know,     its not about the attention.      this isn’t one of their products.
shiloh does have to admit it though,      the whole shtick on lawyer by day turn to vigilantism by night would be a fucking laugh.      right under the nose,      all he has to do is see it.      a golden boy breaking all the rules he publicly defends.     now he just have to prove it.      and its precisely why he finds himself nosing in here,      NELSON  &   MURDOCK:   ATTORNEYS AT LAW,      with some story tucked under his sleeve.       clean and quiet,      warren.
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he sits across from the other man,      rather politely he might add.      believe the part then the rest will fall in line behind you.      he’s already introduced himself as adam conway:   just another man set deep in his troubles that seeks legal advice in the “only place he could think to look.”      shiloh shifts in his seat just a little,      brown gaze flitting only once over him before meeting the tint of his glasses again,          “   look   ...    i don’t wanna waste your time.      if there’s not a winnable case,      then i guess i’ll just be shit outta   --    excuse me,      i’ll just have to live with my consequences.      i just want outta this hole,      y’know ?   ”   /   @dcredevill​.
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nonsupe-a · 2 years
more things i love about shiloh warren because i really can’t stop thinking about him one bit   ...
-   he really downplays / doesn’t use a lot of his strength.      he doesn’t look like someone who could move a couple semi trucks (probably something more than that too) with a fair amount of ease but he could if he found a need to and the fact that he always downplays it so much serves as a tactical advantage for him.      people don’t usually know a lot (maybe even close to nothing) about his strength until its on display if and only if its absolutely necessary for him to use it because it either wasn’t well documented or it got trashed with the rest of what was known about CV-A-838 that wasn’t saved after his testing.     most of his file stays under lock and key anyway since a lot of the trials,      CV-A especially,      were deemed classified.      ---      he is not stronger than most of the full blown supes,      i just need to say that again.      /homelander,      /soldier boy,      and really almost all of them are stronger than him when it comes to brute strength,      that will never change.
-   he’s likely on some kind of vought watch list if only for his history in espionage cases before stepping into vought.     better safe than sorry;   keep your friends close but your enemies closer kinda deal.      it doesn’t effect him much being that he works for the company,      at least not until further down the line and into the events that take place in season three when a handful of people begin to get suspicious since most things that vought wants to keep under wraps tend to get out anyway (even after a reporter / civilian / whoever has “disappeared under mysterious circumstances” after shiloh was sent to take care of it).      none of it is proven but he’s likely carefully monitored regardless.
-   contrary to popular belief,      shiloh doesn’t spend all his time at vought tower waiting to be useful.      sometimes he goes to a range to run drills and keep his skillset in check (not that he needs to,      mans an expert but it keeps him busy and this way he feels like he’s doing something fairly productive).      sometimes he’s in the comfort of his own space until he’s called up and they need him to be in a certain place.
-   shiloh isn’t afraid of death.      take that for what you will but shiloh warren is not afraid to die and he will happily go down fighting if it comes to that.     he kind of resigned himself to the fact that its another silent war he’s fighting by the time / after the events of season three,      and he knows that if he gets caught in it then he’s likely to die.    its the same thought process he had while he was in the cold war and its stayed with him since.     at least he goes down fighting and he’ll take as much of vought down with him when he does.
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